Dr. Kirkland at Santo Chiropractic

Dr. Will Kirkland is an ETX native, whom graduated high school in Athens before attending UT Tyler a


With the Verizon outage our phone lines are unavailable to to ONLY Verizon customers. You can reach us on our office cell phone @ 903-508-7227 until the outage is resolved.


Due to the weather we are closing our office at 12 today.
Natalie Battles is on call and can be reached at 903-312-3436.
We will reopen on Monday @ 9 am


We are open for a few hours this morning! Dr. Santo & Dr. Kirkland are both in the office this morning. We are hoping to stay open until 1 but will update if we have to close earlier for weather. We ARE taking walk-in's this morning


OH NO!!! We are having phone issues this morning. Please call Natalie @ 903-312-3436 to be able to reach the office. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.


Our office will be closed on Monday July 5th 2021 in observance of July 4th Holiday.Our office will reopen on Tuesday July 6th for our regular hours of 9-1 & 3-6.

We are in the office this week Monday- Thursday 9-1 & 3-6. We WILL be taking walk-in's all week to help you be able to feel your best before the holiday weekend.

Dr. Santo & Staff


We are closed today.


Dr. Kirkland will be in the office tomorrow on FRIDAY December 11th 8-12!! He will be taking walk-in's all day. Start your weekend off with a BANG!!!


Thanksgiving Holiday Hours:
Thursday 11/19 9-1 & 3-6
Monday 11/23 9-1 & 3-6
Tuesday 11/24 9-1 & 3-6
Wednesday 11/25 9-1
We will be taking Walk-In's each day 🙂 Don't forget to get your adjustment so that you can feel your best for the Holiday


Chiropractic Assistant - Job Description

No experience with chiropractic is necessary. Basic requirements:General office skills, good math skills and computer literacy. Skill tests will be given.

This position works hands on with patients at times. Must be able to take directions and work well under pressure.

We continually strive to be the best staff possible and hold high expectations for each other. If you are not a team player, cannot handle constructive criticism or are unable to maintain a positive attitude, this job will not fit you. Our team is very detail oriented and personable.Ability to multi-task is MANDATORY.

Non-smokers only need apply.

We are seeking long-term, full-time staff. Length of training time will depend upon the employee's tenacity and ability to learn quickly.

Current work hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:45a-1:00p & 2:45p - 6:30p (or later if still seeing patients) Work weeks are on average, 34-36 hours.

Starting pay will be between $9-10/hr. There is room for advancement and salary increases based on performance. If you are selected for an interview, a phone call will be made within two weeks.

Email your resume to [email protected]


LIFE Tip of the Day:
Stop whatever you are doing and look ahead at the day.
What are you going to do to increase your own health today?
Eat well, move well, start with a positive mindset, handle stress and smile on your neighbors...even with your mask on!!
We are in the office 9-1 & 3-6 today and tomorrow!!

A Special Shoutout to Chiropractors 04/22/2020

Great Information in this short video! Our office is open tomorrow 9-1 & 3-6. We will be taking walk-in's tomorrow :)

A Special Shoutout to Chiropractors Dr. Shiva Acknowledges Chiropractors as Front Line Leaders! Dr. Eric Plasker, creator of 100YearLifestyle.com and practicing DC for 35 years, interviewed Dr....


WE ARE OPEN TODAY 9-1 & 3-6. We will be taking walk-in's for today as well. :)
No one pays closer attention to injury/risk statistics than Malpractice Insurance carriers! ...There's no doubt chiropractic is safe. Especially when compared to medical treatments, such as, pain pills and surgical interventions chiropractic is one of the safest options available.


Just like you brush your teeth and see a dental provider on a regular basis to maintain dental hygiene...you should also be doing daily spinal hygiene exercises and seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis to maintain the health of your spine!
We are in the office today 9-1 & 3-6. We will be taking walk-in's today as well.


We are in the office today 9-1 & 3-6. Enjoy the clip below :)
Please call us for any questions that you may have. :)


Good Morning! We are in the office today 9-1 & 3-6. We are all our P*E per the CDC recommendations. We just wanted everyone to know why.


Great Information!!

Effects of Acute and Chronic Exercise on Immunological Parameters in the Elderly Aged: Can Physical Activity Counteract the Effects of Aging? 04/01/2020

ITS HUMP DAY! Today we are going to deviate from our nutrition series and discuss how exercise can improve immune function. Have you guys heard of the term "immunosenescense"? It is a "multi-factorial age-related phenomenon characterized by a series of biological events, including: A) alteration of immune function quantified by a reduction in humoral and cellular immunity, B) increase in the inflammatory and oxidation background, C) production and release of auto-antibodies leading to the insurgence of autoimmune disorders". Depressing, right? Well stress not! As this study shows that lifestyle interventions can preserve the normal course of aging and ultimately premature immunosenescense.
Aging primarily influences immunity through:
-Changes in Thymus structure and activity (remember, T-Cells are matured here)
-Decrease in naive T-Cells, accumulation of memory T-Cells, and decrease in antibody production
-Decrease in the number of Dendritic Cells and their ability to recognize pathogens
-Decrease Natural Killer power for killing
How can exercise prevent or delay these processes? Well, exercise is shown to:
-Increase Natural Killer cell activity and response
-Increase circulatory neutrophils
-Increase leukocyte telomere length
-Increase Lymphocyte population and proliferation
-A significant redeployment of T-Cells
So, try your best to get out and exercise-even if as little as 15-30 minutes per day. As for the younger population reading this, use these tips to PREVENT early onset of immunosenescense, and improve your immune system while doing so! If you have any questions regarding exercise, what to do, for how long, etc... please message us or give the office a call at (903)-534-7095.

Effects of Acute and Chronic Exercise on Immunological Parameters in the Elderly Aged: Can Physical Activity Counteract the Effects of Aging? Immunosenescence is characterized by deterioration of the immune system caused by aging which induces changes to innate and adaptive immunity. Immunosenescence affects function and phenotype of immune cells, such as expression and function of receptors ...

Vitamin D and the immune system: new perspectives on an old theme 03/30/2020

Happy Monday everyone! Lets start off this great week by discussing how another well known vitamin can help the immune system-- Vitamin D! Vitamin D is a unique vitamin, it can be obtained through the diet (foods such as cheese, beef liver, milk, fatty fish, etc), and through sunlight (the body converts sunlight into vitamin D in the body). How does Vitamin D help the immune system?

Innate Immunity:
-promotes timely pro-inflammatory function
-increases phagocytosis and chemotaxis
-optimizes resolution to baseline

Adaptive Immunity:
-increase antibody production
-optimize immune memory for antigen-specific markers (B-cells)
-increase regulatory T-cells

So during this period where you may have some extra free time on your hands- try your best to be outside ~15-30 minutes per day, as it can provide you sufficient daily intake of vitamin D. If you have any questions, please send us a message or call the office at (903)-534-7095.

Lets make this a great week!


Vitamin D and the immune system: new perspectives on an old theme Interaction with the immune system is one of the most well-established non-classical effects of vitamin D. For many years this was considered to be a manifestation of granulomatous diseases such sarcoidosis, where synthesis of active 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin ...

Vitamin C and Immune Function 03/26/2020

Hello guys! Today we will be discussing Vitamin C and how it supports the immune system, specifically the innate and adaptive immune systems that we discussed yesterday. If you have not had a chance to look at it, I encourage you to do so to make yourself familiar with some of the terms we will use. I will provide some highlights, but have linked the article for further learning.

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, and due to the limited storage capacity, a regular and adequate intake is required. The recommended daily intake is 100mg, but this article suggests additional supplementation has been proven to both prevent and treat respiratory infections. How exactly does vitamin C help both systems specifically?

Innate/Natural immune system (the policemen from our analogy):
-Vitamin C supports epithelial barrier function (skin)
-Vit C accumulates in phagocytic cells & enhances phagocytosis, chemotaxis, and ultimately microbial killing (fun fact, the "pus" you see from an infection/pimple is actually dead neutrophils/WBCs after apoptosis)
-Vit C is needed for apoptosis and clearance of spent neutrophils (pus), decreasing tissue necrosis and minimizing tissue damage

Adaptive immune system (Special Forces unit in our analogy):
-Enhance differentiation and proliferation of B and T cells

This study suggests that "Vitamin C deficiency results in impaired immunity and higher susceptibility of infections", as well as "Furthermore, supplementation with vitamin C appears to both prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections". How much should you supplement? Well, since it is a water soluble vitamin, anything your body does not use it will excrete naturally. Vitamin C can be found in most fruits (such as oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, among others), some vegetables as well (brussell sprouts, sweet peppers), and can be taken as a supplement (we currently have a new shipment of SAGO-C-500 from Nutri-West that has 500mg per serving! It is being sold for $28). Hopefully this write up helped you all learn something, and appreciate how important vitamin C is for our health! If you have any further questions, please feel free to message or call the office!


Vitamin C and Immune Function Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for humans, with pleiotropic functions related to its ability to donate electrons. It is a potent antioxidant and a cofactor for a family of biosynthetic and gene regulatory enzymes. Vitamin C contributes to immune ...

Photos from Dr. Kirkland at Santo Chiropractic's post 03/25/2020

Hello everyone! These last few weeks have been crazy to say the least. With all of the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and the lack of scientific data available for this specific virus, we are going to be providing scholarly articles over the next few weeks on nutritional ways to boost your immune system! This will include a brief synopsis of the article(s), how it works, what foods have it, etc.

First, we will give an overview of the immune system itself. Think of the immune system like a police force. It is constantly patrolling everywhere, and when it finds an issue/disturbance, it calls for backup. Your immune system is like most systems in that it has sub-components, they are: Innate (AKA natural) immunity, adaptive (active) immunity, and passive (borrowed) immunity (we will mostly be discussing innate and adaptive immunity). If the immune system is like the police force, think of the bone marrow as the academy-in that all of the other systems are made here. The bone marrow produces something called stem cells, that later develop into either red blood cells, platelets (essential for clotting), or white blood cells (the immune response). The first line of defense is INNATE (or natural) immunity- which include physical barriers such as the skin, chemicals in the blood, or non-specific cells in the blood. In our police example, the innate immune system is like the policemen- they constantly patrol and are able to take care of most of the "criminal activity" without backup. However, sometimes backup is needed! Some of the stem cells created in our bone marrow turn into B or T cell Lymphocytes- the two main cells responsible for ADAPTIVE immunity (there are others, but these are the main two). If the immune system is the police force, and the INNATE immune system are the policemen in the streets, think of Lymph Nodes as the police station. When there is a disturbance (invader-bacteria/virus/etc), the lymph nodes coordinate the attack and in more severe cases, will send in the "special forces" (B or T cell Lymphocytes) with two jobs: Stop the current infection, and generate memory to become more efficient if the invader comes back. Should the invader (also known as an antigen) come back at a later time, the body is able to secrete antibodies SPECIFIC for that antigen because of the work of the B Lymphocytes.

This post will be much longer than the articles in the coming weeks, we just wanted to give a good background of the immune system so that when we discuss how nutritional products/vitamins interact with various processes involved, it will make more sense. We left a lot of the smaller details out, so if you have any questions or want further information, please send us a message or give us a call at the office: (903)-534-7095. Be sure to check back tomorrow, as we will be discussing Vitamin C!


We will be open today 9-1 only. Dr. Santo & Dr. Kirkland are in the office. We will be taking walk-in's all morning. Come in for your adjustment today to help your body be healthiest it can be in this time.


We are open today for our regular hours of 9-1 & 3-6. We are here and ready to help you feel your best. Please know that we are taking several precautions to help keep you safe and healthy. Chiropractors are considered to be essential health care providers. This means that we are needed during this time of crisis to serve.
You may be asking, why would a chiropractor be needed to serve during a crisis that has to do with a virus? Hopefully you know by now but in case you do not, chiropractic actually has to do with the health of your nervous system. (Many people think chiropractic is only about neck and low back pain.) The reason this is essential during this time is because your nervous system controls and coordinates EVERY system in your body INCLUDING your immune system. During any time of stress (especially times of high stress as we are in now) your nervous system does not function as it should to help keep you healthy. As many of you already know chiropractic adjustments actually have positive effects on the brain leading to lowered stress on the nervous system thus leading to improved health.
It is for this reason I am choosing to stay open. With that said however, I will be taking precautions to keep not only you and your family safe but myself as well. The following are some guidelines:
1) My hours will stay the same however I will be practicing appointment distancing.
2) Please no gathering in the waiting room. Once adjusting rooms open up we will direct you to which room is open. As you know your visits here are quick. We will greet you at your car and make sure you are taken care of.
3) We are disinfecting after every patient. If you feel the need please also feel free to grab a bottle of disinfecting spray next to the table and disinfect yourself as well.
4) If you are 65 and older or have a compromised immune system please contact me via phone/text to schedule your adjustment during different office hours.

We are here and we are focused on you

Photos from Dr. Kirkland at Santo Chiropractic's post 03/17/2020

We are OPEN today. These are some of the precautions that we are taking over the next few days to be able to help protect you. Please call the office at 903-534-7095 if you have any questions.


Dr. Santo & Dr. Kirkland are in the office adjusting today 9-1 & 3-6. We will accepting walk-in's today as well. Stop in and have your week starting off the best it can. :)


Today is Gracie's last day at the office. We are all excited for her to be able to welcome her sweet baby girl in just a few days. Stop by the office today 9-1 & 3-6 to be able to tell her goodbye. Dr. Santo & Dr. Kirkland are in the office adjusting today 9-1 & 3-6

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Dr. Will Kirkland

Dr. Will Kirkland is an East Texas native, whom graduated high school in Athens before attending The University of Texas at Tyler as a student athlete while graduating with a Bachelor degree in Science. From there, he attended Parker University in Dallas where he met the love of his life and received his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. When he is not in the office helping patients, Dr. Kirkland spends time on his family’s ranch, watching sports, and attempting to play golf.



6004 S Broadway #200
Tyler, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 7pm

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