Dr. Chris Brown

Welcome to my space! Please read my pinned post as 101 characters is really not a lot. Talk soon!


“How well has your life force been flowing?”…

Is a question I ought to ask my patients more often. Even as a reflective one to myself too.

It’s easy to get strapped up in the weekly flow of work, navigating sports schedules with kids and trying to keep the yard clean while planning out a vacation.

What’s difficult is taking that step back and giving yourself a grade. You could do it on the macro and go overall. Maybe categorize it with physical, emotional, relational, familial, financial.

Categorize it, grade it and identify the interferences.

Then go to work on removing the interferences. Or surrounding yourself with the people that can help.

So I’ll ask again:

“How well has your life force been flowing?”


Coffee might be the thing thats causing your brain fog. Coffee is the thing thats decreasing, not enhancing blood flow to your brain...

I was talking with a recent new patient Monday about sleep, difficulty falling asleep and waking up with brain fog. After diving into some habits, I uncovered something.

She drinks coffee first thing in the morning, as soon as she wakes up. Then maybe considers water after that.

Just switch the two. Water first (maybe sprinkle some electrolytes in there) and wait 90 minutes for caffeine.

Your brain needs salt and water to fire on all cylinders. Coffee just spikes your stress hormones to get you all gassed up. Hello adrenal burnout. And we wonder why were all stressed all the time

Fill that Hydroflask up. Say Good Morning to Morning Aqua and Bye Bye to Long Lasting Brain Fog


The Nutritional Edge is Back!

Tomorrow we are embarking on the fascinating intersection of nutrition and Alzheimer's disease in our latest live show, The Nutritional Edge. Hosted by by myself and dietician Nathan Slinkard, we are diving deep into how dietary choices can impact brain health and potentially reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Tomorrow's insightful discussion will cover neurology, nutrition science, and psychology, offering practical advice and up to date research findings. Discover the latest studies on nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E, and their role in preserving cognitive function and supporting brain health.

Explore the link between lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and sleep, and their influence on brain aging and Alzheimer's risk. Learn about innovative dietary strategies and meal plans designed to promote brain health throughout life, from childhood to old age.


Migraines, migraines migraines! Todays topic is the role inflammation plays in migraines especially how unique each food is in its role for causing flare ups per each individual. It will be a great talk and we are excited to learn from each other this week!

Nutritional Edge begins to day at noon!


I’m starting to take care of a lot of stay at home moms.

And what’s interesting is how stressed out they’ve been.

They all seem to prioritize their husband and kids yet put themselves on the back burner. Neglect exercising or eating well or sleeping good. Their own needs really.

It’s seeming like that’s catching up to them quicker than it should. And then it starts to snowball into their relationships, enjoyment, fulfillment. Burn out comes quick.

Luckily for me, I’ve gotten to see my mom swim three times a week, not allow soda or Fruit Loops in the house, and journal everyday.

So here’s a cool pic of my mom in Venice at sunset. And if you’re dealing with burn out, I know some resources that can help ☀️


I got a big time stat for you. I just googled the average cost of migraine care, and Google said $8,500 to $9,500 per year.

I don't know about you but that made my jaw drop wide open.

$8,500 to $9,500 a year! I could afford a small yacht off the Caribbean with that kind of money. Imagine paying that for 10 straight years. Yeesh.

The unfortunate thing is there are 39 million Americans suffering from migraines currently.

If you also notice, Google states "migraines are a neurological condition that can cause intense throbbing pain that can debilitate someones health and well-being".

Good thing we're doctors of the nervous system at The Specific. And we have a functional nervous system test that shows us that exact issue.

We're here to help. Physically, mentally, financially even. Just give us a call. 501-420-2815

(and don't forget about the steak dinner offer)


Just got asked “What’s the biggest thing you wish people understood about your work?”

Phew. I’ll keep this concise.

If your brain isn’t properly communicating with your body, your body can’t heal/recover/regenerate properly and chronic health issues will start popping up at some point in your future.

Might be 30 years from now. Might be 10 years from now. Symptoms don’t pop up until 80% of body function is gone.

And 91% of humans have an underlying brain/body communication issue and don’t even know about it.

I might have to write a book about this one day 🤷‍♂️

The Metrics That Matter Most For Longevity - Dr Peter Attia 06/06/2024

Just recommended this podcast to those who tuned in on our After Hours Show (we talked about strength stability training, HIIT, Zone 2 training, VO2 max). Excellent watch below, it’s very eye opening

Chris Williamson x Peter Attia, longevity expert on Modern Wisdom

The Metrics That Matter Most For Longevity - Dr Peter Attia Dr Peter Attia is a physician, longevity expert, podcaster and an author.Working out what to actually do if we want to maximise our health and lifespan has b...


I got a unique proposal regarding Sullivan’s, a medium rare steak and myself. If your curious, just let me know 👍

Dr. Mindy Pelz 05/15/2024

For a lot of women out there dealing with health issues revolving autoimmune conditions, hormones, cycle, food, mood and energy, check out Dr. Mindy Pelz and her book “Fast Like a Girl”

Here’s her YouTube 👍

Dr. Mindy Pelz Dr. Mindy Pelz is a world-renowned women's health expert on a mission to Empower women to Believe in their Bodies! Her high-profile clients include entertainer LeAnn Rimes, former race car driver Danica Patrick and popular influencer Jesse Itzler. She is a bestselling author of Fast Like a Girl (top...


What are our two big goals when meeting you for the first time?

A) Are we confident that we can get results when it comes to your health?
😎 Are we a good fit for each other?

When it comes to part A, we are able to make that conclusion following a functional nervous system scan which gives us data on whether or not there is an underlying neurologic issue preventing your body from healing.

When it comes to part B, we treat our people as humans first. You are not another number on a computer system. We meet you where you are at and walk alongside you as you accelerate towards that future version of you that you continue to envision.

Here’s our website inquiry form



A) Do you believe the body can heal itself?

Correct Answer: Yes

B: Does that healing mechanism ever go away?
Correct Answer: No

Context: I just wrapped up care with a 72 y/o woman dealing with migraines, palpitations, lower leg swelling, nasusa/vomiting, anxiety and depression since college in the 1970s.

Over 7 months of care, she a) has not experienced any of that since December, b) started playing pickle ball in February c) began lifting weights at 5:30am d) now plays 3-6 games of pickle ball 3 days per week and e) reports “more energy, better mood, very happy”.

Coolest part is I didn’t do the work. Her body did, her brain did, her nervous system did.

Healing doesn’t happen from getting adjusted, it happens from holding your adjustment. She got adjusted 8 times over the course of 7 months (28 weeks). And the adjustment doesn’t cause the healing, it allows the healing mechanism that never goes away to flow like it’s always been able to


This week will feature Nathan Slinkard, RD and Kristi Jones, a Certified Functional Family Medicine practitioner at Synolo Wellness in Little Rock, Arkansas. Nathan and Kristi will break down how nutrition medicine, and supplements should be addressed to improve quality of life and manage chronic disease.

After Hours LIVE with the Docs of the Specific 02/22/2024

$100 Lulu Lemon Giveaway in 15 mins! Hop on!

After Hours LIVE with the Docs of the Specific --- $100 LuLuLemon Gift Card Giveaway --- - The Topics Will Be So Good We're Not Even Divulging 'em Ahead of Time- Join us EVERY Wednesday at 6:30 PM!!P.S. O...


I did a 6 week re-eval yesterday with that was purely humbling.

Here’s what she’d been dealing with… 👇

1. Migraines since 1996 (prior one lasted 546 days) described as constant, severe, sharp, burning, dizzy-ing, nauseating
2. Lupus since 2011
3. 9/10 burning neck pain
4. 9/10 burning low back pain
5. Anemia
6. Arthritis
7. Chronic Fatigue
8. Fibromyalgia
9. Rheumatoid Arthritis
10. Fevers/Chills/Sweats
11. Allergies
12. Bleeding/Bruising
13. Malaise/Fatigue/Weakness
14. Heat/Cold Intolerance
15. Visual Problems
16. Pain in Eyes
17. Ringing in ears/dizziness
18. Ear pain
19. Sinusitis
20. Nausea/Vomiting
21. Cough
22. Wheezing/Asthma
23. Pneumonia/Lung Infection
24. Shortness of Breath
25. Palpitations
26. Unusual Weakness
27. Joint stiffness
28. Joint pain
29. Joint swelling
30. Muscle weakness

She had to take Hydrozychloroquine BID, Triease PRN, Valtrex QD, Tramadol PRN, Steroids PRN/QD, Aspirin, Emgalify shots monthly, Ubrelvy PRN.

In 2023, she had to take 5 months off work cause of nauseating migraines and couldn’t be with her grandchildren due to sound intolerance.

6 weeks, 13 visits, 1 bone, 4 adjustments later, here’s where she’s at…

1. Infrequent low grade headaches lasting no longer than 5 seconds
2. 2/10 aching neck pain
3. 2/10 aching low back pain
4. Intermittent palpitations
5. 3 months worth of Emgalify shots sitting in her fridge unused.
6. Canceled Ubrevly prescription
7. Zero Tramadol use
8. Able to be with grandchildren daily
9. Hasn’t missed a day of work
10. Can be outside again

She reported “75-80% improvement if not more”. Neurologic scans objectively show around 60%.

A lot more room for improvement. Her body’s just doin what it’s been able to do all along.



Heart Health Month is Upon Us!

So far, Nathan Slinkard and Dr. Chris have covered top foods to eat for heart health, why Omega 3's help with athersclerosis, how vegetables and fruits purify blood, how our breath can lower blood pressure and how the top bone of the neck causes palpitations.

Another excellent episode is on deck this week at noon! Streaming on Facebook and Youtube.

#18 Connecting Within - Eve Geigger 02/12/2024

Connecting Within featuring Eve Geiggar just dropped today on Happier Healthier Arkansas

Eve is a Women’s Empowerment coach helping guide women towards operating at their full capacity and highest potential with Made to Manifest. Incredible episode, better human

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/jFd8dtOOQzM?si=ldkXKDAmrBGEjB1F

Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5Vs1jtrYH697HyZGf7RIQ4?si=lscX750iRLCw1c52S0ZnDg

#18 Connecting Within - Eve Geigger In this episode of "Happier Healthier Arkansas," your hosts, Dr. Cam and Dr. Chris from The Specific Chiropractic Centers, are on a mission to move the needl...

Walks With Friends - The Specific Chiropractic Centers 02/12/2024

Group walk Saturday at Two Rivers Park Bridge, if you want to receive email/text reminders for it, thats all below!

Open to anyone and everyone, elderly, kid, doggo, cat on a leash friendly 🤙

Walks With Friends - The Specific Chiropractic Centers NOT FACEBOOK™: This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.


Just wrapped up care with someone dealing with toxic mold exposure.

Pretty intense symptoms she was enduring in 2023. Numbness/tingling in left arm from elbow to hand. Unexplained high blood pressure, neck soreness and tightness.

She once went to the hospital for it. They told her to drink a Gatorade.

Here were her other symptoms ⬇️
1) Lower back pain
2) Left hip pain
3) Bilateral calf numbness and tingling
4) Chronic fatigue
5) Brain Fog
6) Ringing in ear
7) Dizziness
8 Enlarged lymph nodes
9) Palpitations
10) Dizziness/Vertigo
11) Headaches
12 Unexplained shakiness/anxiousness

Today is 8 months later. Here’s what she has now ⬇️


Like Family 😊

P.S. (psssst) (get your nervous system checked. It’s probably why you’re still sick)


Protein Myth Busters! Nathan and Dr. Chris are back today for a full episode of The Nutritional Edge, going in on the impact underconsumption of protein has on our body's longevity, strength, endurance, sustainability and more. Tune in Thursday at noon to catch the show!


My oldest patient right now is 72 years old. She had been dealing with ocular migraines since 1971.

Dizziness, vision in right eye going in and out, nausea, vomiting, all that stuff. Since the 70s

Two weeks ago I ran into her at The Athletic Club at 5:30am.

I’m all like “What’s up, you’re getting after it early!”

She goes “Oh yeah, well I gotta get my weights and treadmill in before I take my grandson to school”

Today she comes in kindly bragging about how she dominated her pickle ball class Monday night (she watched YouTube tutorials).

72 years old. Lifting weights, crushing the pickle ball competition. No worries about dizziness, vision issues or head pain since starting care.

Just rippin treadmills and nasty backspins.

Too cool 🏓 👵


8 years of hip issues, zero help from physical therapy…aaaand Specific Chiropractic Care enters the chat


Just reminders 👇


Here’s a concept. It’s your Health House!

There’s a foundation, beams to hold up the roof, and the roof.

If the beams are weak, then the roof is gonna cave in. But if the foundation is cracked, then what good are the beams?

You see, there are 5 pieces: Function (🧠), Exercise (🚴‍♀️), Nourishment (🥗), Sleep (😴), Outlook/Perspective/Mental Health (🌞).

The roof is your mind. The beams are exercise, nourishment and sleep. These four you tend to daily at home. They’re within your control and your decisions.

Your function is your foundation which is your nervous system. If that’s functioning the way it’s supposed to, then the effort you put in for the other four will get integrated the way you hoped.

Core reason why we test nervous system function (or lack of) every patient visit.

Tend to your health house 🏠

Concept creds to Dr Chris Collins at The Specific Chattanooga!


Tune in as Registered Dietician Nathan Slinkard and Brain-Based Chiropractor Dr. Chris Brown break down the nuances, myths and nuggets nutrition has to offer.

Thursdays at 12pm! See you there!

Photos from Dr. Chris Brown 's post 01/15/2024

Recently finished a final re-eval.

This person was using a cane to get out of bed, struggling to go up and down the stairs all while taking care of her 90 year old parents and running a jewelry business where she’d hand make the jewelry.

This was her 12 months ago. 4 months later, she fell, hit her head and struggled through intense brain fog, “bone crushing” headaches, and upper neck pain”crunchiness”.

On top of that, she was having numbness down her right arm, swelling in calves, palpitations, fainting and lower back issues.

1 month later was her initial nervous system scans and first adjustment at The Specific Chiropractic Centers. Below are her very first pre and post scan.

7 months later is today. She is able to get out of bed with no thought or worry. She has fewer than 1 headache every 60 days. She noted improvements when walking, standing, working, lifting, less nervous, sleeping and alertness. She also said “no fear” when walking.

Favorite part? She said coming into The Specific “feels like home”.

If this sounds like someone you know, we are the best place for you. And your nervous system is what’s actually going to heal you.

Video coming 🔜


Flu season isn't all the way gone yet! There are plenty of family, friends and people out there who are riding the wave of COVID RSV, flu, strep throat and more. Tune in as we breakdown what the actual bullets for killing infections are, how our the food we eat has an impact and more importantly, what habits are we doing that suppress our immune system from firing on all cylinders.

Episodes are streamed Thursdays at noon, recorded on The Specific Chiropractic Centers AR, Dr. Chris Brown page and Nathan Slinkard Nutrition LLC page.


Torticollis for 4 months straight back when she was 16.

Now she’s 40 and this is what her life had turned to.

For those who don’t know what torticollis is, it’s a rare condition where the neck muscles seize up, spasm and keep the head locked turned one direction.

Her head was stuck looking right for 4 straight months. Basically had to walk sideways when she was 16.

Typically torticollis is a C2 rotational issue.

Guess what we saw on our motion x-rays? C2 not rotating left to right, basically torquing her brainstem, resulting in below and more.

Crazy thing is 91% of humans have a torque on their brainstem and do nothing about it. Might as well live with the light bulb dimmed at 30%.

Humbling to read stories like this below

Book Yourself Solid Challenge 01/05/2024

Sup friends! Black Diamond Club(BDC) is hosting a free live online Book Yourself Solid challenge, geared on business fundamentals, ideal client, target market, personal brand, money mindset and more. All our Specific Offices are part of BDC and we operate applying their systems. Highly suggest doing it, at the very minimum, check the link out.

Easily will be the best kick start to 2024 you could possibly ask for.

Book Yourself Solid Challenge FREE! Join The 5-Day 'Book Yourself Solid Challenge' Today Free! Shawn Dill & Lacey Book Will Show You How To Attract Your Ideal Clients Consistently Using The Book Yourself Solid System!

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Little Rock?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

The Nutritional Edge - Alzheimer's
The Nutritional Edge - Week 24
Stay-at-home moms, you’re the unsung heroes of our world. Your role is 24/7 with no breaks or time off. While we doctors...
We looked up the average cost of migraine care today.“Someone who requires treatment for chronic migraines can expect to...
Been enjoying hybrid training this year. Pick 3 exercises, do max reps each set, finish each set with a run out and back...
Bet you’ve never heard of a D.M.P. until today. Easiest way to make sure you’re hitting all your calories and nutrient g...
You only need to run three laps around the Coliseum to reach a mile
Got asked about IT band. Try this. Fascia from spine all the way down to heel will get stretched
Legs are critical to life. Especially being able to get up off the ground. Walking lunge to a house and back. You’ll get...
What are our two big goals when meeting you for the first time?A) Are we confident that we can get results when it comes...
When you think of mental health, what do you immediately think of?Anxiety, depression, burnout, irritability, emotional ...
Posture rib cage flow 🩻 👇 I do a lot of push ups and pull ups, which internally rotates my shoulders a ton.Also got hist...






8201 Ranch Boulevard Suite B-5
Little Rock, AR

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm

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