VCCC Alliance

The VCCC Alliance is a powerful alliance of 10 leading research, academic and clinical institutions


Earlier this week, we came together to reflect on completion of our Strategic Program Plan (SPP) 2020-2024.

Program Managers and Chairs across the 10 SPP programs presented on achievements in a celebratory event attended by over 80 staff, alliance members and consumer representatives.

VCCC Alliance Chief Executive, Prof Grant McArthur AO, highlighted some of these key achievements, which included:

✅ Forging partnership agreements with every regional cancer centre in Victoria
✅ Our first foray into health equity, including appointing the first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research and Education Lead, Associate Professor Kalinda Griffiths.
✅ Value-based health care and implementation science programs
✅ The launch of two notable consumer-led research projects
✅ Over 30,000 individual engagements in educational programs via the VCCC Alliance Centre for Cancer Education.

Prof McArthur also acknowledged the Victorian Department of Health for its foresight and continuous support, and extended thanks to the backbone staff of the alliance including corporate services, people and culture and communications for their contributions. “You need a village,” he said.

Full story:

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre The Royal Melbourne Hospital The Royal Women's Hospital The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Austin Health Western Health St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne St Vincent's Institute WEHI - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre Murdoch Children's Research Institute - MCRI


Our online course has received a HUGE upgrade with 28 new expert-led tutorial videos! 📺

This premier education resource is free to access for anyone running or teletrials or wanting to, and now packs even more valuable content from experts who have implemented teletrials successfully.

Check out the course now:

A big thank you to collaborators Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, The University of Melbourne, Bendigo Health, South West Healthcare and Cancer Trials Australia, as well as all of the educators that have given their time to be involved in the project.

The videos come after a successful Teletrials Masterclass held earlier this month, where attendees heard from a range of experienced speakers. If you missed it, watch the recording:

The course is also supported by the Teletrial Toolkit, a free resource with practical guides and checklists for staff running teletrials:


📣 We're proud to announce the VCCC Alliance Strategy 2024-29.

People experiencing cancer will be provided with world-class care closer to home and benefit from new research findings, therapies and an upskilled cancer workforce under the VCCC Alliance's next five-year strategy.

The strategy is built around five strategic areas – collaborative research, data and technology, equitable care and outcomes, patient-powered and leadership and learning.

With $7.5 million over the next four years from the Victorian government, initiatives to deliver cancer care more equitably including to those in regional areas will be among the first to roll out.

Read the story:

View the strategy:

Mary-Anne Thomas MP Jacinta Allan Victorian Department of Health Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne The Royal Melbourne Hospital The Royal Women's Hospital WEHI - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Centre The University of Melbourne Western Health Austin Health Murdoch Children's Research Institute - MCRI St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne


This week we're thinking about how far we've come, yet how much there still is to do to achieve equitable outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People affected by cancer.

Our new strategic plan for the next five years prioritises achieving equitable cancer care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

"Aboriginal people’s poorer cancer outcomes are a result of limited access to health services, longer waiting periods, inadequate representation of Aboriginal professionals, and distrust of the health system." - A/Prof Kalinda Griffiths, Yawuru woman, VCCC Alliance Research and Education Lead, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health.

We're looking forward to working together with colleagues across the state as part of the upcoming Victorian Cancer Plan, and the nation with the Australian Cancer Plan.

🎨 'Urapun Muy' by Deb Belyea, Samuawgadhalgal, Torres Strait.

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc Flinders University Victorian Department of Health


A fantastic event to celebrate for those close by in regional Victoria.

Our community is invited to come and celebrate NAIDOC Week with us on Thursday 11 July with guest speaker former AFL player Nicky Winmar.
From 11am Lee Morgan will open proceedings with a Welcome to Country and flag raising at the main entrance to the hospital. Followed by a Smoking Ceremony and opening of the event at the underground carpark off Hider Street.
We look forward to seeing you there to celebrate the occasion with us!


1 in 4 cancers diagnosed in Australia are rare or less common. Today on Rare Cancers Awareness Day we're thinking about stories like Caitlin's, Founder and Managing Director of consumer advocacy organisation CareFully Solutions, and Chair of our National Patient Advisory Committee.

In 2017, Caitlin was diagnosed with Stage 4 Clear Cell Ovarian Cancer - a rare and deadly form of ovarian cancer.

A rare cancer diagnosis has unique and complex challenges. It can often mean high costs and limited support, education and treatment options due to limited knowledge, expertise, research and investment.

“I often observe huge inequity in cancer care and I feel like a lot of money goes to the easier wins or more common cancers – it’s hard to attract the big brains and scientists to rarer cancers. But it is changing, there is some great stuff happening, and I’m very hopeful." - Caitlin Delaney

Read our interview with Caitlin for International Women's Day:

Rare Cancers Australia Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF)


Now more than ever is the time to support Indigenous-led solutions to cancer care and control.

Hosting the World Indigenous Cancer Conference is one of many activities the alliance includes as part of its agenda to strive for equity of cancer access for all, especially those who experience disadvantage and poorer outcomes.

Indigenous people know what's required to ensure the health and wellbeing of themselves and their communities. That's why our work is informed by our partners and A/Prof Kalinda Griffiths, a proud Yawuru woman and our Research and Education Lead, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health.

This we recognise that there's more work to be done to improve cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. And we look forward to making progress together with Cancer AustraliaCancer Australia, Victorian Department of Health, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and our many members and collaborators.

"Health equity for this generation of Indigenous peoples cannot wait, we can’t fail the future generations of Indigenous populations." - Prof Gail Garvey AM, Professor of Indigenous Health Research, The University of Queensland (pictured).


Our CEO Prof Grant McArthur AO today represented the VCCC Alliance at the launch of the Australian Comprehensive Cancer Network (ACCN) in Sydney, hosted by Cancer Australia.

We applaud remarks by Health Minister, The Hon Mark Butler MP that equity is the absolute 'centrepiece' of the plan to give every Australian affected by cancer access to world-class outcomes and experiences.

Prof Grant McArthur AO was delighted to contribute, presenting on successful models of information exchange and leadership in Victoria, self-evaluation and continuous improvement, before chairing a spirited panel discussion on the importance of networking for care, performance and knowledge sharing with Dr Richard Mitchell and Prof Tracey O'Brien.

It's a privilege for the alliance to be part of the committee and we look forward to contributing strongly to the implementation of the Australian Cancer Plan.


The VCCC Alliance welcomes the $7.5 million in funding for its organisation announced as part of the Victorian Government’s 2024-25 budget on Tuesday, 7 May, but acknowledges it is a very disappointing budget for the state’s cancer and medical research sectors.

Support for medical research has declined for the second consecutive year. Meanwhile, VCCC Alliance funding reduced from $9.5 million each year from 2020-21 ($4.5 million in the year 2020/21) to $7.5 million over four years.

VCCC Alliance CEO Prof Grant McArthur AO said: “Medical research is a major jewel in Victoria’s crown and the reduction in funding from previous levels is concerning, as is the limited amount of funds in this budget for the cancer sector.

“At a time when the incidence of cancer continues to increase, the VCCC Alliance model of collaboration between major health, academic and research institutions is more important than ever to achieve the best possible outcomes for Victorians affected by cancer."

"Adequate funding for cancer research, treatment and care across the sector is absolutely critical at a time when we are seeing the incidence of cancer increase in Victoria from 35,656 cases a year in 2022 to more than 50,000 cases a year expected by 2033, and in Australia from 88,000 cases a year in 2000 to more than 200,000 cases a year expected by 2033 – a huge increase mostly related to both population growth and the aging population.”

Read more:

Victorian Department of Health Jacinta Allan Mary-Anne Thomas MP Cancer Australia The University of Melbourne Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Austin Health Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute The Royal Melbourne Hospital The Royal Women's Hospital The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne WEHI - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Western Health St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne


Get updated on the latest advancements in melanoma treatment, care and patient experience at our next Regional Cancer Partnerships Forum.

This online event has a regional focus, but is open to all health practitioners researchers, and consumers caring for or affected by cancer.

📅 Wednesday 24 April, 12.00–1.30pm

Join us to:

✔️ Learn about the latest research and opportunities for patients to participate in clinical trials for melanoma
✔️ Gain insights from regional medical specialists on the incidence of melanoma in regional settings
✔️ Hear firsthand accounts of lived experiences with melanoma
✔️ Explore a compelling case study on supportive care for melanoma patients

Expert speakers include A/Prof Oliver Klein, Medical Oncologist at Austin Health, Robyn McIntyre, Clinical Nurse Educator - Clinical Care at Grampians Health, and Caroline Suhr, Senior Research Nurse at Parkville Cancer Clinical Trials Unit.

Thank you to our Regional Host for this event, South West Healthcare.

Register your virtual seat:


A new hub of specialised resources has been developed to support the cancer workforce to implement and run more teletrials in Victoria, improving regional and rural access to clinicaltrials.

The resources, which include a comprehensive online course and toolkit, are free to access for healthcare professionals.

This project is the result of strong, multidisciplinary collaboration and is endorsed by the Victorian Teletrial Collaborative (VCCC Alliancence, The Alfred TrialHub and Regional Trials Network - Victoria), providing the sector with a trusted source of truth for teletrials in the state.

Educational materials have been co-designed with leading experts from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, The University of Melbourne, Bendigo Health, South West Healthcare and Cancer Trials Australia.

Register here for the upcoming teletrials masterclass on 3 May 2024:

Access the course:


Lung cancer in Indigenous people and the elimination of cervical cancer are just some of the issues to come under the microscope at the third World Indigenous Cancer Conference (WICC) here in Naarm (Melbourne) from 18-20 March.

Sponsored by Victorian Department of Health and hosted by the VCCC Alliance in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO)'s International Agency for Research on Cancer, will identify international research priorities and foster collaboration between delegates.

Lung cancer continues to be the biggest killer of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, says A/Prof Kalinda Griffiths, VCCC Alliance Research and Education Lead, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, and Director, Poche SA+NT at Flinders University.

“There is a 20-year lag time from starting smoking until lung cancer develops. We have the opportunity now to make great strides at the national and international level to support those people who are going to be impacted over the next 10 to 15 years.”

More than 500 attendees from Australia, Canada, France, New Zealand, Sweden, the UK, and the US will be attending the conference next week.

Read more:


Important messages from our CEO and melanoma expert, Prof Grant McArthur AO in the media yesterday re use of 'collariums' - key take out: there is no safe level of UV radiation Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Big step for cancer care in Regional Victoria | 2024 | VCCC Alliance 07/02/2024

Victoria has become the first state to establish a statewide regional cancer network.

Mildura Base Public Hospital is the eighth and final regional cancer centre to join the VCCC Alliance Regional Partnerships Program, enabling valuable sharing of resources, knowledge and experience - including targeted education programs to address skill gaps in the regional cancer workforce.

Another significant step towards improving outcomes for regional cancer patients through collaboration.

Victorian Department of Health

Big step for cancer care in Regional Victoria | 2024 | VCCC Alliance Victoria has become the first state to establish a statewide regional cancer network, after Mildura Base Public Hospital became the final regional cancer centre to join the VCCC Alliance Regional Partnerships Program.


Today is 2024 and we're focused on for regional Victorians.

Travel for treatment causes stress and additional financial burden when people are already dealing with a diagnosis. Could this be one of the reasons why five year survival for regional Victorians is lower than for people living in Melbourne?

A new study will help us better understand the barriers to treatment closer to home, so we can work to remove them.

Bendigo Health Austin Health Victorian Department of Health Mary-Anne Thomas MP Tim Richardson


Have you or someone you cared for been treated for cancer in Victoria? We'd like to hear from you!

VCCC Alliance is researching patients’ and carers’ experiences of accessing genomic tumour testing in Victoria.

Genomic tests look at a patient’s tumour sample that is usually taken via biopsy. These tests analyse the DNA contained in the tumour for any irregular patterns that may indicate a prognosis, or point to a particular cancer treatment that would be the most appropriate course of action.

It’s different from another type of genetic testing that looks at an individual’s inherited cancer risk (passed down through families) from normal tissue or blood. Genomic testing is an example of personalised cancer care, which tailors treatments to patients’ exact tumour make-up.

If you haven’t heard of genomic testing, you can still take part because it is really important for the researchers to understand why people may not have accessed testing. The survey takes about 15-30 minutes to complete (depending on if you have had testing).

Start the survey:

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute


Improving patient outcomes can only happen together.

Last year we launched the Centre for Cancer Education, an online oncology learning hub that's already approaching 1,000 registered users.

We hosted 135 education events, setting the stage for 8,700 cancer researchers, clinicians, consumers and professionals to learn new skills, network, and form new ideas as a community. 93% of them said they intended to change practice as a result of what they'd learned.

We also launched the VCCC Alliance Leadership Academy program, running workshops that nurture current and aspiring leaders in cancer.

We are making big steps to foster an outstanding cancer workforce in Victoria, enhancing patient outcomes for this state and beyond.

Read our 2023 Annual Report:


"Improving outcomes is not just about big new biological discoveries and major financial investments.

The impact of our programs show that by collaborating, connecting, empowering and educating, we can make improvements to the system, improve access, unlock knowledge and insights, and use the power of the collective to shift the dial." - Prof Grant McArthur AO, Executive Director.

Although we are only part-way through our reporting period, against 35 measures, 44% have already been exceeded or met. This success is all the more special and remarkable because it’s the result of hundreds of people’s contributions.

The VCCC Alliance 2023 Annual Report, ‘Potential to reality’, is now available online.


Photos from VCCC Alliance's post 20/12/2023

A $1.6 million research partnership will begin a new era for integrating lived experience into cancer care and control across Victoria.

The Cancer Consumer-led Research Partnership was officially announced by The Hon Tim Richardson MP at our Consumer Engagement and Leadership Forum, an event co-hosted with partners Monash Partners Comprehensive Cancer Consortium, Trials Network - Victoria, Cancer Council Victoria and The University of Melbourne.

Over 200 cancer consumers, researchers and health professionals joined the booked-out event to discuss consumer leadership and opportunities presented by integrating the expertise of lived experience in cancer research. The energy and sense of purpose in the room was palpable.

The partnership, a key component of the Victorian Cancer Plan 2020-2024, will support projects including development and implementation of a consumer leadership program to provide consumers with knowledge, skills and confidence to enhance their contribution to cancer-related care delivery, research and education.

Thank you to our speakers and panellists Ms Sophy Athan, John Asgari, Lama Karroum, Natalie Maxwell-Davis, Amanda Piper, Kathleen Wilkins, Donna Long and Prof Tina Penick Brock, and MC of the event, Jo Cockwill, Deputy Chair of VCCC Alliance Cancer Consumer Advisory Committee.

Read more:

Victorian Department of Health | Consumers Health Forum of Australia | Health Issues Centre


The VCCC Alliance warmly invites you to attend the 3rd World Indigenous Cancer Conference in Naarm (Melbourne), 18-20 March 2024.

With international speakers presenting across three themes of 'Process, Progress, Power', WICC 2024 will identify international research priorities and foster collaboration between delegates that will contribute to research for years to come.

This is the only global conference solely focused on improving cancer outcomes for Indigenous people, bringing together researchers from around the world. It is set to be a landmark meeting for those working towards reducing cancer disparities for Indigenous peoples around the world.

Early bird registrations close 15 December 2023.

Featured speakers include:


⭐Dr Rodney Haring, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA

⭐Talia P., Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Canada

⭐Rami Rahal, NZ Cancer Control Agency, New Zealand

⭐Freddie Bray, IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer / World Health Organization (IARC)

⭐Prof Gail Garvey, The University of Queensland

Register now:

View program:

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc Victorian Department of Health Natalie Hutchins MP | Linda Burney

Regional Partnerships Officer | VCCC Alliance 01/12/2023

Passionate about health equity and want to improve cancer outcomes in regional Victoria?

Grampians Health and the VCCC Alliance are looking for a part-time Regional Partnerships Officer to assist in rolling out our Partnership Agreement. The role will be responsible for liaising and providing a central point of contact between the organisations.

Learn more and apply below.

Regional Partnerships Officer | VCCC Alliance We are looking for a Regional Partnerships Officer to operationalise the Partnership Agreement between the VCCC Alliance and Grampians Health. This newly created part-time role is responsible for liaising and providing a central point of contact between the two organisations, while ensuring continue...

MLL: An international perspective on improving cancer experiences and outcomes | 2023 | VCCC Alliance 26/10/2023

MLL: An international perspective on improving cancer experiences and outcomes | 2023 | VCCC Alliance The Suspected Cancer Pathway (SCP) is a Welsh Government target for diagnosing cancer and starting treatment more quickly. It also indicates where information and support should be provided to patients across the pathway. In this webinar, Bethan Hawkes, Lead Cancer Nurse from NHS Wales Executive wil...

Photos from VCCC Alliance's post 24/10/2023

Some big questions were asked in our Cancer Communities Forum last month!

In this unique You Can't Ask That style forum, our audience put forward their curliest questions about targeted therapies and the growing trend towards tailored treatment for cancer...and leading cancer experts and experienced consumers responded.

From 'how do we take luck out of the equation' and 'why should I join a clinical trial' to 'should we have a 'tinder' for clinical trials', it was certainly an entertaining and enlightening evening for patients, their families, the cancer workforce and general public.

Missed the event? Catch up with the recording:

Thank you to our incredible host for the night Alison Coughlan, CEO of Health Issues Centre, and to our esteemed panel members Dr Damien Kee, Victoria Sharp, Prof Christobel Saunders AO, Paul Baden, Kathy Minas and Hayley Beer for a memorable conversation.

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre | The University of Melbourne | WEHI - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research


Why is self-determination in health important and how can Voice to Parliament help?

Every day, organisations like Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc see the outcomes achieved when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are involved in making decisions about their health.

"Self determination means we make decisions and form health strategies we know work for us. It will enable us to deliver care we know fully meets the needs of our peoples. Holistic care - that wraps around patients and their families, and ensures they are heard, they are seen, and they feel valued."

Watch the full recording of our recent Voice Panel:

Cancer Council Victoria

Photos from VCCC Alliance's post 04/10/2023

‘Affirming’, ‘inspiring’, ‘informative’ and ‘brilliant’.

These are just some of the words delegates used to describe our Research Conference last month at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

And what an event it was!

Over 400 emerging and established leaders, innovators and changemakers in cancer relished the opportunity to reconnect in person and step outside of their tumour stream in a packed two-day program.

On day one we were guided, challenged, and entertained by the inimitable Julie McCrossin AM as MC for the day.

Among many engaging breakout sessions, we enjoyed plenary discussions from Professors Charles Swanton, Sabe Sabesan, Dorothy Keefe and Michelle Haber AM.

Thanks again to our plenary panel who discussed 'will immunotherapy replace conventional therapy?' - Melissa Sheldon and Professors Sherene Loi, Christobel Saunders AO and Farshad Foroudi with Prof Grant McArthur AO as facilitator.

We'd be amiss not to mention a memorable welcome to country, featuring the Djirri Djirri dancers with the scene-stealing two-year old running around!

Full conference wrap:

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre | The Royal Melbourne Hospital | Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute | The Francis Crick Institute | Children's Cancer Institute | Cancer Australia

Can a Voice to Parliament help improve cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples? | 2023 | VCCC Alliance 25/09/2023

Undecided? Attend this online forum to find out how constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians could lead to real life benefits – including improvements to health and even cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Don't miss a unique opportunity to learn, ask questions and gain insight to help you make an informed decision when it comes time to vote on 14 October.

Hosted in collaboration with Cancer Council Victoria and Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc.

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre | Western Health | Austin Health | St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne | Croakey - Informed, engaged communities for health | Consumers Health Forum of Australia | Health Issues Centre

Can a Voice to Parliament help improve cancer outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples? | 2023 | VCCC Alliance Hosted by the VCCC Alliance, Cancer Council Vic and the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)

Scrub Choir Plus - What a Wonderful World/ Stand by Me 31/08/2023

Places are filling fast for our Conference Dinner! Don't miss out on this exciting evening of networking, live entertainment and a delicious three-course meal in the iconic Arts Centre Melbourne.

Hosted by comedian Brian Nankervis, the night will feature a tribute to the late Dame Olivia Newton-John AC OBE, a live performance of ONJ hits from the one and only The Royal Melbourne Hospital Scrub Choir led by Dr Emma O'Brien OAM.

🍽 →

Scrub Choir Plus - What a Wonderful World/ Stand by Me A big year demands for a big end with two colossal classics in this collaboration of What a Wonderful World (Thiele & Weiss, 1967) and Stand by Me (King, Lie...


That question you've always wanted to ask about the future of cancer care and treatment? Now's your chance.

You're invited to join us for a 'you can't ask that!' style forum, where leading cancer experts answer your biggest questions.

Cancer care has changed rapidly over the past decade. 'Targeted therapies', where drugs or treatments are matched specifically to each person, are providing new hope for people affected by cancer.

But what exactly does it mean? Is it right for everyone? How do patients feel about it?

If you're a:
⭐ Cancer patient or survivor
⭐ Family member or friend of someone affected by cancer
⭐ Carer
⭐ Professional working in the cancer workforce can't miss this. Attend in-person or online.

Register now:

Cancer Communities Forum
6.00-7.30pm, 13 September 2023
In-person at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

Cancer Council Victoria | Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia | Bowel Cancer Australia | Jean Hailes for Women's Health | Breast Cancer Network Australia | Health Issues Centre | Peter Mac Foundation - Unite to Fight Cancer | Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute | Carrie's Beanies 4 Brain Cancer Foundation | Prostate Cancer Support Australia


Clinical trials medicine is good medicine. But how can we ensure clinical trials can be accessed by as many Victorians as possible, while staying financially viable?

The answer may lie in a novel and emerging clinical trial methodology: Registry-based Clinical Trials (Reg-CTs).

Read the story 👉

WEHI - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research


"We have the most to gain from a lung cancer screening program, but we have the most to lose if we don't get it right."

A privilege to hear from A/Prof Lisa Whop and our expert panel in NAIDOC Week on the importance of self-determination in healthcare and how we must prioritise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander outcomes in our thinking as a sector.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Melbourne?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Our #teletrials online course has received a HUGE upgrade with 28 new expert-led tutorial videos! 📺This premier educatio...
Why is self-determination in health important and how can Voice to Parliament help?Every day, organisations like  Victor...
"We have the most to gain from a lung cancer screening program, but we have the most to lose if we don't get it right."A...
Early bird registrations close in under 12 hours!Join us at the 2023 Research Conference this 12-13 September. An exciti...
The new Centre for Cancer Education offers an unprecedented 'one-stop-shop' of learning opportunities to the cancer work...
"Follow the courage of your convictions. Find your allies."Bold advice from Jaala Pulford for the future leaders of canc...
Wonderful to host Cancer Council Victoria yesterday to launch its new campaign, Early Detection Saves Lives, via our Mon...
mRNA technology promises cancer treatment breakthrough
'We deserve better': Gabrielle Jackson on medical misogyny #IWD2023
Attention blokes: here's how you can be an ally for women this International Women's Day #IWD23Register here →
'A pivotal moment in my career': 2019 intern Stephanie Bricker reflects on SKILLED Program
End of year message from VCCC Alliance




Level 10, 305 Grattan Street
Melbourne, VIC

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