Shamanic Practitioner, Mind-Body-Spirit Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive Shamanic and Spiritual Healing
What is Shamanic and Spiritual Healing?
Shamanic spiritual healing is similar to some other conventional healing practices, such as psychotherapy, energy healing and spiritual techniques but is different in a few key respects. It's goal is removing oneself from the self, removing the past, removing the future, to enable us to hear only the 'now'. Hearing the now brings presence and calmness, freedom from suffering and the contemplation
of life and our soul's purpose. There is suffering in anything that is not of the 'now'. Healing the past heals our need to keep referring to it, making it 'our story', keeps it from emerging in our energy systems and, therefore, in our lives. Removing the past from our present keeps us present in the 'now'. We cannot be enabled in the 'now' if we are chained to the past or insecure about the future. Clearing both the past and the present of wounds and painful energy imprints enables us to live fully now and deliver our true selves into this current moment. This is the purpose of shamanic spiritual healing. There is no 'outside' the self, there is only the self. When this self is cleared of wounds and negative energy imprints and hollow, like a hollow bone, it is free from attachments to the past and the present; it has attained 'non-attachment'. This freedom brings healing for the future, as fear is removed and insecurity healed; truth and purpose become the resolves for the future and holding the current moment is the means to attaining this. Shamanic healing sits back to back with psychotherapy, at the ‘now’ point on a time-line of the client’s life. However, where psychotherapy looks back on a client’s life, spiritual and shamanic healing not only clears wounds from the past (bringing emotional healing and clarity), but also heals the present and the future through means exclusive to shamanism. Healing the self leading to spiritual deliverance is the most important and worthy thing that can be achieved in any lifetime. It brings purpose. It opens worlds of meaning and brings life into a fresh perspective. There is no greater achievement for oneself than the deliverance of the self into truth. Clearing blocks helps us to see that truth, and shamanic healing clears blocks quickly and pleasantly. The purpose of life is to heal the past and enable the present to be fully present. This brings freedom from suffering and spreads healing through the world in our actions and interactions. It is what we came here to do. How it Happens
Shamanic healing heals the 'now' by bringing back missing soul parts (bringing wholeness), removing foreign energies/beings, removing negative energy patterns (curses), healing family wounds (ancestral lines) and helping those who have passed on and are 'stuck' here (often attached to the living) to move out of the middle world and into transcendent realities. Shamanic healing also heals the future by looking for the best possible reality available to the client (identifying the client's 'soul purpose', enacted before they chose this life) and to see how to achieve that full potential (bringing clarity, focus, purpose and meaning to their life). Both psychotherapy and shamanic healing clear the past and bring healing but shamanic and spiritual healing clear the present and the future as well and bring purpose and meaning. Shamanic healing is also a much faster therapy as it works on all levels of the client's energy system. Shamanic healing can do in one session what 10 years of psychotherapy can achieve – without re-traumatizing the client. The key component of this work is spiritual development, which brings true fulfillment, contentment and purpose. To achieve that, a body scan firstly reveals the current level of energy frequency, wounds and work needed. Once blocks and wounds are cleared, the client is able to see him- or herself more clearly, see their true aspirations, their behaviour patterns and reasons for them. Clearing the past prevents it from reemerging in the present and the future as a repetition wound and includes; present-life traumas, past-life wounds, ancestral lineage wounds and curses. Once the past is cleared and missing soul parts are retrieved, the client feels more clear, clean and whole. Sometimes a client will 'pick up' energies that don't belong to them, such as the energies of people who have died but who don't know how to move on, that attach to the outside or inside of the body. These energies can be felt as inexplicable aches or pains that won't clear. These act as energy leaks for the client and need to be removed. Once the wounds of the past, curses and foreign energies are removed, the client has a clean slate with which to look to the future and identify their 'soul purpose'. The spiritual potential of the client is the client's 'soul purpose'. This was manifest as the purpose or goal of this lifetime of the client prior to him or her choosing this life. The soul's purpose becomes apparent to the client after he or she has developed their innate skills and successfully navigated obstacles that were intelligently woven into his or her lifetime, i.e.; healed wounds, overcome traumas, released ego-driven patterns, etc. The soul's purpose becomes manifest through the bringing together of the client's three identities, which are: the individual life identity (your 'story' so far, your name, where you grew up, what you did, etc.), the archetypal identity of the client (e.g.; pioneer, artist, mother, healer, warrior, protector, etc.), and your divine identity (your higher self). All three identities, when merged as one, bring about great power and insight, focus and resolve. There is great knowledge in the Archetypal and Divine identities, which is usually accessed after the obstacles in the individual life identity are overcome. Ego typically separates the individual identity from the other two; once it is overcome through healing trauma and negative energy patterns, this barrier often dissolves along with the ego. A merging of the three identities gives the client a clear insight into who they truly are, where they are coming from, and more importantly, what they are destined to achieve and how to achieve that. A brief overview of this trajectory of healing is: clear the wounds and negative imprints of the past, clear foreign energies, return lost soul parts, assist the deceased into the Light (if applicable) and track for the best possible future and the means to enact that. Everyone is at a different stage on this trajectory of healing. However, the aim of each session is to bring the client to their greatest potential possible at that point, to allow the healing to happen, reducing the number of sessions to as few as possible. The overall goal is deliverance to your true state, the bringing of heaven to earth and bringing your eternal divine self into your current physical form (body/mind). In various teachings, this is; illumination (Shamanism), enlightenment (Buddhism), attaining a state of grace (Christianity). As such, many clients will notice a significant shift in consciousness after each session and many clients need only a few sessions to be cleared of their blocks and wounds, depending on the issues. Each session brings in whatever treatment is needed and sessions can take place remotely or in person and on Skype or by phone. The treatments available are listed below. See the website for a more full explanation. Healing available:
- Medical Intuitive Reading (Body scan)
- Energy Extraction (Removing blocks and wounds)
- Ancestral Lineage Clearing (Clearing family wounds)
- Curse Removal (Unraveling negative energy patterns)
- Soul Retrieval (Feel something missing?)
- Depossession (Not feeling yourself?)
- Psychopomp (Helping the dead to move into the Light)
- Spiritual Healing (Attaining clarity, focus and purpose)
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