Launch Housing

Launch Housing is a Melbourne based, secular and independent community agency whose mission is to en

Launch Housing is one of Victoria’s largest providers of housing and homelessness support services. We help thousands of Melburnians every year with social housing, emergency and crisis accommodation, rough sleeper services and much more.


📣Exciting announcement!📣

We are so delighted to share that we are the 2025 Charity Partner for the Melbourne Teams Corporate Triathlon!

Keen to make a difference in your community? Teams can choose between the Full Relay (Main) or the Fun Relay. Whatever challenge you take on you'll be making a huge impact.

This is a chance to showcase your strength, resilience, and determination, qualities embodied by the 30,000+ Victorians experiencing homelessness on any given night.

Every dollar you raise will go to programs providing housing, health, education and employment support, changing the lives of people across Melbourne.

So, follow the sign up link here: and join us in the race to end homelessness!


It’s National Reconciliation week: A time for all Australians to learn about and engage with the histories, cultures, and achievements of our First Nations people.

The theme for 2024 is Now More Than Ever: A reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will —and must —continue.

Reconciliation is about strengthening relationships between First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians for the benefit of all.
Our Cultural Safety Working Group has been focused on creating new resources and activities to help us reflect on our shared history and take meaningful action towards creating a more just and equitable society. And this week, as part of our commitment towards Reconciliation, we launched a range of initiatives including a staff First Nations Cultural HUB created for, and by, First Nations people and communities. It’s a living space for educational resources and Truth-Telling and cultural uplift initiatives that will continue to grow and transform based on staff feedback and needs.

Tough conversations and self-reflection are necessary to foster real change and Truth-Telling.

As part of this ongoing commitment towards Reconciliation we are sharing these Decolonise Yourself Conversation Cards with our staff. The cards were created by Aretha Brown (she/her) a proud Gumbaynggirr woman and Brigalow Joaquin McIntosh (he/him) a proud Muruwari/Kooma man after the failed 2023 Referendum. They created the cards to help reignite conversations around First Nations culture and break harmful stereotypes.

Each card contains a thought-provoking question or prompt to stimulate deep reflection and conversation, and each card has unique art by Aretha.

We plan to incorporate the use of these cards across all areas of our organisation, so that we can truly work towards decolonising our practice, from the foundation up.

Learn more here:


TRANSform is an ongoing research project designed to investigate the health and wellbeing experiences of the Australian trans and gender-diverse community. TRANSform is led by trans researchers from the Trans Health Research Group at The University of Melbourne.

As part of the project, the third bi-annual Trans and Gender Diverse Mental Health Survey is now open. The survey focuses on community priority topics including housing instability, homelessness, rental experiences and financial stress.

If you are trans or gender diverse, living in Australia, and 16 years or older, consider taking part in this important research. For more info, follow the link: :


TRANSform is an ongoing research project designed to investigate the health and wellbeing experiences of the Australian trans and gender-diverse community. TRANSform is led by trans researchers from the Trans Health Research Group at The University of Melbourne.

As part of the project, the third bi-annual Trans and Gender Diverse Mental Health Survey is now open. The survey focuses on community priority topics including housing instability, homelessness, rental experiences and financial stress.

If you are trans or gender diverse, living in Australia, and 16 years or older, consider taking part in this important research. For more info, follow the link:


People aged 19-24 experience the highest rate of homelessness of all age groups.

But thanks to innovative solutions like youth foyers, some of these young people can access safe and supportive housing that has a long-term impact, like 23-year-old Coco who says that since she became a foyer student her life now "has a purpose."

This winter, as we have throughout every season for the past 10 years, along with our partners Kangan Institute, Holmesglen and the Brotherhood of St. Laurence we will support up to 40 young people at each of our two Education First Youth Foyers providing them with both a safe home and the supports they need to finish their education and gain long-term independence.

In this new feature from The Guardian Labs, read more about Coco's journey, the power of Education First Youth Foyers and why Melbourne needs more:


This week we say farewell and thank you to Jill Riseley AM for your 8 years as a non-Executive Director of Launch Housing.

The housing growth we're achieving and the impact on homelessness we're making would not be possible without the wisdom and care you've demonstrated for staff, renters and the partners we work with. In particular, the partnership with REA that has rapidly rehoused thousands of women and children fleeing family violence right across the country has been amazing.

Your leadership of our Property Committee has been synonymous with innovation and your approach has seen us create growth through the lens of partnership and collaboration. From Tiny Homes with Harris Capital to specialist housing for women escaping violence in Dandenong to Bellfield apartments with the Banyule City Council - you’ve helped us build our reputation as a safe pair of hands in finding solutions to homelessness under one roof.

We wish you well in building a more equal society and improving sustainability for all of us. For a quick playthrough of some of the key projects the Property Committee has landed, check out this video -

We’ll miss you, Jill.

Homes Victoria Balmain & Co ARM Architecture Housing Australia, Camillo Builders, Tango Projects, DCWC Project Managers


🌈Today, it’s IDAHOBIT🌈

The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia

At Launch Housing, we support justice and better protections for LGBTQIA+ people to access our housing and homelessness support services.

It was on this day in 1990 that homosexuality was removed from the WHO Classification of Diseases. But discrimination still exists. In fact, people from LGBTQIA+ communities are more than twice as likely to experience homelessness than the rest of the population.

Today, we proudly restate our commitment to ending homelessness in the LGBTQIA+ community here in Melbourne.

With a quarter of our team identifying as being part of the LGBTQIA+ community, we’re all in on providing supportive spaces. And, here’s how you can help:

1. Listen, learn, and educate yourself 🎓
2. Speak up against discrimination 📣
3. Use inclusive language and be respectful of pronouns 💜

And, of course, support our work!

Together, let's end homelessness in our LGBTQIA+ community 🏠🌈


When you help someone, how good does it feel?

Sydney knows what it’s like to sleep on the streets. Without food, without a bed, without shelter, every day is hard out there for people like Sydney ... the nights are even harder.

Acts of kindness – no matter how big or small – can have a huge and lasting impact on people who are experiencing homelessness. Asking people what they need is the first step.

Sydney says he can remember every time someone has helped turn his day around.

“If you do one good thing every day, you can change 365 people’s lives a year”

Read more on how you can Stop, Share, and Care 👇


Family violence is a national crisis.

The escalating crisis of violence against women in Australia is demonstrated by the fact that to date this year a woman has been killed every four days. It’s a much talked about statistic, that’s rightfully made headlines. And it’s devastating.

What’s equally devastating is the scale of violence that lies behind the deaths of so many women.

In our state alone, police have responded to 94,000 family violence incidents in the past 12-months.

Family and domestic violence is one of the main drivers of homelessness for women and children. Women escaping family violence are often faced with the impossible choice between shelter and abuse. It’s a difficult truth that there is a shortage of appropriate, safe and long-term housing for women and children who are escaping family violence.

That’s why in partnership with Uniting Vic.Tas, the Victorian Government and generous donors we built Viv’s Place, an Australian first apartment building for families escaping family and domestic violence. Viv’s Place now provides 60 women and over 100 children with a safe long-term home, and wraparound supports. As current residents recently told us, “to be able to live in Viv's Place is such a blessing. My son feels safe at our home” and “our lives have changed forever.”

Solutions like Viv’s Place have a big impact, and we need more of these long-term housing solutions to give more women and children a safe, secure and supportive home away from the trauma and danger of family and domestic violence.


Victoria is in a once-in-a-lifetime homelessness crisis.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, across our state, 3,800 people sleeping rough are persistently homeless.

But the solutions to rough sleeping are known and have been proven in other cities and countries, like in Finland, where virtually nobody sleeps on the streets.

Housing First is well established as the best model to provide people who have experienced the trauma of homelessness with housing and the support they need to help them stay off the street, permanently.

We know the answer. Now it's time to back it. We stand with the Council to Homeless Persons and urge the Victorian Government to grow Housing First.

This year’s Victorian Budget needs to be The Homelessness Budget.


Sydney knows what it's like to sleep on the streets.

By the time he was in his early 40s, he'd been sleeping rough for much of his life. And as he says, “nobody wants to sleep on the streets. It was no way to live.”

Rough sleeping is a health emergency. People sleeping rough on our streets are likely to die 30 years earlier than people in stable housing. It's the most traumatic, dangerous and isolating form of homelessness.

But street homelessness is not inevitable, solutions exist and have been proven in cities overseas. Zero homelessness is possible.

Together we can end homelessness in Melbourne, starting with ending rough sleeping by 2030.

Sign up to Melbourne Zero and take action today

Photos from Launch Housing's post 17/04/2024

The impact of youth homelessness can be profound, but solutions exist.

This week, as we acknowledge Youth Homelessness Matters Day, we want to take a moment to celebrate the power of partnerships for helping break the cycle of homelessness.

Since 2015, we have partnered with our friends HoMie and For Change Co to provide training and employment opportunities for young people experiencing homelessness including students at our Education First Youth Foyers.

HoMie has equipped over 2,550 young people with qualifications, retail experience and employment. For Change Co. has given many young people training and work experience in hospitality, helping them build skills and confidence to find work and gain independence.

It takes a special type of organisation to believe in young people, help nurture their potential and give them the opportunity to thrive. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our valuable partners who have helped us on that mission.

Is your business or organisation interested in providing employment and training opportunities to young people? Leave us a comment or send us a DM and a member of our team will get in touch.

Photos from Launch Housing's post 17/04/2024

It’s Youth Homeless Matters Day and we’d like you to pause and consider the profound impact of homelessness on our First Nations youth.

First Nations people are disproportionately impacted by homelessness and last year, about one third of people aged 15-24 who presented alone to a specialist homelessness service identified as First Nations.

Yesterday, we held a YHMD First Nations network lunch and workshop at VACSAL bringing together Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and Youth Programs who are dedicated to supporting First Nations young people at risk of homelessness. It was an opportunity to collaborate and identify solutions that combine long-term housing with culturally sensitive support systems.

We were privileged to hear from two First Nations youth foyer students who gave powerful speeches, sharing their journey and experience at the foyers.

Everyone who attended found the network meeting valuable and saw the need for future network opportunities to continue collaboration efforts. We agreed that we need to work together to break down housing barriers, making it easier for our First Nations youth to stay in safe, secure and affordable housing, headed toward brighter futures.

We left the day with a sense that we are stronger when we work together, and partnerships are vital for finding solutions to the youth homelessness crisis that unfairly impacts our young First Nations people.

Launch Housing would like to thank the following organisations and programs for attending the YHMD First Nations Network and for their openness to sharing and contributing their deep community and cultural knowledges: Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd, Ngwala Willumbong Co-Operative, Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency - V***A, Weenthunga Health Network and Department of Education, Marrung Koorie Outcomes Division. Big thanks to Yarra City Council First Nations Pathway Program for supporting this initiative.

Photos from Launch Housing's post 16/04/2024

✨🏠✨ Today marks a day of awareness we cannot afford to overlook – Youth Homelessness Matters Day ✨🏠✨

It has never been more difficult for a young person to find stable, affordable housing. In fact, 16 to 24-year-olds experience the highest rate of homelessness among all age groups.

But solutions exist.

Our Glen Waverley and Broadmeadows Education First Youth Foyers, which are run in partnership with Holmesglen, Kangan Institute and Brotherhood of St. Laurence, are currently home to 80 young people aged 16-24 who were experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.

Foyers offer a safe and stable home, integrated with education, employment and life-skills support.

Last year, 84% of our students exited the program into further study or employment. That’s an exceptional outcome when we consider the hardships these young people have overcome.

Youth Foyers support young people to build a secure and sustainable livelihood, learn more about how they can break the cycle of homelessness 👇


Consider this: 25 percent of Victorians experiencing homelessness are aged between 12 and 24 years old.

That's more than 7,000 young Victorians who don’t have a safe place to call home.

Too many young people are couch surfing, living in cars or in overcrowded or unsafe homes and on the streets. Nearly half of these young people are experiencing mental health issues and over one-third are experiencing domestic and family violence.

Many need medium and longer-term options that give them the safety and stability they need to finish their studies, gain a job and become independent adults.

Your action today can change lives. Invest in the youth of today to prevent the homelessness of tomorrow. Pledge your investment today -


More than 7,000 young Victorians don’t have a safe place to call home.

There's a significant wage and employment rate gap between someone who leaves school in year 10 versus year 12, and those who complete some form of tertiary study compared to people who don’t. And across Melbourne, too many young people don't finish their studies because they are experiencing the trauma of homelessness, or because they are at risk of becoming homeless.

On Wednesday April 17, it's Youth Homelessness Matters Day and we're calling on you to invest in the youth of today to prevent the homelessness of tomorrow.

By investing in our youth, we provide them with a stable foundation to grow, thrive, and pursue their dreams. Learn how 👇


Victoria is in a once-in-a-lifetime homelessness crisis.

On the last Census night, 30,660 Victorians were recorded as experiencing homelessness. Our state's social housing stock is simply too small to respond to a problem on this scale.

We have a supply issue.

Ending homelessness starts with building more affordable homes and Victoria needs 60,000 additional social homes to be built over the next decade.

That’s why we are joining the Council to Homeless Persons and calling for the Victorian government to commit to building 6,000 more social homes every year for the next 4 years when it delivers the Victorian Budget on May 7.

This year’s Victorian Budget needs to be The Homelessness Budget.

Photos from Launch Housing's post 04/04/2024

Victoria is in a once-in-a-lifetime homelessness crisis.

Across Melbourne, homelessness entry points are often so overwhelmed by demand that they're unable to provide people with support on the day they need it.

More investment is needed to grow entry points so they can meet the current need. That's why we are joining the Council to Homeless Persons and calling for increased funding for entry points in the upcoming Victorian State Budget.

This year’s Victorian Budget needs to be The Homelessness Budget.

Photos from Launch Housing's post 30/03/2024

Young adults aged 19 to 24 have the highest rate of homelessness of any age group.

Evidence shows the power of youth foyers for breaking the cycle of homelessness and that’s why we were recently in Canberra as proud members of the FoyerInvest network calling on the federal government to fund 10 new youth foyers across Australia over the next three years.

While we were in town, we also went to the launch of Parity Magazine's latest issue, which is all about the future of youth foyers, and heard Youth Ambassadors speak powerfully about how youth foyers have changed their lives.

Youth Foyers work to break the cycle of homelessness by supporting young people to build a secure and sustainable livelihood. Our Glen Waverley and Broadmeadows Education First Youth Foyers which are run in partnership with Holmesglen Kangan Institute and Brotherhood of St. Laurence offer young people aged 16-24 a safe and stable home, integrated with education, employment and life-skills support.

Youth Foyers are an evidence-based solution to youth homelessness: 84% of last year's graduates were employed or enrolled in education. That's why we are proud to advocate for in the federal budget.

Foyer Foundation Uniting Uniting Vic.Tas Anglicare WA Berry Street Brisbane Youth Service Brotherhood of St. Laurence Hand Heart Pocket Junction Australia


The Launch housing team were in the Q+A audience on Monday night for a heated discussion about homeownership, homelessness and housing supply.

We were also there to support Paige, a case manager who works at one of our crisis accommodation sites. Paige discussed her own experience with homelessness and made it clear to the panel: Having a home is a basic human right.


Today, it’s National Close the Gap Day and we're focusing on how important housing is for closing the gap in living standards between First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians.

We know that a safe and suitable home does a lot more than provide shelter—it's vital to good health, doing well in school, and having a job. We also know that while First Nations people constitute only 3% of Australia’s population, they represent between 10% and 20% of our clients.

For First Nations people, Country embodies the spiritual, cultural, and ancestral essence that connects First Australians to their land. This connection was disrupted by colonisation, leading to physical displacement and loss of identity and community.

Improving housing accessibility, healthcare, and support for First Nations people is urgently needed to bridge the gap in health outcomes between First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians. We must ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people secure appropriate, affordable, housing as a matter of urgency and we see this as a significant step towards restoring the opportunities for community, identity, and economic empowerment that have been denied for too long. By placing a value on this, we can actively contribute toward bridging the gap.


Street homelessness is not normal. It’s traumatic, dangerous and isolating and it has a devastating impact on people’s physical and mental health, and participation in our community. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

In an inspiring interview on ABC Radio's Statewide Drive, Launch Housing's George Hatvani shares how a hyperlocal approach can end rough sleeping in Melbourne by 2030.

As he explains, to end rough sleeping in Melbourne it’s vital to create “By Name Lists” which recognise by name everyone who is sleeping rough and bring together all the necessary services including health, family violence and other supports they need to access and retain housing. The approach is now used in 6 local government areas of Melbourne - City of Melbourne, Yarra, Stonnington, Port Phillip, Dandenong, and Frankston.

Want to be part of the movement?


This International Women's Day, we are proud to stand with UN Women to celebrate the 2024 theme: "Count Her In: Invest in Women. Accelerate Progress."

At Launch Housing we are committed to economic inclusion. 70% of our workforce identify as women and we proudly maintain a 0% gender pay gap. We also offer permanent employment opportunities wherever possible, setting a standard in the not-for-profit sector.

Join us in advocating for equal opportunities for women to learn, earn, and lead. Together, we can break down barriers and build a future where everyone thrives.

‘I can’t keep living like this’: a day on the frontline of Australia’s homelessness crisis 03/03/2024

Today, the Guardian Australia features Launch Housing in an urgent report from the frontline of Australia's homelessness crisis.

Reporter Cait Kelly recently spent the day with team leaders from Launch Housing’s Rough Sleepers Initiative and Daily Support Team while they provided outreach support to people sleeping in Melbourne’s CBD – like a man named Cameron who has been sleeping rough for over a year.

At one of Launch Housing’s crisis accommodation sites 35-year-old Ruby, a former librarian, describes how she found herself unable to pay her rent and was left with no option but to put all her belongings into suitcases and sleep on the street. Once she was in temporary accommodation provided by Launch Housing, Ruby also benefited from supports like healthcare, legal advice, and counselling.

As the Guardian documents, each day at Launch Housing we see the impact of the homelessness crisis and our team works tirelessly to help people like Ruby and Cameron with a range of housing and innovative wraparound health, education and specialist support services.

Rough sleeping is a health emergency. People sleeping rough are likely to die 30 years earlier than people in stable housing. Rough sleeping is the most visible and damaging form of homelessness... but it is not normal, and it is not inevitable. That's why amidst the crisis, we are optimistic because solutions exist.

Ending homelessness starts with creating more homes. Housing + healthcare + support permanently ends homelessness.

‘I can’t keep living like this’: a day on the frontline of Australia’s homelessness crisis In Victoria, where Australia’s housing crisis is especially acute, case workers perform a stressful triaging act as they try to fit people into beds that just aren’t there

Photos from Launch Housing's post 27/02/2024

Ahmad and Madison – Case Managers from Launch Housing’s Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP Plus) – were thrilled when they received these drawings from members of a family they'd recently helped find a home. As Ahmad put it, “their words gave me energy to keep helping others.”

Launch Housing’s Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP) gives people who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness financial and practical assistance to establish and maintain private rental tenancies.

Impacted by ongoing family violence, this family of nine was on the verge of homelessness when Launch Housing assisted with legal support, advocacy and education around tenancy rights. The outcome? Keys to a safe house for this family to call its own.


Gong Xi Fa Cai, Chúc Mừng Năm Mới, and warm wishes for the Lunar New Year from everyone at Launch Housing. Melbourne's cultural tapestry is woven from the many threads of those who celebrate this significant time, including our Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and many other communities.

In the Chinese zodiac, the Dragon is a symbol of strength, power, and courage. These qualities, reflected in our clients, supportive allies, and committed staff, inspire us to confront challenges with bravery and determination, striving for a future where every Melburnian has a place to call home.


It’s a fact: Homelessness is a health emergency.

Yesterday, Federal Housing Minister Julie Collins called it ‘completely unacceptable’ that people are dying on our streets. We agree. Our teams see first-hand every day the impacts. The data shows that an increased risk of premature death persists even for those people who experience a brief period of homelessness. Housing PLUS support is needed to help the most vulnerable in our community. Homelessness can be measured, tracked, and prevented.

And guess what – it CAN be measured, it CAN be tracked, and it CAN be prevented. Sign up to MelbourneZero – take action today.


Our Private Rental Assistance Program (PRAP) and PRAP Plus program help keep people like Sandra in the private rental market and away from entering the trauma of homelessness. Dive into our Impact Report for more inspiring stories and to see the difference we're making.

Read the full report here:


Today, we recognise the profound suffering and enduring strength of First Nations people. We recognise and see the members of our community who today mourn. Today is not a day for celebration.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been the custodians of this land for over 60,000 years, nurturing the world's oldest continuous living culture. The events of January 26, 1788, led to immeasurable loss and ongoing injustice for these communities, effects that are still deeply felt today. First Nations Australians, who make up only 3.2% of our national population, disproportionately represent 20% of people experiencing homelessness.

In solidarity and support, our staff have joined the Invasion Day rally, standing alongside our First Nations clients. We are committed to listening, learning, amplifying their voices, understanding their history, and actively contributing to a more equitable future.

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Videos (show all)

🌈Today, it’s IDAHOBIT🌈The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia   At Launch Housing, we support...
When you help someone, how good does it feel?  Sydney knows what it’s like to sleep on the streets. Without food, withou...
When you help someone, how good does it feel? Sydney knows what it’s like to sleep on the streets. Without food, without...
Victoria is in a once-in-a-lifetime homelessness crisis.According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, acr...
Sydney knows what it's like to sleep on the streets.By the time he was in his early 40s, he'd been sleeping rough for mu...
More than 7,000 young Victorians don’t have a safe place to call home.There's a significant wage and employment rate gap...
Victoria is in a once-in-a-lifetime homelessness crisis. On the last Census night, 30,660 Victorians were recorded as ex...
A little bit of empathy goes a long way. By listening to and understanding the experiences of others, we can work toward...
A kind heart can make all the difference. By seeing beyond appearances, we can work towards addressing the underlying is...
Street homelessness is not normal. It’s traumatic, dangerous and isolating and it has a devastating impact on people’s p...
When we walk in someone else's shoes, we begin to see the world through their eyes. That's when real change can happen. ...
This International Women's Day, we are proud to stand with UN Women to celebrate the 2024 theme: "Count Her In: Invest i...


68 Oxford Street
Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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SURRENDER is a collective of people living the radical call of Jesus to the margins. Our next event is our 2024 Festival. Earlybird tickets here: