Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Australia's only public hospital solely dedicated to cancer treatment, research and education.

Peter Mac is one of the world’s leading cancer research, education and treatment centres globally and is Australia’s only public hospital solely dedicated


There has been media coverage in recent days regarding the potential impact of electromagnetic interference (EMI) on medical equipment in the Parkville Precinct including equipment at Peter Mac.

We would like to reassure patients and families who have had an MRI or plan to have an MRI that there is no risk to patient care.

Patients have been accessing high quality MRI and other imaging services at Peter Mac Imaging East Melbourne for the past year.

People who are admitted as inpatients at Peter Mac are having their MRI scans at the Royal Melbourne Hospital as required.

At the same time, Peter Mac is working with global experts to test the potential impact of any electromagnetic interference and to determine what steps might be needed to reduce or eliminate its effect.

Patient safety remains our number one priority and all testing is carefully planned to ensure patient care is not affected.

Potential for electromagnetic interference is linked to trains running in the Metro Tunnel, which is currently under construction.

More information about ‘Peter Mac Imaging East Melbourne’ is available on our website:


This National Science Week we’re celebrating 75 years of scientific innovation at Peter Mac and the brilliant minds who have contributed to our understanding of and its treatment over the decades.

From humble beginnings in 1949, we now have more than 700 researchers across the clinical-laboratory-health services spectrum working tirelessly to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

We thank the many, many thousands of researchers and clinicians who have contributed to ground-breaking treatment breakthroughs and new innovations in patient care that have had impact across the globe.

Happy National Science Week!


Peter Mac nurses have been caring for people with for three-quarters of a century - a beacon of compassion, innovation, and dedication.

Today is the inaugural Cancer Nurses Day, a day to celebrate the remarkable contribution of the more than 7,500 oncology nurses across Australia.

We’d like to highlight our Peter Mac @ Home team (pictured), which was established in 1950 - just one year after Peter Mac was opened - to care for patients in their own homes.

The service has never stopped evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs of patients in a rapidly advancing healthcare landscape.

Today our nurses visit over 6,500 patients every year, making almost 16,000 visits to deliver cancer treatments and medical care in the comfort of patients’ own homes.

Thank you to our exceptional Peter Mac @ Home team and to all of our amazing specialist cancer nurses!

Cancer Nurses Society of Australia - CNSA


If you visit our Melbourne campus, make sure you check out our historical artefact exhibition to celebrate 75 years of Peter Mac.

There's never before seen items from the personal collections of our founders, generously on loan from their families, and lots of photos and medical equipment.

It was expertly curated by Lyndel Wischer and Bridget Slattery who spent months locating and cataloguing documents, photographs, objects and film collected over Peter Mac’s seven and a half decades.


Heard about Health Hub? Nine out of 10 patients who use it would recommend it to others. They even say health tech has helped improve their overall health.

Our recent survey results show just how much of an impact it makes when patients are armed with rapid, comprehensive information about their care.

Want to dive in and see what other patients are talking about? Explore our survey findings and become part of Health Hub:


🎉 A HUGE thank you to everyone who joined us for Open House Melbourne.

Your presence and enthusiasm made the event truly special. We hope you enjoyed exploring our facilities and learning about the incredible work happening here every day🌟

Check out some of the higlights.


Peter Mac's Dr Stephen Luen spoke to The Australian about the groundbreaking treatment Vitrakvi (larotrectinib), which has was added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme in recent days.

This means that eligible patients can now access this life-changing, targeted therapy at a significantly reduced cost - previously the treatment would have cost patients $130K per year.

The drug is designed to treat cancers that have a specific genetic mutation known as a TRK gene fusion by blocking the TRK proteins that help cancer cells grow and spread. This offers a more precise treatment option with fewer side effects compared to traditional chemotherapy.

Dr Luen described the treatment as "the intersection of two major scientific developments - genomic testing and precision oncology".


Many volunteers make a difference every single day Peter Mac.

Today we thank two expert volunteers who have spent months archiving important historical materials for our 75th anniversary.

They have also curated a fascinating historical exhibition featuring photos, objects, artworks and film.

Thank you Lyndel Wischer and Bridget Slattery your work to share the incredible story of Peter Mac! You can visit the exhibition 'Some Days Are Diamonds' on Level 7 of our Parkville campus.


It's another busy in the Wellbeing Centre at Peter Mac!

See a list of the session taking place below.

If you see a something that takes your fancy then please click the link or give our Wellbeing team a call for more information:


What a moment for Peter Mac patient and Olympian, Jean Mitchell, who will row for Australia in the Women's Four at the Paris Olympics tonight!

Jean was dominating her age class nationally when her cancer was diagnosed at age 16 - being treated at Peter Mac for medulloblastoma (a paediatric brain tumour) which required surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

“Everyone representing Australia in Paris has shown enormous talent and dedication but few will have overcome the challenges that Jean has,” says Dr Greg Wheeler, chair of the Paediatric and Late Effects Service at Peter Mac.

In 2016, Peter Mac’s radiotherapy team arranged for Australian Olympic gold medallist rower Kim Brennan to visit Jean to lift her spirits. Now Jean has the chance to be part of history herself.

Join us in cheering on Jean and the crew tonight from 8.30pm AEST.

And read more about Jean's incredible journey here -

Go Jean, Go Rowsellas, Go Australia!

Photos from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre's post 28/07/2024

Children, animals and technology are part of today's Open House experience at Peter Mac!

Hundreds of people have already been through the doors to learn more about cancer care with radiation therapy, cancer imaging and performing robotic surgery on gummi bears all capturing the imagination.

But it's hard to compete with therapy dog, Baz, who's winning hearts (and pats) everywhere he goes!

Open House is on until 4pm this afternoon for everyone who's brave enough to tackle Melbourne's wintry weather.

You can click on the link for more info about what's on -


Peter Mac launched a trial of an Australian-first ‘Volunteer Peer Navigators Program’ to support head and neck cancer patients at a jam-packed event this morning.

CEO, Professor Jason Payne, was joined by the CEO of Head and Neck Cancer Australia, Nadia Rosin, at the event ahead of World Head and Neck Cancer Day tomorrow, 27 July.

Head and neck cancers include a range of different cancers located in the head and neck but tend to have a lower profile than other cancer types.

The cancers and treatment can affect a patient’s ability to perform simple tasks such as eating, drinking, swallowing, speaking and even breathing, and can also impact on patient’s appearance.

The Head and Neck Peer Navigation Program will see volunteer patients and carers working with current patients and their families to help ensure they can access the support and services they need.

“This program has the potential to not only offer patients support, but also give them hope,” said Lora Winter, head and neck cancer patient and facilitator of the Victorian Head and Neck Cancer Support Group.

“Head and neck cancers can have a significant impact on patients and their families so to learn from those who have been on this journey and to see that there can be a positive outcome will be really important for people.”

More details about the trial and our collaboration with Northern Health are on our website -

Less pain and more to gain for patients with metastatic breast cancer who exercise - Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre 25/07/2024

A study has shown how exercise can reduce fatigue and improve quality of life in patients with metastatic (advanced) breast cancer. "In addition, beneficial effects in physical functioning and pain were seen with exercise," explains Peter Mac's Prof Prue Francis. Read more about this study, a collaboration with Australian Catholic University (ACU) and other institutes, here 👇

Less pain and more to gain for patients with metastatic breast cancer who exercise - Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Structured exercise can improve quality of life and reduce side effects, such as fatigue and pain, in patients with metastatic breast cancer, according to new global research published in Nature Medicine today.

Photos from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre's post 25/07/2024

Open House Melbourne is almost here!

This is a rare opportunity to see the workings of Australia's only dedicated public cancer hospital up close and to meet some of the people who care for our patients.

Take the chance to learn more about surgery, radiation therapy, pathology, pharmacy, cancer imaging, research and wellbeing at Peter Mac.

You can also take in an exhibition showcasing our 75 year history and enjoy the incredible art that is on display around the building.

Peter Mac is open from 10am to 4pm this weekend - July 27th and 28th.

For full program information click here -

Planetary Health: What it is and why it matters 19/07/2024

Interested in the latest in nursing research and service development? Our third public nursing seminar is next week, hosted in collaboration with the The University of Melbourne, The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, The Royal Melbourne Hospital. Join guest speakers as we explore planetary health and its impacts on the health and wellbeing of populations. Find more information and register to attend in person or online via the link.

Planetary Health: What it is and why it matters Nursing at Melbourne: 2024 Seminar Series

Photos from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre's post 18/07/2024

It's just over a week until Open House Melbourne and the full list of events at Peter Mac is now available!

Come and join us on Saturday July 27th and Sunday July 28th for a behind the scenes look at Peter Mac, our services and our history as we celebrate 75 years.

You can take part in a guided tour or simply use the opportunity to see the different aspects of cancer care and patient wellbeing in the amazing building that houses Australia's only public health service solely dedicated to caring for people affected by cancer.

Peter Mac's full Open House Melbourne program can be found here -

Photos from Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre's post 17/07/2024

Yesterday more than 60 Peter Mac patients, carers and family members joined us for our annual Patient Parliament.

Participants were guided through the workshop with skill and compassion by our Patient Experience and Wellbeing team, giving us the chance to gather important insights to help improve the way we deliver cancer care.

Co-designing services alongside our patients and carers and learning from their personal experiences is central to everything we do at Peter Mac. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who took part.

We also officially launched Peter Mac's new Patient and Carer Support Service (PACS), Cancer School online support program, and the new Peer Navigator program in collaboration with Northern Health. All these initiatives are aimed at supporting each person with cancer in the way that best suits them.

A big thank you to Ged Kearney MP for coming along and joining a great panel discussion.

Read more:


July is Sarcoma Awareness Month and Peter Mac's Dr Susie Bae spoke with 7NEWS Melbourne over the weekend to raise the profile of these rare cancers.

Many sarcomas are slow-growing and painless, and are often misdiagnosed as a sporting injury or growing pains in young people because they can present as muscle or joint pain. But they can be deadly and account for around 20% of childhood cancers.

Melbourne mum and Peter Mac patient, Karen Thrussell, also shared her story of sarcoma diagnosis with 7 News -

You can read more about sarcomas on our website -

Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association


Lots on this week in the Wellbeing Centre, with Art Therapy returning after a two week break.

Please note, the Wellbeing Centre will be closed on TUESDAY as the team is running the Patient Carer and family Experience Launch (join the launch in lecture theatre B on level 7, all welcome).

Find out more and book:


To celebrate , we had a special smudge stick making workshop in our wellbeing centre with Lani Wilson from Dreamings of Country.

Smudge sticks - a tradition in many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities - are made from a bundle of native Australian plants, tied tightly together and burned to release smoke to clear away unwanted energies and to make way for positive new energies.

Everyone at the workshop made one to take home so they can perform their own cleansing smoking ceremony.


We're so excited for Open House coming up later this month - July 27 & 28 - come and explore our spectacular building and meet our staff.

Take a peek inside our operating theatres and watch our surgery robot in action, see a radiation therapy bunker, learn heaps about our research and much, much more.

Plus we're launching an exhibition celebrating our 75th birthday with a look back through the arvchives.

We've got both self-guided tours (no bookings required) and a guided tours, including an art tour (please book via the link below).

We would love to see you!!

Book here:


Two of Peter Mac’s most promising clinical researchers, Dr Adrian Minson and Dr Lavinia Spain, have received 2024 Discovery Partner Fellowships, supported by donations to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation.

“We are incredibly grateful towards more than 50,000 Australians who give so generously to our Discovery Partner program each month. They are empowering researchers to make remarkable and life-changing progress in cancer research here at Peter Mac,” Kate Torney, Executive Director Foundation said.

Both are pursuing research in the immunotherapy space - you can read more about it here:


It is - a time to celebrate the achievements, culture and histories of First Nations people.

Teams from across Peter Mac got crafty and decorated their areas using this year's theme: Keep the Fire Burning, Blak, Loud and Proud!

A panel of judges, including Aboriginal Health Liaison Officers Jay Hamann and Andrea Casey and Yorta Yorta patient Shane, toured each area to decide the winner.

The calibre of decorations were incredible across the board but Ward 3A took out the title with their extensive display that was both educational and beautiful.

The team decorated numerous areas but the show stopper was a light-up fire on the front desk with a fan to make it move like a real fire. x

Find out more about NAIDOC Week:


The team at Peter Mac’s Centre for Biostatistics and Clinical Trials had a paw-some day at the office this week – spending some quality time with a litter of very cute pups.

The team wellbeing session was a chance for them to loosen their collars and unwind, all while helping to provide animals in need with food, medical care and shelter.

The Paws at Work program is run by Melbourne animal shelter Second Chance Animal Rescue, who use the program to raise funds for animal care while also socialising the pups.

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre's 75th Anniversary | Open House Melbourne 03/07/2024

Join us for Open House Melbourne on July 27 & 28!!

We have an exciting program of behind-the-scenes activities with lots of cool stuff to check out - see in the operating theatres and radiation therapy bunkers, chat to our researchers and watch our pathology team in action (to name just a few).

There's activities for kids and we're also celebrating 75 years of Peter Mac, so we'll also have a historical exhibition and videos from the archives.

There's a few options:

★ Self-guided tours run daily from 10am to 4pm - pop in any time, grab a guide and take yourself on a journey through our incredible building and see behind-the-scenes at your own pace.

★ Guided tours (plus a dedicated art tour) running across the day. This is a chance to see additional areas outside of the self-guided tour including many clinical and research areas. Click the link to book in for the guided tour tickets.

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre's 75th Anniversary | Open House Melbourne  


Professor Sarah-Jane Dawson will lead a research project aimed at using blood samples, known as a liquid biopsies, to detect at earlier stages, and monitor the disease more effectively, to improve outcomes.

If detected in the early stages, the five-year survival rate is on average 95 to 100 per cent but as low as 32 per cent for stage four metastatic breast cancer, meaning early diagnosis and improved monitoring are key.

The research has this week received a significant Medical Research Future Fund grant close to $3 million.

Read more:


A massive thanks to the The Royal Women's Hospital for hosting this incredible precinct-wide gathering yesterday.

It was a celebration of diversity and inclusion and a chance for all our organisations to get together to share ideas and build relationships.


𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮! 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮! 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮!

Following a big community response, a new range of comforting designs have been selected for our bereavement bags.

These bags are used in the palliative care ward to hold a late patient’s personal effects for collection by their family.

A massive thanks to everyone who submitted designs - there were so many beautiful images that it wasn't an easy task for our Ward 1A team to decide.

See which designs they selected:

Prostate health – we went there - ABC listen 28/06/2024

𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧, 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙?

That's the question Peter Mac's Professor Arun Azad joined ABC radio to answer this week.

Click the link to hear about what to look out for, when to have a PSA test, treatment options available for prostate cancer and if outcomes are getting better.

Prostate health – we went there - ABC listen For many types of cancer, the message is to get tested; think about cervical cancer and pap tests, breast cancer and breast screening, skin cancer and skin checks, and bowel cancer screening. The best advice for prostate cancer differs, so what are you supposed to do?

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Welcome to Peter Mac

Peter Mac is an integrated cancer research, treatment and education centre. A place where normal days are extraordinary – as are the people we care for.

We are an internationally recognised cancer centre at the forefront of groundbreaking research that leads to improved treatments, better outcomes and new hope for people affected by cancer across the globe. Through our advances in research, education and treatment we are breaking new ground and changing lives for people affected by cancer.

Videos (show all)

This National Science Week we’re celebrating 75 years of scientific innovation at Peter Mac and the brilliant minds who ...
Highlights from Open House Melbourne 2024
Over the weekend Peter Mac's A/Prof Tom John and patient Jason joined 7 News to talk about a lung cancer drug that's bee...
Peter Mac's Professor Simon Harrison explains how CAR T-cell therapy works to fight blood cancer in this episode of The ...
We're so pleased to share this video about an incredible group of women from the City of Melton, the CommuKnitty Crafter...
The number of prostate cancers diagnosed globally will more than double – rising to 2.9 million diagnoses each year – by...
Last night on 60 Minutes Australia, our Director of Cancer Research, Professor Ricky Johnstone, spoke with Tara Brown ab...
Peter Mac researcher Dr Benjamin Blyth is studying how radiation therapy can trigger an immune response in the body the ...
Peter Mac Associate Professor Shom Goel has won a USD $3 million (AUD $4.5 million) United States Department of Defence ...
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐛 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞, 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐜 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝟕𝟓-𝐲...
Dr Kathleen Pishas is currently undertaking the 𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 – testing how over 6700 medici...
𝙊𝙪𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙬.This knowledge will be used to reverse #liver failur...




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