Phenomenal Fitness

We are Definition Specialists. Teaching you how to think, eat, and train, to turn you into a fat bu For more info go to

We believe in Proper Nutrition, personalized calorie and macronutrient recommendations. We believe in doing Short, Hard, Intense Weight Training/ HIIT workouts that Stimulate metabolism and Fat burning. We transform Ordinary bodies into OUTSTANDING bodies using those methods. We offer a Week Trial for Qualified applicants and we are selective about who we allow to join our team.


"New 90 day end of summer shred!"

๐Ÿ“ข Looking for 10 committed men who want to lose 30lbs+ in next 90 Days!

Who is this for? ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜Ž

1. This is for men over 35

2. Who are business owners or Executives

3. Struggling to lose bodyfat

4. Who want to look more muscular, feel more confident, boost testosterone naturally, get more energy.

Who is this ๐Ÿšซ not for?

1. Not for Men who make excuses

2. Not for Men who are lazy uncommitted

3. Not for people who are not ready to take action.

4. Not for men who cannot afford to invest in themselves

What's included?

1. Nutrition plan & meal prep hacks to melt fat
2. Full progressive workout program for 90days
3. Full video Course
4. Copy of my book "Shredded Executive"
5. Weekly 1 on 1 checkins with me
6. Daily support & accountability
7. State of the art app
8. Fitness community ๐Ÿ’ช

Expected outcomes

Result 1. Nutrition mastery
Result 2. Lose 30lbs or more
Result 3. Increased strength
Result 4. Higher testosterone
Result 6. More energy & focus
Result 7. Feel confident shirtless

Program start date is MONDAY

Enrollment closing soon.

If youre interested, Send me DM or comment below, "transform" and I'll reach out to you and see if I can help.

Or click link in bio to book a free gamplan call.

Take action and let's make you the next before and after success story that I post to inspire others!



Men, your FACE reflects your bodyfat levels and health.

Women are attracted to strong, chiseled jawlines.

You can try to hide under your clothes all you want, but your FACE SHOWS IT ALL.

So here's 10 ways to climate FACE FAT:


Sugar, flour, seed oils not only make you F@T, they're highly INFLAMMATORY.

This inflammation ALWAYS shows up in your face. I know IMMEDIATELY upon seeing someone what they eat.

F@t inflamed face says they eat SHIIIET

This inflammation inflamed your whole body and makes you PUFFY everywhere. Retaining more water from the inflammation and the carbs.

So if you want a chiseled jaw, ELIMINATE

2. Eat clean!

High protein, high fat๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿฅ“๐Ÿ–๐Ÿณ๐Ÿฅš.

Low carbs ๐Ÿซ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฅ‘

These foods will eliminate the EXCESS water retention and inflammation.

Face will get slimmer.

3. Lose Bodyfat

Your face is f@t because YOU ARE F@T

To get your jawline chiseled you need to get to under 10% bodyfat.

Which for the avg 5'9 guy, that means 160ish.
Most men are 200lbs. Now you know why your face is f@t.

So Eat clean and track your macros to create the calorie deficit required to melt bodyfat.

4. Drink more water with sea SALT.

Most of you are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration or salt depletion triggers hormones to make you RETAIN water.

Which shows up in FACE. You also need this when eating clean Because your bodies needs for salt water are higher. Salt is electrolytes.

Put 1tbsp salt in gallon and drink daily.

5. Workout daily.

Required to cut bodyfat. Prioritize lifting. But do sprints as well.

Lose bodyfat to get to sub 10% bodyfat and chiseled face.

6. Get sunshine.

Tan face and body creates more shadows and shows more defined face. It also BOOSTS vitamin d which boosts testosterone.

Testosterone will speed muscle growth and fat loss.

7. Reduce alcohol intake.

Drinking is inflammatory. Inflammation = f@t face

Deal with your stress like a man, stop cop-ing like a child.

Daily workouts help.

If you want the accelerated jawline system dm me about coaching and I'll give you some info.

8. Posture

Chin up shoulders back like a confident man.

9. Mewing.

Tongue on roof of mouth when taking photos.

Makes jawline look better.

10. Don't be f@t ๐Ÿคฃ

You should already know this and have high standards and REFUSE to be f@t.

It's a mindset! Followed by discipline

That sums up the 10 tips.

If you want to eliminate your f@t face fast dm me about coaching and I'll give you some info.

Follow for more tips.


๐ŸšจMen, I don't care what stupid fitness guru tells you you need carbs, DONT LISTEN.

Here is one of my clients glucose levels. He has been fasting for 4 days cuz he's crazy and likes how he feels fasting.

Notice, his glucose aka his blood sugar was at a 73 for with NO FOOD. As soon as he started working out BOOM!

His liver started producing more glucose/ blood sugar.

Your body runs very efficiently from Ketones/glucose when you are fasting. Or Low carbs.

Because it breaks down FATS into Ketones or Glucose

Your body can also break down protein for energy as well when on low carb/carnivore diet/keto diet.

Your body can also break down muscle if it needs to to produce energy.

My client fasting for 4 days tested his bodyfat today on my inbody machine, his bodyfat fat went down and his muscle INCREASED!

With 0 Food!

Due to his body doing what i needed to to SURVIVE. Because he was working out during fast. Long fasting SPIKES testosterone and growth hormone.

It's preparing his body to HUNT for food!

Our bodies are designed for survival. Periods if fasting and feasting.

When the food is scarce it temporarily INCREASES your senses, hormones, cognition so you find food.

The human body is an incredible machine. It will create what it needs to survive.

So the next time you hear some stupid guru on Instagram say YOU NEED CARBS, send those dummies this post.

Carbs are INESSENTIAL for health and survival

They are purely only for pleasure. And most of you are addicted to carbs, but the BAD ones๐Ÿž๐Ÿฅž๐Ÿ•๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ”, like a drug addict.

BTW, this client is almost 60. He gets regular CAC tests to assess heart health. His CAC score is always 0. Meaning perfect heart health. And he eats nothing but MEAT ๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿฅฉ& fish.

I'm also living proof. I live 0 carb most the year. Carnivore most the time. When I go MONTHS straight i even set PERSONAL RECORDS in my workouts.

And my WORK ETHIC is 100x yours.

Im Another example that CARNIVORE is the HACK to health and shreds

I'm not saying never eat them again, but until you're shredded and 100% healthy, eliminate them. For fastest results.

I cycle. I live my C3 DIET year round. "Carnivore Carb Cycling".

Which is 0 carb days/months followed by a scheduled refeed of HEALTHY carbs. With only healthy carbs ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿซ eaten with my animal proteins ๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ–๐Ÿณ๐Ÿฅš๐Ÿฆ€๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿฆž.

I just put together a C3 DIET blueprint PDF.

So if you are a high performing business man over 35, wanting to feel confident shirtless, get shredded and improve your health.

Dm me or comment and I'll send you link to download.



Men over 35,

Are you working out regularly but not getting results?

Are you embarrassed to take your shirt off in public?

Are you tired of the dad bod and man-boobs?

If so, then ๐Ÿšซ stop doing these 6 things:

1. ๐ŸšซSTOP doing tons of cardio.

This is muscle wasting, metabolism ruining, testosterone tanking.

Fat loss doesn't come from doing tons of cardio.

It ONLY comes from creating a consistent CALORIE DEFICIT.


Most guys never see results because they do CHEAT
๐Ÿ•๐ŸŸ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿž๐Ÿฅž๐Ÿ๐Ÿช๐Ÿฉ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿง๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿซ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŒฏ meals on weekends. Which lead to CHEAT DAYS/WEEKS/YEARS in most cases.

You're never going to out train it. You're LIVING PROOF!

3. ๐ŸšซSTOP Eyeballing your portions!

You're underrating protein and OVER EATING calories in most cases.

You can get f@t eating 100% clean. This is always a calories game.

"If you eyeball your food, no one is going to be eyeballing you"

4. ๐ŸšซSTOP being lazy about your nutrition

Track your macros! Your macros determine your calories and HOW YOU LOOK.

5. ๐Ÿšซ STOP holding onto your old habits

Old habits KEEP your old body.

New you requires new DAILY habits. New workout habits. New nutrition habits. New weekend habits. New vacation habits.

The old you must go, you must forge NEW HABITS.

6. ๐ŸšซSTOP putting it last.

To get shredded you have to make your nutrition and training #1.

Which means, stop saying you'll workout after work. Bs. No you wont.

Get up early, workout first. Get it done. Invest into YOU first. Everything else is 2nd. Especially work.

I could go on, but 6 reasons is enough.

Stop doing these things or you will NEVER EVER get the fat loss you want, and the muscular physique you seek.

If you want the CHEAT CODE, and proven plan to go from OB3SE to Shredded beast, dm or comment . Let's chat.


Cardio is making you fatter and ruining your physique. Here's 3 main reasons why.


In this video I teach my secret diet known as C3. Which is the fastest and easiest way to get and stay lean.

After watching, if you are in OC and want to come tryout a workout at our gym in Laguna Hills, shoot us a message.


It's said only .07% of men can bench 225lbs....

Well we have a few of those men on our team.๐Ÿ˜‰

Here's clips of just Jeff and Kelly


61 years old shredded and repping 100s


Checkout Michael's results!

He was skinny fat before.

He read my book

Executed the plan

Made his nutrition and training HABITS

Viola! Shredded!

Everyone has a 6 pack

Most guys just can't see theirs because their bodyfat is too high.

There's a formula to fat loss

I've put that formula in a book, in a course, and teach it on my online coaching programs.

This is why my clients and shredders(book) get shredded, FAST!

If you're not getting consistent results, you're not doing what it takes.

You need to learn the formula, build new habits, and be consistent.


Ryan went from Obese to Shredded beast!

He still holds the record for the FASTEST weight loss the first 30 days.

He lost 31lbs in 30 days.

I remember the day he called me he sounded like he just slammed 3 monster energy drinks.

He left voice-mail.

"Hey man, my name is Ryan, I'm fat and I'm ready to DTFW and get shredded! I'm willing to do whatever it takes!"

Once he started, he was an ANIMAL and literally ANIMAL became his nickname.

He did everything he was told and EXTRA CREDIT everyday.

Hit his macros FROM DAY 1 everyday

Losing almost 100lbs in 7 months.

Literally got on stage placing 2nd place in his very first physique show.

He later became a trainer and gym owner himself.

But he's another example if you follow the f plan you get shredded fast!

If you arent making consistent progress every single week, that's proof you're not doing it right.

Proof your diet sucks

Proof your workout program sucks

Proof you're inconsistent

Greatness only comes from becoming OBSESSED

In order to SUCCEED it has to be your #1 priority

Before work.
Before family

You invest into YOU FIRST, you win. Everyone wins.

Keep putting it 2nd, 3rd, and your results will keep avoiding you.


Thank you Thank you Thank you to everyone thatโ€™s been voting! I know every day is a lot. Please know I appreciate it soooo much


Donโ€™t forget you can vote every 24 hours!!
Please and thank you


Viktor was one of my skinny f@t guys.

Never really lifted before he started.

Ate almost no protein at all.

Was just super tall and thin.

We got him hitting his macros and lifting consistently

A few months later started looking JACKED.

Abs popping, muscles popping.

Looking good.

It's simple science folks.

Eat properly

Train effectively

Look amazing Aesthetically.

Confidence is built from mastering yourself

In the gym and in the kitchen.


Where's my Skinny fat guys at?

Michael was one of those guys.

He bought my book, started hitting his macros, started doing my workouts, got SHREDDED.

All of you have abs

You just can't see them because your bodyfat is too high

If you're light but don't have abs, you are skinny fat.

Get your diet dialed in, lift weights consistently and you'll reveal your 6 pack hiding underneath

He's red on his shoulder because I just scraped his chest with a muscle Scraper. Lol.

You skinny fat guys are closer to being shredded than the average f@tty in America today.

You can get shredded in 6-10 weeks

The avg guy is 200lbs with 40 inch waists.

So most these guys will take 4+ months.

Being f@t is awful

But so is being skinny f@t

Because you LACK muscle tremendously. And is subconsciously a turn off for many women, because it is perceived as you being a WEAK man.

Just as much of a turn off to women as the f@t guys with 40 inch waists.

In both cases you both need to dial in macros and get your asses in the gym.


Here's how I got this transformation in just 6 weeks.

In 2023 I got f@t on purpose to Prove 2 things.

1. F@t loss is easy.
2. F@t gains and loss is calories game.

I still worked out, still ate clean, just over ate to get F@t. Proving its excess calories that make you f@t.

I was dis-gus-ted by myself. It was hard to do this.

Here's how I lost it fast:

1. Carnivore diet.

0 carbs for 6 weeks straight. No alcohol.

Hitting my macros & cals with just animal products.

2. Lifted intensely.

Trisets. Doing 9 total exercises daily. 4 rounds each triset.

3. Added sprints after my lifting

10-30x on a small hill by my house.

Burning over 1000 cals daily in my workouts.

Thats the ACCELERATED way to melt f@t.

I teach very similar process in my book, course, and online coaching program.

But we also carb cycle adding in a refeed day
๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿฅ”๐Ÿซ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‡ periodically but still strategic with calories and macros.

I got lean again and back to where I feel good.

There's a formula to get shredded.

If you don't have it or execute it, you dont get shredded.

So if youve been working on your body for longer than 90 days and not shredded, you DONT have the formula..

And you need HELP, the formuls, and accountability so you succeed.

So stop being a scroller, a watcher and reader, but still f@t. And dm me so I can turn you into the next inspiring story. Results Guaranteed!

You can book a call from link in bio or just dm me for info.


2024 Shredded Executive update Released today!!!!๐Ÿฅณ

I'm almost done with editing.

This is teaching my EXACT strategies on how I stay shredded and get my clients shredded year round.

โœ…๏ธUpdated macros
โœ…๏ธ3 phase nutrition plan
โœ…๏ธMy C3 DIET ๐Ÿคซ
โœ…๏ธMy secret meal prep hacks
โœ…๏ธTraining strategies to get you shredded
โœ…๏ธFull 3 phase workout program
โœ…๏ธLifestyle strategies
โœ…๏ธHow to eat at restaurants
โœ…๏ธHow to drink and stay shredded
โœ…๏ธHow to boost testosterone
โœ…๏ธWhat supplements to take

And tons more in almost 300 pages.

A lot has changed in the past decade and I've evolved my strategies to make the process EASIER.

I'm super fu***ng excited for this release because it's SOOOOO MUCH BETTER than the original version!

It should be live later this afternoon

All my current clients get a free copy.

I'm also building out a FREE 28 days of workouts in my dope app for all who purchase

Once again I'm changing the game in the fitness industry

This is the MENS version

Ladies version coming later.

Link in comments


I'm in the barbershop.

There's a mom here we with her two sons getting their haircut.

She's talking to one of them trying to sell him on the reasons why he should be eating more vegetables. How it's going to make him healthier, taller etc.

Problem is, she's 320lbs.

The look on his 8 year old face is literally like "youre full of sh*t" lol.

The 5 year old son is already showing signs he will be an over-we-ight as an adult.

Now, I understand she means well and wants them to ge healthy.

But SHE doesn't represent health.

And because of this, they wont listen to her.

You see, as a parent it's YOUR JOB to BE the example you teach.

You can't teach them to take care of their teeth if yours are rotten and full of cavities.

You can't teach them how to be wealthy if you are broken

You can't teach them how to run a business if you never had a successful one

You can't teach them how to get 800 credit score if you have a 400.

You can't teach them how to be Lean, fit, strong, and healthy when you are OB3SE AF.

Studies prove f@t parents create f@t kids in 89% of cases. That's 9 out of 10 kids who are raised by f@t parents are guaranteed to become f@t adults

Not because of genes, because of HABITS.

Ob3sity is 100% YOUR FAULT.

It's 100% your responsibility and DUTY to fix it and LEAD YOUR KIDS into a brighter future.

Here's how:

1. Eliminate from home

2. Fill your home

Install a PROTEIN FIRST rule. They can eat as much fruit as they want AFTER they eat protein.

You can't f@tty. You need to track your s**t. ๐Ÿคฃ

3. Workout daily.

Even if it's just walking 10k steps a day.
Move your ass.

4. Lose weight and get lean.

Inspire your kids to live STRONG

This generation of kids is expected to live 10-20 years SHORTER lifespans meaning 56 years old, because you PARENTS today are f@t, lazy, feed your kids trash.

Stop that s**t!


Early squad


Dm us for a trial workout

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Videos (show all)

61 years old shredded and repping 100s
1. Poor sleep. Most of you get shit sleep because of your high carb dinners at night.  Which ruin sleep because of eleva...
Do work
Early squad
One of the biggest mistakes people make is putting your WORKOUTS at the end of the day. Because by the end of the day, y...
Early squad
Dm us for a trial workout
61 years old, can YOU do this?





23282 Del Lago
Laguna Hills, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 5am - 7pm
Tuesday 6am - 7pm
Wednesday 5am - 7:30pm
Thursday 6am - 7pm
Friday 5am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 9am

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