Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN

We are a group of bereaved parents who provide opportunities for gatherings and events at the Angel of Hope in Maple Grove, MN.

We Honor, We Remember, We Celebrate The Friends of the Angel steering committee began meeting in 2007 and officially became a Non-Profit IRS Β§ 501(c)3 organization in 2014. In addition to planning annual dedication and remembrance events, our committee members and volunteers have developed lifelong friendships through our common connection of loss. At its heart, Friends of the Angel is a remembran

10 Reasons To Give Support Group A Chance 07/05/2024

10 Reasons To Give Support Group A Chance As soon as I walked through the doors of the support group for the first time, I felt that these people would "get it." Here are ten reasons to go.


July is Bereaved Parents Awareness Month and today, July 3rd is National Bereaved Parents Day. When a child dies, at any age, the family suffers intense pain and may feel hopeless and isolated. The Compassionate Friends offers friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents. Visit to find support near you.


In honor of Bereaved Parents Awareness Month, we aim to shed light on the grief journey that bereaved parents endure daily. We honor and acknowledge those who have suffered the devastating loss of a child. We are here for youπŸ’›

What do you believe is an often-ignored topic in grief that needs to be talked about?


Today is National Bereaved Parents Awareness Day. Throughout the month of July we honor and hold space for all parents who navigate the unimaginable journey of loss. Your strength and resilience inspire us as we stand together as a community, embracing hope and the potential for healing after the darkest of days. Together, we honor our shared experiences and support each other on this path toward healing and growth.

Photos from Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN's post 05/21/2024

Many thanks to Ben and Eddie's Landscaping, LLC. for the spring clean up and for the generous donation of the mulch at the Angel of Hope! We appreciate your willingness to share your time and talented crew who spread fresh new mulch around the Angel of Hope.

Photos from Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN's post 05/18/2024

Our Friends of the Angel volunteers were thrilled to participate in the resource fair at the Brighter Days Family Grief Center Walk to Remember today. We shared about the Angel of Hope and the mission of Friends of the Angel to create opportunities to honor the memory of our loved ones gone too soon.

Have you been thinking about volunteering with the Friends of the Angel? Please reach out to us to learn more about how you can use your gifts for good. It is one of the most rewarding things to help others. We would love to talk with you.

Email us at: [email protected]

Timeline photos 05/17/2024

Friends of the Angel will have a resource table at Brighter Days Family Grief Center Walk to Remember in Eden Prairie on Saturday May 18th, hope to see you there.

Timeline photos 05/12/2024

"In the English language there are orphans and widows, but there is no word for the parents who lose a child."
Jodi Picolut

"In the English language there are orphans and widows, but there is no word for the parents who lose a child."

Jodi Picolut

Photos from MISS Foundation's post 05/12/2024

As Mother's Day approaches we remind everyone to please remember the bereaved mother.

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"Some days are just hard... and then some days are even harder... especially when you know what you had and what you've lost, or for some of us, it is the potential of what could have been, but never was.

Time, milestones, celebrations, memory making, laughs, cuddles, and hugs - all stolen away in the blink of an eye. All the while, time keeps moving forward. Everyone else moves on with their lives, sometimes seemingly not noticing our great peril, and we are left feeling stuck, hopeless and helpless. We blame ourselves. We isolate ourselves. Our grief ebbs and flows like the waves of the ocean against the beach. Sometimes violently crashing, and other times, it is softer but still there.

A friend's due date is approaching and she will be delivering a beautiful healthy baby. Your due date would have been around the same time. You dread seeing all the announcements of birth, newborn photos and happy parents holding their new baby. You are happy for them, it isn't that you aren't, but you long for your baby that you have lost. You are torn. You feel ashamed and guilty for your feelings.

It's the first day of school. Your child should be starting school too. You should have been the one tracking down items on the mile long list, picking out a cute overpriced bookbag and more new clothes than they will need. Instead, you watch in agony as each and every friend post their yearly back to school photos. Again, you are happy to see the pictures, "Look at how much they have all grown!" you type in as a comment. Yet, apart of you feels tortured. You close Facebook and decide to stay away from your feed for a few days.

Your friend from work is taking her son for his driving test later today. She is chattering away, complaining about how the DMV is always so backed up and how she knows they will sit there forever. She doesn't have faith that he will even pass but she's already picked out a reliable used Civic for him and put the down payment on it. She rambles on while you smile politely, nodding along and trying to remember what task you are supposed to be doing. All you can think about is how you would sit there all day long just to be able to sit with your child for a little while. Your own son passed away his freshman year and never even made it to drivers ed.

Your niece just graduated college and is getting married. She is going to make a beautiful bride. You are so excited for her and proud of her too. Yet, you cannot help but think of how beautiful your own daughter would have looked in her wedding gown. Her daddy never got to walk her down the aisle. You were never mother of the bride. You sit and cry for awhile. You dread the big day even though you are so happy for your niece.

Your son was hit and killed by a drunk driver. His wife, your daughter in law, was also in the car. She didn't make it either. You are left raising your four grandchildren. Every day you look at them and you see the face of your son. You are need time to grieve these losses, but you have to stay strong for them. They are confused and sad. They ask questions that you don't want to face yourself, let alone try to explain answers to them. You watch them hit milestones that you watched your son hit. He should be here to see it. It's bittersweet. You are grateful to have them, but every day is a struggle. You weren't able to grieve the losses. You cry yourself to sleep at night and hope the children do not hear you.

Different scenarios. Different stories. Different lives. Yet, we all have one thing in common, we have been faced with the greatest loss. We were not given a choice. This is a club we would rather not qualify to join, but one we are thankful that we have now.

Grief is a complicated beast. Our lives have been split into two parts, the before and the after. You will never be the person you were before. Those who have not walked in your shoes will never understand what you have been through and you wouldn't want them to. You feel like you stand out in every room you enter. You feel like strangers can see the grief you carry. You feel like you are treated like the black cat. You feel like conversations stop when you enter the room.

You hesitate to post about your child on your page, "What if they think I just want attention? I'd never use my child that way!" You saw something at the store today that they would have loved! You bought it anyway and contemplate posting the photo. "Haven't you gotten over it yet?", they might ask you. You cringe at the thought. "Why did you waste your money on that?" You end up deciding that the chance of judgment is too great and decide against it.

We are constantly facing this internal struggle, questioning our own every move. We put so much time and energy into what others might think that it consumes us. It is your grief journey, there are no right or wrongs. There are no time limits. Your feelings are valid. You don't need to feel guilty for them. What happened was not your fault. Give yourself the forgiveness you need even though you don't have anything to ask forgiveness for. Be a little kinder to yourself. Be a little gentler to yourself. Give yourself some grace. Give yourself a little more time or even a lot more time. Don't let anyone try to tell you how to travel along this journey, it belongs to you, not them. Reach out for support when you need to and don't be afraid to cut anyone off who is adding to your pain.

Most importantly, try to live in the moment when you can. You know what you've lost. Don't lose it with the children and people around you that are still here. Take all the pictures. Make all the memories. Dance, laugh, and sing. Celebrate those you love. Be kind to a stranger. Be sure to eat, shower, brush your hair, and get good rest. That is what your child would want from you. Take things at your own pace but don't neglect yourself either, you don't deserve that.

Your child matters. Their story matters. They deserve to be remembered. Speak their name. Talk about it. Talk about them. If it makes anyone uncomfortable then they are not your person anyway. Find someone who is and do not stop until you do. When you find them, keep them, most likely they will have experienced a great loss too. Lean on eachother.

We are in this together and you are not alone. You are seen. I see you. You are loved. I care about you and your wellbeing. Your life is not over, you have a purpose here and you matter." πŸ«‚

With love and hugs,
-Kerin Lee
Owner of I Am A Mother To An Angel


Welcome soon, Mother's Day...

A time of year for celebrating all the wondrous love of moms; grieving moms, that is.

Mother's Day can be an excruciating time for mothers whose children have died.
Instead of braiding her daughter's hair, the bereaved mother strokes her once-used blanket that still smells of her little girl.

Instead of going to her son's soccer game, the bereaved mother brings flowers to his grave and brushes away the dirt caked into the capital "B" for Brandon.

Instead of rocking her child to sleep, the bereaved mother rocks herself and weeps.
Instead of saying, "I'll see you later," she says, "I miss you so much."

Instead of washing her children's clothes and helping them with homework and cooking their meals and giving baths, she spends her days wishing for one more moment, one more memory, one more touch, one more chance to whisper, "I love you."

Like other mothers she thinks of her child, worries about her child, talks to her child, and walks with her child. She recognizes, like all mothers, the boundlessness of her love, only she sees it at a much deeper level, one that extends beyond the material realm.

She welcomes when others ask about her child, compassionately, and when others remember her child, she feels deep gratitude.

But the bereaved mother does all of this with an unrelenting pain and longing in her heart that is unimaginable, unfathomable to most. And this makes being a bereaved mother the hardest job of all.

But still, she is a mother. Then, now, and always.

And she is as worthy as any other mother, if not more, of recognition this Mother's Day.

Sadly, many will overlook her or be too fearful to tell her that the love she holds so close to her broken heart is seen and revered by others.

Please, take time to send a card, some flowers, or even just a simple email of gentleness and compassion to a grieving mother you know this Mother's Day.

With love and compassion to all grieving mothers, and to those grieving a mother loss.

Dr. Joanne Cacciatore
(c) 1998, 2001, 2012, 2024


This is what grief is.
A hole ripped through the very fabric of your being.
The hole eventually heals along the jagged edges that remain. It may even shrink in size.
But that hole will always be there.
A piece of you always missing.
For where there is deep grief, there was great love.
Don’t be ashamed of your grief.
Don’t judge it.
Don’t suppress it.
Don’t rush it.
Rather, acknowledge it.
Lean into it.
Listen to it.
Feel it.
Sit with it.
Sit with the pain. And remember the love.
This is where the healing will begin.
-------All Credit goes to the respective owner.(Respect)

Photos from Brighter Days Family Grief Center's post 04/17/2024

We are thankful to be able to share with our followers this upcoming Run/Walk to Remember put on by Brighter Days Family Grief Center which will take place on May 18, 2024 in Eden Prairie at Lambert Pavilion, 13001 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344.
Also, members of Friends of the Angel will be at the Resource Fair sharing information about our group and the Angel of Hope in Maple Grove.

Registration closes on April 30, 2024. This is a beautiful event put on by a wonderful local grief center. Please consider this wonderful event where you can connect with local grief resources while honoring your loved one.

Photos from Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN's post 12/07/2023

Beautiful night for the annual Candlelight Memorial. πŸ’ž


Tonight is the night πŸ’ž
Looks like the weather will be unseasonable warm for this annual Candlelight Memorial. See you at 7 pm if you are able to experience it tonight.
Take tender care.

A week from today, December 6, it's the annual time of remembrance at the Angel of Hope statue. Everyone is invited to the candlelight memorial at 7 p.m. at the Maple Grove Arboretum.

Candles are provided, and guests are invited to bring a white flower to place at the statue in memory of loved ones.


The annual Candlelight Memorial Vigil takes place next Wednesday December 6, 2023 at 7 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in this ceremony, light a candle (provided) and lay a flower if you should choose to bring one.
Dress for the weather and plan for arriving before the start time of 7 pm.
Take special tender care this holiday season. πŸ’—

A week from today, December 6, it's the annual time of remembrance at the Angel of Hope statue. Everyone is invited to the candlelight memorial at 7 p.m. at the Maple Grove Arboretum.

Candles are provided, and guests are invited to bring a white flower to place at the statue in memory of loved ones.


🌟 Honoring Our Angels: Give to the Max Day with Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove! πŸ•ŠοΈπŸ’™

Dear Angel Friends,

As we approach Give to the Max Day (November 16, 2023), we invite you to join us in supporting Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove. Our group provides comfort for families with a brick at the Angel of Hope in memory of beloved children.

πŸ‘Ό Why Give to the Max?

Healing Together: Strengthen the bonds of our bereavement community.
Cherished Memories: Contribute to the serenity of the Angel of Hope memorial.
Support Each Other: Help sustain the support system for grieving parents.

πŸ’– How You Can Be part of the Healing Journey:
Visit our GiveMN page: Your donation, no matter the size, helps us support other bereaved families. Share this post to extend our circle of support and warmth.

Explore our website to learn more about our organization.

πŸ•―οΈ Together, We Honor Our Angels. Your generosity ensures the Angel of Hope remains a source of comfort for those navigating the journey of grief. 🌟✨

Thank you for being the wings that carry the spirit of love and remembrance in our community!

Photos from Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN's post 11/06/2023

We performed a Brick Dedication ceremony for 22 new bricks at the Angel of Hope today. That is 22 families whose hearts are broken over the loss of their loved ones. Around 100 people were there supporting these families. Each bereaved family shared their grief with each other. Our hope is the ceremony provided them some peace and comfort. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they navigate each day.

Maple Grove Arboretum


πŸ•―οΈ International Pregnancy & Infant Loss Day - October 15 πŸ•―οΈ

Tonight, we invite you to join us in a special moment of remembrance and solidarity. At 7 pm, no matter where you are in the world, we encourage you to light a candle in memory of all the babies gone too soon.

🌟 Every flicker of the flame represents the light that these precious souls brought into our lives, even if it was just for a short time. It's a chance to honor their memory and the love that continues to burn in our hearts.

At Friends of the Angel (, we know that the pain of losing a child is immeasurable, and we want to remind you that you are not alone. Our organization is here to provide a community of understanding and compassion.

πŸ¦‹ Whether you've personally experienced this loss or are simply looking to show your support, your participation in tonight's candle lighting event will make a difference. Share your photos and stories with the hashtag , so we can stand together in unity and strength.

Together, we can help each other find the strength to carry on and honor the memory of these beautiful, irreplaceable souls.

Let's light up the world with love and remembrance tonight at 7 pm. πŸŒˆπŸ‘ΌπŸ’•

The Global Wave of Light is an annual observance that honors and remembers babies who have died during pregnancy, childbirth, or infancy. This day serves as a global moment of remembrance for families and individuals who have experienced the loss of a child. Participants around the world light candles and create a wave of light that symbolizes love, support, and remembrance for these precious lives. TONIGHT at 7pm local time, please join in lighting a candle to remember these beloved children and their families who are dearly missing them. If you wish, you are welcome to share your babies name in the comments section, and we will make sure to say their name as we honor them tonight. β™₯️


As we embrace the beauty of autumn, we also pause to remember and honor the precious little angels who left our lives too soon. October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Month, a time to raise awareness, offer support, and share our love for the babies who forever hold a special place in our hearts.

We are a compassionate community of bereaved families that offers opportunities at the Angel of Hope for solace to those who have experienced any loss, including the profound loss of a pregnancy or an infant. πŸ’™πŸ’—

During this month, we invite you to join us in honoring them in several meaningful ways:

πŸ•ŠοΈ Light a Candle: On October 15th, at 7:00 PM local time, participate in the Wave of Light by lighting a candle in honor of your angel babies. Share a photo of your candle and tag us using and .

πŸ¦‹ Share Your Story: If you feel comfortable, share your story of loss, hope, and healing with our community. Your words can provide comfort and strength to others who may be going through similar experiences.

πŸ€— Offer Support: Reach out to friends and family who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss. A kind message, a virtual hug, or simply letting them know you are there for them can make a world of difference.

🌸 Donate or Volunteer: Consider supporting organizations that offer support and resources to families dealing with pregnancy and infant loss. Your contributions to supportive charities can help provide essential assistance and comfort to those in need.

Together, we can create a safe space for healing and remembrance. Let us remember our angels with love, honor their memory, and stand strong as a community of bereaved families that supports one another through the ups and downs of this journey.

If you have resources, stories, or events to share throughout the month, please feel free to do so in the comments below. We are here for you, always.

With love and compassion,
Friends of the Angel

Photos from Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN's post 09/02/2023

Tender thoughts to the family celebrating their Angel recently at our Angel of Hope. πŸ’ž sweet tribute πŸ’ž

"A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES" Film Screening & Q&A 08/27/2023

In case you have interest in this documentary, check it out.

"A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES" Film Screening & Q&A In recognition of National Grief Awareness Day, What's Your Grief welcomes Jane Harris and Jimmy Edmonds of The Good Grief Project for a special screening of their film A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES. Discussion and Q&A with Jane & Jimmy will follow. A LOVE THAT NEVER DIES is a personal journey by the found...

Photos from Christmas Box Angel Of Hope Gathering's post 08/26/2023

Looks like the Woodbury MN Angel of Hope is almost completed. It looks like a beautiful setting. ✨
Christmas Box Angel Of Hope Gathering

Saying "At Least" Is Not Comforting After Child Loss - Still Standing Magazine 06/05/2023

So true…

Saying "At Least" Is Not Comforting After Child Loss - Still Standing Magazine Statements that start with "at least" are not comforting to parents grieving a child and here's why: It invalidates their loss, their child and suffering.

Photos from Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN's post 06/05/2023

Today our volunteer group sponsored our Spring Brick Dedication ceremony at the Angel of Hope. We dedicated 31 new bricks and welcomed these new bereaved families with open arms to our community. Please keep these families in your thoughts.

Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN


Richard Paul Evans has a question for you in this survey link below. Check it out..
Thank you!

EVEN if you haven't read or heard about it, Could you help me out by answering this one Question about my book, THE CHRISTMAS BOX? (JUST CLICK THE LINK)


We are so thankful to all our the sponsors that helped make our Walk to Remember possible. Thank you!
Also, to all our volunteers, we could not have done it without you!


Our volunteer committee is meeting tonight to debrief on our Walk to Remember and plan for the upcoming brick dedication via Zoom at 6:30. If you would like to join us, please email us and we will send you a link to join. Email at: [email protected]
Thank you!

Photos from Friends of the Angel, Maple Grove, MN's post 05/08/2023
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Videos (show all)

A few moments at the Angel of Hope today.
13th Annual Walk to Remember and Service of Remembrance Ceremony.
We are setting up for the 13th Annual Walk to Remember and feeling thankful to be able to share this time with you


9400 Fernbrook Lane N
Maple Grove, MN

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