Lycée Français de New York

Welcome to the Lycée Français de New York, a Nursery to Y12 independent French school in New York


With the end of the school year comes a bittersweet farewell to our departing colleagues. Across all departments and divisions, their contributions to the Lycée have made a difference in the lives of our students, and we will miss their contributions to our community. We wish you all the very best on your future adventures!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 06/13/2024

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

We are immensely proud of you, for your achievements, yes, and also for your solidarity, your sense of citizenship, your care, and all you have given to the Lycée, your Lycée, over your years here.

To quote our class speakers David and Tarek, “Sometimes, if you are as lucky as we all have been, a place transforms you. But with this sense of belonging and ownership comes a great responsibility…We owe it to Our Lycée to be caring citizens of the world, of this beautiful Earth we are responsible for, at the jobs we take, and for the families we might one day build. »

« En nous exprimant ici aujourd’hui, nous nous engageons à adopter ces mots et à vivre selon leurs principes. Nous faisons la promesse de nous impliquer dans des causes humanitaires et d’agir concrètement pour apporter notre aide. Nous nous engageons à être curieux du monde qui nous entoure, à poser des questions qui conduiront à l’innovation et au progrès. Nous promettons de débattre et de défendre ce que l’on pense être juste, mais toujours avec tolérance et respect. Nous nous engageons à reconnaître l’humanité de ceux qui sont différents de nous et à nous rappeler que le désaccord ne signifie pas l’absence de bienveillance. »

Merci à tous nos chers élèves, officiellement anciens élèves, alumni! de notre Lycée.

On behalf of Jérémie Bourdon, we extend our gratitude to their teachers, their families, to our Board Chair Dean Amro, and to our wonderful speakers: Damien Laban, Consul General de France in New York, Magalie Laguerre-Wilkinson, Trustee and alumna, MC Maxime Dubray, Head of High School, Joanna Kaminska, and to Bénédicte Lemon, grade coordinator for Y12 students who gave a beautiful speech and coordinated the entire ceremony. Pure J. O. Y!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 05/21/2024

Our Varsity Boys Volleyball team has been on a roll this Spring! They finished out the season undefeated in league play, and on Monday May 13 won the NYCAL Championship by defeating Grace Church 3-0. With their first-ever championship win under their belt, the team heads into the NYSAIS statewide finals. To get to there, they first had to beat number 1 seed St. Ann’s 3-2, and on Wednesday, May 22 will be facing off against Trinity at 5pm at the Fieldston School. We hope you come out to support them, either in person or by watching the livestream. We wish them all the best of luck, and go Lynx!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 05/17/2024

A week ago, the Lycée hosted our 25th annual gala, a night of joy, community, and above all of giving back to our school. The theme, “La force au féminin : Within all of us” was a delightful celebration of the strong women who inspire us all. From passionate performances and speeches by our students to words of wisdom from our Board Chairman Dean Amro, and our Head of School Jérémie Bourdon, it was a night to remember!

Thank you to our parent cochairs Charlotte Balcaen-Croonenbergs, France Descours, Sheida Ellini, and Lola Moore; our Development Team members and Gala Coordinator Sabrina Potterpin; and to each and every member of our community! Together, we raised over $2.4 million to support the Lycée, helping us carry on in our mission to educate students to be the thinkers, innovators, and leaders of our generation.

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 05/09/2024

Milles mercis 💕 to our parents association (APL) and to for this beautiful treat to celebrate Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week!

Pastries arrived this morning and were fully consumed by 11am ☀️, with a lovely note.

“To all teachers & staff, with sincere appreciation for all you do! Please enjoy! — The APL Executive Committee on behalf of all parents.”

Gratitude to you all for making our day!


Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 05/03/2024

Today, on their last day of school, we celebrate the Lycée Class of 2024!

Whether they started here in Petite Section in 2009 or in any of the years since, all of these students have made an enormous impact on our community. They are actors, performers, athletes, artists, coders, club leaders, activists, poets and much more, and bridge all of this diversity to form an incredibly tight-knit community. The resilience of T’24, their kind-heartedness, sense of humor, and the solidarity they demonstrate is an inspiration to all our students and staff!
Terminale students, we will miss your presence in our corridors, and wish you all the very best on the Baccalaureate and beyond!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 04/30/2024

Please join the Security Team and Facilities Team of the Lycée in sending our warmest wishes to Krystyna Ladocha on her retirement !

Krystyna joined the Lycée in 2000 and worked in the 72nd Street Building, which was then home to our Primary School.

She made the move with us to our buildings on York and East 75th Street in 2003 and has been a warm and generous presence over these years across Primary and Secondary, especially throughout the pandemic.

“What will you do on your retirement,”we asked her. “I will rest, and I will read,” she said.

Enjoy it, Krystyna. You deserve it. Thank you for everything.

From all of us !

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 04/18/2024

🌸 Spring Camp Update & Summer Camp Preview! 🌞
Our Spring Camp is in full swing, and the kids are loving every moment of it! From outdoor adventures to creative workshops, they’ve made the most of the beautiful weather early this week.
Looking ahead, our Summer Camp is gearing up with exciting programs, including Sports Camp and our renowned 3yo Camp! With skilled teachers and a bilingual environment, it’s an enriching experience not to be missed. Hurry, spots are filling up fast—secure your child’s spot today via the link in our bio!


Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 04/09/2024

Who doesn’t love chocolate! A few weeks ago, our Pre-K students were visited by the one and only Mr. Chocolate , for a much anticipated workshop about the sweet stuff. They started by learning how chocolate is made, see cacao pods, and even try some cacao nibs (the general consensus was “yucky”.) Then, Jacques helped them decorate their own milk chocolate disks with candy, sprinkles, and a chocolate Lycée logo! The hardest part of the process? Having to wait till they got home to taste their creations!
Thank you so much to and for this incredible experience - it really made our mouths water!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 04/05/2024

As we head into Spring Break, our students are prepared for a very special event happening on Monday April 8! Across the Primary School, our teachers are demystifying the upcoming solar eclipse for our students. Catie Tomasini, coordinator of Cycle 1, has planned a series of interactive sessions in the classroom and the science lab in an approach tailored to each stage of our students development.

In the Kindergarten, she prepared a hands-on activity, using simple props and storytelling to recreate the dance of the sun, moon, and Earth that leads to an eclipse. The key is to let students physically manipulate models and observe shadows intertwine, so they acquire an intuitive understanding of the mechanics at play. In higher Primary grades, lessons incorporate more technical details, relying on multimedia presentations and demonstrations.

Across all grades, lessons evoke a sense of wonder and excitement. Our aim is that they not only witness the grandeur of nature but also take with them a deeper understandingand curiosity about the cosmos and the unlimited potential of human knowledge.

Share your pictures watching the eclipse with us, and don’t forget your eclipse glasses!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 04/02/2024

Save the date for the Lycée Spring Fair 2024, happening on Saturday, May 18! This annual event brings us all together in a celebration of food, culture, and the incredible diversity of the Lycée community. From a bouncy castle to judo classes, and rock climbing to an international food hall, there is something for everyone.

Year after year, our dedicated parent, staff, and student volunteers make Spring Fair possible. If you’d like to be involved - running a country booth, leading an activity, or anything else, let us know! You can also sign up for the Parent Volunteer Kickoff Breakfast happening Wednesday, April 4th from 8.30am onwards at the Lycée. Check our newsletter, L’Essentiel, for further details on the volunteer breakfast, and stay tuned for more on Spring Fair. We can’t wait to see you there!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 03/28/2024

Les élèves de l’option Droit et Grands Enjeux du Monde Contemporain de terminale, accompagnés de leur professeure, Amandine Souvignet, ont pris part à un concours de plaidoirie le mercredi 20 mars dernier au sein du Lycée. Ce concours s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet Trouver sa Voix, en partenariat avec l’Agence pour l’Enseignement du Français à l’Etranger et le Conseil National des Barreaux. Au fil des trois ateliers, les élèves ont découvert l’art de la plaidoirie. Ils ont eu le privilège d’accueillir Maître Laurent Martinet, vice président du Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB) et ancien vice-Bâtonnier de Paris, qui les a écoutés, leur a prodigué des conseils et a participé à l’élection des gagnants du concours. Maître Martinet, a félicité les élèves pour leur éloquence et la qualité de leur travail. Jérémie Bourdon, le directeur du Lycée, a également honoré l’événement de sa présence et a pu applaudir les élèves pour leurs remarquables performances. Félicitations à tous pour cette réussite! Nous sommes impatients d’assister aux prochains concours.


Our international short film festival, Rough Cut, is back! Students aged 11 to 18 are invited to submit short films of 10 minutes or less in a variety of genres. Winners will have their films showcased at the Francophone Short Films in Harlem Festival - check out for more information !

Short on time, but long on talent? Community members of all ages are invited to participate in “Short Cut,” which features 30-second films featuring a few key elements.

The deadline for participation is Monday, April 1 - we can’t wait to see your submissions!

Concert de la Francophonie au Lycée Français, de l'Amérique à l'Afrique - French Morning US 03/16/2024

En ce mois de la Francophonie – et pour célébrer l’arrivée du printemps – le Centre culturel organise, le jeudi 21 mars de 7pm à 9pm, un concert aux accents de la Nouvelle-Orléans et de Kinshasa.

Concert de la Francophonie au Lycée Français, de l'Amérique à l'Afrique - French Morning US L’amour de la langue française se chante au Lycée Français de New York. En ce mois de la Francophonie – et pour célébrer l’arrivée du printemps – le Centre culturel organise, le jeudi 21 mars de 7pm à 9pm, un concert aux accents de la Nouvelle-Orléans et de Kinshasa.  Le groupe Swee...

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 03/15/2024

Today we bid a bittersweet farewell to beloved maintenance team member Olmedo Motato, who is retiring after 17 years of dedicated service to the Lycée. Olmedo has always been a smiling presence in our corridors, and has helped keep our doors open for students, faculty, and families day after day. He is known for being an incredible problem solver, and can fix absolutely anything, even after everyone else has given up. Congratulations on your retirement Olmedo - we will miss you!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 03/12/2024

It is our immense pleasure to announce the appointment of Jérémie Bourdon as the Lycée's next Head of School!

Jérémie first joined the school in 2013 as a math teacher, and has since served as the Chief Information and Technology Officer, Head of High School, Director of Secondary and Deputy Head of School. Over the last five months, Jérémie Bourdon has demonstrated outstanding leadership as Interim Head of School, steering the Lycée with intelligence, dedication, thoughtfulness, and tremendous care for our faculty, staff, families, and, most of all, our students.

In a letter to our community, Board Chairman J. Dean Amro congratulated Jérémie on his unanimous appointment by the Board, saying, "Jérémie is an educational leader and accomplished executive of great humanity, with a strong work ethic, vast knowledge of our school, and deep commitment to its bilingual and pluricultural educational mission. Most importantly, Jérémie is intently focused on the well-being and success of our students, faculty, staff and community at large, which he has demonstrated throughout his tenure at the Lycée."

Congratulations, Jérémie, and we look forward to the future of our wonderful school, community and incredible students with you at the helm!

C'est avec un immense plaisir que nous vous annonçons la nomination de Jérémie Bourdon comme prochain Chef d'établissement du Lycée!

Jérémie a rejoint l'école en 2013 en tant que professeur de mathématiques. Il a rapidement accédé à des postes à responsabilités toujours plus importantes. Il a été Directeur de l'information et de la technologie, Directeur du lycée, puis Directeur du Secondaire et Chef d'établissement adjoint. Au cours des cinq derniers mois, Jérémie a fait preuve d'un exceptionnel leadership en tant que Chef d'établissement par intérim de l'école et a dirigé le Lycée avec intelligence, dévouement, prévenance et une grande attention envers notre personnel, nos professeurs, les familles et surtout nos élèves.

Dans une lettre adressée à notre communauté, le président du Conseil d'administration J. Dean Amro a felicité Jérémie pour sa nomination unanime par le conseil d'administration et a déclarer: "Jérémie est un éducateur et un leader accompli, doté d'une grande humanité, alliant une solide éthique de travail à une vaste connaissance de notre école et un profond attachement à sa mission d’éducation bilingue et pluriculturelle. Par dessus tout, et comme il n’a cessé de le démontrer dans toutes les fonctions qu’il a occupées, Jérémie a à cœur le bien-être et la réussite de nos élèves, de nos enseignants, de nos employés et de notre communauté tout entière."

Félicitations Jérémie, et nous attendons avec impatience le futur de notre merveilleuse école, de notre communauté et de nos incroyables élèves avec vous à la direction!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 03/05/2024

Nos élèves de grandes sections se sont récemment rendus au musée d’art moderne. Plongés dans l’univers de l’art abstrait, ils ont eu le privilège d’admirer des chefs-d’œuvre tels que Nymphéas de Monet, La Nuit Étoilée de Van Gogh ou encore Ladybug de Joan Mitchell. L’objectif était de comprendre l’usage des couleurs et d’exprimer les émotions ressenties face à ces tableaux. Une merveilleuse sortie culturelle qui a éveillé leurs sens et nourri leur imagination ! Hâte de voir leur prochain projets artistique !! 👩‍🎨🎨

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 03/05/2024

Nos élèves de grandes sections se sont récemment rendus au musée d’art moderne. Plongés dans l’univers de l’art abstrait ils ont eu le privilège d’admirer des chefs-d’œuvre tels que Nymphéas de Monet, La Nuit Étoilée de Van Gogh ou encore Ladybug de Joan Mitchell. L’objectif était de comprendre l’usage des couleurs et d’exprimer les émotions ressenties face à ces œuvres d’art. Une merveilleuse sortie culturelle qui a éveillé leur sens et nourri leur imagination. Hâte de voir leur prochain projet artistique!! 👩‍🎨🎨

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 02/26/2024

We welcome everyone back from February Break, which just so happens to be the 100th day of the school year! We hope everyone had a fun and restful break, and we can’t wait to hear how you’re celebrating the 100th day of the school!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 02/14/2024

While the snow melts on our campus, several of our Secondary students are enjoying much sunnier places around the world ! Every spring, students learning one of the several global languages we offer take a linguistic and cultural trip to be further immersed in what they’re learning.

First up, our Y8 Spanish language learners are in Oaxaca, Mexico! Accompanied by Spanish teacher Ms. Meddah and PE teacher M. Thibert, they are exploring the city’s culture and history. This includes staying with Spanish-speaking host families, planting Nopal trees to help reforestation efforts, workshops on Alebrijes painting and pottery, meals of authentic Mexican cuisine, and attending the Carnival of Oaxaca!

Meanwhile, our Y9 and Y10 Italian students are across the Atlantic in Rome, Italy with teachers Ms. Rocca and M. Bousmah. They’ve visited the ruins of Pompeii, Hadrian’s Villa, the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the Amalfi Coast. All their activities are centered around the landscape of Italy and the country’s artistic masterpieces, while also enjoying pizza-making classes, gelato, pasta, and being in nature.

Stay tuned for more from our other trips through the semester!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 02/09/2024

Some of the best weeks at the Lycée are when we have an Artist in Residence visiting! Our Y3/CE2 students had the pleasure of welcoming for a textile focused residency. They worked with nœuds (knots), tresses (braids), and tressage (weaving) to create both collective and individual tapestries. Each one of pieces also features a piece of each student - a special fabric that they brought from home to include in their artwork. We can’t wait to see all their work at the final show today, February 9!

Thank you to , Primary Art Teacher Mireille Miller, and the entire CE2 team for weaving together some magic this week!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 02/01/2024

When our teachers take the stage, we see them in a whole new way !

That’s why for as long as we’ve had a Première Scène French Theater Festival, we’ve had the “Teachers Play.”

It has morphed over the years to include staff, and, fabulously today, students. All who take part appreciate the camaraderie and opportunity to connect during weekend rehearsals.

This weekend, they perform in I ❤️ NY, an adaptation of a Lycée student play going back to 2011.

Marie-Hélène Brabant, actor and past theater teacher here, returns this year, as distinguished juror! Welcome back !

The play shows at all performances, with tickets on Friday pm still available!

Visit our link in bio for a link to tickets.

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 01/30/2024

Happy 25th anniversary to Première Scène, the Lycée’s international festival of French Theater!

Photos show Lycée performances from 2014 to 2018, with many familiar faces !!

Join us and 500 students, 43 teams, from 23 schools in the US, Canada, and France for two days of fantastic theater in this competition of short plays on the theme, « Humain?! ».

On Friday evening, French novelist Marc Levy leads our jury !

Performances take place as follows: Friday at 6pm, performers in Grades 11 and 12
Saturday at 10am, Grades 4 to 8
Saturday at 4pm, Grades 9 and 10

Visit our link in bio to get your free tickets!

Thanks to the 6000+ students who have graced our stage, and especially to Nathalie Roussel and Frederic Yvelin for their dedication.

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 01/19/2024

One of our favorite moments of the school year is the annual skating party! Members of the entire Lycée community, young and old, take to the ice for an evening of fun. As we look through memories from skating parties past, we can’t wait for this year’s event, which will take place on Wednesday, January 24. A few tickets are still available - check this weekend’s L’Essentiel for details!

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 01/17/2024

Every year for Martin Luther King Jr Day, our middle schoolers take part in a service learning trip to New Orleans! While in Louisiana, students work with our friends at and take part in service projects that give back to the NOLA community by fighting food insecurity and supporting families in transitional housing. They also explore the history of the city, the legacy of the Civil Rights movement, and learn about the influence of Créole on jazz.

“MLK Day is a day of national service for children all over the country,” says Jennifer Irizarry, our Director of Experiential, Service, and Global Learning. “This weekend gives our students an opportunity to serve local communities while learning about the historical forces that gave rise to New Orléans’ singular culture.”

Stay tuned for more from our service learning projects throughout the semester!


Camille Bertault is the latest guest of la Culture Oui But Why? She will be in concert at the Cultural Center of the Lycée Français de New York on Thursday, January 18 at 6:30 pm

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 01/04/2024

🎉 Happy New Year to our wonderful Lycee families! 🎊 As we dive into 2024, the Afterschool Department is excited to introduce new classes that promise to spark joy and learning in your child’s day! 🌈✨ Join us at the School Farm for a creative adventure, explore the wonders of nature with our Little Ecologists, or enhance strategic thinking with additional Chess classes. 🎨🌿♟️ Get ready for a semester filled with laughter, discovery, and growth. Registration for the second semester opens on Monday, January 8th at 6pm – don’t miss out on securing a spot for your little one(s)! 📚🗓️

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 12/21/2023

Our Primary School’s annual Day of Understanding celebrates diverse identities and lived experiences across our community. A semester-long project involving all students and teachers from Nursery to CM2/Y5, it culminated in morning programs for all Primary families just before the break.

Photos here show classroom activities from CP/Y1 to CM2/Y5, including an amazing classroom visit on a tradition that is important to me with Secondary Science Teacher and musician, Sory Koite; family visits to classroom projects on family, origins and migration, student speeches and performances in our auditorium.

“We believe it is crucial that our school continues to develop a healthy learning environment where everyone feels included, valued and acknowledged, while also developing a strong sense of connection with one another and community spirit,” said Vannina Boussouf, Assistant Head of School-Director of Primary, in her opening welcome to our families.

With special thanks to all students, and to the entire Primary Team, for creating this beautiful moment for everyone.

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 11/30/2023

On November 21st, we were delighted to welcome to the Lycée! A three-time Olympic gold medalist in slalom canoe, M. Estanguet is now President of the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. He met with our Y9 students during their assembly, where he answered student questions and presented his vision for a more sustainable and inclusive games. After the Q&A, he took a quick tour of the school, pausing in the media lab to make a guest appearance in our after-school science video club’s upcoming episode on Sports and Respiration. Check out that Lycée hoodie!

M. Estanguet’s visit integrated perfectly into our school-wide pedagogical theme of sports this year, and our ongoing commitment to sustainability. As M. Bourdon, Interim Head of School said, “Sports are a reflection of our society’s values, and a window into different cultures.” Thank you for visiting, M. Estanguet, and good luck with !

Photos from Lycée Français de New York's post 11/27/2023

On November 14, we celebrated our first ever Primary School Spirit Day! More than just a celebration, the day was a profound and engaging exploration of movement, memory, and learning - all of which are especially important for our young learners. Students participated in a variety activities, from tug-of-war to rugby workshops to pictionary, and came away from it all with a greater sense of community and friendship with their peers.

Vannina Boussouf, our Director of Primary, had several profound observations from the day. She said, « Alors que nous avons conclu cette journée remarquable, je suis profondément reconnaissante de l'engagement et de la vision de notre équipe du Lycée. Leur dévouement à enrichir notre approche éducative par le biais d'une journée centrée sur le mouvement a non seulement fait du Spirit Day du Primaire un succès retentissant, mais a également jeté les bases d'expériences d'apprentissage holistiques continues qui donnent la priorité à l'unité, embrassent la diversité et encouragent l'acceptation parmi nos élèves de l'école primaire. »

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Videos (show all)

Have you visited our website recently? Starting today, you might notice something new! We decided it was time for a refr...
Our student newspaper, The Lynx, is back with their digital coverage of Lycée life and events! Last week, Lynx Digital A...
🥋🌟 Journée d’Initiation au Judo au Lycée Français de New York 🌟🥋 Nous sommes ravis de partager avec vous le succès de no...
Our international short film festival, Rough Cut, is back! Students aged 11 to 18 are invited to submit short films of 1...
🌺🎨 Célébrons l’audace et la beauté dans l’art avec Frida Kahlo. Nolan et Ada, sous la direction de leurs professeures Ca...
👑💖 Un saut dans le passé avec l’Impératrice Sissi, symbole d’élégance et de rébellion. Sous la tutelle de Camille Jobet ...
⭐️Célébrons le Mois de l’Histoire des Femmes⭐️Sous la direction de leurs professeures dévouées, Camille Jobert et Mélani...
A look inside an Artist in Residence program!In February, we were delighted to welcome NYC-based textile artist @elodieb...
This week at the Lycée, we’re celebrating the Olympic and Paralympic Games! And what better way to kick off the week tha...
In keeping with our year-long pedagogical theme of “Sports”, our elementary afterschool science video club is producing ...
Join our CM2/Y5 students for a weeklong Artist in Residence… in 60 seconds!This week, our students have been working wit...




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