La Doula Vita

La Doula Vita

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A STOTT certified instructor, I teach a fun, challenging and mindful work out that will leave you stronger, happier and ready to take on the world.

As a former ballerina, my approach is rooted in biomechanics, and my sessions are designed to restore the body’s natural alignment, enhance the mind-body connection, and foster a sense of empowerment through movement.


“‘This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” – Rumi

Fun AND for my
always bringing the good quotes

Photos from La Doula Vita's post 08/16/2024

Hey friends! 🎉 About a year ago, I took a leap into something new, and today I’m excited to share that I’ve just completed my third trimester—about a year into my journey towards becoming a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (DAcCHM).

This path started with my own healing experience, and I never imagined the continued transformation I would undergo through the alchemy of studying this medicine. TCM weaves together my passion for the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit, creating a possibility where we are not just free from physical pain and illness but flourishing in every way.

The Year of the Yang Wood Dragon has really ignited some powerful shifts in my life, and I’m looking forward to seeing where this adventure takes me next. I am already starting to weave TCM concepts into my client’s sessions and I can’t wait until I can share this incredible medicine with you all! 🌱✨


Find your balance, then step up.


Pilates is for every-body, including puppy bodies (at least in spirit)!

This cute little inspector is making sure all the equipment is ready for today's private sessions. While downward-facing dog is more of Kona's style, Pilates is a workout that translates perfectly to your own human adventures. Improve your stamina for that weekend hike, and build long, lean muscles to keep up with your furry friend's boundless energy!


Pregnancy and parenthood are marathons, not sprints. Each stage brings new experiences, challenges, and changes. Typical prenatal preparation and the brief few-week window of postpartum care simply don't provide enough support for this demanding journey.

Many families feel this lack of support acutely, but it can also simply feel like a subtle desire for more nurturing during this time.

This is My Why...
Imagine having a doula by your side, not just for a few prenatal sessions, birth, and a few weeks postpartum, but as a constant source of support at least once weekly throughout your entire parenthood and life journey.

While the connection between movement and life can be profound, the benefits are clear: sessions offer the expertise of a doula and movement therapist to address the physical, emotional, and logistical hurdles that arise throughout life. We'll work on enhancing physical strength and health, building resilience, using movement as an educational tool to navigate challenges, and cultivating internal well-being.

Whether you're navigating fertility, embarking on pregnancy, embracing parenthood, or simply want that "doula" energy and care from your Pilates and yoga teacher, I'm here to provide the empathetic, nurturing, and informed support you deserve. My sessions are perfect for anyone who wants the benefits of working with a movement specialist with the added support of a doula and her wealth of knowledge.

Let's walk each other home on this incredible adventure.

Photos from La Doula Vita's post 07/09/2024

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” - Rumi


Common Question: How soon after birth can I start Pilates and yoga sessions? As a Pilates and Yoga instructor 🤝 doula, I understand the unique challenges of the postpartum period. While traditional guidelines and healthcare providers advise rest after birth, the reality is that caring for a newborn is physically demanding and can leave you feeling physically depleted.

That is why I have developed specially crafted Pilates and yoga sessions offer a safe and effective solution for new mothers whenever you are ready to return - be it 2 weeks or 2 years postpartum.

Sessions are designed to address common postpartum concerns like:

Shoulder Tension: Carrying and holding a baby for hours on end can lead to tension, rounded shoulders, and pain. Pilates exercises can gently stretch and open up the shoulders, improving posture and reducing discomfort.
Core Strength: After pregnancy, your core muscles need some TLC. Pilates focuses on gentle and effective exercises that help "reawaken" your deep core muscles, providing essential support for lifting, carrying, and all the activities that come with caring for your newborn. This improved core strength leads to better stability and can significantly reduce back pain.
Hip Strength: Pregnancy and birth can leave your hips feeling achy and unstable. Pilates and yoga offer gentle yet effective ways to regain hip strength and mobility. These practices target key muscles around the hips, promoting better alignment,increased flexibility, and reduced discomfort. Say goodbye to hip pain and hello to confident movement as you care for your little one
Mind-Body Connection: Postpartum recovery is not just physical. Pilates incorporates breathwork and mindfulness, offering a valuable opportunity for self-care and stress reduction.
My Postpartum Pilates Program:

Individualized Attention: Sessions are tailored to your specific needs and recovery timeline.
Gentle & Progressive: We begin with gentle, targeted exercises and gradually increase intensity as you feel stronger.
Focus on Control & Stability: Exercises prioritize core engagement and proper alignment, promoting optimal healing and injury prevention.
Prioritize Your Well-being: Pilates can be a powerful tool for supporting your physical and mental well-being during this transformative time.

Contact me today to discuss a personalized postpartum Pilates plan!


Ocean air, salty hair, don't care! There's something so calming about a post-workout hike with this view. Swapped the studio for the trails today, and this view is my reward. Some days are for pushing yourself, others are for getting lost in nature's embrace. This is my happy place.


Did you know that you can enhance your Qi through Pilates and yoga? 🌬️

These practices offer more than just physical benefits - they're powerful tools for harmonizing your body's energy. By mastering breath control, mindful movement, and alignment, you can unlock blocked energy pathways and promote a smoother circulation of Qi. Experience the holistic benefits of Pilates and yoga as they nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Elevate your well-being with every breath and stretch.


Lately, I've been focusing on incorporating yutori (pronounced yoo-toh-ri) into my life. This beautiful Japanese concept translates to "spaciousness" and is all about cultivating a sense of calmness, ease, and mental breathing room.

It's not just about leaving empty slots on your calendar; it's about intentionally creating space to breathe, de-stress, and simply be present in the moment. Think of your day as a yoga mat. You need enough space to move freely and find your center,right? Yutori is about creating that space on your metaphorical mat.

In my practice, this means:
👉🏼 Starting mornings with a few minutes of meditation, mindful movement, and breathwork to clear my head before diving in.
👉🏼 Planning "micro-breaks" throughout the day. Even 5 minutes of quiet journaling or stepping outside for fresh air and ☀️ can make a big difference.
👉🏼 Prioritizing commitments that nourish me and saying no to those that drain my energy.
👉🏼 By incorporating pockets of yutori throughout my day, I feel more present, both in my pilates practice and personal life.

What are your tips for creating space in your day? Share them in the comments below!


Pilates + Weights = The Power Couple.
Deepen your Pilates practice and awaken your inner strength! Integrating free weights into your Pilates session isn't just about aesthetics; it's a holistic approach to well-being.

Here's why:
✨ Empower Your Body: Weights encourage lean muscle growth, which naturally supports healthy metabolism and a strong, toned physique. This translates to a more vibrant you, both physically and mentally.

🏋🏼‍♀️ Nurture Your Bones: Weight training is a powerful ally for bone health. Stronger bones provide a foundation for stability and movement, promoting a sense of groundedness and confidence.
Activate Your Core: The Pilates chair's gentle resistance provides the perfect platform to further engage your core muscles. This translates to better control and stability throughout your entire body, allowing you to move with greater efficiency and ease.

💡 One of my life joys is to craft unique Pilates sessions that incorporate weights, tailored to your individual needs & goals. Whether you seek enhanced strength, improved flexibility, or a deeper connection with your body, I can curate sessions that guide you on a journey towards holistic well-being.

Let's connect and discuss how incorporating weights into your Pilates practice can unlock your full potential. Together, we can create a program that empowers you to move with grace, strength, and confidence.


Ever wonder what your Pilates instructor gets up to between sessions? I'll give you a sneak peek: it involves a whole lot of movement and pure joy!

Pilates isn't just my job, it's a practice I deeply cherish. Just like you, I crave that feeling of strength and focus a good session brings.

Nurturing my own routine helps me stay centered and strong, which translates to being even more present and supportive for YOU during our sessions.

Refilling my cup – something I practice and preach! – By strengthening myself through practice, I can better support YOU as you reach for your goals. It's a continuous flow of giving and receiving that keeps us both moving forward.

Here's a quick peek into my personal practice between sessions – keeping the energy flowing and that Pilates goodness alive! These short bursts of movement fuel my passion for teaching and keep me excited to share the Pilates love with all of you!

Photos from La Doula Vita's post 05/25/2024

"Of course you stole the baby!" One of my oldest friends responded when I sent him these pics with my family from a recent Houston visit to celebrate my brother's graduation. 💕 My friends know me so well... I'm that friend who swoops in for baby snuggles whenever possible. 😄

Speaking of little ones, did you know you can bring yours with you to your Pilates session!?!

If childcare's been a struggle, don't worry! Bring your little one along! I've got some serious baby whispering skills (or so I'm told 😜), and I'm more than happy to keep your bebe entertained while guiding your session.

PS: The only thing that was truly stolen that weekend was my heart 😜 My niece and nephew are soooooo much fun!

PPS: Classic TX, serving up some Texas shaped waffles



In the journey of life, we all face moments of transition, recovery, and growth. Pilates offers a sanctuary where you can anchor yourself, feeling grounded and supported amidst the winds of change.

Whether you're starting a new chapter, healing from an injury, or navigating the ebbs and flows of life's shifts, Pilates becomes your steadfast companion.

It's not just about physical strength; it's about an opportunity to reconnect with your inner resilience and redefine strength on your own terms. With each breath, each movement, you reclaim ownership of your body and your journey. 💫

Photos from La Doula Vita's post 05/12/2024

Words seem to dance away whenever I try to describe what being a mother to Charlie means for me. The experience transcends words. There's a quiet magic to it, a connection that feels ancient and new at the same time. A literal heart expansion.

So today I offer for you my favorite poem about becoming a mother by someone who is much better with words than I, by one of my favorite authors, Irish poet, theologian, and philosopher: John O'Donohue

Nothing could have prepared
Your heart to open like this.

From beyond the skies and the stars
This echo arrived inside you
And started to pulse with life;
Each beat a tiny act of growth,
Traversing all our ancient shapes
On its way home to itself.
Once it began, you were no longer your own.
A new, more courageous you, offering itself
In a new way to a presence you can sense
But you have not seen or known.

It has made you feel alone
In a way you never knew before;
Everyone else sees only from the outside
What you feel and feed
With every fibre of your being.

Never have you travelled further inward
Where words and thoughts become half-light
Unable to reach the fund of brightness,
Strengthening inside the night of your womb.

Like some primeval moon,
Your soul brightens
The tides of essence
That flow to your child.

You know your life has changed forever,
For in all the days and years to come,
Distance will never be able to cut you off
From the one you now carry
For nine months under your heart.

May you be blessed with quiet confidence
That destiny will guide you and mind you.

May the emerging spirit of your child
Imbibe encouragement and joy
From the continuous music of your heart, so that it can grow with ease.
Expectant of wonder and welcome
When its form is fully filled.

And it makes its journey out
To see you and settle at last
Relieved, and glad in your arms.

Blessing for a Mother-to-Be
From Benedictus by John O’Donohue
(Bantam Press, London 2007: pp.72-73)

Happy Mothers Day


Whether you're pregnant or navigating the whirlwind of postpartum life, I've dedicated my life to walking alongside women throughout their entire child-bearing journey.

No one should journey alone, and as your Pilates Teacher + Doula, I'm here to empower you to embrace every change, trust your instincts, and shine bright with confidence.

Together, we celebrate each milestone along the way.
➕ Starting your fertility journey? I'm here to guide you.
➕ Just discovered you're pregnant? Let's prepare you for the miracle of labor.
➕ Recently welcomed a newborn? Let's nurture your postpartum body back to vitality.

From inception to fruition, consider me your steadfast friend and expert, always at your side. ❤️


🌟 Happy National Pilates Day! 🌟

Joseph Pilates famously said: "In 10 sessions, you'll feel the difference; in 20, you'll see the difference, and in 30, you'll have a whole new body." This transformation isn't just about aesthetics; it's about embracing change and rediscovering the strength within. Through mindful movement and focused breath, Pilates guides us to reach a greater potential within our bodies.

Each session is not only a step towards strengthening and stretching; it is also an opportunity to understand, appreciate, and celebrate the amazing capabilities of our bodies. It is a journey of transformation, adaptation, growth, and the creation of miracles. Yet, amidst the wonder, moments of uncertainty may arise as the familiar contours of our bodies shift during pregnancy and postpartum. Pilates offers a safe and effective way to navigate these changes, focusing on core engagement, controlled movements, and mindful breathing.

Whether preparing for parenthood, recovering from birth, caring for a child, or simply on a path of self-discovery, Pilates offers a powerful and inclusive method to reconnect with your changing body.

Embrace the beauty of your body's transformation! 🎉


Footwork on the chair isn't just a leg workout - it's a core challenge in disguise! Better yet: It's a core activation party brought to you by your leg muscles! 🥳

Say what!?

The engagement of the quads in footwork directly influences the activation of core muscles. This is because the body works synergistically, and when one muscle group is engaged, it stimulates the activation of other muscles for stability and support. In footwork on the chair, the leg muscles contract, which triggers a reflexive response in the deep core muscles, including the transverse abdominis, multifidus, and pelvic floor, to stabilize the pelvis and spine.

With each controlled movement, you're not just toning muscles; you're building a foundation of strength and stability that supports you through every twist, turn, and challenge life throws your way.

Pre & Postnatal Advantage: Footwork on the chair is a game-changer. It strengthens legs, maintains core strength during pregnancy, and aids postpartum recovery, addressing issues like diastasis recti and pelvic floor dysfunction. It's a core-activation party you won't want to miss!

So, while footwork on the chair primarily targets the legs, its ripple effect on the core muscles is profound... and that is the beauty of Pilates! 💪✨


My ideal Monday morning... Pilates + Coffee. 😉☕️


Finding balance between hard work and moments of zen is the ultimate life hack, both on and off the mat. 💪✨

Ready to unwind on an exercise ball? 🤰 Whether you're pregnant and yearning for lower-back relief or simply craving a feel-good moment, this is where it's at! And let me assure you, this moment isn't just for parents-to-be: lying on the exercise ball feels absolutely amazing for every body... because sometimes, we all deserve a little piece of heaven.

Just like in labor, where the key is to do the hard work during a contraction and then use the space in between to rest and find zen, life operates in much the same way. Pushing your boundaries during a workout, relishing in that satisfying burn, then surrendering to complete relaxation and rejuvenation—it's all vital.

Whether through Pilates, yoga, meditation, or simply taking a few deep breaths, finding your zen allows you to replenish and confront life with clarity and determination. Remember, it's not solely about the hustle; it's about discovering tranquility amidst the chaos.

Photos from La Doula Vita's post 04/23/2024

I'm incredibly blessed with the most wonderful clients. Recently, two of my clients surprised me with flowers and posted on their feeds how our pilates classes have impacted them.

It's moments like these that remind me why I do what I do – to make a difference, both physically and mentally.

But beyond the flowers and social media posts, it's the journey we embark on together that makes my heart so happy. It's not just about our time in the studio; it's about the people we're becoming beyond those walls.

Thank you for supporting me, La Doula Vita, and one another. ❤️


One of the things I adore most about our classes is how they bring us together as a community. We don't just come to sweat and move – we come to connect, to share stories, and to support one another through every twist and turn of this journey called motherhood. Because here, no Mama walks alone. 💗

Come be a part of something special. Come sweat, laugh, and grow with us.

Because together, we're stronger.
Together, we're unstoppable.



Life is all about balance, and when your client surprises you with WenDy's Donuts, you don't pass it up! 😉 🍩 I have the best clients!


True health starts from within, rooted in the fertile soil of the mind. As women, we carry the profound ability to cultivate vitality and resilience through mindful movement and nurturing self-care practices. means not only nurturing the mind, but nurturing the body.

Our prenatal Pilates sessions are more than just physical exercise—they're an invitation to embark on a transformative voyage of self-discovery and empowerment. With each breath and gentle stretch, you're not just strengthening your body for the miraculous journey of childbirth, but you're also fostering a deep connection between your mind, body, and growing baby. 💕

It's a sacred space where you can honor the incredible strength and wisdom within you, preparing yourself for the beautiful challenges and joys of motherhood ahead.


Doula 🤝 Pilates
A long overdue introduction... I'm Lauren!

To all the incredible mamas and mamas-to-be out there, I want you to know that I've walked the same path you're treading now, feeling the highs and the challenging lows of this journey (and I'm still on it, navigating parenthood with my sweet son).

Expanding my horizons, I found a deep passion for serving my clients beyond Pilates, venturing into doula work. Recognizing the critical significance of movement during pregnancy, I embraced this calling wholeheartedly

I've dedicated countless hours to gently guiding hips and breaths, offering support to numerous women as they navigate the whirlwind of birth and beyond.

My mission was born: to fuse together all my varied experiences and knowledge into sessions that go beyond mere exercise – they're transformative journeys.

While Pilates may occupy just one hour of your week, I'm not just here for a phase of your journey – I'm here for the whole adventure.

Fertility struggles, pregnancy concerns, postpartum blues, or riding the rollercoaster of parenthood, I'm here as your guiding light. ❤️


2024 I see youuuuuu 🙌🏼


Sending Love and Light to you from one of my favorite spots, my sweet little Pilates studio


Still here, even if I’m not still “here”

I’ve been enjoying being off social media the past few years but I’m still here IRL, still doing my thing…

Hope everyone is doing well!


Timeline photos 03/27/2021

There is no honor so great as being invited into such a sacred time as the birth of a child, mother, and family.

Thank you .g.w for inviting us in to be there with you and thank you for being the most amazing doula partner I could dream of.

I keep pinching myself... is this a dream ✨✨✨

.g.w with
It’s World Doula Week and I would be remiss if I did not recognize these two amazingly educated, loving, emotionally present, yogi loving, passionate women that have forever touched our lives. and - I am convinced that we were able to carry out our laminated birth plan 😂, as close as medically possible, because of your coaching, insight and support. COVID labor is no joke (switching between a face mask and oxygen mask while pushing is super hero 🦸‍♀️ status if I do say so myself), and I feel beyond blessed that we were able to have each of you present for the most pivotal moments of Jack’s 48 hour labor. From the 100s of text messages, to the recommendations for 2nd opinions, to the affirmations, to the hip squeezes, to the foot massages, postnatal physical and mental support and amazing photos...thank you x 1000 from the bottom of our hearts and souls. ❤️ 🙏🏼

Timeline photos 02/20/2021

Good news...

I will start writing my own posts again soon but for now here is a Repost and important update by

Your voice matters!!!

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Videos (show all)

Ever wonder what your Pilates instructor gets up to between sessions? I'll give you a sneak peek: it involves a whole lo...
One of the things I adore most about our classes is how they bring us together as a community. We don't just come to swe...
Amazing. Just amazing. #Repost @doctortribe with @make_repost・・・The start of a new life😍 EMBRYOGENESISHere’s a simulatio...
Patience is not passive, on the contrary, it is concentrated strength. -Bruce LeeThere are some times our babies need a ...
To all the beautiful and strong mamas who have Birth with their support on FaceTime, who couldn’t have their family and ...
If you can’t have fun... what is it all for!?And yes I am an obsessed “menace” about women’s health and reproduction and...
Anyone who has spent any time with me knows how true this one is!...Get a few glasses of wine in me... well, get out you...
Birth outside of the USWhat is it like? What are the birth practices? How does birth look? Are there as many inductions,...
Part 2 of 5:How can you encourage baby to turn head down if you are wanting to birth vaginally but your provider can onl...
Take a break from scrolling and move your body!This sequence that I filmed for is 12 minutes of fun for eve...



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