Mama Reiki Healing

Qualified Reiki Healer | 1:1 Distant Reiki | Healing for Mamas and Women | Peace Hope Love ๐Ÿ’“ |




"Pluto enters Capricorn during its retrograde period. This aspect can push us out of our comfort zone and force us to confront some ongoing issues that have been going on in our world for far too long. Material matters are brought into focus as well as finances, relationships, living environments, as well as how we view traditions. This alignment can bring about some vast transformation to our world and will shake things up. Get complete Astrology guidance in my Astro Forecast eBook here:" ~Ara

๐ŸŒ™Get complete insight + daily astrological guidance + Eclipse Season info with my Astro Forecast eBook guide, learn more here:

โญ๏ธGet Astrology Charts here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit

The Goddess Circle



On the first day of the new month, don't forget to say 'rabbit, rabbit, rabbit' when you first wake (and before you utter another word) tomorrow! Saying rabbit or hare x 3 is an old custom across the British Isles/Celtic Lands meant to insure a month of good luck! ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡ Good luck & Welcome September! ๐ŸŒ” "Rabbit when the moon came down"~๐Ÿฐ Illustration by Feridun Oral




"The Sun enters Virgo which can shift our attention to more practical, tangible concerns. Itโ€™s time to get down to business, Virgo reminds us. This is the time to get working on putting plans in action and working towards what we want to accomplish. Virgo wants us to get ready and organized for what is to come. This can be somewhat muddled with the Mercury Retrograde. But Virgo asks that we try to focus on what needs to be done. Virgo connects us with wanting to serve the world through our medicine, but reminds us to celebrate these gifts. Being humble is one thing, but remember to receive praise for your accomplishments. Get complete Astrology guidance in my Astro Forecast eBook here:" ~Ara

๐ŸŒ™Get complete insight + daily astrological guidance with my Astro Forecast eBook guide, learn more here:

โญ๏ธGet Astrology Charts here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit

The Goddess Circle



๐ŸŒ Feel the pull? See the light? It's now mid-August, and the moons full tonight! A super-moon so close to earth you can feel its great might. Hear the crickets and tree-toads, smell the flowers at night, it's the last moon of high summer so take in the sight! ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿฆ—๐Ÿณโœจ
The full moon in August was traditionally known as Green Corn Moon or Sturgeon Moon (Native American), Barley Moon, Fruit Moon, and Grain Moon (from Old English/Anglo-Saxon). These names acknowledge and celebrate early harvest. This full moon offers a great time to forage from the abundance of summer herbs, seeeds, grain and fruit to dry, or preserve in flavorful tinctures, oils, salves, cordials, jams, jelly, pesto, vinegar, shrub, beer, gruit, and ointments. What will you be harvesting with the full moon this week?



Dear Cosmic Community, Are you feeling a potent, silent cry that's arising from within? Perhaps this first SUPER FULL MOON of 2024 is slowing you down a little and forcing you to re-consider what's most important to you? Soul's presence is strongly leading.

You may have an uncomfortable sense that something or someone is thinking about you. And you're right. With Mercury retrograde past its halfway mark, you're being shown how to re-route yourself onto a healthier communication path for all.

And so, if you get the chance to be out under the Super Moon, as you look up, just imagine millions of souls all doing the same around the planet. In that: we align...

Dear Tip-Off Members, reassess and embrace the power of this Super Moon by listening to (or reading) today's energy forecasts and life guide. You'll be glad that you did โœจ

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We are calling the Grandmothers,
Mothers, Sisters,
Aunts, Daughters
The wild women
The crones
The seers & midwives
The mountain & desert women
The soul summoners
The water carriers
The tenders & feelers of Earth
The ocean women who are rising the tide
The fire women who are ready to roar
The girls who already breathe consciously with the trees
and the elders who choose to sing the song
that ends the desecration of our world.
We are calling you to to rise together now.
You are invited to unite & awaken
to who, what you really are,
on behalf of the forests,
on behalf of the trees,
on behalf of Life.

- Clare Dubois

Art by Amanda Clark




"The Lions Gate Sirius alignment peak occurs on August 8th. This energy is reminding us to stay focused on what we authentically want, as it is a powerful time of manifestation. This powerful time gives us chances to make some very big changes and transitions in our lives in correlation to our path, our intimate relationships and our purpose. This is a huge pull towards the unveiling of our authentic selves, our truth and our light. This is gifting us the chance to make some huge shifts in our lives, in our environments, our feelings, our work and in our relationships. Get my detailed Lion's Gate Guide and Astrology Forecast here in my Astro Forecast:" ~Ara

โœ…Get complete guidance on the transformational Lion's Gate Portal and daily astrological guidance with my Astro Forecast Publication. Be ready for all the powerful change and transformation that is coming to your world, learn more here:

โœ…Get your personal Astrology Charts here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit



2024 The 8 Universal Year: The Year of Solar Maximum: A Complex, Physical Year: Humanity faces rapid change...

I know that you're feeling it. Under The POWER DAY of 8:8:8 momentum is strong and is set to continue. Turning points arrive!

Rather than just 'spiritually seeking' we must also apply ourselves 'physically' and be 'spiritually doing'. Every being on Earth is changing into a higher version of themselves. Every one of us - trust in this ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

Thank you ~ to every member in our Tip-Off community who has been reaching out to me, letting me know that you're feeling it and how 'on-point and life-enhancing' my daily energy forecasts are in August.

In this PHYSICAL year, knowing how the planetary movements are about to influence you is a non-negotiable. I'll see you in today's ALL-NEW Tip-Off for August 9 - 15 for all the daily direction and assistance โญ๏ธ

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"The New Moon is occurring in Leo at 12 degrees on August 4 at 7:13 AM ET. The Leo New Moon brings some welcome courage and fire flowing in our veins. This can be a powerful boost that can get us inspired to work on the projects or ideas that are calling to us right now.

There can be great inspiration during this time as we traverse the lessons of the Lionโ€™s Gate season and make plans for the future. We are reminded to listen to our heart in all things. Leo is a fire sign and action oriented and this Moon is telling us to pay attention to where we are being called. There may be a tendency to overindulge right now or to take part in gossip. Leo is telling us to steal clear of these, as they may have a tendency to come back and haunt us. Get my New Moon Report + Lion's Gate Portal info + complete Astrology guidance in my Astro Forecast Publication eBook here:" ~Ara

๐ŸชGet my complete New Moon Report + Lion's Gate Portal info & daily Astrology guidance here in my monthly Astro Forecast:
โญ๏ธGet personalized Astrology Charts here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit



๐Ÿฆ ๐—ก๐—ฒ๐˜„ ๐— ๐—ผ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—Ÿ๐—ฒ๐—ผ!

In Leoโ€™s realm, where royalty, honor, and leadership reign, you can fully embrace your power, creativity, and authority. New Moons typically favor new beginnings, but you want to connect with your heart before declaring your intentions.

Mercury stations retrograde tomorrow. Now is an ideal time to feel your heart and review which ventures are worth pursuing.

๐–๐ž'๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฅ๐ข๐จ๐ง'๐ฌ ๐๐จ๐ฆ๐š๐ข๐ง, ๐ฌ๐จ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐๐ž๐ฌ๐ข๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฎ๐๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฎ๐๐ฅ๐ฒ.

Notice what sparks joy inside you. If you feel undervalued or unrewarded, dare to ask for moreโ€”youโ€™re worth it. When you showcase your unique talents, you leave a lasting impression on the world.

Thereโ€™s no need to force itโ€”your distinctiveness naturally makes you shine. When you engage in pursuits that light you up inside, opportunities naturally come your way.

Remember to play. Approach the day with wonder. You deserve all good things, so allow them to come to you joyfully!



As August begins, can you feel a stirring within? With 5 planetary retrogrades about to be in play and an approaching pinnacle energy of 2024 with The Power Day of 8:8:8, if your human reality isn't yet measuring up to your spiritual instructions, it soon will be!

Be ready today and know how the universal energy is influencing 'your life' each day. Join with the influx of new and returning members who are taking advantage of an annual membership to the 'valuable' Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast and Life Guide ๐Ÿ’—




"Mercury enters Virgo which can help us get details together and organize thoughts, plans and ideas. This can be beneficial to get plans into action and to complete todo lists which can make large tasks much more manageable to accomplish. This can be a good time to clean up and clear out home and work spaces in order to facilitate a clear flow of energy. This aspect can also be beneficial for clear, direct conversation. Be aware during this energy that you donโ€™t take on more than you should. Sometimes we need to trust in others to help. Get complete Astrology guidance + Lion's Gate guidance in my Astro Forecast monthly eBook here:" ~Ara

๐ŸชGet daily astrological + Lion's Gate guidance with my Astro Forecast eBook guide, learn more here:

โญ๏ธGet Astrology Charts here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit




"The Full Moon is occurring in Capricorn at 29 degrees on July 21 at 6:17 AM ET. This is the second Capricorn Full Moon in a row which is supercharging its determination, strength, and ability to get things done.

The Capricorn Full Moon is showing us where we need to push forward past the discomfort that is surrounding us in order to obtain what we desire. This can be a call to look at beliefs, wounds, actions or thoughts that are holding us back on our path forward. This Full Moon is ushering in some big changes into the world, and it can be difficult to deal with at times. We are being asked to be present with what is making us uncomfortable in order to heal and move forward in a positive way.

This intense lunar energy is tearing up the foundations of the past which can mean shifts in society, in our way of doing things, and the urge to change our daily lives. Make sure during this intense energy that you take the time needed to ground and center your energy. Get my Full Moon Report + complete Astrology guidance + Lion's Gate Portal info in my Astro Forecast Publication eBook here:" ~Ara

๐ŸชGet my complete Full Moon Report & daily Astrology guidance + Lion's Gate Portal info here in my monthly Astro Forecast:
โญ๏ธGet personalized Astrology Charts here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit



"When Black Moon Lilith moves into the sign of Libra, the slogan could be โ€œfighting for peaceโ€. Rebellious renegade Lilith can bring a spark to balancing our world and the need to work together in order to move things forward. Look to the ones that are creating harmony and those who are creating chaos and discord, Lilith reminds us. The time has come to move away from the troublemakers and connect with those of a like mind who want to raise people up instead of tearing them down. Lilith taps into our rage and can fire us up towards fighting for what we believe in and revolution against outdated paradigms. In this Libra placement, it can give us the ability to work with others towards those aims. Get complete Astrology guidance in my Astro Forecast monthly eBook here:" ~Ara

๐ŸชGet daily astrological guidance with my Astro Forecast eBook guide, learn more here:

โญ๏ธGet Astrology Charts here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit



You carry Mother Earth within you.

She is not outside of you.

Mother Earth is not just your environment.

In that insight of inter-being,

it is possible to have real

communication with the Earth,

which is the highest form of prayer.

โ€” Thich Nhat Hanh

Painting: UluแนŸu and wildflowers
toni carmine salerno



Tomorrow is the culmination of intense energy; Mars, the planet of aggression, violence, and war, is meeting up with the planet of surprises and unexpected events (Uranus).

This buildup has been active all week. Our world is a mirror of the cosmos.

We're also nearing the end of a significant cycle. Neptune is completing its journey through Pisces, a time of emotional depth and healing. Old patterns are surfacing to be acknowledged and released.

The upcoming second Full Moon in Capricorn, also in the final degree of mastery, further amplifies this need to tap into your power and claim your authority.

It's natural to feel overwhelmed during times of transition. But even in the midst of chaos, there's an opportunity to find your center, your inner peace.

If you're feeling the weight of these energies, I encourage you to take time for self-care, connect with your intuition, and find practices that ground you.

Although you can't change the entire world by yourself (I know you'd like to!), changing your inner world has a positive impact on the planet and the collective.

If you're being triggered by childhood trauma, lack of connection, or uncertainty, know that you have the power to heal. By staying centered and grounded, you can respond to any circumstance with grace and integrity.

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. We're all navigating these powerful energies together.

You have more power than you realize!

PS - I'm hosting an online event to heal your past (including past lives) and create a more empowered future and joyful present.
Learn more here:



"Affirmations are powerful phrases that plant positive seeds within us, aid us in shifting our beliefs and support us in challenging times. I'm going to share some powerful affirmations to use when you wish to bless or clear the energy in your home.

You can say each one of these affirmations on their own or you can use all of them as a mini grounding ritual or pair them with crystals to supercharge the energy.

"My home is a magnet for positive energy. My home is filled with happiness and joy. My home is a sacred space that is full of abundant vibrations. May all who enter my home bring good intentions. I am supported fully by the Universe." ~Ara

๐Ÿ’ŽUse Selenite, Citrine, Amethyst, Labradorite, Black Obsidian, Golden Healer Quartz, & Quartz for home blessing and clearing

๐Ÿ’ŽYou can find these crystals here in my Etsy Shop:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit




"The Full Moon is occurring in Capricorn at 1 degree on June 21 at 9:08 PM ET. This Capricorn Full Moon can be illuminating the need for us to stand up and assume authority in our lives. This may be at work, in our personal lives, or at home. The time has come to rise to the occasion and to take charge. We need to lead by example and show others in our actions what we believe.

Capricorn reminds us that we have to stake our claim, to stand up and embrace what it is we want. This energy can also mean power struggles and challenges. There may be some who want to take over or to silence the needs of others, but they need to be recognized. Your truth is important. Don't hold yourself back or lose faith. Get my Full Moon Report + complete Astrology guidance in my Astro Forecast Publication eBook here:" ~Ara

๐ŸชGet my complete Full Moon Report & daily Astrology guidance here in my monthly Astro Forecast:
โญ๏ธGet personalized Astrology Charts here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit




"The Winter Solstice occurs on June 20/21 in the Southern Hemisphere. The Winter Solstice brings with it the increase of hope, abundance and the promise of growth that is to come after we journey through the depths of the dark cycle of the year and through our own internal shadows.

During this time, there is much celebration of the upcoming season, of moving into the direction of the possibility and of celebrating the lessons that have come into our life during the shadow time as we peel back the layers that no longer fit us.
The Winter Solstice is a time of inward reflection and digging deep to find what it is that we are wanting to bring into our future. When we move through shadow-lands, we have the ability to have an increase in clarity as to what we are wanting to have be our reality in the future.

This is a time of journeying within, of moving into the shadows and finding the deepest truth that lives inside. During the Winter Solstice, we move through the shadows and into a time of rebirth and renewal, moving once more in the direction of the fires of Summer." ~Ara

๐ŸŒ™Get daily astrological guidance with my Astro Forecast Publication eBook guide sign up here:

โญ๏ธGet Astrology Charts here:
Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit



๐ŸชThe Astro Forecast: June 2024 Edition
๐ŸชDownload eBook here:
"June ushers in a time of great metamorphosis. As we move away from the past, new pathways are opening up and the time has come to embrace the beginnings that are calling to us. Things are shifting whether we want them to or not, and the time has come to flow with the tide of transformation that surrounds us. Saturn joins Pluto Retrograde and heavily influences this time of change. Over the upcoming months, things will look dramatically different. Have courage. We have the strength to deal with these ever-changing times." ~Ara

๐ŸชGet The Astro Forecast: June 2024 Edition here:

Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit




"I am protected. I let go of what no longer serves my highest good. I am connected to my emotions. I embrace every aspect of my being.โ€ ~Ara

๐Ÿ’ŽFind Black Moonstone here in my Etsy shop:
Writing (c) C. Ara Campbell, please credit



Perfect teaching...



"Justified rage is what clears the path for the new to be built. It is what burns old systems to the ground so that we can RISE from the ashes." ~Jaclyn Cherie, "Kali Rising, Holy Rage"


The Nephilim Rising
Girl God Books
Goddess Circle




The kind fates have blessed my home. The kind fates have blessed my heart. The kind fate has blessed my loved ones. I offer thanks with a humble heart. I thank the Goddess for my life. I thank the Goddess for my love. I thank the goddess for continued blessings already on their way. Blessed be.

๐ŸŒ™Get complete Full Moon guidance + Eclipse Season Forecast and daily astrological insight with my Astro Forecast Publication eBook guide. Learn more here:

โญ๏ธGet personalized Astrology Charts here:



Let go of your stressors โœจ๐ŸŒš๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿชทโ„๏ธ

๐ŸŒธ ๐—™๐˜‚๐—น๐—น ๐—™๐—น๐—ผ๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐— ๐—ผ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—ฆ๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—ถ๐˜๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐˜‚๐˜€

Our Full Moon is so gorgeous I want to jump up and kiss it!

It is our "luckiest" lunation of the year. Of course, luck is yours to make. It's a combination of staying true to yourself, believing in your abilities, and being present for possibilities.

Two benefic planets are blessing this delightful event - Jupiter and Venus. The planets of expansion and love are finishing up their time in Ta**us. They're exact in the mastery degree of this earth-loving sensual sign.

Jupiter teaches you to dream big and reach for the stars. It's the largest planet in the solar system (and also Sagittarius' ruler), always showing you how to expand your mind to dream up new possibilities.

While in a celestial kiss with Venus, you're learning how to open your heart to receive all the blessings the Universe can muster.

Full Moons are a time when things in your life come full circle. Celebrate your successes and let go of your stresses.

Enjoy this beautiful energy!

PS - This is the perfect time to take my Soulful Money Mastery course. It will help you open your heart, mind and soul to receive more of all the goodness life has to offer:



Agreed ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Visit my site for my Astro Forecast publication, Astrology Charts, & Card Readings:



Samhain: May 1/May 5 {SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE}

"The wheel of the year turns and we are come to Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere where it is celebrated traditionally on April 30/May 1, but the exact date is May 5 this year. The veil between the worlds is the thinnest and air is thick with the air of magic, death and rebirth. The mystical energy flowing at this time is truly otherworldly. This is a time for celebrating and honoring ancestors the dark goddess aspects, the crone and the ancients, ringing in the Celtic new year and a very potent night for working with energy, and powerful divination. It is a powerful night for change and for welcoming in transformation.

The time of Samhain is the time we bid farewell to the God, though temporarily, for he will once again be reborn at Yule. This is a time of reflection over our year past, a time of thin veil between worlds, recalling all those that have went before. A time of remembrance and gratitude for all that we have, all that has past and the lessons. Feast in honor of those that have gone before.

It's the beginning of the season that turns us inward to reflection, a time of delving deep into shadow-work, much like Inanna that went into the darkness, this is a powerful time of inner journeying.

Today is a powerful day for wisdom and messages from the Crone, so listen well to the winds and the earth for her blessings and her wise words. Get Astrology guidance in my monthly Astro Forecast Publication here:" ~Ara

๐ŸŒ™Get daily astrological insight with my monthly Astro Forecast Publication eBook guide, learn more here:

โญ๏ธGet Astrology Charts here:





She wants to remind you how over-stretched you were, how exhausted you were, before all of this.

How much you needed a rest.

She knows you saw that, in the quiet and she wants you to keep that close, now life has started up again.

No more using stress, tiredness and lack of time as badges of honour.

You see now that life doesnโ€™t have to be a race.

You know what value lies in the silence and the peace.

You met yourself again and she wants you to hold on tight.

Most of all she wants you to remember that the world wonโ€™t stop if you do.

Only Mother Nature can stop the world.

Take it slowly child of the universe, you're not here to burn out, youโ€™re here to burn brightly.

Protect that precious light of yours, you only get one.

โœ๏ธ Donna Ashworth
Artist: Brian Kirhagis


Reiki ๐Ÿ’

The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.

โ€“ W.B. Yeats

artยฉ๏ธtoni carmine salerno



Hi empath-identified people! Feelers. Seers. Heart Centered Humansโ€ฆ

I think a lot of yโ€™all are maxing OUT with whatโ€™s happening on the planet. Understandable.

Please remember:

LOVE is the leading edge. Youโ€™re in the lead.

We all chose to be here at this time. Powerful.

Empathy is COMMON SENSE, youโ€™re not crazy.

Nervous system regualtion has to be #1 priority.

You canโ€™t do everything you used to doโ€“โ€“not because youโ€™re weak or aging out, but because weโ€™re living in a blessed Babylonian obstacle course and we need to pivot on the daily to restore nโ€™ rise to keep empathising and birthing the New Earth. So nap, keep the Faith and do happy things. We are essential.

Super duper Love,

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