Achieve With Mélissa - Pilates

1:1 online face-to-face Pilates classes, in English and French, worldwide with Melissa


That “F.ABS CONNECTION Series” is all you need to get with your Sunday activities (even if you want to lie in bed all day 😌)

Get up and do it now or save it for later in a specific folder and access it anytime 😉

1️⃣ Roll back (1) x10
2️⃣ Roll back (2) + Rotation x10
3️⃣ Roll back (3) x10
4️⃣ Roll like a ball x10
5️⃣ Single Leg Stretch x10
6️⃣ Scissors x10
7️⃣ Criss Cross x 10
8️⃣ Hip Rolls + Chest Rotation x6

👉🏽 The full guided workout will be on YouTube in the next few days. Keep an 👁️ on it.
👉🏽 The link for YouTube is ⬆️ in the bio.

💌 Let me know what you would like to see and work on next

HAVE FUN… It’s Sunday 😝

Cette « série F.ABS CONNECTION » est tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour vos activités du dimanche (même si vous voulez rester au lit toute la journée😌)

Bougez-vous maintenant ou enregistrez pour plus t**d dans un dossier spécifique et accédez-y à tout moment 😉

1️⃣ Enroulement arrière (1) x10
2️⃣ Enroulement arrière (2) + Rotation du Buste x10
3️⃣ Enroulement arrière (3) x10
4️⃣ Le Ballon x10
5️⃣ Étirement 1 jambe x10
6️⃣ Ciseaux x10
7️⃣ Criss Cross x10
8️⃣ Roulement des hanches + Rotation du Buste x6

👉🏽 L'entraînement guidé complet sera sur YouTube dans les prochains jours. Gardez un 👁️ dessus.
👉🏽 Le lien pour YouTube est ⬆️ dans la bio.

💌 Dites-moi ce que vous aimeriez voir et travailler

Amusez-vous 🤗


BACK PAIN… A global scourge 😓

Chronic or temporary, anyone can have it and almost everyone will experience it at some point in their life 🥴


🇬🇧Here are some answers to regular questions I have from you!

🤩 I hope this helps!
💌 DM me if you have more question

🇫🇷 Voici quelques réponses aux questions que vous me posez régulièrement!

🤩 J’espère que ces réponses vous sont utiles.
💌 Envoyez-moi un message si vous avez d’autres questions


🇬🇧 LOWER BACK Release Series

I just posted a workout on instagram!

The full guided workout will be on YouTube in the next few days.

Check it out 👁️

🇫🇷 Série spécial BAS DU DOS

Je viens tout just de publier une serie d’exercises sur Instagram.

L'entraînement guidé complet sera sur YouTube dans les prochains jours.

Essayez 😉


🇬🇧 I am VERY worried about something!

Your ongoing struggle with back & shoulder pain as the holidays approach.
Dealing with discomfort now & starting 2024 in the same way isn't the way forward!

Back & shoulder issues don't take a break during the holidays, unfortunately 🤦🏻‍♀️

❗️It's about time to break this pattern & NOT wait for January or February.

You still have 2 months until the end of the year for genuine progress.
In these final 2 months, you could:
👉🏽 Relieve back & shoulder pain
👉🏽 Establish a foundation for a pain-free body
👉🏽 Enhance well-being & posture
👉🏽 Prepare for a strong start in 2024
👉🏽 Stop moaning for good!

🙋🏻‍♀️ I'm here to assist & support you!
💌 Comment "RELIEF" for more info.
💬 Let's discuss your goals, create a plan, & ensure your journey is well-supported.
💪🏽 Step into 2024 feeling your best, pain-free, & ready.

🇫🇷 Quelque chose d'important me préoccupe!

VOUS et votre lutte constante contre les douleurs de dos et d’épaules à l'approche des vacances!
Commencer 2024 avec les mêmes douleurs et lamentations n'est pas LA solution.
Ces douleurs ne prennent, hélas, pas de pause pendant les fêtes 🤦🏻‍♀️

❗️Il est temps de briser ce cycle et d'abandonner l'idée d'attendre janvier ou février pour changer.

Il vous reste encore 2 mois avant le Nouvel An pour progresser.
Pendant ces 2 prochains mois, vous pouvez :
👉🏽 Soulager vos douleurs de dos et d’épaules
👉🏽 Établir des bases solides pour un corps sans douleurs
👉🏽 Améliorer votre bien-être et votre posture
👉🏽 Préparer une entrée dynamique en 2024
👉🏽 Dire adieu aux lamentations!

🙋🏻‍♀️ Laissez-moi vous aider!
💌 Commentez "RELIEF" pour en savoir plus.
💬 Discutons de vos objectifs, élaborons un plan sur mesure, et je vous accompagnerai tout au long de votre parcours.

💪🏽 Entrez en 2024 en pleine forme et prêt à relever tous les défis!




🇬🇧Pilates is a STRENGTH and FLEXIBILITY exercise method that focuses on controlled movements to increase mobility, improve posture, strengthen deep muscles, and enhance body awareness.

It expands the joints’ range of motion and improves spinal mobility in all planes: Flexion, Extension, Lateral and Rotation.

Think of it as a foundation, like constructing a sturdy house. Just as you want that house to be resistant and endure rain, sun or wind in the long term, your body also deserves a strong foundation.

Pilates is all that, ensuring you are secure and resilient within yourself. It simply supports your body in all daily movements, making it a crucial element of your life!

🇫🇷Le Pilates est une méthode qui construit FORCE et FLEXIBILITÉ par des mouvements controlés, améliorant mobilité, posture, muscles profonds, et conscience générale corporelle.

Il élargit l'amplitude articulaire et améliore la mobilité vertébrale: Fléxion, Extension, Fléxion Latérale et Rotation.

Imaginez bâtir la maison de vos rêves; magnifique de l'extérieur, mais sans fondations solides et pas résistante aux intempéries quotidiennes. Vous ne voulez pas d’une maison qui s’effondre à la moindre calamité! Vous voulez vous sentir en sécurité chez vous et durablement; il en va de même pour votre corps.

Le Pilates est, tout simplement, cet allié essentiel qui vous enseigne de bonnes habitudes et cette fondation solide dont votre corps a besoin au quotidien.



Pilates was built on 6 fundamental principles CONTROL, CENTRE, CONCENTRATION, PRECISION, BREATH... And FLOW

"Moving with CONTROL from your CENTRE, with CONCENTRATION and PRECISION while using proper BREATHING to create a natural FLOW from an exercise to the next one"

Makes total sense… Very clever!

Pilates is a system that creates BALANCE and HARMONY through your whole body… In ONE SINGLE session

Whether you’re a 💁🏽‍♂️ or a 💁🏻‍♀️, you will feel the difference in your body after a few months of practice!

NO OTHER FITNESS METHOD will do this for YOU 😉!!!!!


Le Pilates a été construit sur 6 principes fondamentaux : CONTROLE, CENTRAGE, CONCENTRATION, PRECISION, RESPIRATION... Et FLUIDITÉ

"Bouger avec CONTROLE depuis votre CENTRE, avec CONCENTRATION et PRECISION tout en utilisant une RESPIRATION adéquate pour créer une FLUIDITÉ naturelle d'un exercice au suivant"

Complètement logique et très intelligent !

Le Pilates est un système qui crée ÉQUILIBRE et HARMONIE dans tout votre corps… En UNE SEULE séance!

Que vous soyez un 💁🏽‍♂️ ou une 💁🏻‍♀️, vous ressentirez la différence dans votre corps après quelques mois de pratique !



🇬🇧 Navigating middle age brings unwelcome shoulder tension, thanks to long desk hours, heavy bags, poor posture, and life's stresses. But there's hope 🥳��Recognize the importance of addressing shoulder tension; it causes headaches, reduced mobility, discomfort, and affects sleep. That's where this simple stretching routine comes in 🤩��These stretches target and release shoulder tension, boost flexibility, and maintain upper body health. They're more than exercises; they're daily self-care 😌��Join me in this video to reclaim comfort, mobility, and a life free of persistent shoulder tension. Your well-being is worth it💪🏽�

🇫🇷 En approchant la quarantaine, la tension des épaules devient un fardeau, dû aux longues heures de bureau, aux sacs lourds, à la mauvaise posture et au stress. Cependant, il y a de l'espoir 🥳��Reconnaître l'importance de gérer la tension des épaules est essentiel, car elle peut entraîner des maux de tête, une mobilité réduite, de l'inconfort et perturber le sommeil. C'est là qu'intervient cette routine d'étirements simple 🤩��Ces étirements, simples et accessibles, ciblent spécifiquement la tension des épaules, améliorent la flexibilité et préservent la santé du haut du corps. Ce ne sont pas que des exercices, mais un rituel quotidien de soins personnels 😉��Rejoignez-moi dans cette vidéo pour retrouver confort, mobilité, et une vie sans tension persistante aux épaules. Votre bien-être en vaut la peine💪🏽��

Photos from Achieve With Mélissa - Pilates's post 17/10/2023

🇬🇧Welcome to Achieve With Mélissa, your partner in a pain-free, stronger YOU!
I specialise in transforming lives through Pilates, focusing on providing relief and strength to those battling chronic back and shoulder pain 🙌

🔍 My work is dedicated to active, goal-driven individuals aged 40-55, passionate about sports and adventure. I understand the unique challenges you face.

👩‍🏫 I'm Mélissa, and Pilates transformed my life, relieving my many ailments. That's why I switched careers, eager to share Pilates' incredible benefits with you.

With ALIGN & ACHIEVE, you'll enjoy:
✅ Targeted relief for back & shoulder pain
✅ Personalized workouts
✅ Increased strength & confidence
✅ Results in weeks
✅ Sustainable transformation in 3 months

💬 Ready to transform? Comment "RELIEF" below to begin your journey to a pain-free, stronger you 💪

Check out my YouTube channel, link in the bio for more workouts.
Let's achieve greatness together ✨

🇫🇷Bienvenue sur Achieve With Mélissa, votre partenaire pour un VOUS sans douleur et plus fort!
Grâce au Pilates, je transforme la vie de ceux et celles qui luttent quotidiennement contre les douleurs chroniques du dos et des épaules 🙌

🔍 Je travaille principalement avec des personnes actives et déterminées âgées de 40 à 55 ans, passionnées par le sport et l'aventure. Vos défis uniques et spécifiques, je les comprends!

👩‍🏫 Je suis Mélissa, votre coach; le Pilates a soulagé mes douleurs et a transformé ma vie. Désireuse de partager les bienfaits incroyables du Pilates, j'ai changé de carrière il y a 7 ans.

Avec ALIGN & ACHIEVE, vous trouverez:
✅ Un soulagement ciblé pour le dos et les épaules
✅ Des séances d'entraînement personnalisées
✅ Renforcement et confiance en vous accrus
✅ Résultats en quelques semaines
✅ Transformation DURABLE en 3 mois

💬 Prêt à transformer votre vie? Commentez "RELIEF" ci-dessous pour commencer votre parcours vers un vous sans douleur et plus fort 💪

Consultez ma chaîne YouTube pour des entraînements variés, lien dans la bio. Ensemble, atteignons nos objectifs ✨


🇬🇧 Shifting Gears: From In-Person to Online 🌍

What an incredible journey it’s been!

I have collaborated with business mentors to transform my primarily in-person Pilates into an online powerhouse 💻 ☄️

The process was no cakewalk 😅, involving profound introspection, questioning the core of my work, and reevaluating how I go about it. It has personally and professionally challenged me, reshaping my perspective and interactions.

Yet, the rewards have been immense 🙌🏽… I have grown more decisive and resolute, recognising that business should harmonise with passion and my dream lifestyle ☀️🏝️👙

Now, I am thrilled to introduce “ALIGN & ACHIEVE” aimed at combating chronic back and shoulder pain. My goal is to help you achieve success in every facet of life without pain 🌈 💼

If you are ready to take action, drop a “RELIEF” in the comments below to discover more 👇🏽

Let’s embark on this journey together 🤩

🇫🇷 Changer de Cap: Du présential au Virtuel 🌍

Quel périple!

Avec l’aiguillage de mes coachs en business, j’ai transformé mon entreprise de Pilates en présentiel en une puissance virtuelle 💻 ☄️

Ce processus n’a pas été une partie de plaisir! Il a requis une introspection profonde, questionnant mon cœur de métier et ma manière de le pratiquer.

Un défi personnel et professionnel qui a remodelé ma vision 🙌🏽

Désormais plus confiante et déterminée, j’ai compris que le professionnel doit s’aligner avec le style de vie dont je rêve ☀️🏝️👙

C’est avec enthousiasme que je vous présente le premier opus de ce remaniement, “ALIGN & ACHIEVE”, un programme qui s’adresse aux douleurs chroniques du dos et des épaules.

Mon but : vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs dans tous les aspects de la vie sans douleurs 🌈 💼

Prêts ? Laissez-moi un “RELIEF” dans les commentaires 👇🏽 pour en savoir plus!

Ensemble contre la douleur chronique 👊🏽

Photos from Achieve With Mélissa - Pilates's post 09/08/2023

Discover Relief Through Online Classes! 🌟

Tired of persistent back pain? 🙅‍♂️ Say goodbye to discomfort with specialized online classes with me, Mélissa

🔹 Virtual Expertise: Targeted exercises and techniques from home for effective pain relief. 🏠🏋️‍♀️

🔹 Personalized Approach: Tailored routines for your unique needs. 🎯🩺

🔹 Flexibility at Your Fingertips: Prioritize your well-being with convenient scheduling. ⏰🌍

Ready to thrive pain-free? Drop a 🙌 or DM "BACKPAIN" to learn more.

Photos from Achieve With Mélissa - Pilates's post 26/07/2023


YES... But not by default!

Pilates will tone up and strengthen your deep intrinsic muscles without creating bulk 💪🏽

That said...

Pilates CAN increase your muscle mass with an adequate program targeting that specific goal.


Photos from Achieve With Mélissa - Pilates's post 11/07/2023

Is bad posture your ticket to back pain…?


❓Bad posture ➡️ When one's body is out of alignment, causing joint and muscular issues.
❓Good posture ➡️ When one's body is in good alignment, stable and working effectively.

5 common problematic habits:
👎🏽 Working posture – sitting or standing
👎🏽 General posture while doing any familiar daily activities
👎🏽 Use of technology
👎🏽 Past or current injuries – muscle guarding or stiffness
👎🏽 Unhappiness privately or professionally - Impact on mental health

5 ways to counteract those bad habits:
👍🏽 Get away from your desk and screens as often as possible.
👍🏽 Move and exercise regularly – Postural muscles need consistent maintenance, not a quick fix when acute pain arises.
👍🏽 Raise your awareness towards the issue/s – Book an assessment with a movement specialist, research, ask questions… Knowledge is 💪🏽🤓
👍🏽 Improve your breathing pattern.
👍🏽 Make the decisions that will have a positive impact on your mental health!


This is me last week after a few hours of filming videos.
This is also me during a back pain flare-up!

I have suffered from back pain of various intensities for a long time and still have flare-ups of the exact nature here and there.
But it’s nothing compared to what I was used to 😅!
What keeps me going is the way I chose to handle it and manage it.
I never let it put me down and it knows it 😁!

Throughout the years I have become very acquainted with the “pain” or “discomfort” I might come across with. It has become a life companion and a trusted friend 🤝🏽🤔
A friend who has a voice and who is quite needy at times. I don’t like the feeling of dependency in general, but I have to put up with this one 🤷🏻‍♀️
A challenging and unpredictable friend that keeps me on my toes and makes sure that I never lose my alertness and sharpness towards myself 🤓!
We both know that we can’t live without each other 👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
That friend taught me, a long while ago, that looking at it straight in the eyes for what it is, is the best way to handle it; and it has since been a very rewarding and interesting journey of self-discovery & other discoveries as well.

I am not an ex-dancer with a skilled, trained and able body but an ex-designer who has spent hours and hours sitting behind a desk looking at a computer screen and bending over a pattern table.
Most people I work with are people who work at a desk or stand for very long periods and suffer from the consequences of that work lifestyle.
My background is very helpful in understanding what they have to put up with.

Everyone is different. Everyone has a different story. Everyone is built differently.
If you suffer from any type of physical pain, find a teacher who can help you find the strategy for your pain. A person who can teach you how to move and handle yourself with the body you have and live your best life 🤩🏃🏽🤸🏻‍♀️🏌🏽‍♂️🏊🏼‍♀️🧗🏼🚴🏼‍♀️🏆🏆🏆

Back pain is VERY manageable... Don’t let it become the boss!

Photos from Achieve With Mélissa - Pilates's post 31/05/2023


1️⃣ Good posture and back pain explained
2️⃣ 14 illustrated and detailed exercises
3️⃣ Exercise plan
4️⃣ BONUS - 14 videos for each exercise

Those exercises are simple, accessible and addressed to EVERYONE independently of your fitness level, age, location in the world or/and availability.

It is all FREE and I very much hope that it can help you ✨



« Back to Life » mobility morning session @7.30 am on Friday
Duration: 15-20 minutes




Hi 👋🏽

Photos from Achieve With Mélissa - Pilates's post 01/02/2023


WHY 🤔?
A few months ago, I made the decision to face lift my Pilates business and give it another direction. My dream is to carry it everywhere I go and to make this happen, teaching online is the only way!
As I don’t need to meet clients in person anymore, my daily steps went from 15K down to 6K!
(I miss walking terribly!!!!)

As I now spend more hours sitting or standing in front of my computer, I move less, my body hates it and screams its unhappiness to me in various ways. But yet, I can’t blame that only on being too static for too long, aging (even with attention and care!) is also playing a massive role in the equation.
🌟Luckily enough, I know how to manage my back pain and incorporate as much movement and walking as I can during my day.

The best way for me to start the day and ease the discomfort is to move my body when I wake up for about 20 to 30 minutes, in all three planes of motion with gentle or dynamic movements, whatever feels good on the day and then I hit the road for a 60 minutes brisk walk in the local park… PURE BLISS 😌… The BEST way to start my day!

🤩🤩🤩The morality behind the story is, even as a Pilates instructor, I can also live with daily pain and that’s OK as long as it is addressed and doesn’t stop me from doing what I need to do. That daily pain which was once excruciating and was keeping me away from work for days or the daily activities that I enjoyed the most has become very tolerable and a pleasant companion because I have learned to handle it.

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Videos (show all)

Back BACK PAIN… A global scourge 😓
🇬🇧 “Change happens through movement and movement heals.” 🇫🇷 “Le changement émerge du mouvement et le mouvement guérit.”
🇬🇧 Navigating middle age brings unwelcome shoulder tension, thanks to long desk hours, heavy bags, poor posture, and lif...
🇬🇧 Shifting Gears / 🇫🇷 Changer de Cap
BACK PAIN?!?… What’s up?
ANNOUNCEMENT 🔊🔊🔊« Back to Life » mobility morning session @7.30 am on FridayDuration: 15-20 minutes JOIN ME 🤗Mx
Hi 👋🏽#pilates #onlineclasses #onlineworkouts #pilatesteacher #pilateslovers





Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 2:30pm

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