BFT Bendigo

BFT Bendigo is a scientific high intensity group strength and conditioning studio.


8 Week Challenge - FINAL WEEK!!!!!!!!

Monday Cardio HIIT - Increased set per exercise with reduced working time, you need to make set 2 through 4 count. Maximising recovery between efforts and exercise. As the saying goes, “Never miss a Monday,” and it could not be truer for this final progression! Don’t let those Monday scaries get to you.

Tuesday Hyper (UB) - We have gone back to our super-setting zones on the outer screens and our main UB lift in the Strength Theme Screen for our final progression. In this session, we are aiming to hit a new 6RM load by the third set on the Incline Press. With 2 minutes of work time, there should be no reason why you are rushing through the reps!

Wednesday Cardio U (A) - Reduced laps per zone. Increase in working set duration with an increase in transition time between zones. The aim is to achieve 94%+ as often as possible on the first exercise! Enjoy the active recovery and continue to grind through the building sets.

Thursday Pump (LB) - A solid ten-rep structure for each exercise today. We have our final opportunity to hone in on all the techniques and skills you’ve been refining over the last eight weeks. Today is an opportunity to bring it all together, and instead of focusing on lifting as heavy as possible for 5-6 reps, we are focusing on consistent reps throughout each lift.

Friday Cardio Summit - In this session, it is all about finding a pace that you can sustain for the full 60sec of work without hitting that 90%. We definitely don’t expect you to hit 85% in the first 10secs, which is why it is important to find a pace you can maintain.

Saturday Strength Endurance - We have extended our set times to 2 minutes from the previous 90 seconds and, as such. While maintaining good form and tension throughout each lift as we extend the work time and challenge you to remain focused on technique under fatigue. A huge last progression to wrap up the 8-Week Challenge block!! Great way to end the block so enjoy every bit of the session.

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 28/07/2024


The final week of the 8WC kicks off with a massive Cardio HIIT session.

This week’s Mini Challenge will be part of the class! We are looking for Maximum Power Output (Cals/hr) on the Ski Erg. Make sure to push as hard as you can on this station and see how you measure up!

There will be prizes for the top male and female scores across the day!

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 25/07/2024

Thursday morning grind photo dump, Cardio Summit to start the day! Friendly faces are always in the gym, we love our community 🙌🏼💙

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 22/07/2024

Dare to be Stronger this Benchmark.
Our new 9wk training block we set the standard & look to improve 2 main lifts, the Back Squat & the Military Press.

Strength training lies as the foundation for what we do within BFT.

Adding our testing gives us a great way to track our progress & push our training to the next level.

This is your chance to push your training & results to the next level!


CHALLENGER OF THE WEEK - Laura is this weeks well deserved challenger of the week for our 8 week challenge. Laura is probably one of the people who has taken the most steps on our S-Drives. This challenge Laura has been a stand out! Laura has been consistent with her nutrition and has also been consistent with her sessions, sometimes doubling up on classes that you wouldn’t think twice about….e.g cardio U/HIIT. Her strength was strong from the get go but we are super impressed with how far she’s come since joining in 2023. We are in week 7 and can’t wait to see all the improvements at the end of next week! Enjoy your voucher Laura 🙌🏼🤩


8 Week Challenge - Week 7

Monday Hyper (UB) - We have changed the structure to zones of three exercises, and you are to complete all three. The key focus in this session is to move with good form, good range and controlled reps. Although there seems to be a lot going on, you will have ample time left over in each set (close to 30 seconds), meaning you can take your time with each rep and move with control.

Tuesday Cardio U (H) - Targets will remain the same as the previous progression for the main exercises. This session is a great opportunity to really test the waters and see how far you’ve come. Our focus for today’s session is intensity! If members have been training consistently for the last few weeks, they should see an improvement in a few areas;
- the ability to maintain working intensity across each set
- the ability to recover quicker and get HRs lower than they have been able to get them

Wednesday Strength (LB) - Different structure for this session to include zones of two exercises: a main lift and an accessory lift. Still lifting heavy on the main lift as it is priority. Progressing some DB movements to BB will feel like a very different movement, different but exciting!!

Thursday Cardio Summit - Undulating sets with reduced transition time between exercises. Aiming to push to the higher HR percentages (85-89%) and build an understanding of the relationship between effort and working set duration.

Friday Balanced - Focus on mobility and movement quality will help us move and perform our daily movements better. At BFT, we program not just for performance but for health. The movements in this session are a progression from the last so they will challenge you. If you neglect rest and active recovery sessions like balanced - you will not obtain the benefits from your training.

Saturday XTX - We have progressed multiple movements in this session. Implementing BB instead of KB and KB swings into more complex movements. As with our previous XTX sessions, ensure that everyone is working to a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio. A bit more of a cardio feel today as we use this session as our third cardio-based session for the week.


8 Week Challenge - Week 6

Monday Strength Endurance - Reduced the timing for each set to 90 seconds and have progressed/modified some of the exercises. A great chance to keep refining any flaws in technique that we may be seeing or you may be feeling. The majority of these movements aren’t new, they should be feeling a bit more confident and competent in these lifts which means you can aim to increase the load.

Tuesday Cardio HIIT - Longer working set duration, reduced rest between sets. Longer transition period between exercises. The aim is to get you to have a focus for each set, and to set yourself up for success in the final big effort! We have shifted away from the YGIG format for the final two progression, meaning this is all you.

Wednesday Hyper (LB) - We have reintroduced Cluster sets today and reduced the number of exercises to 6 from the last progression. Your weight selection for the Cluster sets will be super important today as this will dictate whether you get the benefits of the session. If you go too heavy, you won’t be able to complete all the reps prescribed. We want you to take 10-15 seconds rest between each mini set!

Thursday Beast Mode - Progression of the boxing combination. The format of the session will remain the same with a change to the conditioning zone. We have swapped out the Ski Erg for the seated bike as we had Hyper yesterday, we want to give members the opportunity to shake their legs out.

Friday Strength (UB) - Introducing tempo into this session, working through full range of motion with time under tension to improve any flaws in technique as well as build on our current foundation of strength. As the sets go on, the number of reps reduces, so the idea is that you are building on your load from the first set, second set, etc.

Saturday Cardio Summit - 60min session! We work through ascending sets with increased transition time between exercises. You'll spend 2min30sec on each exercise, there is plenty of work! These long sets should really encourage you to truly find and maintain a sustainable pace. With a 20sec rest between sets, we should be seeing you using this rest well.



We are launching our biggest trial offer for the year! Get a head start on your fitness as we head into Spring!

🏋️ Unlimited Training
📉 Free Evolt Body Scans
✅ No Lock in Contracts

Starts 29/7

Available in our BFT Booking App!

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 08/07/2024

Huge shoutout to all of our Women’s Doubles pairs that competed at Hyrox last Saturday! We had 9 pairs from BFT Bendigo completing the event and they all smashed it!

We are so proud of you all and the effort you put into this!

*If you thought we were done with the Hyrox spam, we are just getting started 🤣


8 Week Challenge - Week 5

Monday Cardio HIIT - We have reduced sets, longer working set duration and reduced transition time between exercises. Another solid progression is in store, and you should be starting to get a sense of what this session is about. Our previous two sessions of Cardio HIIT should have prepared you enough to nail this session!

Tuesday Hyper (M) - We’ve gone into a mixed session from our LB last week and have changed the structure to zones of super-setting exercises. Today’s session has plenty of technical movements, which is why we have kept the reps on the lower end and have allowed for two minutes per set so if you haven’t picked up on it yet……focus on technique, technique, technique!

Wednesday Beast Mode - The boxing combination has progressed so you will need to focus just that little bit more to really nail it. The format of the session has remained the same, you should be familiar with the flow of the session. We have swapped the Rower for the Ski Erg, as we have LB Strength tomorrow. We want to continue to focus on the position of the pads.

Thursday Strength (LB) - We welcome back tempo in this session and have dropped the exercises. Working to tempo in this session means to slow the movement down, increase time under tension, get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Tempo helps you in the development of strength but also gives you a chance to see where technique may be failing/breaking down.

Friday Cardio U (A) - Reduced laps per zone. Increase in working set duration with reduced rest and transition time between exercises and zones. Utilise the recovery exercises (70-79%) well to maximise the build to 94%+ on our main exercise. This is progression 4/6 so by now you should now feel more comfortable with the concept.

Saturday Shred (UB) - We have gone back to our traditional 4 x 12-minute blocks, alternating between one cardio zone and strength zones. We’ve also included our main UB lift. The key focus for this session is the change of pace when going from the cardio zone to either strength zone and vice versa. We’ve kept reps low for the BB Incline Press as we still want you to treat this as a heavy movement!


CHALLENGER OF THE WEEK - goes to Paul! 🙌🏻 . Paul has been nailing his challenge from day 1. Signing up for the premium stream and setting clear body composition goals from the start, and Paul has already achieved these half way through! Paul has put in 100% every week to make sure he checks in weekly with his coach, gets all his food prep done for the week and ticks off all his training sessions. Along with the challenge, Paul had also been training for HYROX and implemented the right nutrition in the lead up to fuel his performance in race day. Keep smashing it Pauly 🔥👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 30/06/2024


The focus for this week is to cut back our intake of refined sugar.

There is unlimited research showing the health risks of consuming large volumes of sugary foods and drinks.

Foods to look out for include:
- sweets
- sugary drinks
- sauces
- cereals

Stay on track with your meal plan and you’ll be safe!



Monday Hyper (LB) - Our Hyper sessions across the second half of this block are aimed at making our members bullet proof. We have two focuses for today’s session: maximising the Strength Theme Screen and the rest time between sets. The second focus is choosing the appropriate load for the movements on the outer screens. With plenty of unilateral work in this session, it will require greater demand on stability and balance.

Tuesday Cardio Summit - Working through descending sets you will need to utilise your HR as feedback on how you should approach each set, each person will respond differently. You may find that if you are more conditioned, you will be able to set yourself up with the first set by holding a sustainable pace.

Wednesday Strength (UB) - We’ve changed the structure to 6 individual exercises instead of zones of two exercises from the last progression. Our Incline Bench Press is the biggest focus for today’s session. Given it’s our main UB lift for the block, we want you to spot each other to hit as close to true 6RM load by set number 3 as possible.

Thursday Cardio U (HIIT) - Working through ascending targets, we have given you the opportunity to get comfortable with this style of session in progression one, pushing the boundaries slightly by challenging you to maintain their intensity as the targets increase with each set. The message from our coaches to you…complete these targets AS FAST AS POSSIBLE because then you get more rest.

Friday Balanced - After a HUGE couple of weeks this session will be needed. You’ll work through four zones of three exercises, we will continue to develop the Copenhagen Plank and nail movements around hip and shoulder stability and mobility. Focusing on mobility and movement quality will help us move and perform our daily movements better. At BFT, we program not just for performance but for health.

Saturday XTX - We have increased work time by an extra minute on each exercise. As such, there has also been an increase in the cals target for some of the ergs. The aim is to be working at a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio.



The end of week 3 and here is the leader board for our medal tally! Hopefully you are remembering to wear your BFT Heart Rate monitor to your session to get the most out of it. We are almost half way through the challenge, there is still plenty of time to get in for your sessions over the next couple of weeks. Morning and afternoon, the option is yours!

See you in the studio 😄😄


Mini Challenge - Week 3

Max Power Output on the Rowers

We kicked off this week with a massive HIIT progression. Within the rowing station we had a mini challenge, to see who could create the highest amount of power!

The results are in!

Taking out top spot for the males was with a whopping 3534 Cals/Hr and top of the table for the females was .morrisseyy with a huge score of 2521 Cals/Hr!

You have both earned yourselves $50 vouchers to shop at

Some huge efforts from all of you!

Another mini challenge coming at you next week!


Week 2 8WC: Challenger of the week goes to ! 👏🏻👏🏻
Jess is taking part in the premium challenge stream for the extra push and accountability. Setting clear goals from the start, Jess has put in 100% to achieve these each day. Planing and prepping each weekend to help her nail her nutrition, ticking off all her planned gym and running sessions for the week, and also ticking off her daily walk. Jess has been so diligent not only with her goals but also checking in with her coach each week. Keep smashing it! 😍🙌🏻


Final session with our 2024 Hyrox Squad.

10 weeks of frosty Sunday morning workouts in preparation for race day next weekend!

Good luck to all of you! The whole gym is behind you and we can’t wait to see you smash it.



Monday Cardio HIIT - Longer working sets and shorter transition time between exercises, you will need to make the most of your rest periods at every opportunity! This session is quite the progression from the first session. Our work time per exercise has increased by 15 secs and 25 secs less rest between exercises….we weren’t joking about using your rest.

Tuesday Pump (UB) - We have gone back to our same structure in week 1, with ten exercises, including a Strength theme screen. We have included rep targets for the movements on the outer screens and reduced the reps for each set on the Strength Theme Screen. For the Strength theme screen, the final rep of each movement needs to be a struggle!

Wednesday Beast Mode - Now that you’re familiar with the new formatting, you can really go after it in this session. The format of the session will remain the same, with small changes to our boxing combo and the conditioning zone. We swapped out the Battle Ropes for the Rower.

Thursday Strength (LB) - The structure of this session has slightly changed, there will be three zones of two exercises: a priming movement and the main lift. Utilising the first exercise in the zone to really maximise muscle engagement and prime the same muscle groups that will be used in our main lifts for this block. There should be no reason why you aren’t lifting heavy on the main lift.

Friday Cardio Summit - Increased work duration with reduced rest between sets and transition between exercises. We really want to try and avoid hitting above 90%+ in the final set! We have introduced a 2:1 work-rest ratio in this progression, so expect to see your HR climb slightly and recovery to be slightly slower.

Saturday Strength Endurance - We have increased the number of exercises in each zone to 3 (from 2 in the first progression) and have increased the work time for each set to account for this but have reduced the number of sets per zone. We have tied in a lot of our complex movements from a few programs in the previous block into today’s session so it will be a good time to test out your form and how the movement feels.



We know how much easier it is to train with your friends! Keep each other accountable this winter and SHARE THE COST of ONE MEMBERSHIP!

What are you waiting for?? Tag your mates and get training 💪

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 18/06/2024


This week we have 2 different breakfast options on the meal plan:

250ml Low Fat Milk
30g Whey Protein
125g Mixed Berries
20g Rolled Oats
5ml Honey

Cals: 373 Protein: 37g Fat: 6g Carbs: 38g

200ml Low Fat Milk
20g Whey Protein
30g Rolled Oats
1tsp Cinnamon
1 Pear (sliced)
5ml Honey

Cals: 422 Protein: 27g Fat: 6g Carbs: 60g

Both delicious options, similar ingredients and easy to manipulate the macros. It’s important to find something that suits your lifestyle so that you can stick to it.

Which one are you making, A or B?



Monday Shred (UB) - We are using this Shred session as our third strength-based session for the week. Although the main UB lift isn’t programmed in this session, the movements that have been included are all aimed at improving our Incline Bench Press. The cardio zone should be treated as a Summit session, where we want to see you sticking between 80-89% of max HR throughout each set.

Tuesday Cardio HIIT - If there is ever an excuse to go absolutely wild when training, this is the session for it. We are aiming to work our Anaerobic energy system, and this will require a lot of work. HRs should be spiking above 90% of max wherever possible, you need to bring the intensity from the get go to see the best possible result in this session.

Wednesday Strength (M) - First mixed strength session for this block, we should be aiming to lift heavy for the main exercise in each zone and shifting the load to a higher rep range in the second exercise. We are utilising similar muscle groups between the two movements in order to improve muscular strength and endurance under fatigue.

Thursday Beast Mode - We have introduced a new format for this block with beast mode. As the program progresses throughout this training block, so will the combinations. These combinations will be complemented with a variety of kicks and sprawls. Beast Mode is a session that can be tailored to ALL of our members so be sure you give it a go before you knock it.

Friday Pump (LB) - The one change you will see in this session is reduced the number of exercises from the previous progression as we want members to be exposed to more sets, and therefore volume. The key here is to increase the load slightly across each set as the number of reps decreases.

Saturday Cardio U (Aerobic) - First progression of Aerobic format and it’s going to be HUGE!!It’s up to YOU to find a pace that will challenge you to keep working, eventually you will be able to reach 93% of max HR. The ability to shift intensities and work towards targeting different HR zones is a great way to improve cardiovascular endurance.

Sunday HYROX - those competing in HYROX ONLY.



Monday XTX - Designed to improve metabolic conditioning and reinforce some of the more frequent movement patterns that are seen within the training block. Working in a YGIG format, you will get an equivalent work to rest ratio. Meaning when you work, you NEED to work.

Tuesday PUMP (UB) – This session is all about volume. Although the sets don’t have designated rep targets for the movements on the outer screens, the aim is for members to complete anywhere between 10-15 reps per set. This should feel very different to our Strength sessions! As long as those reps are between 10-15, then you will see the benefits of this session over the progressions.

Wednesday Cardio U (HIIT) - The aim of Cardio U sessions is to improve the ability to shift between different intensities and maintain work even at a slower pace (active recovery). That is where you will see the most benefit in your fitness. This is a different style of Cardio U from what we have seen in the past, and this one will have you working damn hard and needing any bit of rest you can get.

Thursday Strength (LB) – Treat this session as familiarisation today, as we introduced some different movement patterns compared to our last training block. The aim is to build volume into some movement patterns in this session. Our Sumo Deadlift is our main lift for the block, so this is a good opportunity to find your bearings.

Friday Cardio Summit - We’ve kept our Cardio Summit pretty straightforward in terms of structure for this block. This session should have you feeling like you are able to repeat the session again. If you are working really hard for the first 15 seconds to get your HR up and then cruising for the rest of the set, this defeats the purpose of the session.

Saturday Strength Endurance - A different kind of style to our traditional strength endurance sessions, this Strength Endurance block uses no cardio machines as we aim to get it as close to true strength endurance. This doesn’t mean you won’t sweat…the exercises in store will make you really need to hustle. Still working through super-sets in this session!

Sunday HYROX – those competing in HYROX ONLY.

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 04/06/2024

[ Tips to stay fuller for longer after eating ]

This is super important for those trying to stick to a fat loss plan. Including some of these strategies to reduce hunger, makes sticking to a calorie deficit much easier and helps you to stick to your plan long-term.


Week 9

Monday Strength (LB Testing) - Peak week! Testing for your new 5RM. The focus in this session is lifting safely and efficiently, but also not forgetting our members who aren’t testing and who are doing the LB session as well. If you feel like you have more in the tank for your testing, go on - push the extra 2.5kg or 5kg plates!

Tuesday Cardio Summit - Undulating sets, these sets will be reduced! Aiming for you to push for 85-89% HR percentages and build an understanding of the relationship between effort and the set duration. Although the set number has been reduced, the total working time per exercise will remain the same as the previous progression.

Wednesday Strength (UB Testing) - Peak week! Testing for your new 5RM. Given this test is the Bench Press, we will be focusing on safety of the lift. Every member is to spot one another, even if they don’t know each other. As a community, we aim to be there for one another! Hopefully with having a spotter, they will encourage you to push the weight and to up the weight.

Thursday Balanced - Longer working sets, reduced exercises and zones. We introduce Phase 5 Turkish Get Up to the balanced program. Perfect the movement before you try to up the weight! In balanced, there are so MANY benefits to the session - these include focusing on mobility, stability and obvious balance. This will help you with so many of your compound lifts, getting more depth and joint mobility.

Friday Power - Goblet squat has been progressed to a BB front squat! A couple of big changes throughout this session. Power can be a technical program, so we should celebrate the small/big wins in this session. We have slightly progressed with the opportunity for greater load and unilateral ballistic work.

Saturday Crewfit - What a way to wrap up the Benchmark Block! We have longer working sets in this progression of Crewfit. The targets have been tweaked to have each exercise finish as close to the same time as possible. You’ll need to make the most of the 2-minute rest between zones!

Sunday HYROX - these sessions are for those participating in HYROX ONLY.

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 27/05/2024


Having a brekky higher in protein has so many benefits! Particularly for those wanting to lose fat.⚡️

A high-protein breakfast will help you
➡️ Feel full and satisfied
➡️ Reduce hunger and overeating over the day
➡️ Contribute to daily protein intake to support muscle mass
➡️ Blood sugar regulation
➡️ Training recovery

Getting at least >20g of protein at breakfast is a great start! We can aim for 0.44g/kg of protein. ✅

Pairing this with some higher fibre complex carbs like your whole grains and fruits, and a small amount of healthy fats like nut butters, avo, chia seeds etc, will create a balanced meal for your brekky. 🍞🥝🥜


Week 8

Monday H.I.R.T (M) - We have a HYROX Theme Screen for our AMRAP zone as well as a Strength Theme Screen and a E2MOM. We have our main lifts in the Strength Zone to give you ample time to work on these lifts. We are aiming to hit a solid 5RM in the third set - this gives you an opportunity to test the waters before testing again next week.

Tuesday Cardio U (A) - Final progression! This session is about slowly building and sustaining intensity to spend most of the session at threshold pace/intensity. We are working on training the adaptation, not just gold medals. We will be challenging each member to find a target cadence and maintain this under the body feeling fatigued.

Wednesday Power - Working through reduced sets per zone. It is important to take the time to get the good movement patterns back into the body and nail it on the head with each rep you do. If you feel as though you’re moving the weight with ease, challenge yourself to go heavier before the coaches come over and pick a new weight for you.

Thursday Cardio Summit - YGIG format working in pyramid style sets. We are shifting away from the long-duration sets and focusing on a concept familiar to members. We have removed the targets and will let you get to work! As you start working down the pyramid sets, everyone will respond differently regarding recovery.

Friday Strength (Pull) - There are only 3 exercises in this session as we work through undulating sets. Assessing where you should be with your strength! This is a tremendous opportunity to build some confidence before going into peak week next week. First set should be a warm-up set, then increasing the load with each set after that.

Saturday XTX - Longer session which means partner work for a full 60min sweat session! We are also progressing our conditioning from previous weeks meaning there are still some exercises/movement patterns that you will really need to focus on. We have removed the cardio theme screen for this last progression and have gone back to our traditional metabolic/complex exercises.

Sunday HYROX - this session is for those participating in HYROX ONLY.

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 21/05/2024

WE KNOW THAT WINTER IS TOUGH, so we have designed our upcoming 8WC to help!💪🏻

We have teamed up so that we can provide you with the best challenge yet!😮

We have $6k in regional prizes up for grabs and multiple ways to qualify yourself for the win, what’s not to love!💰

Each studio in the region will also be going up against each other in weekly competitions and challenges to keep things lively, but will also be there to support one another and help keep each other accountable throughout the entire challenge 🙏🏼

A much bigger prize pool ✅

A bigger and more welcoming community tick ✅

More chances to win ✅

A huge end of challenge celebration ✅

What are you waiting for? Get in contact with us today and get signed up!

Photos from BFT Bendigo's post 20/05/2024

[Food examples that are great for fat loss]🍗🍠🥬🫑🍓🍉🍎

These foods are not the only foods that support fat loss, and they also don’t inherently equal fat loss. These are just some of the best foods to include that support fullness and satiety along with blood sugar regulation, which will help you to control your calorie intake and make fat loss much more achievable and sustainable.


Week 7

Monday Strength (UB) - We’ve transitioned tempo work to paused reps for this session. Challenging you once again to further refine your technique by utilising pauses in each rep. Paused reps are designed to get you comfortable in the sticking points/positions of the movements. This is where we find most people struggle throughout the rep and where we want members to gain the most strength and confidence.

Tuesday Cardio HIIT - Increased sets per exercise and decreased set duration. Maximise the rest periods across the whole session! This will give you more of an opportunity to bring the MAXIMUM intensity more often. The goal of the session is to chase down the target as quickly as possible and get reward for your effort.

Wednesday Hyper (LB) - Back to 10 exercises with a Strength Theme Screen including our BB Deadlift. As without our strength session earlier in the week, we want you to focus on controlling the pause in our main lifts on the Strength Theme Screen. Working on traditional Hyper exercises and reps scheme, unilateral and anti-rotational movements.

Thursday XTX - With the specific Cardio Theme Screen in this session, it acts as our third cardio session for the week. Still acting as YGIG in this session, you work as a team - encourage one another! Once again, our kettlebell movements have progressed meaning the form that you’ve been working on will help you do the movement correctly.

Friday Balanced - Reduced transition time between zones, it is important that you know where you’re going and what movement you’re heading too. Our balanced sessions may be a tad slower and the HR may not be as high but it is a GREAT way to improve your mobility, stability and stretching movements. These are so important, especially for our main lifts throughout this block.

Saturday Cardio U (A) - Longer session going for 60min, this means that the set duration is longer and has reduced transitioning time between exercises. Getting comfortable at aerobic threshold and enhancing active recovery are important in this session.

Sunday HYROX - this session is for those competing in HYROX ONLY.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Body Fit Training is Australia’s newest and most advanced group training methodology

We’ve incorporated scientifically proven training techniques aimed at reducing fat and creating lean muscle into a variety of 50 minute sessions that are overseen by accredited coaches in a dynamic group environment. High levels of visual content showcasing our programs are shown on multiple digital displays throughout the studio and allow our coaches to spend more time concentrating on our members, while the screens direct the traffic!
So expect to be challenged.
Expect to reduce fat and grow lean muscle.
Expect to get more variety than you ever have before.
And most importantly...
Expect to have fun!

Videos (show all)

🏋️‍♂️ Ready for your next challenge? Introducing the Hyrox Physical Fitness Test (PFT). This test is all about pushing y...
Introducing... CrewFit!Hitting studios on October 28th - you guys are going to love this one! A conditioning session tha...



56 Williamson Street
Bendigo, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 5:30am - 7:30pm
Tuesday 5:30am - 7:30pm
Wednesday 5:30am - 7:30pm
Thursday 5:30am - 7:30pm
Friday 5:30am - 7:30pm
Saturday 6am - 11am

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