Talk and Grow

Talk and Grow is a online booking system that's goal is to make the process of finding a therapist or counsellor, easy.

Finding the right person to talk to can be overwhelming, that's why we've created an easy to use match, book and talk system.


Do not feel responsible for people's feelings towards you. This is easier said than done sometimes! ⁠

You cannot control how other people react or feel towards you, but you can control how you feel about yourself. ⁠

Show yourself love and care and don't spend your time worrying about how other people perceive you. ⁠

"Do they hate me for doing that?" Start to question thoughts like this - sometimes this is all it takes for those thoughts to lose their negative control over you.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 08/03/2022

Today is ! A day to support and lift up women everywhere and find out more about how you can show this to the women in your life. ⁠

Swipe through to learn the everyday ways you can honour women and show them respect and care.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 04/03/2022

It only takes 3 easy steps! ⁠

If you're looking to connect with a counsellor who's the perfect fit for you, you're in the right place. Our booking system matches you with counsellors that fit your needs and saves you looking through hundreds of counsellors for the right one. ⁠

All our counsellors are qualified, based in or working with individuals in the Edinburgh area, and excited to help you grow! ⁠

Click the link in our bio to get started, and in just 3 steps you can book a counsellor instantly online.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 03/03/2022

Saying no can be one of the hardest words to get out. ⁠

"Will they hate me if I say no?" ⁠
"Am I letting them down?"⁠

Thinking like this can lead to stress and anxiety from taking on too much or doing things you don't want to. So today we have provided advice on how to say no; from the mental attitude, you should take to a list of phrases you can use as guidance. ⁠

Swipe through to read more.

Timeline photos 01/03/2022

Today is Self Injury Awareness Day. On average 17% of people will self-harm at some point in their life and many factors such as mental health disorders can increase the likelihood of self-harming.

Today we want to remind everyone out there to speak up if they are struggling, or speak out and share their past struggles to get the conversation going. Look for the people in your life that need your support and if you are struggling you are not alone and you don't have to go through it alone.

If you or someone you know is struggling speak to your GP or you can call support lines:
- Samaritans 24hrs a day on 116 123
- SANEline on 0300 304 7000
- Text "SHOUT" to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line

Timeline photos 28/02/2022

Take it easy. Just one thing at a time.

Timeline photos 24/02/2022

Let's start talking openly about our mental health!

We want to see this statistic change for the better. That's why we're fighting to:
💪 Change the stigma around mental illness!
🙌 Share with everyone that counselling really is FOR everyone!
🤝 Make counselling accessible for EVERYONE!

We need to start talking about men's mental health more. Here are three things you can do today:
1. Ask your mates how they're doing. And ask again. Ask how they're really doing. Share your own personal struggles and open up the topic of mental wellbeing with the men in your life.
2. If you think a friend is struggling, invite them for a drink. 63% of men said they would be most comfortable talking about their mental health over a drink.
3. There's no need to make it awkward. 39% of men say they’ve had a disappointing reaction when they’ve shared things about their mental health in the past. All your friend wants to hear is that you’re there for them and your feelings towards them will not change. You don't need to give advice or tell them what you think they should do - just try to be a good friend to them and make support them.

Timeline photos 21/02/2022

Say it louder for the people in the back!!

"Having boundaries is not the same thing as pushing people away."

It's okay to say no. It's okay to prioritise your mental well-being.

Setting boundaries is one of the healthiest things you can do.

Timeline photos 17/02/2022

We love seeing celebrities open up about their mental health! They have such a big platform to help change the culture and stigma around mental health and wellbeing. So many of us struggle with our mental health and we need to encourage talking openly about it.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 16/02/2022

Some advice for coping with the darker days! How are you taking care of yourself this month?

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 15/02/2022

We've made booking a session with a counsellor a simple and stress-free process with Talk & Grow.⁠

With our three-step process matching you with qualified counsellors specific to your needs, our website makes finding the right counsellor for you an easy process, so instead of having to look through hundreds of counsellors, the right ones are put right in front of you where you can book instantly online.⁠

Click the link in our bio to get started.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 10/02/2022

Meet one of our counsellors, Mike! Mike provides a person-centred counselling approach for his clients. Person-centred counselling involves building a strong working relationship together, and through exploring your interactions together in the room, Mike can support you to consider patterns and behaviours that come up in your interactions with other people in your life.
In a session with Mike, you can meet him in-person for your talk therapy session. You can book an initial session for just £20 to see if Mike is the right counsellor for you!
Click here to find out more about Mike or book an appointment:

Timeline photos 09/02/2022

How can one be kind to their mind?

There are so many ways, so we've got just a few to carry you through the rest of this week and into the weekend:

🧠 Set boundaries in your professional and personal life.
🧠 Don't let the voice of comparison cloud your brain.
🧠 Work on talking to yourself with love and respect.

How are you being kind to your mind?

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 08/02/2022

Maybe something just doesn't feel quite right. You might be feeling more sleep than usual, or finding it hard to sleep. Activities you previously enjoyed you know find yourself withdrawing from. You feel disconnected, or nervous or increasingly sensitive. These can all be indicators of a mental health illness. ⁠

If you are someone you know is showing signs of struggling seek help from a physician or mental health professional. Struggling with your mental health doesn't look or feel the same in everyone and we want to help. We have qualified counsellors ready to help you via the link in our bio.⁠

Mental health support lines: ⁠
- Samaritans 24hrs a day on 116 123 ⁠
- SANEline on 0300 304 7000

Timeline photos 07/02/2022

Looking after your mental health and learning to be happy within yourself does not happen overnight.

Learning to prioritise your mental health is not a one-off occurrence but a continuous process and journey that looks different to each individual. You have to find what works for you and focus on the little things you can do each day to show self-love.

Don't compare your journey to anyone else, you might reach dead ends or take a different turn on the road and this is all okay.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 05/02/2022

Starting your therapy journey can be scary, not knowing what to expect in your first counselling session. We've put together a quick guide of what to expect, from what subjects your counsellor may cover to helpful questions for you to ask.⁠

If you're ready to try therapy, visit our website to be matched with qualified therapists and counsellors based in Edinburgh - we make finding your "fit" a simple, stress-free process. You can book via our platform today, just visit the link in our bio.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 03/02/2022

Self-care is important all year round but during the colder winter months, it can be especially difficult to feel happy and take care of our well-being. We have created a guide of our five tips for looking after your mental and physical health. From simple acts of reflection to getting out into nature to showing attention to your relationships.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 02/02/2022

We're talking about social anxiety disorder today. Social Anxiety Disorder is a long term fear of social situations. It is more than just a shyness but rather a fear that can affect every part of daily life. ⁠

Swipe through to find out more. If you think you may have or know someone who has social anxiety it is a good idea to talk to your GP. Treatments include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - if you're seeking a therapist to support you, you can click the link in our bio and take our free survey to match you with the perfect counsellor for you in minutes. If you have any questions at all, please do get in touch.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 30/01/2022

In just three easy steps, you can have your first counselling session with one of our counsellors. At Talk and Grow, we put finding the right fit first. We only recommend counsellors who suit your needs and we believe will be the right fit for you.⁠

Swipe through to understand more of the process and what match, book, and talk really entail.⁠

Click the link in our bio to start the process today!

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 26/01/2022

It's winter, and for a lot of people that means Seasonal Affective Disorder. We're talking through what SAD is, signs and symptoms, causes and treatments.⁠

SAD is more than just disliking winter, it's a disorder that impacts your day to day life completely.⁠

Swipe through to find out more. If you think you may have or know someone who has seasonal affective disorder, you should speak to your GP for diagnosis and support. Talking therapies, lifestyle measures, light therapy and anti-depressants are a highly recommended approach for those with bipolar disorder - if you're seeking a therapist to support you, you can click the link in our bio to start your therapy journey today! ⁠

Our counsellors are ready to help, so please do get in touch today or book a session on the website.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 19/01/2022

We're talking bipolar disorder today. Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that can often be misunderstood as people know so little about it. The range of symptoms and experiences can vary greatly between people.

Swipe through to find out more. If you think you may have or know someone who has bipolar disorder, you should speak to your GP for diagnosis and support.

Talking therapies and mood stabilising medicines are a highly recommended approach for those with bipolar disorder - if you're seeking a therapist to support you, you can click the link in our bio and take our free survey to match you with the perfect counsellor for you in minutes.

If you have any questions at all, please do get in touch.

Timeline photos 18/01/2022

Loving yourself and taking care of yourself without feeling guilty or selfish is easier said than done.

Start by making time for yourself a priority and doing activities that improve your mental or physical health.

Your happiness is not worth sacrificing.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 17/01/2022

Whether Blue Monday is real or not, remember it is ok to feel blue. This is how we are keeping ourselves a little less blue. We hope it helps and if you need someone to talk to, remember you are not alone in this and reach out to us if you need some support.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 13/01/2022

We've had a lot of new followers join us since we last talked about who we are and what we do.

So, we thought we'd give you all a reintroduction!

Find out more:

Timeline photos 12/01/2022

Did you know a few select counsellors are still running reduced rates for January?

Our generous counsellors are excited to welcome new clients to the counselling journey, helping you with everything from anxiety and depression, to relationships, personal growth, mental health guidance, meditation, creative therapy and more.

Contact us via [email protected] if you would like to know which counsellors have reduced their rates. From there, you can then book you first session with them!


A reminder for this new year to put your mental health before all else.

Be kind to yourself and check in on your mental health. Ask yourself questions about what you are letting yourself focus on and what you need to think about more instead.

Set boundaries, go to therapy, take a day for yourself, do the things that make you happy and healthy.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 06/01/2022

Asking for help, even from close friends and family, can be a daunting task. Sometimes things can seem overwhelming, and it can feel like you can’t cope. You may simply just be having a bad day, or you may have an ongoing mental health problem that needs support. The important thing is not to try to cope on your own.⁠

When you’re struggling, it’s not good to spend too much time alone, especially if you are feeling low and vulnerable. It’s at times like these that you need to be able to talk to someone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are looking for support or have a friend who has come to you for help we have qualified counsellors available to book via the link in our bio.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 05/01/2022

Start your therapy journey in the new year with some of our offers!⁠

A few select counsellors at Talk and Grow are offering reduced rates for January so you can start your counselling journey this 2022.⁠

Contact us via [email protected] if you would like to know which counsellors have reduced their rates. From there, you can then book your first session with them!

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 03/01/2022

Yesterday was ! A day to learn more about introverts and debunk any myths.⁠

Swipe through to learn more about what it means to be an introvert and all the wonderful things that come with this personality trait.⁠

Let us know in the comments what being an introvert means to you.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 23/12/2021

If you're thinking of broaching the topic of counselling with your family this Christmas, we've got your back.⁠

It might not be an easy conversation, but if you want to have it, it can be helpful having a plan going into it.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 21/12/2021

Talk and Grow's Christmas Hours!⁠

We're slowing the pace a little, but we're still open - so we wanted to make sure you know what to expect.⁠

On the days we're running at reduced capacity, we might not be quite as quick to respond. But we're still here to answer your questions and help you out as best we can.⁠

Iona and the team x

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 19/12/2021

Grief and Christmas. It's a complex topic, with no one way to respond or one right answer.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 16/12/2021

A lot of people don't want to admit that they don't have anything planned or will be alone for Christmas. It doesn't have to be a bad thing - often we're told by the media and others around us that there's something wrong with being alone for Christmas. So we've put together a few practical tips to take to manage your wellbeing during a solo Christmas!⁠

If you have any more tips you'd like to add, please pop them in the comments below.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 15/12/2021

Finding things hard this Christmas?⁠

We've got three practical tips for if you're finding things hard this festive season. Swipe through to read more and find our list of resources on the final page.⁠

We have counsellors available for bookings if you're in need of support and would like to speak to a professional.⁠

You can also DM us if you have any questions - we're here to help.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 14/12/2021

Much like the "twelve days of Christmas", we've got the "twelve factors of your mental health at Christmas". Our newest blog offers guidance, support and practical steps to take care of your mental health at Christmas. This time of year can bring lots of added stresses and pressures, so we want to offer our support.⁠

Click the link in our bio to read the blog in full. ⁠

Save this post if you don't have time to read the blog now so you can come back to it in the future!

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 13/12/2021

We wanted to talk about financial/money anxiety around Christmas.

There's a huge amount of external pressure surrounding the festive season, and it's not always easy to manage, especially when it's something like money which can already be a stressful topic and anxiety for many people.

We've put together a few thoughts on financial anxiety and Christmas in the following slides.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 09/12/2021

Why is the festive season so difficult for so many people? We've put together a guide of some reasons and resources for support.⁠

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 07/12/2021

We've put together a few steps to help you cope this Christmas. It's not always an easy time of the year for many of us, from financial stresses, grieving those who are no longer with us, seeing family members who you don't have healthy relationships with, and many other emotional pressures, it can be a hugely challenging time on your mental health.⁠

Save this post to come back to as you prepare for this season.

Photos from Talk and Grow's post 01/12/2021

We have a new and very personal blog up on our website from one of the team, Rachael, talking honestly about her struggles with anxiety, social media comparison, and why sharing your struggles can open up so many wonderful conversations.

Rachael wrote this blog post after our survey speaking to you all about how you were really feeling. Overall, so many shared feeling disheartened, low, stagnated, and run down. It's disheartening to hear that so many of us feel this way, but it's also a reminder that we're not alone. So many of us share the same feelings, and when we share them with one another, it can bring us closer together and encourage eachother not to keep everything bottled up. We can better support one another when we understand oneanother.

Click the link in our bio to read the blog in full.

Timeline photos 23/11/2021

Recently we did a poll and a lot of you told us you've got questions about counselling you'd like answered!

So, we've got a question box in our stories, and our DM's are open to take your questions. We'll keep all questions completely anonymous - we're here to help and offer any advice that we can.

(Save this post if you've got questions on your mind that you'd like to ask at a later date!)

- The Talk and Grow Team x

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