Ahava Kundalini

Ahava Kundalini

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Kundalini LIVE at Kefi Yoga in Torrance, CA (streaming via zoom)


14 years 💕


Yesterday we had our total solar eclipse which also happened to be the Vedic astronomical New Year (aka Yugadi) for the planet with the new moon in the constellation of Pisces.

This week, I designed my all yoga classes to align with the energy of Pisces. ♓️


Wednesday Vinyasa 4/10 @ 9am (subbing for Sarah

Thursday K***alini 4/11 @ 9:30am @ PV Home Studio (DM me for details)

Friday Vinyasa 4/12 @ 9am (subbing for Sarah

Friday K***alini 4/12 @ 10:30am

Save your spot, register today!

For Wednesday & Friday use this link:


For Thursdays: DM me for details

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 04/01/2024

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 01/04/2024

There is a new moon happening next Thursday 1/11 @ 3:56am. New moons are great for intention setting, deep reflection and personal growth. Many have found it beneficial for shadow work.

Astrologically, the new moon is taking place in the Vedic sidereal sign of Sagittarius (or Capricorn if you follow the western system of astrology). If you use a sky app, you will see the moon in Sagittarius on 1/11.

Within Sagittarius, there are smaller segments called Nakshatras (aka lunar mansions). Purva Ashadha is the name of the Nakshatra activated on 1/11. Its symbol is an elephant tusk (Ganesha’s) and a winnowing basket.

In honor of Ganesh (remover of obstacles), I thought I would share a reflection that I wrote last year after meditating on Ganesh. I happened to share it with my students after teaching kundalini yoga this morning. They asked me to send it to them.

“I am learning to bow to my obstacles in order to reframe my obstacles as part of the path, assigned for karmic lessons and necessary at times for growth. I am NOT a victim of circumstance. I am a golden phoenix who rises above because I know I can do hard things. Perfection is just an illusion. Challenges are a sign of growth.” - Roni Glassman 4/19/22

Mantra for releasing subconscious fears and obstacles in order to move forward with confidence:

Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 12/31/2023

Happy New Year! Goodbye 2023, thanks for the lessons. 🙏🏽 Hello 2024! 💕


Happy Thursday! This morning I was meditating with my eyes closed. When I opened them, I was greeted by this pretty rainbow. 🌈 You just had to be there. ✨

In honor of Thursday as the day of the GURU, I thought I would share what I have learned about the word GURU.


In Sanksrit, the syllable "Gu" comes from "Guhyatam" meaning darkness, whereas, the syllable "Ru" comes from Rashmi signifying luminescence.

Guru is the dispeller of the darkness called "Avidya (Ignorance)" through the light of knowledge.

Guru unveils the reality of the self to the disciple.

Rig Veda, one of the four ancient vedic scriptures, describes the Guru to be, "the source and inspirer of the knowledge of the Self, the essence of reality".

The Guru's presence is unlimited, vast, infinite and all-inclusive.

Most importantly, the guru is not outside yourSELF. The guru is the inner wisdom that is revealed when you honor and embrace both the darkness and light within.

By the way, if you haven’t checked out kundalini yoga & sound bath November is bring a friend to class for free month! Friday’s @ 10:30am. Check it out!


This past weekend’s solar eclipse ushered in a new phase in my personal life. I have been teaching kundalini since 2021 and now that my kids are little older, I have decided to give myself permission to take my 300hr on the weekends until February 2024 to add vinyasa and sculpt to my yoga mix.

I have been laying low lately on social media because I have been balancing my life as a 300hr student .

I’m grateful for this time to learn and grow while also cherishing the moments with family and husband a little extra. 💕

Current weekly kundalini yoga schedule remains the same:

Thursdays 9:30am @ Palos Verdes Estates Home Yoga Studio. DM me for details.

Fridays 10:30am

See you on the mat! ✨

Link in my bio


Happy Full Moon! Today’s energies are influenced by the water sign of Pisces (ruled by the auspicious planet Jupiter). This particular nakshatra (lunar mansion, segment within the sign of pisces) is ruled by the discipline-focused Saturn. The symbol of the back legs of a funeral cot for this nakshatra represents death, transformation, and going deep in spiritual consciousness. It happens to take place on Pitru Paksha (fortnight of ancestors), a time to honor ancestors for lessons and blessings. Avoid starting new projects. Instead connect to your emotions with compassion for our shared human experiences.

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 09/14/2023

Happy New Moon everyone!

This particular new moon in Uttara Phalguni is ruled by the Sun and is also within Leo (also ruled by Sun) and Virgo (ruled by mercury). With this combination, we notice confidence, generosity and genuine care for others. This “star of patronage” is about generosity. Madhuri G poses the following question: Are we willing to make commitments in relationships, while being wise enough to retain our own individuality and our independence too?

Do you often give from an empty cup or are you replenishing yourself first?


The subtle body is larger than the soul, very transparent, light and etheric in nature. It is the subtlety of life which people trust. As the guardian of spirit, health and life, it's the most powerful of all your bodies and is strengthened by meditation. Strengthening our subtle body gives us the capacity to learn quickly and relate to the nuances of life in order to be graceful with our thoughts, words and actions. In this class, there will be pranayama including fire belly breathing, spinal warm ups, dynamic movement, chanting and sound bath relaxation.

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 09/06/2023

Our golden Ira and our friend’s dog Riley. 🐾

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 08/29/2023

We are back from Kauai and yoga classes are back on this week! Book your class today!

Thursday 8/31 at 9:30am @ PVE home studio

Friday 9/1 at 10:30am

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 08/20/2023

Aloha 🌺


Today’s NEW moon is in the Vedic sidereal water sign of Cancer (Leo for Tropical Western astrology).

In the Vedic sidereal system of astrology, the signs are further subdivided into lunar mansions called “nakshatras.”

This new moon’s Nakahata is Ashlesha.

Ashlesha 16-40′ to 30-00′ Cancer
General Characteristics: Motivated by dharma, represents the kundalini or serpent fire located at the base of the spine.
Translation: The entwiner – to embrace.
Symbol: 🐍Coiled snake, circle, or wheel.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Presiding deity: Ahi – the naga or serpent of wisdom

It is an auspicious week to practice kundalini yoga!

This week I’m teaching Thursday at 9:30am @ PVE home studio & Friday at 10:30am .

Balance your chakras and awaken your kundalini this week with me. 💕


Happy FULL moon in the Vedic sidereal sign of Capricorn (or Aquarius if you follow the tropical western system of astrology). If you use a star app, you will see that the moon is currently within Capricorn. Within Capricorn, we have a subsection called Shravana which means “hearing” or “the ear.”

What have you NOT been listening to? What part of you has been ignored lately that needs your attention? What is inhibiting you from shining your LIGHT? ✨

Now is the time to listen deeply. Stop multitasking. Open up to the universal mind. You may be surprised at the simplicity and profound effects of this deep listening. Allow, allow, allow the brain chatter. Eventually it will settle into deep silence. Dwell in the space to connect more deeply to your inner teacher.

My teacher reminds us “accessing the universal mind, from which all original thought is formed; diving into intuition, from which real solutions are found, and introducing new concepts into the human conversation. The way to access these advanced abilities is what the ancients referred to as ‘sunia’ and ‘shunya’...deep listening in the complete silence of nothing. Here you notice the subtle signals that are without previous mention or momentum.”


K***alini tomorrow 10:30am ✨

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 06/28/2023

Disneyland never gets old especially with my family, sister, cousins and their kiddos. 💕


If you have not tried K***alini Yoga yet, you must try it out! I first tried it while pregnant with my now 11 year old daughter and was blown away by the powerful energetic effects. At first, I thought it was strange and unlike any other yoga class I’ve tried but after just one class I was hooked. It eased my anxiety, cleared my mind, and connected me to my inner knowing. I can attribute my strong nervous system to my years of practice.

Your first trial class is always free. After that, pay $23 for drop ins, $64 for 3 pack, $105 for 5 pack, or $190 for 10 pack.

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 06/19/2023

Special announcement: This week only, DM me to sign up for any kundalini yoga class package, and get a free Vedic astrology reading. Yes, you read that right. Readings typically cost between $100-200. As a promo for my new kundalini class on Thursdays 9:30am-10:45am (beginning on 6/22) at a home studio in Palos Verdes Estates, I am giving away this cool freebie. Offer ends 6/21. No experience necessary for kundalini. It’s unique, gentle yet powerful!

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 05/30/2023

13 years ago… “I do”

I always will. 💕

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 05/25/2023

PSA 📢: I got rid of the crutches (broken left toe from kickboxing) and I am finally allowed to teach again starting June!

Book your Thursday mornings with me at the *new* PVE home studio starting June 22nd at 9:30am via DM.

Book your Friday mornings with me starting June 23rd via https://app.squarespacescheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=20166423.

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 05/19/2023

New moon, new intentions, and surrender…

Since today we have a new moon, it’s always best to plant the seeds of intentions and practice Iswara Pranidhana (surrender).

You may already know that I broke my left big toe two weeks ago which left me feeling pretty helpless and disappointed because it messed with “my plans.”

I reluctantly cancelled the yoga classes I was teaching and postponed the start of my new Thursday kundalini class.

Sometimes life knows better than we do. It certainly made me uncharacteristically slow down. It still served as a good reminder to trust each moment with an open heart. I am focusing on what I can still take action on that feels right. I scheduled an acupuncture appointment today to help with the healing process. I also signed up for my 300HR Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in Vinyasa thanks to for the training recommendation. I will eventually be blending some kundalini with vinyasa. ✨ My training begins in October and ends in February. 🙏🏽

The new moon always gives me a sense of optimism of new beginnings that will germinate and grow as the moon grows.

Some of you have asked for price details for my upcoming kundalini Thursday class that I’m now hoping to start this June. Drop ins will be $23 or save some cash by selecting one of the class packages options. DM me to get on the list for updates.

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 04/08/2023

Back from Japan! A little jet-lagged but so happy to be back to be home after our family vacay. 🥰

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 02/21/2023

Aaaaand we are back! We went to visit my beautiful family in Oregon. We ate and laughed so much! Family hike with photo with my mom & sister at the top included. I’m full of gratitude. 🥰

Back to teaching kundalini this week!! Come join me!

8:30am Wednesday

10:30am Friday

7:45pm Friday

Photos from Ahava K***alini's post 02/21/2023

Aaaaand we are back! We went to visit my beautiful family in Oregon. We ate and laughed so much! Family hike with photo at the top included. I’m full of gratitude. 🥰

Back to teaching kundalini this week.

8:30am Wednesday

10:30am Friday

7:45pm Friday


Morning hike with my fur-baby! 🥰


It’s my birthday today 🥳 and my sweet husband surprised me with the gong I’ve been eyeing! Can’t wait to use it for my kundalini classes! 😍


Today I felt the need to pull a card from my Divine Feminine oracle deck.

When your soul selects this card: “There is nothing more powerful than remembering that we are LOVE. And there is nothing and no one outside of us that is needed in order to realize this.” - Meggan Watterson

What a great message to start the new year of 2023 (2+0+2+3=7). In ta***ic numerology, 7 is related to the AURA (our personal electromagnetic field). For the month of January, we are working on our soul body (1st of 10 light bodies of consciousness) along with a meditation to balance the HEAD and HEART. This is a great way to put the analytical mind in its place (working for us instead of against us) by balancing our heart frequency with the universal frequency.

Happy January! Let’s connect to heart to connect to the soul. We are love. That’s it.



This week we will be doing a K***alini Kriya and meditation for the heart chakra (aka: Anáhata chakra).

Register via MindBody

See you there for this nourishing sequence. 💕


What is K***alini Yoga?

K***a means coil & lini means line…

Our kundalini energy which is often defined as a coiled serpent of energy (think of it as a storehouse of “prana” or life force energy) that rests between our navel center and tailbone.

When we awaken our kundalini, we connect to our original, Divine, creative potential that lies dormant unless you gently and consciously stoke and provoke your chakras along your spine with your breath via pranayama and the sound of your voice! Yes, we are going to finally embrace and use our voices with mantra. Don’t worry. You’ll get used it. Once awakened, we tap into our original vitality of physical ease, mental knowing, emotional joy and spiritual liberation.

Zoom classes available Wednesday mornings at 8:30am PST, so you can join from anywhere in the world. Register online via MindBody and search for BarreWorks Redondo Beach .

If you are nearby, come on over!

I’m also teaching *most Friday nights at 7:45pm to benefit MALALA FUND promoting education and equality for 130 million young women who would not attend school in developing countries. Malala.org. This class is NOT on zoom. LIVE ONLY. Register on MindBody under Kefi Yoga in Torrance, Ca.

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Good morning Redondo Beach! 🤩🐬🐬🐬🐬
It’s about the core, solar plexus chakra🌞 with Nabhi Krya kundalini yoga this Friday 11/12 @ 6pm!! @kefiyoga




Redondo Beach, CA

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