Sun Kyeong USA

Energy Sessions, Qi Classes & Ancestor Healing. Available at our wellness centers & online.


Qi sessions are a powerful way to transform your body and mind. 💫

The sound made during a session transmits Qi deep into the energy system, recharging the whole body and opening all the energy channels. 〰️

When filled with Qi, we naturally feel calmer, clearer and more positive. 🙂

A Qi session is a way to recharge your mind, body and spirit !

Who would you like to share the gift of Qi with? 💬⤵️


It’s easy to take so much of our life for granted.❗

Sometimes a few days or a week can fly by and we forget to just stop and appreciate all the wonderful things life gives us. 🤔

🙌🏽 Our tip :

✔️ End your day with a gratitude meditation.

This is a perfect opportunity to grow more appreciation for the small things in life. 🙏🏻

How to begin :

⏳ Spend five minutes at the end of every day breathing deeply until you feel calm and peaceful.

🪂 When you feel that your mind is still, go on a journey of appreciation remembering how your day started and continuing until the end finding all the things that you can be grateful for and all the moments that brought you joy.

🌷 You can even find gratitude for the challenging aspects of your day: What did you learn? How did this situation help you to grow or see what you want to change?

What do you feel grateful for today? 💬⤵️



Have you ever felt like you were carrying something that wasn’t yours? 🧐

Some emotions, symptoms and patterns we have are coming from previous generations. 👩🏾‍🦳👨🏼‍🦳

Think about it. 👀⤵️

We inherit our physical features and even some of our character from our parents. Which they themselves have inherited from previous generations ! 🧬

Did you know that emotions, addictions and even memories can also be passed down from one generation to the next?

✨ One way to clear these inherited patterns that cause us pain and blockages in our life, is to do Ancestor Healing - a course we offer at Sun Kyeong.

What inherited pattern can you identify within yourself or your family that you would like to clear? 💬⤵️


Physical pain comes from energy blockages. ⚠️

Stagnant and toxic energy inflames the body and causes pain. 😖

To create a healthy and harmonious flow of energy, blockages need to be released.

✅ Qi has the power to calm the body, regenerate cells, and dissolve pain.

✅ When Qi flows freely, stagnant toxic energy that causes pain, is removed.

✅ By recharging the body with Qi, it supports the circulation of blood and energy to the areas that need healing.
Qi has an incredible power to transform and heal pain.

How do you manage chronic pain? 💬⤵️


Can you feel the difference in energy from one place to another? 🏘️🚇⛰️

Think about it. 🤔

How do you feel when you’re on a bus or a train? How about when you’re in the mountains? How do you feel in your home, can you notice a difference between one room and another?

We can feel more or less comfortable, depending on where we are. This is because of the energy of the location and building. Depending on where it is situated and what has happened there in the past, the energy can feel different. 🌩️

The energy that surrounds us impacts our physical and emotional health, in a positive or negative way.

What place have you visited that made you feel uncomfortable? 💬⤵️

At Sun Kyeong, we offer energy clearing for your home. 🌟

To fill your house with bright light and energy, please get in touch! 🙋🏼‍♀️

Photos from Sun Kyeong USA's post 08/16/2022

“The seven week meditation course I did with Sun Kyeong helped me to become more present and accepting. It helped me to get in touch with my emotions and acknowledge any feelings that I was suppressing subconsciously.

This helped a healing process that was so beneficial for me. The loving energy that radiated from the facilitator was so uplifting, nurturing and comforting. I totally recommend this course and would certainly do it again.”

Thank you Julie we’re so happy this course helped you so much. 🙏🏽😊

What changes have you experienced through meditation? 💬⤵️


Do you find music uplifting? 🎧

Music, words, sound all carry their own frequency and vibration. 🎼

When we tune to a positive vibration we feel happy. 😌 When we sing along to music we create the same vibration within us.

Part of the Sun Kyeong Qi classes consists of chanting, helping us to tune our body, mind and spirit to the vibration of life - Qi. 〰️

When we tune to this vibration, we can find harmony and stillness as our own vibration begins to change. 🙂

Would you like to experience this? 💬⤵️


➡️ The human mind wants to look after itself.

💭 When we connect to our human mind we put ourselves first rather than thinking about other people’s needs.

➡️ The universal mind is like a parent's mind, always thinking of others first.

When we connect to our universal mind we are filled with love, compassion and kindness, automatically putting other people’s needs before our own.

🙌🏽 Our tip :

✔️ When you find yourself challenged by another person, rather than reacting to the situation, ask yourself ‘What does this person need?’ ‘How can I help them?’.

✔️ Try to feed your universal mind with positive thoughts and actions for others, rather than feeding your human mind.

Can you think of a scenario where you put someone's needs before your own? 💬⤵️


Nature’s beauty can take our breath away. 🌄🙇🏽‍♀️

The power emanating from great mountains, the beauty of a sunrise, the deep stillness of a lake or the enormity of the desert. We feel the power and energy from nature that the Universe has created. 💓

When we are touched by nature, we feel really grateful and a renewed sense of appreciation for our life. We feel alive 🤱🏼

What things in nature move you the most? 💬⤵️



What is the real cause of burnout? 🤯

🔎 People suffering with burnout often feel it is linked to their stressful job or a situation in their life.

Actually the real cause of burnout is an extreme depletion of Qi and an energy battery that is flat and has no power.

No matter how much rest you get or good food you try to nourish yourself with, this is not going to make a significant difference to your burn out.

To really make a difference you need to recharge your whole energy system with Qi.

🔋 If your battery is filled with Qi your body and mind are both supported. Helping you to feel:
✅ full of energy and vitality
✅ calm, peaceful and positive

Do you know someone suffering from burnout? Receiving Qi will help ! Please tag him/her in a comment. 💬⤵️


The Sun Kyeong practice began in the mountains of South Korea more than fifty years ago and has a deeply unique and spiritual origin. 🌄

Although it has roots that go back thousands of years, the Sun Kyeong method is in fact a modern practice, designed to help us navigate the challenges and achieve the spiritual awakening that is needed today. 🌟

What does spirituality mean to you? 💬⤵️

Photos from Sun Kyeong USA's post 07/10/2022

“The classes make me feel so light and positive. Sun Kyeong brings spirituality into my life and gives me a supportive network of lovely people.” Nadja, Barcelona

🙏🏻😃 Thank you Nadja for sharing your experience with the Qi classes in Barcelona!

Did you know our Qi classes are available online? 💬⤵️


Receive Qi wherever you are in the world! 🌎🌍🌏

Sun Kyeong Masters have trained intensively to be able to tune to the vibration of life - Qi. 〰️

Qi Masters strengthen their own energy system to receive Qi and share it with others. 💞

✨ Connecting to the Mind of the Universe is like connecting directly to the main power source and through daily practice Qi Masters develop the ability to do this.
This training enables them to open people’s energy blockages, helping to release negative emotions and toxins and recharge them with Qi.

With centres all over the world and Qi sessions also available online, there’s always a way for you to receive Qi and recharge!🔋

How would you prefer to receive Qi, online or physically? 💬⤵️


Craving something sweet? 🍭👀

Apart from giving you a false energy boost - which always comes with the inevitable crash, 😫 sugar creates blockages in your energy system, draining your energy and compromises your immune system. ❌

🙌🏽 Our tip :

✔️ Add some sweet root vegetables to your diet - they’re packed with nutrients, giving you longer lasting energy and satisfying your cravings. 🥕🍠

What is your favourite root vegetable? 💬⤵️


Qi is the most harmonious vibration in the universe. 〰️
It contains the light, love and energy from the universe which feeds our spirit, mind and body. 🌟

Without receiving Qi, we are losing the connection to our true self, to people around us and on a greater scale, to nature and to the universe.
A lack of connection, can deplete and block our mind and body, creating stress, tensions and more health problems. 😫

Through receiving the beautiful vibration of Qi we can reconnect deeply to our original nature, naturally start to understand ourselves and others better and recharge our body and mind. 🙌🏽🔋

At Sun Kyeong we help you to receive Qi through treatments but also support you in making this connection again with classes. 🧘🏻‍♀️

Have you received Qi before? How did it make you feel? 💬⤵️


💭 Throughout the day our mind is filled with thousands of thoughts coming and going, popping into our head. Some can be positive and uplifting while others can drag us down. ⛈️

💭 Constant thoughts are exhausting and drain our energy unnecessarily. Give your mind a break, allow your mind to rest by taking time to do a simple breathing meditation. 🧘🏻‍♀️

✔️ Simply breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth for a couple of minutes, then change to breathing in through your mouth and out through your nose. Finally breathe in through the nose and out through the nose.

✔️ You can repeat this sequence as many times as you like and as often as you want throughout the day. Remember whenever your mind wonders just bring your focus back to your breath.

Enjoy giving yourself a little break from your busy mind. 😊

How did you get on? 💬⤵️

Photos from Sun Kyeong USA's post 01/07/2022

Our Copenhagen centre is located in the heart of Copenhagen near the main landmarks Marmorkirken and Amelienborg (Royal Palace). 🏛️

In this beautiful city, our practitioner Siomara is happy to welcome people to recharge since 2019! 💁🏻‍♀️

Do you know which Sun Kyeong / Jung Shim centre is closest to you? 💬⤵️


Do you sometimes experience fear? 👀

Fear can be triggered by a specific situation or person but sometimes we feel fearful and we don’t know why. 😰

Since birth we accumulate and learn patterns. Some patterns do not serve us and keep playing over and over again, becoming more and more part of who we are today.

We do have a choice however to let go of the patterns that we do not want to keep. 🪁

✔️ At Sun Kyeong we offer helpful tools to release negative feelings such as fear.

If you would like to lift a pattern of fear that you have noticed in yourself, or a loved one, get in touch with us and learn how we can help. 🙋🏼‍♂️

What makes you fearful? 💬⤵️


Join the Qi masters around the world for a global meditation to create and share more light for 2022!🌝

On Tuesday 4th January at 9pm CET (3pm NY time) we will lead a meditation online for people all around the world, to start the new year together with one mind and heart, setting a positive intention for the year ahead.🌎

Join us online for an hour of receiving the brightest light, purest love and most powerful energy that the Mind of the Universe has to give.💫

Start 2022 full of smiling, happiness and clarity.
Message here for Zoom link. We can't wait to see you on Tuesday 🔥


Qi focuses on transmitting the vibration of life - Qi 〰️ deep into the whole energy system as well as focusing on the major energy points in the body responsible for our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

When we receive the vibration of Qi, it connects us to the Mind of the Universe enabling us to receive light, love and energy. 🌟

The more Qi we receive, the better we can manage our life and the more we can share with others. 💞

✅ The treatments are incredibly powerful, stimulating the immune system to work properly, regenerating cells and bringing the body, mind and spirit back into harmony.

If you lead a stressful life, then Qi treatments can really help you to feel balanced, recharged and full of the joys of life again. 🙌🏽

When did you have your last Qi ? 💬⤵️

Photos from Sun Kyeong USA's post 12/24/2021

“I’ve had a very difficult two years with mental health and also raising my daughter without her father. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety two years ago. I was also experiencing insomnia and pain.

I saw the advertisement on Facebook and knew that I needed this treatment.

I really didn’t know what to expect, but I wasn’t expecting to feel this great so soon.
I’m falling and staying asleep more now, I have my concentration back, I’m reading more books and engaging better with my life. I have a light, clear mind and I’m at peace.
Feeling all this positive energy is something I haven’t felt in a long time.

The conventional way of overcoming anxiety and depression didn’t work for me, but I am so happy to have found Jung Shim/Sun Kyeong.”

Thank you Melissa for sharing your story. 🙏🏻

Have you ever experienced anxiety or depression? 💬⤵️


The Universe is giving love with vibration, creating the wind 🌬️, the light from the stars✨, the light from the moon🌖. Everything is created by the universal vibration – Qi. 〰️

During Qi classes we receive this universal vibration and light to brighten our spirit and connect to the Mind of the Universe. 🌟

With light, love and energy, Qi can transform any negativity within us. 💓

Would you like to try a Qi class? 💬⤵️


What is a simple way to detoxify your body? 🌱

Drinking warm water is an excellent way to help your body flush out toxins. 💦

✅ Warm water increases circulation by expanding your blood vessels. This helps to increase blood flow, supporting all the organs of the body.

🔎 Did you know that warm water also helps digestion and congestion?

How do you detox your body? 💬⤵️


There is always a root cause!

✔️ At Jung Shim / Sun Kyeong we help to ease symptoms with Qi treatments and Qi classes.

Our main focus is to locate the root cause of the problem. 👀

Our method is a natural and holistic way to improve your lifestyle and benefit you and your family. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Book in some time with a practitioner to find out how we can help you. 📩

What would you like to know about our method? 💬⤵️

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Videos (show all)

Qi sessions are a powerful way to transform your body and mind. 💫 The sound made during a session transmits Qi deep into...




Floor 4, 247 West 30th Street, Manhattan
New York, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 10:30am - 7:30pm
Tuesday 10:30am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 10:30am - 7:30pm
Thursday 10:30am - 7:30pm
Friday 10:30am - 7:30pm
Saturday 10:30am - 5pm

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