Bee 901 Co.

We are a non-profit creating sweeter lives for Memphians in need with life-changing honey.


Just like our honey bees, our mental health and success can be deeply influenced by the environments we choose. It's all about finding that perfect spot to set up our hives, where acres upon acres of nectar-producing vegetation surround us. And for us humans, it's no different.

Our largest apiary is at Jones Orchard, where we've carefully selected the best spots to place our hives (currently seen here in front of raspberries). We've got lush fields and bountiful flora, ensuring our bees have all they need to thrive and survive. But here's the kicker: we can learn a valuable lesson from this.

We should be just as mindful when it comes to the environments we choose to live, work, and play in. Think about it. Are those areas truly good for us? Do they contribute positively to our mental health and overall well-being? Can they help us succeed?

Or, on the flip side, are they draining? Do they put us in a constant state of negativity or make us feel like we're stuck in a rut? Do they make us wake up in a bad mood ready to sting someone? It's important to choose our environments wisely.

Just like our bees need the right vegetation to produce that golden, delicious honey, we need surroundings that nurture our growth and happiness. We need spaces that inspire us, uplift our spirits, and push us to achieve our goals.

So gang, take a moment and evaluate the environments you find yourselves in. Are they fostering positivity and providing the nourishment you need to flourish? If not, maybe it's time to consider making a change. Seek out places that resonate with your aspirations, that uplift your soul, and bring out the best in you.

Remember, life's too short to settle for anything less than extraordinary. Let's channel our inner bees and find our own version of Jones Orchard—the place where we can truly thrive and succeed.


Honey vs Sugar — Bee 901 Co. 07/24/2024

Is honey really healthier than sugar? 🤔
Discover the truth about using honey as a sugar substitute. Learn the benefits, drawbacks, and how to use honey in moderation for a balanced diet. Find out if honey is the healthier choice for your recipes.

Honey vs Sugar — Bee 901 Co. Discover the truth about using honey as a sugar substitute. Learn the benefits, drawbacks, and how to use honey in moderation for a balanced diet. Find out if honey is the healthier choice for your recipes.

Photos from Bee 901 Co.'s post 07/23/2024

Our country can benefit from this right now.
Festooning: when bees link together to create strong, supportive structures. Imagine if we, as a nation, embraced this same spirit of unity and cooperation during election season. By coming together and supporting one another, we can build a brighter, more resilient future. Let’s link up, communicate, and work towards the greater good, just like our hardworking honeybees. 🐝🇺🇸


Our bees make local honey. But you make it life-changing honey. Donate today at


A view of Kevin looking at our finances trying to money. 🔍👀
We are down to $4,610 needed to operate the rest of the bees season. We need lots of bottles!Donate today at


Everyone, join us in wishing Shepherd's Haven's biggest Elvis fan, Tommy, a happy birthday. Happy Birthday, dude! Hope you have a rockin' day. 🤟🥳🎂

Happy birthday, Tommy! We love you and hope you have a wonderful day! 🎉


We need $4,670.

Our mission is simple: Create sweeter lives for Memphians in need with life-changing honey.

Our promise is just as simple: Donate 100% of our honey proceeds

Please donate today. We are in the middle of honey harvest season. We had a tremendous spring and now it’s time to get that honey out of the hives and into your hands.

We need $4,670 to make the short term mission complete. Donate today at


💡Quick Tip: How to safely remove a single honey bee from your house.


Every day is Independence Day when you Love Your Hive. Happy July 4th! Bee safe. 🇺🇸🐝💛

Photos from Bee 901 Co.'s post 07/03/2024

The more you know. 💫🐝🇺🇸


All we are saying is give a bees a chance. 🐝🇺🇸


Hey look! A queen hatching! 👑🐝🐣
Let’s dive into the world of queen bees ⬇️

🥚🏭**Egg Factory**
The queen is… well, the queen of the bee world, cranking out up to 2,000 eggs a day. She’s got one job, and she’s killing it.

🤪✈️**Wild Mating Flights**
Early in her career, she takes these crazy mating flights. Think of it as speed dating in the sky, where she hooks up with multiple drones. Yeah, she’s got options.

Unlike the average worker bee who lives for just a few weeks, the queen can hang around for a couple of years, sometimes even five. She’s the grand dame of the hive.

👃⚡️**Pheromone Power**
She’s got this special pheromone – it’s like her signature scent – that tells all the worker bees everything’s cool in the hive. It’s her way of keeping everyone in line.

👑🥛**Royal Jelly**
Future queens start off like any other bee, but they get the royal treatment with a diet of royal jelly. It’s like going from ordinary to extraordinary overnight.

📋✅**Plan B**
If the queen bites the dust, no worries. The worker bees can whip up a new queen by feeding a young larva that royal jelly. It’s their emergency backup plan.

💥🥊**Double Trouble**
Sometimes, you’ll get two queens in the same hive. It’s like a power struggle until one takes over, but it usually doesn’t last long.

😁😒😑🫤**Mood Swings**
Queens can change their behavior based on what the hive needs. If they’re prepping to swarm or if food’s running low, she might take a break from egg-laying.

☠️⚰️**Out with the Old**
When a queen starts to lose her touch, the worker bees might stage a little coup, raising a new queen to take her place. It’s like a corporate reshuffle.

🛑😤**Stingy Business**
Queen bees aren’t big on stinging humans. They save their stingers for other queens. It’s more of a “stay off my turf” kind of thing.

And there you have it – queen bees, running the show with style and efficiency.


It’s a great weekend to change lives. Drop by Hive Bagel & Deli or Restaurant Iris. Buy a meal or two to support these great local restaurants. Aaaaand while you’re there pick up a bottle of honey that helps change the lives of Memphians in need. Do some good this weekend. 💛🍯🐝

Photos from Bee 901 Co.'s post 06/20/2024

Happy Birthday, Taylor! 🎉🎂
We met Taylor a few months ago. Like the other residents at Shepherd's Haven, he’s bright, talented, and has a great sense of humor. Among his many talents (one being a comedian) he hand makes, what he calls “Doo-Dads.” Wendy and Kevin were lucky enough to be gifted these one-of-kind art pieces.

Happy Birthday, Taylor! We hope you have the best day ever.

📸 Justin Achelpohl


Yesterday was Father's Day, and the weight of this holiday hits hard because my dad has been gone for almost two years. Every time I walk to the hives, I look over at his milk crate underneath the tall, old pine tree. He called it his "front row seat." It was his favorite spot to sit and watch me crack open the hives and inspect the bees. After I checked the colonies, Dad and I would always meet on the back porch to talk about them. He was always amazed by the bee stories I told him.

Now, every time I check those bees, I'll look over my shoulder and see that milk crate, imagining Dad is sitting right there watching me.

I’m going to miss that dude.


To be honest, this is a lie. We don’t have time or energy for social gatherings.


Happy Birthday, Hugh!! 🥳🎂

Happy birthday, Hugh! We love you and hope you have a wonderful day! 🎉


It’s Friday! A great way to start your weekend is to donate a few dollars so we can keep surprising the wonderful residents of Shepherd's Haven, like our buddy Tommy.

You can donate at

Tommy (who has a spot-on Elvis impersonation) was left speechless when we saw the amount of this year’s check. Shortly after he prayed for everyone, our bees, and that the money will spent in the best way possible.

Now THAT is sweeter than honey. 🥰🍯

Please donate today at


In the heart of downtown Memphis, on South Main, we stumbled upon a sign on an old, worn-down building. The building’s tattoo said "Live A Great Story.” Imagine the stories that building could tell—decades of history, memories, and dreams.

This sign speaks to us all, urging us to embrace life fully and consistently. We believe in making every moment count and weaving our own unforgettable stories.

In our next email we’ll explore what "Live A Great Story" means for you, for Memphis, and for our Bee 901 community.

Subscribe today at


Want to start your morning right? Forget the Pop-Tarts (although Jerry Seinfeld’s Pop-Tart movie “Unfrosted” was fun to watch). Head over to Hive Bagel & Deli and grab yourself some of their fresh, hand-made bagels and fluffy, tart pastries.

And while you’re at it, snag a bottle of our honey. We just restocked their shelves with Wildflower and Barrel-Aged Honey. It’s the perfect way to sweeten up your day. 🍯🐝😋


Preach. 🙌


Happy Memorial Day from Hive #10. 🇺🇸🐝


When we look at this photo, it makes all the bee stings, pulled muscles, sweat, spilled honey, and exhaustion feel worth it.

We can't hand over this check to Shepherd's Haven without your help. Your donation helps pay for equipment, bottles, labels, and anything else that allows us to make and sell life-changing honey. Your support keeps our little non-profit buzzing.

Donate today at:

📸 Justin Achelpohl

Photos from Bee 901 Co.'s post 05/21/2024

Had a great day checking out the hives with our new buddy, Aaron. He’s looking to jump into beekeeping next year. After getting into four hives with us, he’s pretty pumped about it.

Sure, you can hit the meetings and devour all the bee books, but the real education comes from suiting up and getting hands-on. We’ve learned so much from our own blunders (and trust me, we still make plenty).

If you’re new to beekeeping, find yourself a seasoned pro. And for you veterans out there, let’s not scare off the newbies by insisting they do things exactly your way. It never helps. That’s why we’re grateful to have The Bartlett Bee Whisperer as our mentor. When it comes to teaching both newbies and seasoned beekeepers, he’s top-notch.

Photos from Bee 901 Co.'s post 05/17/2024

Holding Hands and Bees Festooning:
The Sweet Art of Connection

Today, let's take a minute to talk about two seemingly unrelated yet deeply connected actions: holding hands and bees festooning. Yeah, you heard me right. We're going to dive into how these simple gestures—one human, one insect—speak volumes about connection, teamwork, and building something that truly matters.

The Warmth of Holding Hands

Picture this: you're with someone you care about. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and you reach out to hold their hand. It's such a simple act, isn't it? Yet, in that moment, something remarkable happens. A connection is formed—one that transcends words. You feel the warmth of their skin, the gentle squeeze of their fingers, and suddenly, you’re not just two individuals anymore. You're a team, a unit, moving forward together. Building something.

Holding hands is an age-old gesture that speaks to our inherent need for connection. It’s about trust, support, and a shared journey. It’s the unspoken promise that you’re there for each other, no matter what.

The Festooning of the Bees

Now, let’s shift our focus to the bees. If you've ever watched a hive in action, you might have noticed bees festooning. This is when bees form chains, holding onto each other with their legs, creating a living bridge. It’s a fascinating sight. Bees, in these moments, are not just individuals; they’re a collective, working together with precision and harmony.

Festooning is crucial for the construction of the hive. It’s how bees measure and build their combs, ensuring the structure is perfect for storing honey and nurturing new bees. It’s a brilliant display of teamwork, where every bee knows its role and trusts its neighbors to do their part.

Building Something Bigger Together

So, what do holding hands and bees festooning have in common? At their core, both acts are about connection and collaboration. Whether it’s two people forming a bond through a simple touch or a swarm of bees working in unison, these actions underscore the power of coming together to create something meaningful.

In life, we’re often faced with challenges that we can’t overcome alone. But when we join hands—literally or figuratively—we tap into a strength that goes beyond our individual capabilities. Just like the bees, when we work together, we can build something sturdy, something that stands the test of time.

The Importance of Teamwork

In our busy lives, it's easy to forget the importance of these small connections. We get caught up in our individual pursuits and forget that, sometimes, the most significant achievements come from collective effort. Whether it's a personal relationship, a project at work, or a community initiative, the principles of holding hands and festooning remind us that we are better together.

So next time you hold someone's hand, take a moment to appreciate the connection. And if you ever find yourself watching bees festooning, marvel at their innate understanding of teamwork. Both serve as gentle reminders that, in the grand scheme of things, it's our connections that help us build the best versions of our lives and our communities.

And who knows? Maybe if we all take a page out of the bees' book and start festooning in our own ways, we might just create a world that's a little sweeter.

Until next time, keep holding hands and building those bridges.

Love Your Hive. 🐝💛🍯


Dive into our latest blog post in "The Idea💡Hive" for a beekeeping adventure that taught us some unexpected life lessons. We hope this 2-minute read brightens your day. 👓


THIS is why we call our honey “life-changing honey”! Our honey is both overpriced and undervalued because it makes the lives of Memphians a little sweeter.

Thank you to everyone who purchased a bottle of honey from us. We donated our largest check ever! Take a look, this is where your money is going.

We are excited to see how Shepherd's Haven uses these funds to improve the lives of their residents.

Huge shoutout to the long list of people who made this happen:

• The Bartlett Bee Whisperer
• Wendy Howell-Nations Weather
• Mark & Cassie Michelle Krebs
• Old Dominick Distillery
• Kelly English
• Restaurant Iris
• The Second Line
• Josh Steiner
• Hive Bagel & Deli
• Dr. Jimmy Murphy

And of course… The $1 Club


🎥 Chris Isaac
📸 Justin Achelpohl


Hard work and endurance pays off.

You’re looking at every beekeeper’s dream honey box. A honey super stacked and overflowing with dripping gold. Weighing a solid +60lbs. It’s a beautiful site.

Tomorrow is a historic milestone in our small business history. We’re donating our largest check ever to the wonderful people at Shepherd's Haven. And it’s all because of 3 things:
1. Hardworking Bees
2. The $1 Club
3. Anyone who bought honey

Our mission is simple, give 100% of our proceeds to Memphians in need while saving the bees.

It’s a win-win. Big love, Memphis.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

We create sweeter lives for Memphians in need with life-changing honey.

We call it “life-changing honey” because, well, it is. The honey you purchase directly impacts citizens to greatly improve their lives. Every bottle of honey you purchase, 100% of the proceeds benefit Memphians in need. And because of you, since 2017, we’ve donated nearly $20,000 to people who need a little help.

Videos (show all)

Where does Phillip Ashley Chocolates, the modern day Willie Wonka get his honey? We enjoyed having the James Beard Found...
Donate Today
Have a wonderful weekend, gang! We’ll be harvesting life-changing honey. Donate today at
Our Mission. Our Promise.
You’re killin’ me, Smalls!!
Lonely Honey Bee Removal
30 Seconds of Serenity. Milkweed is a beautiful, no-maintenance plant that honey bees love!
How to tell if your hive is queenless just by listening. 🎧
Meet Tommy aka Elvis! Tommy is one of the rockstar residents at Shepherd's Haven. Among his many talents, he does a grea...
Tennessee lawmakers with a body slam off the top ropes!!! Dont mess with Tennessee bees. 🐝😤💪
Add some razzle dazzle to your wrapping with this tip.



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