
Build muscle strength & stamina. Get lean, energetic & confident in the process. Find your strength.

Photos from DareStrength's post 08/29/2024

In all seriousness…

Building muscle and strength helps with all goals:
- losing weight
- losing body fat
- getting “toned”
- better looking arms
- leaner waist and face
- looking and feeling better overall

Of course you need to combine this with good nutrition and consistency

With some patience and hard work

You can reach and maintain your best feeling and looking self!

Link in bio for more info

Dare Strength


"Just do it!"

It's catchy but it doesn't actually help you stay consistent.

Once you decide you're going to change and achieve a goal..

You then need a plan of action that is REALISTIC for you

Your lifestyle, schedule, and will power

Changing your diet to 100% clean food will work

But can you stick to it long term?

Probably not.

We've seen this with 100s of clients

When you hit rock bottom, you need drastic change

But most other change is gradual:

- reduce/cut out the sugary snack
- add more protein to breakfast
- walk 5-10 minutes after each meal
- find lower calorie substitute for processed food
- sleep 15 minutes earlier

Successful small steps lead to big achievements

That's consistency

Dare Strength


Focus on building muscle for health.
Focus on your nutrition for weight loss.

Why muscle?

- metabolism
- insulin sensitivity (type 2 diabetes)
- manage blood sugar
- fight inflammation
- enhanced mood & cognition
- maintain safe movement
- reduce risk of injury
- prevent chronic disease
- look good!

That's why we have a muscle building specific program incorporating progressive overload

Don't try to outwork a bad diet, it doesn't work.

Train smart
Eat smart
Be smart

Dare Strength

Photos from DareStrength's post 06/30/2024

Chronesthesia - mental time travel
(psychologist feel free to correct me)

Yes, being present is important 'live in the moment'

But looking into the past and into the future can help you reach your goals.

If you're not happy or content with where you are NOW

Look at your actions in the past and figure out what you need to change

So your future self can be happy or content

At the same time, thinking about the past or future too much can lead to problems

Thinking about the 'good times' from your past too much can make you feel sad or depressed that you're not living it up right now

Worrying or trying to anticipate what will happen in the future can lead to anxiety and stress about things you can't control

Use your successes and failures in the PAST to make a plan for your desired outcome in the FUTURE

Then make realistic action steps you can take in the PRESENT

Use time travel to guide your actions!

Dare Strength



Dare Strength


You have to get comfortable with the boring work for results.

Most people can't stick with the boring work after the HONEYMOON PHASE.

Think of a child getting a new toy:
- excited before receiving the toy
- overwhelming joy when the toy touches their hand
- But after 10 minutes of playing... they're over it, just like that

The 'HONEYMOON PHASE' can be seen everywhere
- the thought of buying something new, starting something new, going somewhere new...
- once it's accomplished... the excitement disappears as quickly as you'll forget you read this

How do you stick to it? See it through? Continue the boring work?

You remind yourself why it's so important for your life

Not just a 'nice to have', an option

But why is accomplishing this THING will make your life 10 times better
And why NOT accomplishing it will make your life 10 times worse

You can try to "make it fun", turn it into a game, or do it with a buddy..

But what happens when something more fun comes along? You get bored of the game? Your buddy stops doing it with you?

This has to become more than optional

Once it becomes something you NEED to do...

You'll do it no matter how boring it gets

Join us to do the boring work

Dare Strength


In my 20's, I used to be embarrassed to lift "just" the bar..

But why?

I guess we just pick up what someone says and it sticks in our mind.

I finally realized... you get to set the standard for yourself.

Now I can make a bloody hard and effective workout with "just" the bar

"Just" the bar is about how much a kid weighs and this helps you train to be functional with your kid (if I had kids)

"Just" the bar is THE BEST place to start for most beginners, likely less than "just" the bar

There's no rush or point in trying to lift heavier than "just" the bar if you don't practice good technique

We're creating a new 'standard' for what the average hard working adult needs from a fitness program

The current fitness industry is all show, no go

Set a realistic standard, stick to it, reach your goal, then up your standard.
- Daniel

Dare Strength


Sometimes motivation isn’t the problem..

Your body just doesn’t have energy
- poor sleep
- not enough water
- not enough protein
- not enough (usually too much) carbs
- poor quality foods
- using up brain energy on unnecessary tasks

The healthier and fitter, the more mental stamina can have

Brain energy might seem intangible but the motivation chemical, dopamine is a controllable part of your body

They call it the motivation chemical because it’s what makes challenge, research, ‘the process’ enjoyable

For example, the excitement of playing a game, watching sports, the story in a movie.

But if you waste in on other recreational things like entertainment

You don’t have enough for your goals

I guess this is why they say

Be careful you don’t choose short term pleasure, vs long term reward

You can control your motivation!

Dare Strength


Health and Illness is in opposite directions

Here's the direction towards illness:
- inconsistent sleep and less than 7-9 hours per night
- minimal water and and hydration daily
- eat mostly highly processed foods (fast food & junk)
- you eat until your belly is so full you can't breathe
- you excessively smoke, drink alcohol and consume drugs
- walk less than 5k steps daily

Want to know the direction towards health?

Do the opposite of the list above.

You might get off track here and there but it's very clear which direction you're going

Dare Strength

Photos from DareStrength's post 06/25/2024

"Patience isn't about waiting... it's about figuring out what to do in the meantime." -Alex Hormozi

I fixed a lot of my anxiety once I started doing meaningful things while waiting for the outcome

Once I knew I was doing the right things for my desired outcome, my anxiety turned to patience

But part of me still felt uncomfortable because I wanted the outcome quicker

And that was the second area I needed to grow

I realized just like building muscle and physical skills take time...

Mental and emotional skills also take time and reps to build
- Patience
- Discipline
- Confidence
- Self- Respect
- Concentration
- Emotional Control

Be patient with building patience

Dare Strength


OUTCOMES - the result, number on the scale, how you look in the mirror, how your clothes fit, visible muscle, how much money you make, how much weight you lift, that job, that relationship...

ACTIONS - what you DO everyday for the outcome

Outcomes, especially valuable outcomes, take time

If you focus too much on the outcome..

You can get discouraged from the slow progress or you'll look for shortcuts to see SOME outcome, but not the ultimate outcome you want

But if you focus on consistently taking the right actions, it WILL lead to the OUTCOME you desire

You do this by making your actions specific, simple and repeatable

If the action is vague or too general, you can't check the box as done

Learn to celebrate every time you take the right action rather than waiting to celebrate until you reach the outcome.

Tip - you can also break down your outcome into smaller outcomes/milestones to celebrate... lose the 3 pounds before you expect 20

Dare Strength


Failed at Weight Loss "challenges"?
Want to kickstart results you can sustain?
Need to build habits instead of falling for "hacks"?

Don't give up the foods you like
Use a science-back simple process
Get accountability and support that's friendly
Avoid injury risk from unnecessary brutal workouts

Of course you'll make some changes, but they're realistic

Guaranteed results or it's free until you get those results.

Schedule an intro meeting to learn more (* LINK IN OUR BIO)

If you're ready to change, we help you!

Dare Strength


This one thing determines your success

-Fitness goals, habits, health and any goal you have

When you... DECIDE

You turn on this switch and you don't turn back

No matter how hard it is, how long it takes, whether you have a clear path or not..

Once you decide it's time to change, you will make it happen no matter what.

It helps to have support, some guidelines, and reassurance that you're on the right path..

But the people that succeed in anything had this shift at some point.

For a lot of people, this happens when they're backed into a corner and have nothing else to lose

But rock bottom is different for everyone.

This is especially hard because you have to leave behind some:
- past identity
- beliefs about yourself and the world
- the safety of 'how it's always been'

The plan can change, but once you DECIDE on a goal

You achieve it no matter what

We'll see you on the other side

Dare Strength


Prepare or Procrastinate

Tomorrow can be used for progress..

Or as an excuse.

Success is a game of
- having a goal
- creating a plan
- sticking to the plan
- not letting others or YOURSELF get in the way

I was a major procrastinator junior high, high school, college, business...
Whatever the reason, fear of failure, laziness, "perfectionist"...
Until I got fed up with myself and decided to change.

It's more about the mind than the body

Don't just wait for tomorrow to happen

Be prepared for it.

Dare Strength

Photos from DareStrength's post 06/23/2024

Appreciate the moments, but don't live for them

- You achieve your weight loss goal
- Had a great vacation or party
- Hit that PR on your lift
- Got a promotion
- Tied the knot

It's great to have these experiences, but most of life doesn't happen in these moments

Most of life can seem mundane, average or even a little not fun

But this isn't a bad thing

It's cliches, but you wouldn't have the highs without the lows

You need hundreds and thousands of reps to get exceptional at anything.

So when you find yourself being bored, tired, or stuck in a loop ask yourself..

What physical/mental skill/strength can I build from this?

The boring stuff usually works, don't get distracted by the shiny object syndrome.

Dare Strength


Nothing stays the same in life or in the world, especially your body.

You might look the same from yesterday but your body replaces cells everyday.

The good news, this is all in your control.

What you eat, how much you move, how you manage stress, how much you sleep, what you think...

They all influence the health and strength of your body in the future.

The interesting part is...

You're not strong or weak...

When you decide and act to overcome challenges, you're moving towards strength

When you decide to not act, avoid, run away from, you're moving towards weakness

Whatever your genetics, circumstances, or history...

You can choose strength, right now.

Dare Strength


Opportunity is a combination of:
- the right timing
- the right emotional state
- the right plan for your goal

You've been slammed with work, tied up with kids, putting out fires with your business, burning the midnight oil studying...

And finally have some time to dedicate to your health..

Or you have a special event or vacation to attend and it's 3 weeks away..

Fitness inspiration comes in waves for most people..

But by the time you're "ready" to get results..

You have to start from zero.

If you try to take shortcuts and see results quickly, you already know how that ends..

So what can you do to prepare for when you're ready to get significance results?

- drink plenty of water
- walk as much as possible
- strength train 1-3 times per week
- be mindful of how much you sleep
- do zone 2 cardio and sprinkle in intervals for intensity
- eat plenty of protein, veggies, fruits and some carbs and fat

This is the bare minimum for the average healthy and fit person.

Build these habits so you don't fall for "quick fixes", "short cuts" or "hacks"

We're here to help you with the long game

Dare Strength

Photos from DareStrength's post 06/22/2024

You sabotage your progress when you fall for this trap.

Your body doesn't care if it's Wednesday or Saturday.

If you consume too many calories, it's going to get stored as fat.

Here's where most people mess up ...


You don't wake up one day and gain 40 pounds.

Over time you add extra calories here to "celebrate"..

Some calories there to "relax" after a stressful day..

You build habits of mindlessly consuming more calories than your BODY needs..

To fill a need of your MIND..

Once your realize this, you can find other ways to fulfill your mind

- Feel good from accomplishing goals
- Learn something new to release dopamine
- Feel content by spending time in nature
- De-stress from moving your body like walking
- Use your hands for crafts or building something to calm your mind

Use the weekend for active recovery, not building the habit of escape

Hope you have a great weekend folks!

Dare Strength

ps stay hydrated (more water, less other stuff)


How do you build discipline?

The same way you build muscle.

To build muscle, you stick to one program rather than trying 20 different programs you find online

Build discipline in one area of your life, at a time:
- build the habit of working out 3-5 times per week
- start eating healthier breakfast with plenty of protein
- include vegetables for dinner everyday
- drink 50 ounces of water before noon
- read 20 minutes per day
- sleep 20 minutes earlier

Just like building muscle requires you to lift the light weight before going heavier...

Start building discipline with the simple, easy steps first

For example, simply learn to eat slower and less of what you're already eating..

Before trying to completely change your diet to look like an Olympic athlete's diet.

Treat mental and emotions changes like you treat physical changes

Track your progress and celebrate every milestone.

We believe building a stronger mind is just as important as building a stronger body.

There are no shortcuts to this.

Just consistent, manageable, smart and hard work.

Dare Strength


If you're serious about fitness results, you don't need to hope or guess.

If you have a goal, there is metric you can track

Take the right actions, you WILL see results

If you want to lose weight:
- track your weight
- take a photo every week
- track exactly how many calories you eat
- track your steps and workout

If you want to gain muscle:
- track your weight
- track your protein and calorie intake
- track the weight you lift
- take weekly progress pictures

If you want more energy:
- when do you feel the most tired?
- track what you eat for your meals
- track the variety in nutritious food you eat
- track when you're going for a walk

As you track these metrics, you can change one or two actions and see if you make progress the following 1-2 weeks.

See progress? Good! keep going!

Don't see progress? Make a small adjustment and keep going!

You don't need to pray to the fitness gods and hope this or that program/diet/coach is going to work

Follow the data and you'll make change

At least, that's what we do. Reach out if you have questions

Dare Strength


Not making progress with your fitness or bored?

It's probably time to change up some variables in your training.

We don't change our workouts JUST because it can be boring.

That's a side benefit.

Your body adapts to new exercises and combinations fairly quickly.

So it's good to change up parts of your program to continue progress.

But do not follow a random workout that looks good on the internet everday.

You still need structure for 6-12 weeks before changing it up.

We change up our program every 6 weeks to get that variety while working for progress during the 6 weeks.

Need help with consistency and structure?

Come check us out! (link in the bio)

Dare Strength


Following these 3 steps to guarantee results

1. Track your actions towards your outcome goal.
2. Continue or adjust your actions if you're not making progress.
3. Don't quit

It really is that simple.

How do you know what actions to take?

1. If you want to lose body fat
- sleep 7-9 hours
- drink plenty of water
- easy less junk + include more protein
- move more (walk 8-10k steps daily)

2. Gain Muscle, strength
- sleep 7-9 hours
- drink plenty of water
- easy less junk + include more protein
- move more (walk 8-10k steps daily)
- start strength exercise (commit to 1 year)

3. More energy
- sleep 7-9 hours
- drink plenty of water
- easy less junk + include more protein
- move more (walk 8-10k steps daily)

Stick to 1 or 2 main actions and do them EVERYDAY

When you can do them EVERYDAY for 2-3 weeks, add the next action.

If you need some accountability, do it with a friend that's supportive
Not judgemental, competitive, or negative

Or find a coach that cares about your long term success.

Good luck!

Dare Strength


Avoidance is not safety.

Sure you want to avoid the obvious risks but...

Sheltering a kid from the real word and dangers...
Or avoiding all germs or bacteria from your body...

Both lead to the kid and body being extremely weak.

You teach the kid what the real world is like, and how to prepare and deal with it.

You expose your body to natural germs while learning how to keep up your hygiene.

You don't avoid all movements because you're afraid of getting injured.

- You teach your body how to move
- Strengthen all movements your body will encounter
- Prepare your body to overcome dangerous positions and heavy weights

Get stronger to overcome challenges, don't avoid it.

Dare Strength


Wealth measures the value of all assets of worth.

Health tops the list of all assets because without healthy you can't enjoy, use or leverage these assets

You can buy all other assets but health has to be earned and maintained daily.

Exercising 2 times per week for 1 year is better for your health than working out everyday for 1 month.

Build wealth with healthy habits

This is the way

Dare Strength


You're becoming a new person when you decide to get fit and healthy.

Not the few week challenges or hacks to look good for the summer...

But looking good for the rest of your life and taking control of your health.

It's mostly a mental battle

Your old thoughts wants you to stay the same
Your old habits wants you to feel "safe"
Your old environment wants the same old you

You have to become so sick that part of your life that's making you unhealthy, lazy, weak and hating yourself...

That you decide to leave that part of you behind and everything connected to it.

Your old self doesn't believe you can reach your goal.

Your new self has to shut that voice out and keep moving forward.

Dare Strength

Photos from DareStrength's post 06/19/2024

Fitness is so simple, it almost seems fake

"There has to be more than this..."

We all go through these stages because we find a program, coach, or diet that promises shortcuts and end in disappointment...

When the basic way is enough to yield results

- start lifting with light weights, gradually increase the weight as you get stronger
- walk 8-10k+ steps per day

- Eat plenty of protein, and enough carbs and fat, avoid highly processed foods, drink plenty of water

- sleep 7-9 hours daily average, similar sleep/wake times
- find healthy ways to manage stress

Most times, we avoid the hard work of changing unhealthy habits and try to make up for it with short cuts

Do the simple but challenging things and you're guaranteed results

Dare Strength


How do you build confidence?

It's not mantras, expensive clothes, or "acting" confident.

Be reliable, to yourself.

Do what you say you're going to do.

It's sticking to doing hard things even when you don't feel like it.

It's building skills to help yourself and others.

It's a combination of experience overcoming challenges and the mindset that "you can figure it out"

This is why you can sniff out fake confidence in people that cheat their way to "success"

You can start by building confidence in your physical abilities or mental abilities.

Both require that you do the hard things to get stronger.

Dare Strength


Here's how you cannot fail in your goals.

Do not quit.

1. Set a goal
2. Have a life altering reason for that goal
3. Make a simple plan
4. Figure out the next step you are confident you can take
5. Track your progress towards your goal and taking action
6. Did you successfully take action daily?
7. Yes? Great now figure out the next step
8. No? Figure out why you didn't.
- was it too hard of a step
- did you get lazy

When you have the right steps towards your goal

All you have to do is focus on taking action with those steps and it will lead to your goal/ results.

If you don't know what those steps are...

Look to those who succeeded with real experience and practical steps (don't fall for quick fixes or hacks from greedy gurus)

Build that 'Don't quit' attitude just like you build your body

Dare Strength

Photos from DareStrength's post 06/14/2024

Cardio or strength?

It’s not like the switch you turn on or off..

But more like a dimmer switch..

When you focus more on one, it’s just less of the other..

They’re not opposites but they are needed for each other.

Good health doesn’t need extreme cardio or strength

But a balance of both!

Learn more at our free resources on our website

Dare Strength

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14515 Valley View Avenue Ste P
La Mirada, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 7pm
Tuesday 6am - 5pm
Wednesday 6am - 5pm
Thursday 6am - 5pm
Friday 6am - 1pm
Saturday 6am - 1pm

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