Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association Inc.

The RMC Alumni Association Motto:
Truth, Duty, Valour

The mission of the RMC Alumni Association:

• To bring together our alumni and other members for their mutual benefit, support, mentorship and camaraderie;

• To advance education by establishing and maintaining scholarships, bursaries and prizes;

• To support and promote training and leadership programs by providing funding for programs and initiatives for the benefit of the Canadian Military Co


Thanks to the support of a generous Alumni, and the help of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, the RMC Alumni Association will be have a special fly pass of the Dakota FZ692 for Reunion Weekend on Saturday 14 September between 1330 and 1400 hrs during our free Alumni BBQ.

Note that this event is not organized or affiliated with RMC, or organized as a military event.

Read more on this history of this beautiful aircraft:

Photos from RMC Canada CMR's post 08/19/2024

Updated Parents Briefing information for Reunion Weekend 2024, see you soon


We’re ready to welcome the First Year Cadets to the family.

Photos from RMC Paladins Athletics / Équipes des Paladins du CMR's post 08/15/2024

Welcome to the Family Jameson!


Welcome to the Class of 2028! We can't wait to meet you and help support your journey as you become future officers of the Canadian Armed Forces.


Only a few short weeks away! Homecoming Weekend at Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean / Royal Military College Saint-Jean runs from 23-24 August. Make sure you have your tickets for all of the great events scheduled.

Petit rappel de l'horaire de la fin de semaine. Il fera beau (on a commandé du beau temps), venez assister à cette fin de semaine mémorable et saluer l'entrée dans la Vieille Brigade de la classe de 1974!

Quick reminder of what is at the agenda for the Homecoming weekend. The weather will be perfect (we ordered nice weather), so come join the 1974 class as it members enter the Old Brigade.

Survey 08/08/2024

How did your experience at the Canadian Military Colleges (CMCs) impact your work and life?

The Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association Inc. has partnered with Abacus Data, a market research company, to engage alumni in the survey. This information will be used by the RMC Alumni Association to provide feedback into the future of CMCs in Canada.

If you attended any of the Canadian Military Colleges, we ‘d love to hear from you. The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Please click on the link to take you to RMC Alumni Association survey page.

L'Association des ancien(ne)s des Collèges militaires royaux du Canada s'est associée à Abacus Data, une société d'études de marché, pour faire participer les anciens à l'enquête. Ces informations seront utilisées par l'Association des anciens des CMR pour fournir des commentaires sur l'avenir des CMC au Canada.

Si vous avez fréquenté l’un des collèges militaires canadiens, nous serions ravis d’avoir de vos nouvelles. L'enquête ne prendra pas plus de 10 minutes. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien pour accéder à la page de sondage de l'Association des anciens du CMR.


Survey Survey.

Photos from Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association Inc.'s post 08/06/2024

Week 1 of the Battle of the Classes starts off with a bang as the Class of 1969 takes a commanding lead with over $32,000 in donations!

The Class of 1982 had the most individual donors with 15, and RMC Rugby was the fund with the most individual donations with 19.

Total raised in week 1 was $36,698.00!!


Team Canada Fencing and the RMC Men's & Women's Fencing Teams connection!
Cutting Edge coach David in Paris as Executive Director of the Canadian Fencing Federation with Canada’s first ever Olympic fencing medalist Eleanor Harvey!

Well done to everyone.

Cutting Edge coach David in Paris as Executive Director of the Canadian Fencing Federation with Canada’s first ever Olympic fencing medalist Eleanor Harvey!

Photos from Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association Inc.'s post 07/29/2024

Our latest issue of eVeritas is now available.
Check out these stories and more:
📌 Notice of Annual General Meeting
📌 CDS Change of Command
📌 National Honours
📌 Canadian Forces College News
📌 Trailblazers Podcast with Scott Clancy
📌Ottawa Branch of RMC Alumni Association Golf Tournament

And so much more:

Read the full issue here:


Du 13 au 20 avril, deux élèves officiers ont eu la chance de partir pour la Semaine internationale en Lettonie!✈️🏙️ C'était leur premier voyage en dehors du continent américain, où ils ont pu découvrir d'autres cultures et se lier d'amitié avec des élèves officiers des autres académies militaires.🤝 Un grand merci aux anciens pour leur soutien financier, sans lequel cette expérience n'aurait pas été possible.
From April 13 to 20, two officer cadets were given the wonderful opportunity to take part in International Week in Latvia! ✈️🏙️It was their first trip outside the American continent, where they were able to discover other cultures and make friends with officer cadets from other military academies.🤝 Many thanks to our alumni for their financial support, without which this experience would not have been possible.

“Although Monday was monotonous with presentations, the rest of the international week was breathtaking and allowed me to build relationships with not only officer cadets from the National Defense Academy of Latvia, but also those from other military academies who were present.”


Nous y sommes presque! La grande Fin de semaine des retrouvailles est à nos portes et pour vous offrir la meilleure expérience possible, il nous faut recevoir vos réservations pour l'heure de bonne entende du vendredi ou le pour le souper des Anciens(nes) du samedi. Vous avez donc jusqu'au 16 août pour réserver vos places.

Réservez ici

We’re almost there! The great Homecoming Weekend is just around the corner and to offer you the best possible experience, we need to receive your reservations for the TGIF or for the Saturday Alumni Supper. You have until 16 August to reserve your seats.

Book here!

Photos from Governor General of Canada's post 07/19/2024

Congratulations to General Carignan, RMC Class of 1990

Truth, Duty, Valor


The event will be broadcast on the CAF Facebook account at 10:30 a.m. EDT.

Mark your calendars! 📅

Tune in this Thursday at 10:30 a.m. EDT to watch the Canadian Armed Forces Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) change of command ceremony between General Wayne Eyre and the incoming CDS General Jennie Carignan.

Photos from RMC Paladins Athletics / Équipes des Paladins du CMR's post 07/15/2024

Welcome to the family 🏉


RMC Athletic Director Announces his Departure from RMC After 20 years.

Message from the Commandant of RMC:

Darren came to RMC in July 2004. He has been a pillar of the RMC community, serving as Director of Athletics for the past twenty years. He has been a dedicated servant-leader, who demonstrated genuine care for our students, staff and institution, and took a holistic approach to consider the overall needs of our organization and people. From the first day I met Darren, I have deeply appreciated his advice, candor, and positivity. He has been a strong advocate for culture evolution, equity, diversity, and inclusion. For example, he led several International Women's Day events, served as a member of our cultural evolution committee, and proposed many ideas to improve the safety and wellbeing of our students.

Career highlights at the College include the opening of the Birchall Pavilion, the turf field and dome and the renovated fencing gym. Darren's favourite memories include seeing the N/OCdts compete in their various sports and competitions, most notably winning several OUA fencing championships, Men's Rugby qualifying for Nationals in 2022 and beating West Point in hockey in overtime in 2020.

Darren leaves RMC as the longest serving Director of Athletics in our history.

We wish him the best and we will have time to bid him farewell in the next few weeks. He will be deeply missed, and remains a member of the RMC family.

On behalf of the RMC Alumni Association we wish Darren all of the best with the Ottawa Gee-Gees where he will take on the role of Senior Director, Recreation and Varsity Sports effective 14 August. It has been a pleasure to work with Darren over the years.

Photos from Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association Inc.'s post 07/11/2024

RMC Trailblazers: A Conversation with Scott Clancy, CMR 1989, on Leadership… and How to Build It

Earlier this Spring, we sat down with Major General (ret) Scott Clancy who graduated from Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean / Royal Military College Saint-Jean in 1989. Scott has had a fascinating career that saw him serving in multiple squadrons as as a tactical helicopter pilot; as General Officer on the RCAF staff; Deputy Commander of the Alaskan NORAD Region; Director of Operations for all NORAD in Colorado Springs; and, most lately, author and speaker on leadership.

In a wide-ranging conversation, Scott shares his thoughts on leadership, the importance of falling flat on your face, team sports, Ed Sheeran, and the future of the Canadian Military Colleges.

For Scott, his journey into leadership began at RMC Saint-Jean, where he learned many early lessons, including three he says have shaped his life.

“Anything is possible where there's a team involved, and that sense of being able to overcome the impossible, especially in the face of the enemy, was the first thing that I learned. The second thing was that knowledge, whether book knowledge or practical knowledge, amplifies everything that the team has. The third thing I learned is that leadership is a force multiplier, that you can have a great team but if you have a great leader on top of that, that just amplifies it.”

Scott says the early leadership experiences provided by the military college are essential, citing both the opportunity to observe different leadership styles (good and bad) and develop his own.

He is a firm believer that leadership is a skill that can be developed, rather than an innate characteristic, drawing an unusual parallel. “One of my favorite musicians is Ed Sheeran. He'll go back in time and show you just how bad he was when he was young and say that the only way — the only way — that you get better at this is practice, practice, practice, practice, practice… Look at all these people who are getting the Rookie of the Year Award Grammy after 37 years [of working at their craft]… How long does it take to make a 37-year General? 37 years, same as that musician! To me, these are learned skills.”

Listen to the podcast here:



Quel incroyable voyage offert à deux élèves officiers du 14 au 20 avril aux Pays-Bas grâce au financement des anciens! 🌍✈️🌷Merci à vous pour votre soutien qui a permis à ces élèves officiers de vivre une expérience unique. Ils ont pu échanger avec d'autres élèves d'académies militaires de divers pays, ce qui a enrichi leur compréhension et leur a permis de partager leurs expériences militaires.

“Cette exposition a non seulement élargi notre compréhension des pratiques militaires mondiales, mais nous a également incité à viser l'excellence dans nos propres activités. En outre, l'aspect immersion culturelle de notre visite a laissé une marque indélébile sur nous deux. De l'exploration des sites historiques à la dégustation de la cuisine néerlandaise traditionnelle, chaque expérience nous a rappelé la beauté et la diversité de notre monde.” -Ocdt Morneau & ocdt Pabon-Gonzalez

What a wonderful trip offered to two officer cadets from April 14 to 20 in the Netherlands thanks to funding from alumni! 🌍✈️🌷Your support allowed these officer cadets to have a unique experience, exchanging with students from military academies worldwide, enriching their understanding and sharing their military experiences.


On 01 July one of our alumni, Captain Christopher Roy, RMC Class of 2018, now Aide de Camp to our Governor General was in St. John’s, Newfoundland, for the entombment of the Unknown. Dr. Coombs, of the RMC (Kingston) Département d'histoire CMR / History department RMC, had the opportunity to catch up with Captain Roy at the formal dinner held the night before the ceremony. This annual dinner remembers the battle of Beaumont Hamel 01 July 1916, the first day of the months long Somme campaign. The Newfoundland Regiment lost more than 80 percent of the soldiers who advanced that day were either killed or wounded. In one morning, during a 30 minute period, the regiment suffered approximately 700 casualties, including more than 300 dead. Captain Roy attended the Mottershead Battlefield Tour 2018 in France and Belgium and told Dr. Coombs that he was able to better understand the significance of both Beaumont Hamel and the entombment because he had been at Beaumont Hamel and seen the battlefield, as well as been able to form an interpretation on the sad events that happened there – all thanks to the Mottershead Battlefield Tour, which due to the generosity of Ian and Rosemary Mottershead and the efforts of the RMC Alumni Association will continue for current and future students.
Le 1er juillet, l'un de nos anciens, le capitaine Christopher Roy, diplômé du CMR (Kingston) en 2018, maintenant aide de camp de notre gouverneur général, était à St. John's, Terre-Neuve, pour la mise au tombeau de l'Inconnu. M. Coombs, du département d'histoire du CMR (Kingston), a eu l'occasion de s'entretenir avec le capitaine Roy lors du dîner officiel qui a eu lieu la veille de la cérémonie. Ce dîner annuel commémore la bataille de Beaumont Hamel du 1er juillet 1916, le premier jour de la campagne de la Somme qui a duré plusieurs mois. Le Newfoundland Regiment a perdu plus de 80 % des soldats qui ont avancé ce jour-là, tués ou blessés. En une matinée, pendant une période de 30 minutes, le régiment a subi environ 700 pertes, dont plus de 300 morts. Le capitaine Roy a participé à la visite des champs de bataille Mottershead 2018 en France et en Belgique et a dit au Dr Coombs qu'il était en mesure de mieux comprendre l'importance de Beaumont Hamel et de la mise au tombeau parce qu'il avait été à Beaumont Hamel et vu le champ de bataille, et qu'il avait pu se faire une idée des tristes événements qui s'y sont déroulés - tout cela grâce à la visite des champs de bataille Mottershead, qui, grâce à la générosité de Ian et Rosemary Mottershead et aux efforts de l'Association des anciens élèves du CMR, se poursuit pour les étudiants d'aujourd'hui et de demain.


Women's Soccer Alumni Highlight:

Originally from Greenwood, NS, Major Kim O’Rourke enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 2008 attending the Royal Military College (RMC) of Canada where she completed a Bachelor’s in Psychology. Upon graduating in 2012, she has served in multiple roles as a Personnel Selection Officer (PSO) and obtained a Master’s in Industrial-Organizational Psychology in 2019. Most recently she was the Command PSO for the Canadian Special Operations Command (CANSOFCOM) and has since moved into research for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Command in Ottawa, ON. She’s been happily living in the National Capital Region since 2019 with her two sons and partner.

RMC Paladins Athletics / Équipes des Paladins du CMR
RMC Canada CMR

Originally from Greenwood, NS, Major Kim O’Rourke enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 2008 attending the Royal Military College (RMC) of Canada where she completed a Bachelor’s in Psychology. Upon graduating in 2012, she has served in multiple roles as a Personnel Selection Officer (PSO) and obtained a Master’s in Industrial-Organizational Psychology in 2019. Most recently she was the Command PSO for the Canadian Special Operations Command (CANSOFCOM) and has since moved into research for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Command in Ottawa, ON. She’s been happily living in the National Capital Region since 2019 with her two sons and partner.

Maj Kim O’Rourke has been an avid athlete since her youth, competing in a variety of sports, but primarily high-level hockey. When RMC did not have a women’s hockey, she tried out for the Varsity Soccer team and the rest is history. She competed in five Ontario University Athletics seasons with RMC (2008-12; 2015), 10 CAF Regional Championships, nine CAF National Championships, and was in Senior Women’ soccer programs at every posting. Most notably she was a player with the Kingston Clippers semi-pro team in 2016. Her participation as a CISM athlete spanned over five championships (Germany 2012, France 2016, USA 2018 & 2022, Netherlands 2023) and concluded with a match win against Belgium as one of the team captains.

Maj Kim O’Rourke also believes in giving back to the soccer community which drove her to pursuing and obtaining the Canada Soccer C License in 2018 while coaching teams of all ages and skill levels since 2013. She has also promoted recruiting into the CAF through national level events such as U Sports and CCAA championships. In her spare time, she manages the CISM Soccer social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram.

“While team sports have a permanent place in my heart, soccer is truly a sport that the world connects through. The friendships established, experiences had, and competencies I have developed from soccer have been unmatched by comparison. I am grateful for how it has shaped me into who I am as a person, a mom, and CAF professional.”

Maj Kim O’Rourke continues to advocate for the soccer community seeking opportunities both locally and in the CAF. When the opportunity arose to apply for the manager role, she knew the best approach would be with her former teammates, Captain Kelly Burton and Captain Madeline Mills.

Originaire de Greenwood, en Nouvelle-Écosse, la majore Kim O’Rourke s’est enrôlée dans les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) en 2008 au Collège militaire royal (CMR) du Canada, où elle a obtenu un baccalauréat en psychologie. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme en 2012, elle a occupé plusieurs fonctions en tant qu’officière de sélection du personnel (OSP) et a obtenu une maîtrise en psychologie industrielle et organisationnelle en 2019. Plus récemment, elle a été l’OSP pour le Commandement des Forces d’opérations spéciales du Canada (COMFOSCAM) et s’est ensuite tournée vers la recherche pour le Commandement de l’Aviation royale du Canada (ARC) à Ottawa, en Ontario. Depuis 2019, elle est heureuse de vivre dans la région de la capitale nationale avec ses deux fils et son partenaire.

La majore O’Rourke est une athlète passionnée depuis sa jeunesse, pratiquant divers sports, mais surtout le hockey de haut niveau. Lorsque le CMR n’avait pas d’équipe de hockey féminin, elle a essayé de faire partie de l’équipe de soccer universitaire et le reste appartient à l’histoire. Elle a participé à cinq saisons des Sports universitaires de l’Ontario avec le CMR (de 2008 à 2012 et en 2015), à dix championnats régionaux des FAC, à neuf championnats nationaux des FAC, et elle a fait partie de programmes de soccer féminin senior à chaque affectation. Elle a notamment joué pour l’équipe semi-professionnelle des Kingston Clippers en 2016. Sa participation en tant qu’athlète du CISM s’est étendue sur cinq championnats (Allemagne en 2012, France en 2016, États Unis en 2018 et 2022, et Pays-Bas en 2023) et s’est terminée par une victoire contre la Belgique en tant que l’une des capitaines de l’équipe.

La majore O’Rourke veut aussi redonner à la communauté du soccer, ce qui l’a poussée à poursuivre et à obtenir la licence C de Soccer Canada en 2018, tout en entraînant des équipes de tous les âges et de tous les niveaux d’aptitudes depuis 2013. Elle a également fait la promotion du recrutement dans les FAC par l’entremise d’événements nationaux tels que U Sports et les championnats de l’Association canadienne des sports collégiaux. Dans ses temps libres, elle gère les plateformes de médias sociaux du soccer du CISM sur Facebook et Instagram.

« Bien que les sports d’équipe occupent une place importante dans mon cœur, le soccer est vraiment un sport qui connecte les gens. Les amitiés nouées, les expériences vécues et les aptitudes que j’ai développées grâce au soccer sont incomparables. Je suis reconnaissante de la façon dont il m’a permis de devenir la personne, la mère et la professionnelle des FAC que je suis. »

La majore O’Rourke continue de favoriser la communauté du soccer en recherchant des occasions tant au niveau local qu’au sein des FAC. Lorsque l’occasion s’est présentée de soumettre sa candidature au poste de gérante, elle savait que la meilleure approche serait de le faire conjointement avec ses anciennes coéquipières, les capitaines Kelly Burton et Madeline Mills.

Responding to the CMC Review: Towards Renewal Seven Propositions for Renewal of the Canadian Military Colleges 07/09/2024

Responding to the CMC Review: Towards Renewal –
Seven Propositions for Renewal of the Canadian Military Colleges

The Canadian Military Colleges Review is an opportunity to respond to the issues identified in Recommendations 28 and 29 of the Arbour Report while implementing changes and innovation that preserve the CMCs and enhance their capacity to produce leaders for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

The RMCAA strongly believes that officer and naval cadet education at the CMCs should be continued and that the CMCs require systematic renewal to modernize the training offered and make needed cultural changes. In developing propositions for renewal of the CMCs, the RMCAA Steering Committee (the SteerCo), in collaboration with RMCAA’s consultants, has considered numerous streams of data and evidence.

The Royal Military Colleges of Canada Alumni Association’s (RMCAA) proposals maintain the fundamental structure of the Cadet Wing operating in an academic degree granting setting. The proposals identify substantial reforms to modernize the training approach, support needed cultural change, and recognize fundamental changes that have occurred in Canadian society over the past fifty years.
L’examen des collèges militaires canadiens permet de répondre aux problèmes répertoriés par le rapport Arbour tout en mettant en œuvre des mesures de changement et d’innovation qui préservent les collèges et améliorent leur capacité à former des dirigeants pour les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC).

L’Association des ancien(ne)s des CMR est convaincue que, d’une part, l’éducation des élèves-officiers et des aspirants de marine doit continuer aux collèges militaires canadiens (CMC) et, d’autre part, qu’un renouvellement systématique est nécessaire pour moderniser la formation et transformer la culture des collèges. En collaboration avec des consultants, le comité directeur de l’Association a élaboré des propositions pour le renouvellement des CMC fondées sur diverses sources de données et d’éléments probants.

L’Association des ancien(ne)s des CMR maintient dans ses propositions la structure fondamentale de l’escadre des élèves-officiers comme établissement conférant des grades universitaires. Ces propositions présentent des réformes d’envergure qui modernisent l’approche pédagogique, soutiennent les changements culturels nécessaires et reconnaissent les transformations profondes de la société canadienne depuis cinquante ans.

Responding to the CMC Review: Towards Renewal Seven Propositions for Renewal of the Canadian Military Colleges Summary: The Canadian Military Colleges Review is an opportunity to respond to the issues identified in Recommendations 28 and 29 of the Arbour Report while implementing changes and innovation that preserve the CMCs and enhance their capacity to produce leaders for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). T...

Photos from Royal Military Colleges Alumni Association Inc.'s post 07/05/2024

Good luck to our Alumni and supporters participating in the Ottawa Branch of RMC Alumni Association Golf Tournament today. More than 150 alumni will be present. The Ottawa Branch Golf Tournament is a proud supporter of the RMC Alumni Association and provides funding to various programs and activities for the Officer and Naval Cadets of the Colleges.


Congratulations to LGen Jennie Carignan, RMC Class of 1990, on her recent appointment as the new Chief of Defence Staff.

Gen. Wayne Eyre, RRMC RMC Class of 1988, wrote in an official press release that "LGen Carignan’s distinguished career and unwavering commitment to our nation make her an excellent choice to lead the Canadian Armed Forces. Her leadership at every level has been marked by integrity, dedication, compassion, and a profound understanding of our mission.

Having served alongside LGen Carignan, I can attest to her exceptional leadership qualities, intellectual curiosity, and strategic vision. Her deep operational experience around the world and at home, and institutional experience handling some of the most difficult challenges will be invaluable as we continue to navigate the complexities of our increasingly dangerous security environment."

We look forward to working with LGen Carignan in her new role.

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Supporting Canada’s Future Leaders

As a military university, the Royal Military College of Canada educates, develops, and inspires bilingual, fit, and ethical leaders who serve the Canadian Armed Forces and Canada. The core curriculum and training programs of the Colleges, funded through Government budgets, achieve this mission and, in doing so, the staff and faculty of the Colleges are achieving excellence each and every day.

Regardless of how good a College graduate is, however, there must still have been room for improvement outside of any fixed, proscribed curriculum or training program. Graduates will benefit from other experiences when they leave the College; they will continue to grow in maturity, confidence and wisdom throughout their careers.

Our objective therefore is:

Videos (show all)

And the puck drops at the Carr-Harris Cup
RMC Sandhurst team says “Thank You” for your continued support!
Thank you to the classes of 1981 and 1984 for the vision and leadership on this important project.
Don’t forget to stop by the RMC Alumni Assocation Kit Shop. Our hours are:Thursday May 19 0830h -19hFriday May 20  0830h...
A great post game speech from the Commandant 🏉 RMC Paladins Athletics / Équipes des Paladins du CMRRMC Canada CMR
Congrats to our RMC Paladins on a great game.
Under 3 mins left in a hard fought battle



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