HOTfitness HansOn Training & Fitness

-Healthy Lifestyle Plans
-Meal planning
-12 Week Fat Shredding/Muscle -INFLUENCER and Inspiration ❤️

Online Personal Training and Meal Planning for specific health conditions. Diabetes
Gluten Free
Dairy Free
Weight Loss
Weight Gain/Muscle Gain
Maintenance of weight loss


“A study has found that only 8% of people will actually achieve the goals they set for themselves. Goals can't be achieved overnight. They need time and possibly disappointments along the way in order to get conquered.”

The ONE THING I make sure each time I plan, work on and execute a new Goal is:
1) There are No Excuses
3) No Cheating and No End Date
4) Goal Crushing and Continual Challenges
5) Performance, Determination and Motivation CREATE A NEW LIFESTYLE.
6) Throw Away All The Big Size Clothes….. I’m NEVER Going Back There!!!

1 of 8% (as usual)
Then Maintain………✔️


Sorry, I’ve been here and there…
With summer here and it hot and humid Many don’t want to “work out” but that again is another Excuse!
Yes it’s miserable but your body will Thank You for keeping it on schedule and rewarding it!!

The earlier you either get outside for a Walk or get out to head to the Gym or your basement, the cooler it is!
Staying on track and keeping your schedule in check is Your Priority.
Lifestyle Change is your new life once you:
CHANGE (to form new habits)
Once your New Schedule, Diet and Exercise Routines become your DAILY SCHEDULE, you form New Habits and in turn a NEW LIFESTYLE!

Challenge yourself and set Goals. Long Term Goals are great but make sure to place Smaller more realistic Goals in between.
Sticking to your Plan/Goals on the weekends is essential and come Monday you will thank yourself!

Stay Hydrated with lots of Water!
Track your Calories in an App like My Fitness Pal. It helps establish your intake and helps you SEE where your calories are.
Extras can contain excessive Sugar!
Can sabotage your efforts. They all contain hidden sugar.
If you are brave, try eliminating sugar!!
It Works and HUGE!
Sugar substitutes can seriously help you in moderation.
Small dietary changes can have a huge effect on your goals.
Too Many people give up early or don’t put 100% into efforts because they think a day in the gym can counter act their terrible Diet and honestly, it WON’T. What you get is that time WASTED IN THE GYM!
You will see No Changes because your Diet is number 1.

Weight Loss:
1) Nutrition/Food
2) Movement/Exercise

You can’t OUT WORK (with a bunch of workouts) a SH*TTY DIET! EVER!
Either take it Seriously and do the Work or Don’t.

It’s up to YOU.

FASTING is not dieting and BAD FOR YOUR BODY.

ANYTHING you see which is FAST OR QUICK, IS NOT Healthy.
It took you a time to gain Weight so it take time to lose it right!


Something to seriously think on!!

Herbal Medications | Complementary and Alternative ...

“Herbal medications can mistakenly be perceived as safe because they are natural products. They may produce negative effects such as allergic reactions, rashes, asthma, headaches, dizziness, agitation, dry mouth, seizures, fatigue, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea”

Why you ask?
Herbal supplements are Not FDA APPROVED.
They are NOT Regulated✔️
They are NOT Inclusive with listings of Side Effects✔️
They are NOT Tested in ANY studies prior to going to Market✔️
They are NOT Included on Medication Drug Interaction Lists ✔️

If you thing “All Natural” is Better, YOU ARE WRONG!
You are placing toxic chemicals into your body NOT KNOWING what will happen with everything else you put in your body and IF it will be Harmful or Fatal with the FDA medications you are ALREADY taking!

Without FDA approval, you never know what you get daily in each pill/bottle you consume!!
One pill could be 50%, the next 20%. The next 89% and so on….. without REGULATIONS on them, you can’t and won’t know or greet the same amount each time.

Many MLM “supplements” are labeled “all natural” or “organic”, (which is a whole OTHER RANT!) but if you check FACTS, EVERYTHING is Organic!

Statistically speaking from FACTS/PROOF:

Many CDC studies revealed That ANY STUDY throws out gathered indentation from individuals that are taking “herbal” S**t because it screwed with studies.
Covid related studies of the dead found those with “no prior health related indicators or issues”, were taking “Something” Daily that was Herbal or so-called, “All Natural” which indicated that whatever interaction the Virus itself or the Vaccination with those non FDA approved “herbal whatever”…. Were the ONE THING they all were talking which was more than likely the Cause of death.
Proof of WHAT exactly is harder to nail down due to the Unregulations and non FDA Approval.

Any UNRegulated “herbal supplement” Is NOT SAFE and the idea that they are still being sold under the THOUGHT that they are needs to change.

Please do your due diligence and don’t put something into your body if you don’t know what it may do or interact with what meds you are already putting in which are FDA approved and safe.



Absolutely disgusting that people drink this crap Daily and or are addicted to sugar because of things like this!!!

Sabotage working your own diet structure never ends well.
Finding a Sugar Free Option is your lifeline…. Unless you can in fact give it to cold Turkey!

Skinny Syrups or any Sugar Free syrup are most common these days for the better option.
Changing your COMPLETE DIET to Sugar Free is The Best way but even if you start slow and continue to switch out the things you use daily, you will soon find that ALL YOUR CRAVINGS disappear AND you can’t tolerate actual Sugar once you are detoxed from the madness!

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey!

Sentence your Nutrition makes up 80% of your lifestyle regardless of healthy or not….
Which is really MINDBLOWING…
You soon figure out that what you Eat makes up what you Are.

Eat S**t:
Feel like S**t (look like S**t and stay a pile of S**t.

Eat Healthy:
Feel Amazing, look amazing and it shows.
Your attitude is Happiness and you want to wake up every day.
After you are detoxed, you don’t overeat, Crave Junk and are filled much faster.

Just SAY NO!


What a (A HUGE) Difference a YEAR makes!!

Start Date: March 13,2022
Age: 53

A Year Later:
Age: 54
(TODAY!) March 13, 2023
Weight Loss of: 76 Pounds!!*

As hard as it is, it really seems like yesterday I started this AGAIN (Thanks Covid, you pain in my ass!)

-Daily Logging of ALL food, drink, gum/mints, etc….
Once you SEE WHAT you eat/drink and WHEN you do it, you learn a pattern whether it’s hunger, boredom or stress.
-Pinpointing those areas becomes essential to moving past l these obstacles which usually hinder progress or sabotage your journey!

My Past YEAR Journey consisted of:
-Eating 4-5 smaller more protein packed meals/snacks to fuel my day.
-Eating ONLY when actually hungry and not always finishing my plate. LEAVING FOOD IS OK!
-Consuming way more water through the day than you think is normal but by drinking a full 8 Oz prior to a meal fills you up!
-Realizing when you (Think) you are hungry but instead drinking water will fill you up and that “feeling” will pass!
-Only drinking sugar free/carb free alcohol, Including shots (if you drink) is a game changer! No extra junk sneaks in or stalls your journey!
When I drink, (haven’t drank alcohol for 6 weeks as of this weekend!) I drink Only 2 things!

My Past Year:

1. Complete Lifestyle Change
2. 100% Clean Eating
3. Zero Sugar, Zero Gluten, Zero Soda, Zero Red Meat, Zero Preservatives, Zero Processed Food, Zero Full Dairy….
4. 5+ Days a week of hard physical HIIT workouts (40+ minutes)
5. Personal Accountability for ME
6. Regular Check Ins with my Doctor (prior to beginning and throughout for the go ahead from the start (and still) for Accountability AND Monitoring past health issues to ensure I’m safe to continue)
7. Zero Cheating 🚫
8. Weekly weigh ins (personal logging)
9. Watched the scale continue to move lower
10. Blew through 4+ Clothing sizes
12. After starting Maintenance, I’ve continued to Lose 12+ more pounds….
13. I’ve Gained:

Continuation of what I do Daily.
These New Habits are My Lifestyle Now!


Access to my CLOSET!!!⬇️
*Where all my previously worn (or more likely, NEVER worn) clothing is for sale!!



Just Do You and Do It FOR YOU!!


No matter how you get there, it’s better slow and steady.
You didn’t get where you didn’t want to be over night, therefore, it stands to reason the process is the same on your way back!

Stick with it and push yourself further daily.
Progress is breaking your comfort zone and changing your habits!

Maintaining comfortable will stall efforts.
Do the work
See results
Keep going!

You Got This!!


Just. Do. It…..

For Yourself.
YOU will be PROUD of YOURSELF in 6 Months!

Photos from HOTfitness      HansOn Training & Fitness's post 02/09/2023

You may be able to relate to this…

The New Year kicked off and you made some hard changes, you have all the right intentions and you’re in the right mindset to make changes. (Finally)

Maybe like many, you are still not Satisfied….
Even after:

⭕️Increasing your veggies
⭕️Tried a (Healthy) Detox (elimination of sugar, processed foods and foods full of preservatives)
⭕️Drinking more water
⭕️Doing more movement (starting daily exercise) with weights or yoga
⭕️Not Drinking Alcohol
⭕️Eating less calories
⭕️Changing daily habits
⭕️No Junk/Fast Food
⭕️Going to bed earlier
⭕️Reading or journaling to reduce excess stress

All of these things you’ve done and are doing - buuuut the weight continues to stay ABOVE your happy place which means clothes don’t fit as comfy, your mindset needs some extra work & you have to dig deeper into the things that are going well, since these changes…..

💞Better sleep.
💞Waking up feeling MORE rested
💞Waking up and being able to get out of bed before 5:00am
💞Recovering better from workouts
💞Headaches or lingering dullness isn’t there
💞 Being satisfied and more full during the day
💞 Feeling more clear headed

All amazing things!!!
Your body needs to find a balance, needs to find a routine, a rhythm and working hard to figure out what’s going on and how to best serve your body where it’s at….
regardless of the scale and focusing on the GOOD that your body is doing…. Not the Numbers! Trust in Time that the scale will reflect the choices you are making. Realizing that if it doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world because you feel amazing, your clothes fit amazing and muscle weighs more than the fat you are burning.

Please don’t give up if losing weight was your goal and you’re not hitting it - (Now or Yet) take a moment today and evaluate other areas of your life that have improved from the changes you’re making - I promise there is a list of them!!! ❤️💞❤️💞


Remember this DAILY!!!!

No amount of “Working Out” can replace a crappy diet!
All you will Lose is the time you wasted in the gym and the membership fees they are charging you!!


I’m Starting MY OWN PROGRAM SOON! If you want to join me, sign up so you can get YOUR OWN COPY!!

Are you in a place where you are unhappy and want to lose weight or become healthier??
Many of us are and many don’t do anything to change our lives.

If you want something that is PROVEN to work and all you need to do is Follow the Plan, Eat the Food and do the Workouts…. You WILL SEE RESULTS!
This Plan is The One!

My 12 Week Program is THE ONE!
Who needs to wait until after the first of the year????

This 12 Week Muscle Building and Fat Shedding Plan works!

In it you will receive:
-12 full weeks of workouts (to do at home or your favorite gym)

-12 full weeks of meal plans

-12 full weeks of grocery lists

-12 full weeks of recipes

-12 plus weeks of personal information for your questions

-12 full weeks of a Private Facebook Group!

-12 weeks of me in your corner to help you succeed.

No weight loss pills, skinny shots, diet shakes, body wraps or a "magic potion" to drink!!!!!

This plan is real food, while teaching you about portion control and what you really need verses what you thought you wanted!

I encourage a lot of water intake, no regular soda and no alcohol at Least the first 3-4 weeks until you can tolerate it again.
Your body will be in detox mode. Ketosis sets in with weight loss. Alcohol will affect your glucose levels and throw you out of ketosis.
*Ask about what I’ve found to still work as long as you follow directions before and after*

Contact me for your 12 Week Muscle Building and Fat Shredding Plan today!!!!

Program cost: $275 for everything above!

To purchase yours and start living healthier, contact me through MESSENGER, EMAIL OR TEXT!
Email: [email protected]
Text: 608-359-6106

I will send you the link to purchase with much more information.

Then, weekly you will receive the meal plan for the following week.
Modifications can be made for allergies, intolerances and so on. Along with modifications for your workouts to alleviate past injuries, help with certain pain spots and or help with mobility

“You have nothing to loose but bad habits, fatigue and of course, the weight!”


Just throwing this out there:

The power of a "clean diet" and "horrible diet"..........

#1: Sickness......

While everyone is complaining of getting ill and being down and out with the flu, bronchitis, pneumonia or nasty colds.......
My family is here with None of that (even with my weakened immune system and health issues...)

I personally eat "Clean".
We also cook very healthy, pack our own lunches and Meal Plan and Prep for our weeks!

Clean Eating Consists of a lifestyle change to Eliminate all processed foods, preservatives, excessive fillers consisting of gluten, sugars and sugar substitutes and finally any artificial additives which have been proven to cause cancer and other health related problems.
When shopping, only hit the outside of the store and walls!
(That consists of refrigerated sections (meat, dairy), produce and fresh products.
Anything in a box, bag or carton is shelf stable (meaning full of preservatives and artificial additives in order to make it last longer) = Not Real Food!

Per "Diet" and "Weight Loss".....
It's 80% Nutrition and
20% Exercise

Which is why:
"Abs are made in the kitchen, Not the gym!"

"Your health depends on what you put in your body and how you continue to feed it.."


Tunis is that time of year everyone makes their resolutions and starts then soon after stops.

Remember to stick to your guns and continue to watch your diet (nutritional intake) OVER the exercise as ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN…..
Your Diet is 80% of your Weight Loss Goals!!!
Exercise is an ADDITION to it.
Simply walking more will help results but changing your diet to eliminate Junk will show results!

Make Your Goals The Right Goals

You can spend ALL DAY in the Gym but won’t see ANY results if your diet sucks!

A New, Fit Life 12/11/2022

As the article has aged, a few of my Bucklet List items were achieved since publication.

A New, Fit Life One simple test changed Sarah Hanson’s life — forever.


Stay Positive!


Surviving the Holidays when you are in the middle of a Dietary Flip, Nutritional Deficit Plan or Consumption of Less Calories while Losing Weight can be Challenging!
While certain plans dictate your options for following it Exactly or with a handful of “modifications” while staying on track and not throwing you out of Ketosis, can be very stressful.
Anyone with weakness’s or food cravings/binging issues Knows that Any Temptation can seriously harm your goals and for some, End the weight loss Journey.
When I say END, I mean change the dynamic that you worked so hard to obtain and STALL your progress by kicking your body out of Ketosis (the fat burning stage).
When this happens, you may “think” you can just Start Up by working harder at the gym and go back to eating like you were before…..🤦🏻‍♀️

The body reacts and changes First by your Diet (80%) and Secondly by Movement/Exercise (20%)


What goes into your body either Fuels it for the Better or Hinders/Stalls it for the Worst with toxins.
Worst Culprits:
-Artificial Flavors
-Processed Foods
-Soda Diet or Regular

Staying on Track during the Holiday’s can be difficult.

*I personally modify healthier options with substitutes so I can eat a little something and stick with the lean meat, veggies and fruit throughout the day without the need to try anything else*

A few Key Pointers when heading into this holiday season with parties, family gatherings and places chucked full of goodies, candy and things that are definitely Off your Daily Health Plan:

Drink plenty of water throughout your day (every day) but especially the day of.
Drink even more before going and continue drinking water while there. Water fills you up and you might find you really aren’t hungry.

Snack or eat Prior to leaving and take a snack that you can eat along with you.
If you are asked to bring something, take something you know you can eat and have it as an option!

Keep yourself on track by saying No and not being tempted.
Setting your goals within your mind so you aren’t tempted to make Excuses as to why you (can) eat or try things that you shouldn’t. When you feel yourself falling, drink water!
Your Willpower and Mindset will keep you in the right place and make the night less stressful.

You’ve come this far and done so well that you don’t want to fall off that washing and restart All of It just because you told yourself that you could.
Plans are put together for a reason…. So failure isn’t an option.
Stick to the plan and you can’t go wrong!
Fall off of it and you Fail.

Stay Positive and continue with your plan and workouts but they have to work together.
Eating like Crap and expecting Results doesn’t work.


While many WANT to do better for Themselves, many also aren’t in the “commitment” phase yet….

What’s right for You isn’t what’s right for Them.
Learning through several years of My Education/College Courses/Workshops and Certifications, the ONE Key element is Timing!

Being on Both Sides of the Weight Spectrum, I Understand the Stages of “Changing” Your -MIND,
To better Yourself.

Until You are in the Correct MINDSET to Change and can COMMIT 100% to the TOTAL LIFESTYLE FLIP, you cannot be forced, talked into or have anyone shove what “worked for them” (whether they are in process, finished or bounced back and started over) down your throat because Ultimately it’s up to You!

Tried and True 80% Nutrition, 20% Movement (Exercise) is the way to slowly Lose Weight and keep it off.
Fad Diets, VCLD, Reduced Calories with massive exercise, Food Supplement and living on bars/shakes are NOT recommended unless under the strict supervision of a medical provider.
The health risks double or triple with reducing calories and not feeling your body properly.
Sure, they “help” to move the scale but Success is in the Maintaining Phase once you go back to Reality and eating Real Food.
You didn’t gain weight in a short time, it took years and once you start looking back, you realize “slower is better” as you shed that same weight.

Statistically speaking 96% of individuals that do crash diets, unrealistic reduced calories or living on a MLM supplement program with bars and shakes, Gain that weight back PLUS MORE after quitting and going back to real food. ☹️
Several actually start over and do it a few times which places extra stress on your body causing more health related problems. ☹️

Getting Healthy is HARD!
Getting Started is HARD!
Staying on Track is HARD!

*I’ve personally tried almost everything over the years but had little to no success because of diminished commitment, diets weren’t realistic or they worked until stopping just to gain it back*

Using REAL FOOD and putting in the work to make nutritional foods/snacks in 5-6 sittings a day works!
Properly feeding yourself through healthy foods, proper protein consumption and changing your habits (no soda, no sweets) and fill that void with more water and alternatives can change your life!

Saying No is ok if it helps you stay on track!
Giving up your favorite soda (regular or diet: because both are bad as Diet is actually worse) and drinking more water can make amazing changes Alone!

They don’t say ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN for nothing!

Healthier You is in Your Future Once YOU decide it’s what YOU WANT and WHEN YOU WANT!

Many individuals fear special days, parties and holidays.
With REAL FOOD, your options are easier to deal with and you can still eat!
The holidays don’t have to be a stressful time.

Starting after the New Year is an option but think about starting to slowly change habits before and then turning it up a notch after the New Year but you already have a head start!
It’s all in Your Head and Excuses don’t Change Your Scale Number.

~Food For Thought …..

Photos from HOTfitness      HansOn Training & Fitness's post 11/18/2022

Several folks have asked me how I became an INFLUENCER (10 years ago).
First of all, I never thought in a million years that that taking control of MY LIFE that I would Inspire People.
It’s hard enough to make Major Changes in daily life, let alone start having people Watch and Wanting to “Follow” you!

I had a close friend who “knew people” and she referred me and my story.
I thought, out of how many people out there doing the same, I’m not special.

I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2010.
Back then I had no idea what it was along with most of the population.
Which is Why, I had over 24 years of health related issues which were never pinned down or diagnosed because they kept coming up with dead end answers and nothing concrete.
Through those horrible years, I suffered so many health issues and felt isolated and scared to eat, Use anything for personal use and function daily because I thought I was allergic to everything but had no idea what?!
Long Story short: I’m a tall, thin healthy girl for years. Wake up at 19, covered in hives. See a doctor, get antihistamines, go home. Didn’t work.
Hives don’t go away, go back, try prednisone.
Story goes on, hives get worse (debilitating to the point of not being able to use my feet, hands and face looks like I was in a fight!)
More prednisone!
I’m referred to many specialists, they see me we try things…. Nothing works.
As I’m now taking prednisone DAILY, I’m gaining weight and my bones are moving.

Once I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, certain health problems started going away and getting better!
After researching and seeing a nutritionist for help with going 100% Gluten Free, we get a Diagnosis!!!!
GLUTEN (Wheat, Rye, Malt, Barley) was my enemy All along!
Gluten can also alter your healthy antigens and Serotonin Levels causing certain tests to come back positive when in Fact they are NEGATIVE!
Certain meds cause weight Gain and if you actually don’t need those meds, they are harming your body!

Back to the Long Story becoming short:
Years of using many meds I didn’t need, including prednisone, I went from a size 0/3 to a size 28W!

Weight gain causes depression and at that point, I already had that from other things in my life so this was just another obstacle on top of the last obstacle!

I know what it’s like to freak out of control and not happy.
When I decided I was Done and needed to Change, my mind was Set, I WAS doing this!


That Friend of My Friend was also Celiac and was deep into the “Gluten Stuff” Out there and Dr Perlmutter had several books out there in the subject.
He was publishing yet another one and he wanted real life stories from people who are living Gluten Free with Weight Loss so she referred me.
I was contacted by them for an interview, photos and My Story.
Once they received it, I was contacted stating they were using My Story in their article in Woman’s World Magazine!

After that, I was contacted by So Many Companies to share My Story, Endorse Their Products, Blog for them, create content for Brands, Test Products and provide an Interview, Review Items and Write articles about them.
I never Once went out seeking to be an INFLUENCER.
It’s not something that you can just announce as you need Endorsements from Companies, Brands, Writers, Bloggers, Health Professionals, Ambassadors, etc….
(For Ambassadors: You need to APPLY to be one and check off many items (history and background from whatever you are applying for) on their lists in order to be considered)

Anyway, I am still Affiliated with many of these companies and I still post, review, test products and write reviews on blogs, endorse products and share my experiences.
It’s been a great 12 years and I look forward to continuing with many more as each company comes out with the latest and greatest.**

When you change your life in a Drastic Switch of Habits and Daily Lifestyle Decisions….

People start Noticing….
I was referred to Woman’s World Magazine to be included in a story about my Celiac Disease and giving up gluten as a “new“ dietary necessity to live.

After I first lost 74 pounds in 3.5 months and then went on to lose over 110 (total), I was contacted by several protein powder products (Click, Try About Time, Isagenix) companies, Blogs on weight loss and building muscle, Oxygen Fitness Magazine for my weight loss success, For Mom Diet for a spread in an online magazine, my Work as a Certified Personal Trainer teaching group fitness classes (Bootcamp and HIIT: High Intensity Incline Training) and writing my own blood while maintaining my Fitness page.

Soon after, I became an Influencer for so many Fitness related companies for specified products.
It’s been an amazing ride!!

Watch for more Coming Soon!!!

Photos from HOTfitness      HansOn Training & Fitness's post 11/02/2022

Years ago when I finally made the decision to change my ways for good and set forth to achieve my goals, I made a Bucket List!!!

I wrote it all out and added to it as I went.
Within that list, I set a series of small goals, bigger goals and a “reward” upon reaching that Ultimate Goal!

I’ve shared pieces of my Bucket List over the years and I’m going to do it again because……
Any information I share can be used to help others and if I can shed light on ANYTHING for someone seeking answers, then I’ve done my job!!

So, MY PERSONAL LIST is just that, MINE! I set it myself, For Myself and to achieve MY GOALS.
I will go in to say, that it’s a “reference” for others to see what I did and how I attained My Beginning, Middle and End.
This is Not made for Anyone else.

I now make other type of “Plans” for others with the use of Their Personal Bucket List as a starting point!

“Feb 23, 2011

Bucket List Lifestyle Change:

1. Buy treadmill (3-11-2011✔️)

2. Lose weight (228 lbs) the right way and get healthy....✔️

3. Reach for a Goal DAILY!

4. Do something each day that scares me

5. Change habits, acclimate more veggies & protein!

6. DRINK WATER!!! ✔️

7. Low to No sugar

8. No drinking during week (Sun-Thurs)

9. Be happy! (daily)

10. Buy Harley Motorcycle of My Own (03-14-2011 ✔️)

11. Take Motorcycle class~Get license! (05-09-2011 ✔️)

12. Cut hair-(slowly each time I reach a goal) (06-21-2011 ✔️)

13. Get surgery when stage is complete (9-01-2011 ✔️)

14. Feel great at my own accomplishments that I myself set into motion.

15. Achieve a Goal?
Set a New One!

16. Celebrate Yearly at staying on target! ✔️

17. MAINTAIN…..✔️

18. Support Others and Pay It Forward ✔️

*(Feb 23, 2012,
Feb 23, 2013,
Feb 23, 2014,
Feb 23, 2015,
Feb 23, 2016,
Feb 23, 2017,
Feb 23, 2018 (Celiac Disease issues and weight gain):
August 21, 2018,
Feb 23, 2019,
Feb 23, 2020, (Covid Hit…..I Got Covid and Long Covid: Riddled body with excessive Inflammation)…. started over
March 13, 2022 ...….. (June 23, 2022 Back to Normal and Complete!) ✔️


If you haven’t heard of this you NEED TO LOOK INTO IT!!!
It started primarily with Olympic athletes but progressed to other athletes and now anyone!


-The most advanced sensing “wearable” that tracks ALL of your body Activity.
When you go to sleep, Oura goes to work!!

-Within the App you will see how you slept, along with Why you slept bad or good.
-Oura detects your Heart Rate elevations and records for you to check later as a form of workout, from endurance or breathing.
-Oura monitors your body temp and for women can tell when your monthly will be along with nasal temp for ovulation.
-If you are run down, Oura will detect you need extra rest and relaxation and tell you!

-Beyond many other extras, you wear it 24/7 so you receive complete daily monitoring.
-Charging is lightening fast and every 3-4 days.

The Accuracy of your Actual Steps, Workouts, and Activity is 100% on Point compared to my Apple iWatch or fitness tracking apps within it!!
I’m 100% in Tune with my body unlike previously with just my Incline Trainer linked to my Apple iWatch.
It’s crazy to see the difference.

I swear by Oura and do not leave the house without it on my finger. Oura has been with me the whole time on my latest fitness and health journey and I’m a complete believer in all the added extras I now know in regards to monitoring my health!
If you want to try Oura check out the Link ⬇️ below. You will not be disappointed!!!

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58 Harrison Street
Janesville, WI

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415 West Milwaukee Street

Join me in my group fitness classes and achieve your goals of becoming confident, healthy, and fit!

Athlete X Factory LLC Athlete X Factory LLC
3410 Bell Street
Janesville, 53545

The Athlete X Factory is a training system based on increasing speed, strength, flexibility, and pow

CR Fitness CR Fitness
Janesville, 53548

“You’ve always been beautiful. Now you’re just deciding to be healthier, fitter, faster, and strong