We exist to walk alongside youth on their path to success and their dreams. Together we can make a change.


Ok guys we are almost at the end of March and we’ve reached the point in my story where I am about to head into the group home life. I’m not going to lie reliving these events has taken a HUGE toll on me so I’ve decided to stop for my mental stability. That being said my book “BE.A.S.T” will be coming out end of the year. There not only will you here the rest of my story but also get into depth behind the trauma. This is the book cover. Closer I will come out with more details on it. So thank you for staying tuned to the beginning of my life and I hope from just what you’ve read you see that though you or anyone else may go through rough times it does not mean they or you are hopeless. God has a plan for everyone of you and I can’t wait to share the rest of my story with you. Thank you so much and next month is going to be another guests story of growth through the system. I thank you for following and supporting Be.A.S.T Ministries Inc.
God bless!!!


The Newman’s put me back in my room and locked the door. I sat in the corner crying I swear for two days straight. It felt like someone ripped my heart out of my chest, a feeling that I not knowing would experience many times in the future.
After a couple days that pain turned to anger and that’s when I would never be the same person again. Every time I saw the Newman’s faces, I grew angrier. To this day I have that anger inside me. Every time they would beat me or whip me, I cried less and less before long I kept a straight face and didn’t make a noise. My brother told me to be strong and grow strong and survive and that’s what I was going to do. I was determined. Anytime Keith would push me around I would push back only to get slammed in the wall and picked up by my throat. I didn’t care. I plotted ways I would kill them and make them pay for everything they did to me and for taking my brother away.
I was locked in that basement for so long I would punch the walls and kick the door. I did pull ups off the pipes and pushups every day. I wanted to kill them more than I wanted to live. One night Cindi was home alone and she had me in the corner standing. She fell asleep and luckily for me she was a snorer and the tv was on, so I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. As I stood over her ready to plunge the knife in her throat, I looked at her with such anger. It seemed like the world froze for a second. Stupidly I said, “I hate you” and she woke up just as I was about to plunge it in her throat. She moved and I stabbed the mattress. I threw the knife at her and ran for the door, but it was locked. She came up behind me and bashed my head in the door. I was 10 now and I bashed my head in the basement over the years so much now it didn’t faze me. I turned and pushed her against the wall She grabbed a picture and smashed me across the face with it. I stopped fighting and hit the ground. She laid into me with kicks then put me in my room. When Keith came home he beat me, choked me and slammed me into walls. Even put me through one. After I was thrown back in that hole in the basement. Days went by and I hadn’t eaten a thing. I was so hungry and in pain.


Mathew is from California going through the process of building himself to be a strong tower. When he aged out he bounced around from place to place and finally reached out to me. He said he was going to be homeless in a few days with nowhere to go. He asked me if I could help him find a place to live. So of course Be.A.S.T went to action and got with our volunteers in California and we started building a plan. I went through the checklist with Mathew and I asked him what he wanted to do with your life? After a little bit of thinking he said he’d love to do some sort of law-enforcement and asked me about my career as a Bounty Hunter and such and we began to lay a foundation. Not every teens vision is going to be at the same. Some may wanna be nurses, some want to be doctors and some just want to live a calm relaxed life or be their own boss. I don’t tell these teens what they should do with their life because it’s not my life to tell. What I do is help them bring out their own gifts into what they would want to do in their every day life to be successful,prosperous, and happy. Only God above can tell another how to live and he doesn’t even do that. He shows,he guides and he follows until you decide to follow him. That’s what we’re here to do in Be.A.S.T to show,to guide and to help follow along their journey. Mathew has a security job, he has a stable place to live, and with your help he’s received the shoes that he needed to complete his job. The next thing on his checklist is to get a vehicle so that he can go to and from work. If you’d like to donate or help Mathew with this brick please go to and hit donate. Every dollar counts and with your hope we will be able to set Mathew up for success to get him into a vehicle so that he can still maintain and continue to build his tower.


One day came and they brought me out of my room and took me upstairs. There was a big trunk in the middle of that front hallway.
Just a black trunk sitting there with its golden buckles. This trunk looked like something out off a harry potter movie or sorts. It sat there under the giant chandelier. They stood me in front of the dining room doors looking towards the front door and told me not to move. They walked him down the front stairs. I started crying because I hadn’t seen him in months, but he seemed different. He didn’t look caring or battered. He looked mean and dangerous. There was something in his eyes I could tell was different. It was like someone reached in him and ripped his soul right out. They walked him to the front door and told him to face me. They told us this was the last time we would ever see each other. They said we had a minute to say goodbye.
I ran so fast to him and hugged him so hard tears pouring out of my eyes. I wanted to say hi to him because I hadn’t seen him in so long not goodbye.
How do you say bye to the only blood relative you know? To the only person that took care of you all those nights you were cold and fanned you when you were sweating because it was so hot. Who literally took beatings for you, so you didn’t have to? How do you say bye to your only brother? I loved my brother with all I was. I never held anything that he did or was forced to do to me against him. A minute felt like a second before they were ripping us apart. Jeriel told me to get strong, stay strong, fight and survive. Not a single tear in his eye he told me he loved me. I could tell he was holding them back because he needed to be strong for me, but I couldn’t. In a blink of an eye, he and that trunk were gone to a place I didn’t know nor did he. He was 11 when he left, and I never saw or heard from him for years and years.


They ripped me away from him and put me in the basement in that little dirty dark cold hard room. That’s where they locked me up. From then on, the only time I saw my brother was when they brought me outside to help him work. I hardly came out of that room ever. Sometimes for hours I’d yell I need to use the bathroom and get no reply. I’d yell at the top of my lunges and then finally just go in the corner. I would crap and p**s in my own room that I slept in because I couldn’t hold it. It stunk so bad in that room I swear you’d think the sewer pipe burst. At first it was too much for me to bare but after the years I barely noticed. They would make me clean it up with my hands, no paper towels and put the crap in bags. One day they had me outside working with my brother I messed up and broke a bag of mulch in the yard by dragging it because I couldn’t carry it and they gave my brother a choice.
They said since he didn’t come help me with it, he got to pick how I was to be punished. They gave him two choices. I either get 20 whips of that damn wooden spoon on my hands and 20 on my feet or he punches me 5 times. So, knowing I would never survive 20 whips on hand and 20 on feet because the most I had taken yet was 10 on each he chose to punch me 5 times. Jeriel was built like an ox for a ten-year-old because they worked him a lot. So here we are standing inside that office type room off to the left of the hall in the house I described at the beginning. Cindi sat in her chair by the window with the curtains drawn. As we stood in front of her, she told him to start. He looked at me and said, ‘I’m sorry”. He punched me right in the stomach as told. She told him he had to punch me 5 times as hard as he could, or she was going to add more. He shook his head and laid one in me curling me over and dropping me to my knees. He took a step back and waited. She told me to get up and said “AGAIN!” Obeying he hesitantly laid another one in me dropping me to the ground again crying and gasping for air. She yelled at me to get up and him to hit me again. I got up and he bashed me again with tears running down his face. I fell over rolling on the ground in pain screaming.—>


Jeriel was getting older and they were using him to clean the yard and the house. They made him work until late hours just so he could eat. They told him if it wasn’t done by a certain time, he would miss dinner or whatever meal was next.
He would come in the room hands torn and dead tired. I couldn’t really do much to help him, but I would save food and water for him. If they gave me two peanut butter sandwiches for lunch I saved and hid one for him. If they gave me a gallon of water, there was always at least half a gallon left for him.
We looked out for each other as best we could. I remember looking out of that big window down and seeing him hoe the side garden dripping sweat and looking like he was going to pass out. The windows in that room were windows that opened but were locked by a sliding bolt on the inside. There was a hinge on the outside that let you open the window enough to reach a specific tool in and slide the bolt to open the window.
We tried many times to open it but couldn’t without cutting our arms up. There was no escape from this room. We tried many times. Cindi would get furious. This was when the physical abuse started. She would put us back in that dreaded room and locked us in as usual.
After Keith came home from work, he would beat Jeriel, hitting him with a metal end of a broom or 2x4 cutting him open and bleeding on his ass. They whipped his hands with that damn wooden spoon and feet. They made me stand there and watch. I couldn’t bear to watch but every time I looked away; they’d hit him harder. Tears pouring out of me I screamed to have them stop. They told me the more I screamed the longer he would get hit. I bit my tongue so hard I thought I was going to bite it right off. I forced myself to stop screaming for what seemed to be the longest time while they hit him a few more times each time looking at me after to see if I would scream. Finally, they put us both in the room. He was so bad they had to carry him up the stairs. A few hours later they came and ripped me away from him. We yelled and fought as hard as we could but that was it though. That was the last moment I would spend with my only blood family.


The years leading up to when I was 5 and my brother was 8 were not normal but they were nothing we dared complain about. We went to church as one of the family; We ate with them at times, played with toys etc. We weren’t extremely happy but we knew no other life. As the years went by the Newman’s started to beat us. We would be in our rooms with swollen hands so big we couldn’t see our knuckles anymore much less close our hands. Our feet at times would be cut open because they would make us hold our feet up and hit them over and over with a wooden spoon. To this day I can walk on gravel with bare feet and not be phased. As I stated before we did not have a regular bedroom like their daughters. We were kept on the 3rd floor together with gymnastic mats as beds and most of the time nothing but our underwear. We thought it was normal and even if we didn’t, we hadn’t dare ask for clothes or another blanket. They gave us a bed sheet as a blanket. One for the two of us.
Most of the nights during the winter Jeriel would cover me and put me to bed in the sheet and go lay on his mat next to mine while shivering. Others he’d share it with me or we’d huddle around that tall heater at the end of the room. He always made sure I was ok before himself. The older we got the Newman’s would bring us up food instead of letting us eat with the rest of them. Most of our days were in that dreaded room playing and creating with our imaginations. We’d stare out that huge window and wish we could get away and always imagine what we would do if we could get out. There was no escape though. The times the Newman’s would feed us they would bring up a pot of plain pasta for the each of us. Sometimes they would feed us once a day at night or once in the morning and once at night like we were dogs. Our diets consisted of oatmeal, peanut butter sandwiches, and pasta or rice. They would bring a gallon of water up with the food to share. We sat against the wall and ate while they stood there and timed us. If we got five minutes to eat it was a good day. We inhaled our food so fast sometimes I could barely breath. This is when the real story begins....


Chapter 2: continued

There was a door separating the rooms that was always locked.
To this day I do not know what they kept in that room, but I know I always heard stuff moving in there. The door to the outside room was locked on the outside also. Once in you had to be let out. This basement was packed with stuff and these rooms barely noticeable behind the boxes of stuff they had stored. Out of the basement and going up the stairs to the second floor was the first flight of the stairs. At the top of and on the first landing was an old grandfather clock. It stood so tall and seemed to look down at you as you walked up the stairs.
Behind it were tall stained-glass windows that the sun would shine through to light the stair way. Going up the second flight of stairs, you reached the second floor. Again, I apologize for my vague description of the second floor, but I do not recall to well because again I rarely was up there. I remember immediately to your left was the master bedroom (Keith and Cindi’s room) with an attached bathroom. Straight ahead a little way and through a doorway were stairs that went back downstairs into a small hallway to the main hallway. Before this doorway though there were two rooms directly across from each other to your right. In the middle of them was a full-size bathroom. These were Keith and Cindi’s daughters (Jessica and Audrey) rooms. I never stepped in any of these rooms my whole time there because I wasn’t allowed. Continuing through the doorway there was a stairway going downstairs as I mentioned and a stairway going upstairs to the 3rd floor.
The third floor was all wood floors painted a light blue as the second was carpet. It was hot and had the old standing pipe heaters that I remember my brother (renamed by the Newman’s Jeriel) burned himself on one winter because he was so cold, he laid on it and fell asleep on it. There was a bathroom to your right directly at the top of the stairs and a large room to your left that the Newman’s homeschooled us in. There were desks a couch etc. in there. Nothing special just a lot of books and such. Ahead and pushed to the back a bit was another room that opened to a white empty room ...


Chapter 2: continued
When you walked in you felt like you walked into the gates of heaven. Nothing was out of place, nothing seemed to be disturbed. I remember the Newman’s having wine parties or groups of people over and it seemed they must have had over 150 people in this room comfortably. This room was like a sanctuary. Going down the hall more was a stairway made with real wood and railings that curved all the way up to the second floor. There were two sets of stairs to get to the second floor. Continuing down the hall there are these two majestic wooden doors that open to the dining room. Where inside you’ll see a long table. This table was at least 10 feet long. I remember it could sit 20 people and then could be extended to make even longer.
As you’re looking into the dining room, you’d see a giant wooden case with glass doors on the back wall. Inside Cindi kept her most expensive collection of China and real silver plates, platters, silverware etc. To the right of that was a swinging door that led into the kitchen. I can’t describe the kitchen to you because I was not in there a lot, so I don’t remember. I believe as you walked into the kitchen from the dining room, you’d come to a rectangle table sat for 4 and to your right was the fridge then stove and dishwasher. On the opposite side of that was the sink and counter with cupboards.
There was also a door that led to the back yard and a path the 5-car garage in the back. Attached to the kitchen at the far end was a door that led into the basement. Now this basement was the hell of my soul and to this day I despise basements for reasons I’ll mention later. There were pipes on the ceiling as usual and this is where the Newman’s stored their extra food and such. There were two rooms that were the size of a bedroom, yet the ceiling was cobwebbed, with pipes hanging low you’d have to duck to stand in the rooms. The floors were all cement and the walls were brick. This was not a suitable living situation for a person much less a kid, yet this would be my new home soon enough. In these rooms, there was one light controlled by a switch at the top of the stairs.


I want you to step back in time with me and take the steps into this house. The details will come to importance as we go along. Now here you are looking at this white massive house and you start to walk up the walkway of flat square stone slabs you’ll come to the front porch. There were two big pillars in the front that seemed something from the Roman days. The front door was a majestic glass door with a diamond design and two tall windows on either side. I remember having to wash that door and those windows and hating it because they were so big, and it seemed like the streaks would never go away. As you walked in the house there was a long hallway that led to two large closing oak doors. As you looked up there were large beams on the ceiling. The ceiling was painted a maroon color and in the middle of the ceiling was a large chandelier. This chandelier was something out of movies you may have seen. So many crystals hanging and glistening. It would have crushed a man if it had fallen.
The ceilings were at least 15-20 feet high. To reach them to hang Christmas decorations I remember Keith had to get an extension ladder to get up there. As you walk down this hall to your left there was an open room. Almost as big as a king size bedroom enough to fit a couch, chair, table, tv, and such. There was a brick fireplace in this room that I remember sitting in front of many times. There were large rectangle windows on the far side of the room that you could look out of from the hallway. Of course, the Newman’s kept large drawn curtains on them but out of them you could see down the street a bit and I remember staring out that window at a tree that in the fall was the most beautiful sight I had seen.
I always wished upon that tree that someday I would escape the prison I walked into. Continuing down the hall was the open living room to your right. This room also had a fireplace with couches on either side. Real solid wood floors with a white rug in the middle. There was a grand piano in the far end of the room in front of a curving tall window with a built-in bench attached. This room was white and gold.


Chapter 1: From The Unknown

Before we begin this journey, I want to point out that even though this story is about me and all the things I’ve been through it isn’t to make you feel some sort of way for me. I don’t want pity, I want you to pay attention and see the magnificent work of God and the miraculous power and love He has for all of us. This story is to tell you of where Be.A.S.T Ministries Inc came from.
October 8, 1991, that’s when my life started. I would love to give you the details of my birthplace and my parents, but I don’t have or know them. I don’t know my parents’ names nor where they are from, but I do know they were not the best of people. Drug addicts and criminals. My birth father died in the street from a heroine overdose. My birth mother died in federal prison from Hepatitis C.
From a dna test I did recently, I found out that I’m Cuban,Pacific Islander and very little African American.
I had an older brother whose name was Richard. I can’t tell you many details about my years leading up to the time I was adopted because I to this day do not know. I can’t imagine it was a Disney story though.
So let’s start there... Many people ask me ‘Why don’t you dig and try to find out?’ Personally because I have no interest in knowing. There’s nothing that knowing my past will do to benefit my future. See that’s the many people chase their past and get stuck. Before they know it their future has past them by. If God wanted me to know He would have led me to that path.
When I was 2 and my brother was 5, we were adopted by the Newman’s. Keith E. Newman and Cindi G. Newman were well off. Higher middle class I’d have to say. They had two daughters of their own, Jessica and Audrey Newman.
They lived in Elks County, PA in an old Victorian 3 story house. They had the biggest house on the block. The Newman’s were a traditional Caucasian family that came from a traditional background. They claimed to be Christian and I am not the one to judge who is and who is not so I will let God decide for Himself. After moving into this what seemed to us to be a palace… our lives and my life would never be the same again.

To be continued....


I can’t wait to share with you all the story of my life. For years I’ve held so much of it in. My past has always been an embarrassment to me and something that I tell no one. I’m starting to realize my past is the reason for my future. Without it none of what I’m doing today would be possible. See without going through the hardships of life I wouldn’t be able to know how to help so many aging out teens.
Heartache into praise that’s what He does!
So stay tuned in the month of March to see where Be.A.S.T Ministries Inc truly comes from. To see the true meaning behind it. To see a glimpse into who I truly am. Some details may be graphic but necessary.
Be.A.S.T Ministries Inc is a nonprofit that is meant to make a difference not for show but just to help the ones in need. Thank you for following and feel free to ask questions as we take this adventure!!


Over the month of March I’m going to be sharing a little bit about my story. The insides and the glimpse to my past and where I come from. I named it “A New Man” because for the longest I hated my last name because it was attached to my adoptive parents. In this story over the month of March you’ll see how I changed the negative mindset of my name to positive through many struggles and failures. Throughout the month of March I’m going to be taking you through my life adventure so you can see the impact and also the hope and need that you can play in the roles of these teens aging out.
Don’t let your past define your future! “Change your mindset, Change your life”
-Be.A.S.T Ministries Inc CEO
Josh Newman
If you’d like to get involved please go to and fill out the appropriate form.
If you’d like to donate please go to and click donate. Every donation is appreciated!!


Don’t let your past become your future... be great! .a.s.t


So many people have told me different ways that Be.A.S.T should run and such and we have been learning and growing with time. Due to lack of donations and funding we are very limited on what we can do realistically. To this point I have been fully funding Be.A.S.T but it’s moments like today I see what worth it is to sacrifice my own income to make this organization run.

Mathew aged out at 18 and has no family. He was left to the streets with nothing but a suitcase and backpack of his belongings. We put him up in a hotel for two nights hoping he’d be able to find a place to live. Unfortunately a few places fell through. Working with a volunteer in CA I started to think outside the box. I knew if we didn’t find this kid a place tonight he was going to be on the streets. Homeless shelters were not answering and the clock was ticking.
I went on in hopes to find something affordable. We found a room for rent for $20 a night. Be.A.S.T covers the first month for these teens so without thought I booked it. The owners were more than understanding of the situation and are allowing him to stay there.

Thank you to for rescuing a teens life.

Deciding to run a nonprofit organization can be taxing and the personal sacrifices can feel heavy. The 3am nights, the financial sacrifices, and sometimes even the feeling of being completely alone in the fight but days like today show me everything is worth it and in Gods plan!!
Another aged out foster teen off the streets and starting towards a path he creates.
If you’d like to get involved or donate please go to


This is Mathew! He’s 18 and lives in California. Mathew aged out of the system and literally was left to the streets. He reached out to us on Instagram and asked us for help. Thank you to one of amazing volunteers in California we were able to make sure Mathew got emergency housing in a hotel and will be getting him into a room for rent starting tomorrow.

Mathew is just another one that slipped through the cracks of the system to be left and fend for himself. Be.A.S.T is here to help teens that are aging out or that have aged out and are left to fend for themselves.
We need your support to be able to continue to help these teens. All donations are muchos appreciated and help go towards expenses such as first month rent and initial food expenses.

If you’d like to join a team or join our admin please go to

We need all the help you can give!! *Everything is tax deductible also*


Gabriella checked another box on her checklist!! This girl right here aged out of foster care in OH and moved back to IL with her mom. She had no direction and had nothing. Like most teens that age out of foster care they just go with the flow and never really end up being all they can be. They’ll dream but they’ll never achieve. Gabriella is achieving her dreams. So proud of her for moving forward on her list. Today she has a job interview so wish her all the luck in the world!! Great job Gabriella!!
If you’d like to get involved with Be.A.S.T or know someone please go to and click “Join A Team” or “Admin Application”
All the support is welcome! Stay tuned for more of Gabriella’s story.


Do you ever wonder how we do what we do?
Well let me tell you ... actually let me show you. This nonprofit isn’t about fame or praise, it’s about changing lives of foster teens in group homes.
Coming up I’m going to be sharing a story of a young 19 year old girl from Lockport,IL who got out of the system with nothing. No ID, no birth records, no phone, no money. The system left her to the wolves of the world.
I’ll be showing you how she is going to start building her tower.
It doesn’t happen per night and it’s a never ending process.

I’m here to help teens in group homes strive for success. Some may not take the opportunity or try to manipulate their way through.
This young girl is ready to get her tower built, let’s see if she’s ready to carry the bricks!!
Stayed tuned!!

**To donate go to and click the give button


Go to bio, click link in bio, click first link at the top.

Donations can be written off on taxes! (We do have our 501c3 status)

All donations are appreciated and all donations go towards helping foster teens build strong towers***

Thank you to for supplying funds to make this possible.

God bless and stayed tuned for more...


Be the difference needed today


One of our BEASTS came up with this idea on his own. If you have any extra or can get some toothbrushes, toothpaste, and or deodorant we would appreciate it a lot!! If you want to come join us as we support one of our BEASTS help the public out please feel free to come out and support us!!
Any questions please call or text number at the bottom of flyer!!


Man this is an exciting week so far!! I personally am pumped about what’s going on with Be.A.S.T and where this nonprofit is going.

We have Be.A.S.T Dinners, Activities, and we are starting our Internship program. Starting with Culinary Internship program. We are partnering with to teach interested BeASTS about cooking and help them put another brick in their tower.

Starting next week one of our BeASTS is going to be attending Be.A.S.T Culinary Internship!!
As director and founder of Be.A.S.T I’m hoping that this is only the beginning of a radiant future that will spread not only in Memphis but also in our branch in Atlanta.

Recently there’s been such a clarity about where God is wanting Be.A.S.T and I to go and I can’t wait to be His hands and feet and partner with so many ppl to build a great system for foster teens and others.
We are running full speed ahead and we are hoping to look over and see you running along side us!! Stay tuned for amazing things to come!! .a.s.t

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