Tina Kopko, LMFT, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

As a Grief Recovery Specialist®, I teach people how to recover from loss. CA licensed MFT #53393. www.Authenticitina.com Online therapy for CA residents.

I use the Grief Recovery Method to help people recover from any kind of loss. Zoom GRM sessions open to grievers everywhere. In-Person GRM Groups resuming in Jan 2024!!


Grief isn’t a straight path. Some days will feel manageable, and others will be overwhelmingly tough, and that’s completely normal. You don’t need to force yourself to be okay all the time. Embracing the full range of your emotions, both highs and lows, is part of the healing process. If you're struggling with this cycle, know that it's a natural part of grief and that you’re not alone.

Reach out for a free consultation if you need support navigating these ups and downs. I'm here to help you find your way through it, and finally feel peace again.


Feeling heard and understood is crucial during tough times. Yet, many of us go through grief and loss in silence, struggling to find the right kind of support. It’s easy to feel alone, especially when you're met with well-meaning but empty advice or just told to “move on.”

At our Grief Recovery Method (GRM) program, we focus on providing a space where your feelings are truly acknowledged. We don’t just listen; we deeply understand and support you through every step of your journey. It’s not about offering quick fixes but about creating a genuine connection where you can express your pain and begin to heal.

If you're ready to experience a space where your grief is validated and your healing is supported, reach out for a free consultation. The next GRM group starts in September 9, 2024, and I’m here to guide you through it.
Tina Kopko, LMFT #53393 (California only)
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist™ (Worldwide)
Helping people heal from all types of loss using the Grief Recovery Method™


It's a common misconception that time alone can heal all wounds. But in reality, just waiting for the pain to go away often leads to prolonged suffering and unresolved grief.

Healing requires active engagement with your emotions, and sometimes that means revisiting painful memories and unfinished business. It's about taking deliberate steps to address what was left unsaid or unacknowledged, rather than hoping the passage of time will magically make everything better.

If you're ready to take action and move forward on your healing journey, reach out for a free consultation with me. I'll introduce you to the tools and techniques that can help you finally find relief and peace. Don’t wait for time to heal you – take charge of your recovery now.


Did you know that grief that lingers long after the initial loss is called unresolved grief? It's not just about the death of a beloved person or pet; it could be the end of a relationship, a shattered dream, or even the loss of trust and safety. These emotions create a feeling of stuckness, an inability to move forward or to enjoy happier memories. And when we ask our doctors about it, they will often diagnose depression or anxiety and prescribe medications—ignoring the underlying emotional issues. This kind of treatment approach often fails in the long run, leading to poor relationships, loss of vitality, energy, or passion for life, and closing one’s heart to avoid feeling more pain. This is no way to live.

If you’ve tried these things and discovered you can’t keep going this way, call me for a free initial consultation to discuss how the Grief Recovery Method could help you recover. My next in-person group starts September 9th, and I look forward to giving you a unique space to acknowledge your pain and begin to truly recover. This world needs you at full capacity right now.
Tina Kopko, LMFT #53393 (California only)
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist™ (Worldwide)
Helping people heal from all types of loss using the Grief Recovery Method™


From the time we were young, most of us were conditioned to avoid sadness, pain, or any tough emotions. Some people think it’s weak or a failure to let those feelings show. It's ingrained in us to put on a brave face, to suppress our tears, and to soldier on despite the turmoil inside. But what if I told you that admitting those feelings to another person, and giving them the time and recognition they deserve will actually make you feel stronger, and deepen your relationships with yourself and others?

The truth is, avoiding our emotions doesn't make them disappear; it only buries them deeper, waiting to resurface when we least expect it. In my work, I've seen how allowing ourselves to feel, to express, and to process our grief can lead to profound transformations. It's not about wallowing in sadness, becoming dependent or needy, or falling apart. It's about honoring our very real human experiences, being real with other people, and speaking the truth about how losses have impacted us so that we can finally let go of the painful past and move forward.

If you're ready to explore a different approach to healing, one that embraces all facets of your emotional journey, reach out to me for a free consultation. My next Grief Recovery Method group begins on September 9th, 2024, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.


Honor your process of healing. Your journey through grief or heartbreak is uniquely yours, incomparable to anyone else’s experience. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, but suppressing, ignoring, or pretending your feelings don’t exist is a surefire way to prolong grief. Learning to feel everything fully is a practice one can get better at, and be able to bear more gracefully when we acknowledge the important messages our feelings have for us. Healing isn't linear; it's about taking small steps each day, even when it feels like you can’t bear it any longer. One of the benefits of group work is that you don’t have to bear it alone.

If you're ready to explore a path to healing in a supportive environment, reach out for a free consultation with me. My next Grief Recovery Method group begins September 9th, 2024, and I'd be honored to show you how the Grief Recovery Method Support Group paves the way to a more peaceful, balanced, healthy life.


Feeling sad is tough. So tough, in fact, that many of us were taught to push it away, put on a brave face, and pretend everything's okay. But here’s the truth: pretending doesn’t heal. It just buries those feelings deeper.
In my work, I’ve seen how embracing your sadness, acknowledging it, and giving it the space it needs can lead to real healing. It’s not about staying stuck; it’s about moving through.

Reach out for a free consultation with me and discover the tools I use to mend broken hearts. My next Grief Recovery Method group begins in September 2024.


Did you know that the end of a romantic relationship, whether it was sanctioned by a church or government or not, happens to millions of people around the world every year? That means there’s all sorts of grief around you, and you probably don’t even know it.

With breakups comes the weight of shattered dreams and unfulfilled promises. It's not just the loss of a partner; it's potentially the loss of trust, safety, hope, and control. The grief is palpable, a heavy fog that clouds every thought and action. It often gets diagnosed as depression, but it’s not, so medications don’t work (not for long, anyway).

The journey towards true healing of heartbreak like this begins with a single step - reaching out for support. Then I’ll take you on a journey back into the good and bad times, so we can discover together what was left unspoken or incomplete. This journey is filled with compassion, understanding, and the unwavering belief that your feelings about all the ups and downs of each relationship deserve ample time to be spoken and witnessed by another person. This is what begins the process of letting go and moving on.

Reach out for a free consultation with me and I’ll introduce you to the tools I use to heal broken hearts. My next Grief Recovery Method group begins in September 2024.


Grief is a journey we never ask to embark upon, yet one that inevitably finds us all. It's a testament to the depth of our connections, the richness of our experiences, and the love that binds us, that grief can hit so hard sometimes. And while being in grief can feel isolating, it's important to remember that you're not alone in this.

Whether you're grappling with the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or any other form of emotional upheaval, know that there’s empowerment in facing grief and letting someone else witness your pain. My goal isn't to offer you quick fixes or empty platitudes but to provide you with the tools, support, and understanding you need to heal your broken heart and reclaim the life you have been given.

So if you find yourself lost in the depths of grief, unsure of which way to turn, know that I'm here, ready to extend a hand and help guide you through the darkness. Asking for support might be one of the wisest and strongest decisions you’ll ever make.


I'm very excited to introduce my new logo, created by Charlie at A-Train Marketing in Colorado. Tim, Molly & Charlie have been absolutely excellent to work with, and they already understand the mental health industry requirements for marketing. I highly recommend them if you're thinking of refreshing your brand.

This logo represents an expansion of my business into specifically working with grief, and adding a lot more grief-related tools to my toolkit. If you're curious what I've been up to, message me to set up a 1-2-1. Thanks to my inner circle for helping me choose between 2 very good choices.


Often, after one loss, we feel the pain of past losses, too. Or when a pet dies, we suddenly feel the grief of someone we lost long ago. Grief can accumulate and reach a tipping point where we just can’t wait for it to resolve itself anymore. Sometimes, the bravest thing we can do is admit we have been in emotional pain, and that it’s time to find a way to get complete with the past.

The Grief Recovery Method offers a road map when the accumulated grief becomes too heavy to bear. As the facilitator of this 8-week group process, I’ve witnessed hundreds of brave souls take on the work of facing their unresolved grief and learning a new way to heal. They often say they feel a weight has been lifted off them. Would you like to feel that? It really is possible for you.

If a past loss has been invading your thoughts, or closing off your heart to new experiences, people, or joys, it might be time to heal from your grief. My next group begins in Moraga on June 10th and there is still room for you. Contact me today for a free consultation to learn more.


What do you do if you’ve lost your life’s purpose?

Allow me to explain and share the concept of “Grief right now.” Not all losses are accompanied by the death of a loved one. We lose something every day. We feel despair when we lose a future that can never happen. And that can be devastating and hard to process to move forward with your life.

As I share a personal experience of mine, I hope if this resonates with you, know that you are not alone. I am human too and I go through life with grief. However, this doesn't mean that there’s no way of learning how to let go and transform your experience into a powerful energy.
If you, or someone you know, want to try the Grief Recovery Method, send me a message. Let’s do a free 30-minute consultation where we can explore how we can start your healing process.

You can also listen to the whole podcast through this link; hopefully, it will spark a feeling of healing within you.

Link to the podcast:
Audio: https://rpb.li/vf1bT
Video: https://rpb.li/BzuxaL


Grief is something all of us experience at some point in our lives, and it's important to know that it's completely normal, and a natural response to any kind of loss. It's not a sign of being mentally unwell, weak, or that something is wrong. When we lose someone or something, grief is our heart's experience of the broken connection.

Sometimes people might feel ashamed or embarrassed for feeling sad or upset, or judge themselves by comparing their loss to others’ losses. That only pushes down into the dark recesses of our consciousness what we are truly feeling, only to resurface later on, sometimes in quite destructive ways.

When we choose to allow grief it’s time and place, when we make room for those feelings with rituals or quiet reflection time, we honor our full humanity and begin the process of being able to release them. And we can let down our guard and know that they’re not going to pop up in unexpected and embarrassing ways down the road.

If you’d like to learn more about how to make more room for your natural and normal grief, I’d love to meet with you and introduce you to a process I’ve taught 100’s of people to use to process and release their own grief (including myself!). You don't have to go through grief alone. 💚


Grief is a complex and individual experience, and it's essential to recognize that it can manifest in various ways. Common responses to grief include feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, confusion, and even physical symptoms like fatigue, reduced concentration, emotional numbness, or changes in appetite and sleep patterns. Some individuals may withdraw from others, while others become more needy of attention from family & friends. A person in grief might also turn to substances or activities that become addictive, as a way to escape the pain. Please refrain from judging people in grief based on these behaviors. It's crucial to understand that there's no "right" or "wrong" way to grieve, and they are doing the best they can. What they really need is to be heard and validated at an emotional (not behavioral) level. I can teach you how to do this.

If you, or someone you know, is lost, acting out, or suffering in these ways, tell them you recently learned what unresolved grief is, and that it sounds like what they are going through, then point them to my website page on Grief Recovery. You can also share this post on your own SM pages to guide others toward support.

It’s not necessary to suffer alone until the end of time. There is a way to heal. I’d love to show you or your loved one how. Let’s connect.


Recovery from grief means finding new ways to live without always worrying about getting hurt again. It's about enjoying good memories without them making us sad.

It's also about knowing it's okay to feel sad sometimes and talk about those feelings, even if others don't always understand.

Most importantly, recovery means learning how to deal with loss healthily. This includes learning how to cope with our feelings, communicate well, and take care of ourselves.

If you're going through grief, know that it's okay to take your time and ask for help when you need it. Recovery is possible, and you're not alone. Pass along this post to anyone who could use some encouragement during their grief journey. Your act of sharing could help them feel supported and understood.💚


I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Coach Anna Scott on her "My Love of Life Energy" podcast. It's about 30 min long (shorter if you listen at a higher speed!) so take a listen.
I share how my life shaped my perspective on grief.

“My whole life has shaped this intense desire to acknowledge the truth and make room for feelings, goodbyes, and loss”. 💬

Listen to the full episode through the link below:
PodBean: https://rpb.li/vf1bT
Youtube: https://rpb.li/BzuxaL

Thanks, , for a touching conversation about grief and endings.

If your audience would benefit from an unapologetic and honest conversation about grief, loss, mental health, or the Grief Recovery Method groups I lead, get in touch with me!


Let's talk about a common misunderstanding about grief: the idea of "replacing the loss." This often happens when someone loses a pet or ends a romantic relationship. People might say things like, "We'll get you a new dog" or "You just need to start dating again."

While these comments may seem helpful, they miss the point of grieving. It's not about finding a quick fix or replacing what was lost. Grieving is about facing the emotions connected to the loss and working through them.

For example, if someone loses a pet and rushes to get a new one, they might not have taken the time to properly grieve or discover undelivered emotional communications that are stuck inside of them. Getting a new pet can be happy and exciting, but it doesn't deal with the sadness and feelings of loss. It's the same with relationships. Jumping into a new one too soon can cause more problems down the road.

As a grief therapist, I'm here to help people understand that grieving is a natural process. It's okay to feel sad and take the time you need to heal. Instead of replacing the loss, it's important to face your feelings and learn how to deliver the emotional communications that need to be heard before you can move on.

If you or someone you know is struggling with grief, know that support is available. Reach out to me to get the help you need. You're not alone in this journey. 💚


As a grief recovery therapist, I often discuss the importance of supportive communication when comforting someone who is grieving. While words can provide comfort and solace, they can also unintentionally cause harm.

When supporting someone who is grieving, it's essential to approach the conversation with empathy, validation, and sensitivity. By choosing words that acknowledge their pain and offer genuine support, you can provide comfort during their time of need.

If you're feeling uncertain about what to say, just being there and listening can make a world of difference. Please consider sharing this post to help spread awareness about supporting those in grief. 💚


Grief isn't just feeling sad; it's a mix of emotions and changes that happen when we lose someone or something important to us.

When we understand grief, we realize it's normal to feel a range of emotions like sadness, anger, or confusion. Everyone's experience is different, and that's okay. It's important to know that there's no right or wrong way to grieve.

By understanding grief, we give ourselves permission to feel and express our emotions. This is the starting point for healing and finding ways to cope with our loss.

In my work, I help people understand their grief and support them as they navigate through it. Share this post with someone who's going through a tough time. Your simple action might provide them with the comfort they seek on their journey to healing. 💚


What is “Unresolved Grief” (aka, the thing we go looking to heal in The Grief Recovery Method programs)?

Demonizing someone from your past - making them all bad. Talking to everyone about what a horrible person they were.

Feeling extra grumpy or angry: Sometimes, we notice we’re getting really annoyed or angry, especially if we’ve been trying to ignore our harder feelings. It can lead to sudden bursts of frustration or just feeling grouchy all the time.

Can't stop thinking about specific events or conversations with a person who’s not in our life anymore. If you find yourself stuck on painful memories and can't seem to move forward, that might be a sign your grief isn't resolved.

Feeling jumpy and scared: Losing someone important can make you feel like the world is a scarier place. You might feel extra nervous or on edge, always worried about something bad happening.

Overreacting to things: When we go through a big loss, we sometimes decide to protect ourselves from ever feeling that pain again. So, some folks might become super clingy to loved ones, while others might push people away to avoid getting hurt again.

Indulging in unhealthy substances or activities: Some people try to numb their feelings by doing things like eating too much or drinking too often. It's not healthy, but it can feel like a way to escape the pain, or at least feel something pleasant for a little while.

Feeling numb or sad all the time: Sometimes, instead of feeling a lot, you might feel nothing at all. It's like putting a heavy blanket over your emotions, leaving you feeling low and unmotivated.

If any of this sounds like what you're going through, know that there is a way to heal that doesn’t involve just waiting. If you’d like to learn more, send me a message. We're all in this together. Don't hesitate to share this post with someone who's going through a difficult time. Your willingness to reach out could be the support they've been longing for on their journey to healing.💚

Properly Grieve 04/19/2024

Thanks to these two men for boldly talking about grief: “if you don’t properly grieve it, you won’t properly leave it.”

Properly Grieve Today, I’m here with my friend Tim Ross to have a real conversation about transitions and grief. You see, so many of us carry over offense from one season to...

Photos from Tina Kopko, LMFT, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist's post 04/17/2024

In my work as a grief therapist, I've noticed something important: people are often grieving without even realizing it. They may not call it grief, but it started when they lost someone or something important to them. Things like feeling betrayed, losing control over our external world, or questioning our beliefs can silently weigh on us.

In our Grief Recovery Method® group, we provide a supportive environment where you can openly discuss these inner pains without anyone commenting on, criticizing, or judging your particular grief journey. Our program assists you in acknowledging and addressing these emotions, paving the way for healing. Help others by sharing this post with those who might find it helpful on their grief journey. Your outreach could offer them much-needed strength.

If you're prepared to confront and heal from these hidden losses, reach out to me. You don’t have to navigate this healing process alone. 💚


Grief is a deeply personal and complex experience, yet it's often misunderstood and mislabeled by society. Let's shed light on the truth and dispel the myths surrounding grief.

❌Myth: Grief has a timeline.
✔️Truth: Grief doesn't follow a set timeline. Each person's journey is unique because they, and the relationship to who or what has been lost, is unique. Take all the time you need to heal.

❌Myth: Grief is only about sadness.
✔️Truth: Grief encompasses a wide range of emotions, from sadness and anger to guilt and confusion. It's a complex journey that affects every aspect of our lives.

❌Myth: Grief should be kept private.
✔️Truth: Grief is a natural and healthy response to loss, and it's okay to seek support from others. Sharing your feelings can help you heal.

If you or someone you know is grappling with grief and wants to learn more about the Grief Recovery Method® to learn how we actually heal from loss and grief, send me a DM. You're not alone – there's someone here ready to offer support. 💚


Unresolved grief can really weigh you down. It's not just about feeling sad—it can make everything in life feel harder. Unlike normal sadness that fades over time, this kind of grief sticks around for a long time, sometimes even getting worse.

If you keep waiting for time to heal your wounds but feel lethargic, listless, hopeless, disillusioned, lonely, isolated, or are in chronic pain with no medical cause, the Grief Recovery Method® (GRM) could be a good resource for you to finally heal. The GRM focuses on finding that unresolved grief and showing you how to move through the steps of validation, expression, and completion.

If you're ready to start feeling better, send me a message. I will walk the path of Grief Recovery right next to you until you feel like that weight has lifted off of you.

Spread the word by sharing this post with anyone who might be struggling with grief. Your gesture of kindness could be the light they need in their darkest moments.


Healing from Loss Does Not Involve JUST WAITING 🌿

Grief isn't something you can rush through, but it also doesn’t heal by waiting for time to pass. It's okay to let time help you heal, but expecting your heart to recover without any intervention is likely to result in grief going underground, and coming out in unpredictable, and stressful, ways.

In our 8-week Grief Recovery Method group, we understand this completely. We create a safe space where you can take things at your own pace. Whether you need to talk about your feelings, remember special moments, express how someone has hurt or betrayed you, or find ways to honor your loved one, we're here to support you every step of the way.

If it’s been years since your loss, and you are still in pain or shut down from emotions and relationships, please send me a message. You don't have to go through this alone. I will show you how to finally heal what was left broken after your loss.

Don't hesitate to forward this post to someone who could use support during their grief journey. Your outreach could be a beacon of hope for them.💚


A day in the life of a therapist: I use the Grief Recovery Method too!

Grief hits us all — even me.

That's why it is important to learn and equip ourselves with tools to help us navigate through these stressful emotions. If you or someone you know feels the same, send me a message and I will be happy to guide you through this process and start your healing journey.💬


🌿 Did you know there are 43 types of grief according to the Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale?

Grief isn't only experienced when someone dies. It can be caused by many different life events, such as changes in our family, work, or health. These changes can make us feel sad and stressed, impacting our well-being.

Understanding the experience you might be having in grief is crucial to your healing. In The Grief Recovery Method® (GRM), we don’t segregate groups by the type of loss because each person, loss, and grieving experience is unique. We learn to listen to each other without judging, criticizing, analyzing, or intellectualizing.

If you know someone who might benefit from this support, please share this post with them. It could make a real difference in their healing process.

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