Puppy Up Foundation

Comparative Oncology is a type of cancer research that looks at the similarities of human and canine cancer. Like humans, dogs develop cancer naturally.

The Puppy Up Foundation (formerly 2 Million Dogs) is America's first and only foundation dedicated to comparative oncology research to end cancer in pets and people. The Puppy Up Foundation is committed to facilitating grants to fund comparative oncology that unites canine and human cancers, broadening the scope of research for both man and man’s best friend. Puppy Up has a series of Walks across

2 Dogs 2,000 Miles Trailer 06/20/2024

Yesterday was the 14th anniversary of when Hudson & Murphy & I walked into Boston - the conclusion of a 2,300 mile walk that took over 2 years to complete. So much celebration & yet so much sadness in the month of June which is interesting in of itself if you consider it's also the month of Father's day & the summer solstice - the inflection point of every year.

I just wanted to take a moment to remember and thank all of the wonderful people who made Walk 1 possible ❤

Here's the video that started it all

2 Dogs 2,000 Miles Trailer NOTE: The Date is March 16 2008 in Austin, TX. We just didn't want to lose all the wonderful comments and well wishes. Please learn more at www.2dogs2000m...


Your dog can help in the fight against canine cancer & be featured in the 2025 Dogs Helping Dogs Calendar!

Voting is now open and runs until 7/31.

Puppy Up Foundation The Puppy Up Foundation (formerly 2 Million Dogs) is America's first and only foundation dedicated t


We are not FOOLING, check your pets for lumps and bumps every month.


Every single day!

Fuzzybutts & Friends S2:E39: Puppy Up Memphis 10/27/2023


In this first of a kind episode, Yer Big Dog spent some time talking to parents who have all been touched by cancer at this year's Puppy Up walk in Memphis. This episode truly reinforces the One Cancer approach to our foundation and each story is powerful and packed with personal experiences and information.

Interview 1: Chris and Lucky
Interview 2: Brenna and Lima Bean
Interview 3: Trey and Sammie
Interview 4: Lindsey, Harper, Luke & Caleb

My apologies to the audience and the parents for the production quality but YBD didn't have time for a more professional setup at the walk. But I will next time as our policy at Puppy Up, every n of 1 counts!

Fuzzybutts & Friends S2:E39: Puppy Up Memphis In this first of a kind episode, Yer Big Dog spent some time talking to parents who have all been touched by cancer at this year's Puppy Up walk in Memphis. ...


Fuzzybutts & Friends S2:E36: CBD Genie's Therapeutics


We've explored the natural medicinal power of the cannabis plant in previous episodes but this time we're focused on one specific cannabanoid that everyone's hearing about these days: CBD. Alex Kozushin adopted an Airedale named Genie who was diagnosed with cancer at 7 and like some pet parents couldn't afford traditional therapy.

Driven by love and entrepreneurial ingenuity, Alex took an existing, proven formulation for CBD called Rick Simpson oil which was also developed for a cancer patient, and made it for dogs. You can read about Genie's response and inspiring story on their website but Yer Big Dog has personal experience with their anti-inflammatory therapeutic.

As some of you know, YBD's fuzzybutt Indiana is having mobility issues and currently using Genie's Therapeutics and he's shown demonstrable improvement. And while the science hasn't caught up with nature yet and we lack empirical data for both its clinical and quality of life benefits, CBD works!

Read more about Genie's story and CBD at https://geniestherapeutics.com/

Disclosure: Genie's Therapeutics is a sponsor of The Puppy Up Foundation. Yer Big Dog still recommends it 100%



Pet Partners has been training therapy pets around the world for over 40 years and its current Chief Mission Officer, Mary Margaret Callahan, joins us this episode to talk about the importance of the human-animal bond and enriching the lives of your companions.
Pet Partners is also the current host of the World's Largest Pet Walk which is being held this September 23rd, 2023 and any pet anywhere can participate in. If you think your fuzzybutt is therapy pet material, go to Pet Partner's website at https://petpartners.org/


https://youtu.be/CtINcDIpJ3g?si=3SIUeI5gUDx8ycqg5 views Sep 26, 2023
Well, we didn't know how this episode would turn out with two tremendous opposing emotional forces: comedy and cancer. Trying to find humor in the face of tragedy is a tough thing. But as a cancer survivor herself, Sarah Boston balances both expertly in her profession as a board certified veterinary surgical oncologist and as a rising Canadian comedy star.

In addition to doing standup, Sarah publishes a satirical newsletter similar to The Onion for veterinarians and techs that has become a must read in the industry. And as if that wasn't enough funny business Dr. Boston recently launched a comedy podcast for health professionals called Comedicine. Cancer has been a constant theme in Dr. Boston's life affecting her personally and inspiring her to write her biography, Lucky Dog, and a pursuit of comedy. Dr. Boston currently consults with other veterinary oncologists via Telemedicine and pursues clinical research as well.

You can find all of her inspiring exciting adventures at her site: https://drsarahboston.com/



August is Itchy Pet Awareness so we've invited a Veterinary Dermatologist on the show to talk about all things allergies. Dr. Andy Hillier leads Zoetis Petcare's Dermatology Strategy and was involved in launching their revolutionary drug: Oclacitinib

Oclacitinib is a monoclonal antibody therapy for treatment of canine allergic dermatitis in either in oral (Apoquel) or injectible (Cytopoint) form and its efficacy has been thoroughly established over the past 10 years in the US. We discuss causes of allergic dermatitis in dogs as well as other skin topics in this episode!

To find out if your fuzzybutt is a candidate for Oclacitinib, visit the webpage: https://itchingforhelp.com/

Apparently Yer Big Dog is suffering from Itchy Dog Month, too, so apologies for sneezing and coughing throughout the episode.


Great information!

If you've been following Paws4Potter for awhile, you've probably seen us post about the importance of fine needle aspirates (FNAs).

FNAs are simple tests that can often be performed when your pet is awake and during his/her vet appointment. It involves inserting a sterile needle into a lump or bump on your dog's body to obtain cells from it that then get pushed out with a syringe onto a microscope slide.

Sometimes, your vet will look at the sample right there in the office. Other times, they might send the slides off for review by a veterinary pathologist that specializes in reviewing these samples.

From the picture below, however, you will notice that all of these masses look a bit differently from one another. One is underneath the skin (in the subcutaneous tissue), one is smooth on top of the skin, and one is almost ulcerated and inflamed. However, these are ALL round cell tumors known as mast cell tumors.

Why is it important to have a mass aspirated before removing it surgically? Well, mast cell tumors are cancerous, and we want to make sure that we take a wide margin of "normal" looking tissue around it and below it when we remove it, in hopes that it won't grow back. This means that the incision will be a fair amount longer than the size of the mass! If the mass was benign, we could remove the mass with smaller margins, and the pet would not have to recover from as long of an incision. Since mast cell tumors can look like pretty much anything, we won't know what it is without aspirating it first!


Enter your kid today... like Kelly says, "the contest is open to all dogs, not just those with cancer".



This episode we're outdoors enduring the brutal summer heat so your fuzzybutts don't have to. Exercise for your kids is critical to their health, happinesss and longevity but there are so many situations where it's almost impossible. Just over a year ago, Peyton Pugh founded Zoomies Mobile Dog Gym to solve a problem that affects millions of dog parents and she brings it to you.

Her mobile gym is a simple, safe and exciting way for your fuzzybutts to get the exercise they need. Whether walking or running off anxiety or a few extra pounds, Peyton has two non-electric slat belt dog powered treadmills that have harnesses to prevent accidents. And it was awesome watching her Golden Retriever, Penny, demonstrate it for us!

It's a fun first for Fuzzybutts & Friends and this one, you'll have to watch! And although Zoomies (we love the name!) is only available in the Memphis area, we bet this time next year, Peyton will be franchising the concept.

Find out more about Zoomies Mobile Dog Gym at https://zoomiesmobiledoggym.com/


Dr. Harmon talks about Stem Cell Therapy on Fuzzybutts and Friends


For decades now we've read about a future where stem cell technology could regenerate entire organs. And while we're not quite there yet, it seems from our inspiring discussion with Drs. Angie Zinkus and Robert Harman we're reaching critical mass and much closer to realizing its therapeutic potential.

Dr. Harman is the CEO of Vet-Stem and has been treating companion animals with stem cells since 2008 and his method harvests the regenerative cells from the patient's own adipose tissue or fat cells as opposed to other methods like bone marrow. It's safer, costs less to extract and has similar success rates. Dr. Zinkus, a veterinarian from Memphis, has been successfully treating her patients with Vet Stem and introduced us to Dr. Harman.

Stem cell therapy has demonstrated significant success in treating osteoarthritis and is also being developed for liver and kidney disease as well as other inflammatory diseases.

Also discussed of considerable importance to every pet parent is Vet Stem's service, Steminsure, which enables you to store your fuzzybutt's stem cells for future need. We didn't talk about cost or insurance coverage but we highly recommend researching Steminsure for your kids.

Find out more about Stem Cell therapy and Steminsure at their website:


Remembering Murphy on the 12th anniversary of his passing.

Within weeks of completing his 2300 mile Walk from Austin, TX to Boston, MA our very own Murphy was diagnosed with nasal cancer.

I remember getting the news... I wailed, kicked, screamed, and cried on the floor for hours. Not Murphy, my God, not Murphy. It was unbelievable, that Murphy’s cancer had been growing while he walked all those miles to raise awareness of canine cancer.

There must have been days he didn’t feel good. As Luke tells the story, Murphy was always the first one wanting to start the day, always the first one out of the tent in the morning. He never wavered.

That same strength is what kept Murphy going through eighteen rounds of radiation. He came back to Memphis, full of life, running in the back yard, taking down my Lilly and holding her there with that big Pyr paw.

Sure, there were times he slept more than not, wouldn’t eat—or only if I hand-fed him. But there were also times he was all Murphy, and then some, demanding belly rubs, dinner. I had hope.

Those last months, there were times we danced, times we snuggled, times just shared. In the end, there were times we leaned into one another to just “be.” And then time ran out.

I still miss him, his big head in my lap, the never ending pyr paw slap demanding attention and the dances.

Murphy, I will always love you.


We are All Touched by Cancer in one way or another. In order to help heal hurt from happening we are having a fundraiser for our friends at PuppyUp Hudson Valley. This Great organization helps aid in cancer research for both humans and our loyal canine companions. Puppy Up Foundation is a large county wide organization. Please consider Placing an order at LillyBearTreats.com Thank You !

Lilly Bear Treats Specializes in Single Ingrident Treats and Chews.

Because Only The Best Will Do For Your Best Friend.


Uncovering the Truth about your pet's pain.

Here's a Clip from our Fuzzybutts and Friends interview with Dr. Clara Medalen who specializes in Chiropractic medicine in animals. For the entire episode go here https://youtu.be/OCL3hRFL8GI


Le Dog Company thank you for your donation. We appreciate the support!

🧡 Puppy Up Foundation 🧡 Our May Le Dog Helps recipient. Their mission is to fund canine cancer awareness, educate pet parents on the early warning signs & fund cancer research that benefits both animals and humans.

We donated a Le Bed Slate Grey in Medium which they will use for upcoming auctions to raise money for the foundation.

Pictured is their May pup of the month, Clutch Knisley who was saved by early removal of a lump on her stomach that ended up being a Mast Cell Tumor. She's now happy and healthy living her best life with her family and getting monthly checks for new lumps. 🧡🐶

For more information on how to support and get involved please visit: https://puppyupwalk.org/

Timeline photos 06/10/2023

Remember this.


Thank you Lilly Bear!

Puppy Up Foundation will be the next recipient of the %15 of Proceeds that benefit animal betterment. Please be sure to give them a fallow. Serving humans and thire K9 companions. By committing to discovering causes and common links between Canine and human cancers through Comparative oncology reasurch.
Lilly Bear Treats offers single Ingredient Treats and Chews. To support this Fundraiser visit LillyBearTreats.com

Thank you all.



Hendrix was given up twice before we adopted him from the Humane Society in 2011. His paperwork only told us he was between 2 and 4 years old. Hendrix quickly became a part of our family. He was very loving and loyal with a happy go lucky personality. Hendrix loved watching tv and he would come running if he heard his favorite commercials. He was our best friend for 7 years. When he was diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma, we took him to a veterinarian who specializes in oncology where he received the "gold standard" treatment. Hendrix fought hard, but sadly, cancer took him just a few short months after being diagnosed. Although he is gone from our home, his paw prints remain in our hearts. He joined Slash and Vito at the Rainbow Bridge, 2 of our Rottweilers who we loved with all our hearts and also lost to bone cancer in 2001 and 2011.

Fuzzybutts And Friends Episode 45: The Dog Aging Project 12/10/2022


Yer Big Dog is turning many years old very soon and while we all have a general understanding of the universe's entropy, it's how we age that determines quality of life. Dr. Lizzy Pearson, spokesperson for The Dog Aging Project is on this episode to talk about this incredible undertaking that's been 15 years in the making.

With about 50,000 dogs already enrolled in this massive study, the Dog Aging Project is acquiring giant data sets and analyzing senescence in all systems of our canine companions. And already, their existing corpus of research is impressive: from correlations between physical activity and cognition in elderly dogs to diet and nutrition as well as cancer development.

Equally important and unlike most others, pet parents have access to these studies and the terabytes of data The Dog Aging Project is accumulating has tremendous downstream significance for comparative science benefiting people as well.

Both Ginger and YBD are enrolling our fuzzybutts in this groundbreaking scientific endeavor and we highly recommend you do, too!

Fuzzybutts And Friends Episode 45: The Dog Aging Project Yer Big Dog is turning many years old very soon in a few weeks and while we all have a general understanding of the universe's entropy, it's how we age that ...


We are adding new products every day! This beautiful collar comes in a variety of colors and sizes! Shop www.puppyup.org/shop


Ms. Lily was the Canine Cancer hero for PuppyUp Memphis in 2019! She's still sassy as ever.


Still loving the Seniors!


Still celebrating November's Senior Pet month


It’s all fun and games until you have to clean the cone.


The Puppy Up Foundation only funds
research that will benefit pets and people. We can only
do this through your generosity.


Cancer. Touches. Everyone.

Puppy Up Foundation The Puppy Up Foundation (formerly 2 Million Dogs) is America's first and only foundation dedicated to comparative oncology research to end cancer in pets and people.


We recently received a generous merchandise donation from ! The truck arrived with 5 pallets of cute merchandise.

Now we need to clear out the old to make room for the new. So, SHOP www.puppyup.org/shop so we will have room to stock all the new stuff.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in Memphis?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Show Your Love
Vote on your favorite Cancer hero!
Mother's Day is Coming Soon
A dog can change the way you see the world.
It's still #GivingTuesdayNow for a few more hours
Why I Walk 2020



1460 Madison Avenue
Memphis, TN

Other Nonprofit Organizations in Memphis (show all)
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1000 S Cooper Street
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MIFA (Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association) MIFA (Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association)
910 Vance Avenue
Memphis, 38126

Supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-impact programs

Kappa Delta Foundation Kappa Delta Foundation
3205 Players Lane
Memphis, 38125

A partnership that builds confidence and inspires action.

Lausanne Alumni Association Lausanne Alumni Association
1381 W Massey Road
Memphis, 38120

A great way to connect with other Lausanne Collegiate School, Lausanne School and Lausanne School for

Kappa Delta Sorority Kappa Delta Sorority
3205 Players Lane
Memphis, 38125

Kappa Delta Sorority is committed to providing opportunities and experiences that build confidence.

Les Passees Inc Les Passees Inc
5489 Murray Avenue
Memphis, 38119

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Ronald McDonald House Charities of Memphis Ronald McDonald House Charities of Memphis
535 Alabama Avenue
Memphis, 38105

Near the care they need with the family they love. Go to www.rmhc-memphis.org for info on ways to support our mission.

St. Jude Heroes St. Jude Heroes
Memphis, 38105

Do more with your race. Be a Hero, and run for the kids of St. Jude.

Porter-Leath Porter-Leath
3400 Prescott Road
Memphis, 38118

Since 1850, Porter-Leath has been key resource for children and families in the Memphis area.

Memphis Union Mission Memphis Union Mission
383 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, 38105

Rebuilding lives since 1945

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis
7136 Wi******er Road
Memphis, 38125

Memphis Habitat partners with local people to help them build and buy or improve their homes.

Citizens to Preserve Overton Park Citizens to Preserve Overton Park

Our mission is to preserve and defend the Old Forest and open spaces of Overton Park for the enjoymen