Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club

Monthly meetings centre on a guest speaker followed by supper. Visitors and new members most welcome. There is ample parking and disabled access.

Founded in 1921, the aims of the club are to promote the pleasure of sustainable home gardening and associated crafts and improve the skills of the amateur gardener. SGAGC INC General monthly are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm unless another time is given by prior notice. Meetings are held each year from February through to December (NO meetings are held in January) at Glengala C

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 12/06/2023

Club News Letter: JUNE 2023

Greetings dearest All,

Once again, another task on behalf of our club.

Competition table top 3 photos by member John Russo.
2023 Chelsea Show bottom 3 photos sent by members Jim &Greg.

Wednesday the 14th of June [email protected]
Dylan Parkinson
From Yates
Topic Winter Gardening

Wednesday the 12th of July 2023 @7.00pm

Featuring members Show n Tell, Specialist Gardening Advice, Trading table with new season seeds, Competition tables, Special supper, Give way prizes, Raffle and much more.

Wednesday 9th of August 2023@ 7.00 pm.


Wednesday the 13th of September 2023@ 7.00 pm.

Special Presentation with a Master Gardener, Craig Castree.


How to Get a Healthy Productive Garden.


Wednesday the 11th of October 2023
Hall open for Exhibitors @6.00 pm
Judging to commence 7.00pm - 7.20 pm, please come early.
Mini Show Schedule available @ our September meeting.

Wednesday the 8th of November [email protected] pm

Our Annual Plant Sale 2023 @ 7.00 pm, any queries or possible members plant donations have a word with Robyn.

Wednesday the 12th of December@ Garden 7.00 pm
Club End of Year Celebration
Committee to announce details closer to this date ideas and advice input from our members is most welcomed.

Club News & Information.

Thank you to everyone who attended and sent their apologies for our 2023 AGM.
Our dear friend and Brimbank Councillor Mr Sam David expertly Chaired the election of our office bearers for 2023/24.
President Chris
Vice President Joe
Admin. Secretary Rosemary
Treasurer Wanda
General Committee Members
Stanton, Helen, Roslyn, Robyn, Akif and Rod and welcomed two new members to committee Gus and Alph.

Membership fees remain unchanged @ $2.

Our club needs ongoing support to function efficiently and remain enjoyable for ALL of our members.

Members can support by attending supporting, competition tables, trading table, raffle, supper, setting up and helping put things away, providing fresh ideas and contact details for special guest speakers, remembering that our club equally belongs to you and not specifically to our office bearers.

To those constant club volunteers deepest appreciation and thank you in advance for those considering in partaking.

Cultural Notes and Seasonal Advice.

Winter servicing your garden and plants.
Composting, Cleaning and servicing tools and gardening items.

Buying, transferring and removing unhealthy inappropriate plants.
Pruning, spraying fertiliser program for winter plants i.e., citrus, cataloguing your seed collection or attaining seeds for your spring and summer planting.

Stocktaking is recommended to allow you to make early purchases or exchanges with like-minded individuals. A priority is to have in your possession all the specific safety gear for your gardening.
If not utilising your garden beds plant a green crop and consider undertaking the trench method planting (details for this at our July meeting)

Buying fruit and vegetables utilising the seasonal philosophy in your method of purchasing fresh is best not something that has been in a cool room for 6 + months.

Check out the Neutrog, Gardenworld sites and your favourite copy for good appropriate seasonal planting advice.
To those that have recently started to grow dahlias the following advice might be of interest.

Dahlias should be cut down incrementally, and preferably dry stemmed before lifting special caution if the stem above the ground is green and very solid give this plant and variety additional time before lifting.

Knowing particular varieties tuber length allows the safest length to circular dig from where the stake was positioned, lifted tuber clumps should be rested on top of small mounds for a few days before washing for less broken necks in tubers, and no moisture should be retained in the crown area to avoid rotting.

For Rose enthusiasts’ Cultural advice will be available at our July meeting.

But a job for NOW remove all rose leaves and petals that have dropped in the ground to alleviate fungal disease.

To All our members and gardeners wishing you enjoyable safe gardening and good health and speedy recovery to those struggling with medical issues, congratulations to those celebrating happy events including safe travel returns, looking forward to seeing you all again.

Williamstown Garden Club Inc
3rd Monday 19th of June 2023 6.15 pm
Bowling Club
40 - 58 Melbourne Rd Williamstown
Special Guest Speaker
Professor Tim Entwisle
A Warm welcome to all those attending.

Happy Month Love and Respect.

Chris Michalopoulos
President Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club Inc

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 12/06/2023

Club News Letter: May 2023


Vegetables and Herbs

Broccoli, beetroot, carrots, spinach, lettuce, garlic, cabbage, mustard salad greens, parsley, coriander, chervil, cauliflower, broad beans, asparagus, silverbeet and kale.

Flowering Plants

Pansy, primula, delphinium, calendula use flower petals as a substitute for saffron, cineraria, polyanthus, viola, if dahlias are no longer producing flowers or you are not interested in seed collection prune them by a quarter, dead head roses and spray with the appropriate fungicide always follow instructions and dress with safety in mind.

Bare Rooted Roses, Fruit Trees and Deciduous Ornamentals.
Look out for these items now to get your preferred product at a much-reduced price

Potted plants - Look for new season Camellias.

Fertilise all your citrus trees ASAP and undertake a preventative spray with an oil mixture. You


Happy Healthy Month to all who are reading this from our garden clubs information platforms.

The Month of May is our AGM month and time to reminisce on our clubs 2022/23 activities and highlights.

The outstanding highlights for our club are those that are people related: the wonderful and caring volunteers and other that come in the form of our members, guest speakers, Brimbank council staff, show exhibitor's, sponsors, judges, affiliates and our loved ones that support us to be able to service and enjoy the club as well – thus progressing its legacy for the community and the environment.

We acknowledge our calendar celebrations of our Centenary Celebration Dinner Event and at this momentous occasion bestowing of the historic breaking RHSV INC Gold John Pascoe Fawkner Medal to our 7 SGAGC INC MEMBERS, these being Rosemary, Wanda, Joe, Pat, Helen, Stanton and, humbly, myself.

To our benefactor the Brimbank Council, its Councillors and outstanding Staff in particular from the Festival and Events, Grants, Facilities and the Mayor's office who in unison have and are providing a strong supportive base for our club’s annual activities, we acknowledge and thank you.

To all our outside supporters, friends and service providers our club would not be as worthy without your participation.

Our 2023 Annual Show in March was a wonderful show (not perfect) with the help of many prior to and during, the long chain of people is too long and the names are many but duly noted our club and as president/show manager I thank you all very much. A particular tick to the children exhibitors and Christian School Sunshine and those that come from long distance.

Our club appreciates and thanks All the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne Staff who organised and donated for our club to plant a rare species tree the Araucaria Montana native to New Caledonia. This tree planting was to commemorate our club’s centennial establishment.

We had some exquisite and exciting special guest speakers including Professor Tim Entwisle, James Wall, Helen Lovel, and our own Terry Smyth. The decision to commence our general meetings at 7.00 pm instead of 7.30 pm has proven the right thing.

To our coordinator's and executive, admIn & show secretary, treasurer, v president, committee, and dear members who do so much for our club, printing, newsletter, grants, Facebook, website, plants and trading, suppers, show lunches and show afternoon tea, meeting and show raffle, donations, setting up and helping after meetings and events, storage work bees and club purchasing competition tables all the above highlights the team effort to run a successful club.

We commend Brimbank Council for its policy direction to ban single use plastic in its facilities, our club has adhered and has purchased environmentally sustainable products to service our club, this compliments this season’s mascot which are BEES our environmental heroes.

On a very personal note, love and respect for members and also in our gardening community who have lost loved ones fairly recently, also to those that are struggling with physical and mental health issues, we are a family club so don't hesitate to contact me or a fellow member.

Regrettably some members will not be attending our club some due to health and age, different life directions and personal reasons. No matter the reason thank for your service and friendship and unqualified warm welcome awaits you at our club anytime.

Make an effort to come to our meetings it will be a good idea and please bring along someone who is close to you. Subs are due at the AGM. I anticipate no price increase due to inflation and it will remain at $2.

Congratulations to all celebrating a momentous event.

Prepare your good self and your garden to enjoy the cooler months ahead.

Happy Healthy Gardening and Thank You for Your Support.

Chris Michalopoulos
President Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club Inc

Cosmos nearing end of flowering in my front yard from seeds supplied by Rod.

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 12/06/2023


Greetings Dearest All,

It all begun with a suggestion and request by our club president whilst Professor Tim Entwisle President of The International Association of Botanic Gardens, Honorary Professor University of Melbourne, Director and Chief Executive Officer of Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria was in attendance at our as our special guest speaker ,this request was unanimously supported by our committee and members.

Tim true to his word he conferred with Chris Cole Executive Director of Melbourne Gardens and a positive response was made to donate a mature rare species tree to our club.

Met with Chris Cole and Charles Carroll to finalised proceedings and the area for the tree within RBG and set the date time etc.
The tree planting ceremony was held on Monday morning the 3rd of April 2023 it was attended by Tim Entwisle, Chris Cole ,Peter Berbee Arboriculture RBG ,Our own Terry Smyth who is also Horticulturist (Gardens @ RBG)Simone Gordon Festival and Events Community Development Officer @ Brimbank Council, Dianne Sharman AHJA Inc Executive& Judge & RHSV Inc Treasurer, Maureen and Paul Lucas, Maureen AHJA Inc committee and Judge& Judge Garden Clubs of Australia Inc, Sandra Turner SGAGC Inc member as well President and representative for Rose Society of & Australia, SGAGC Inc members: Joe, Helen, Margaret and myself, kind apologies were received from Don & Jennifer Rickerby President and Secretary of RHSV Inc, James Wall Gardenworld, Rosemary and Wanda, Mark, Robyn, John & Heather, Stanton, Rod, Roslyn.

The Planting went seamlessly, perfectly organised by the RBG from A to Z, what a professional courteous organisation to deal with just like good friends. And they also took time to share a cuppa and a chat with us, after the tree planting and without request from us Terry and Chris organised buggy transport for some of us with mobility problems. On behalf of our committee, members and friends that attended an enormous thank you and appreciation to Tim ,Chris ,Charles, Terry and Peter who will kindly look after our Araucaria Montana @ the RBG.

To grow strong and sturdy.

Chris Michalopoulos
President Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club Inc

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 12/06/2023

Club News Letter: April 2023

Hello all fellow members, hope this email finds you and yours well.

A lot of photos this round from 2023 show and RBG tree planting.
Show photos from John Russo some of the wonderful exhibits, drawing the raffle and Rob Kerr our bee/ honey show guest.

Our club has once again celebrated staging our Annual Show in March 2023.

Congratulations and appreciation to so many dedicated hard working members and club friends that volunteer their valuable time and skills but above all this is done with courtesy and hospitable friendship to all that attended our show, very generous good friends Brimbank Council Councillors and friends Councillors Sam David and Thomas O'Reilly and Staff in Simone Gordon, Exhibitors in particular to those travelling many kms from their home and how good was our children's section entries, Judges, Generous Sponsors BRIMBANK COUNCIL, SGAGC MEMBERS, DAHLIA SOCIETY OF VICTORIA, GARDENWORLD, RYSET,NEUTROG, SEASOL, YATES and attending Special Show guests the likes of Sunshine Christian School, Rob Kerr Apiarist, Werribee Park Rose Garden, James Wall Gardenworld and 3AW Radio, Dylan Parkinson Yates.

Wonderful venue in Glengala Hall (air conditioned) show Saturday hot winds and 37 C in Sunshine.

We partook in a delicious lunch, morning and afternoon tea, purchased some very nice plants, had some luck in the raffle, tasted honey and purchased some for home whilst viewing and catching up with each other at the show.

A lot of effort and work before during and after the show was put in by our committee and dedicated members and club friends to stage the 102nd Annual Garden Show look effortlessly efficient this was highlighted by the time some of us took to recover after the event.

Regrettably some very valuable committee and members due to ill health and family commitments were absent. They were noticeably missed.

Thank you to All the patrons who attended the event.
Our garden club endeavours at the show are to show case what is best in our local community of Brimbank, what talented people can produce and share with others in a harmonious friendly family environment where everyone is freely welcomed – BUT we aren't perfect and some of the same particular glitches hopefully will not surface for our 103rd Annual Show in 2024 fingers crossed.

Thank You Very Much to All.

Chris Michalopoulos
President Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club Inc

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 28/03/2023

Like to thank the Brimbank City Council Councillors and Simone G for being part of our Annual Show. Your support to the club is deeply appreciated.

Big shout out to James Wall from Garden World doing a fantastic job judging the children craft section and supporting our club.

It was great to meet and see representatives from Yates Australia at the show, thank you to all our major sponsors Neutrog, Ryset Australia and Seasol for donating to our show.

Like to thank the judges for doing the hardest job of all, choosing the winners. The judges had a difficult time, every exhibit was amazing. Thank you for everyone who entered, you all did well.

Thank you to The Rose Society of Victoria Inc. for presenting the Bronze Medal for the over all rose exhibit.

We had a massive turn out at the event and a record number of entries. Thank you to all who have entered, the exhibits looked amazing.

To our lovely club members and friends thank you for organising and running the lunch and morning tea. You kept our tummies full. Thank you to the volunteers that stayed back and helped with the cleaning, even though we were all tired after such a big day.

My apologies if I have left anyone out and look forward to seeing you all at the 103rd Annual Show 2024.

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 12/03/2023

Hello friends and club members.

It was lovely to see you all on Wednesday 8th March, we had a great turn out on our 2nd club meeting for the year.

Like to thank our special quest speaker Helen Lovel from Neutrog, its always a pleasure to have you at our club we enjoy the educational information on Neutrog products. Behalf of the members thank you for the lovely gift samples. We all love it.

Images down below is our show bench for the night, thank you for everyone that entered. They are stunning. Thank you for the yummy desserts that everyone baked. The shortbread biscuits and the carrot cake was to die for.

Have a lovely week, see you all soon.


Message from the President.
6 March 2023

Dearest members and friends, ​​​

Hopefully when you are reading this, you and your loved ones are healthy and peacefully happy.

​Members and friends are gratefully required to assist in staging our Show.

Setting up Show Friday the 17th from 1.30 pm.

Volunteers required also for afternoon tea, plant sales, raffle, plant sales and tidying Show venue as required in particular after the exhibitors have finished putting up their entries.

Your kind contribution to supplement with finger goodies for afternoon tea to be shared and enjoyed by members and Show guests. Please consult Eleni.

Please consider donating some nice clean plants for our plants sale please consult with Robyn.
- Alph will be our raffle guru.
- Helen is our show steward.

During the Show, if you any questions or require assistance please don't hesitate to approach either Rosemary, Wanda, Joe, Roslyn, Stanton, Akif, Rod or simply me Chris.


Lunch and refreshments are provided free to members ONLY on Show duties to exhibitors, judges, stewards and invited guests by the committee. The PAG ROOM where lunches will be served is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC


Promoting and informing relatives, neighbours, friends and the general community is something that all our members can avail themselves to do with just a little effort.

A little glitch occurred with the Brimbank Council Community leaflets showing that our 2023 show is to be held on Saturday the 11th of March. Hopefully no person turns up this Saturday (apologies in advance). We will post show leaflets at our venue glass entryway to at least make somewhat an explanation.

Very grateful and appreciative to our generous sponsors who make this free admission event possible.

Congratulations to our affiliate the Dahlia Society of Victoria, Australia for staging an extremely successful event on the last weekend in February 2023. The DSV Inc is also sponsors of the Metropolitan Dahlia Championship.

Celebratory tree planting ceremony:
Our club will have our long awaited and celebratory tree planting ceremony at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne on Monday the 3rd of April 2023 at 10.00 am. The tree is the Araucaria Montana.

Wishing all celebrating happy events in your daily lives our best wishes and congratulations whereas if things aren't going well our kindest thoughts and we are there for you in our limited way and that every day forward is a better outcome no matter what you are never alone.

See you at our meetings and at the Show.

Love and respect

Chris Michalopoulos
President Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club Inc


Hello friend and club members.

Our flyer for the 102nd Annual Show 2023.

Can you please share this post in our groups and your own page.

Just an reminder, if your entering anything in cookery. Please do not use plastic plates. You will need to enter your yummy amazing creation on a white ceramic plate.

At our next club meeting on Wednesday 8th March at 7pm the Show Manager Chris (Club President) will provide members/guests with an insight on being a better Show exhibitor and of what Show judges are looking for on the show bench. Including general show discussion. Early Show entries can be lodged at the meeting, you can also down load the schedule from this link down below.

Thank you.

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 20/02/2023

Hello friends and club members.

It was lovely to see you all on Wednesday 8th, we had a great turn out on our first club meeting for the year.

Like to thank our special speaker guest Zaylee from Brimbank City Council Environment and Sustainability Liaison Officer. So much info about pollinators and which plants to plant in our garden.

Images down below is our show bench for the night, thank you for everyone that entered. They are stunning.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 8th March at 7pm. Our special guest speaker is Helen from Neutrog. She will be talking about a fantastic new product called Popul8 an Advanced Soil Biological Formula.

Don't forget Chris our Club President will provide members with an insight on being a better Show exhibitor and of what Show judges are looking for on the show bench. Including general show discussion. Early Show entries can be lodged at this meeting.

Have a lovely week, see you all soon.

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 19/02/2023

Message from the President.
5 February 2023

Fellow members and garden friends,​​​

I hope and wish all of us a healthy peaceful and harmonious 2023 and your gardening efforts to flourish.

Our club has undertaken to conform the guidelines provided by Brimbank Council on environmental matters and on some aspects our club had proceeded prior to the directives. We will provide members with a more detailed update at our meetings.

My love and respect and that of our committee and members to you that prior, presently and tomorrow dealing with the death of a much-loved person, confronting ill health both physically and emotionally, celebrated or celebrating a happy momentous event in your life, no matter what circumstances you are in you are definitely not alone.

I thank everyone that contributes to our club and at our meetings, with entries to the competition tables, trading table, donations for raffle prizes, supper, and helping with setting up and tidying up so that all of us can go home a bit early.

Our club belongs to you and us, we function wonderfully with us volunteering. And of recent times I personally need your assistance more so than in the past.

Good luck and enjoyment gardening BUT don't hesitate to put your good selves as a priority and protections whilst gardening and also always read instructions and adhere carefully to these.


I will not provide a list as to what to grow this month instead just a reminder of some tasks to undertake in your patch.

A watering routine is essential, not to only water when you remember. Water early evening for optimum results taking care to protect yourself from mosquitoes.

Fertilise with the specified product that is required for your particular plants both liquid and dry products.
Examine your plants often to detect potential problems or already manifested one. My own tomato patch was affected by caterpillars. I utilised a product called Dipel for a good outcome. If you are not squeamish, use eye detection and fingers to remove the offenders. Look for mite infestation, earwigs, snails, rodents, and fungal diseases on your plants.

Deadhead and disbud for an abundance of flowers and quality blooms. Deadheading and disbudding flowers, vegetables, fruit and nuts (if appropriate) will reward you with additional quality.

Protect your plants by providing them with the required support to withstand wind, rain and at times their own growth.

Visit a specialist show like the Victoria Dahlia Society Annual Show and the Rose Society of Victoria Rose Show. Check their websites for more information. As well check our sister club and friends at Williamstown Garden Club Inc.

Good luck and enjoyment gardening BUT don't hesitate to put your good selves as a priority and protections whilst gardening and also always read instructions and adhere carefully to these.

Looking forward to seeing you ALL AGAIN.

Chris Michalopoulos.
President Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club Inc

Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 19/02/2023

The next Club meeting is at 7 pm on Wednesday 8 March 2023

Speaker: Helen Lovel from NEUTROG
Topic: Popul8

An Advanced Soil Biological Formula developed and manufactured by Neutrog

Following Helens presentation, Show Manager Chris will provide members with an insight on being a better Show exhibitor and of what Show judges are looking for on the show bench. Including general show discussion. Early Show entries can be lodged at this meeting.

The 102nd Annual Autumn Show
Saturday 18 March 2023, 11 am to 4 pm

Setting up our show will be undertaken from 2pm on Friday 17th March.

Staging of exhibits from 7.00 pm to 10.45 pm on the Friday 17th or on Saturday 18th from 8.00am till 9.50 am.

Judging will commence at 10.00 am so please take time in your consideration.

Show Schedule printed copies can be collected at the March meeting.

This year's special show guest will be Rob Kerr from the Melbourne chapter of the Victorian Apiarist Association. Rob will provide us with all things on bee keeping and how we as gardeners can assist our super heroes the bees to thrive. Local honey will be available for tasting and for sale.

Nurture your plants for the show and please consider donating some quality plants for our show plant sale.


102nd Annual Show - UPDATE.

Saturday the 18th of March 11.00am-4.00pm.

Setting up our show will be undertaken on Friday the 17 th of March @2.00 pm.

We need you if you're able to attend to help our club.

Exhibitors can stage their exhibits from 7.00 pm on the 17 th till 10.45 pm .

Or on Saturday the 18th from 8.00am till 9.50 am ,Judging will commence at 10.00 am so please take time in your consideration.

Schedules are available at our meeting tonight Wednesday 8th and can be viewed on our website. Click on SHOW SCHEDULE (In Blue)

Nurture your plants for the show and please consider donating some quality plants for our show plant sale any queries please discuss with Robyn.

Exhibitors to our show residing 35 kms from Glengala Hall will receive a fuel voucher.

This year's special show guest will be the Victorian Apiarist Association in particular Rob Kerr from the Melbourne chapter, Rob will provide us with all things on bee keeping and how we as gardeners can assist our super heroes the bees to thrive.

Local honey will be available for tasting and for sale.

Our club has undertaken to conform the guidelines provided by Brimbank Council on environmental matters and on some aspects our club had proceeded prior to the directives.We will provide members with a more detailed update at our meetings.

Thank you.


Hello lovey Gardeners.

Happy New Year....

The garden club will be back on Wednesday 8th February at 7pm.
Our first guest speakers for 2023:

Zaylee Saint-James Turner.
From: Brimbank Council Environment and Sustainability Liaison Officer.
Topic: Plants to plant to attract pollinators and beneficial visitors to your garden.

​Helen Lovel.
Topic: New product POPUL8 and much more.

Just an reminder of 2023 Autumn Show is on Saturday 18 March. The Show Schedule is available to download and printed copies will be available for members to collect at next meeting.

Look forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting.

Thank you.


Photos from Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club's post 30/01/2023

Message from the President.
12 December 2022

Dearest gardening friends,​​​

December greetings to all, and happy healthy gardening days to embrace you.

We were successful in our application for a Brimbank Council Community Grant for 2023, with our environment and our planet's superheroes (BEES) as our grant platform mascot for our 2023 club agenda. Thank you to our Brimbank Councillors, Nantiya from Brimbank Community Grants and our dear friend Brimbank Festivals and Events Support Officer Simone, our club is very kindly supported by Our Council.

Thanks to our own Helen, Wanda and Robyn who made this successful application possible.

2023 preparations have already been initiated, our 2023 show schedule will be available at our December meeting and will be also available at our website, for the 2023 show Saturday the 18th of March only a few compulsory changes and fine tuning to our schedule was undertaken.

Our club has also initiated and embraced changes (as was evident at our Centenary Celebration Event by the use of wheat straw dinner and dessert plates) to the use of disposable plastic in our catering and show materials. Joe and myself measured up tables at the hall last Wednesday for our forthcoming purchases of reusable show bench table cloth and other necessities.

Our club welcomes and is appreciative of show exhibitor's we will also undertake to provide assistance in their transport efforts to attend our Annual Show in particular to those travelling 30 kms and more. Garden clubs and specialist horticultural societies must adapt new policies of supporting financially members/exhibitors instead of simply accumulating monies for the sake of reading out a healthy balance at the AGM.

Negotiations will commence on our club purchasing and contributing a special tree for planting in our much-loved Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne. This was agreed in principle by our members to commemorate and celebrate our club’s centennial establishment.

Members and garden club friends, as 2022 is coming to the end on behalf of our committee and members wish you ALL a Healthy Safe and Happy Festive season and good holidays.

Thank you for attending, supporting and assisting our garden club; we appreciate you. We and very much myself require your assistance from our first meeting in February 2023.

Some members and loved have or are celebrating happy momentous occasions whilst some other members are celebrating and grieving the death of much-loved ones. Our love respect and our sincere thoughts to every one of you. If I or our club could be of any assistance to you, please contact me or Rosemary and Wanda without hesitation.

My very best wishes, thanks and love for your support in this extremely difficult year personally for me.​

Chris Michalopoulos
President Sunshine Golden Age Garden Club Inc

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