Reiki with Olivea

Reiki is a soothing folk healing art that invites calm and ease into the heart and body.

Reiki feels refreshing, simple and natural like seeing from newly polished glasses or like receiving a warm and loving hug from the universe.


Discover the Magic of Reiki: Virtual Class Starts September 19th! (Last day to register is August 22nd) Join us for a unique virtual Reiki 1 class on the autumn equinox designed to bring healing and balance into your daily life. Limited spots available!

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 07/12/2024

Thank you again and again to those who participated in our Tanabata Reiki Tea Ceremony on 7/7 and also those who supported from near and far🙏💗✨✨✨ It was a dream of its own preparing for it and then sharing about the magic of Tanabata esp. from a healing perspective, so much nourishment of and for the heart!!💖 In the tea ceremony we tenderly shared about being romanced by life, what it means to us personally, and also happily felt into it together. 🥰 Whatever your being romanced is may you have it in droves and enjoy it thoroughly! ✨Afterwards I came across (or maybe it came to me???) this love poem that has been my everything since. Every time is for love but most especially, Summertime is for love. This is “Paradise” by James Baldwin:


Let this be my summertime
Of azure sky and rolling sea,
And smiling clouds, and wind-kissed laughter,
And just myself entranced with thee.
And children playing in the glory
Of a carefree, youthful day,
And sunshine shining from the heavens,
And tears and sighing fled away.
Let this be my happiness
‘Midst the earth’s swift-flowing woe.
Let this be my only solace-
Just to know you love me so.
Just to know that we’ll go winging,
Far above this earthy clime,
Hand in hand through laughing meadows.
Let this be my summertime.

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 07/07/2024

Happy Tanabata 7/7! 🤍💙💖🌠 May all your wishes come true for you 🎋💫✨✨✨✨✨



I’m not sure what made me do it exactly but I think it was the energy of the city. I go on these monthly writing retreats in the city here because it’s very good for my creativity. So while on my most recent one I was also *cosmically* preparing for our Tanabata-inspired Reiki tea ceremony on 7/7 and feeling almost desperate to know more about how to hold space for letting our wishes come true (I will not say manifesting, except for I just did!) So after breakfast I decided I’d go on a walk-about to the nearest beach and ask Okinawa, actually ask the land, to show or teach me more about the spirit of Tanabata and how to keep the faith as a practiced dreamer and heart-follower. What unfolded was purest magic. Here are some images of the walk-about and a bit from the photo essay I wrote to accompany them, all on my blog (there’s a link in my profile)! Initially I was only going to share it with those attending the tea ceremony (cuz also very personal) but it feels good and strengthening to keep opening my heart in brave new ways so here it is and I hope it inspires you to reconnect with the land where you live too 🌠🌠🌠

“That’s when the street delivered me into the arms of a small mystically vibrant park teeming with butterflies and thick shade and inviting respite, with ancient banyan trees all around. There was also a clearing that housed a marvelously bright swing set for the kids. How I just wanted to sit and rest there for a while as it was only getting hotter in the strong afternoon sun. I noticed then someone walking down some stone steps behind me, opposite the direction of the ocean, and then how my body involuntarily, as if by animal instinct, turned to face those steps. It was like I was being guided to ascend the steps, even though I would have much rather liked to rest and then prance on into the water! But continuing on the walk felt like what had to come first. I started towards the stairs but stopped and turned around for a moment to take one last look at the park and the shining swing set: Keep going, the time for play will come!”


Welcoming July by embracing the magic of Tanabata with Reiki, ritual, and dream visioning ✨✨ This month we’ll have a Reiki tea ceremony on July 7th at 7pm (EST) to relax our minds, center and ground our bodies, and DREAM together under the stars! 💕🌠🌌

I love this time of year sooo much and am looking forward to sharing in the enchantment of this magical Reiki tea ceremony with all those open - hearted - conscious - magic - driven - dreamers who are called! 🤩🥰💗💫✨

There’s more info in the link in my bio. kindly reach out if you’d like to join, there are still plenty of spaces available!

📅 Date: 7/7
🕖 Time: 7 PM EST
💫 Cost: $25

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 06/21/2024

Happy summer solstice everyone! 💛

It felt like the right time to finally share these photos! They’re all on the blog on a post I spent the entirety of spring from my bday to now writing about the promises of spring and water, and how water has become a great teacher to me while being here. Every time I thought I understood the way of water that understanding completely slipped away, which is a very water thing to do! Perhaps it doesn’t want to be understood? Perhaps it wants us to understand ourselves instead? At least that’s what it felt like it was showing me .. that and in order to do that I had to find peace within myself .. primarily around my mixed race identity. It went deep! 🐳 water also reminds me of Reiki and how it’s not meant to be understood with our intellect and logic. Reiki helps us to walk our individual purpose in this life and in a customized way lovingly guides each of us towards our destiny. The goal is to be ourselves (not a Reiki Master) which feels like a gorgeously rich journey of its own✨ Reiki, water, spring turns into summer, wow wow wow, here we go!! Big blessings of deep peace to you this season 🩵🩵🌞🩵🩵

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 06/20/2024

Here are a couple pics from a blog post (there’s a link in my bio) I just wrote about a recent visit to a Quan Yin temple. It wasn’t a planned visit but just happened when I had to pivot real quick so I didn’t get caught in both the rain and an angry emotional state ! 🤬🔥☔️ my biggest take away from the profound beauty of it all was that sometimes counter to all logic consciously getting lost in the dreamworld (where nothing makes sense) can lead us to important realizations and healing unavailable to us otherwise. Here’s an excerpt from the full post (thank you for continuing to journey with me on my healing adventures in Okinawa!) 💓🙏✨✨✨

When I opened my eyes, I noticed the dragon painted on the ceiling above. It completely contrasted with the serenity and soft muted colors of the space. Its face was huge, animated, and fierce, grasping a ball in one of its claws and looked kind of, well, wild. I noticed it was painted in black and white also and so big it felt very close, unlike the Quan Yin statue that was small and far away and protected, completely out of reach. It was like the space was Quan Yin’s holy refuge for our bodies on earth, and the dragon was the party in the sky with its very special medicine for our minds. Caring and compassionate Quan yin was giving me, us, all who are called to her and who enter her boundless abode of care, the help and healing powers of her dragon also. How generous and loving! It felt like a purification was happening, like it was helping to burn away or clear some more layers of feeling dejected, alone, unloved, and even hated throughout the years, so that I may be just a little more free. It was big medicine of both water and fire.

Do you have connections to dragons? How do they heal or help you?? 🐉🤍✨


✨ Join Us for a Reiki Tea Ceremony ✨

In celebration of Tanabata in Japan, or a celebration of love, coming together, and the infinite possibilities of the universe 💫 🌌 there will be a special Reiki tea ceremony on 7/7 at 7 PM EST (7/8 @ 8AM in Japan) 🌟This will be live via Zoom 🍵

Tanabata celebrates the union of two star-crossed lovers who come together for one magical night each year. This enchanting and folkloric story captures the imagination and hearts of many, making it a beloved tradition in Japan. Families create “Tanabata trees” from bamboo, hanging wishes and colorful paper decorations from the branches. To me this beautiful practice is reminiscent of shaman trees or wishing trees found in ancient cultures around the world. It’s a heartfelt way to connect our dreams and desires with nature and each other.

This year, I’m thrilled to invite you to a Reiki tea ceremony centered around the theme of wishes and their fulfillment. Imagine our wishes reaching out to us, desiring us as much as we desire them. 🌌 What do you wish for? 🎋

Let’s come together for an hour of heartwarming celebration, embracing the beautiful energy of Tanabata and wishes coming true in a creative Reiki-inspired way.


📅 Date: 7/7

🕖 Time: 7 PM EST

💫 Cost: $25

Please reach out to register and for more information. I look forward to sharing in this magical evening with you💖

Much love and starlight, O

“For I have learned that every heart will get what it prays for most.” ~ Hafiz

#七夕 #🎋

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 06/12/2024

This month I started a Reiki clinic here in this bright and cheerful community space and neighborhood cafe in Okinawa, owned by a sweet and kind Okinawan couple 💖💖 I happened to find this place one day while riding my bicycle around and thought what a lovely house! There was a sign that said ‘open’ so I slowly went in and found an oasis of art and culture and cheerful activity. They even have a room called the ‘healing room’ for rent so I asked (in my ever improving but still awkward Japanese) if I could use it sometime and they said yes! Whenever I say “I was guided by Reiki” this is what I mean!🌟So for the clinic I was able to pick the perfect blanket for the Reiki bed, a deep blue for protection, safety and warmth, covered with all the flowers and colors of the land. I definitely feel like a Reiki grandma sometimes w my tea and blankets and flower prints lol but that’s just how I do & I’m happy! 😊💙💐✨ Anyway it felt sooo good to be a Reiki 1 practitioner again giving hands on sessions and creating a physical space for folks in my local community. Essentially it feels good to support what supports me✨ Thank you very much to those who came for a session🙏✨✨✨My heart is incredibly full🥹💗and joyfully looking forward to the next one!🌈✨

#レイキ #レイキクリニック  #沖縄ヒリング  #レイキヒリング  #沖縄市 #沖縄カフェ


🎉✨ Celebrating 12 Years of Reiki Healing! ✨🎉

Today marks a significant milestone for me—12 years since I started my professional Reiki journey in my little Manhattan studio! 🌟 It’s been an incredible adventure filled with growth, transformation, and countless moments of healing and connection.

Over the years, I’ve had the honor of working with soo many beautiful souls, each one teaching me something new and helping me become a better healer and human. Your trust and openness have been the greatest gifts, and I’m deeply grateful for every session, every conversation, and every shared moment of peace and clarity. 🙏✨✨

Reiki has not only been a path of professional fulfillment but also a journey of personal growth. From my early days of learning and practicing to opening and then going full-time with my business in NYC to connecting with a global community, Reiki has continually guided me towards greater understanding and compassion.

As I reflect on these 12 years, I’m filled with endless gratitude for

🌸 incredible clients and students who have become part of my Reiki family

🌸 mentors and fellow healers who have shared their wisdom and invaluable support

🌸 endless learning and growth that comes with this beautiful practice

🌸 the transformative power of Reiki, which continues to inspire and heal my heart and soul everyday

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey. Your support, love, and trust mean the world to me. Here’s to many more years of healing, growth, and spreading the light of Reiki together 🙌💗✨

With deepest gratitude and many blessings,


I love this vending machine! Vending machines here have a different feel than in the states, they’re a different kind of bright, items are displayed and some drinks are even hot (there’s corn soup in a can!) I can’t put my finger on how exactly but they’re a real source of comfort for folks. And they’re all different, not really of course, but almost like pple 😜 this one is in a particularly strange spot right at the bus stop meaning my first step off the bus could be right smack into this machine if I don’t lean my body back a bit to stop myself. It makes me laugh every time. And it’s old maybe older than me?? so it has this vintage y mystique and it’s surrounded by banana trees and wild earth and I don’t know what else is going on but it’s the only one I’ve ever seen with a mystery drink! Like..why not?! I reallly wanna know what it is too but I also like the not knowing part every time I see it.. it could be anything 😍


For those living in Okinawa I’m organizing a POP UP for in-person Reiki sessions in June! This will be for one day only in Okinawa City✨ If you’re interested please reach out for more info, reservations are required 🙏💗 I’m looking forward to meeting you!

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 03/20/2024

S p r i n g L o v e

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

– Dr. Maya Angelou

Reading this wonderful quote reminded me of this spring kimono I was lucky enough to wear this month! The kimono shop owner picked it all out and I was genuinely surprised and delighted to see the butterfly design she chose! It felt connected to the butterflies I saw on a magical smaller island here during the lunar new year, and seeing all the stages of development up close and personal. The medicine of butterflies is immense!

Spring love is a coming back to life new again, stronger, and more resilient than ever after having learned so much during this dark winter. Honoring all the steps that had to be taken and all the grace that had to be given to make it to this other side. ✨✨ A bright new year is truly beginning! Happy new year, happy spring love🦋💖💐


I love a good bridge, like when we connect with Reiki it’s like we’re crossing a bridge from the relative world to the absolute universe of light and love, and this one has stars on it 🥰🌠


Invitation to Experience Daily Reiki for $8 a Day 🌱 -

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 03/01/2024

In no particular order, some personal snaps from our Reiki class which feels more like a bubble of protection and love that’s neither here nor there but around each of us and our abodes nourishing and nurturing us as we gather, learn and heal.. these are from my little corner of the world 💖


Looking up and slowly, carefully landing back into my dancy feet after a wonderful Reiki 1 class from 2/22 ❤️🐾 Thank you to my amazing students for choosing me and for the opportunity to be a student again too, what a big & magical blessing from the beyond 😌💗


Remembering the simplicity in our everyday is like feeling its electric love 💗


Once my teacher told me that as a Reiki Master I didn’t always only have to teach classes and give sessions but that I could be creative with my offerings too. And so after coming to Japan and learning a bit more about Japanese tea ceremony for myself, I gradually wondered what it would be like to gently combine aspects of it with the wonder and awe of Masaru Emoto’s water experiments. He shared how the particular frequency of thought and emotion effects the molecular structure of water. I loved this because it reminded me of how when we send Reiki to our food and water something must be happening there too because it always feels different.. better.. to then eat or drink. So in an effort to creatively share Reiki in a fun and easy way I followed the advice I was given and carefully put these pieces of fascination together and came up with what I call Reiki Tea Ceremony. It combines the Japanese tea ceremony aesthetic of ichi go ichi e which roughly means “once in a lifetime experience” with our natural healing abilities (which we all have) to transform our water/ tea into our customized healing elixir. You don’t have to know Reiki to participate. Each Reiki tea ceremony is so different and enchanting and it’s wonderful to see how Reiki supports each and all!

This one will be held on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day to help us continue to open the new year with our own healing power and peace.

I hope to welcome you if you’re called! It is a $21 offering or pay as you can. We’ll share in the warmth of Reiki and tea together on January 15th at 8pm EST 💖 please reach out if you’d like to join this one hour heart-opening ritual for yourself ✨

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 01/12/2024

When I first started out with Reiki I’d think back to my classes with a fondness, as if those memories were a special handbook of their own that was guiding me. I’d remember what was learned through the practices and interactions between the teacher and other students which was way more helpful than anything I ever read. The whole experience was Reiki lived and somehow I knew it’s remembrance was very special for all students. So when it came time to teach I only remembered how it felt to remember, and that was what I wanted to give to each of my students. Even through virtual classes I use my creativity to create a space where Reiki can be lived for each student in their respective locales. It’s only by living Reiki that we can learn from it. Here are some snaps of the synchronicities and gifts of Reiki that came to me from our virtual class last spring💖 No two classes are ever the same we are always given something new! 🌈✨

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 01/11/2024

Yesterday I was standing in front of my favorite special tree (that took many months to arrive at) with its mountain of exposed roots that were like rivers of ancient wisdom flowing from their source to my feet, I always find that I stand in the same spot, I started to think about how to keep expanding and growing and how I can let Reiki support me.

Last year was full of challenging initiations, each earned and strengthening for sure but also painful to remember from their battle scars. And so for the first time ever I thought what would it be like to put my whole life in the hands of Love? To trust Love to guide and give me everything I need to nourish my soul. I had no idea. It felt like bravely starting again with a blank slate and so with all my might I asked for help, please help me trust Love.

I decided this would be my personal intention for this year’s Reiki 1 class too. Even as I teach I’m also a Reiki 1 student always. I’d like Reiki to show me how it’s done, and also what it feels like to live a life with pure love as my foundation (and no longer pain). And as I continue to prepare I’m contemplating this food for thought.. if I am Reiki then I too am purest love.💗

If you’re called to learn Reiki with me this year please reach out before February. 🙏✨

Also I’m so curious, what’s your foundation for this year/ what would you like to rise up from? 🌳💚✨


Being in Japan for y e a r s now I’m surrounded daily by Japanese and I really like learning new languages this way, by immersion. But sometimes some English word or phrase will pop out at me and I’ll feel something like relief, like how I feel when I’m home again. And it’s always a gift of a phrase too like on this tea canister at local imported goods shop. Love Life, a noun and a verb, and also a tea! ☺️Seeing it as I prepare for this year’s first Reiki Tea community offering on the eve of Jan 15th💕🫖 feels very synchronistic✨ my intention is to offer a warm and loving space where we can be supported by Reiki and one another as we continue to set the stage for a new year of, well, love & life! There’s a link in bio for more info about what a Reiki tea ceremony is about, and if you like kindly reach out if interested in joining this New Year’s Reiki Tea💚💖💗 wishing you plenty of warmth and love in 2024✨



This year, let there be lavish diamond energy
e v e r y w h e r e ✨✨✨2024✨✨✨


Whenever I get really really discouraged I think of the people I admire deeply who rose up in strength and turned into the brightest of lights. they become my healers my friends my teachers, my heros, the people I go to. I surround myself with angels who help me laugh again. ❤️


Unwind & Elevate in 2024! Join our Reiki Class and Enchanting Tea Ceremony

🫖 Reiki Tea Ceremony ~ January 15th

💖 Reiki 1 Class Journey ~ February 22nd - 26th


Many moons ago when I was studying photography in college my professor would always say to us “what you see is what you get”. I think about that now and how all the ways spending days in the darkroom working with light and time gave me a sense of sight I never had before. (What a glorious metaphor for healing ourselves too!) At first I only saw what I wanted or what was normal for me. But as I kept going the process evolved into a kind of conversation.. what is here? What is it that I’m being asked to see? And I’d wait to be shown. and everything else from the capturing to developing to the showing was all about honoring what was revealed. It didn’t matter if it was a portrait or a plate or a canister of oatmeal. There’s beauty in everything. this is how I learned to communicate with the spirit of things & people’s souls as well as my own.. well the beginning anyway. It takes time and patience to find the right amount of light needed “to see” but what comes from this intimate process of discovery is a whole new way of seeing which is priceless. It’s all metaphor really and my photography training is reminding me that beauty is in everything everywhere even in things (and people!) you would least expect. When we can see the beauty we not only receive it but we become it too. What we see is also what we are💛

Photos from Reiki with Olivea's post 12/13/2023

Magical gajumaru tree✨ I love these trees so much. whenever I stand under one I can feel myself connecting to the energies of the roots and branches and leaves like it’s an actual tree of life. There’s a lot going on, so much movement within and around this portal of stillness. I call them wishing trees because their aerial roots remind me of temple bells in ancient shrines that one rings to send out prayers. In Japan there are countless exquisite temples and shrines filled with ornate golden and wooden carvings and decor and statues which are marvelous to visit. Yet however beautiful they are i’m always somehow further drawn by the trees and gardens surrounding them. In my mind these are also temples or places to connect with universal consciousness and light, what grows up from the earth. I’ve visited this tree many times before but always during the day and this was the first time to meet at night and the first time to see it lit up. Seeing it felt like someone had turned on a light switch in my brain sending light to my thoughts and memories and even the way i see things, others, and my own life became brighter too. Sharing these images with you here I hope they bring some warmth and light to you as well! Happy holidays 🌟💛🌳

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