Cowie Hill Physiotherapy - pt Health

Cowie Hill Physiotherapy offers a team of friendly and experienced staff who work together to ensure optimal care for your painful injury.

One of Halifax's Most Trusted Physiotherapy Clinics
At Cowie Hill Physiotherapy, our goal is to put our patients on the path to healing and recovery. We provide great care, experience and expertise across Halifax. We offer physiotherapy, registered massage therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic treatments. Our physiotherapists have years of training, certifications, and expertise that have been co


It's time to warm up and get the muscles into exercise mode. Try some stair jumps!⁠

1. Set up your equipment or use the bottom of the stairs.⁠
2. Start by standing up straight with your knees slightly bent and lift your heels so that you're standing on your toes.⁠
3. Jump up onto the step/stair.⁠
4. Step down and repeat.

Is This Serious? Why Do my Knees Crack? 09/03/2024

We’ve all heard the loud pop or cracks that can come with a full knee bend, whether it’s in yoga class, at the gym, or just stooping down to pick something up.

Should it be taken seriously? Learn more below.

Is This Serious? Why Do my Knees Crack? We’ve all heard the loud pop or cracks that can come with a full knee bend. If it happens a lot you want to know: is this serious?

Photos from pt Health's post 09/03/2024

Stiff fingers? ☝️ The DIP & PIP joint exercises may help ease some of that built up tension. The best part: no equipment required.

➡️ DIP joint exercise
✅ Put your wrist and affected finger in a straight line
✅ With the thumb and index finger of the opposite hand, grasp the middle joint/crease of the affected finger and flex only the DIP joint (top joint in your finger under the nail)
✅ Keep the rest of your finger still
✅ Hold for 6 seconds
✅ Repeat on other fingers if necessary/affected

➡️ PIP joint exercise
✅ Put your wrist and affected finger in a straight line
✅ With the thumb and index finger of the opposite hand, grasp the lowest joint of your affected finger and flex only the PIP joint (second/middle joint in your finger) and the DIP joint (top joint in your finger under the nail)
✅ Keep the rest of your finger still
✅ Hold for 6 seconds
✅ Repeat on other fingers if necessary/affected

[Please note: the information listed in this post is a general guideline, speak to a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about stretching, especially if you have an injury or medical condition]

Photos from pt Health's post 08/29/2024

🍂 Are you ready for autumn? As summer winds down and school ramps up, the transition can feel overwhelming. From packed schedules to endless to-do lists, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle.

🍂 By using simple energy conservation strategies, you can manage stress and make the most of your day. Whether it’s planning and prioritizing, simplifying tasks, or being mindful of your body mechanics, these tips can help you ease into the school year with confidence.

🍂 Feeling overwhelmed? From parents & guardians to students, our Occupational Therapists are here to help you navigate the stressors and support you in creating a balanced, healthy routine. Reach out to us to learn more about how we can assist you in making this transition smoother. Schedule an appointment today:


Strengthening your back and shoulders can help improve your posture and reduce back and neck pain. That's why high rows are one of our favourite exercises for patients who work at a desk a lot.

Let's get started!
1. Secure your back to a door or railing, or have someone hold them for you at chest height.
2. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly.
3. Start with your elbows slightly bent, keep your shoulders down and look straight ahead.
4. While keeping your elbows at shoulder level, pull the band to the point where you can squeeze your shoulder blades.
5. Slowly return to the starting point and repeat.

Photos from pt Health's post 08/22/2024

⭐ Attention parents ⭐

Back-to-school season is almost here! 🍎

A fresh pair of sneakers is important to start the year off on the right foot. Here are four important things to remember when making the important back-to-school shoe purchase this year! 👟


The piriformis is a small, flat, band-like muscle located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. Although it’s a small muscle, it can be a significant source of sciatica, hip, and lower back pain.⁠

Luckily there are simple and effective ways to stretch out that tiny piriformis muscle and provide relief. Let’s give the supine piriformis stretch a try!⁠

1. Lie down and bend your knees upwards, placing your feet on the floor⁠
2. Cross the affected leg over the opposite leg ⁠
3. Gently pull the back knee towards yourself, stretching the affected leg (don’t pull the affected leg, keep it resting on the opposite leg)⁠
4. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat three times


🦶 Understanding your foot type can help minimize the risk of injury! Here’s a quick guide:

🔷 High Arch: Minimal contact, poor shock absorption, risk of plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and lateral ankle sprains.

🔷 Normal Arch: Even weight distribution, balanced foot structure.

🔷 Flat Arch: Extensive contact, overly flexible, risk of Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, and medial ankle sprains.

Check your foot type at home:
1️⃣ Wet your foot.
2️⃣ Step on a dry surface like paper or concrete.
3️⃣ Observe the contact pattern:

🔺 High Arch: Only the heel and ball of your foot make contact, with little to no imprint of the arch.

🔺 Normal Arch: A distinct curve along the inside of your foot with a moderate space between the heel and the ball.

🔺 Flat Arch: Most or all of the bottom of your foot makes contact, leaving a full imprint.

Knowing your foot type helps you choose the right footwear and exercises to prevent injuries!


Tight glutes, or gluteal muscles, can be caused by sitting for a long period of time, overuse or overexertion in athletic performance. It’s important to warm them up before you exercise and stretch after exercise, as tight glutes can lead to injuries.⁠

So let’s stretch! ⁠
1. Lie on your back and bend your left knee towards your chest⁠
2. Place your hands on your left knee and/or shin and gently pull your leg towards you to activate the stretch⁠
3. Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds, keeping the upper body flat against the floor⁠
4. Relax and switch to your right knee⁠
5. Perform 3 sets of 30 seconds per leg


☀️🚨 Heatstroke vs heat exhaustion: know the signs and symptoms!

Summer fun can quickly turn dangerous if you're not aware of the risks of heat-related illnesses. Heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke, a serious and life-threatening condition. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include weakness, heavy sweating, and nausea, while heatstroke is marked by a high body temperature, rapid pulse, and possible unconsciousness.

Here are some ways to stay safe in the sun:

💧 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water

👕 Wear light-coloured, loose clothing

🕶️ Use broad-spectrum sunscreen and reapply every 90 minutes

⏰ Avoid strenuous activities during peak sun hours

🌳 Seek shade or stay in air-conditioned areas when possible

Enjoy the summer safely! ☀️🌿 If you need help dealing with a summer injury, schedule an appointment with a pt Health clinician:

7 water-based exercises to help you stay active this summer - pt Health 08/01/2024

Summer is in full swing! Whether you are in the pool or at a nearby lake, water-based exercises are a great way to build strength, get your body moving, and stay active while keeping cool. They’re also great for all fitness levels!

Remember to have fun and stay safe while in the water. Find some water exercises you can try below!

7 water-based exercises to help you stay active this summer - pt Health Whether you are in the pool or at a nearby lake, water-based exercises are a great way to build strength, get your body moving, and stay active while keeping cool.


The piriformis muscle is located deep beneath the gluteal muscles and plays an important role in hip flexibility and stability. When the muscle becomes tight or inflamed, it can cause a lot of discomfort in the lower back and can even affect the knees and ankles.

Stretching and strengthening the piriformis muscle helps to provide better hip flexibility and strength. So let's lie down and stretch!

1. Lie down on your back with your legs flat on the floor.
2. Bend one leg upwards and cross it over your other leg.
3. Gently pull the bent leg up and across your body until your glutes are pulled tight.
4. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute and release.
5. Perform three sets, then switch legs and perform another three sets.

Improving mental well-being through fun in the sun 07/25/2024

With warm summer days here, spending time doing fun activities outdoors can be a wonderful way to ease mental strain and improve mental well-being in various ways. If you want to capitalize on the benefits of outdoor fun, we have some great tips for you!

Improving mental well-being through fun in the sun With the brilliant, warm summer days upon us, spending time doing fun activities outdoors can be a wonderful way to ease mental strain and improve mental well-being in various ways. If you want to capitalize on the benefits of outdoor fun, we have some great tips for you!

3 exercises to help improve foot pain with plantar fasciitis - pt Health 07/23/2024

Dealing with foot or heel pain? 🦶

You may be experiencing plantar fasciitis. Here are some simple exercises you can try at home that may provide pain relief.

3 exercises to help improve foot pain with plantar fasciitis - pt Health Note: The plantar fasciitis exercises and/or stretches in this blog are not intended to replace the advice of your clinician. Starting a new exercise, stretch, movement, or activity may result in some expected stiffness and soreness. If you are unsure, please speak to your clinician before attemptin...

How runners can avoid injuries this summer 07/18/2024

Now that summer is in full force, many of us are running regularly and pounding the pavement. Of course, no one wants to be derailed by injury.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you continue running injury-free this summer.

How runners can avoid injuries this summer Now that summer is in full force, many of us are out there running regularly and no one wants to be derailed by injury. So here are a few tips and tricks to help you continue running injury-free this summer.


The Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) stretch is one of the most popular stretches provided by our clinicians. Why? Because many of our patients who work a sedentary job experience neck pain, due to improper posture.⁠

SCM pain can also have other causes, including: overhead work, injuries such as whiplash or falls, sleeping on your stomach with your head turned to one side, and shallow chest breathing.⁠

Stretching the SCM muscle can help relieve the pain. So let's stretch!
1. Sit up straight and point your chin towards you left shoulder, while keeping your shoulders relaxed.
2. Hold for 30 seconds and then relax by looking up to the right side.
3. Switch sides.

5 common summer injuries you should know about - pt Health 07/11/2024

👉 As much as we love summer activities, they pose some risk of injury due to factors like footwear, body mechanics, and outdoor terrain.

➡️ Here are 5 commonly seen injuries during the summertime!

5 common summer injuries you should know about - pt Health Summer is upon us, which for most means spending more time outside under the sun. As much as we love outdoor activities, they pose some risk of injury due to factors like footwear, body mechanics, and the outdoor environment itself. The good news is that appropriate early care of injuries can optimi...


📢️ Strengthen your adductors!

🗣️ Stretching your adductors regularly can improve your flexibility and performance, and may also prevent injury and stiffness.

➡️ Stand tall with good posture and draw the abs in
➡️ Take a long step to the side while keeping the toes pointing straight ahead
➡️ Slowly sit into a lateral squat with one leg while keeping the other leg completely straight until a good stretch is felt in the groin of the straight leg (be careful not to go too strong)
➡️ Hold for the recommended time of 20-30 seconds and repeat on other leg

✅ Maintain posture throughout
✅ Keep a relaxed breathing pattern
✅ Avoid rounding/flattening of the lower back
✅ Keep the hips square and do not rotate them.

📣 [Speak to a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about stretching, especially if you have an injury or medical condition]

Photos from pt Health's post 07/04/2024

🦶 Your feet are your body’s shock absorbers-treat them right.

➡️ So how do we strengthen our feet? Try these foot-strengthening exercises!

🔸 Note: While these are some basic starting points for strengthening your feet, the fun part is developing a progressive exercise program that is specific to you! Speak with a pt Health Physiotherapist who can further design an exercise routine that prepares your feet and your body for the demands of daily life. Book online here:


Are you looking for an exercise that will activate your hip and glute muscles, and strengthen your core? Try the monster walk!

1. Place a resistance band around your ankles, knees, or upper legs, depending on your range of motion and the level of resistance you want to create.
2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and squat down a bit.
3. Take diagonal steps, moving ahead and outwards. Keep your hips and feet parallel during the movement and always keep your knees pointing out.

Perform two sets of six steps.


Get ready for an adventure-packed long weekend with family fun and outdoor excitement! 🌟🌲 What summer activities do you have planned?


🏆 We're excited to announce that both ptHealth Berwick and ptHealth Greenwood in Nova Scotia are in the Nomination Period for the Community Votes Annapolis Valley competition! 🌟

Our dedicated teams at these clinics are committed to providing top-notch care and support to our community, and now we need your help to get the recognition they deserve. 🙌

Show your support by nominating pt Health Berwick and pt Health Greenwood in the Healthcare category. Your vote can make a huge difference! 🏅

👉 Nominate now:


Shoulder pain and restrictions in external rotation can limit your ability to move your arm properly, making daily activities like reaching up to put something away difficult.

Rotator cuff exercises - like the supported external rotation with band - can help strengthen your muscles and improve flexibility which is important to prevent and treat injuries.

1. Sit up straight next to a table, with your arm closest to the table up on a higher surface (like a pillow) to your side.
2. Hold a tensioned resistance band in your hand that's on the table.
3. Keeping your posture tall, rotate your forearm, lifting it upwards, while keeping your elbow in contact with the table.
4. Control the band as you return your arm to the starting position.
5. Repeat.

*Always consult your doctor or physiotherapist before starting any exercise program and before attempting this exercise.

Photos from pt Health's post 06/21/2024

🧘 A great reason to consider yoga is its versatility. You really can do it anywhere! All you need to enjoy the benefits of this amazing therapy is a mat and instruction on how to perform these healing practices. Here are 5 poses to help get you started!

Exercises for racquet sports and golf - pt Health 06/19/2024

A great way to improve in-game performance is to strengthen your body. When it comes to racquet sports or golf, strengthening exercises can be a great tool to improve your game while preventing overuse injuries. Here are a few exercises that can help improve your racquet sport or golf game.

Exercises for racquet sports and golf - pt Health A great way to improve in-game performance is to strengthen your body. When it comes to racquet sports or golf, strengthening exercises can be a great tool to improve your game while preventing overuse injuries.


The hip abductors are important muscles, used to move your leg outwards, rotate your leg, and provide stability while standing and walking. Stretching and strengthening your hip abductor muscles help build stability and flexibility so you can move with ease and avoid injury.⁠

1️⃣ Stand up straight with your legs shoulder distance apart and hold onto a chair or table for stability⁠
2️⃣ Keep your knees straight, toes pointed forward, and slowly kick out your leg to the side⁠
3️⃣ Return to the starting position⁠
4️⃣ Repeat and switch leg⁠

Tip: Make sure to keep your upper body straight during the exercise.


Let’s talk about ankle sprains!

Ankle sprains are the most common soft tissue injury, and the second body part most likely to be injured during sports.

Learn more here:

7 tips to get you ready for golf before you tee off 06/12/2024

Now that the warm weather is here, tee-times will book up quickly. Before you tee off, maybe consider heading to the driving range for some practice swings and follow these tips to get ready to hit the course! ⛳

7 tips to get you ready for golf before you tee off Now that it's spring, tee-times will start to book up quickly. It has been a long winter so before you tee off, maybe consider heading to the driving range for some practice swings and follow these tips to get ready to hit the course!


The calves are an instrumental part of many activities: from running and walking to jumping and reaching. Strong calf muscles also help prevent injuries.

Heel raises are a great exercise to strengthen the calves. Let's give it a try!

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your shoulders back.
2. Raise your heels off the floor while keeping your knees straight.
3. Slowly bring the heels back down to the starting position.
4. Repeat.


🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Happy Global Running Day! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Celebrate with us by staying injury-free on your runs. Our Physiotherapist and Clinic Director, Karen Tyssen, shares her top 7 tips to keep you running strong:

🔹 Consistency: Build your fitness with regular mileage and training.

🔹 Start Slow: Begin with easy paced runs at 40-50% max effort for 80% of your sessions.

🔹 Run Smart: Aim for 3-5 days of low to medium mileage each week. Include 1-2 speed sessions and a longer run.

🔹 Rest Up: Take a full day off every 7-10 days to avoid burnout and injury.

🔹 Gradual Progress: Increase your mileage by no more than 10% per week.

🔹 Strength and Mobility: Incorporate strength training and mobility work 2-3 days a week.

🔹 Listen to Your Body: Be flexible with your training. If you’re tired or sore, take an extra day off or cross-train with cycling, swimming, or pool running.

Run happy and injury-free! 🌟

➡️ Pain or injury holding you back? We can help you get back to life. Book an appointment with a pt Health clinician at the link in bio!


Our clinic is open and offering in-person treatment in addition to Virtual Care during the heightened restrictions in Halifax Regional Municipality.

Please note that enhanced measures are in place to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff. View our virtual tour video so you know what to expect at your next clinic appointment.


Happy Wednesday Everyone!! Looking to book some physiotherapy or massage? Call us today at (902) 479-2063 Ext 2 to get put through right to our clinic!

Timeline photos 06/09/2020

As we begin to see some restrictions lifted, pt Health is actively working on expanding the number of clinics available for in-person care, including our clinic!

In accordance with public health guidance, we are making numerous changes to how our clinic operates and have implemented enhanced measures to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff.

That’s why we have implemented the S.A.F.E.R. approach, designed to allow our team to safely deliver the best possible care for you. We encourage you to read about the S.A.F.E.R. approach here:

**Please note that these enhanced measures include limiting the number of patients we see in the clinic, based on space and ability to maintain physical distancing. Our clinicians also continue to provide a range of services through virtual care.**

Virtual Physiotherapy Spotlight: George Cernan 04/14/2020

George Cernan, Physiotherapist at Cowie Hill Physiotherapy, has been offering virtual physiotherapy for the past few weeks.

In a Virtual Care Spotlight, George shares his experience and insights with us!

Learn more about George's experiences and find out how virtual physiotherapy can help you!

Virtual Physiotherapy Spotlight: George Cernan George Cernan, physiotherapist at Cowie Hill Physiotherapy - pt Health in Halifax, shares his experience using a virtual physiotherapy model so far.

pt Health now offers Virtual Care 03/30/2020

We now offer Virtual Care! This will allow you to continue your rehabilitative treatment, while staying in the comfort of your own home. This is a great alternative to continue your rehabilitation while practicing social distancing and self-isolating, when deemed appropriate and safe by your clinician. To learn more or to book an appointment call: 1-888-314-2726 or visit:

pt Health now offers Virtual Care Are you looking to continue your physiotherapy and rehabilitative treatment while practice social distancing? pt Health now offers Virtual Care!


Hello Everyone! happy Wednesday! we are currently open!!


Good Morning!! Due to weather conditions we will be closed till noon today, stay safe everyone :)

Kickstart your New Year's Resolutions with Physiotherapy 01/16/2019

Did you know that can help you to stay on track with your resolutions? Read more in our latest blog post

Kickstart your New Year's Resolutions with Physiotherapy The turning of a new year symbolizes the turning of a new leaf for many of us, a chance to shed bad habits and start fresh. With a new year, we hope to see a new us. So what are the most common New Year's Resolutions? Well, according to a 2017 survey, one-third of Canadians want to improve their fit...

Timeline photos 01/14/2019

What are you determined to accomplish this week?

Timeline photos 01/11/2019

Physiotherapists can provide an exercise program to help maintain strength and balance, keeping seniors in their homes and as active members of their community.

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15 Shoreham Lane, Suite #213
Halifax, NS

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 7pm
Tuesday 8am - 7pm
Wednesday 8am - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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