UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion

Welcome to the UNLV Army ROTC's official page, where you will find the most recent news, videos and photos highlighting our Cadets, cadre, & staff

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our newly commissioned second lieutenants!

2LT Kate Ann Amistad
2LT Taylor Benitez
2LT Gregory Emerson
2LT Malcom Joshua Jacobe
2LT Emmanuel A. Navarrete Mendoza
2LT Alosina Faliuiaiga Serah Niupulusu
2LT Tiffany Lee O’Connor
2LT Alexander William Staubs
2LT Isaac E. Velazquez

We look forward to witnessing their careers as officers in the Active Duty Army, the Army Reserve, and the Nevada National Guard. Double Down!

Photo Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Kate Ann Amistad, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Active Duty Army. She is graduating with a bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and will be going into the Armor Branch as a Branch Detail for the Adjutant General Corps.

What has ROTC taught you?
“Ego is the enemy. It’s important to believe in yourself, but when you believe you are better than you are, it will hold you back.” - CDT Amistad

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Emmanuel A. Navarrete Mendoza, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Reserve. He is graduating with a bachelor’s in Psychology and will be going into the Ordnance Branch.

What has ROTC taught you?
“ROTC has taught me how to work in a wide array of environments, and given me a different outlook on leadership.” - CDT Navarrete

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Isaac E. Velazquez, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Nevada National Guard. He is graduating with a bachelor’s in History and will be going into the Transportation Branch.

What has ROTC taught you?
“To stand firm, stand brave, and to stand with the army team. ” - CDT Velazquez

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Gregory Emerson, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Nevada National Guard. He is graduating with a bachelor’s in Construction and will be going into the Ordnance Branch.

What has ROTC taught you?
“ROTC has taught me how to interact and understand many different types of people. ” - CDT Emerson

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Taylor Benitez, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Active Duty Army. He is graduating with a bachelor’s in Geology and will be going into the Adjutant General Corps.

What has ROTC taught you?
“Pay attention to detail and be a good listener. ” - CDT Benitez

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Malcolm Joshua Jacobe, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Nevada National Guard. He is graduating with a bachelor’s in Biochemistry and will be going into the Corps of Engineers.

What has ROTC taught you?
“ROTC has taught me many things. A leader of people, go work among a team, and to find creative ways to solve problems. But if there is one thing I can single out, it has taught me to explore new opportunities and to enjoy the unknown. ” - CDT Jacobe

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Tiffany Lee O’Connor, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Army Reserve. She is graduating with a bachelor’s in Public Health and will be going into the Transportation branch.

What has ROTC taught you?
“ROTC has taught me how to become the leader that I strive to be and to never settle for mediocracy. ” - CDT O’Connor

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Alexander William Staubs, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Active Duty Army. He is graduating with a bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and will be going into the Quartermaster branch.

What has ROTC taught you?
“ROTC has taught me leadership, self discipline, and being a member of a team. I have learned a lot about confidence, hard work, and responsibility. I will always be appreciative of those who helped and mentored me.” - CDT Staubs

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 commissionees! Today we are highlighting Alosina Faliuiaiga Serah Niupulusu, who will commission as a Second Lieutenant in the Active Duty Army. She is graduating with a bachelor’s in Criminal Justice and will be going into the Quartermaster branch.

What has ROTC taught you?
“Vouch for yourself, take care of your people, and have some patience.” - CDT Niupulusu

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/16/2024

Last week was Blackjack Battalion’s Organization Day, where Cadets were recognized for their efforts and achievements throughout the school year. Cadets were also recognized for superlatives and for completing the Norwegian Ruck March. At the end, CDT Grant (MSIII), CDT Melchor (MSIII), and CDT Pyatt (MSIII) presented a framed “Beat Reno!” flag to motivate the battalion.

Recognized by the invited organizations:
CDT Encarnacion (MSIII)
CDT Ibarra, Erik (MSIII)
CDT Niupulusu (MSIV)
CDT Portelli (MSIII)
CDT Rodgers (MSIV)
CDT Velazquez (MSIV)

Recognized by cadre and the program:
CDT Aviles (MSIII)
CDT Azumbra (MSIV)
CDT Braun (MSI)
CDT Callahan (MSII)
CDT Casciano, Lance (MSIII)
CDT Ibarra, Isac (MSIII)
CDT Lampkin (MSII)
CDT Toledo (MSI)

CPT (P) Marquise Oliver, who will be leaving the program to attend CGSC, was also recognized for his contributions as an instructor and awarded with a battalion coin.

Photo Credits: Danielle Kelly, CDT Alejandra Aviles, CDT Millene Grace Azumbra

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

Blackjack Battalion Cadets traveled over 450 miles to participate in a Combined Field Training Exercise with , , & . MSIII Cadets were assigned leadership positions for back-to-back STX lanes and evaluated one last time in preparation for their upcoming Cadet Summer Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

At the end, the following Blackjack Battalion Cadets were acknowledged for their hard work and effort during the event: CDT Erik Ibarra (MSIII), CDT Erin Mileusnich (MSI), CDT Drake Pyatt (MSIII), CDT Luis Melchor (MSIII), & CDT Malik Webb (MSIII).

Photo Credits: CPT Jeffrey Hopkinson, CPT Quentin Watson, CDT Kate Ann Amistad, CDT Alejandra Aviles, CDT Millene Grace Azumbra, CDT Valerie Braun, CDT Mia Miron

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

Last week, Blackjack Battalion Cadets conducted Combat Water Survival Training. Cadets attempted three events: the 25-meter equipment swim, the equipment ditch, and the 3-meter drop.

Photo Credits: CDT Kate Ann Amistad, CDT Millene Grace Azumbra, CDT Hunter Grant

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

The competition may have stopped for Blackjack Battalion’s Ranger Challenge team, but the training hasn’t 💪 The new co-captains, CDT Erik Ibarra (MSIII) and CDT Labayog (MSII) are already preparing the team for the next competition.

Photo Credits: LTC Darren Moniot, CDT Erik Ibarra


Our MSIII cadets are hard at work honing their shooting skills! Thanks to for providing the lanes for our

Interested in our program? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

Video Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

MSIII Cadets in the Blackjack Battalion went out to the range to familiarize themselves with the M4 weapons system in preparation for the M4 qualification. Cadets were given the opportunity to group and zero their weapons before practicing for the qualification with paper targets.

Photo Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

For the last underclassmen in the Blackjack Battalion went to a reserve unit for weapons familiarization. Cadets went over weapons assembly/disassembly, functions check, and fundamentals of shooting.

Photo Credits: CDT Lynn Rodgers

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

Blackjack Battalion Cadets conducted night to day land navigation. Cadets were tasked with finding at least two out of three points during the night and at least three out of five points during the day.

The following Cadets were the fastest to find all of their points:
For night (solo), CDT Pyatt (MSIII)
For night (group), CDT Labayog (MSII) and CDT Garcia (MSI)
For day (solo), CDT Ibarra, Isac (MSIII)
For day (group), CDT Lampkin (MSII) and CDT Noh (MSII)

Photo Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

This week’s spotlight goes to CDT Correa! CDT Correa is a SMP (Simultaneous Membership Program) cadet in the Army Reserve. She is an integral member of Blackjack Battalion’s Ranger Challenge team and competed in every event at 8th Brigade’s RC South competition last month. CDT Correa is also a member of the UNLV Army ROTC Color Guard and Push Up Teams!

Full Name: Isabella Correa
MS Level: MSI
Major: Architecture

“I joined rotc because I wanted to advance in my Army career and take on a leadership role in the future, the idea of becoming a leader is very important to me because I grew up as a very shy and introverted kid and my goal is to step out of my shell, I enjoy rotc because it’s not only taught me new things beyond what I’ve been taught in just basic training and ait and I’ve also been able to meet new people that inspire me everyday.”

Photo Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra, CDT Valerie Braun, CDT Mia Miron

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

Last week Blackjack Battalion Cadets utilized their land navigation skills outside of the city. Cadets were given 5 points and had three hours to find at least 3 of them.

CDT Taylor and CDT Ibarra, Isac were the first MSIIIs to find all 5 points.
CDT Gao (MSII) and CDT Garcia (MSI) were the first underclassmen that did the course solo and returned with 4 out of 5 points.
CDT Hall (MSII), CDT Hoffman (MSI), CDT Larsen (MSI) were the only group of underclassmen to find all 5 points.

Photo Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra, CDT Kirsten Crenshaw, CDT Mia Miron

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

The UNLV Army ROTC Color Guard team is always eager to serve the community! Cadets on the team practice every day after PT and have done more than 70 hours of events this school year.

Looking to use our Color Guard team for your next event? Visit our website or email us at [email protected] for more information.

Photo Credits: CDT Alejandra Aviles, CDT Millene Grace Azumbra, CDT Cody Jones

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

This week’s spotlight goes to CDT Casciano! CDT Casciano is a SMP (Simultaneous Membership Program) cadet in the Nevada National Guard. CDT Casciano is a squad leader for Blackjack Battalion’s 1st Platoon and makes sure his squad and his peers in 1st Platoon are squared away and ready! He encourages others during rucks and always tries to keep a positive attitude during PT.

Full Name: Lance Casciano
Major: Business Administration & Real Estate

“I joined ROTC because it was the plan from high school. ROTC gives you a sense of family that’s why I enjoy it. I like seeing the same people for a long time.”

Photo Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra, CDT Hunter Grant

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

Blackjack Battalion Cadets utilized Engagement Area Development to conduct their Area Defense 💪

Photo Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra, CDT Hunter Grant


Now that Spring Break is over, our Cadets are back to studying and training! A few weeks ago, Blackjack Battalion Cadets started their spring break by successfully completing an Area Defense

Interested in joining our program? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

Video Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra, CDT Hunter Grant

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

This week’s spotlight goes to CDT Ibarra! CDT Ibarra is a SMP (Simultaneous Membership Program) cadet in the Army Reserve and the captain of the Blackjack Battalion Ranger Challenge team 💪CDT Ibarra is continuously pushing himself to be better and has established himself as a reliable resource among his peers. Even when he’s working night shifts he still shows up to our early morning rucks! He was also recently awarded a coin by the Nevada Army Reserve Ambassador, CSM (ret) Christopher Schroeder.

Full Name: Erik Ibarra
Major: Criminal Justice

“I joined ROTC to better myself as a leader and grow better skills as an individual, and overall I enjoy ROTC because of the friendships you build and opportunities that are given to cadets.”

Photo Credits: CDT Alejandra Aviles, CDT Millene Grace Azumbra

Photos from UNLV Army ROTC BlackJack Battalion's post 05/15/2024

A few weeks ago Blackjack Battalion Cadets conducted a Platoon Ambush. Third-year Cadets were trained and evaluated in tactics and leadership in preparation for Advanced Camp at Fort Knox this summer!

Photo Credits: CDT Millene Grace Azumbra


UNLV Spring 2024 Commissioning Ceremony

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Videos (show all)

Our MSIII cadets are hard at work honing their shooting skills! Thanks to @clarkcountyshootingcomplex for providing the ...
Now that Spring Break is over, our Cadets are back to studying and training! A few weeks ago, Blackjack Battalion Cadets...
How do you spend your Friday mornings? Cadets in the Blackjack Battalion spend their time outside, putting in the work a...
UNLV Spring 2024 Commissioning Ceremony
The Ranger Challenge competition is less than 10 days away! Blackjack Battalion, are you ready to #doubledown and give i...
The Blackjack Battalion Ranger Challenge team is getting ready to #doubledown and embark on the Road to Sandhurst 💪 They...



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