Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation

We are a liberal religious community that opens minds, fills hearts, and transforms lives. OUUC envisions a loving, just, and healthy world.

OUUC Mission: Our spiritual principles affirm the worth and dignity of every person, and that we are part of the infinite, interdependent WEB of life. We:

Welcome and Wonder
Embrace and Empower
Bridge and Become

Our OUUC Ends inspire us to work within, among, beyond, and throughout ourselves and our community. Read more about our ENDS here (https://www.ouuc.org/our-new-vision-mission-and-ends/).


Please join us online or in-person for this Sunday's worship service:

“A Faithful Democracy" with Rev. Nancy Reid-McKee

This Sunday, we will explore the current threat facing the democracy of the United States, and how we, as religious people, can respond with integrity.

Speaker Bio: Rev. Nancy Reid-McKee (she/her) recently retired from the Northlake UU Church in Kirkland, WA. Rev. Nancy attended the Starr King School for the Ministry along with our Rev. Mary Gear, graduating in 2018. She did her internship at the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock in New York, has served our faith tradition as President of the Starr King Graduate Association, Vice-President of the UU Women’s Federation, and currently serves as Chair of the UU Commission on Social Witness.

Worship starts at 10:00 AM. You can find more information here:

The worship service will be broadcast on Zoom, recorded, and streamed live on YouTube.

Please Like 👍, Comment on 💬, and/or Share ➡ this post to help us spread the word!

“The Restorative Power of Joy” with Rev. Carol McKinley - 8/11/24 Sunday Morning Worship Service 08/14/2024

Did you miss last Sunday's service? Click 👇 to watch it on YouTube. Or did you ❤️ it and want to share with friends? 👍, 💬, and/or ➡️ to help us reach more 👥!

“The Restorative Power of Joy” with Rev. Carol McKinley

We cannot deny the world’s suffering or the painful parts of our own lives, but affirming our sources of joy can help sustain us as we move through anxious times, reminding us to recognize the presence of good in the world.

Watch the recording on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/live/bqaJt7uep0k

You can find the Order of Service here:https://www.ouuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/OOS-Aug-11-24.pdf

“The Restorative Power of Joy” with Rev. Carol McKinley - 8/11/24 Sunday Morning Worship Service We cannot deny the world’s suffering or the painful parts of our own lives, but affirming our sources of joy can help sustain us as we move through anxious t...


Soul Matters groups meet once or twice a month for small group reflection and sharing around the theme of the month. In a small group that meets for a year, it is a great way to build relationships and go deeper into big questions.

Fall is the only time to join these groups before they fill up! Register now: https://www.ouuc.org/education/adult-education/

Tiny Little News Show 8/12/24 08/12/2024

In this week's Tiny Little News, learn about the All Church picnic, upcoming Soul Matters small groups, and Adult Faith Development classes for the Fall:

Tiny Little News Show 8/12/24 This is "Tiny Little News Show 8/12/24" by Olympia UU Congregation on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Please join us online or in-person for this Sunday's worship service:

“The Restorative Power of Joy” with Rev. Carol McKinley

We cannot deny the world’s suffering or the painful parts of our own lives, but affirming our sources of joy can help sustain us as we move through times, reminding us to recognize the presence of good in the world.

Worship starts at 10:00 AM. You can find more information here:

The worship service will be broadcast on Zoom, recorded, and streamed live on YouTube.

Please Like 👍, Comment on 💬, and/or Share ➡ this post to help us spread the word!

“Worthy At Any Size” with Rev. Sara Lewis - 8/04/2024 Sunday Worship Service 08/07/2024

Did you miss last Sunday's service? Click 👇 to watch it on YouTube. Or did you ❤️ it and want to share with friends? 👍, 💬, and/or ➡️ to help us reach more 👥!

“Worthy at Any Size” with Rev. Sara Lewis

Humans are embodied in so many ways, shapes, sizes, abilities, and degrees of something we call “health.” We will explore the spiritually radical act of loving all bodies just as they are.

Watch the recording on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/live/GSwC8FUypnk

You can find the Order of Service here:https://www.ouuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/OOS-July-28-24.pdf

“Worthy At Any Size” with Rev. Sara Lewis - 8/04/2024 Sunday Worship Service Humans are embodied in so many ways, shapes, sizes, abilities, and degrees of something we call “health.” We will explore the spiritually radical act of lovi...

OUUC Weekly Update 08/06/2024

Happy August! Here's this week's newsletter:

OUUC Weekly Update Worship Service August 11


Today, August 5th, 4:30-6pm

Join us for the first of our monthly Death Cafes at OUUC, supported through Pastoral Care & Adult Faith Development and facilitated by Jenee Wolfram, certified End of Life Doula. Death Cafes are an informal, death positive, group-led space for conversations about all things death and dying. They are intended to be a safe space for people to discuss death openly, confidentially, and judgment-free without a specific agenda. It is not intended to be a grief support group, but a sharing of personal stories, experiences, ideas, concerns, and feelings around death and dying. Know that it is also ok to just come and listen. There’s no registration required. This is a drop-in program. All are welcome! Let’s normalize conversations around death and dying, bringing this long taboo topic out into the light. And, did I mention THERE WILL BE TEA & CAKE!?!


Please join us online or in-person for this Sunday's worship service:

“Worthy at Any Size” with Rev. Sara Lewis

Humans are embodied in so many ways, shapes, sizes, abilities, and degrees of something we call “health.” We will explore the spiritually radical act of loving all bodies just as they are.

Worship starts at 10:00 AM. You can find more information here:

The worship service will be broadcast on Zoom, recorded, and streamed live on YouTube.

Please Like 👍, Comment on 💬, and/or Share ➡ this post to help us spread the word!

“Tools for the Revolution” with Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen - 7/28/24 Sunday Worship Service 08/04/2024

Did you miss last Sunday's service? Click 👇 to watch it on YouTube. Or did you ❤️ it and want to share with friends? 👍, 💬, and/or ➡️ to help us reach more 👥!

“Tools for the Revolution” with Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen

A revolution is a momentous change, and we’re certainly at the very least in a season of flux in our country now. What spiritual tools do we need to live, and to work for a better world, in these times?

Watch the recording on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/live/-mRUg3W4L-g

You can find the Order of Service here:https://www.ouuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/OOS-July-28-24.pdf

“Tools for the Revolution” with Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen - 7/28/24 Sunday Worship Service A revolution is a momentous change, and we’re certainly at the very least in a season of flux in our country now. What spiritual tools do we need to live, an...

OUUC Weekly Update 07/30/2024

Time for the update! Weekly update has arrived:

OUUC Weekly Update Worship Service August 4


Time for the update! Weekly update has arrived: https://secure.smore.com/n/mw1s2


Please join us online or in-person for this Sunday's worship service:

“Tools for the Revolution” with Rev. Monica Jacobson-Tennessen

A revolution is a momentous change, and we’re certainly at the very least in a season of flux in our country now. What spiritual tools do we need to live, and to work for a better world, in these times?

Worship starts at 10:00 AM. You can find more information here:

The worship service will be broadcast on Zoom, recorded, and streamed live on YouTube.

Please Like 👍, Comment on 💬, and/or Share ➡ this post to help us spread the word!

“Grounded in Our Values” with Rylee Uhrich - 7/21/24 Sunday Morning Worship Service 07/25/2024

Did you miss last Sunday's service? Click 👇 to watch it on YouTube. Or did you ❤️ it and want to share with friends? 👍, 💬, and/or ➡️ to help us reach more 👥!

“Grounded in Our Values” with Rylee Uhrich

In response to the UUA General Assembly earlier this summer, Rylee explores values, ideals, and change as part of our UU tradition.

Speaker Bio: Rylee is a social worker at Community Youth Services. She is also a UU ministry student and remains curious about where her call to ministry will lead her next. Rylee lives in Olympia and is a member of OUUC.

Watch the recording on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/live/COcc1wvXgYQ

You can find the Order of Service here:https://www.ouuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/OOS-July-21-24.pdf

“Grounded in Our Values” with Rylee Uhrich - 7/21/24 Sunday Morning Worship Service In response to the UUA General Assembly earlier this summer, Rylee explores values, ideals, and change as part of our UU tradition.Speaker Bio: Rylee is a so...

Tiny Little News 7/22/24 07/23/2024


In this week's Tiny Little News, we check in on summer events and camps and look ahead to pagan holidays and all church picnics

Tiny Little News 7/22/24 This is "Tiny Little News 7/22/24" by Olympia UU Congregation on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Please join us online or in-person for this Sunday's worship service:

“Grounded in Our Values” with Rylee Uhrich

In response to the UUA General Assembly earlier this summer, Rylee explores values, ideals, and change as part of our UU tradition.

Speaker Bio: Rylee is a social worker at Community Youth Services. She is also a UU ministry student and remains curious about where her call to ministry will lead her next. Rylee lives in Olympia and is a member of OUUC.

Worship starts at 10:00 AM. You can find more information here:

The worship service will be broadcast on Zoom, recorded, and streamed live on YouTube.

Please Like 👍, Comment on 💬, and/or Share ➡ this post to help us spread the word!

OUUC Weekly Update 07/16/2024

Check out the OUUC Weekly Update for 7/16/24! https://secure.smore.com/n/8x1hcs

OUUC Weekly Update Worship Service July 21


Happy summer! Many things slow down at OUUC in the summer, but not everything! Here are the summer events, on one flyer for convenience


Happy Summer! Many things slow down at OUUC over the summer, but things are still happening. Here are some of those events all on one flyer for convenience.


Note: This Sunday's service will include some live elements and some pre-recorded elements from the worship service produced for the 2024 General Assembly of the UUA. It will be streamed both in the OUUC sanctuary and via our usual Zoom link, but NOT on YouTube, and NO recording will be posted — please join us live on Sunday!

“Weaving Our Lives”
UUA General Assembly Worship with Rev. Dr. Molly Housh Gordon

We are all tangled up together in a great web of life that is woven with beauty and hardship, love and loss, thriving and struggle. How do we tend well to the weaving so that all of us are held in care?

Rev. Molly Housh Gordon will be joined by Violet Vonder Haar, Jamila Bachelder, Rev. Leon Dunkely, Rev. Eric Kaminetsky, Rev. Joan Javier-Duvall, Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long, Rev. Aaron Wisman, Rev. Sadie Lansdale, and Rev. Sarah Oglesby-Dunegan.

Featuring musicians: Natasha Steinmacher, GA Music Coordinator; Lea Morris; Francisco Ruiz; beheld; Violet Vonder Haar; Paul Wi******er; and choirs from All Souls Unitarian Church, Indianapolis, IN; First Parish in Concord, MA; First Parish UU in Lexington, MA; First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI; UU Fellowship in Athens, GA; UU Fellowship of Poughkeepsie, NY; UU Church in Cherry Hill, NJ; UU Church in Reston, VA; and UU of Minnetonka, MN.

No more After-Service Forums through August.

Worship starts at 10:00 AM. You can find more information here:

Please Like 👍, Comment on 💬, and/or Share ➡ this post to help us spread the word!

“Hearing Prophetic Voices” with Rev. Carol McKinley - 7/7/24 Sunday Worship 07/10/2024

Did you miss last Sunday's service? Click 👇 to watch it on YouTube. Or did you ❤️ it and want to share with friends? 👍, 💬, and/or ➡️ to help us reach more 👥!

“Hearing Prophetic Voices” with Rev. Carol McKinley

The longing for justice, equity, and peace is not new; ancient peoples expressed their hopes in myths, songs and stories. Yet prophets who warned of looming dangers were shunned, much as today’s prophets whose warnings of social and environmental threats are ignored or belittled. How do we open ourselves to hear their truths and respond with courage?

Watch the recording on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/live/EYvic2mhL5E

You can find the Order of Service here:https://www.ouuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/OOS-July-07-24.pdf

“Hearing Prophetic Voices” with Rev. Carol McKinley - 7/7/24 Sunday Worship The longing for justice, equity, and peace is not new; ancient peoples expressed their hopes in myths, songs and stories. Yet prophets who warned of looming...

OUUC Weekly Update 07/09/2024

Happy Summer! Here's this week's weekly update:

OUUC Weekly Update Worship Service July 14


Please join us online or in-person for this Sunday's worship service:

“Hearing Prophetic Voices” with Rev. Carol McKinley

The longing for justice, equity, and peace is not new; ancient peoples expressed their hopes in myths, songs and stories. Yet prophets who warned of looming dangers were shunned, much as today’s prophets whose warnings of social and environmental threats are ignored or belittled. How do we open ourselves to hear their truths and respond with courage?

Worship starts at 10:00 AM. You can find more information here:

The worship service will be broadcast on Zoom, recorded, and streamed live on YouTube.

Please Like 👍, Comment on 💬, and/or Share ➡ this post to help us spread the word!

“Seeds for a More Fruitful Earth” with Fredrick Livingston - 6/30/24 Sunday Worship 07/05/2024

Did you miss last Sunday's service? Click 👇 to watch it on YouTube. Or did you ❤️ it and want to share with friends? 👍, 💬, and/or ➡️ to help us reach more 👥!

“Seeds for a More Fruitful Earth” with Frederick Livingston

Are humans parasites, sowing our own hunger, or fruit, gifts from the Earth to our future? Local Olympian and award-winning poet Frederick Livingston will read from his newest title “Trees are Bridges to the Sky” and discuss how the metaphors we use to relate to the natural world shape the futures available to us. His broad meanders in ecology have led him to conclude the fate of our species depends not on any future wealth or technology, but on the seeds of evolution we sow with every breath.

Watch the recording on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/live/PlUj8re6OEc

You can find the Order of Service here:https://www.ouuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/OOS-June-30-24.pdf

Guest Speaker Bio: Frederick Livingston grew up in Olympia, attending OUUC while his mother sang in the choir. He has since gone on to weave experiential education, ecology, and poetry in river that has taken him from Peace Corps Tanzania to the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica and beyond, including his current role leading environmental education programs in prisons. He is the author of the poetry collection The Moon and Other Fruits, and his most recent title Trees are Bridges to the Sky won the prism prize for climate literature. These two books of poetry are available in Olympia at Orca Books, Browsers Books, and Last Word books. More info at: http://fredericklivingston.com/

“Seeds for a More Fruitful Earth” with Fredrick Livingston - 6/30/24 Sunday Worship Are humans parasites, sowing our own hunger, or fruit, gifts from the Earth to our future? Local Olympian and award-winning poet Frederick Livingston will re...

OUUC Weekly Update 07/02/2024

This week's weekly update newsletter has arrived!

OUUC Weekly Update Worship Service July 7

Photos from Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation's post 06/30/2024

Happy Pride!


Please join us online or in-person for this Sunday's worship service:

“Seeds for a More Fruitful Earth” with Fredrick Livingston

Are humans parasites, sowing our own hunger, or fruit, gifts from the Earth to our future? Local Olympian and award-winning poet Frederick Livingston will read from his newest title "Trees are Bridges to the Sky" and discuss how the metaphors we use to relate to the natural world shape the futures available to us. His broad meanders in ecology have led him to conclude the fate of our species depends not on any future wealth or technology, but on the seeds of evolution we sow with every breath.

Guest Speaker Bio: Frederick Livingston grew up in Olympia, attending OUUC while his mother sang in the choir. He has since gone on to weave experiential education, ecology, and poetry in river that has taken him from Peace Corps Tanzania to the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica and beyond, including his current role leading environmental education programs in prisons. He is the author of the poetry collection "The Moon and Other Fruits" and his most recent title "Trees are Bridges to the Sky" won the prism prize for climate literature.
More info at http://fredericklivingston.com/

Worship starts at 10:00 AM. You can find more information here:

The worship service will be broadcast on Zoom, recorded, and streamed live on YouTube.

Please Like 👍, Comment on 💬, and/or Share ➡ this post to help us spread the word!

“Where the Light Begins” Music Service with Troy Fisher & the OUUC Choir - 6/23/24 Sunday Worship 06/26/2024

Did you miss last Sunday's service? Click 👇 to watch it on YouTube. Or did you ❤️ it and want to share with friends? 👍, 💬, and/or ➡️ to help us reach more 👥!

All Music Service: “Where The Light Begins”

featuring the OUUC Choir and guest musicians,
under the direction of Troy Arnold Fisher

Watch the recording on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/live/1z0DxseJ5b4

You can find the Order of Service here:https://www.ouuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/OOS-June-23-24.pdf

“Where the Light Begins” Music Service with Troy Fisher & the OUUC Choir - 6/23/24 Sunday Worship All Music Service: “Where The Light Begins,” featuring the OUUC Choir and guest musicians, under the direction of Troy Arnold FisherYou can find the Order o...

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Videos (show all)

This week on the Tiny Little News Show: Where, Oh Where, Did My Nametag Go? Also: upcoming classes and how you can share...
This week's headlines from the Tiny Little News Show: Singing Our Hearts Out at karaoke in the sanctuary, pasta dinner f...
This week on the Tiny Little News Show: learn how to Recycle with Honor with OUUC's Caretaker, Marie Arensmeyer! Also - ...
This week's episode of the Tiny Little News Show includes: updates on mask guidance, Valentine's Day festivities, and an...
This week's Tiny Little News Show: Updates on the OUUC Capital Campaign and Article II.Brought to you by your host Rev. ...
This week on the Tiny Little News Show: updates to the OUUC Capital Campaign, a few save-the-dates, and how you can rece...
Blessings to you in the new year! As we reflect on this month's spiritual theme of Power and our own, respective positio...
New year, new show!We are trying something new this year. Our own Rev. Sara Lewis hosts The Tiny Little News Show - a vi...
Rev. Mary Gear invites you to join us from wherever you are to be in community and share the ingathering experience with...
GreenFaith Olympia and the OUUC Environmental Action Team have made this video about climate change, the upcoming climat...
Last night we hosted a Stuffie Sleepover


2306 East End Street NW
Olympia, WA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 2pm
Wednesday 10am - 2pm
Thursday 10am - 2pm
Sunday 9:30am - 11:30am

Other Olympia non profit organizations (show all)
Nature Abounds Nature Abounds
PO Box 12752
Olympia, 98508

Founded in 2008, Nature Abounds is a national 501c3 nonprofit organization that encourages people to

Olympia Union Gospel Mission Olympia Union Gospel Mission
413 Franklin Street NE (Mailing Address: PO Box 7668, Olympia WA 98507)
Olympia, 98501

The Olympia Mission provides physical, emotional and spiritual support to those in crisis.

Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights
309 5th Avenue SE
Olympia, 98501

Contact POWER to learn more about your legal rights to public assistance or how you can get more involved. Find POWER on Instagram!! https://www.instagram.com/olympiamamapower/ ...

Nisqually River Council Nisqually River Council
620 Old Pacific Highway SE
Olympia, 98513

Connecting communities with nature in the Nisqually Watershed Ancestral lands of the Nisqually People

Nisqually Reach Nature Center Nisqually Reach Nature Center
4949 D Milluhr Drive NE
Olympia, 98516

The Nisqually Reach Nature Center is a small non-profit focused on education and research.

Olympia Downtown Alliance Olympia Downtown Alliance
115 State Avenue
Olympia, 98501

The Olympia Downtown Alliance (ODA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with the mission to advocate

Child Care Action Council Child Care Action Council
3729 Griffin Lane SE
Olympia, 98501

Child Care Action Council is a non-profit that supports child care providers, parents and children

Miss Thurston County Scholarship Program Miss Thurston County Scholarship Program
P. O. Box 14536
Olympia, 98511

Official Local Organization of Miss Washington

Junior League of Olympia Junior League of Olympia
3545 7th Avenue SW, Ste 303
Olympia, 98502

Junior League of Olympia is a group of 140 South Sound women dedicated to serving & building a healthy community.

Washington State Fire Fighters' Association Washington State Fire Fighters' Association
1910 4th Avenue E, PMB 117
Olympia, 98506

Our mission is to provide information, education, benefits, and representation to the volunteer fire service of the State of Washington in order to enhance their capabilities and p...

Northwest Treaty Tribes Northwest Treaty Tribes
6730 Martin Way E
Olympia, 98516

A news service of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission.

Ballet Northwest Ballet Northwest
Olympia, 98507

Join Ballet Northwest for an amazing season of dance! http://www.balletnorthwest.org/performances.htm