Michelle Fitzgerald

Social Worker, Nutritionist, Author, Health and wellness coach.


Hello Friends,

Hope you are travelling well?

I have just done a recent article and recipe creation for this amazing Australian company.

Hope you can give it a go!

You can see it here: https://kifreshgarlic.com.au/blog/recipe--greek-style-lamb-rack

KI Fresh Garlic

Photos from Michelle Fitzgerald's post 24/02/2021

Hi Friends, here is a healthy gluten free pasta recipe that you can also do with zoodles. You cook the feta, cherry tomato, garlic gloves, and herbs with olive oil in the oven for 30 minutes, 165 deg for 20 minutes and then 200 deg for around 10 mins or golden. Once cooked, use a spoon or masher to mix everything in together. Then add cooked gluten free pasta, a can of chilli tuna, capers, anchovies, mixed pitted olives chopped- these are all to taste. Finish with some black pepper and parmesan. An easy and healthy dish that you can enjoy with a green leafy salad.


For today’s Trade it Thursday, you may like to consider a lighter, lower calorie and lower in carb lunch or dish dish, trade cream for coconut milk in a curry and cauliflower rice for white rice.


Hello lovely,

You know that face mask that’s hiding in your cupboard that you haven’t used in months? Well it’s time to get it out and use it.

Tonight before you go to bed cleanse your face and put on your mask whilst listening to your favourite wellness app and practice some deep breathing.

Put your diffuser on with some lavender essential oil and you will be well on your way to a relaxing and deep sleep.


Today’s Tasty Tuesday is Beef Stroganoff with a low carb option of Cabbage noodles, bean shoots or enoki mushrooms, or you can try all of the above!

You can also try Greek yoghurt instead of sour cream.

I always add loads of mushrooms and paprika.


Hi friends,just wanted to share this low sugar, gluten free, vegan, low carb and dairy free Yogurt that does have live probiotics. It is certified organic and is rich and creamy. Highly recommend you try it for a different healthy breakfast or snack alternative. It is great with fresh fruit, in smoothies or with museli.


Hey lovely,

Do you feel hungry after you finish your meal? You go for a healthy option and then still feel hungry and then go for some chips or chocolate?

I have some Monday Motivation tips to help you this week to keep you full and help you avoid those unhealthy snacks.

1. Keep track of your water content and ensure you are drinking water from when you wake up, this will keep you hydrated and ensure you don’t miss interpret hunger for thirst
2. On your plate have quarter protein source, quarter complex carbohydrate and half your plate with mixed vegetable and lots of green vegetables
3. Use lentils and beans to bulk up your main meals this will keep you full, great source of fibre and protein
4. Wait at least 20 minutes before you eat anything after you finish eating and you still feel hungry
5. Drink green or white tea during the day as it is full of antioxidants and reducing your appetite helping you reduce snacking


Happy Friday

Here is some flavourful ideas you can try this weekend that are super healthy, tasty and good for your gut.

The flavour combination I recommend is Tamari, white miso paste, garlic, ginger and chilli. Make this into a mixture and add onto salmon, veggies and eggplant is great as well and put in oven and let it caramelise- top with sesame seeds.

For two pieces of salmon fillets I would use 1-2 garlic cloves, 1 tsp grated ginger, 1 tablespoon white miso paste, a sprinkle of chilli power to taste, 1-2 tablespoons of Tamari or soy sauce.

I hope you try these ideas this weekend and allow your tastebuds to explode.


Hi lovely,

I know you love your pasta and lasagne and I gave put together a few trade ins you can consider that still hit the spot when you have an Italian craving.

Firstly Zucchini is a great substitute to pasta, you can make it into zoodles or ribbons with a peeler or zoodle maker. If you’re making a really rich and tasty pasta sauce it is actually quite delicious and you won’t feel heavy and like you can’t move after eating. Zucchini can also be used as a substitute for pasta sheets and you can use fetta and ricotta instead of traditional bechamel.

If you still are wanting something more like the traditional pasta, go for wholemeal spelt, chickpea/lentil or quinoa pasta. These options will have more nutrition, lower GI and higher in protein. They will also ensure you stay full for a longer period of time.

I hope you give these a try and would love to know your thoughts.


Hi lovely, hope you’re having a good week.

Today I’m going to talk to you about a breathing technique you can use to manage your stress levels and also support your health.

Diaphragmatic breathing is important to keep a healthy body and mind. Benefits of diaphragmatic breathing has a positive impact on the mind and body, it assists to balance hormones, assist with detoxification, digestion, gut health, levels of stress, clarity of mind, cognitive function, circulatory and lymphatic systems, muscle tension, and assists with inflammation via the vagus nerve which connects the brain to the gut microbiome and immune system.

Every morning when you wake up use your hand to block one nostril and take 10 deep breaths and exhale, then move to the other nostril and take 10 deep breaths and exhale after each breathe. When breathing concentrate on breathing through your diaphragm.

Once comfortable with this way of breathing you can breathe in through one nostril and breathe out through the other, using your hand to assist. This is an effective technique to do when you wake up, before a meeting, when feel stressed or before eating.


I know you have been looking for a quick and healthy breakfast you can have on your way to work, something that will keep you full and assist you to avoid those lovely pastries on your way to work.


- 1 frozen banana, cut into quarters
- 1-2 tbsp raw cacao powder
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1/2 cup baby spinach leaves
- 4 cubes of ice
- Collagen powder equivalent to 20g protein per serve or natural, vanilla or chocolate flavoured protein powder

Add all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Enjoy


Hey lovely,

Did you wake up with a headache and dry mouth again, feeling like you need a coffee to properly function, you stumbled out of bed and head for the coffee machine ensuring you had your first coffee before you did anything else?

Have you stopped to consider how much water you had over the weekend? How much water you drink each day? When was the last time you actually thought about or counted how many glasses of water you consume each day?

Unfortunatly the symptoms of dehydration are easily missed as humans adapt quickly to symptoms thinking that it is normal. A headache and dry mouth day in and day out doesn't have to be normal. Your body is actually very good at giving you signs and telling you something is missing, you just need to pay attention.

It is important to keep an eye out for the signs of dehydration as they can be serious. Symptoms can be thirst, agitation, mouth dryness, headache, dizziness, muscle cramp/weakness, fatigue/sleepiness, constipation, digestion issues and strong and dark urine. Severe dehydration symptoms can be fainting, anxiety, anger, irritability, disorientation, confusion, lack of sweating, lack of urination, low blood pressure, fever and increased heartbeat.

Pay attention to the symptoms above and be mindful about how much water you are drinking each day.

A good starting point is 8 standard glasses or 2 litres per day, which would need to be increased when drinking caffeine and exercise. I hope you will start to pay attention to how much water you are consuming and your daily symptoms you experience. Easy ways to incorporate water into your day is drinking water with lemon, cucumber, mint, food grade essential oils, herbal teas and mineral water.


Wonderful Chilli, is so versatile and so many varieties are available, from red, green, orange and yellow.

Chilli doesn't always have to be super spicy and if you don't like too much spice just remove the seeds. I recommend chopping a tiny amount of the pointy tip and place on your tongue to get an idea of how hot it is before you start chopping and including it into your dish.

Chilli is great in pasta, stir fry, curries, quiches, dips, flavoured oils, muffins and biscuits! It also tastes great withe dark chocolate.

Chilli is great for your metabolism, clearing out your sinuses and supporting your immune system.


Hey lovely, I hope you are finding 'Get on the Swaps' from my Empower eMag really helpful, these were designed for you so you would a great list of easy swaps you can easily incorporate into your life now.

Eating whole foods is the way to go and when eating whole foods you don't need to worry about ingredients lists and calorie counting.

Todays Trade it in Thursday is focused on some easy breakfast swaps. Did you know breakfast is one meal that people actually consume or exceed the maximum recommend intake for sugar in one meal?

What can you try?
- Swap cereal with organic whole oats
- Swap dried/canned/juiced fruit for fresh fruit, berries are great as they are high in antioxidants
- Swap flavoured yoghurts with greek full fat yoghurt
- Swap two slices of white bread for two slices of wholemeal sourdough rye bread
- Swap butter with tahini or avocado
- Swap grains for an egg veggie omelette

Make meal prep work for you 26/01/2021

Good Morning friends, have you got your free spot to my webinar on Tuesday 8th of Feb at 8pm, it will be a 40 minute session on how to ensure you have healthy foods on hand at all times and how to master meal prep that is actually easily incorporated in your daily habits. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/make-meal-prep-work-for-you-tickets-138108611575

Make meal prep work for you Webinar to learn how to make meal prep work for you, we will discuss some practical steps you can easily incorporate into your life.


Hey friend,

Good morning and welcome to a new day, a blank page for you to write on. How do you feel this morning? Did you not sleep well again and woke up putting your alarm on sleep multiple times?

Sleep deprivation problem is real and it can cause a range of symptoms that can include: negative impact on gut bacteria, poor creativity, poor memory, poor judgement, increased stress, impulsiveness, increase appetite, tiredness, weight gain, hormones disruption, mood changes/irritability and the heart has to work harder to keep the body alert.

Do any of symptoms sound familiar to you? It may be because you are actually sleep deprived.

I really want you to sleep well and wake up rested, prioritise you and your body each night and really try to get in your 8 hours each night. I have put together some options for you to try before going to bed to help have a restful sleep: have a regular bed time, have a warm bath with epsom salts with essential oils and like lavender or camomile, drinking a camomile or passionflower tea, read a book, pray or meditate, relaxing breathing, aromatherapy, keep your phone away at least two hours before bed, turn off all electronic devices as light stimulation interferes with hormone signalling which assists with sleep and sleep in a dark cool room.


Hi Lovely, are you wanting to try a new and healthy snack, addition to your lunch or want to up your veggies? I know what it's like to get stuck in a rut and want to try something different.

This tasty snack is simple to put together and can be made easily with what you have on hand.

You will need zucchini, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, danish feta and wholemeal tortilla.

All you need to do is peel your zucchini into ribbons like pictured, drizle with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and crumble on some danish feta. Cut the wholemeal tortilla into small triangles and bake at 180 deg for 5-10 minutes until golden.

Take a serve of the tortilla chips with the zucchini and feta and voila!


Hello lovely people, I hope you had a great Monday.

There is a new social media platform called Clubhouse, it is currently available by invite only. Essentially it is going into private chat rooms where you can learn and share via audio only. I will be using this each week to teach you how to address some of those challenges your experiencing with cooking, shopping, organising your fridge and pantry and making healthy and nutritious choices. I would love to send you an invite to come join Clubhouse so please let me know if you would like to join.


Hey Lovely, I hope you had a good weekend.

Did you run out of time to do your meal prep this weekend? Its okay, I understand and have been there before. I just want you to know that it is not too late and you can start today. Doing small bursts of meal prep each day or at least 4 days per week is a much easier and sustainable way to eat healthy and nutritious food. Today I encourage you to spend 15 minutes boiling some eggs, cooking some brown rice or quinoa, poaching some chicken or chopping vegetables ready for salads, stiry frys, snacks, roasting or curries. Once done, keep them in sealed containers in an easy to reach section of your fridge/freezer. This will help you feel in control of making great choices for your health this week and will start a new healthy habit for 2021.


What is your favourite part of Empower eMag?

I am so so happy with all of your lovely comments and feedback and am so glad that you have found it to be helpful and practical to enhance your health and well-being. If you feel comfortable I would love you to share your favourite part and even if you would like to post your check list with some extra additions that would be awesome. Thank you again.


What is your biggest pain point when it comes to cooking and eating healthy and nutritious food?


So excited to release my new eMag EMPOWER to help you start a healthy and happy 2021. We have been living in some very stressful and testing times so my eMag includes great tips to help you when you are feeling this way. If you would like your copy sent to you via email, please send me a private message.


Good Morning everyone and Happy Sunday, I have been a bit quiet lately as I have been putting together your New Years gift for 2021, EMPOWER eMag is here and ready to send to you. I am so excited to share this with you. Due to Facebook privacy settings, I am unable to see all my followers so if you would love a copy of this Lifestyle eMag that will be your lifestyle guide for 2021 please send me a private message

Photos from Michelle Fitzgerald's post 30/12/2020

My new recipe creation, Mexican Happy bowl for the win, send me a private message for the recipe :)


Today’s Tasty Tuesday is Swiss brown mushroom bruschetta.

So simple and tasty! What you need is, crusty bread, garlic, swiss brown mushroom, goats cheese and some micro herbs or herbs to garnish. Would you like the recipe? A great vegetarian starter for Christmas


Motivation Monday today is about trying a new vegetable each week, each vegetable has different vitamins, nutrients and flavour. It is a good idea to provide your body with a variety. Spend 10 minutes today looking at some new vegetables to try or perhaps a vegetable you hated as a kid. Markets are a great place to find some unusual and exotic options. Would love to know what you try?


Hey Friends, I have some exciting news..my new eBook is going to be released very soon!

Photos from Michelle Fitzgerald's post 17/12/2020

Today’s Flavour Friday is beautiful and delicious home made kheema Naan with yoghurt. Delicious Indian spices good for the soul. You make the naan dough seperated to the kheema (mince meat). Who would love to know how to make this?

Photos from Michelle Fitzgerald's post 16/12/2020

Bonus post for Wellness Wednesday- take time to smell the roses. There is something so precious, beautiful, uplifting and therapeutic about nature and growing your own makes it even more special. Have a think about how you can bring the outdoors inside and look at planting some new colourful plants in your garden, courtyard or have indoor plants. I’m sure they will bring you true joy and happiness.

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