The Sana Co.

Naturopathic clinic providing Geelong with the specialized health natural health solutions in gut he


Welcome Brianna!
If you’ve been into our clinic lately you may have already met Brianna. She has been honing her skills and knowledge and is thrilled to be offering consultations on Mondays and Wednesdays with us here at The Sana Co.
Brianna is excited to help with hormonal conditions including PCOS and endometriosis as well as helping women regulate periods, manage PMS, PMDD and transitioning off the pill.
Brianna is offering free 10 minute discovery calls to new patients to answer any questions you may have.
To book your discovery call or initial appointment head over to our website or call the clinic on 52982642.


No discussion about gut health would be complete without talking about PROBIOTICS!⁣ 🦠

Probiotics are live microorganisms found in foods that increase the numbers of beneficial bacteria within the gut microbiome. These beneficial microorganisms are known as "commensal" bacteria, often referred to as "good" bacteria.

Probiotics play a really important role in promoting overall health, particularly when looking at the health and integrity of both the gut & the skin. In the gut, commensal bacteria populations such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species support a balanced microbiome, aiding in digestion, promote nutrient absorption, and regulate our immune system function. They also help maintain a healthy gut lining and prevent the overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

Recent research has also also highlighted the important role of probiotics in managing skin conditions and promoting skin health. By modulating the gut-brain-skin axis, probiotics can help alleviate or prevent skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and rosacea - which can be attributed to their ability to reduce inflammation, improve skin barrier function, and regulate the immune system, ultimately contributing to healthier, more radiant skin.

A powerful way to support the health of your gut & skin is to incorporate more probiotic-rich foods into your diet. This includes foods such as:
- kimchi
- sauerkraut
- kefir
- natural yoghurt
- tempeh
- kombucha
- sourdough

Probiotic supplements can also be beneficial in the short term in managing and treating gut or skin conditions. However, given the huge number of bacterial strains out there, it's always best to consult your practitioner to ensure you're taking the right strain for you!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 09/10/2023

Glowing skin starts from within 💫

It's a little more complicated than that - so let us explain! Despite the distance between them, our digestive system & skin are closely connected via the gut-skin axis. This means that the gut microbiome and our skin microbiome are constantly communicating with each other. Changes within one environment, is likely to result in changes to the other (& vice versa).

When our gut is inflamed, irritated or leaky, we're likely to experience skin breakouts, acne & eczema/dermatitis that mirror this internal situation. One of the key driving factor behind these skin concerns is inflammation.

When we look at the health, integrity & complexion of the skin, we ALWAYS look to the gut to see what the root cause of your skin concerns actually is. When we think of the two systems as being connected, it's easy to see why healing the gut is key to healing the skin. Attending to the internal environment, whilst also maintaining good hygiene practices, keeping up your skincare routine & getting regular skin treatments will do wonders for the healthy & integrity of your skin.

Keep your eyes peeled for our next post where we will let you in on our top tips to optimising gut health and maintaining healthy, glowing skin! ✨

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 12/09/2023

Nutrition plays such an important role in preconception care and fertility. Our practitioners are passionate about supporting their clients to make positive & sustainable changes and additions to their diet that not only boost fertility, but overall health & vitality.

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is crucial for both men and women. Given that both eggs and s***m are susceptible to damage from a wide range factors, ensuring you’re nourishing your body with an abundance of nutrients is critical during this preconception period.

Preconception and fertility can be complex! Nutrition lays the foundation for reproductive health, impacting not only the chances of conception but also the growth, development and life-long health of your future child!

Swipe across for .nutrition ‘s top tips for boosting fertility and nailing the preconception diet!

For more comprehensive support during the preconception period or any stage of your pregnancy, contact the clinic today on 0352982642 or jump online to book via our website! 🥑

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 12/09/2023

Nutrition plays such an important role in preconception care and fertility. Our practitioners are passionate about supporting their clients to make positive & sustainable changes and additions to their diet that not only boost fertility, but overall health & vitality.

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is crucial for both men and women. Given that both eggs and s***m are susceptible to damage from a wide range factors, ensuring you’re nourishing your body with an abundance of nutrients is critical during this preconception period.

Nutrition lays the foundation for reproductive health, impacting not only the chances of conception but also the growth, development and life-long health of your future child!

Swipe across for .nutrition ‘s top tips for boosting fertility and nailing the preconception period!

For more comprehensive support during the preconception period or any stage of your pregnancy, contact the clinic today on 0352982642 or jump online to book via our website! 🥑



Our women’s health & fertility specialist .noonan.naturopath is currently supporting 11 women in their 2nd trimester who are all enjoying healthy pregnancies. These 11 women had all experienced multiple miscarriages in the past. Incredible Maree, we are so proud of the work you’re doing 😍

For support during your preconception period, or any stage of your pregnancy journey - we are here for you! To work with Maree, call the clinic or jump online to book via our website. We cannot wait to support you during this exciting period ✨



The preconception period is an important opportunity for a woman and her partner to ensure they are as healthy as possible, before trying to conceive. It takes 150 days for an egg to develop and 106 days for s***m to fully mature. Taking this 5-6 month period to optimise health and wellbeing lays the foundation for a healthy and safe pregnancy for both mum & bub.
During this period, both partners should act as though they are already pregnant! Eating well, limiting alcohol and caffeine, quitting smoking/vaping, staying physically active, reducing stress and achieving good quality sleep will go a long way toward optimising health & fertility. It is important to remember that pregnancy outcomes are influenced equally by both sets of DNA and the health of both parents!
Seeking the knowledge and advice of a naturopath is an excellent way to prepare for the journey that is pregnancy. Your practitioner can assist you with implementing positive health practices that support general health & wellbeing, as well as optimising fertility. Our practitioners can provide support with:
- fertility assessment and testing
- hormone assessment and balancing
- maximising egg and s***m quality
- supporting detoxification pathways
- optimising nutrition status
- reducing stress
Our women's health & fertility expert .noonan.naturopath is passionate about preparing women and partners for their pregnancy journey. For support during your preconception period, pregnancy and beyond, book in to see Maree today!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 10/08/2023

Dealing with eczema can be challenging, but the right skincare routine can make all the difference! Choose skincare products and routines that soothe, hydrate, and protect your sensitive skin. ​​​​​​​​​
Incorporate products enriched with soothing ingredients like colloidal oats, ceramides, and shea butter. These natural wonders can help calm inflammation, restore the skin barrier, and provide deep nourishment.

Steer clear of harsh exfoliants, fragrances, and strong detergents that can trigger eczema flare-ups. Opt for products labeled 'dermatologist-tested,' 'hypoallergenic,' and 'eczema-friendly' to prevent irritation.

Remember, consistency is key. Stick to your routine, stay hydrated, and be patient – skin transformation takes time ✨


Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 03/08/2023

Eczema, a chronic skin condition affecting so many, has several underlying factors contributing to its development. Understanding these drivers and triggers is essential for effective management and prevention.

Genetics, environmental allergens and irritants, digestive dysfunction, autoimmunity, stress & weather/climate changes may all be implicated in the development and severity of eczema.

Using a holistic approach, our naturopaths can support you in addressing both the internal factors and external triggers to address underlying dysfunction and restore the protective barrier of your skin.

To take control of your eczema and get back to living life, call the clinic on 0352982642 or jumpy online to book via our website ✨

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 03/08/2023

Eczema has several underlying factors and triggers that contribute to its development and severity. Understanding these drivers is essential for effective management and prevention.

Genetics, underlying gut dysfunction, environmental allergens and irritants, stress & weather/climate changes may all contribute to the development of eczema.

Identifying these drivers and reducing triggers is key to managing eczema, reducing its severity and improving the skins protective barrier.

To take control of your eczema & get back to living life, call the clinic on 0352982642 or book online via our website!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 31/07/2023

You asked - we listened! Your complete guide to coming off the pill, what to expect and how to make the transition as smooth as possible. Be sure to save this post (& tell all your girlfriends to as well)!

The decision to come off the oral contraceptive pill is often a hard one for many. Unfortunately, after getting off the pill there is no quick fix to bring our hormones back into balance. Everyone’s transition will be slightly different - some easier and some more challenging. It is so important to patient with yourself during this time and know that you have made a positive choice for your overall health & wellbeing!

Supporting your body & mind in the months before and during the transition phase can have a really positive impact in bringing your hormones back into balance.

Please note the above is only a guide - for comprehensive advice tailored towards your individual needs make an appointment with one of our naturopaths today! Call the clinic on 0352982462 or jump online to book via our website.

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 25/07/2023

Here at The Sana Co, our naturopaths are passionate about using pathology & functional testing to assist them in best supporting the health & wellbeing of their clients.
Testing enables our naturopaths to detect imbalances, excesses or deficiencies within the body, that can then be brought back into balance using herbal blends, targeted nutrition, diet and lifestyle interventions. Testing also allows our naturopaths to track the progress being made toward restoring balance and ensure your personalised treatment plan is right for you.
Pathology testing can tell us sooo much about what's going on inside and is key to not only preventing disease, but to promoting health, wellbeing and vitality!

Comment or DM us if you have any questions about test - we’d love to hear from you!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 14/07/2023


Swipe across to learn about our practitioner's favourite foods to support healthy hormone balance here at The Sana Co! Whilst foods alone cannot directly balance our hormones, regularly incorporating these foods into our diet can assist with supporting the complex body systems that work to keep our hormones happy.

Our naturopaths take a holistic approach to hormone health - a nourishing diet, in addition to regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep, is key for hormone harmony. Its helpful to remember that it’s the little things we do each day that have the most impact on our health.

Be sure to save this post for the next time you do your groceries!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 14/07/2023


Swipe across to learn about our practitioner's favourite foods to support healthy hormone balance here at The Sana Co! Whilst foods alone cannot directly balance our hormones, regularly incorporating these foods into our diet can assist with supporting the complex body systems that work to keep our hormones happy.

Our naturopaths take a holistic approach to hormone health - a nourishing diet, in addition to regular exercise, stress management, and adequate sleep, is key for hormone harmony. Its helpful to remember that it’s the little things we do each day that have a big impact on our health.

Be sure to save this post for the next time you do your groceries!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 11/07/2023

Bringing hormones back into balance often requires a holistic approach. We must take into account many factors like our diet, lifestyle, stress levels, relationships with ourselves and others, and our exposure to toxins - just to name a few!

At The Sana Co, our naturopaths are passionate about taking a holistic approach to restoring health and wellbeing. We are all unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. Our naturopaths can support you in making particular changes to your diet, lifestyle and environment that bring your hormones back into harmony ✨

Be sure to save this post to help you make little changes that have a BIG impact on your health! If hormone imbalance is something you’ve been struggling with, book in to see one of our naturopaths today!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 10/07/2023

Bringing hormones back into balance often requires a holistic approach, taking into account many factors like our diet, lifestyle, stress levels, relationships with ourselves and others, and our exposure to toxins - just to name a few!

At The Sana Co, our naturopaths are passionate about taking a holistic approach to restoring health and wellbeing. We are all unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. Our naturopaths can support you in making particular changes to your diet, lifestyle and environment that bring your body back into harmony ✨

Be sure to save this post to help you make little changes that have a BIG impact on your health! If hormone imbalance is something you’ve been struggling with, book in to see one of our naturopaths today!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 05/07/2023

Female hormones can be confusing, we know! So we've created this go-to guide to help you better understand the many important roles of some of the key female hormones. Ideally, we want all hormones to be tightly regulated and functioning in harmony with each other. ​​​​​​​​​

However in reality, many factors can disrupt the delicate balance of these hormones - leading to fertility changes, menstrual irregularities and a whole host of different symptoms (more on that to come)!

At The Sana Co, we like to think of the menstrual cycle as a vital sign - it gives us insight into your current health status. When we start to see changes in our cycle, this can be an indication that something is not quite right. To better understand your hormones, call the clinic on 0352982642 or jump online to book in with one of our naturopaths today!

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 26/10/2022

Join us over 28 days to reset your metabolism, mindset and habits to find better digestion, more energy and greater vitality as we race towards summer. ​​​​​​​​
The challenge includes: ​​​​​​​​
// 28 day meal plan​​​​​​​​
// Modules delivered weekly in your patient portal ​​​​​​​​
//Challenge manual with information and extra challenged to support your journey ​​​​​​​​
// Personalised treatment plan with tailored supplements from one of our qualified Naturopaths.​​​​​​​​
As this is the first time we are offering this program online we are doing a one-off reduced price in order to get your feedback and better the program for future participants. ​​​​​​​​

Hurry as there is limited spaces available in this round. ​​​​​​​​
Sign-ups close 31st of October to give you time to prepare for your challenge on Nov 7th.


INTRODUCING…Preconception Preparation workshop with Maree Noonan .noonan.naturopath

This workshop is for you if you have:

🔆Just come off the pill or considering coming off the pill in preparation for pregnancy

🔆Haven't been trying for more than 4 months to fall pregnant

🔆Want to learn more about how to better your health to improve your fertility before you start trying for a baby

Spaces are VERY limited, so don’t wait to get your ticket today! Link in or bio or click the product on this post 🤗🤗🤗


Final week of clinic for the year! If you’re still looking for the perfect gift for someone we have gift vouchers available to be spent on consultations or products ➡️ available in clinic or online 🤗 if you need a top up of your supplements before we close for a quick break please get in touch with the clinic ASAP! 52982642 or email [email protected]


As we race towards the end of the year a quick reminder of our cancellation policy ❤️ we require 24 hours notice if you plan on cancelling or rescheduling your appointments with us, this allows us to offer the appointment times to other people who are waiting, and it also prevents our practitioners from missing out on income. If cancellation is made under this time frame we do charge a 50% cancellation fee. For these reasons we kindly ask you let us know as soon as possible that you can’t make it. We are generally super lucky, you are all legends who we never have to worry about cancellations or no shows but with it being such a busy time of year it calls for a little reminder 🥰 thank you so much for your understanding!


You may have noticed a new face around the clinic in the last week! We are so excited to welcome Sonia to the Sana co team! Sonia is our new receptionist and you will see her smiling face when you come in for your appointment ☺️ join us in welcoming Sonia 🤗🤗🤗

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 12/02/2021

Round 3 and we are ready. Thanks for your continued support! Sending love to anyone effected by the restrictions and hoping those that can have a some down time are able to enjoy the rest. See you back in the clinic Thursday 🤞🤞🤞

Photos from The Sana Co.'s post 03/02/2021

We are so excited to be running our SANA reset program again! Reset your habits, your metabolism and renew your health, we have this all inclusive 28 day challenge just for you! Meal plans, naturopathic consults, supplements and more. We have even given you a sneak peak of the program manual our participants are provided to allow you to become your best! Encompassing a holistic approach to your health, we can’t wait for you to join us!
Click the link below to find out more! 🤗🤗🤗


Did you know that your skin has it's own microbiome? Yep that' s right! What we usually only reserve for digestive talk, our skin has it's own microbiome that helps to maintain it's function (and appearance!). The bacteria that lives on our skin can help to maintain healthy immune function of the skin as well as helping to keep pathogenic bacteria or bad bacteria out. When it comes to eczema we can often see an imbalance of this bacteria and this can also occur in conditions like acne as well.
So when we are looking at factors that effect your skin, we are always taking into consideration your skins microbiome, and what effect this might be having on your skin.
So what can effect your skin's microbiome? No surprise that the products you apply topically can have a big impact on your skins microbiome, so ensuring that the products your'e using are appropriate for you and your skin type is vital. We like to keep it simple here at The Sana Co but heading to a qualified dermal therapist will be able to give you a more personalised skin care program.
Our internal gut bacteria can also influence our skins microbiome, so pump up the probiotic foods (think fermented foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, miso etc) and your fibre to help promote good gut health.
Want to learn more about how to look after your skin with a holistic perspective? is our resident skin specialist and is available for consultation Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. To book head to our website or call the clinic on 52982642.

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246 Ryrie Street
Geelong, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

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