RPEN Summerlin Chapter

We are the Summerlin Chapter of the Retired Public Employees of Nevada, a membership association that protects the interests of retirees covered by PERS.

Since our post-Covid reopening/new officer elections in September 2021, the Summerlin Chapter of RPEN has been meeting regularly at 2:00 pm on 2nd Wednesdays in the meeting room of the West Charleston Library. It's located on the northeast corner of the Community College of Southern Nevada campus.


Please note:
This page is expiring.
Please join the chapter's new page:
"RPEN Summerlin"


Attention All Members of RPEN’s Summerlin Chapter!

The Summerlin Chapter will meet Wednesday, February 9th at 2:00 p.m. at the West Charleston Public Library’s Conference Room at 6301 West Charleston Blvd. and in addition to the regular business that day, they’ll be featuring a very special Guest Speaker, Mark Hall Patton! Patton is well known for his frequent guest appearances on the popular Las Vegas based television show Pawn Stars! The former Director of the Clark County Museum always makes an entertaining presentation and this appearance will undoubtedly be fun filled with historical perspectives. So be sure to mark your calendar for Wednesday, February 9th at 2:00 p.m., at the West Charleston Public Library’s Conference Room. For additional information on the Summerlin Chapter please contact Chapter President Glenn Trowbridge at 702-501-4876 or email Glenn at [email protected]


The next meeting will be at 2:00 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of October in the Conference Room of the West Charleston Public Library.

It's A No: Amazon Warehouse Workers Vote Against Unionizing In Historic Election 04/09/2021

Sad that our country's workers don't comprehend it was through labor union efforts that we gained protections, benefits and pensions that conservative organizations are trying to strip away now...

It's A No: Amazon Warehouse Workers Vote Against Unionizing In Historic Election Amazon avoided the prospect of a first unionized warehouse in America, where it's now the second-largest private employer. The vote in Alabama had prompted new interest in unions across the country.


Our chapter isn't meeting during this ongoing Covid pandemic, but actions are being taken in Carson City to safeguard our retirement benefits that you should know about...

It’s day 4 for the 81st Session of the Nevada State Legislature. The day saw formal presentations made by Tina Leiss & Steve Edmundson from the Nevada Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) & Laura Rich from the Nevada Public Employees’ Benefits Program (PEBP) before the Assembly Government Affairs Committee. These presentations are given to educate legislators, especially new legislators, on the intricacies of both agencies that all public employees depend on! Budget hearings for both agencies are expected in a week before the joint money committees (Assembly Ways & Means and Senate Finance). Rich answered numerous concerns during Thursday’s hearing about PEBP’s recent budget cuts eliminating Long Term Disability for participants in PEBP as well as reductions in Life Insurance and Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA’s) cuts from $13/mo per years of service (YOS) to $11/mo per YOS something Medicare retirees can ill afford on a fixed income. RPEN has made our thoughts known in public comment through our Legislative Advocate Marlene Lockard that we oppose these cuts. In other legislative news the Senate had a new member sworn in Thursday during their Floor Session. Fabian Donate was appointed by the Clark County Commission Tuesday to fill a vacancy left in SD 10, formerly held by Yvanna Cancela who left recently for a position in President Biden’s administration. The Assembly on Monday will also swear in a new member after Clark Co. also appointed Tracy Marie Brown-May who’ll replace Assemblyman Alexander Assefa. We’ve included a photo with this post of Senator Donate as he was sworn in today during the virtual Senate Floor Session.


We will not be meeting until further notice due to continued Covid-19 case count concerns. Please stay tuned...


Mary Lou Boxx shared:


After considering five different plan options the PEBP Board voted 7-2 to approve Option 3 for Plan Year 2021 Rates (effective July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021). Those voting in favor of Option 3 were Don Baily, Linda Fox, Heather Korbulic, Dr. Marsha Urban, Jet Mitchell, David Smith and Tom Verducci with Board Chair Laura Freed and Leah Lamborn voting against it.

This action followed a five hour meeting held March 31. Both meetings were conducted telephonically in light of the Coronavirus Pandemic and Social Distancing put in place nationwide including Nevada at the recommendation of Governor Sisolak until at least April 30.

Option 3 was recommended as the best alternative by PEBP’s advocacy groups, including RPEN. Option 3 re-tiers the rates to equalize the Consumer Driven High Deductible Plan (CDHP) and the Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) and Health Maintenance Option (HMO) for State Active Employee premium percent increases by tier. Retiree rates in Plan Year 2021 are increasing over the current year by 15-16% once premiums/contributions are factored in. Kent Ervin, from the Nevada Faculty Alliance suggested in public comment Option 3 offered to make something bad, a little better and Marlene Lockard, RPEN’s Legislative Advocate, testified during the teleconference that we understand the action to raise rates was difficult but Option 3 was the one RPEN could support. PEBP Board Member Bailey, a former President of the Sparks Chapter of RPEN, voted in favor of Option 3, while Leah Lamborn, (who is the 2nd retiree representative on the Board along with Bailey), voted against it, favoring instead Option 2.

Prior to the vote near the end of the meeting, PEBP Executive Officer Laura Rich reiterated that excess reserves are likely to be gone this year, related in part to the many unknowns from the Coronavirus Pandemic. Since the Medicare retirees were moved out of PEBP several years ago, the agency has experienced double digit reserves in the millions with some of that money used to keep rates artificially low and now rates have nowhere to go but up. In addition, because of a fiscal crisis ahead for the state because of the shutdown of big and small businesses statewide, the Governor has told all state agencies to look at cutting their budgets from 6-14 % across the board, PEBP included. Rich, when asked by Bailey, said they don’t know the numbers PEBP will need to look at cutting, but said it will be significant. She also added that there may be another special PEBP Board meeting needed to discuss the cuts. PEBP Board Chair Laura Freed said PEBP is included in the cuts because PEBP is an internal fund agency.

Submitted by: Terri Laird, Executive Director, RPEN"



“TEXT” From Governor Sisolak:

Non-essential services such as beauty shops, barber shops, and nail, tanning, and waxing salons should close until further notice.

Only essential businesses should remain open such as, pharmacies, grocery stores, drug and convenience stores, banks and financial institutions, hardware stores, and gas stations. I am asking grocery stores consider special hours for the vulnerable populations.

All gatherings should be postponed or canceled.

This is not the time for sleepovers, playdates, concerts, theater outings, or athletic events. Although you may not be experiencing symptoms at this time, you may be contagious. Do not risk your own heath or the health of others.

Many of you will not be in your office or at work over the next few weeks. This is not a vacation and it’s not the time to catch up with friends. It’s definitely not the time to go to the movies. Every social contact increases your risk of exposure. The bigger the group, the higher your risk.

This means that you should stay away from auditoriums, stadiums, arenas, large conference rooms, meeting halls, and cafeterias.

I know in times of stress, many of you seek the release that comes from exercise. But this is not the time for you to be in a gym, healthclub, or fitness center. Until the risk goes away, find other ways to exercise such as home workouts, hikes, or other outdoor activities. But as you do so, remember to maintain social distancing from others doing the same.

Some events are unavoidable. We still want you to experience the joy of weddings, but this is not the time to bring your friends together -- especially if this will require travel. Consider postponing the celebration to a time when the risk is low or eliminated.

For my friends making preparations to say goodbye to loved ones, please limit the attendance at funeral services. Consider outdoor services where the risk of exposure is less than inside.

This is only common sense. In a time where people are getting sick from simply being near others, this is not the time for gyms to remain open. This is not the time for casinos to remain open.

This is not a time for community recreation centers, clubhouses, movie theaters and malls to remain open.

If your business brings groups of people together, it should not be open.

Although I cannot and will not say that places of worship should be closed, I strongly urge our faith leaders to find ways to deliver to your congregation without bringing them together in person.

Charitable food distribution sites, including the meals being distributed to our students in wake of the school closings, along with grocery stores should remain fully open and operational.

Food services for healthcare facilities and other essential facilities should remain open.

Any buffet or food stations used in charitable food distribution settings should transition to boxed meals or served through gloved staff members or volunteers.

Restaurants throughout Nevada, in addition to pubs, wineries, bars, and breweries that include meals provided by a full kitchen should be reduced to serving food only in a drive-thru, take-out or delivery capacity.

No dine-in at food establishments should be allowed until further notice.

This also includes food courts, coffee shops, catered events, clubs, bowling alleys, and other similar venues in which people congregate for the consumption of food or beverages.

Pubs, wineries, bars, and breweries that do not include meals provided by a full kitchen must close.
- Gov. Steve Sisolak


Due to CDC advice to social distance ourselves and avoid gatherings of 10 or more, our April meeting has been cancelled.


3/11 - 2 pm:
State RPEN President, Ruth Kilmer, visited us!


There’s a special meeting Tuesday March 3 at 8:30 a.m. if the Public Employees’ Benefits Program (PEBP) Board to consider 3 candidates seeking to become the agency’s next Executive Officer replacing Damon Haycock who left the job as of January 1.
Candidates include Interim Executive Officer Laura Rich, PEBP’s former Operations Officer. Also bring considered is Michael Lynch who brings 12+years of experience, notably as CEO of one of Nevada’s largest trade organizations including the operation of Nevada’s largest association health benefit program. The third candidate is Robert Nellis who mentions in his resume over 16 years of State of Nevada experience.
Rich arrived at PEBP in 2015, the same time as Haycock and the two also worked together before that at the Silver State Insurance Exchange.
The meeting will be held in Room 3138 of the State Legislative Building in Carson City and video-conferences to Room 4401 of the Grant Sawyer State Office Building in Las Vegas.


At our next meeting on Feb 12th at 2pm at Angel Park our guest speaker will be Darrlyn Barnstell from the Better Business Bureau.

Photos from RPEN Summerlin Chapter's post 02/02/2020

On January 31st, Summerlin (SU) Chapter proudly hosted the first Southern Nevada regional Officers' and Delegates' (O&D) RPEN business meeting of 2020.
(Twenty-one attended of ~33 persons invited by State Office.)

NOTE: The following unofficial meeting observations are informational only, and prompted by critical feedback that RPEN FB sites are being under-utilized for dissiminating news to members. It reflects one contributor's personal perceptions of what was said, and may therefore contain accidental errors! The hope is simply to better inform active followers of this SU Chapter FB page in a timely manner, in lieu of costly printing and postage involved with paper newsletter preparation and distribution historically undertaken by other RPEN chapters statewide. It is NOT intended to replace official printed meeting minutes that will be available for review/approval by attendees at the next meeting! *********************

State ED, Terri Laird, presided.
Minutes of the last O&D meeting, hosted by the Boulder City Chapter on 10/11/19, were distributed and approved.

Laird shared recent PERS/PEBP developments. Members may view the next meeting from home at the Legislative website at 1:30 pm on Wednesday, February 5th - OR - attend the video conference at the Grant Sawyer Office Building. (Laird's meeting notes are reprinted for distribution to SU Chapter meeting attendees.)

RPEN's new State Vice President, appointed via teleconference of Executive Board members in December, was announced as immediate past Fernley Chapter President, Leon Borden.

Per Laird, our Legislative Advocate, Marlene Lockard, continually monitors proposed legislative activity for bills that affect our interests. Lockard promotes retiree health benefits, especially via proposed reductions in premiums/co-pays for those members who had their benefits reduced several years ago through NV State Legislative action. RPEN is pushing for an outside audit of resultant controversial annually-announced high fund reserves we'd like to see benefit negatively affected members...

RPEN will conduct interviews of successful primary political candidates in northern NV and in southern NV at the "Ag Center" in August. (Details TBD.) There exists the opportunity for members to attend or even participate in that process if interested! The goal is advising membership on candidates who respond to our invitation to engage with public employees to learn about our special needs. Thru Spring, chapter presidents may also receive requests from candidates to address chapter members very briefly at meetings. (Presidents were advised we are NOT obligated to solicit attendance by opposing party candidates as they will all have been fairly notified of this opportunity to speak to RPEN chapter members at meetings.)

Members were again advised to expect to receive an audit letter requiring prompt return of notarized proof of their continued eligibility for PERS pension funds. Any related questions should be asked of PERS. (Our RPEN staff at (775) 882-7832 has direct PERS phone contacts they'll share!) As a result of this ongoing State-mandated audit process, a few members may realize a nice one-time check, plus upward adjustment of their monthly benefits going forward, IF they are determined to have been undercompensated on past pension checks. (Any identified cases of overcompensation could also result in minor future adjustments to benefits - NOT by a repayment collection process!)

Laird summarized upcoming statewide membership promotional events; and will explore member recruitment and retention strategies in use by consolidated retired public employee groups in Washington State - for potential adoption by RPEN. Also, State RPEN office staff has already taken over the tedious data matching of recently available quarterly lists of newly retired public employee names from PERS with address data, to continue membership recruitment mail efforts begun by outgoing State President, Bernard Paolini. (Thanks Bernie!) After his initial volunteer effort, a jump of 40 new membership applications was already a pleasant surprise to State staff this month, and will hopefully mark the beginning of upward growth trends - rather than the constant membership decline noted since RPEN stopped receiving new retiree identities (around 2011) - due to privacy concerns. In the interim, RPEN membership has declined from a high of almost 10,000 to less than 8,000. We continue to slowly add members, but not at a sufficient rate to replace losses due to "aging out" of PERS!

Finance/Operations staff member, Kerry Armanasco, briefly stated she will resume interrupted report creation efforts on a potential reallignment of membership's chapter affiliations by looking at members' current residence mailing zipcodes. This could potentially suggest a more equitable assignment of members (and voting Delegates?) to viable chapters located nearest to members throughout the State. (More to come on this idea, hopefully!)

Discussion of several, if not all RPEN chapters' difficult challenges of providing relevant educational speaker programs, despite declining meeting attendance, plus the ongoing struggle to fill vacant voluntary officer positions (i.e.; member apathy), preceded several innovative suggestions by Bylaws Chair, Hal Keaton! Fewer active members result in fewer individuals to coordinate chapter activities, resulting in burnout and several current threatened chapter closures. Consequently, Keaton's ideas included potential restructuring of RPEN by combining struggling small geographically adjacent chapters, rethinking chapter meeting formats and frequencies, and reducing slated officer mandates. Bylaws amendment solicitation notices will be sent this week for May 1st deadline submission. This schedule will facilitate review prior to July O&D action.

A Fiscal subcommittee recently appointed by new State President, Ruth Kilmer, is tasked with recommending necessary revision to our staff (2 FTE's) health plan contract by July, for August Board of Directors' action.

Las Vegas Chapter was asked to host the next southern region O&D meeting on Friday, July 24th.

Please let me know if this level of detailed info is useful to you!
And as always, should you feel compelled to become more RPEN-involved, opportunities abound!

Hope Arrington
SU Chapter President &
Acting Secretary
[email protected]


Upcoming speakers for Summerlin:

Wednesday, February 12th - 2pm
Darrlyn Barnstell
Better Business Bureau

March 11th - 2pm
Robert Jorgensen
Nevada Legal Documents

Stay tuned for more speakers!!

Come early and enjoy lunch (on your own) before these speaker programs in the restaurant conveniently located next to our meeting room at Angel Park Golf Course.


A perk of serving as an officer for RPEN (Representing/Retired Public Employees of Nevada) is the travel opportunities. The snow-covered mountain views on the ride between Reno and Carson City today were beautiful!


Coming to the November 13th, 2019 RPEN Summerlin Chapter meeting on Wednesday at 2pm: guest speaker on "Nevada Lock Box"


Today's Summerlin Chapter RPEN meeting topic is "Elder Rights." Retired public employees are invited - 2 pm at Angel Park - Nino's

Retire at 55 and live to 80; work till you're 65 and die at 67. Startling new data shows how work pounds older bodies. - BizNews.com 09/28/2019

Retire at 55 and live to 80; work till you're 65 and die at 67. Startling new data shows how work pounds older bodies. - BizNews.com Here’s a very sobering piece from Alec Riddle who looks at the relationship between how long you work and how long you’re likely to enjoy your retirement.

Photos from RPEN Summerlin Chapter's post 09/20/2019

The final day's breakfast meeting of the 2019 RPEN Annual Convention was filled with several traditional activities:


The multitaskers of Summerlin Chapter: The Veep/Program Chair Lonnie, Pres/Secretary/FB Page Admin Hope & Delegate/Membership Chair Barb -- together again! (Unfortunately, Treasurer Fred had an unexpected health issue to deal with.)

Photos from RPEN Summerlin Chapter's post 09/20/2019

The 2019 RPEN Convention Awards Banquet concluded with presentation of an impressive Lifetime Achievement Award to a favorite couple, Doris and Jimmy Green of the Boulder City Chapter.

Photos from RPEN Summerlin Chapter's post 09/20/2019

What would the 2019 Convention's Awards Banquet be without awards? Two Pat Fladager Special Recognition Awards were presented to persons who have contributed much to their chapters, Therese Campbell of LV Chapter and Carolina of the Washoe Chapter, were awarded by PF Committee Chair, Pat Keough. A 3rd Pat Fladager award will be presented at a chapter meeting to another hard working member who wasn't able to attend this Convention.

Photos from RPEN Summerlin Chapter's post 09/20/2019

The RPEN Convention Awards Dinner began as just one more meal together...

Photos from RPEN Summerlin Chapter's post 09/19/2019

Today at the conclusion of the now traditional Legislative Panel Session, our Legislative Advocate, Marlene Lockard, recognized the work & ethics of the Legislators who've recently championed RPEN interests: Senator Joyce Woodhouse, Senator Julia Ratti, Senator Marilyn Dondero Loop, Senator David Parks & Assemblywoman Danielle Monroe- Moreno.

Photos from RPEN Summerlin Chapter's post 09/19/2019

A murder mystery with our dinner was a fun way to end this long Annual Convention workday!

Photos from RPEN Summerlin Chapter's post 09/18/2019

Views from the Annual Convention taking place at the Fiesta Hotel in Henderson


The RPEN Annual Convention is taking place at the Fiesta Hotel this week. Both Wednesday's workshops & Thursday's business programs begin at 8:00 am. Registrstion opens at 7:00 am both days. All dues paying members may attend. (Meals not included as they had to be paid for in advance.)


We meet next at 2:00 pm this Wednesday (9/11/19) at Angel Park Country Club.


SUMMERLIN: The SU chapter meets the 2nd Wednesday each month except June, July, August & December at 2:00 p.m. at Angel Park Golf Clubhouse 100 S. Rampart Blvd. The chapter meets again March 13 when the speaker will be Carol Chapman, President of the Foundation Assisting Seniors. For more contact Chapter President Hope Arrington at 702-375-4702, email [email protected]


SUMMERLIN: The SU chapter meets the 2nd Wednesday each month except July, August & December at 2:00 p.m. at Angel Park Golf Clubhouse 100 S. Rampart Blvd. The chapter meets February 13 and the speaker will be Jet Mitchell a CCSN Instructor and Cancer Survivor. For more contact Chapter President Hope Arrington at 702-375-4702, email [email protected]

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