Living Gently

Living Gently- with the self- each other- and with the Earth. If you're a woman, step up sister and take full response-ability for the power in your belly.

If you're a man, support every woman you know to become all that she is gifted to be!


A tool to use if you feel that way inclined. It says….

Katherine Cunningham Breaks Through.
By Hecate’s Blade She Chooses the Flows that Heal.

Grateful for any focus before, and particularly at the time of surgery, from 8am to 2pm the 27th of August RMH… and beyond that as the recovery in ICU for three days is going to be intense too.

Thank you. Thank you ALL for the LOVE and Support. I won’t be able to, but shall ask that someone updates this post as they can.


A tool to use if you feel that way inclined. It says….

Katherine Cunningham Breaks Through.
By Hecate’s Blade She Chooses the Flows that Heal.

Grateful for any focus before, and particularly at the time of surgery, from 8am to 2pm the 27th of August RMH… and beyond that as the recovery in ICU for three days is going to be intense too.

Thank you. Thank you ALL for the LOVE and Support. I won’t be able to, but shall ask that someone updates this post as they can.

Photos from Living Gently's post 29/07/2024

Before I was in hospital, I was in Scotland and on the way out, London. I had just spent 2 weeks with my wonderful Jasmine and was excited to get home and do all the things to make moving to Scotland, in the next 2-3 years, happen.

There is a bump in the road right now, and I will be seeing her before we had planned, which I am deeply grateful for. My surgery, the Whipple, is now scheduled for the last week of August, date to be confirmed. That will have given me 5-6 weeks recovery from the stent procedure, and some time to get my affairs in order. This surgery is not the end, but the beginning of meeting what is. I am still playing the Schrödinger's tumour game, so until we cut it open and have it tested I am not confirming nor denying it is cancer… but I am also listening to my doctors and preparing for chemo after this surgery, probably 2 or so months after. The lung biopsy has been inconclusive, so we don’t know what the two, smaller than 1cm, spots on my lungs are, and I don’t care till after the Whipple.

This is a marathon that many don’t finish, but I intend to get to state of health that has me bouncing great grandchildren on my knee. There is far too much on my to do list to be stepping off anytime soon. I know I can’t do this alone, and I am deeply grateful to the wonderful humans that surround me, hold me, love me. We shall meet what is with ALL this Love.

The RMH is incredible, and my doctor amazing.

I am finally home in my own bed tonight. I have 4 or so weeks to get ready for a 6-8 week surgery/recovery process. I will keep everyone up to date with details here. I will have limited spoons, but wanting to be able to share time with beloveds too in this window we have to prepare within.

Thank you for all the love and support.


My beautiful brother Guy Cunningham took this picture last night. We were trying to capture just how yellow my skin is, and the best was to contrast it from my mother’s very white skin. I am feeling really loved and supported by a deeply wonderful family, and to be honest, I need it. All going to plan, I am having surgery Thursday or Friday to remove the whatever it is blocking my duct in my pancreas. I understand that most will recognise the term, Whipple.

Whether by nature or nurture,
I haven’t been in hospital before.
I haven‘t had surgery like this before.

The team at Royal Melbourne Hospital are incredible, I do feel very safe in their hands.

Please forgive me, all those wonderful humans that know me and love me, please forgive this public announcement, but I don’t really have the spoons for reaching out and letting people know individually.

I shall be more specific when I have more specific’s. Probably keep it all here. I would ask that you send a bunch of love, not questions. Cancer is a fu**er, and I don‘t intend to give it much power in this conversation, but yes, that’s what it‘s being called.

If you feel the desire to assist, perhaps you can spread the love of my work, found as it has been for 20+ years, @ www dot livinggently dot com dot au.


THIS. Just found it. LOVE It. Share the LOVE.


HOWLBACK… that place where when I know you are open to it, I can build more. The power of sales is that when I get sales, I know that the work is valued, and all of a sudden more value arrives to share and put into the work.

Today’s addition, Riding Your Menstrual Cycle Ritual Practice Map tool. When we learn what it is we want to do to support our practice, it helps to make a map of where it is that you want to go, regularly.

Loving what it is to share the Love of the Blood. Riding Your Menstrual Cycle is about building a map to share first with the self, then becomes an excellent tool to share with those close to you, that they can love your blood too!

Find out more from website, link in bio.

Invoking the Blood Witch Poet 30/05/2024

THIS is ME, being the MOST me I have ever been. THANK you so very very much Fleassy Malayfor everything that Speak Up is.

Invoking the Blood Witch Poet Speak Up Showcase performance night on the 20th of May 2024. One of the two offerings made that night, my primary piece, Invoking The Blood Witch Poet. This ...

Photos from Living Gently's post 23/05/2024

THANK YOU!! Thank you to all that arrived to this moment. To for creating the work Speak Up and for these awesome humans that joined me for this ride!!

Grateful for the Blood Witch Poet to be in the world now, that I may step ALL the way up and invoke my next stage of work. The poetry always felt a part of the conversation, now it is the fuel.

New Website coming. New offerings coming. Power filled ways to dismantle the Patriarchy, now, whilst we still can.

Thank you to Brendan Bonsak for these pictures!


Blood in the Temple

There are times and places that tell us that the bleeding woman is not welcome. I wonder at that impetus, I wonder if it is about their safety, or the safety of the bleeding one. For, yes, indeed, a bleeding human is intense, vulnerable to imprint, deep and soft and quiet sometimes. When I bled I would often time find myself alone, on earth, with earth, quiet, listening.

That bleeding time can be many things, one of which is a moment to build relations with self. To make room for your feels, your wisdom, your power. Sometimes the sexy goodness is palpable, sometimes the ecstatic state cannot be shared with anyone else. Direct current all there is. All that there needs to be, for alone we burn in that blood fire.

What if there isn’t a need to be in someone else’s ceremony, what if the blood itself is a ceremony, enough, unto itself. What if we valued it that much, considered the bleeding path all the way in, all the way down, deep into the soul level of life, waiting for us to arrive, our whole self the prize of life.

When we are bleeding with earth, our flow managed well, gifted back. Our capacity to anoint ourselves, bless our being with such a deep sense of sacredness that we bestow upon ourselves. For no one can truly “make us” that holy, only our owned blood self. Bleed after bleed made real by the love we feel for earth, for blood, for life, and the trust we have in death.

From here, we make ourselves, what ever we choose to call ourselves. Witch. Priestess. Shaman. Human. Goddess. Whole. Chosen by ourselves, not needing anyone else to choose us. This work of the belly, this bloodwork, this access to a blood-mind, is there, just there, not right or nor left, but the depth of the womb, available to all that bleed.

I have been sharing the love of the blood since 2000, my first group of women were witches. They had the openness to earth, the trust in the body. The notions of sacred to be able to comprehend where it was the blood was taking me year after year, bleed after bleed. I am not a special woman, not a gifted human, just someone that listened to the body, the blood, our earth long and deep enough to know that we don’t have to throw away our power. We don’t have to disregard earths voice. We are quite capable of dismantling the patriarchy, the Anglosphere, the industrial war making complex. ALL we need to do, as one human race, when the blood arrives… pick yourself. Choose you. Step away from the machines, rest in your body and listen.

Learning to Love the Blood is a radical act of power and wisdom. The earth has been whispering this whole time to you, from here, perhaps we are able to listen now?

For those that don’t bleed, maybe you could create a safe nest of loving acceptance we could bleed gently within. You could trust that we will return, and let us go our own way for 24-48 hours each cycle that we may discern what lives within, then come home and share our jewels of self, refreshed deeply.

Riding your menstrual cycle is a digital class I built to work the power of the womb. To embrace the wisdom learned by paying deep attention, by making your blood sacred unto you, that you get to live the life you choose for yourself, sourced from such a chalice of blood. For you are the grail, beautiful womb wearer. Any that walk with wombs, women and all the others, can make their blood power filled. This work also assists us in the fine art of communicating our experience. To bring back that which calls us forward, to live with others in balance.

Photos from Living Gently's post 15/05/2024

Not everyone can make it here, so when I can, I try to make sure I do... I bring a something, I clean away the headstone. I have a cry, a laugh, a story. I share with her bones how incredible her kids are, how loved and wonderful Nigel still is. I wonder at the time that has passed, 6 years now. I try again to lay down the guilt I feel, knowing it’s insane/wrong headed, but felt just the same. I let the waves of grief flow over me as these words come. As always and still... an honour to know and love you Kate.

I left the autumn blanket... it looked warm. The big tree above you is near bare. The rosella’s chatter all around me. Tis a pretty day and I still miss you.


Womb Blood Conscious.

To be aware.
To be mindful and present.
To recognise the influence.
To be kind.
To be gentle.
To be with, either on the inside as you bleed or on the outside of one who bleeds.
To pay deep attention.

Recognising this is a path, a way into earth, with earth. A natural rhythm that can be felt as deeply as you let it. A capacity to be practiced.
A palate to develop as you deepen your perspective, no different than the learning to discern the notes in coffee, or wine or art.

We have an opportunity to learn a profound language of our connection to earth, our lived animal.

For all the noises in our world that scream for our attention, this whisper is a roar waiting to be heard by as many womb wearers as possible, by an earth that still has hope we can hear them.

Spectrum of menstrual experience - Chalice Foundation 18/04/2024

Feeling supported by a wonderful organisation. The Chalice Foundation is doing grand work. Please check them out!!

Spectrum of menstrual experience - Chalice Foundation For the blog this week we encourage you to reflect of what your "menstrual experience" may be and where you sit on the menstrual spectrum. Thank you to Katherine Cunningham for this reflective piece, enjoy!

Photos from Living Gently's post 17/04/2024

The first that I have embellished… just a little. Tis rather lovely witnessing their arrival, how they become real in your hands and then all of a sudden they are done.

The hair was some lovely worsted wool my sister gave me, which I saw in the plaits straight away. The rest of the wool was from Wondoflex in Malvern, all Ashford from NZ. Loving this new world of wool. And the magicks within each doll.

I don’t know the name yet for this beauty, I shall sit and find it out soon. She is my first witch doll.

So very grateful for for such an excellent class. I have felt very held in the process and excited for the next chapter after I finish one.


Little baby bites of a book that is forming up, strengthening each time I open it to write some more, open up some conversations that I know I want to have, would have had with you, if we were in circle together… but the point of this workbook is that you hold your own circle. You self initiate. I can’t sit in circle with everyone. BUT I can share the Love of the Blood through my book.

StarFire Self Initiation Workbook.

Still bubbling away… nearly ready to serve.


Writing writing writing… nearly close enough for an editor, nearly. What to leave in, what to take out… So many choices my brain hurts. I love it, I loathe it, I love it again… the roller coaster ride of writing isn’t something I think I was prepared for. But I know what the work is worth, and the pressure to articulate what I know, the ecstatic capacity of menstrual experience is what this whole adventure is all about.

SOON. It is on its way SOON.


Welcome Ancestor Doll… my first spirit doll. So very grateful to the work of the for guiding my hands back to the wool. It has been an epic time to reconnect with such ancient knowings we know in our fingertips. Blessed be the way of the doll.

May your Saturday be as gentle.


Loving “Speak Up” with Fleassy Malay… the writing prompts, the classes, the words flowing through me. So much to share.

Photos from Living Gently's post 08/03/2024

I first called myself a menstrual educator in 1998.

There were not many of us about back then and I truly took most of my training from the blood itself. Letting that bloodmind unfurl, exploring where the curiosity of sovereign bleeding took me. Experiencing such delicious ecstatic states that I knew I had to share.

So Sharing the LOVE of the Blood became my work, my life’s work, still to this day. For our culture cannot find its right relations with earth if it does not choose to respect the body, the menstruating body.

From my first offering of Temple of the Blood, now found on Spotify, to the newly minted “Riding Your Menstrual Cycle” digital class. I have reached for the tools to share the Love and Loving of menstruation.

We know we need to, we also know that NOTHING in this patriarchal culture will teach you how… So, from a woman that found freedom decades ago… Please, avail yourself of the breadcrumbs I have left.

StarFire: Self Initiation Workbook is the next offering to be made, still in the writing but closer than ever. I will let you know when you can pre-order.

Blood Witch Poet is gestating, in the cocoon of “Speak Up” with Fleassy Malay… You shall be invited when I get up on stage.

Please check out the website, sign up to the newsletter, follow me on the socials, stay in touch.

So much is erupting right now… when we need it.

Blessings of the Blood, for there are so many.


For those of you that have heard me speak of the Trauma of Money, they have another cohort starting in a week. It is powerful training for anyone wishing to transform the power over of money, into a power within. When the trauma lens is focused on how money flows or doesn’t flow through your life, we can heal. Link in the first comment.


We know it and it is a practice.

Sharing the LOVE.

Photos from Living Gently's post 01/02/2024

Miss you Kate. You would have been 50 today, we would be having an awesome dress up party at yours, celebrating Tashini's first solo trip to Europe... but instead... I got to be with Nigel as he added some more white stone, Tash as she added some more purple stone... me bringing you some pretty flowers from the garden you planted. Your kids are incredible. Nigel is well loved. Life is being lived, but there is no doubt it would be better with you in it.


SO…. This is happening. Thought I would share some little nuggets along the way. Love any feedback…especially if you have ever been in StarFire circle with me. It’s a big leap to take to write this book… I would love some cheering on if it feels real for you.

“I may not be with you in this room, walking you through the jewels as we meet each of them. But I trust that the movement to write this book will take you as close as you need to walk through the door yourself, self-initiate. Make the dedications as real as you can and feel how the Love of earth and the being a deep part of the web of life is what humans are here for. We bring a quality of attention, when attuned to this fire, that feeds life too.

May you find your way Home. May the tools, the words, the maps of this book assist. Blessings of the Blood, for there are so very many of them.”


Excited to start a transformative learning journey with 's MOOC - 'Toward Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century.' Pay what you like, even $0! Join me & let's explore together:


What are our choices?

Do we get to choose our thoughts?
Our words?
Our actions?
Our deeds?
Do we choose what we listen to?
Who we talk to?
Who we let into our lives?
Do we get to choose how we listen?
To others?
To self?
To earth?

Can we choose to value the menstrual experience?
Do we even know how?

Riding Your Menstrual Cycle takes you there, consistently, there, into the centre where the magicks happen, right in there with the blood.

The blessings of the Blood. For there are so many.

Link in the bio.

Let 2024 be the year you learn to listen to yourself, and your deep relations to earth… if you can.




Just found this beauty in Grace Funk’s end of year free toolbox for collecting the wisdom of this year and feeling forward into the year ahead. Find it at priestessyourlife dot com. Well worth the read, the work. The journal tool for the whole year ahead, available for sale, is an incredibly strong way to map the terrain of your life.

Photos from Living Gently's post 21/12/2023

Riding Your Menstrual Cycle.

YOUR life, owned from the core out, the font of life within you, moving you, growing you.

When we learn to know, to acknowledge the power and wisdom that lives in the body, that calls our attention away from all that NOISE, sink in and be with each moving part, each step towards the next step. There is a rhythm to learn these steps within.

A process to engage so as to harness this fertile force that it may be used to create a life you really want to live. A life that has your dreaming, your gifts, your purpose in the centre that you may overflow into all the channels of your giving self, overflow from your full cup.

Can you imagine a life lived from a full cup?
I truly hope you can.

To work with the tool box that is Riding Your Menstrual Cycle is to perceive, access and function from deeply held wisdom, for your life, for you to live. NO ONE can do this for you, NO ONE else can live your life.

Choose it.
Own it.

Every time you ebb and flow, choose to learn and grow.

Link in bio. Go get your head around it, realise your menstrual cycle is truly a gift and has never been a curse.

Photos from Living Gently's post 15/12/2023

When you have used a cup for as long as I did, you come up with all manner of ways to be in relations with the blood.

I would pour my cup out on a plate and let it get out to the edges, as much surface area as possible to let all the water evaporate, then I would be left with a gum like substance that I would keep.

For many years I had dreams of what to make these jewels and indeed, when teaching, I would send around a little vial of the jewels to be witnessed as the treasure the blood is, as sacrament.

What I knew was that this needed to be held in a resin to hold onto that beautiful red, for as soon as you add water to it again, it becomes a reddy brown.

These jewels are precious to me. I am glad I made them into something very beautiful.

I have a whole womb tree to share… another post.

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HERSTORY: Her's and Mine.

Since 1995 I have been journeying a road less traveled. I began my dive into the well of womanhood with the Keeper (since then the silicone MoonCup has become available). A menstrual cup that allowed me for the first time to 'see' my blood. From then I have had the fever, the burning desire to know what the menstrual experience is for.

Why do we bleed? what is the bigger design?Why do so many women experience pain? Surely that's not intentional? Why do some women not have pain? What is the PMS all about?

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Grateful this conversation was captured. There is more to hold! Come and share the love and fury with Her in my next off...
Here.Now. ENOUGH.




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