The Alfred

Alfred Health is a leading metropolitan health service in Melbourne, Australia.

For all the latest information about COVID-19 for The Alfred patients and visitors - including screening clinic information, visitor restrictions, mask regulations and more - please visit We pride ourselves on giving our patients and our community the best possible health outcomes by integrating clinical practice with research and education. Alfred Health p


Some special guests visited headspace Syndal recently 🌟

Federal Health Minister Mark Butler, Member for Chisholm Dr Carina Garland and headspace CEO Jason Trethowan dropped in to the Alfred Health-run centre for to catch up with staff and volunteers.

headspace Syndal's Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) members Leonie, Beth and Sahiba filled them in on upcoming projects, and their experiences in raising awareness of youth mental health and early help seeking. headspace staff and volunteers enjoyed the opportunity to connect and highlight the range of support services available for young people aged 12 to 25.


Our hard-working nurses now have access to additional transformative training and development opportunities, both locally and abroad, thanks to a new fund backed by the generosity of donors.

Coordinated by The Alfred Foundation, The Alfred Nurses Fund will support further improvements in patient care by enabling professional development for more nurses – including support for research projects, observation of global best practice or attendance at conferences.

These opportunities will deliver ongoing community benefits, as nurses will bring back ideas and experiences to their colleagues and the broader health sector.

Thank you to everyone – including nurses past and present – who supported the launch of The Alfred Health Nurses Fund this week.

If you're interested in supporting the fund, visit here:


Spring has sprung, and while the wild weather is the talk of the town, now is the perfect time to get hay fever-ready.

“About one in five people in Melbourne will experience some form of allergy such as hay fever this spring,” said A/Prof Joy Lee, from The Alfred’s Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology Clinic.

“While some symptoms may be limited to nasal congestion, a runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes, some people are more severely impacted, and in both cases it pays to be prepared.”

A/Prof Lee says intra-nasal steroids, which can be purchased over the counter at chemists, are a particularly effective form of prevention.

“It’s also important that people with asthma talk to their GP about their action plans, keep an eye on the pollen count and weather conditions, and are aware of thunderstorm asthma warnings.”

You can stay up-to-date at


We're having a great day down at Southern Cross Station raising money for our Critical Care Appeal, alongside 3AW, Bulla and Jayco.

Alfred clinicians will continue to be on radio throughout the day, and tomorrow morning, talking about the care they provide to the community.

This year's appeal is raising money for a Quadra - a world class scanner that will transform the speed with which the cancer is detected and treated, said Director of Oncology, Prof Mark Shackleton (pictured, with 3AW's Tom Elliott).

“Its impact will be revolutionary and the outcomes will have far-reaching benefits for all people living with cancer; not just in Australia, but globally," Prof Shackleton said.

Read more here:


Happy International Dog Day!

If you’ve been at The Alfred recently, you may have spotted therapy dog Steven, along with owner Janette Wilson, making a visit to our inpatient psychiatry unit.

Famous for his “big floppy ears that drag along the ground” and the way he “wags his tail and wants to be around everybody,” Steven can be a welcome distraction from the challenges of being in hospital.

“It's a very stressful role, so sometimes it's nice just to have a couple minutes out of your day where you can focus on something else other than work,” said Elle, a psychiatric nurse.

“For consumers as well, it helps them step out of what they're going through, and gives that therapeutic benefit to everybody.”

Steven’s work involves walking around the units and wards, receiving pats and spending time with people to help reduce stress, alleviate pain and bring about a sense of calm.

“It breaks up their day, makes them smile, it makes them chat about something that's completely different to anything they've talked about today,” Janette said.

“So, it might be about dogs, but it might be about something completely different. It might be about football.”

Steven is one of six pet therapy dogs that visit The Alfred and Caulfield Hospital. To become a pet therapy team, volunteers and their dogs go through an extensive recruitment process involving interviews, screening and behaviour training.

“I’ve been doing it for 14 years now, and I love meeting all the different people,” Janette said.

“I love seeing them smile. I like seeing the dog smile. You can see Steven smiling now.”


The countdown is on until Joseph and his team from HealthSmart open the doors to their brand new retail pharmacy at The Alfred this Monday at 8am.

You can find the new pharmacy opposite PostMart, near our main ward block lifts.

The modern, light space is part of the ongoing work happening to improve our café and retail precinct.

As part of the change, the existing HealthSmart pharmacy will remain closed all day on Sunday, 25 August.

Thank you for your understanding as we continue these important upgrades for all patients, visitors and staff.


Carnegie mum Kristen is just days away from taking on the mammoth challenge of swimming the English Channel to raise funds for youth mental health.

“I’ve set myself this goal of swimming across the English Channel because I am drawn to the idea of using this personal milestone to make a positive impact on youth mental health,” Kristen said.

In crossing the channel, Kristen hopes to raise $6,000 for three Alfred Health-operated headspace centres – Elsternwick, Bentleigh and Syndal.

“My family went through some tough times during and after lockdown, and headspace worked with my kids – both individually and with the family as a whole – to process the hurt and find a way to move forward together more harmoniously,” said Kristen.

To qualify for an attempt, Kristen first had to prove that she could swim for at least six hours in 15-degree waters, managing an impressive 8 hours and 40 minutes at Half Moon Bay in Sandringham.

“It really helped with my cold-water confidence,” said Kristen. “My strategy of gaining 10 kilograms has paid off big time.”

Kristen will begin her 34km journey next week, and you can make a donation or follow her fundraising progress here:


You may have seen sunflowers dotted across the hospital recently.

But did you know they have an important meaning?

The Alfred, Sandringham Hospital and Caulfield Hospital have become the first metropolitan hospitals in Victoria to roll out the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower, which supports patients with non-visible disabilities by signalling to those around them that they may need extra understanding, help or time.

“Coming to hospital can be overwhelming and we’re always looking for ways we can help all patients feel more at ease,” says Jenny who works with hospital volunteers like Brian (pictured) at The Alfred Centre reception to support visitors when needed.

“When we see someone wearing a sunflower pin or lanyard, that’s our cue to take a bit more time to find out if there’s something they need – whether it be a glass of water and chat, a quieter space to wait, or help to organise a ride home.”

To learn more visit:


Nurses are commonly the first faces that patients see when arriving in an emergency department. They are also among those who leave the most lasting impression.

You can learn more about our extraordinary team of emergency nurses in the clip below, and discover the full length video via:


Our feet are home to 250,000 sweat glands, 8000 nerves, 107 ligaments, 33 joints, 26 bones and 19 muscles, but did you know that as many as one-in-five Australians suffer from foot pain?

With foot pain linked to conditions such as heart disease, circulatory issues, gout and diabetes, the diversity of each day is something that podiatrist Sikhie Samarasekera says drew him to the profession.

“Every day is different,” said Sikhie. “I have always been interested in a career in health care, but I chose podiatry in the end because of how diverse the case load can be.

“Some days we're up on the wards supporting patients who are acutely ill due to their foot wounds, other days we're working together with other medical teams in our outpatient clinics.”

Professional foot care has been around for thousands of years and the positive, and at times profound, impact that podiatrists can have on patients’ lives is also a highlight.

“It is rewarding to see the same patients frequently and be able to see the difference I have made to their lives, including getting them back to doing the activities that they love,” said Sikhie.

“If you're someone with an interest in hands-on-care and problem solving, podiatry is a great career to achieve that fulfillment and have an impact.”


Prostate cancer patients in Gippsland now have access to a breakthrough treatment that dramatically cuts radiation therapy time, as part of a partnership between The Alfred and Latrobe Regional Health.

Traralgon man Wayne Barnes (pictured left, with Alfred Specialist Radiation Oncologist A/Prof Wee Ong) was the first person at Latrobe Regional Health to receive Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR) a high-precision, high-dose radiation treatment that means patients attend five sessions, rather than 20.

A/Prof Ong said the partnership, which involves Alfred specialists supporting the delivery of cancer care in Gippsland, can help patients have a better experience and recovery.

“Being able to access the same specialist care as patients in metropolitan Melbourne, but closer to home, can make a big difference for regional patients,” said A/Prof Ong.

“Being within your community, not having to travel as far, and experiencing less financial and time cost, can ease the burden during a time of great stress.”


What better way to understand how our hospitals and services function than getting face-to-face with those who care for and support our patients?

That’s exactly what our new Chief Executive, Adam Horsburgh, did last week as he hit the wards to meet some of our frontline staff at The Alfred. He said that learning about our services and hearing directly from employees is a priority for him.

“I’ve had such a warm welcome, and it was great to meet so many clinical and office staff in my first week with Alfred Health,” Adam said.

“I am very excited to work alongside such talented individuals across the health service to build on the organisation’s reputation as a leader of acute and complex healthcare in Victoria.”


For Ian, attending the new mind-body classes offered at the Paula Fox Melanoma and Cancer Centre allows him to care for his emotional and physical wellbeing while undergoing cancer treatment.

“After the classes I just spark right up,” said Ian, who at 80 has spent most of his life being active.

Based on research that reveals the benefits of exercise and mindfulness in conjunction with traditional cancer treatments, the Minderoo Foundation Wellness Centre offers complimentary weekly pilates, rest and recovery (meditation) and restorative yoga classes for all Alfred Cancer patients.

“I’m happy to meet other patients and have smiles and laughter around me; it’s such a positive space.”

Read more:


Visitor Bob stopped by the new food and beverage options in The Alfred courtyard this week, as work to improve our new café and retail precinct continues.

Our temporary food trucks are serving a range of fresh focaccia, sandwiches, pastries and hot drinks and are open to patients, staff and visitors daily.

The visiting trucks will be with us until the new eatery space is complete later this year. As well as the trucks, Café Alfretti, located on the ground floor of The Alfred Centre, remains open to all visitors.

For more information about alternate food and beverage options while these building works are completed, please visit


Respiratory scientist Thomas was one of over 130 people to generously donate blood at the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood pop-up donor centre at The Alfred last week.

“It’s great to be able to donate blood at work,” said Thomas, who has now made an incredible 30 donations.

“It’s convenient, you can do it when it best suits and it's a good way to give back to our community."

The quarterly pop-up has now recorded almost 500 donations since it began visiting in October last year, with a record number of 50 new donors attending last week.

The Lifeblood pop-up will be back at The Alfred later this year.


The Medtildas have emerged victorious from the recent World Medical Football Championship, held on the Sunshine Coast, defeating Canada 2-0 in the blockbuster final.

Led by star Alfred Health trio Gastroenterology Consultant Dr Natassia Tan, Critical Care Registrar Dr Laura Sofoulis and General Surgery Registrar Dr Jessica Au, the Medtildas won all but one of their games on their way to becoming champions.

Dr Au also brought home the Golden Boot - the prestigious award which recognises the player who scores the most goals throughout the tournament.

Congratulations Medtildas!


Conversations about organ donation can happen at any time of year, though that all-important reminder to let your loved ones know your wishes is a central theme of DonateLife Week.

Alfred Health Donation Specialist Nursing Coordinator Freya Parrotte says having this conversation around the table can be enormously helpful.

“The most common response we get from families when we discuss organ donation is that they had never spoken about it before,” Freya said. “If your family doesn’t know your wishes, it makes it more difficult for them to make a decision on your behalf in the event of a tragedy.

“Organ donation doesn’t just save lives, it can also bring a sense of comfort to many donor families at a time of grief."

Learn more about the gift of donation during DonateLife Week (28 July to 4 August):


Three of our doctors are currently starring in the 2024 World Medical Football Championships. It’s the first time that Australia has fielded a women’s team – known as the Medtildas – for the supercharged soccer tournament.

The event sees teams of medical professionals from all around the world come together to compete, with this year’s event being hosted by Australia for the first time.

General surgery registrar Dr Jessica Au, one of three Alfred Health employees representing the Medtildas, says the opportunity to connect with fellow healthcare workers from all stages of their careers is a particular highlight.

“It’s really interesting that we've got such a complete mix,” Jess said. “We’ve got people just at the beginning of their medical journey, people later in their journey.

“It's really good to just be in an environment with people you normally work with in the hospital, but in a much more low-risk setting where you’re having fun and kicking a ball around.”

The Medtildas Green side have started the tournament particularly strongly, having lost only one game and being led by a stunning six goals for Jess so far, with Alfred Critical Care Resident Dr Laura Sofoulis having also scored three of her own.

“The team vibe has been brilliant so far and the girls are all pretty pumped for the next few games and finals,” Jess said. “To be victorious would be such an amazing feeling because we would be the inaugural winners of the tournament as the host nation, which would be a nice touch.

“But, we won’t be getting ahead of ourselves yet.”

Good luck Jess and all the Medtildas!


Young artists are being invited to pick up the brush and submit their work for a charity art show that is raising funds for youth mental health services.

“The art show is free to enter," said gallery director Andrew Rutter. "We supply canvasses, and artists have the opportunity for their art to be seen and purchased in support of a great cause."

headspace Bentleigh Youth Advisory Committee member Bella is also encouraging young artists to grab a canvas and get creative.

"Your art could help support the amazing community work that the headspace Bentleigh Early Psychosis team does to support local young people experiencing psychosis and other mental health challenges," Bella said.

Funds raised will support the work of headspace Bentleigh. Artists have until 2 August to register their participation for the exhibition which will be shown at the Minister of Art in Highett on 22 August. Email [email protected] for more information.


Diagnosis of an STI could soon be as simple as the click of a button with just a smartphone, thanks to artificial intelligence and a new app developed by researchers at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre and Monash University.

Follow the link to learn more:


We were fortunate to be able to hear the wonderful music of singer-songwriter John Wayne Parsons at The Alfred this week.

John, a proud Yuggerabul Ugarem le (man) based on Narrm (Melbourne) on the homelands of the Kulin Nation, shared his music with our staff in a fitting follow-up to NAIDOC Week 2024.

Together with his band members, Cisco and Kiko, John took us all on a journey of meaning behind symbolism on both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, and on an acoustic trip across the lands and oceans.

Thank you for the moving musical experience.


If you are visiting The Alfred you'll notice some changes to our main cafe, as work begins on updating our retail area.

As we prepare for the new space, we will be saying goodbye to the team at Alf’s Cafe on Sunday 30 June, and warmly thank them for their many years of wonderful service.

If you’re looking for a coffee or a bite to eat while you’re here, you can head to Alfretti’s on the ground floor of The Alfred Centre.

It's open Monday to Friday 6am–7.30pm and Saturday to Sunday 6.30am–7pm.

Other options are available within walking distance of the hospital on St Kilda Road and Commercial Road.

In the coming weeks we will bring on additional coffee and food services within the hospital.

Thank you for your understanding while we carry out this work.

For more information on the new precinct, opening in 2025, click here:


So You Need An Operation?

A new podcast series aims to help make preparing for surgery even easier, with patients and what they want to know front of mind for co-hosts A/Prof Christine Ball and Dr Jamie Smart.

“I think we realized that there wasn’t much out there for patients which explained the whole journey,” said Dr Smart. “Patients would get information about specific things like quitting smoking or the type of surgical procedure they’re having, but there's so much more to the whole patient journey.

“So that was where the idea for the podcast started.”

To learn more and start listening today, visit:


The world around us continues to change. As we face new pressures, we also embrace new ways of providing care, advancing research and applying emerging technologies.

The Alfred Health Strategic Plan 2024-30 is a guide that will help us navigate the next six years. It will lead us to drive innovation that responds effectively to challenges, while harnessing opportunities that support our ambition to improve the health of our community.

Our Director of Research, Prof Stephen Jane said the great excitement about the future of Alfred Health is the burning ambition to continue to improve.

“We really are looking to the stars for greater improvement in all aspects of patient care. That’s a journey we all want to be part of.”

Clinicians, carers, consumers and patients have all helped shape the direction of this ambitious strategic plan and we are pleased to share this with you.

For more on our new Strategic Plan 2024-30 check out our launch video or visit


For mother-of-one Vanessa Pouthier, Sunday 14 April began like any regular day.

“I got up early and thought I’d do some work. I prepared my hot water bottle and sat on the couch with my laptop,” said the university lecturer.

Within seconds the hot water bottle had exploded on her lap and Vanessa was rushed into a cold shower by her quick-thinking partner.

“I was in an extreme pain I’ve never felt before,” said Vanessa, who sustained 11 per cent body burns, eventually requiring two surgeries, a two week admission to The Alfred including three days in ICU, and a skin graft.

“I’ll never use one again.”

Read more:


Inviting the foods of places like Greece and Italy into your kitchens is often referred to as the Mediterranean Diet.

This diet encourages eating an abundance of fruits, vegetables, wholegrain carbohydrates and red meat alternatives – and research shows is linked to a variety of health benefits.

Two of our dietitians Tim and Ashley have combined in the below video to shed some light on the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, and offer some quick tips on how to get started.

To learn more about making sustainable changes to your diet, including which foods are right for you, reach out to a community dietitian through your GP or local community health centre.


For the up to 20 per cent of women who suffer from a condition known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), the days leading up to their period can often feel like an almost insurmountable challenge.

PMDD manifests as a severe major depression that is linked to a woman’s menstrual period, explains Professor Jayashri Kulkarni AM, Director of the Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc) and HER Centre Australia.

“It comes on cyclically, related to the menstrual cycle, and is due to fluctuations in the gonadal hormones oestrogen, progesterone and the other hormones,” said Prof Kulkarni. “But it’s in the brain that this is all happening.”

But for those suffering from PMDD, seeking or finding help for their symptoms can often be challenging, with understandings of the impact that hormones can have on mental health only now beginning to grow.

Watch the video to learn more, and be sure to speak with your GP if you feel you need advice and support.


This simple puffer holder has helped our lung function team become greener, cutting the use of inhalers from 5000 per year to just 50.

"Infection prevention measures meant staff previously used a new puffer for any patient requiring inhaled medication during their lung function assessment," said physician and sustainability researcher Dr Michael Loftus.

“We know that - due to their propellant gas - an entire MDI canister has the same carbon footprint as driving a petrol car more than 150km, so were keen to find a meaningful solution.”



If you've visited The Alfred this month you may have bumped into the Burns Team's fire safety pop up.

"We're here to help people be better prepared for fire emergencies and burns at home," said senior burns and plastics physiotherapist Shelby Wood from the Victorian Adult Burns Service at The Alfred.

"There are so many small steps you can take - like having a fire blanket or extinguisher in the kitchen - that might one day make a huge difference."

Sharing tips about how to prevent burns and stay safe, to home first aid, the team is on hand to answer any questions until the end of June as part of Burns Awareness Month.

But if you can't get to our fire safety pop up?

"My top tips this winter are to throw out your hot water bottles, remember to only use a fire blanket to cover a frypan that has caught on fire, and to make sure your water outlets like taps are set to no higher than 50 degrees," said Shelby.

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Our Story

The Alfred is a leading metropolitan health service in Melbourne, Australia. We pride ourselves on giving our patients and our community the best possible health outcomes by integrating clinical practice with research and education.

The Alfred provides a comprehensive range of specialist services and we’re home to Australia's busiest trauma centre, treating major trauma patients from across the state. We also operate one the largest and most advanced intensive care units (ICU) in the southern hemisphere.

Patients come to The Alfred for specialty services like comprehensive cancer care, respiratory medicine, cardiology and cardiovascular services. We run 14 statewide services including burns, heart and lung transplant, melanoma, HIV, psychiatry intensive care, bariatric and more. We are the only hospital in Australia to perform paediatric lung transplants.

Recognised as a national leader in health care, The Alfred has a commitment to biomedical research. This is made possible through strong partnerships with Monash University, La Trobe University, and several internationally recognised medical research organisations such as the Burnet Institute.

Videos (show all)

Nurses are commonly the first faces that patients see when arriving in an emergency department. They are also among thos...
The world around us continues to change. As we face new pressures, we also embrace new ways of providing care, advancing...
Inviting the foods of places like Greece and Italy into your kitchens is often referred to as the Mediterranean Diet. Th...
For the up to 20 per cent of women who suffer from a condition known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), the days...
Chris and Stephanie know first-hand how overwhelming a melanoma diagnosis can be.Diagnosed with melanoma when they were ...
The legacy of almost three decades of HIV care at Fairfield House is set to live on, with the upcoming opening of the ne...
There are few things in our diet as essential to our body’s overall health as drinking enough water and staying hydrated...
How to check your skin with Dr Alex Chamberlain
No one knows your skin better than you.Today is Check for Spots Day, and we’re urging you to check your skin and be all ...
Here for you this Christmas.
Paula Fox Melanoma and Cancer Centre
Join the ICU nursing team



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