Theosophy Watch

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Theosophy Watch, Hospital, 347 E 72nd Street, New York, NY.

Autistic Savant Who “Knows Without Studying" | Dr. Diane Hennacy 02/21/2019

Meet eight-year-old Vishal, an autistic savant who “knows without studying.” He attends a school for autistic children, where he learns social skills rather than academics. He doesn’t have the attention span to study from books or teachers and doesn’t understand why he should because information just comes to him.

Autistic Savant Who “Knows Without Studying" | Dr. Diane Hennacy Meet eight-year-old Vishal, an autistic savant who “knows without studying.” He attends a school for autistic children, where he learns social skills rather than academics. He doesn’t have the attention span to study from books or teachers and doesn’t understand why he should because informa...

What is Occultism? 02/17/2019

In its literal and proper meaning, occultism is the study of hidden knowledge and secret truths. One of the main purposes of the Theosophical Movement was – and still is – to point out and demonstrate that there is a universal esoteric (i.e. occult – hidden and concealed) Teaching which underlies all the world’s religions and which is in fact the archaic and primeval source of all religion, philosophy, and science.

What is Occultism? Sun, Feb 17, 2019, 7:15 PM: In its literal and proper meaning, occultism is the study of hidden knowledge and secret truths. One of the main purposes of the Theosophical Movement was – and still is –

The Secret Doctrine Study Class 02/16/2019

Exploring H. P. Blavatsky's monumental work, The Secret Doctrine, that has challenged the greatest minds and every conventional system of thought since it was first published. Includes cosmic, planetary and soul evolution, astrology, astronomy, science, religion, psychic powers, spirituality, mythology, and past civilizations.

The Secret Doctrine Study Class Mon, Feb 18, 2019, 7:00 PM: Exploring H. P. Blavatsky's monumental work, The Secret Doctrine, that has challenged the greatest minds and every conventional system of thought since it was first publish

An Introduction to Theosophy 02/16/2019

"Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds their fullest scope, yet, shallow enough at its shores, it will not overwhelm the understanding of a child."

An Introduction to Theosophy Sun, Feb 17, 2019, 11:00 AM: "Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds

Horoscopes: February 15th thru 22nd 02/15/2019

For the week of February 15th thru the 22nd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:

Horoscopes: February 15th thru 22nd A lot is happening this week. For some it will be about Chiron entering Aries. For others about the Saturn/Neptune sextile. And some will be feeling that illuminative Full Moon on the 19th. Check out the horoscopes to see what the week has in store for your sign.

Chiron enters Aries on the Full Moon 02/15/2019

On Monday, February 18th, Chiron enters Aries where it will remain for the next 7-8 years. When slow-moving planets, or Centaurs as the case may be, change signs we notice a shift in the atmosphere.

Chiron enters Aries on the Full Moon We are now preparing ourselves for the next grand transition: Chiron enters Aries just before the Full Moon. And the Full Moon itself is illuminating Uranus which will soon change signs as well. Meanwhile the inner planets Mercury and Venus are highlighting the Saturn/Neptune sextile, making it pers

An Introduction to Theosophy 02/09/2019

"Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds their fullest scope, yet, shallow enough at its shores, it will not overwhelm the understanding of a child."

An Introduction to Theosophy Sun, Feb 10, 2019, 11:00 AM: "Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts, it gives the greatest minds

Horoscopes: February 8th thru 15th 02/08/2019

For the week of February 8th thru the 15th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:

Horoscopes: February 8th thru 15th Horoscopes are up for the week of February 8th thru the 15th. See how Mercury’s entrance into Pisces this week, will affect your sign.

Mercury enters Pisces 02/08/2019

On Sunday Mercury enters Pisces where it will remain for an unusually long period of time due to its apparent retrograde motion in March. Where normally Mercury only spends a few weeks in a single sign, Mercury will be in Pisces for over 9 weeks, from Sunday, February 10th, thru April 17th.

Mercury enters Pisces Mercury enters Pisces this weekend where it will remain for 9 weeks. This is an unusually long time for Mercury to spend in any sign. This is due to its retrograde phase which lasts for most of the month of March. Read more about what to expect with Mercury in Pisces for the foreseeable future.


"If we get together, we have time to start healing the harm that we've inflicted. So the main message is, every single individual, that's you and me and everybody in the audience and everybody who's listening, each one of us make an impact on the planet every single day and we can choose what sort of impact we want to make," primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall says.

An Introduction to "The Key to Theosophy" 02/07/2019

"From the remotest antiquity, mankind as a whole has always been convinced of the existence of a personal spiritual entity within the personal physical man."

An Introduction to "The Key to Theosophy" Thu, Feb 7, 2019, 7:30 PM: "From the remotest antiquity mankind as a whole have always been convinced of the existence of a personal spiritual entity within the personal physical man.They rejected fat

The Logic of Reincarnation 02/06/2019

The Logic of Reincarnation Sun, Feb 3, 2019, 7:15 PM: "Without Karma and Reincarnation, evolution is but a fragment; a process whose beginnings are unknown, and whose outcome cannot be discerned; a glimpse of what might be; a h

Theosophy Watch 02/06/2019

COHERENT consciousness creates order in the world, and subtle interactions link us with each other and the Earth. According to H. P. Blavatsky, “the ‘separateness’ which we feel between ourselves and the world of living beings around us is an illusion, not a reality.”

Theosophy Watch "Ancient Thought in Modern Dress"


Ever want to know more about hummingbirds? Learn more about these cute birds from our live cam host!

13 Incredible Whale Photos 01/30/2019

13 Incredible Whale Photos From the incredible way that whales sleep, to the most INTENSE whale watching ever, these are 13 INCREDIBLE Whale Photos ! Subscribe to Talltanic http://goo....

Occult America: The Sacred Tribe of Heroes 01/19/2019

SYNESIUS of Cyrene was a Greek bishop of Ptolemais in ancient Libya. What could that Sage have to do with modern America one might ask? While still a youth he went with his brother Euoptius to Alexandria, where he became an enthusiastic Neoplatonist and disciple of Hypatia. (Wikipedia) He once wrote: "you must not think that the gods are without employment." [ 1,817 more word ]

Occult America: The Sacred Tribe of Heroes SYNESIUS of Cyrene was a Greek bishop of Ptolemais in ancient Libya. What could that Sage have to do with modern America one might ask? While still a youth he went with his brother Euoptius to Alex…

A Kinder, Gentler Universe 01/14/2019

THEOSOPHY teaches the progressive development of everything, “worlds as well as atoms,” this according to The Secret Doctrine. The "stupendous development," the Sages taught, "has neither conceivable beginning nor imaginable end." To Initiated Seers our universe, while full of important information, is "only one of an infinite number of Universes, all links in the great Cosmic chain of Universes," Theosophy says. [ 1,978 more word ]

A Kinder, Gentler Universe THEOSOPHY teaches the progressive development of everything, “worlds as well as atoms,” this according to The Secret Doctrine. The “stupendous development,” the Sages taught, “has…

Lao Tzu’s New Year Resolutions 12/30/2018

LAO TZU is classed by H. P. Blavatsky as an awakened Master, a God-like being similar to Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus, who "united themselves with their Spirits permanently," and "became Gods on earth." Such Personages are rare and superior to Moses, Pythagoras, and Confucius, who "have taken rank in history as demi-gods and leaders of mankind" (Isis 2:159). … [ 1,347 more word ]

Lao Tzu’s New Year Resolutions LAO TZU is classed by H. P. Blavatsky as an awakened Master, a God-like being similar to Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus, who “united themselves with their Spirits permanently,” and “b…

A Pagan Christmas and the Real Jesus 12/23/2018

NEITHER the media nor the churches seem to know anything about the real Jesus, so we decided to enter the fray as self-proclaimed truth-seekers, based upon ancient mystical and mythical teachings and traditions. An old cover (2009) of Newsweek featured a critical article “The Decline and Fall of Christian America, ” subtitled “The percentage of self-identified Christians has fallen 10 points in the past two decades." [ 958 more words ]

A Pagan Christmas and the Real Jesus NEITHER the media nor the churches seem to know anything about the real Jesus, so we decided to enter the fray as self-proclaimed truth-seekers, based upon ancient mystical and mythical teachings a…

Solstice Secrets, the Turning of an Electric Sun 12/21/2018

WINTER in the northern hemisphere marks the annual return of a potent and ancient solar festival. Indeed, “turnings of the sun” is an old phrase, used by both Hesiod and Homer. The novelist Alan Furst has one of his characters nicely observe, “the day the sun is said to pause,” recalls contributor Richard Cohen in a NY Times Op-Ed: … [ 2,333 more words ]

Solstice Secrets, the Turning of an Electric Sun WINTER in the northern hemisphere marks the annual return of a potent and ancient solar festival. Indeed, “turnings of the sun” is an old phrase, used by both Hesiod and Homer. The novelist Alan Fu…

Our Entangled Minds: Connecting at a Distance 12/19/2018

"THE astral life of the earth is young and strong between Christmas and Easter. Those who form their wishes now will have added strength to fulfil them consistently." (H. P. Blavatsky, Collected Writings) Further, occult metaphysics teaches the astral light, an invisible substance or matrix, supports all forms and beings in the physical and the invisible worlds. This active image-field is the mystical progeny of "the One homogeneous divine Substance-Principle, the one radical cause," ( [ 2,433 more words ]

Our Entangled Minds: Connecting at a Distance “THE astral life of the earth is young and strong between Christmas and Easter. Those who form their wishes now will have added strength to fulfil them consistently.” (H. P. Blavatsky, …

Lessons from the Light, the Near-Death Experience 12/13/2018

SOUL memory according to Theosophy is referred to as 'reminiscence,' and it is this kind memory that assures every human being, whether they know it or not, of their having lived before, and having to live again. To fully grasp the idea, we first have to study the complex relationship between the human and transcendental aspects of mind (represented physiologically by the brain's left and right hemispheres.) [ 1,345 more word ]

Lessons from the Light, the Near-Death Experience SOUL memory according to Theosophy is referred to as ‘reminiscence,’ and it is this kind memory that assures every human being, whether they know it or not, of their having lived before…

The Universe Had No Beginning 12/09/2018

HERE'S what H. P. Blavatsky wrote concerning the expansion of the universe. We compare it with what our modern physics has to say. In The Secret Doctrine, to counter what was being forced on the world as the 'standard scientific model' for the origin of the universe, she put forward the following occult explanation: "The expansion 'from within without' of the Mother, called elsewhere the 'Waters of Space,' 'Universal Matrix,' etc., does not allude to an expansion from a small centre or focus, but, without reference to size or limitation or area, means the development of limitless subjectivity into as limitless objectivity. [ 1,697 more word ]

The Universe Had No Beginning HERE’S what H. P. Blavatsky wrote concerning the expansion of the universe. We compare it with what our modern physics has to say. In The Secret Doctrine, to counter what was being forced on …

Life Goes On – Plato’s Vision of Immortality 12/06/2018

THE Myth of Er is a legend that concludes Plato's Republic (10.614 – 10.621). The story includes an account of the cosmos and the afterlife, Wikipedia notes, that greatly influenced religious, philosophical, and scientific thought for many centuries. At seventeen, even Aristotle joined Plato's Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty-seven (c. 347 BC). What he learned is passed on to us in modern Theosophy: No one, however gross and material he might be in this life and thought, can avoid leading a double existence in reality – one life is lived in the visible universe, the other plays out in the invisible. [ 1,043 more word ]

Life Goes On – Plato’s Vision of Immortality THE Myth of Er is a legend that concludes Plato’s Republic (10.614 – 10.621). The story includes an account of the cosmos and the afterlife, Wikipedia notes, that greatly influenced religious…

Space is Not Empty: New Views of the Interstellar Medium 12/03/2018

SPIRITUAL substance exists everywhere, says Occult Science, "and forms the first Upadhi on which our World is built. "Outside it is to be found in its pristine purity only between the Stars of the Universe. "The worlds already formed or forming; those in Laya resting meanwhile in its bosom. "As its substance is of a different kind from that known on earth, the inhabitants of the , seeing through it… [ 452 more words ]

Space is Not Empty: New Views of the Interstellar Medium SPIRITUAL substance exists everywhere, says Occult Science, “and forms the first Upadhi [foundation] on which our World [solar system] is built. “Outside [our sysem] it is to be found i…

Healed by Unconditional Love, a Near Death Experience 12/01/2018

THE new age movement heralded most recently by Theosophy in the late 19th century is at last bearing meaningful fruit here in the 21st. "Theosophy is indeed the life, the indwelling spirit which makes every true reform a vital reality," wrote H. P. Blavatsky the movement's inspired original spokesperson. "The Ethics of Theosophy are more important than any divulgement of psychic laws and facts. [ 1,008 more word ]

Healed by Unconditional Love, a Near Death Experience THE new age movement heralded most recently by Theosophy in the late 19th century is at last bearing meaningful fruit here in the 21st. “Theosophy is indeed the life, the indwelling spirit w…

True Astrology: Our Destiny is Written in the Stars 11/24/2018

ASTROLOGY is only superstition, most modern scientists believe. Yet, true science and philosophy seeks "rather to solve than to deny," says Theosophy. "It is an axiom of the philosophic student," H. P. Blavatsky affirmed, "that truth generally lies between the extremes." This is what the ancients meant by Astrology she insisted. For more info click: Astrology, Numbers, and Destiny "Mention the word 'astrology' and skeptics go into an epileptic fit," natural health… [ 1,558 more word ]

True Astrology: Our Destiny is Written in the Stars ASTROLOGY is only superstition, most modern scientists believe. Yet, true science and philosophy seeks “rather to solve than to deny,” says Theosophy. “It is an axiom of the philo…

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347 E 72nd Street
New York, NY

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Monday 7:30pm - 9pm

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