Optimize Fitness

We offer personalized online programs, 1 on 1 training and group training. We will learn about you,


Join Optimize Fit if you’re looking for a balanced approach to your fitness journey⚖️

We LISTEN to YOUR wants and needs in order to reach the goals you are looking to accomplish!! 🙌🏽

‼️📧DM or email us at [email protected] for questions on how to get your free assessment this month!



There are tons of challenging and advanced mobility movements out there which can be intimidating at first glance.

We don’t want advanced mobility to prevent people starting out from stretching at all! Which is why here we have a progression of the adductor stretch!

Start with the first one and progress as it gets easier/muscles get looser!!



Look no further‼️

Stop holding off on getting the help and support you’ve been telling yourself you’ll get!

Coach Bailee and Optimize Fit are offering nutrition guidance/support in person AND virtually! This offers online (or in person or both) support to build a plan to reach YOUR health goals.

If you have any questions about nutrition or what nutrition coaching may look like feel free to DM us!



Although meal prepping can take a chunk of time on your weekend (or whenever you choose to do it) it has some HUGE advantages.
1. Saves you TIME during the week. Although you need to spend a day cooking/prepping, in the long run it saves you time during the week cooking.
2. It can save you MONEY! It can be easy to just buy food on your lunch break or on the way home. The hope is if you’ve already prepared your meal, you won’t need to buy food out!
3. By prepping at home, you probably will even be eating a HEALTHIER meal! Cooking our own food has the advantage of knowing what we are putting in it versus what restaurants are putting in our food!

If you are new to meal prepping and it seems overwhelming, start with just meal prepping snacks for the week or a couple lunches (or breakfast or dinner). Don’t feel the need to prep all your meals, start small and continue to build as you get the hang of it!



If you are just starting out with meal prepping, the advice I have is START SIMPLE!!

We can’t always come up with a complex meal prep for lunch. Especially when we are trying to start this new habit, it’s best to start with the basics:

Vegetable 🥦Protein🍗Carb🍠

1. Start out with picking a quality vegetable, protein and carb you like.
2. Make a grocery list that has these items on it.
3. Plan the day you will shop and cook! Make sure to buy enough food to last the week (or the amount of days you choose).
4. When the day comes and you’ve done your shopping, turn on your favorite playlist or podcast and enjoy meal prepping!!!!

What other nutrition advice would you like me to answer?



Who can’t stick with a consistent healthy routine?

The good news is you are not alone! I have been there myself, believing I must give up all the foods I love in order to have “healthier” eating habits.

Let’s normalize creating lifelong eating habits that involve the foods you love!

This program will give you the control over your habits and improve your energy, confidence and overall health and well being!

DM us for how to set up your free consultation!



🌟Linda and Greg have been training with Bailee for almost 2 years now and have made incredible strides in strength, pain management, mobility and confidence!

Linda is an internationally collected artist and Greg is a retired professional firefighter, rugby player and general contractor. Living on a 20 acre farm requires daily labor that they both need to stay healthy and strong for in order to maintain their land. Their lifestyle requires no days off.

Their commitment to their bodies and their health has been inspiring. These two have been incredible to work with and have completely bought in to Optimize Fit and what we stand for.




🥦Coach Bailee is now Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified! She is accepting online clients looking to improve their overall health! “Healthy” eating is not one size fits all and does NOT have to be diets or restrictions.

🫐“My goal is to give unlimited online support for each individual through their journey to find what their healthy life looks like and sustain those habits without the restrictions society makes us believe we need.”

🥑Whether it’s fat loss, building muscle or just wanting to have better eating habits for overall health, Coach Bailee is here to help you realistically reach those goals.

🍠If you are interested in knowing more about what you will get by working with Coach Bailee please DM us!

Photos from Optimize Fitness's post 04/18/2023

We appreciate our clients and their thoughtful reviews!🧡

If you have trained with Coach Martin or Coach Bailee in some capacity whether currently or in the past and would like to leave a review it would be greatly appreciated!

Google or Facebook reviews can be done just by typing in “Optimize Fit” and clicking write a review!

Photos from Optimize Fitness's post 03/29/2023


Phil has been with us for over a year now and we're focused specifically on improving his off-road moto racing in the series.
Phil is one of our most dedicated clients and balances family time, business, riding and still makes time to get in to us twice each week and STILL does extra workouts on his own and his riding over the last year has greatly improved!
Great job dude and we can't wait to see how you do this year in Norcs!!


Photos from Optimize Fitness's post 03/28/2023

How is your posture during exercise❓

🔸Where posture seems to be compensated often is during standing exercises such as the three pictured here. It can be seen in the form of leaning back or poking one’s chest out in order to complete a tough rep(s).

🔸Cueing a client to keep their ribs down and engage their core usually will straighten them up to a correct posture while performing the movement.

🔸Now it’s not to say we all haven’t had those last couple reps that are really hard so we want to rock back. BUT fighting that urge with a strong core will not only create a better rep, but also strengthen your core throughout these movements. (Core work isn’t always seen in the form of crunches!)




We are highlighting another local gym every week, so those members can stop by to receive a discount! 🤩

This week, members from Optimize Fitness get 10% off their dine in or take out meal when they show proof they are members! 🥳

Stop by in person March 19-25 and show our cashier you are a Optimize Fit member, and the discount is yours! 😁

***Offer only available at Puyallup location during timeframe mentioned above. Does not apply to meal plans or third party delivery. Must show a current membership for Optimize Fit at time of purchase for discount.***

Check out our meal plan options on www.ordermmg.com! 👍

Open 7 days a week!
Mon-Fri 11am-3pm
Weekends 12pm-5pm


WE DELIVER! 🎉 Find us on UberEats, Doordash, and Grubhub!



I can’t get enough of this exercise whether it’s in my warm up, cool down or in my living room after sitting for too long. This combines a thoracic spine rotation and shoulder mobility in one movement.
This can be a relieving movement to open us up after a long day of sitting, slouching and looking down at our phones.

🔸Keep your knees down throughout the movement even when rotating.
🔸As you move your arm overhead it MAY NOT touch the floor and that’s okay! Only push it as far as it can go without being too discomforting.



The hard things in life don’t necessarily make you tougher, the way you decide to handle the hard things is what makes you tougher. 

Life is going to throw you challenges daily, and not just you, but EVERYONE. Hard situations are inevitable. 

How are you going to handle it? 




Here are three exercises we commonly use for clients who experience tight traps/neck. All of these should be completed in a slow controlled manner as the videos demonstrate.

Sitting on your hand with your palm up, slowly tilt your head to the opposing shoulder to get a slight stretch in your neck/trap region.

Standing sideways to a wall bring the hand that's closest to the wall behind your head with that elbow up against the wall and slowly tilt your hips toward the wall until you feel a lat and/or tricep stretch then slowly turn your head away from the wall until you feel a trap/neck stretch.

Standing sideways underneath a barbell, drive your body up against the barbell where it is in contact with your trap. The more pressure you provide driving up into the bar the more you’ll feel in that trap muscle. You can either just apply pressure to one spot OR slide side to side on that region.



⁉️Looking for online training?

We offer both virtual and online training options! Virtual training is great for those who like to workout in the comfort of their living room/garage via FaceTime/Zoom/Skype.

Online programs are an independent option for anyone who is looking for us to personalize their program to their goals. Although this program is done on your own, you would still have complete access to us for questions and daily check ups to make sure everything is going as planned.

If you are interested or have any questions about these online options please DM us!


✨A positive and supportive environment is a key to reaching ANY goal you are striving for! 

If you’re looking for a supportive environment and coach we are here to help! 🤞🏼 




With a new year there comes some new goals, but in reality we have had these goals all along. We just are now READY to put action towards them! 

If you are ready to do something about your heath whether it’s lose fat, build muscle, loosen up stiff joints, be able to walk up stairs without being out of breath or decreasing pain in your back WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! 

We pride ourselves on a welcoming and supportive environment, moving at the pace CLIENTS are ready for while also challenging them along the way. 

We offer both 1 on 1 training, online training/guidance and group training for those who want to train with friends or family! 

If you have any questions for us please don’t hesitate to message us! 


🔴Romanian Deadlift Technique🔴 

Performing an RDL (hinge movement) is one of the harder exercises to nail down the form. Hinging focuses on the hips being the primary mover, which isn’t as common or natural for most because squatting (bending more from the knees) is what we find to be more prominent in everyday life. BUT hinging is an extremely important skill we should all have and use in everyday life. 

⬆️TOP PHOTOS: on the left I am extending too far back at the top of the movement which can cause stress to the low back/spine. The top right, my spine is not neutral with my head up and my low back slightly tucked in. (Our back being rounded or tucked too far in are not desirable for this movement) 

⬇️BOTTOM PHOTOS: on the left I am standing straight up without extending too far back. On the right, I have my chin slightly tucked in order to keep a complete neutral spine along with keeping my core engaged to protect my low back. 

Remember, an RDL is a HINGE and the focus is to reach those hips back while keeping the core engaged and spine neutral! 



❌The top photo shows how we wouldn’t want to see our clients perform the TRX row. Here’s why,
•Chest too high
•Ribs flared up and out
•Belly button is leading (no core involvement)
•Spine is not neutral

✅The bottom photo shows how we would want our clients to preform the TRX row. Here’s why,
•Chest is neutral
•Ribs are tucked in and back
•Spine in neutral (keeping core engaged and glutes tight will help this)
•Body is completely straight from head to toe

The TRX row targets the upper back but using the TRX also involves engagement of our full body as well.



We are so excited to be putting on another food drive this holiday season! Donations will be accepted all December long and given to a local organization in need.

We will be collecting all non perishable items at our gym. Monetary donations will also be accepted by either Bailee or Martin.

If you would like to help donate let us know! All donations are greatly appreciate😊



Amazing progress alert!! .leee.lifts has had some amazing postural and functional breakthroughs since she started working with us! We began by giving her a few coaching tips on insta to balance out her shoulders in February then actually did her movement assessment in early April.

The movement assessment shed a light on the imbalances and once she knew about them and we discussed how to fix them it was full speed ahead! Hardly noticeable anymore 🥳🥳💪🏾💪🏾

A few months of dedication can put what was once frustrating road block behind you so you can focus on goals that are much more fun 😊



We are so excited to put together our second school supply drive for a lucky Puyallup school! We would greatly appreciate any of the items listed above as well as anything else you may see as useful in the classroom!

All donations will be accepted at our gym. If you would like to donate please contact Bailee or Martin!



Your abs need to be released just as your quads do! Your abs need length just like your hamstrings do! Your abs get tight just as the rest of you body does! .... see where we're going with this??

Your abdominal muscles get used during your compound lifts (squats, deadlifts, ect), they get used during any additional core specific work you do and most people neglect them and wonder why they get extremely sore or tight. The abs need mobility work just like the rest of the muscles you train!


Photos from Optimize Fitness's post 05/26/2022


As most of you may have noticed by now, Optimize Fit has RELOCATED and EXPANDED. It took a lot of searching, painting, cleaning, moving and building but it is ready! 

We are so beyond blessed with our clients, friends and family who have supported us from the very beginning. Our clients have been nothing but amazing and this expansion is just as much for YOU as it is for us. 

We are extremely excited to be accepting new clients now! This new expansion has created many new opportunities for us that we are excited to share with everyone. 

Enjoy some before and after pictures of our new gym as well as our old gym that we started in! 



Building push-up strength can be a difficult task and one that requires consistency.  
No matter your level of strength with push-ups, at least one of these variations can work for you. Regardless of which variation you choose, focusing on technique is number one priority.  
Starting at a higher incline is what we recommend and if form is spot on and you need more of a challenge, that is when you can decrease the angle of the bench (or box,table,counter etc.).  
These are the variations shown in the video!  

1. Incline- can be any height of incline you want/need.  
2. Pause- incline or on the ground.  
3. Plyo- incline or on the ground. Fairly advanced move.  
4. Band assisted- the thicker the band, the more it will assist.  
5. Eccentric- you can start from your knees or feet. Definitely one of the harder variations.  
What other exercises would you guys like to see? LET US KNOW 😊  



One of the most useful things I think we can do to help our success to sticking to our healthy lifestyle Is planning meals ahead of time. 

After you have your plan for the week it’s helpful to write out a list of everything you’ll need at the store and doing your best to stick with that list. 

Then the ex*****on comes in which can be the hard part. If needed you DEFINITELY should prep certain things for the week for whatever meal you see necessary. YOU DO HAVE TIME, MAKE THE TIME TO DO IT. If you have a late night, get up earlier to get veggies chopped for dinner if needed.  

You won’t be perfect but the hope is to decrease the impulse fast food or “not having food at home” excuse or even “not having time”. 

This tip is something we have found to be extremely successful for ourselves so we want to pass that on to YOU! 

If you have any questions or need more advice on planning meals let us know!

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Videos (show all)

STRETCHING PROGRESSION 👆🏼👆🏼      There are tons of challenging and advanced mobility movements out there which can be in...
🚨CLIENT SPOTLIGHT🚨  🌟Linda and Greg have been training with Bailee for almost 2 years now and have made incredible strid...
🗣️THIS IS A MUST TRY EXERCISE‼️      I can’t get enough of this exercise whether it’s in my warm up, cool down or in my ...
DO YOU HAVE TIGHT TRAPS⁉️Here are three exercises we commonly use for clients who experience tight traps/neck. All of th...
💣💪🏾 SWITCH UM UPPP!! 💪🏾💣  If you've got knee pain, unstable ankles, bad balance or just bored and wanna grow the cakezzz...
💥💪🏾ABDOMINAL MOBILIZATION💪🏾💥 Your abs need to be released just as your quads do! Your abs need length just like your ham...
‼️NEED VARIATION FOR YOUR PUSH-UPS?    Building push-up strength can be a difficult task and one that requires consisten...
STRUGGLING WITH PULL-UPS?💪🏽  or  DON’T HAVE A PULL UP BAR?    This is a great movement for those of us who don’t have a ...
🙌🏽NUTRITION SUCCESS TIP🙌🏽  PLANNING AHEAD 📝 One of the most useful things I think we can do to help our success to stick...
❗️HIP TO HAMSTRING STRETCH ❗️    Warming up and cooling down is such a vital part of a successful workout. With that bei...
✨CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK✨          (The rest of November)  This challenge is going to be EVERYDAY for the rest of November...
✨CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK✨                    (11/8-14)  🛑NO ALCOHOL FOR A WEEK! 🥂🥃🍺🍷  With the holidays coming up, for som...


10213 139th St. Court E
Puyallup, WA

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