Gracious Doula Services

A doula is a professional pregnancy companion whose goal is to We have 3 plans created especially for that special moment.

A doula is a trained professional who provides emotional, physical, and informational support to new and expectant parents before, during, and after birth, and in the early postpartum period. Select between the 3 plans one that is according to your current situation.


I am so blessed, I love my job , I am available to see how fast they grow and how mom is doing. This baby is a miracle I heard the story and How God answered their prayer. His name is Noah and he is 2 months old . I am really happy I was able to help@this family during pregnancy , labor and now for postpartum care. I love helping families, making sure they are doing good. I love taking care of the baby so mom and dad can have a little break. I love what I do.

Photos from's post 05/08/2024

This is a great story to tell , women can still do this in a very natural way.

Timeline photos 04/08/2024

Something to know 🫶

Before labor, the baby’s head nestles into the brim of the pelvis easier if the chin is tucked. Midwife Anne Frye explains of head position: “The skull is, by far, the most important part of the fetal anatomy...the size and position of the head is the most critical factor regarding the relative ease or difficulty the baby will encounter as he moves through the birth canal.” The ideal fetal flexion/attitude for birth is ‘complete flexion’ which is where the angle of the head is less than 90 degrees and the baby’s chin is tucked to its chest so that the back of the head presents first. A baby with a firmly tucked chin and crown of the head aimed into the pelvis will have the smallest head circumference and greatest ease while navigating the pelvic cavity. The head will be able to mold more effectively in the birth canal. A baby descending brow-first with their chin extended upward off the chest will present with the widest skull diameter. If the pelvis is too small or the pelvic muscles are too tight, the baby’s head may start to extend upwards off the chest. Regular chiropractic care, plenty of pelvic tilts, walking, and circular hip movements can help the chin stay flexed. Balancing the lower uterine segment by lengthening the ligaments that secure it in place will also enable the baby to enter the birth canal at the right angle.

[1] Frye, Anne. Holistic Midwifery: A Comprehensive Textbook For Midwives In Homebirth Practice. Vol II. Portland: Labrys Press, 2006. P7
[1] Duff P. “Diagnosis And Management Of Face Presentation.” Obstet Gynecol 1981; 57:105.

Photos from Gracious Doula Services's post 12/27/2023

So happy I was able to see 2 of the babies I saw been born . Here I present to you , Briana she is already 3 yrs old she born 6/26/2020 and Anna is already 2 years old she born 12/18/2021. How cute they are and big happy to see them. Thanks for always be in communication whit me 🥰😌


✨FLESH✨Jesus’ birth was no Insta-perfect manger scene with glowing orbs.😇 The most iconic birth in history took place in stinky, un-sanitized manger among farm animals. (Have you ever smelled the stench of a barn filled with livestock? Imagine birthing there!🤢)

What a birth story! The King of the Universe 👑 came to Earth and put on FLESH to live among us.

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” -John 1:14

I wonder, did Mary experience pain? Did she get scared and ask how long it would take? I don’t know, but, like most unmedicated births, it was probably messy, bloody, vulnerable and intense.🩸

Our modern society doesn’t like dirty and unfiltered. In fact, we CENSOR birth and death. It’s too uncomfortable for our virgin eyes, perhaps.🙈

We like to clean up birth, numb the intense feelings with drugs, cover up baby and mom (esp in postpartum), and make it pretty, shiny and clean.🧼

We censor manger scenes & we censor modern motherhood.🚫

But birth is anything but clean and dignified!
✨Birth is the breaking of waters,
✨The gushing of fluids,
✨Moans too deep for words,
✨Expulsion of a placenta,
✨Blood running down the leg,

🐂Among stalls intended for animals, the King of kings was born to a 16 year old girl. His flesh felt cold air, his belly felt hunger and his body felt pain. He was comforted by the gentle touch of his mother and fed by the nourishment of her breastmilk.

In life and death, He demonstrated what pure love looks like: vulnerable and unashamed.❤️

Jesus left this world the same way he came into it, naked and exposed.

Flesh makes us human. It is not a curse. It is the greatest privilege of our existence and it’s one the angels look down upon with envy.

🎄This Christmas, may you experience Jesus’ outrageous love.

🙏May you embrace motherhood, like Mary did, it all its undignified, sacrificial, messy glory.

“We love because He first loved us.” -John 4:19

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The Creation of Man (2017) fine-art photograph by

Photos from Gracious Doula Services's post 12/21/2023

Hola a todos le presento Bejanmin Nació el día 12/8/2023 a las 11:45 un día después del cumpleaños de su hermana. Fue un placer haber podido ayudar esta gran familia que es mi familia durante el embarazo y aún durante el parto a través de texto 😅. Gracias a papá Jairo por siempre estar mano a mano con toda la información y siempre preguntado que más podía hacer para ayudar a a mamá durante las contracciones. Gracias por confiar en mi y seguir confiando en mi en todo. Fue un placer ayudarlos en todo durante y después .


Elective induction around a holiday is for convenience, but not yours.

With Thanksgiving & Christmas coming up, loads of unnecessary inductions and c-sections are about to happen.

Every year there is a HUGE decrease in births on (and around)...

🔆 Christmas
🔆 New Year’s Eve/Day
🔆 Easter (changes yearly - first Sunday after the full moon in April)
🔆 Memorial Day (changes yearly - last Monday in May in the US)
🔆 Independence Day (4th of July in the US)
🔆 Thanksgiving (changes yearly - last Thursday in November)

And it’s not just the United States - it's everywhere.

How could it be that all of these holidays have lower birth rates year after year?

It’s not a coincidence - it’s about convenience.

And not YOUR convenience. The convenience of providers.

No one wants to work on holidays, and hospital birth providers have a way to make sure (for the most part) that they don’t have to.

Inductions & c-sections are rarely scheduled ON holidays, but they ARE frequently scheduled in the days leading up to, or just after, a holiday.

If you are due around a holiday, and your provider suggests an induction or c-section, it’s a good idea to question why (remember that you always have the right to decline). If there is NOT a legitimate medical reason, they may be more concerned with being home in time for a holiday dinner than your well being.

For more info and references on this topic, check out my FREE holiday births handout on my website (




Part of my job as Doula is checking on my patient after they give birth, even if is only to listen and holding the baby. Well I did that today, 2 postpartum visits and one prenatal visit and I was able to hold one baby so mom could take a break. I Love my job , is an unusual job, but it’s an exiting one. Sometimes I’m driving, sometimes I’m in the phone or even in the laptop. It’s never too late to have a Doula 🌸 thank you for this opportunity to be part of the team 🤗☺️😊


Hold the mother, not the baby.⁣⁣
Because the baby’s being taken care of —⁣⁣ fed, snuggled, and given all the love in the world —⁣⁣ by not only the mother,⁣⁣ but her partner, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends.⁣⁣
But the mother,⁣⁣
may have gaps in her mind from lack of sleep,⁣⁣
may be mechanical in her motions as she’s healing,⁣⁣
may feel more like a mess than a mother,⁣⁣
may be sitting in bed, crying, feeling overwhelmed in her body and life,⁣⁣
may be full of mom guilt because in her mind, "she's not good enough,"⁣⁣
and she’s bleeding, wincing in pain, swollen and emotional.⁣⁣
And the mother’s that baby's whole world and needs to be seen, so she doesn't disappear into that postpartum fog.⁣⁣
So, hold the mother, not the baby.⁣⁣
A mother agrees that her baby matters more.⁣⁣ But she’s hurting, while she’s the person behind the baby,⁣⁣ in the background, making it all happen:⁣⁣
feeding her baby at all hours,⁣⁣
snuggling her baby close to comfort newborn cries,⁣⁣ and being that baby’s everything.⁣⁣
So, it’s the mother who needs your love.⁣⁣
And a mother will remember who held her up.⁣⁣
So instead of “I’m coming to see the baby,”⁣⁣ try saying, “I’m coming to see you 𝘢𝘯𝘥 meet the baby, too.”⁣⁣

Because the mother needs to be held more.⁣⁣

✍️: Living FULL
📸: Unknown Artist
Re-posted: carry you through Doula Services


Hold the mother, not the baby.⁣⁣
Because the baby’s being taken care of —⁣⁣ fed, snuggled, and given all the love in the world —⁣⁣ by not only the mother,⁣⁣ but her partner, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends.⁣⁣
But the mother,⁣⁣
may have gaps in her mind from lack of sleep,⁣⁣
may be mechanical in her motions as she’s healing,⁣⁣
may feel more like a mess than a mother,⁣⁣
may be sitting in bed, crying, feeling overwhelmed in her body and life,⁣⁣
may be full of mom guilt because in her mind, "she's not good enough,"⁣⁣
and she’s bleeding, wincing in pain, swollen and emotional.⁣⁣
And the mother’s that baby's whole world and needs to be seen, so she doesn't disappear into that postpartum fog.⁣⁣
So, hold the mother, not the baby.⁣⁣
A mother agrees that her baby matters more.⁣⁣ But she’s hurting, while she’s the person behind the baby,⁣⁣ in the background, making it all happen:⁣⁣
feeding her baby at all hours,⁣⁣
snuggling her baby close to comfort newborn cries,⁣⁣ and being that baby’s everything.⁣⁣
So, it’s the mother who needs your love.⁣⁣
And a mother will remember who held her up.⁣⁣
So instead of “I’m coming to see the baby,”⁣⁣ try saying, “I’m coming to see you 𝘢𝘯𝘥 meet the baby, too.”⁣⁣

Because the mother needs to be held more.⁣⁣

✍️: Living FULL
📸: Unknown Artist


🌸 I’m here for you no matter what you choose or the way you want to give birth, I’m there for you 🫶☺️😊


After long hours of waiting , the baby arrived Sunday around 3:50 am, Mom, Dad and baby are doing so good and I’m so proud of mom for her commitment and strength during labor. She was so calm and asked so many good question. I am so proud to have been able to guide/coach and hold her hands through this beautiful process. I’m happy I was able to guide her. The tears of Joy on her face once she saw her beautiful baby girl were priceless and I am overcome with Joy for that opportunity. Congratulations to both parents you guys rock. 🌸 P.s picture with permission.


Self care for mom and dad, a gift for baby too. Always making sure parents have what they need too.


“Labor positions”

1- The hands and knees position : The all fours position calls for you to get down onto your hands and knees, either in bed or on a floor mat. “The hands and knees position is a great one, since it helps open the pelvis,”
-Takes pressure off the spine, easing back pain.
-May help boost baby’s oxygen level
-Your arms may get tired.
2-The side-lying position: Lying on your side is one of the best labor positions to try when you need a rest. That said, just because you’re lying down doesn’t mean your body is taking a break from labor; on the contrary, it can actually help baby move into the ready position. “Side-lying and using a peanut-shaped birthing ball between the legs are wonderful tools for getting baby to descend and rotate,” Pros:
-Helps get oxygen to baby
-Can be used if you have high blood pressure.
-Makes it easier to relax during contractions
Cons: -May be difficult to assess fetal heartbeat.
3-Birthing bar positions: Call it the birthing stool’s cousin: The birthing bar is an attachment that can be added to many labor beds to help support birthing positions. With a birthing bar, you can sit up at any time and squat, leaning on the bar for support. “The birthing bar can be an awesome tool. You can wrap a towel on it to make it easier to use and switch positions,”Pros:
-Expands the pelvis
-Uses gravity to push baby down
-May not be available at all hospitals
4-Kneeling birth positions: If baby is facing Mom’s abdomen instead of her back, kneeling can help them turn to get into the proper position. Kneeling is one of the most popular birthing positions because it also gives mom a much-needed break.

-Relieves pain of contractions
-Eases back pressure
-May be difficult for continuous fetal monitoring.
Always is good to discuss any positions with you OBGYN or Midwife which is good for you.


Walk into a room while I am supporting a birth and you might think that I am just sitting there doing nothing. I won’t be talking. I won’t be touching the client. I won’t be using anything in my bag.

So what am I doing exactly?

🪑 Watching mom’s breathing and sometimes breathing loudly alongside her to remind her to slow down her breath

🪑 Scanning mom’s body during the contraction to make sure that she isn’t holding any tension

🪑 Monitoring the temperature and lighting to create the peaceful environment that she desires

🪑 Calculating how long it has been since she emptied her bladder

🪑 Thinking about how long she has been in her current position and thinking about the next position that she might try

🪑 Timing contractions to see if they are longer, stronger and closer together

🪑 Thinking about when mom and her partner last had a snack

🪑 Reviewing her preferences to make sure that everything is going according to her plan

🪑 Giving the couple space to connect on an intimate level (allowing for oxytocin) and/or guiding the partner to be the lead support

🪑 Updating notes and capturing labor flow

Sometimes just being fully present is enough. Sometimes just knowing I am there in close proximity is all mom needs to be able to relax and focus on what she needs to do. Sometimes just holding space for them in an unbiased manner allows for a noticeable shift in the energy of the room.

And the list goes on….


Photos from Birth Uprising's post 11/16/2022


This is a flat out myth and we need to stop telling mothers that breastfeeding will sag their breasts. This myth alone has stopped many many mothers from breastfeeding out of the sheer fear of having saggy breasts.

So what does make your breasts sag?


➖Ligaments, called Cooper’s ligaments, support your breasts. These ligaments are made up of elastin and collagen and it breaks down as you age, causing sag. When you are pregnant, your breasts become fuller and heavier, and continue to do so as the pregnancy progresses. It makes the ligaments stretch and eventually makes your breasts sag. The change will be more noticeable if you have fuller breasts. Multiple pregnancies too can result in a dramatic change in your bust. Not to mention that during pregnancy our bodies release the hormone Relaxin that keeps ligaments loose to accommodate pregnancy. Those ligaments holding your breasts become looser thus sagging the breasts. Did I mention high impact exercises cause more sagging? Wear a good supportive sports bra during these activities!

How to help prevent saggy breasts after pregnancy:
✅wear a supportive sports bra that gives good support to your breasts and make sure you are wearing the right size
✅eat healthy
✅get some exercise(especially chest exercises to strengthen the ligaments in breasts)
✅moisturize your breasts
✅lose weight slowly

Breastfeeding is hard enough, and we need to be encouraging of mothers and babies instead of spreading false information.


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This is how every birth room should be equipped. In my view all birth rooms should convey the message that YOU are birthing your baby and birth is not something that will be done to you without you being an active participant.

This hospital in northern Ecuador does an amazing job of blending indigenous midwifery with western medicine. They have this birthing room that is optional for all birthing women. Here is their resident Midwife, Mama Rosa, demonstrating how they utilize the room.

Our next trip to Ecuador is going to be in May/June. More details will be sent out soon. If you would like to be first in the know please sign up for our newsletter. Link in bio.

Wombs of the World offers international educational immersive programs for professional birth workers to come together and learn from foreign birth practices in order to deepen their skillsets and better serve their respective communities back home.



As we move and rock and sway, it allows our descending baby to have more room to move down, rotate, and get into an optimal position for .
Movement also makes our contractions that much more effective.
Dancing, squatting, walking, kneeling, bouncing on the ball, etc., are all great ways to open the pelvis. Add in your birth support person, you have an opening pelvis and oxytocin release. Talk about a win, win!


Have you heard of the 5-5-5 rule for postpartum?

Rest is an extremely important part of the postpartum period. When a mom lacks proper rest, she is at higher risk for postpartum complications. Your body heals the best when it has rest, nourishment, hydration, and less stress.

The first 5 days are spent in the bed, lying flat, not sitting up unless you are eating or nursing, where the focus is on skin to skin and bonding with your baby, resting, and sleeping when the baby sleeps. The only time you should get out of bed is to use the bathroom.

The next 5 days are spent on the bed. During this time you should still limit sitting up, activity and focus on resting, mostly lounging in the bed.

The last 5 days are spent being near the bed. During this time you can try light activity and being away from the bed for 30 minutes, but then resting.🌸

Photos from Gracious Doula Services's post 10/22/2022

I’m excited to see how things are beginning to unravel. I am super thankful for the continued support from Friends and Family.

I want to shout out to MV Market online store for the quick work on our first mech items.


One of many chapters has been closed as I had the privilege of caring for this little baby. I am super grateful to God because he allowed me to be of help to this beautiful and humble family. It was a pleasure to help them in this beautiful stage of being parents for the first time. Thank you for your trust in taking care of your beautiful baby. 📷 by mom


Breakfast for the mom , so she have something good to eat after breastfeeding the baby.


After a long day and long night of working , taking care newborns and making sure moms are doing good . I’m finally home to get some rest.

Photos from Gracious Doula Services's post 09/24/2022

Well one of thing I love of my job as postpartum Doula is I can help Mom in anything in the house so, She can have have more time to bundle with the baby. I can even feed , hold the baby, and change the diaper, so Mom can have a time to do some stuff, like take a shower , eat and get things ready for the night. As postpartum Doula my job is to help mom in the beginning .


Things we can do different


For any moms wanting to breastfeed:
•your milk does not come in until 5-7 days AFTER birth. until your milk comes in you will produce something called colostrum which is enough to fill your baby up because their stomachs are so tiny.
•if your baby is wanting to nurse ALOT (even every 15 minutes) that is not an indication that your baby is starving. your baby is cluster feeding which is their way of telling your body to produce more milk & it is completely normal. LET THEM DO THIS. ITS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR SUPPLY.
•your breastfed baby will most likely never drink over 4-5oz at a time because your milk changes with the baby.
•pumping 2-4oz at a time is not an indication of low supply, it’s completely normal. - anything more would be considered an over supply.
this is just some of the things i wish someone would have told me when i started breastfeeding My daughter and my son . 🤱

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Wow I can believe you are already 1 years old. I remember the first time I hold you were so tiny and now you are walking...
#doulalife🌸 #birthdoula #notbabyyet
Self care for mom and dad, a gift for baby too. Always making sure parents have what they need too. #pospartumdoula #dou...
And you are? ☝️#birthdoula #chilbirtheducator #breastfeedingcounselor #pospartumdoula #doulalife
I’m a Doula love to help moms during pregnancy , during labor and after labor. I’m childbirth educator I teach the basic...
How dilated are you? Are you surprise when they tell you , you are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 centimeters? 😅 yup just imagine ...
#pospartumdoula #birthdoula #breastfeedingcounsellor #childbirtheducator
Birth position
Why I become a Doula?
I decide to be a Doula because, in my struggle through breastfeeding 2 good friends helped me immensely and I was able t...



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