BYU School of Communications

Official page for the BYU School of Communications. Looking for internships? Check out the Discussions Tab for job and internship listings.

The Department of Communications at Brigham Young University was created in response to an increasing demand for professionals who could both facilitate mass media communication, and the transfer of ideas among people. The present day Communications Department, a division of the College of Fine Arts and Communications, is located in the George H. Brimhall building on the south end of the BYU campu

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 08/12/2024

Our BYU Journalism and Sports Media Students attended the 2024 Paris Olympics!

This talented group of students had the unique opportunity to create content and provide media coverage at the Paris Olympics.

Caleb Jenson, a junior studying journalism and sports media shared, “This trip has been a once in a lifetime experience! I can’t think of a better way to build my portfolio than by being in Paris to cover the Games. It has helped me to refine my skills, progress towards my goals and gain real experience covering major events.”

What a wonderful opportunity for these students to grow in such an exciting environment. They have developed great skills in their field at this remarkable event.

Tell us about your favorite moment from the Olympics this year in the comments!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 08/02/2024

Another day, another win for the AdLab.

Since it was established in 2003, the BYU AdLab has created an environment that helps advertising students discover success. In recent years, students and faculty have worked hard to earn numerous Student Emmys, ADDYs, Clios and other awards.

Both the AdLab and advertising professor Jeff Sheets have been recognized as the top of their field. Jeff Sheets has been recognized as the AAF’s Most Distinguished Advertising Educator of the Year and the AdLab has been recognized as the Young Ones School of the Year.

Learn more about these remarkable awards at the link in our bio and be sure to follow us to hear about more achievements like this!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 06/21/2024

When Comms Studies pre-major Lauren Waite was invited to join students in the major on an experiential learning trip to South Korea, she didn’t think twice before seizing the opportunity.

On the trip, Lauren had the chance to visit a university comms lab in Seoul and learn more about Korean culture.

“Every day, I am filled with gratitude for the experiences I had during the trip,” said Lauren. “ I believe that God put me in the right circumstances and I know He can provide similar experiences for other students who trust in Him.”

Share your experiences with us as you study abroad this year and make sure to submit to the Creative Works Contest at the link in our bio!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 05/23/2024

Some of us take years to pick a career path; some of us know almost immediately what we are meant to do.

BYU Women’s Basketball player and communications graduate Arielle Mackey-Williams knew at a very young age she wanted to enter the world of sports media.

“I remember when I was little I would grab a paper and pen and interview my family while they were watching TV, pretending that I was Sports Illustrated or something,” said Mackey-Williams. “I’ve always been interested in media and sports; sports media is a way that they are interlinked.”

Learn more about Mackey-William’s story at the link in our bio.

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 05/21/2024

Can senior capstone projects, which take hours of planning, research, work, etc., change lives? For comms seniors Sydni Merrill, Derek VanBuskirk, Ethan Porter and Joel Leighton, it can.

The four journalism seniors decided they would create a documentary about BYU-Pathway Worldwide, an educational program designed to give people the opportunity to receive an educational certificate/degree.

Working with staff mentors Melissa Gibbs and Alan Neves, the seniors filmed their documentary in Ghana and aimed to share the stories of four BYU-Pathway Worldwide students by showing how their lives have been changed by the opportunity to learn through the program.

“Some of the people you meet will never have a reporter speak to them,” said Leighton. “Their stories will never be told to anyone other than their friends and family. Documentaries like this give people the opportunity to have their stories shared with a larger audience. I hope to do their story justice.”

Read more about their experience here.

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 05/15/2024

Learning about our passions is important, but real-life practice helps us reach our true potential. And what better real-life practice is there for a journalism and sports media student than covering the BIG 12 Tournament for the BYU men’s basketball team?

Communication students Chase Rogers, Bethany Twede, Karina Meyer and Karter Baughan traveled to Kansas for this sport frenzy. This in-field experience allowed them to glimpse into their communications’ careers and make connections with professionals in their field.

“I think that this trip encouraged me to reach out and make connections all around me all the time,” said Chase. “I was put in situations I’ve never been in before and was able to take the things I had learned in the classroom and apply them in real life.”

Join the College of Fine Arts and Communications community for more experiences like these!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 05/06/2024

“My love for advertising started at a young age.

“When I was in elementary school, I decided to run for student council. I quickly realized that if I wanted to win, I had to capture my classmate’s attention and make sure they couldn’t forget me. I did some crazy things including dressing up like advertising icon Billy Mayes and performing an infomercial in front of my school to tell them why they should vote for me (and I won!). That early lesson in advertising sparked something in me and I found a way to fan the flame here at BYU.

“The advertising program has changed my life in so many ways. Not only do I get to pursue a career I love, but I get to dream big! The advertising program has given me some incredible experiences and tools to go out and be successful. I’m so grateful for my experience and I can’t wait to see where it takes me!” —Alli Trendler, BA in communications, advertising

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 04/23/2024

Many of us dream of our future careers, but how do we get there?

Thanks to BYU, sports media major Jacob Hale has had quite the experience working for professional sports teams. BYU’s community has allowed Jacob to make connections throughout the sporting world. Embracing this sense of community has given Jacob opportunities to work for the Minnesota Twins and UVU Hockey Team.

“Obviously a big part of school is being in the classroom, but I think the biggest thing that BYU’s School of Communications has done for me is provide experiences outside of the classroom through internships and the wonderful people that I’ve been able to work with,” said Jacob Hale.

What opportunities have helped you follow your dreams?

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 04/09/2024

Recently, Natalie Aldous represented BYU on a professional trip with National Millennial and Gen Z Community (NMGZ) to Los Angeles, California. While on this trip she learned what it means to have the courage to be different.

“Through my trip,I was able to understand the importance of being different and standing out based on your individual strengths,” Natalie said. “Being ‘different’ helps you to act in a way that leans into your identity, instead of following a crowd and potentially losing out on what you have to offer.”

While this trip prepared Natalie for her future in communications, it also taught her the importance of embracing our values and unique, divine identity. Lets all follow Natalie’s example and embrace our double heritage allowing us to reach our true potential and be a light to others!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 03/21/2024

Can an internship change your perspective on the world? Yes. Yes it can.

Julia Orellana-Fune’s internship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints allowed her to witness God’s love firsthand. Orellana-Fune spent the past summer in New Zealand surrounded by the Māori people. As Julia focused more on God’s love, she said, “I grew to love the Māori and let their love of man change me.”

This internship not only prepared her for her future in communications, but it deepened her testimony of Christ. It allowed her to see how aware the prophet, apostles and other general authorities are of social problems throughout the world.

“Until you work for the church and see how many ways there are to serve and help move the work of the Lord forward, you can’t truly appreciate how everyone’s gifts and talents are needed in any and every capacity to build the Kingdom. I’m needed, and so are you.”

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 03/01/2024

We’re spreading the news!

Last month two of our advertising students were selected to attend the American Advertising Federation’s Most Promising Multicultural Student program in New York City.

Gabe Bori and Eli Wright opened up about their experience preparing for the program and about what it means to them to represent both BYU and multicultural students across the nation.

Read more about Bori and Wright’s experience at the link in our bio!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 02/12/2024

Where could a student share their testimony for a capstone project? Only at BYU.

Journalism senior Megan Hatton centered her capstone project on the educational and spiritual aspects of the St. George temple open house. Her coverage of the open house introduces basic principles and truths surrounding the temples of God.

“Though often subtle,” Hatton said, “I believe that reading such truths will invite the Spirit into the life of anyone reading.”

Hatton’s testimony grew as she interviewed temple patrons. The joy they expressed was beautiful. “I was touched,” said Hatton, “I know that temples are the houses of the Lord.”

Read more about Hatton’s experience at the link in our bio!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 01/26/2024

Even through tragedy, there can be hope.

Journalism students traveled to Lahaina, Hawaii to share the community’s story after the devastating wildfires destroyed homes and families. The process of documenting the Lahaina community was nothing short of miraculous.

“We were guided to tell the story the way it needed to be told,” said journalism student Elliott Johnson.

Despite the tragedy, the students couldn’t deny the strength of the people they met. They were united by their despair, not divided. Anna LaTour said, “The feeling of love and community in Lahaina is something that binds these people to their land, to their culture, and heritage, no matter what happens.”

“Hope for Lahaina: Witnesses of the Maui Wildfires” is available to watch on YouTube. Click the link in our bio to view the documentary or read the behind the scenes on the journalism students’ experience in Lahaina

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 11/27/2023

"We can change the world just by providing small help."

BYU journalism students had the chance to do just that with their documentary sharing the story of the Black 14.

BYU journalism student, Elisabeth Ahlstrom, said, "The Black 14 is about a group of men who pushed past adversity to make the best of the worst situation. They were able to right past wrongs to build the world up as a whole."

Ahlstrom worked alongside fellow journalism classmate, Abigail Gunderson, to produce and create the documentary about the Black 14. Ahlstrom and Gunderson received the National Student Production Award — the student equivalent of an Emmy — for their work. The documentary received other recognition and placed at the Society of Professional Journalists Awards.

Through all the awards and recognition the documentary has received, the students who produced it are impacted first and foremost by the heart of the story.

“That’s probably why the documentary has been recognized and awarded — the students did a really good job of keeping the story authentic,” said Gibbs.

If you would like to read more, head to the link in our bio! You can also watch the trailer there 😊

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 11/20/2023

“I have always loved art and being involved in creating beautiful things. At BYU I found that I love advertising as well. For me it is the perfect balance between art and business.

“Being in classes with lots of fun people and seeing work from agencies across the world has helped me discover what I want to create and what impact I want to have in the ad industry.

“There is room for everyone in the AdLab and other places at BYU. Differences inspire new ideas and spark creativity.” —Madeline Ramsey

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 11/15/2023

"The Lord moves in mysterious ways. He utilizes all of our talents — even talents we may not know we have — to bless our lives and the lives of those around us. This describes my own experience of getting an internship with Mormon Women for Ethical Government (MWEG) and moving from that internship to a part time job."

Sierra Jensen's internship with MWEG taught her vulnerability — in new opportunities and in relationships. As a recent public relations graduate, Jensen discovered the importance of opening up in media relations and work relationships, which have helped her become a better employee, person and mother.

"I’m so grateful for what I learned," said Jensen, "and what I continue to learn as I further my growth and development as a public relations specialist, mother of two boys and disciple of Jesus Christ."

Read more about how her internship helped her learn vulnerability at the link in our bio! 💙

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 10/31/2023

We couldn't let October pass without highlighting the Beckham Lecture that happened during Homecoming week. Students, faculty and alumni gathered to hear honored alum Ruth Todd's message.

Falling into step with BYU's Homecoming theme “Lean into Light,” Todd described how we can increase light in our lives by leaning into the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Todd currently serves as the Executive Vice President and Chief Content Officer for Bonneville International. She is an award-winning TV news anchor, having anchored for channels across the country during her 25 year career. Todd received both a bachelor’s degree in communications and MBA from BYU.

Read more about Todd's lecture at the link in our bio!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 09/28/2023

Public relations student Emily Hooke was recently named a grand prize winner in Duke University’s annual New Ideas competition. The competition invites undergraduates from across the nation to submit business ideas aimed at contributing to civil discourse and reducing polarization in society.

Read about Hooke’s winning idea, Insta Gramp, at the link in our bio! ✨

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 09/22/2023

Last summer, journalism and sports media major Alyssa Regis traveled across Italy and the UK. Throughout her travels, Regis gained a larger perspective of journalism and came to understand how telling a good story can bring awareness to global issues.

“I learned how to use photography to tell a global story. I had no idea how important it would be to not only understand the basics of photography, but to understand its vision,” Regis said. “ Traveling outside the U.S. has shown me that I want to tackle global issues, specifically environmental ones.

“I didn’t realize how important climate change was to me until I was standing on a beach in Wales and climbing a mountain in Italy. Using both my pen and my camera, I can showcase climate action and inaction, making a difference to my planet by drawing attention to it.”

What did you do this summer? We want to know! Submit your experience to the Creative Works Contest and potentially win money! Submissions close September 28th. Clink the link in our bio to submit. 🥳

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 09/22/2023
Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 09/20/2023

Professor Ben Burroughs from the University of North Las Vegas will be presenting at the Brimhall tomorrow, September 21, to share his research on the Kū Kia’i Kahuku community movement. Swipe for more details! 🥳


Welcome back, Cougars! We are so happy to see the Brimhall full of students again. Here's to a new semester! How are you feeling about it? Let us know by commenting some emojis below!

We will go first 🤩💙🎉

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 09/01/2023

Robyn Christensen, a recent journalism grad, had the opportunity to work on a project for the 200th anniversary of Moroni's visit to Joseph Smith in Palmyra, NY. Students involved in this project conducted interviews on their perspectives of religion and history in the area.

"I thought it was an amazing opportunity, not just because of the hands-on experience but because of the friendship experiences we made as well!" says Christensen. "It was so interesting to learn about the different faiths in that area and how they have changed over the years."

The multimedia content from this project will be published on the Daily Universe in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 08/30/2023

With BYU’s new Big 12 status in the athletic world, sports media students have unique opportunities for hands-on learning and up-close experience with the world of sports. Professor Miles Romney took two sports journalism students to the AT&T Stadium in Texas for the Big 12 Media Days this summer. Check out the link in our bio to read more about it!


Molly Ogden Welch, a recent CFAC grad in journalism left BYU with a degree and so much more. "I have so many happy memories from my time here," Welch says. "I was able to get married and have my baby. I don’t know of many places outside of BYU that would not only accommodate those big life changes, but also encourage me in my goals outside of academia."

The amazing journalism professors played a key role in accommodating and encouraging Welch. They provided her with knowledge and opportunities to grow. "I loved my professors, and I love the skills that I learned in the program. I will forever be thankful for the BYU journalism program for preparing me and giving me the skills I needed to intern for the Liahona magazine in 2021. That experience strengthened my faith in Jesus Christ and strengthened my abilities.

"I am a better writer, editor, wife, mother, friend and disciple of Jesus Christ because of my undergrad experience at BYU."

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 08/18/2023

For our final emphasis, we will be featuring journalism and sports media! Check out this carousel to see what we offer in our program.

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 08/11/2023

Madelynn Beus had an amazing opportunity to work for one of her favorite webcomic artists! "Stephen McCranie posted that he needed assistance marketing his books. I instantly messaged him and let him know that I would be honored to work with him," Beus says.

McCranie, the author of the popular series "Space Boy," worked with Beus to solidify a new approach to his business strategy and broaden his audience, utilizing her experience in Communications Studies.

"This experience strengthened the social media skills that I already had, gave me a chance to gain new skills that I needed and solidified my love for social media strategy and management," Beus says. "Working for McCranie helped me see the difficulties authors and artists face when trying to promote their work. This internship made me consider creating my own advertising agency for authors and artists later in my career. I am forever grateful to Stephen McCranie for giving me this invaluable experience."

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 08/07/2023

Our next emphasis spotlight: communication studies. Slide through and see what opportunities the program can offer you!

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 08/03/2023

"As humans, we are constantly surrounded by media. We have so much information being thrown at us that sometimes it can get overwhelming."

Through the public relations program, Gabby Huntsman had the opportunity to develop media literacy through the New York City Experience study abroad. On top of studying diversity and media literacy, they also networked with industry professionals from PR firms such as Brunswick and Thatcher Co.

"I loved living in the city," Huntsman says. "I feel like I was able to gain a greater understanding of how PR firms work, increase my knowledge of media literacy and diversity and of course discover what it means to be a local in the city! I will cherish my time in New York so much, and I hope I can go back there soon."

Photos from BYU School of Communications's post 07/21/2023

In the PR Intelligence Lab students are able to experience hands on work with real-world clients. Our students have worked with some amazing organizations such as , , and many more!

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If you missed professor Brubaker’s devotional last week, no worries! Check out to read a few inspirational ...
Meet Professor John! You can usually find him either creating a complex strategy for advertising, helping his students, ...
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Hello from the Daily Universe team! What's your favorite part of the job? #newsroom #byunewsroom #broadcasting #dailyuni...
What’s up Daily Universe? What’s your favorite part of the job? (Watch till the end for a special dance caught on accide...
So what was the best Super Bowl ad? Here’s some advertising students with their thoughts! #superbowlads #superbowlads202...
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