Cait Wotherspoon

Cait is an experienced grief and bereavement therapist helping people unravel grief to rediscover joy and begin to rebuild your life.

Head to Cait's website to see resources to help you.

Photos from Cait Wotherspoon's post 02/09/2024

21 years in business! WOW….

It’s been a journey filled with tears, laughter, and profound growth. All those years ago, setting up a new office space!

This beautiful fushia was given by my sister when I started my business, and is a beautiful reminder of why I help people through grief to rediscover joy.

It's an honour to walk alongside individuals as they navigated life's most challenging waters. Once-taboo topics like grief and loss have found a voice, and I'm humbled to be part of these raw, honest conversations.

It’s a privilege to witness the strength and resilience of the human spirit.


It’s difficult to explain to someone who’s dad hasn’t died what being without them is like, especially when you were close to him. In the run up to Father’s Day you’re likely to feel upset and more sensitive than usual. This is natural. There’s not a day go goes by I don’t think of my dad, and Father’s Day is the toughest.

Here’s some tips to help you get through Father’s Day:
💙 Be gentle on yourself. Remember that you’re grieving and it’s okay not to be okay
💙 Try a new tradition. If it feels too tough to do things that you did with your dad, give yourself permission to change it.
💙 You don’t have to show up for other people. If there’s zoom meetings set up with friends and family, and you want to show up that is fine. But if you feel like you don’t want to be there, it’s okay to leave.
💙 Go for a walk. Walking outside in nature is relaxing. And it’s good to reset your energy level five, share how you’re feeling with families and friends.
💙 You don’t have to celebrate Father’s Day at all.
💙 You can spend the day looking through photos and reminiscing, being with your dad.
💙 Ask your friends and family to share stories of your dad. You might find out something new about his life.
💙 Do Father’s Day your way. Here is a photo of my Dad, and I remember the wonderful way he made each of us kids believe we were his favourite child.


Creating space for loss and grief is one of the main reasons National Grief Awareness Day exists.

I love this French expression “tu me manques” as it conveys not just absence, but a heartfelt sense of love, and says ‘you are missing from me”.

Today and everyday, we know you have a deep love and emotions that you feel.

I encourage you to share your cherished memories with people, today and everyday.

Cait xx



Join me for a heartfelt chat with Karen Bieman, who shares her incredible journey through grief and healing.

From losing her second child just hours after birth to facing her father's cancer death and the end of her marriage, Karen’s story is all about resilience and finding hope.

Don't miss this inspiring episode!


It’s Children’s Book Week and instead of talking about costumes, I’m sharing with you Books to Help Kids Talk About Death.

You wouldn’t except anything less from me. 😂

I asked my good friends at, (who write wonderful book reviews for kids) if they could put together some books that would help kids deal with their grief. So they sent me these 5 books for kids to help them grieve. Some of these books I’ve read and others are on my list to read.

💙 Ida, Always – Caron Lewis
💙 The Invisible String – Patrice Karst
💙 Feathers – Karen Hendriks
💙 Mum’s Jumper – Jayde Perkins
💙 That’s where I find you – Norliah Syer

If you would like suggestions, head to my blog:


In the latest episode of Conversations with Cait, we chat with Sally Williams, a clinical nutritionist who turned personal health struggles into a passion for disease prevention and nutrition. 💚

With a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutrition and Dietetics and over two years of experience, Sally shares her expertise in gastrointestinal health and weight loss. 🥗🧘‍♀️

Join us for an enlightening conversation filled with valuable tips and advice!
👉 Click the link to listen now. 🌿✨


Is Art for Everyone?

You don’t need to be Picasso to benefit from the healing power of art.

The beauty of art lies in its accessibility. Whether you’re doodling, painting, or crafting, what matters is the process, not the final product.

Give yourself permission to create without judgment or pressure.


In the depths of my grief, I discovered a surprising truth, sharing my story did not multiply my sorrow, it divided it.

When I began to speak about my experiences, I found a chorus of voices echoing back, voices of those who had also walked the shadowy paths of loss and longing. Each conversation became a lifeline, a thread of connection that wove us together in our shared humanity.

Talking about grief, death, and dying allowed me to release the burden of my sorrows. It transformed my pain into a bridge that connected me to others, fostering empathy and understanding. People who once shied away from these difficult topics found themselves opening up, drawn into the honest, raw conversations that are s

It's National Loneliness Awareness week, and I encourage you to reach out and have a cuppa and chat with someone. 💖


Grief is a complex, often overwhelming experience that touches everyone at some point in their lives.

When words fall short, art can step in to fill the void, offering a unique way to process and express deep emotions.

Whether you’re sketching, painting, sculpting, or collaging, art can be a powerful tool in your journey toward healing. So, grab your brushes, pencils, or whatever sparks your creativity, and let’s dive into how art can help you navigate through grief.


No matter your family history or your genes, my guest Marcus Pearce believes that it’s not all downhill from here and that your best years are in front of you, not behind you.

Marcus Pearce is a longevity and life design strategist and host of 100 Not Out, Australia’s longest running podcast on ageing well and longevity. He is the author of the best-selling book Your Exceptional Life and each year travels to the small Greek Island of Ikaria (ee-car-ee-ah) – known as the island where people forget to die. Marcus has spent the past decade interviewing and researching more than 200 of the world’s centenarians, graceful agers, health professionals and icons of humanity.

I also share a little secret with you all about where I am going with Marcus next year… any guesses, (it’s overseas)?

100notout official Marcus Pearce

Tune your ears into listening to her story on Conversations with Cait.


Sometimes, we don’t know what to do for someone who has lost a loved one. This is especially when our relationship with the deceased is different from theirs.

Sharing stories and memories can be a powerful way to provide comfort and show that their loved one made a difference in this world.

To help you do this, I’ve made a downloadable template that you can use to compile memories for your friends who are grieving. It’s a simple, yet meaningful way to show them that their loved one’s legacy lives on.


This week on the podcast, I chat with Noelene Brown, an accredited sobriety coach who has overcome 20 years of personal struggle with alcohol. Now, she’s using her experience to help people in rural and remote Australia live alcohol-free lives.
Noelene understands the unique challenges of country living and offers online group and individual coaching. Her non-judgmental approach empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their alcohol use.

Tune in to hear Noelene's inspiring journey and learn how she supports rural sobriety

Connect with Noelene here:


Did you know six men in Australia die by su***de every day? That’s 2,190 lives a year. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember it’s temporary.

Think about who you can talk to? Write down trusted friends and family. Try journaling your thoughts. How do you feel right now? Sharing can help your trusted person understand.

Remember, it’s okay to seek professional help too. Have you reached out to services like Lifeline or Beyond Blue?

You’re not alone. For more support, read my full blog: Male Su***de and Coping with Loss.***de-coping-with-loss/


Today, I am sharing my recent conversation with Jack who is the owner of it’s Cool to Cry,

Jack opened up about his grief and the impact of su***de. In his mid-20s, Jack was dating a vibrant and accomplished young woman named Elle. She was well-travelled, had an incredible family, great friends, and was just starting her career.
But within a few months, everything changed.

Elle went from being the loudest person in the room to struggling to get out of bed. Overcome by mental illness, she could no longer bear the pain. Despite her brave efforts, Elle tragically died by su***de in 2014 at the age of 25.


This week on the podcast, I share the story of Dalya Shaw who faced the unthinkable in 2017 with the sudden loss of her only child Ben at just 15 years old.

Transforming her pain into a mission, Dalya passionately supports young people and parents grappling with similar heartbreak. As a skilled communicator, she combines her love for writing and motivational speaking to uplift, inspire, and empower others facing adversity, embodying the message of resilience and inner strength.

Listen to the full episode here:


For many of us, coffee is more than just a drink. It's a ritual, a comfort, and a chance to enjoy the moment. Whether you're like me and love a hot latte at a local café or you simply enjoy your favourite brew at home, coffee gives us that little pause, reflection, and energy boost we need!

In my latest blog, I explore the surprising connection between coffee and grief. It might just be the warm hug (and maybe a helpful tip or two) you need right now. Check it out here! ➡️


Blog release – sharing memories

Did you know that sharing your story can help you accept grief and begin to heal?

Talking about your grief with a friend, family member, or therapist can make that heavy burden a little easier to carry and a lot less intimidating.

In my latest blog, I explore the healing power of shared moments. Grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and dive in. Read more here ➡️ l


Today I am sharing the story of Communications specialist Holly Cardamone, who shares with us her powerful story of dealing with grief when she found out her Mum was diagnosed with Cancer back in 2022.

Visit: to watch the full episode and find out more about Holly’s story.


I'm so excited to announce my brand-new podcast, Rediscover Joy.

Grief doesn't have to dim your light. ✨

In "Rediscover Joy," we talk about the complexities of loss while celebrating the unwavering strength of the human spirit. Join me, your host Cait Wotherspoon, as we explore:

✔️ Practical tools for coping and healing after loss.
✔️ Heartfelt stories of resilience from everyday people.
✔️ Expert insights from psychologists, counsellors, and hospice professionals.

This is a safe space to share experiences, gain valuable knowledge, and discover how to live a fulfilling life, even amidst grief.

Let's uncover the incredible resilience within us and learn to honour our loved ones while embracing the beauty of life.

Are you ready to rediscover joy?

Available to listen on:

Apple Podcasts:
Spotify :


If you or someone you know is looking for tools to help navigate grief and find joy again, please take a look at my products page where I have a range of helpful items such as Family Cards, Gratitude Cards, Affirmation Cards, Journals, Ebook for discovering joy while grieving, and Handbook for rediscovering joy while grieving.

Simply click here:


Writing can be a wonderful way to express yourself and feel liberated, and I want you to be able to enjoy the process without any added pressure. You have the option to choose one question each day and gradually work your way through them, or you can set aside a specific time and write as much or as little as you'd like.
Here are your prompts:
• What are some of your favourite memories?

• How do you feel about your loss?

• What does grief mean to you?


As you read in my last post, I’ve been struggling with the piles of mess that has accumulated in our home. It doesn’t feel like home anymore because I think I’ve unconsciously kept people away.

I read this book and wanted to share it with you.

It’s customary in Sweden to clean your house of “stuff” like we do Spring Cleaning and we don’t leave a huge mess for others to clean up after we die.

This book offers a unique take on decluttering and organising, infused with Scandinavian wisdom and practical insights.


I like to share some of my real life with you because I want you to know that you’re not alone.

I’ve been struggling with trying to get our house in order. I love being creative and buying equipment is my thing. I love doing creative courses, it helps me relax and meet new people.

Our house is now filled with stuff to create in the future, basically when I have time and that seems to be never.

I have accumulated so much stuff, it’s overwhelming and I spend a lot of my time thinking about where to begin.

I know, I know, I can hear my clients say, “But Cait, you say it takes as much energy to avoid doing things as it does to actually do them.”

I definitely know this oh too well.

I’m just keeping things real.


Did you know I have an online shop?

Explore my collection now to discover family cards, gratitude journals, and eBooks designed to bring joy and help you on your healing journey.

Click here to learn more:

Sarah Roberts | 16/06/2024

Sarah Roberts is a lived experience counsellor, trainer and group worker, who founded The Empty Cradle in Australia in 2017.

The Empty Cradle is an online counselling and support service for women transitioning from hopeful of motherhood to permanent involuntary childlessness. Sarah's personal background is 10 years trying to conceive, including IVF, and leaving without a cherished child.

I would love for you to take a listen to Conversations with Cait on Youtube.

Sarah Roberts | Sarah Roberts is a lived experience counsellor, trainer and group worker, who founded The Empty Cradle ( in Australia in 2017. The Emp...


Shout out to Ben the founder of who starts conversations in the community for guys to talk openly, learn new skills and look after our mates, our families and make ourselves better!

They run workshops, talk to the local community and work to reduce su***des.

Keep up the great work!

📷️ via


It’s the 30th anniversary of Men’s Health Week this week.

I’ve been having some wonderful chats with and .

They are all doing great work raising awareness of important issues for Men and encouraging them to reach out for help.

The best bit, they are working all year round to help males and I look forward to sharing with you my Conversations with Cait chats.


Have you heard someone say this? “They’re in a better place now.”

While this phrase is meant to provide comfort to someone grieving, it can invalidate the intense pain their feeling. It suggests that your feelings are less important because your loved one is “better off without you.”

Just imagine hearing this if you were a mother whose child had died. Is there a better place than a mother’s arms?

Instead try this ▶️

Acknowledge their pain by saying: “Your [loved one] was such a wonderful person. I’m grateful to have known them.” “I know there are no words that can ease your pain, but I’m here for you.” Dr. Rabin, a noted psychiatrist, says, “Tell me about him/her.”

How did you go?


Sometimes the best internal words can go wrong, we are all human.

Words like this can be hurtful, even if you mean the best:
o Time heals all wounds
o God needs another angel
o Be strong
o They are always with you in spirit

Try these words instead:
o I’m hear to sit with you
o I’m thinking of you during this time
o It’s okay to cry and let your emotions out
o I know you miss them terribly

To read more insights read of my blog


Over the past few weeks, I've received numerous questions about how to talk to someone who’s grieving.

Many people are unsure of what to say and fear upsetting their friend or family member.

Everyone wants to help without causing more pain. 💞

It's important to remember that sometimes, despite your best intentions, you might unintentionally hurt the person who is grieving. Both of you are navigating a new dynamic in your relationship without the loved one, and learning to support each other through this process.

It's okay to make mistakes. If you do, apologise and ask, "What would be a more helpful way of supporting you?" Both of you are figuring out how to be there for each other while grieving.

It can be messy at first, but with time, you'll find a rhythm that works.

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Today add a heaped spoonful of creativity to your day, to help in your self care journey.



Level 1/Suite 4/450 High Street
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