Xicoco Shamanic Arts

Promoting and making available the teachings and art of Koyote the Blind for the benefit of humanity

The specific objectives and purposes of Xicoco Shamanic Arts shall be to benefit the community by preserving, making available, and promoting the teachings and sacred art of Koyote the Blind. This purpose shall be met through various methods, including, but not limited to, workshops, lectures, writings, artistic expressions and creations, and spiritual/religious activities. This also includes the


I’m back from a wonderful journey with the indigenous matriarch, keeper of the desert, Abuela Christina.
We will resume our regular talk today at 7:30 PST ON YOUTUBE.

Jenny Paiva
Aracely Farias


Tu voz llega a mí con aroma de hierba mojada y caricias de la madrugada.

Free Aka Dua Intro Course 04/02/2024

Free Aka Dua Intro Course by Koyote Ciego

The Aka Dua™ is a force, an energy, that is connected to the path of spiritual attainment. It is a particular manifestation of the magickal force that Esoteric and Mystery Schools utilized and kept secret for aeons.

Koyote is releasing a new series of teachings on the Aka Dua this year and has prepared a new free course that provides a clear and practical introduction to the Aka Dua & The Path of Attainment with the Aka Dua

I received the transmission of the Aka Dua level 1 in the Winter of 2007. I am currently a level 5 practitioner. It has been a transformative force in my path and alignment with the Sacred. Mitakuye Oyasin/All My Relations! Aho!

Free Aka Dua Intro Course Join Koyote, the originator of the Aka Dua, in a 8 part free intro course


Tuesday Night Talks

Koyote the Blind 03/09/2024

If there was only one thing I could know about Magick, I would choose the Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP).

This is perhaps one of the most powerful, fundamental, and underrated tools in the magician’s arsenal.

The LBRP is essential, not only because it is used to cleanse a space energetically and free it from the undue influence of unwanted spirits and magical attacks, but also because it prepares the body, energy, and mind of the pratitioner for any type of magical work, operation, or even daily spiritual exercises.

He importance of this ritual, however, is much deeper than a powerful operation to cleanse and prepare a space.

The ritual has in its very DNA, the architecture of the Great Work, the Magnus Opus of the Western Magick. The Banishment ritual is a microcosmic representation of the alchemical transformation, and the attainment of the union of opposites.

It is all represented each time it is performed; and every, the formula of the ritual is absorbed by the practicioner. The ritual is embeded in the body, the mind, and the etheric body. It gives directions to these bodies the same way our DNA gives directions to every cell of our bodies.

Indeed, the Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram is the most essential model of the Great Work being programed into the core of our being. The more you do it, the more active it becomes in the matrix of the body of light that is forming in the soul of the adept.

As profound as these statements are, the LBRP is even more important than stated even in these paragraphs. It is a recreation of the formation of the Universe, and it contains at its core the fundamentals of the mind of the Creator as it desings its own body of light. Therefore, every time this powerful ritual is performed, you align yourself more and more with that creative force of the Supreme Being.

But there is more, there is a technique by which you can align your ritual not only to your own personal practice, but to a powerful ancient lineage of practitioners too. It is true that every time you do the Banishment, you accumulate that energy into the formation of your own Body of Light. True.

I will teach you this ritual. I will show you how to perform it step by step, and at the end of the worlkshop you will be ready to perform it and gain its benefits. But I will also teach you that technique by which you can leverage your practice by aligning it to the accumulated practices of great initiates and adepts from time immemorial.

That means that every time you practice you are not only adding this performance to your own Body of Light, you are also tapping into the work been done by powerful women and men of knowledge around the world, and their work and power is added to your own, making your own ritual of Banishment that much more powerful and effective.

In this two day seminar, Jenny Paiva and yours truly will teach you the proper fundations of the LBRP. Jenny is a Yaya Nkisi, the highest grade of initiation of Palo Mayombe, and a Level V adept of the Aka Dua. She has personally trained dozens of magicians in the use of the LBRP, and she has been working with me in the various magical arts for 20 years.

At the end of the two day workshop, you will learn:

• The entire Lesser Banishment Ritual of the Pentagram and how to perform it effectively.

• The proper architecture of footwork, vibration, tone, movement, and visualization for the most powerful effect.

• How to use it to ward off magical attacks, stress, danger, and fear.

• How to use the LBRP to enhance your own power, clean your energy, restore your magick.

• How to cleanse a space for magical work, for meditaion, and for your professional work.

• How and when to align this ritual to the lineage of magicians for enhanced power.

Check out this workshop here:

Koyote the Blind In this two day seminar, Jenny Paiva and yours truly will teach you the proper fundations of the LBRP. Jenny is a Yaya Nkisi, the highest grade of initiation of Palo Mayombe, and a Level V adept of the Aka Dua. She has personally trained dozens of magicians in the use of the LBRP, and she has been w...

The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor 03/05/2024

It was in 1998 that my Benefactor, Kachora, gave me the Ring of Power.

He was sending me away to complete a task after 3 years of apprenticeship. He told me, “you are learning too fast, Koyote, but the next task you have to do on your own. You must call and get your Ally.”

The Ally, he explained, is an ancient being of great power and knowledge.

“He will teach you magick,” Kachora said. He provided the necessary warnings and the details of the operation. He said it would take a year of intense and dedicated work, but it took me seven years to prepare and get everything ready for that year of work.

“How would I contact the Ally?” I asked him.

“You can’t,” he said. “It takes a lot of power and knowledge. And when He comes, you must be strong and ready. If your mind is weak, you will go insane.”

I asked him if there was a way for me to know if my mind was strong enough for the operation. “Yes, there is,” he replied. “Perform the operation, and if you do not die or go insane, then you were strong enough.” 😉

After much work and preparation, I was able to commence the operation in 2005.

He validated and confirmed the results, declaring in front of witnesses that I was now a teacher in his lineage.

The results of this operation can be verified in the development of the Velada, the Telling, and the Aka Dua.

My book, The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor is a record of these teachings, and the resulting teachings of the lineage and the conversation with the Ally.

The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor: https://a.co/d/aSyIUp8

The Aka Dua is a magical force, the force emanating from the Ring of Power.

It became available for the world after 2007. The magical force that previously had been only accessible to those possessing the Ring of Power is now available to all.

The Aka Dua, the power that ancient initiatic and occult schools passed on to initiates in secret, is now here to serve everyone who wishes to help, heal, and benefit their fellow human beings.

The Teachings of a Toltec Survivor This shamanic artifact is based on the lectures given by Koyote the Blind during the esoteric course on Toltec teachings. Through autobiographical account and humor, the Nahual spoke to a group of spiritual seekers in 2007, during the Spring Equinox. These esoteric lectures are much more than dat...

Silence 02/02/2024


Silence "Silencio" / "Silence"Yo quería decirles:Yo solo soy un filosofo y un artistaPero ya solo había silencio.I wanted to tell them:I am only a philosopher and an...

Path of Destiny Interpretation 01/03/2024

I’m running a special for the PODI (Path of Destiny Interpretation) until the 6th of January. Check it out…

Path of Destiny Interpretation There is no words to describe what I felt during my path of destiny interpretation with Koyote. But if I tried would be as if he took me on this adventure into the depths of my being where I was exposed to a triad of an ignition force (the interpretation), an oxidizing agent (Koyote) and a fuel forc...


This is the beginning of a new cycle, both in nature and in the consciousness of humanity. It is an auspicious moment to become aware of this window of opportunity. I invite you to use our collective awareness of the present moment to SEE a new dream.

As individuals, we create a simulation of the world in our minds. This is where we live the environment created by our judgements, our conclusions, and our seeing. We each create our individual dream.

Yet, collectively, we also create a dream that is communal. History is the unfolding of our collective seeing. We are dreaming the outside works together, just as we dream our own lives.

This is a moment in time when we have an opportunity to see a new world. Just seeing. That’s all we need to do in this moment. See.

See the new life. See the new awareness flowing around you. Let the blessing of the divine Aka Dua unfold with it the formation of a new dream, a new hope, and the life we all deserve.

Happy New Year, dear friend!


Happy new year!

Koyote the Blind | Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree 12/20/2023

Koyote began a new topic in his free weekly talks, Tuesdays at 7:30 pm (PST). The new series is titled, The Path of Joy. Koyote is a hablador, a teacher, and a teller of sacred stories in the Path of the Infinite. Every story begins in the middle of a lifetime. It may be the story of an individual, a people/culture group, or the whole of humanity. It is specific, a moment, situated in a wider context, unfolded in relation to a complex configuration of factors. Out of that matrix of possibilities, a few key elements are identified to configure something comprehensible that may be shared with those fortunate enough to hear it. One aspect of the hablador's art is to guide his companions across a pathless land, revealing both practical and universal truths contained therein. And more, before the story dissolves back into the swirling matrix of possibility, he leaves a gift and artifact that adds another building block in the temple of the Nagual. Aho! Thank you Koyote!

Koyote’s talks may be watched on any of his social media pages on Meta/Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or his YouTube Channel, Koyote the Blind - YouTube where a large archive of his talks and videos reside.

Join Koyote’s mailing list and receive a free class: https://koyote.podia.com/everyday-sorcery-for-the-closet-magician
Learn more: https://linktr.ee/Koyotetheblind

Koyote the Blind | Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree Salvadoran writer, poet, performer, magician, tata nkisi, and Toltec nahual.

Home (with Donation Box) | Wilson 11/29/2023

Upcoming Benefit Seminar
Koyote Ciego, Heather Murray Elkins
& Wilson Cloudchamber

The Heart of Prayer
Session 1: December 3rd - Prayer Is...
"Prayer is the language of the heart. It engages memory and imagination, rising from silence to breath, from to sigh to word and then falling into silence again. Themes will include prayer as a verb, the absent deity syndrome, the two gifts of healing prayer, and prayers you never want to pray."

Session 2: December 10th - Living Prayer
“Every moment, pain, hope, thought, and joy can be a piece of the prayer ties that surround and protect the sacred altar of life. Learn about the prayer art of the Nahuas, and how they turn ordinary life into objective prayer.”
Seminar cost: $24

Home (with Donation Box) | Wilson "Prayer is the language of the heart. It engages memory and imagination, rising from silence to breath, from to sigh to word and then falling into silence again. Themes will include prayer as a verb, the absent deity syndrome, the two gifts of healing prayer, and prayers you never want to pray."

Home (with Donation Box) | Wilson 09/08/2023

What if you could learn to activate energies within your body, so ancient they carry the awareness and memory of creation.
Session 1: September 10th
Chakras & the Medicine Wheel
Session 2: September 17th
Chakra Power: Light, Life & Love
Session 3: September 24th
Chakra Consciousness Strategies
Seminar Cost: $33
All proceeds to benefit IDHHB
Presented by Koyote Ciego & Wilson Cloudchamber
Register @

Home (with Donation Box) | Wilson Aligning with the Medicine Wheel allows our chakras to resonate with higher consciousness, unfolding time, space and presence.

Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency for southern California ahead of historic Hurricane Hilary | CNN 08/20/2023

Hurricane Hillary is coming our way. The strongest part is expected tomorrow morning until early afternoon. About a year’s worth of downfall is expected so far.
A blessing to all my friends and people I don’t know in the Southern California area. Stay dry if you can, and remember: this too shall pass. Enjoy!

Gov. Newsom declares state of emergency for southern California ahead of historic Hurricane Hilary | CNN Governor Gavin Newsom on Saturday proclaimed a state of emergency Saturday for a large portion of Southern California, as the state prepares for a historic hurricane expected to cause extreme rain and flooding.


HEALING LANGUAGE FROM THE HEART OF THE MOTHER workshop series, starts 8/12/23.

All of nature is constantly attempting to create, transform, and heal!
Imagine knowing the language that speaks to these powers, the signs and words of power that uses nature’s powers towards the spiritual aims of the planet, the species, and therefore your own personal evolution. Come learn about this language of the heart of the mother. Discover the inherent powers of your flesh and spirit. Learn the most ancient Magick of the healing and communion.

REGISTRATION: $560 early sign-up if by 7/22/23 or $700 after 7/22/23. Send payment to for Venmo

This course is available both online and in-person.

When: Saturday and Sunday, 8/12 and 8/13, 9 am to 2 pm PST
Saturday and Sunday, 8/19 and 8/20, 9 am to 2 pm PST

Where: Moreno Valley, CA and online


And in the shadow realms of the Ancient of Years we see many and all; and as above we were none, below we are every and all.


Many lifetimes ago, as a teacher for migrant students, with Carlos Flores, Elio Gonzalez, and Enrique Guerrero. Circa 1986-7


Here's the link for Koyote's free "Goal Setting Secrets" e-book: https://koyote.podia.com/goal-setting-secrets Learn how to write goals so they become "a powerful beacon to direct your thoughts and become the signposts your unconscious will look for on your life journey".

Mastering the Game of Life by Koyote the Blind—The Poetic and Mystical Writings of a Toltec Survivor 01/19/2023

It's hard to know who and what to trust in our search for meaning and truth in this life. Maybe those questions rarely arise as we try to navigate the more immediate challenges of survival? We receive from our parents, experience, and society the lessons and values embedded in exemplary success and failure. We most often look out into the world and plan our course of action.
I invite you to consider another way of assembling and understanding that looks inward. A very old way that begins with clearing, strengthening, and recovering the attention with which we perceive, see, and come to know ourselves and the world around us. The mastery of life is an inside job.

Mastering the Game of Life by Koyote the Blind—The Poetic and Mystical Writings of a Toltec Survivor Life can be approached in so many ways. Some see it as a source of suffering; others, as an unending struggle to survive. Some see it as an adventure, where there is always something new and myster…

Mastering the Game of Life by Koyote the Blind—The Poetic and Mystical Writings of a Toltec Survivor 01/07/2023

Mastering the Game of Life by Koyote the Blind—The Poetic and Mystical Writings of a Toltec Survivor Life can be approached in so many ways. Some see it as a source of suffering; others, as an unending struggle to survive. Some see it as an adventure, where there is always something new and myster…


Thank you to all who participated in our Giving Tuesday celebration yesterday!!! We were able to raise needed funds and, more importantly, we were able to provide opportunities for access to Koyote's teachings.

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Videos (show all)

Tuesday Night Talks - Esoteric History
Temazcal en Moreno Valley @xicoco_shamanic_arts Crawl in time is 3pm pst if you want to help with ceremony you will need...
So grateful for the purification.#Temazcal #SweatLodge @koyote_the_blind #decolonizeyourmind #decolonization #Lakota #Me...
Please watch the short video below as Koyote talks about the upcoming free live workshop entitled: "Everyday Sorcery for...


PO Box 5272
Riverside, CA

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