Agency Business School

We help smart people become successful entrepreneurs. The School of Misfits


One of the Biggest Mistakes I Made on Demo Calls (and How You Can Avoid It)
Let me share with you one of the biggest mistakes I ever made on a demo call.

It’s something that still makes me cringe when I think about it, and I hope by sharing it, you won’t make the same misstep.

I spent years in the corporate world, where the sales process is like a well-oiled machine.

I was trained in the consultative selling model - a methodical approach where you listen, diagnose, and then present the solution.

It’s a great system, especially when you’re dealing with large companies where decisions go through layers of approvals, procurement processes, and sometimes, months of back-and-forth...

But then I transitioned to working with small business owners, and let me tell you, it’s a different game altogether.

It’s faster, more direct, and often a lot more personal.

And this is where I stumbled.

Here’s how it went down:

This was many years ago, back when I was just transitioning out of the corporate world and into working with small business owners.

I was on a demo call with a potential client—a small business owner who seemed genuinely interested in what I had to offer. We walked through our services and offer, and everything seemed to be clicking.

Then, at the end of the call, the prospect said the words every salesperson dreams of:

“That sounds great. How do we get started?”

Now, back in those days, fresh from my corporate experience, I did what I thought was the right thing.

I responded, “Fantastic! I’ll send you a proposal link”

At the time, I felt like I had done everything by the book.

But as days turned into weeks, I noticed something unsettling, the client wasn’t getting back to me.

No signed agreement, no payment, no follow-up. Just silence.

Back then, I didn’t fully grasp the difference in urgency between corporate clients and small business owners.

I hadn’t yet learned that when a small business owner says they’re ready to start, they mean right now.

There’s no waiting around for a PO or approvals. It’s direct, it’s immediate, and it’s personal.

Looking back, I realise how much that delay probably cost me.

Not just in lost sales, but in lost trust and momentum.

It was a lesson I had to learn the hard way, but one I’ve never forgotten since.

So, if you’re ever in a similar situation, here’s what you should do instead:

When the client says they’re ready to get started, resist the urge to send them off with a link or proposal.

Instead, say something like, “Fantastic! Let me get you entered into the system right now.”

Then, take their details immediately.

It doesn’t matter where you capture them, whether it’s on a CRM, a simple spreadsheet, or even a piece of paper.

What matters is that you act on their readiness.

Take their payment details right then and there, confirm their commitment, and get them started on the spot.

Looking back, I wish I had done this from the start.

So here’s a rule of thumb: when someone is ready to start, don’t make them wait.

Seize that moment, because in the world of small business, that moment is everything.

The faster you get them going, the better it is for both you and your client.


5 Essential Mindset Shifts for Business Success [A Must-Watch for New Entrepreneurs]

In this video, I'll guide you through five crucial mindset shifts you need to make if you're starting out in the business world or struggling to scale your business.

Key Takeaways:

✅ Linear vs. Non-Linear Thinking: Understand that business growth is not always a direct input-output relationship.

✅ Product Focus vs. Sales & Marketing Focus: Prioritize bringing customers in through effective sales and marketing strategies.

✅ Working Alone vs. Working Together: Embrace teamwork and collaboration for faster growth.

✅ Desire vs. Commitment: Be committed and ready to put in the hard work to achieve your goals.

✅ Known vs. Unknown: Get comfortable with the unpredictability of the business world.


Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on how to train AI models and create chatbots for your website. 🚀

In this video, I'll guide you step-by-step through the process of:

1) Training your AI model
2) Creating a chatbot
3) Installing the chatbot on your website

Whether you're a beginner curious about how AI works or looking for practical use cases, this video covers everything you need to know. I'll also share insights on the importance of learning to use AI effectively in today's business landscape.

We'll explore:

1) The basics of AI and how it works
2) Setting up and using tools like OpenAI and GoHighLevel
3) Configuring AI to interact with customers and automate tasks
4) Real-world applications and business examples

If you need access to GoHighLevel or the documents mentioned, I've included links below.

Don't forget to test your bot thoroughly and customise it to fit your specific business needs.

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below the video—I’d love to help you out!


GoHighLevel [ABS Snapshot]:

AI Training Doc:

Join our Facebook Group:


Why I'll Never Buy an Audi

A few years ago, I visited the Audi showroom on Victoria Parade in Melbourne with the intention of buying an Audi Q7.

With a growing family, we needed a bigger car, and the Audi seemed perfect.

It was supposed to be a straightforward purchase.

I planned to pay in cash, avoiding the hassle of a loan.

I even told my wife I’d come home with a car that day.

Our kids were excited as we had shown them pictures of the Audi we were planning to buy.

I was confident that if the showroom had the car with the right colour and accessories, I would buy it on the spot.

I still remember the day vividly.

It was a Melbourne summer, and I was alone as my wife was at home with the little ones.

I was casually dressed in shorts and flip-flops.

As I walked into the showroom and started looking at one of the parked Q7s, a salesperson approached me.

His first question was, “How many Audis are you planning to buy today?”

It was an odd question, but I shrugged it off and replied, “Let’s see!

Do you have a Q7 available for a test drive?”

His response was blunt. “No.” And he didn’t say anything else.

I asked if one would be available soon for a test drive. Again, his response was a simple “No.”

His behaviour and body language made it clear he didn’t want me in the showroom.

Disappointed, I decided to leave, hoping he might ask me another question.

Instead, I overheard him telling the receptionist that I was a waste of time.

I was furious.

This guy lost a $120K cash sale just by assuming I was a time-waster.

I sat in my car for a few minutes, trying to process what had just happened.

Then, I decided to change my mood and walked into the Jeep showroom in Port Melbourne.

A well-dressed salesman greeted me warmly, shook my hand, and showed me a Jeep Cherokee.

He asked me a few simple questions about my family and what I do, just basic pre-qualifying questions.

He then asked if I’d like to take a test drive. I said, “Yes, of course.”

He replied, “I don’t have a car available for the next 30 minutes, but if you wait around, I’ll make it up to you. Have a coffee in the lounge, it should be here in no time.”

While waiting, a receptionist chatted with me, making me feel welcome.

Eventually, the salesman returned with the keys to a brand new Grand Cherokee.

He said, “Jag, I usually don’t do this, but since you’ve been waiting, why don’t you take this car home for the weekend and bring it back on Monday? Let me know how you liked it.”

I couldn’t believe it.

Can you guess which car we ended up buying?

My wife and kids loved the Jeep.

Lesson: Don’t be an as***le to your potential customers.


My Journey: Lessons from 18 Years in Business

I've been in the business game for the last 18 years.

Mostly, I failed... but a few times I managed to succeed, and it made me tons of money.

You could say I've seen a lot and learned a lot, especially from my failures.

There's no single lesson I can give you to guarantee success in your next venture.

But here's what I can tell you:

Business isn't a straight line.

It's never a straight path.

The lessons you learn from failing are way more valuable than anything else (as long as you make sure not to repeat the same mistakes).

The hardest part is:

✅ Getting out of your own way.
✅ And staying in the game

Entrepreneurs often get stuck in their own little bubble.

If you're not progressing in your life, stop focusing on "HOW" and start focusing on "WHO":

✅ Who to ask for help.
✅ Who to hire as a contractor.
✅ Who to work with.
✅ Who to help.

It's not your fault because, as an employee, you got paid to learn and do the "how."

That's why your mind is always focused on "how."

When you're going through tough times, focus on what the business could be, not what it is now.

As an entrepreneur, you get rewarded for the potential.

Remember, you're not alone!

Don't try to be a hero; seek guidance.

There's nothing wrong with asking for help when you feel stuck.

Keep believing in yourself.

Become the person you could be...

And go conquer the world!

Believe. Become. Conquer


In this video, I'm thrilled to share a comprehensive guide on how to generate and qualify leads specifically for real estate agents.

If you're a real estate agent or a marketer looking to help your clients in the real estate industry, this video is a must-watch!

What You'll Learn:

✅ Proven strategies to get qualified leads for real estate agents.

✅ An inside look at the Fast Growth Method, a system we've successfully implemented for clients, worth up to $35,000.

✅ Step-by-step instructions on setting up your lead generation system.

✅ Tips on creating high-value lead magnets that attract serious sellers.

✅ How to drive targeted traffic to your landing page using paid ads.

✅ The importance of retargeting ads and email sequences in converting leads.

✅ Common mistakes to avoid when running ads and how to maximise your ad spend.


How Deepak transformed his agency...

Have you ever felt like giving up on your dream?

Running a web development agency is no small feat, and few stories illustrate this better than Deepak's journey.

Deepak, based in Melbourne, was on the verge of closing his agency.

Despite pouring his heart and soul into his business, he was struggling to make ends meet.

The thought of breaking the news to his family was almost too much to bear.

Imagine having to tell your loved ones that the dream you had worked so hard for was crumbling.

In a final attempt to save his agency, Deepak came to me with a glimmer of hope...

He was desperate for a solution.

His biggest challenge?

Trying to be everything to everyone.

He offered services ranging from social media management and Google SEO to Facebook/Insta ads, video editing, and website development.

It was a case of being a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none.

This approach led to hiring multiple employees, delivering mediocre services, and offering rock-bottom prices just to stay afloat.

Clients were not satisfied, and Deepak found himself charging as little as $197 per month for social media management. Crazy, right?

Sometimes, less is more.

By focusing on what you do best, you can provide exceptional value rather than spreading yourself too thin.

Deepak and I implemented a few key strategies that transformed his agency:

✅Fast Growth Method: We automated his lead generation, ensuring a steady stream of potential clients.

✅Agency Method: This helped him convert clients with ease.

✅Automated Onboarding: Simplifying and automating the onboarding process saved time and ensured consistency.

✅Simple, Scalable Offer: We crafted a straightforward, irresistible offer that he could repeatedly sell.

These changes not only saved Deepak’s business but turned it into a thriving success.

He no longer had to juggle multiple services.

Instead, he focused on delivering top-notch website development, which was his true passion and strength.

His clients were happier, his prices reflected the value he provided, and his business flourished.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by trying to do it all, take a page from Deepak's book.

Focus on what you do best and let us help you streamline the rest...

If you want to learn our systems, you must join our next 5-Day Launch With AI Challenge

Click below to register now

Believe. Become. Conquer!


Find The Right Who

You can either learn how to do something or you can find the right person who already knows how.

I know a lot of things... Even though I love learning and always will, I’ve reached a point where I don’t want to learn how to do everything myself.

What I really want is to find people who already know how to do the things I need and work with them.

Let me tell you a story about when I needed help with my garden.

We moved into this beautiful house in QLD

And I wanted to grow vegetables, but I didn’t know where to start.

I watched videos, and read a few articles but it all seemed so complicated.

Then, I reached out to my father-in-law, who is great at all things gardening.

He knew everything about growing vegetables.

Instead of spending hours trying to learn it all myself, I asked my father-in-law for help.

He showed me what to do and even helped me plant my first seeds.

My garden turned out great, all because I found the right person who knew how to do it.

Remember, sometimes it’s better to find the right person who knows how to do something than to struggle figuring it out on your own.

Just like with my garden, starting and growing a successful marketing agency doesn't have to be a solo journey.

Imagine having the guidance and expertise of someone who already knows the ins and outs of the industry, especially when it comes to leveraging AI for marketing success.

If you're looking to start and grow a marketing agency using AI, we have the perfect opportunity for you.

Our "Launch With AI - 5 Day Challenge" is designed to provide you with all the knowledge and tools you need to get started.

Over the course of five days, you will learn how to build and grow your AI Marketing agency, I will even help you onboard your first client during these 5 days.

Register now and launch a remote marketing agency with AI in 5 days.


Today, I had an epiphany while creating video content:

The more books I read, the more clients I onboard! 🤯

A few years back, I challenged myself to read more books—covering everything from business strategies to personal development.

Little did I know, each book was a stepping stone to onboarding a new client.


I thought so too, but the pattern continued.

Each book brought new insights and strategies, which translated into richer client interactions and more onboarded clients.

Continuous learning isn’t just a personal growth tool—it’s a business growth strategy.

The knowledge I gained from reading directly impacted my professional success.

Invest in yourself.

Read more books!


My Biggest Lesson in Life and Business...

I want to share three stories from my life that all have one big problem I didn’t know about at first...

Story 1
Growing up, I always liked math, but I wasn’t good at it (at the beginning).

I spent one hour every day solving math problems.

On weekends, I took special tutoring to get better at math.

But I still wasn’t getting ahead.

When exams came, I usually got 60-70% marks.

I never understood what I needed to do to get really good at math.

So, I asked the guy who was getting 95% and above in every exam.

Here’s what he said - he studied almost three hours every day.

So, he was spending three times more time than me.

I followed his advice and in year 10, I got 92% in math.

Story 2
When I was a teenager, I got interested in playing hockey.

Every week, I trained for one hour and played matches on Sundays for two hours.

I was fully into hockey and wanted to become a professional player.

I thought I was doing everything to get good at it.

One day, we traveled to another state to play with a national team.

It was just a friendly match arranged by our coach - nothing to do with our ability to play at that level.

As expected, they thrashed us.

I still remember the score - 23 goals to zero.

I was very embarrassed, and one of their senior players came to console me.

He asked me a few questions about my training routine, and I proudly said I was currently training for one hour every week.

He said, if you want to be on a national team, you must train at least four hours every day!

Story 3
In my early days in business, I kept failing at every startup.

I started more than 13 startups and failed.

None of them made me any money.

Then I attended Tony Robbins' UPW event, which changed my life.

At the event, he said, don’t reinvent the wheel and work with someone who has done what you are trying to do.

I listened to his advice and hired the best direct marketer in the world to help me grow my business.

After working with him for two months, my numbers didn’t grow.

I was still making less than $10K per month.

I wasn’t very happy and spoke to him with the intention of ending our partnership

He asked me one simple question: how many offers did you make in the last month?

My answer was only a few.

He said, if you want to grow your business, make more offers!

This one piece of advice changed my life.

Now, you can see there is a theme in every story.

Let me ask you a question: What theme have you picked up from the above stories?


The Mystery of the Chicken Bones...

My friend Jake started noticing something weird in his backyard.

Every morning, he found chicken bones scattered all over the place.

It was super annoying and kind of gross.

At first, he thought it was just random, but then his dog, Max, got involved.

One day, Max almost choked on one of the bones!

Jake was really scared and had to rush Max to the vet.

Luckily, Max was okay, but Jake was furious.

Jake was convinced that his grumpy neighbour, Mr. T, was throwing the bones over the fence because he didn’t like Max.

Jake had always thought Mr. T was unfriendly, and this seemed like something he would do.

So, Jake decided to catch him red-handed.

He talked to the local council, but they said he needed proof.

Jake decided to put up cameras in his backyard...

Every day, he checked the footage, expecting to see Mr. T sneaking around and tossing bones.

Weeks went by, and Jake’s frustration grew.

Then, one day, he finally caught something on camera.

But it wasn’t what he expected at all.

Instead of Mr. T, Jake saw a bunch of crows flying into his yard.

They were picking up chicken bones from a KFC dumpster nearby, flying to the trees in Jake’s yard to eat, and dropping the bones when they were done.

Jake was shocked!

He couldn’t believe he had blamed his neighbour for something the birds were doing.

He couldn’t stop laughing when he told this story over the weekend.

We often make up stories in our heads that aren’t true.

Like when people say Facebook Ads don’t work, or cold emails are useless.

I’m too old or too young to start a business.

and the famous one, english is not my first language, that’s why I can’t get any clients.

The truth is, everything is a STORY

and It’s all about the story you tell yourself...

If you want to change your life, change your story about your life!

If you want to change your business, change your story around your business....

And if you are interested in learning how to start, grow and scale a digital marketing business....

You must join The Lab

Type the word “Lab” in the comments below and i will send you the deeds!



7 steps to make $1000/m online using digital marketing...

Here’s are the 7 steps to help you make $1000/m online using digital marketing:

Step 1: Develop the Right Mindset
The right mindset is crucial here. If you're not making the money you want, there's likely a knowledge and consistency gap. You must do something consistently before the market can reward you for your hard work.

Step 2: Pick a Niche (Industry)
Select a niche that can be easily found in your local suburb, one where you can walk in and talk to people. Forget the internet for a moment and think about meeting people in person.

Step 3: Create an Irresistible Offer
Develop a service you can easily fulfill, preferably through a software or an offshore team. Keep it simple—managing their social media is a great start. Bundle multiple services to create an irresistible offer. This way, you won't be compared solely on price.

Set a minimal price to cover your costs and add a 30% gross margin. Offer a 100% money-back guarantee and tie the offer to an upcoming event, like the end of the financial year, Christmas, or Easter offer

Step 4: Build Assets
Now, start building your business assets:

Domain Name and Website: Secure a domain name and set up a website. Hire someone on Fiverr to create you a simple one page website.

Register Your Business: Make sure your business is legally registered and compliant with local regulations.

Step 5: Create a List

I Know List: Compile a list of people you know or can easily contact in person.

They Know List: Create a list of people you know who might help you reach the right business owners. Ask friends, family, and ex-colleagues for referrals. For example, if your target market is dentists, ask if they know any dentists. Leverage your network to get introductions.

Step 6: Launch

It's time to launch. Start spreading the word about your business:

Physical Meetings: Take a day off work to meet people. Talk to your target market directly. Physically walk-in to their business and here's what you can say

I was in the neighborhood talking to (name a nearby business) and I thought I'd check in with you as well. Are you happy with your current website? (if you are providing website building services) Or are you happy with your social media content?

Step 7: Prospect

Consistent prospecting is where you'll make or break your business:

Persistence: Stay committed and keep talking to people. Your initial clients will likely be those you meet in person
Metal Toughness: Maintain your mental toughness and stay on the path. Consistency is key to building a successful business...

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Are you struggling to get clients?

After working with 112 businesses in last few months, here are the top 3 reasons why you are NOT getting any clients

No One Knows You!

The first one is the simplest reason is : not enough people know your business even exists.

How to fix this?

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5 Essential Mindset Shifts for Business Success [A Must-Watch for New Entrepreneurs]
Did you know Benjamin Franklin was one of the OGs of content marketing? 📚✨To promote his printing press, he created “Poo...
🎯 Attract the Right Prospects!A high-value lead magnet is your secret weapon for capturing attention and collecting the ...
Did you know that only 3% of your market is ready to buy right now? Focus on the other 97% who are not yet ready to purc...
Wanna know secret to growing your business?? Watch this video! 🤫 #secretgrowth #businessowner #entrepreneurlife #entrepr...
Every marketing effort must lead to a conversation #marketingdigital #agency #digitalmarketing
I’ve read 800 books in 12 years, and this one stands out the most. Want to know why?“The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle ...
Transform Your Sales Calls with One Simple Trick!In the last 12 years, I’ve helped hundreds of businesses close more dea...
Trust is built by being visible! In today’s digital world, staying hidden is not an option. Show up consistently, share ...
Struggling Through Tough Times?Here Are 3 Must-Read Books! I’ve read 800 books in the last 12 years, and today I want to...



710 Collins Street, Docklands
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm

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