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ISBN #978-1-61638-146-2


By Terese Holloway

Inside God’s Dwelling Place
By Terese Holloway

I just want to hold You, Holy Spirit
Deep inside my heart and soul
Beyond the shadows where I’m fearless
Into the realm of purest gold!
For it’s IN this place I can breathe
Without worrying at all
Inside Your hidden grace where I can see
The joy and wonder of my God!
It’s here inside ‘this’ dwelling place
Life’s shadows are forced into the light
Where Love is held inside God’s Grace
Outside the darkness of the night!
Terese Holloway

John 14:26 (TPT)
When the Father sends the Spirit of
Holiness, the One like me who sets
you free, he will teach you all things
in my name. And he will inspire you
to remember every word that I have
told you.


By Terese Holloway

Just Breathe
By Terese Holloway

Thank You, Jesus, for the Breath Of Your Spirit
For the fragrance it brings into ‘my’ night
As You touch my heart and allow me to hear it
It the midst of YOUR voice inside of my Quiet!
Yes, I’m learning to BREATHE in Your presence
No matter what season of life I am in
Even when I am trapped inside a dark crevice
I seek YOUR light in every place that is dim!
I watch and I wait for Your purpose to reveal
The Promise That’s Alive Inside Me
I open my heart as my spirit stands still
I Take A Deep Breath AND Just Breathe!
Terese Holloway

Job 33:4 (ESV)
The Spirit of God has made me,and the
breath of the Almighty gives me life.


By Terese Holloway

‘Til Victory Comes
By Terese Holloway

Lord, You have brought me through the fire
You have tied Your anchor to my soul
You gave me strength when I was tired
And You pointed forth the way I was to go!
You have trained my hands for battle
And my fingers to bend a bow of bronze
You gave me strength when I was rattled
And You held me steady in Your arms!
You have always been my greatest strength
As I have stood upon this earthly battleground
You made me strong when I was weak
And You gave me grace when I was down!
So, today, I lift my sword to heaven’s light
Beyond the shadows of what I see and feel
Lord, I trust YOUR armor in this earthly fight
‘Til Victory Comes And Your Plan Is Fulfilled!
Terese Holloway

God’s Word Reminds Me
It is God ~ “who arms me with strength,
and makes my way perfect." (Psalm 18:32)

It Is God ~ “Who teaches my hands to make
war, so that my arms can bend a bow of
bronze." (Psalm 18:34)

It Is God ~ “Who is the LORD my Rock,
who trains my hands for war, and my
fingers for battle." (Psalm 144:1)


By Terese Holloway

By Terese Holloway

The Fullness Of God’s Overflow
By Terese Holloway

There Is An Overflow Of Blessings
When I choose to wait and SEE
Believing God NEVER keeps me guessing
Instead, He just hands me heaven’s keys!
And inside of what He’s lovingly creating
I see all HIS baskets FULL of Love
Streaming over heavens balcony
Until I have much more than enough!
So, I will ALWAYS trust HIM with my life
BEYOND the boundaries of my soul
As Heaven’s Window opens wide
And His Blessings IN Abundance Flow!
Terese Holloway

John 1:16 (TPT)
And from the overflow of his fullness
we receive grace heaped upon more


By Terese Holloway

A Mustard Seed Of Faith
By Terese Holloway

It only takes ‘faith’ the size of a mustard seed
To ‘truly’ believe God’s promise for the impossible
Beyond what this earthy mind of mine can see
Into miracles from Him that are always plausible!
So as I release my mustard seed of faith to Him
I expect to see with brand NEW eyes
Many miracles flowing over heaven’s brim
To come and bring to me Love’s Sweet Surprise!
And As HE directs my feet to ‘take a step’ today
I will NOT hesitate to simply just believe
Knowing there’s absolutely nothing in my way
To Stop The Plan God Has For ME!
Terese Holloway

Mark 9:23 (TPT)
Jesus said to him, “What do you mean ‘if’?
If you are able to believe, all things are
possible to the believer.”


By Terese Holloway

Winning The Victor’s Crown
By Terese Holloway

God has given me Grace To Finish ‘My’ Race
HE has laid out the pathway before me
When I ‘want’ to quit’ I just ‘pick up the pace’
And I keep going even WHEN I can’t see!
HE breathes in the sweetness upon my life’s run
When I become weary, famished, and tired
He extends HIS strength to help me go on
Even when I feel like my time has expired!
I now see the ‘finish line’ laid out before me
So I keep my eyes centered upon the prize
I continue to run the race in HIS strength
Holding on to HIS promise INSIDE!
You see, I cannot give up in the race I run
For My Father’s Heart Is Cheering Me On
I know, I MUST finish WHAT I’ve begun
By Staying The Course ‘Til MY Race IS Won!
Terese Holloway

1 Corinthians 9:25 (TPT)
A true athlete will be disciplined in every
respect, practicing constant self -control
in order to win a laurel wreath that quickly
withers. But we run our race to win a
victor’s crown that will last forever.


By Terese Holloway

A ‘Jesus’ Hug Of Love
By Terese Holloway

Oh Child, How tender is MY love for you
How wonderful its glistening glow
You will always be the treasure I pursue
It’s Here Within MY Arms True Love Unfolds!
Oh, if only you could truly understand
The depths that I would surely go
To cover you inside My loving hands
And give you ALL the treasures that I hold!
But for now, I wrap My arms around you
Bringing peace as a kiss upon your soul
With Love’s Sweet Touch To Draw You Close
Into My Grace To Walk Upon Life’s Road!
May you ‘feel’ MY arms wrapped around you
Locked Inside Love’s Forever Sweet Embrace
Where ‘My Tender Love’ keeps its eyes on you
Inside MY ‘Hug Of Love’ That Keeps You Safe!
Terese Holloway

Psalm 62:7 (TPT)
God’s glory is all around me! His wraparound
presence is all I need, for the Lord is my Savior,
my hero, and my life-giving strength.


By Terese Holloway

Beyond The Shoreline Of The Soul
By Terese Holloway

May You take my life and lead me Lord
Inside the valleys that I face
May You come and open heavens door
That I might walk within Your grace!
For YOUR path leads me to an open gate
Beyond the shoreline of the soul
Into the realm of Your Sweet Grace
That walks with me upon life’s road!
So, I will follow where YOU go
And I will trust YOU in my walk
Beyond the shoreline of what life holds
Into The Mystery Of A Life Blood Bought!
Terese Holloway

John 10:27-28 (TPT)
My own sheep will hear my voice and
I know each one, and they will follow me.
I give to them the gift of eternal life and
they will never be lost and no one has the
power to sn**ch them out of my hands.


By Terese Holloway

A Mighty Move Of God
By Terese Holloway

May we be NOT afraid of the coming storm
That rides upon the waves of the world
By lifting our hearts, by faith, unto the Lord ~
That opens our eyes in the ‘midst’ of the swirl!
For God will NOT leave us alone and afraid
When the howling winds begin to brutally blow
He, instead, lifts our hearts and He makes a way ~
He whispers to His Children, “Be Still And KNOW!”
So, may we stand firm in our faith to believe He WILL
Cover the hearts and the lives of ALL
Who relinquish their fears to be quiet and still
Until we see, IN the storm, A Mighty Move Of God!
Terese Holloway

Psalm 46:10-11 (TPT)
Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize
that I am God. I am God above all the nations
and I am exalted throughout the whole earth.
Here he stands! The Commander! The Mighty
Lord of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of
Jacob fights for us! Selah

*Authors Note*
May we NEVER lose sight of the ‘Promise’
OR be pulled away from God’s Perfect Will,
May we KNOW, God holds ALL our tomorrows!
In the midst of ALL the fear and worldly chaos
May our Heavenly Father calmly remind us ~


By Terese Holloway

Heaven’s Kiss
By Terese Holloway

I’ve hidden Your Word in my heart, Lord
Where ALL My ‘secret’ treasures are kept
Inside the vault of my heart it is stored
Washed by the Blood and the tears I’ve wept!
I have heard Your Voice speak within me
Like a whisper that rides on the wave of the wind
Where the anointing of Your Love is so great INDEED
Within all Your gifts that have been hidden within!
It is here, in my heart, I can feel ‘Heaven’s Kiss’
That rides upon the waves and the winds of time
Where I quietly rest beside the peaceful brook of bliss
BEYOND all the chaos inside the ‘ticks of time!’
Terese Holloway

Psalm 21:6 (TPT)
Your victory heaps blessing after blessing
upon him. What joy and bliss he tastes,
rejoicing before your face.


By Terese Holloway

Standing In Faith
By Terese Holloway

Lord, keep my feet steady upon life’s pathway
And Show me the ‘purpose’ within Your plan
Walk with me, talk with me, increase my faith
And Most Of All Never Let Go Of My Hand!
Even when the darkness comes to cover me
Remind Me Father, WHOSE Child I AM
Give me breath and peace to BREATHE
No matter the situation I find myself in!
For You have promised to NEVER leave me
So, I WILL walk through the shadows despair
But I will NOT lose my trust OR my identity
To my heavy load I’ve been called to bear!
Instead I WILL keep my eyes ON the prize
And I will listen to Your still small voice within
Reminding me that You are always on my side
With Your Purpose, Your Will, and Your Plan!
So, I take a deep breath and I blow away
The enemy’s plans that come to destroy me ~
I’ll Pick Myself Up AND Stand Strong In My FAITH
In spite of all the resistance I SEE!
Terese Holloway

1 Peter 5:8-9a-10 (TPT)
Be well balanced and always alert, because
your enemy, the devil, roams around incessantly,
like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour.
Take a decisive stand against him and resist his
every attack with strong, vigorous faith. Then
after your brief suffering, the God of all loving
grace, who has called you to share in his eternal
glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully
restore you and make you stronger than ever.


By Terese Holloway

The Fullness Of God’s Overflow
By Terese Holloway

There Is An Overflow Of Blessings
When I choose to wait and SEE
Believing God NEVER keeps me guessing
Instead, He just hands me heaven’s keys!
And inside of what He’s lovingly creating
I see all HIS baskets FULL of Love
Streaming over heavens balcony
Until I have much more than enough!
So, I will ALWAYS trust HIM with my life
BEYOND the boundaries of my soul
As Heaven’s Window opens wide
AND Blessings IN Abundance Flow!
Terese Holloway

John 1:16 (TPT)
And from the overflow of his fullness
we receive grace heaped upon more


By Terese Holloway

Then Morning Comes
By Terese Holloway

Inside the darkness of the night
My eyes can never clearly see
But when the dawn brings forth its light
A NEW Day Rises UP Inside of me!
Darkness bows unto the sunlights rays
And The Glory Of Morning shines
The air is ‘crisp’ within nature’s praise
And hope AGAIN begins to rise!
The light brings hope as darkness fades
Bringing with it peace to loving pursue
Upon A Path That God’s Already Paved
As He Makes EVERYTHING Brand New!
Terese Holloway

Psalm 18:28 (TPT)
God, all at once you turned on a floodlight
for me! You are the revelation-light in my
darkness, and in your brightness I can see
your path ahead.

(Source of photo unknown)


By Terese Holloway

The Heartbeat Of Awakening
By Terese Holloway

God’s Passion Is Fueled Through His Holy Spirit
It conveys the way that He TRULY feels
You see, He looks beyond ALL who will fear it
And He caresses each heart that will yield!
YES, He IS The Heartbeat Of The Awakening
That goes far beyond our every dream
As HE releases HIS Spirit within HIS Shaking
To open the eyes of those who’ve NOT seen!
Terese Holloway

Ephesians 5:13-14 (TPT)
Whatever the revelation-light exposes, it
will also correct, and everything that reveals
truth is light to the soul. This is why the
Scripture says, “Arise, you sleeper!
Rise up from your coffin and the Anointed
One will shine his light into you!”


By Terese Holloway

You’ve Grieved The Past Long Enough
~NOW Let It Go~

God Says, “Stop grieving the ‘last’ season
Just Release It And Let It Go”
For it has NO rhyme OR reason
Beyond the ‘memory’ that it holds!
You see, I’m NOW bringing a ‘reset’
To those with ears to hear
Beyond the ‘noise’ of past regret
With its pain, its brokenness, and fear!
In This Season Of Complete Surrender
HIS arms will comfort and cover you
He’ll overcome the memories you remember
And breathe HIS breath o’er you anew!
He will resurrect NEW life to live again
Inside the corridors of HIS palace walls
Outside the noise of every hurt within
Where HIS Love TRULY Conquers ALL!
Terese Holloway

2 Corinthians 10:5(b) TPT
We capture, like prisoners of war,
every thought and insist that it
bow in obedience to the
Anointed One.


By Terese Holloway

Love’s Secret Place
By Terese Holloway

I ask for YOUR Beating Heart, Lord
To TEACH ‘my’ heart HOW to pray
Into the depths of every treasure stored
Where TRUE intercession gives way!
I want to SEE through Your eyes
ALL that my heart can conceive
Where I will FOREVER hold to the prize
That You’ve released within me!
So, without hesitation, I ask in this hour
To find my way to Love’s Secret Place
Where ‘there’ lies YOUR ultimate power
BEYOND the shadow of earth’s filtered gaze!
Inside YOUR strength I arise to this calling
I tune my heart’s ear to seeking Your truth
As I come and await without a hint of stalling
Where MY Heart’s In FULL Alignment With YOU!
Terese Holloway

Proverbs 15:33 (TPT)
‘The source of revelation-knowledge is found
as you fall down in surrender before the Lord.
Don’t expect to see Shekinah glory until the
Lord sees your sincere humility.’


By Terese Holloway

The Unfolding Of Life’s Mystery
By Terese Holloway

Lord, I don’t want to miss YOUR promise
That has been spoken over me today
I don’t want to be a doubting Thomas
Instead, I want to arise and stand in faith!
Help me focus on YOUR Goodness Lord
In ALL I Say AND Do This VERY Day
Open Heaven’s Gates Of Rich Reward
And breathe NEW strength into my faith!
Give me light inside my deepest darkness
And guide me through night’s shadows
May my heart NEVER turn to hardness
But instead bask in lush green meadows!
For, today, I will focus on YOUR Victory
That spreads its wings inside of me
At The Unfolding Of Life’s Mystery
And Your Grace That’s Sets Me Free!
Terese Holloway

Colossians 1:27 (TPT)
Living within you is the Christ who
floods you with the expectation of glory!
This mystery of Christ, embedded within
us, becomes a heavenly treasure chest
of hope filled with the riches of glory
for his people, and God wants everyone
to know it!


By Terese Holloway

God’s Fountain Of Understanding
By Terese Holloway

God is uncovering what is hidden in darkness
And revealing the purpose unto HIS plan
He’s NOW turning our hearts from their hardness
And giving us NEW strength to stand!
Oh, for the wonderful promise of the coming days
To lift our eyes unto the skies and simply behold
The mysteries of HIS Kingdom and all of HIS ways
Inside of HIS heart that is about to unfold!
May we not look to ourselves or our human logic
But to the Spirit who has shifted our thoughts
In the midst of a world that seems so chaotic
May our hearts find their ONLY focus upon God!
Terese Holloway

Proverbs 2:3-6 (TPT)
Yes, cry out for comprehension and intercede
for insight. For if you keep seeking it like a man
would seek for sterling silver, searching in hidden
places for cherished treasure, then you will
discover the fear of the Lord and find the true
knowledge of God. Wisdom is a gift from a
generous God, and every word he speaks is
full of revelation and becomes a fountain of
understanding within you.


By Terese Holloway

The Harvest

Seed time and harvest have NOW become ONE
As the plowman overtakes the reaper
Unto those who have faithfully carried on
Being steadfast to always go deeper!
For we serve The God Of The Mountain Top
AND also the lush green valley below
Yes, WE are the Children Of The Living God
Tending The Seed Until It IS Sown!
Terese Holloway

Psalm 126:5-6 (TPT)
Those who sow their seeds as tears will
reap a harvest with joyful shouts of glee.
They may weep as they go out carrying
their seed to sow, but they will return
with joyful laughter and shouting with
gladness as they bring back armloads
of blessing and a harvest overflowing!


By Terese Holloway

God’s Passionate Love
By Terese Holloway

I will graciously run into the Father’s arms
Ushered IN ~ To HIS Kingdom To Come
Lifted above ALL worldly sin and harm
Into The Arms Of HIS Wonderful LOVE!
For He heals and restores my messes
He turns my water into fragrant wine
He removes every burden where stress is
As He Breathes Upon This Heart Of Mine!
There is NO other power greater on earth
To be found on a distant OR far away shore
And nothing that will ever be seen or heard
Could Ever Outshine The Light Of The Lord!
Terese Holloway

Romans 8:39 (TPT)
There is no power above us or beneath us ~
no power that could ever be found in the
universe that can distance us from God’s
passionate love, which is lavished upon us
through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!


By Terese Holloway

Where Mercy Leads Me
By Terese Holloway

Mercy will ALWAYS lead me
Into the presence of God’s throne
Beyond the realm of my humility
Into the place of the unknown.
For it’s here, Behind The Veil
My heart is stripped and bare
Of all the hurts I’ve ever held
Within this world and all its care!
It’s HERE, I freely give my heart to see
The ONE who knows my name
And His Heart that welcomes me
Into The Love Of His Most Sacred Place!
Terese Holloway

Hebrews 10:19 (TPT)
And now we are brothers and sisters in
God’s family because of the blood of Jesus,
and he welcomes us to come into the most
holy sanctuary in the heavenly realm ~ boldly
and without hesitation.


By Terese Holloway

He Is My Rock
By Terese Holloway

The Lord is the ROCK that I lean on
Because I know His love never fails
So I ‘wait’ for HIS VICTORY to come
In the midst of my hardest travail!
His Word gives new meaning to life
As HIS heart comes alive within me
I’m never lost inside of the rhyme
Nor the beauty of all that I see!
For He wraps HIS heart around mine
And His faithfulness NEVER lets go
It’s when I seek HIS heart I always find
Peace For My Journey Upon Life’s Road!
Terese Holloway

1 Samuel 2:2 (NLT)
“There is no one holy like the LORD;
there is no one besides you; there is
no Rock like our God.”


By Terese Holloway

My Song In The Night
By Terese Holloway

Oh, how my worries intensify, Lord
As I sing my song in the night
As I wait for YOU to come forth
To make everything AGAIN right!
My spirit cries out unto the ONE
Who keeps my head above the waves
Who opens the door for Victory To come
In spite of the plundering of days!
But Father, even in this deserted place
My soul finds Great Delight
For inside of my darkness I seek YOUR face
And I trust YOU inside of my fight!
Terese Holloway

Psalm 77:13 (TPT)
It’s here in your presence, in your
sanctuary, where I learn more of
your ways, for holiness is revealed
in everything you do. Lord, you’re
the one and only, the great and
glorious God!


By Terese Holloway

Life’s Beautiful Story
By Terese Holloway

If I could only write Life’s Beautiful Story
Of ALL that God’s ‘already’ done for me
Then I would be raptured into GLORY
Simply Based Upon HIS Constant Love!
For my yearning heart still seeks to find
The meaning in ‘each AND every’ day
That breathes upon this heart of mine
And sweeps ‘away’ my yesterday!
For I have an unquenchable thirst within
That can ONLY be filled from heaven above
Where treasures are given ‘til the very end
Upon EACH Single Page Written In Love!
Terese Holloway

2 Corinthians 3:3 (TPT)
You are living letters written by Christ, not
with ink but by the Spirit of The Living God ~
not carved onto stone tablets but on the
tablets of tender hearts.


By Terese Holloway

The Whispering Leaves Of Hope
By Terese Holloway

The weeping willow waves its leaves
Within the fragrant breeze of Heaven’s Love
It’s here My Spirit’s been released to breathe
Upon the tenderness of the ‘cooing’ dove!
Come away with Me and find your way
Where My Kingdom NOW has surely come
Beyond the shadows of your darkest day
Into the presence Of The Holy ONE!
It’s HERE you’ll see ALL of your tomorrows
Inside the fragrance of Heaven’s Breeze
Where there is no room for worldly sorrows
Only Joy and Love and Peace In ME!
Come Away Into This Season Of Your Soul
Follow ME Beyond The Shadows Of Today
To Find EVERY Treasure Heaven Holds
Inside The Whispering Leaves Of Hope!
Terese Holloway

Psalm 139:11 (TPT)
It’s impossible to disappear from you or
to ask the darkness to hide me, for your
presence is everywhere, bringing light into
my night.


By Terese Holloway

Words Of Wisdom
By Terese Holloway

Can You HEAR The Sound Of God’s Spirit
As He’s calling out unto YOU
For only a ‘few’ will faithfully hear it
And respond to its ultimate truth!
There IS a ‘beauty’ in our intercession
As we draw our hearts unto HIM
Trusting HIS Word WITHOUT Question
As we learn to walk deeper IN!
To ‘the faithful’ who seek, they WILL find
Great discernment to FULLY understand
Like Sand Running Quickly Through Time ~
Into The END Agenda To God’s Perfect Plan!
Terese Holloway

Proverbs 18:4 (TPT)
Words of wisdom are like a fresh,
flowing brook ~ like deep waters that
spring forth from within, bubbling up
inside the one with understanding.


By Terese Holloway

The Glory Of God’s Ultimate Truth
By Terese Holloway

Father, put ‘Your’ sight within my eyes
As I look away from the things on earth
Fully expecting the joy of surprise
That aligns my heart with its worth!
Help me surrender in the days ahead
To be completely grounded in YOU
Let my hope arise and be fed
By The Glory Of Your Ultimate Truth!
Terese Holloway

Proverbs 2:7-8 (TPT)
For the Lord has a hidden storehouse
of wisdom made accessible to his godly
ones. He becomes your personal
bodyguard as you follow his ways,
protecting and guarding you as you
choose what is right.


By Terese Holloway

Highway To Holiness
By Terese Holloway

There is a ‘Secret Place’ you know
Where many will NOT dare to go
Outside the depth of earthly flow
Into the realm of God’s Unknown!
But there ARE those with eyes to see
And hearts simply yearning to ‘believe’
Beyond this worlds skewed beliefs
Into The Heart Of HE Who Sees!
So, may we lean into the ONE
Who holds our lives AND destiny
Inside the place where peace is WON
As Our Faith Pairs With Love’s Integrity!
Terese Holloway

Proverbs 16:16-17 (TPT)
Everyone wants gold, but wisdom’s
worth is far greater. Silver is sought
after, but a heart of understanding
yields a greater return. Repenting
from evil places you on the highway
of holiness. Protect purity and you
protect your life.


By Terese Holloway

The ‘Faithful’ Walk
By Terese Holloway

Who Will BE The Overcomer
That will keep his eyes on ME
Inside the grueling heat of summer
Or the roaring waves upon the sea?
For It is I who splits the darkness open
So my faithful ones have eyes to SEE
Beyond EVERYTHING that’s broken
Into Their True Place Of Destiny!
So, may you trust Me in the valley
Until I lift YOU to the mountain top
For I Promise ‘A GRAND FINALE’
To The ONE Who ‘Walks The Walk!’
Terese Holloway

Ephesians 5:15-16 (TPT)
So be very careful how you live, not
being like those with no understanding,
but live honorably with true wisdom,
for we are living in evil times. Take full
advantage of every day as you spend
your life for his purposes.


By Terese Holloway

Heaven’s Eyes
By Terese Holloway

Lord, may I focus on Your every promise
That You’ve etched inside my heart
BEYOND the sorrows of each tomorrow
OR what lies before me that may be hard!
For everyday my heart grows stronger
As I delight to walk, my walk, with YOU
And every now and then I stop and ponder
How great it is to know YOUR Truth!
Even when I see the dark clouds come
My heart remains in Perfect Peace
Because inside ‘this’ earthly race I run
I NOW Have ‘Heaven’s Eyes’ To SEE!
Terese Holloway

2 Corinthians 5:16-18 (TPT)
So no wonder we don’t give up. For even
though our outer person gradually wears
out, our inner being is renewed every single
day. We view our short-lived troubles in the
light of eternity. We see our difficulties as
the substance that produces for us an eternal,
weighty glory far beyond all comparison,
because we don’t focus our attention on what
is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen
is temporary, but the unseen realm is eternal.

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Lubbock, TX

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Love well, friends

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