Meditation in Motion

Yoga, Pilates and Meditation in Motion- One-on-One sessions, classes, workshops and retreats


This mindfulness prompt is an invitation to sync up with the rhythm of nature. To remind you that you are nature! And on March 25, we will send a short butoh practice… we call it The Butoh Moment. Come join us in transforming ordinary events into extraordinary moments through butoh practice.

🌘 Butoh Moment: Monthly Meditations
Curated by Dhyana Garcia / Meditation in Motion

🌑 The new moon is known to be great for setting intentions, and the 🌕 full moon is a powerful catalyst for change. Open to all, DAIPAN teachers and a selected group of butoh artists will start to offer different monthly butoh practice portals starting March 25 (i.e butoh moments or meditations) to experience the sublime, to connect with yourself and with each other. Dhyana Garcia, curator of this initiative, has the vision that many people moving together intentionally during the powerful days of the full moon, could potentially help us sync up our internal rhythms with the rhythm of nature. Therefore helps us navigate our lives with purpose and ease.

FREE to you and the world


1. Every new moon we will post on IG the intention of the month (the one you just read) so you can tune in and make it yours.

2. You are invited to return to Facebook/IG every full moon to watch a short video with instructions on how to do each butoh practice ( i.e. Butoh Moment.

3. Once you are done watching, decide on a time and place to do your Butoh Moment and do it (in nature, at home, you name it…).

4. Reflect: What did you observe during your short butoh practices?

5. Write or record a short video with your insights or record yourself in your Butoh Moment.

6. Post it here.

7. Come back for more next new moon

🙂All as a gift to you, for the love of movement and for your own joy and nourishment



My mom is in the hospital and is making me reflect a lot about aging

📋 Planning well for when we grow older is non negotiable.

🦠 A committed movement/exercise practice along monitoring our health can prevent many diseases

⏰ A committed movement/exercise practice is as important as brushing our teeth

💰🧘🏼‍♀️Quality mindfulness/movement coaching can be affordable and available for all

***** My family in Mexico and I are going through a rough time right now. My mom is in the hospital, and after a lot of thinking I decided to make this post. Why? because of three main reasons: to raise funds for mom, to create awareness that sedentarism brings lots of health issues particularly when we get older, and to offer a low cost class for all who may not have lots of time to exercise, or those who haven’t yet found the right program that motivates them.

I truly hope this class will be interesting to you or someone you know and care about.

Join ongoing Yoga and Pilates LIVE classes 2x week every Monday and Wednesday 8:15 to 8:45 am PST/ 9:15-9:45 CST, to feel healthy and energized on a regular basis. Just answer YES on the comments.

*****Have you heard the saying, “Creativity comes out of the necessity to solve problems?” Well, this is me right now trying to solve an important one. I want to help all BODIES to feel healthy and alive. Therefore what my mom is going through could be preventable.

The facts: My mom has been in the hospital for over seven weeks in Mexico due to life threatening respiratory and gastrointestinal issues. We still don’t know when she will come out and bills are piling up. Something needs to be done, and this is it. Thank you for continuing reading.

My invitation to you: To commit to do yoga on Mondays and Pilates on Wednesdays for 30 min each via Zoom. You can do this for as long as you wish, and wherever in the world you are right now. You will be able to attend 8 sessions a month and feel the benefits of moving often 🙂

Why now?: I believe that movement heals and being sedentary is not good for our bodies. A committed movement practice can prevent many diseases such as the ones my mom is suffering right now (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD from being a smoker for 40 years) and Colectomy, a surgical procedure to remove part of the colon due to chronic metabolic and digestive problems).

My commitment to you: To offer an ongoing 30 min LIVE online session, no matter where I am in the world. Every Monday (Yoga) and Wednesday (Pilates) 8:15 to 8:45 am PST/ 9:15-9:45 CST. Yes… it is short so it will be easier for all of us to commit.

The ultimate benefits for you: Regular exercise first thing in the morning brings you these advantages and much more. I know this by experience after teaching movement for over 30 years. It works!
1. It helps your digestive system and appetite control
2. Increased alertness and focus.
3. You will be in a better mood and less stressed
4. Supports weight loss
5. Increased overall activity, you will feel more energized
6. Blood glucose control
7. Blood pressure management
8. Improved sleep

How?: Contribute with $40, $80 or $160 US dollars a month for as long as you wish. This monthly sliding scale will allow many people to join, and pretty soon we can reach the goal of both feeling better as a community and gathering funds for my mom.

Note: For those in Mexico or Latin America, your donation can vary according your needs, just send me a message if you are interested and we can start from there.

How?: You can be at home, at work, at school or even outdoors. You just need 30 min, your phone or laptop with Zoom, a space to move, and a yoga mat.

Language: For now, it will be in English. Perfect for those non-english speakers wanting to practice the language too

Next step to take: Just reply with a simple YES and I will send a membership link and the Zoom link.

Highlights: If you prefer private instruction via Zoom or in-person in Seattle I can send you more information. Just write back saying, I prefer a PRIVATE Session.

Finally, please feel free to share this with friends, coworkers or loved one you feel will benefit from it, and reach out to me with questions.

Please also share this with your parents and to encourage them to move more.

In today’s class, a participant wrote this:

“It was great! I think it's going to be just perfect for me--the amount of time, that it's Mon/Wed, and your energy is so warm and wonderful as always. I'm so grateful you're doing this, and I really hope it helps with your mom's needs”

I truly hope this class will be interesting to you or someone you know and care about. Simply answer YES on the comment box 😊


April 23, 2023 – 11:00 – 1:45 p.m @ Breathing Room Studio (UDistrict )

Facilitators: Gianna Carotenuto & Dhyana Garcia

Let’s come together to honor the beauty and power of our Earth! Spring is here. The color, energy, and freshness of the air, the earth, and plants are
invigorating. The birds are singing, nesting, and emerging from the deep Winter. Flowers
bloom ~ and so will we!

The Earth inspires us to step forward and renew our lives.

Join us in creating a deeper connection to the beauty, power, and strength of Mother Earth
through a yoga-meditation-sacred honoring ceremony.

We will practice Yoga to open our hearts, minds, and bodies, using the asanas to access the
pathways within us and receive the energetic power of Spring!

A Sacred Ceremony will be offered to align our hearts and minds with the Earth’s rhythms
and cycles.

Suggested contribution
$69 in person ($59 early bird by Saturday 22, 11pm)
$49 online ( You will receive the link as soon as we receive your contribution)


This is coming at Breathing Room this Saturday.

Want to work on strength and flexibility in a whole new (and we think, badass) way? Join us this Saturday for Robyn’s Steel Mace Strength Workshop! Click the link in our bio for more info!

Rewire your Resilience - Arielle Schwartz, PhD 04/05/2023

Rewire your Resilience - Arielle Schwartz, PhD In order to rewire your resilience, you need to challenge your urge to avoid hard things. This post will help you to grow by enhancing your..


Meditation in Motion is charging the self 🥰💥


It feels like January can be a mixed bag of events. Some of then exhilarating because are new beginnings, and others not so much because we realize that we still carry those habits that are hard to change. I am hosting this event with Gianna Carotenuto. Her yoga approach helps me drop into what is real. I need this so much right now, how about you? ❄️💭🎉😳

This is the first yoga ceremony of the year. We are planning to have one every season. Gianna and I believe in the power of having a place and a practice to move and reflect about our life paths. Let me know if you have questions.

Meditation in Motion 01/09/2023

Meditation in Motion A short lyrical document about an ancient Oriental discipline, this film moves from the streets of China, where the people practice Tai-Chi daily, to North A...

Zen Heart Center Class Schedule, Bothell, WA | Wellness Center near me in Bothell, WA 10/04/2022

Dhyana is offering two Ayurveda related events to guide us into a juicy, playful Autumn seasson

Zen Heart Center Class Schedule, Bothell, WA | Wellness Center near me in Bothell, WA Zen Heart Center in Bothell, WA - Wellness Center, see class schedules and staff bios, 6 Reviews from happy customers. Find Wellness Center near me in Bothell, WA


Great chart and reminder.


This is how we rest after Meditation in Motion at OnixBloom retreat every year. Going to Ajijic Mexico is one of a kind experience and an opportunity to slow down, renew, and integrate. 5 spots left 🤩

Integrating overwhelm and renewal 🖤🌱

These are seemingly overwhelming times. Staying present, celebrating the baby steps, and remembering our why can be helpful antidotes, but sometimes we just need a break and change of pace.

If you’ve been feeling the ebbs and flows of exhaustion and overwhelm, we hear you, and we invite you to give yourself the gift of retreat in the magic town of Ajijic, México October 28th - November 3rd.

Right now we have the longer days, sunshine, and energy of summer to help boost us. But when summer comes to an end and the days start to get shorter, it can help to have something to look forward to and something to ground us through this natural transition.

We love having this retreat in the fall because it is a season of slowing down and turning inward. The leaves start to die and fall off, and we can attune to this cycle in our own lives.

🌱 What do you want to process that you’ve been setting aside?

🖤 What are you ready to shed and let go of?

🌱 What grief and joy have you experienced that you haven’t had the space to fully acknowledge?

This retreat is an opportunity to slow down, renew, and integrate. You are welcome here exactly as you are.

In the meantime, we acknowledge the exhaustion and overwhelm. We see you, and we celebrate your moments of rest 🖤🌱

Only 5 spots left:

Photos from Meditation in Motion's post 07/26/2022

Yey! for life-work balance. This Sunday Dhyana performed a durational, in-nature butoh piece, at Kanota Japanese Gardens in Seattle with DAIPANBUTOH and then she went straight to helping her buisness partner Melissa Lowell and Arlen put on the floor for Meditation in Motion’s new home “Breathing Room”. Long day but so rewarding specially because Howard made paella for dinner. Art, meaningful work and time to be with love ones 💕. Butoh picture taken by Briana Jones

DAIPANbutoh Collective: At Home In The Darkness 07/24/2022

Dhyana García creator and facilitator of Meditation in Motion was interview by independent writer Beverly Aarons. It talks about how Dhyana’s love of movement began at 5 years old as ballet dancer and how it evolved to contemporary dance and then being fascinated by butoh.

DAIPANbutoh Collective: At Home In The Darkness
Dance has the power to heal, transform, and unlock possibility. DAIPANbutoh Collective traverses the geography of butoh to find home and hope in even the darkest parts of the human experience.

DAIPANbutoh Collective: At Home In The Darkness Listen now (16 min) | Dance has the power to heal, transform, and unlock possibility. DAIPANbutoh Collective traverses the geography of butoh to find home and hope in even the darkest parts of the human experience.


Happy to announce that Meditation in Motion has a new home studio. More info to come. Big opening coming in August. So excited! w/Melissa Lowell


At OnixBloom living with the seasons and aligning with nature matters. We are in Summer but already prepared for Fall. At the retreat in Mexico, I will be offering Meditation in Motion for a whole day celebrating Joy and honoring Grief. Summer fun is integrated in the Fall to see the jewels of wisdom in the Winter.

Integrating summer (and looking ahead to fall!) 🖤🌱

It’s officially been summer for three weeks and PHEW! it’s been a lot already. If you could rate yours so far on an OnixBloom scale, have you been:

🌱 Dancing in the bloom?
🖤 Buried in the onix?
🌊 Riding the waves of both?

We’re all about integrating the seasons. That doesn’t just mean what’s on the calendar. It means the season we’re experiencing in our lives PLUS the energy of what nature’s providing.

Erica’s season is recognizing and living in the space between the onix and bloom. Her summer started with onix and while it’s started to move away from that, it’s not in full bloom either. She’s exploring this interesting bothness.

Dhyana’s season includes an experience that blew the roof off of bloom. One of those indescribable moments where you’re like, “What is happening, and do I deserve this?” Yes, yes she does! And how can she create more of these mind-blowing moments?

Teresa is enjoying a season of post- traumatic bloom. She’s on the other side of a long onix period and so far this summer, she’s been enjoying an ease that she’s never felt in her adult life. Even when old, stuck onix shows up, it’s a welcome opportunity to heal.

For OnixBloom, this season consists of the excitement and hard work that is preparing for our October/November Integrating Grief and Joy retreat. It sometimes feels weird to think of fall and Día de los Mu***os while in the heart of summer, but the seasons will change whether we like it or not. It also feels grounding to know we’ll have this to look forward to while making the transition between summer and fall.

🌱 If you’re one of those people who cringe when you see the first leaves changing colors or the first pumpkin in stores, consider what it would feel like to have MEXICO on your calendar from October 28th - November 3rd.

🌱 If you want a safe space to integrate this season of your life with all of its onix and blooms and all of your grief and joy, please join us.

🌱 Or if traveling to a beautiful magic town is your thing, grab one of the 5 retreat spots remaining.

Whatever season you’re going through, you are welcome here exactly as you are 🖤🌱


Love this picture!

Integrating reflection 🖤🌱

We are witnessing the past and embracing the present as we baby step our way into the future.

Wishing you a weekend full of bloom, reflection, and rest 🖤🌱


So necesary

Be a cycle breaker.


Motion33 is about to change name to support its new direction towards wellness through movement and meditation. Stay tuned! COVID-19 pandemic changed many things and made us rethink life. How about you? What kind of shifts have you done or are about to do because of the pandemic?

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Videos (show all)

What inside of me is ready to bloom?This NEW MOON mindful question comes from Seattle based butoh artist Robyn Bijorson,...
Butoh Moment: Monthly Meditations - Prompt to prepare for March 25’s full moon practice
EARTH DAY YOGA & SACRED HONORING CEREMONY April 23, 2023 – 11:00 – 1:45 p.m @ Breathing Room Studio (UDistrict )Facilita...





1001 NE Boat Street. Suite #2
Seattle, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 1pm
Tuesday 10am - 1pm
4pm - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 1pm
Thursday 10am - 1pm
4pm - 7pm
Friday 10am - 1pm

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