Yoga with Laura Colenso

My yoga classes are here for every woman. To give you strength, space and time for yourself.


Do you want to be less stressed and more relaxed? 😊 Do you want greater strength and increased flexibility? 🏋️‍♀️ Do you want to start your week refreshed, focused and calm? 🧘‍♀️ Then sign up for my 6-week yoga course at Alne Village Hall starting in September. Visit my website or DM me or comment below and I will get in touch with more details! Laura x 🙏


How do you take care of yourself through the summer months? Have you set some time aside for yourself?

We can forget that the longer days of summer can require more energy from us. Later bedtimes with busier days, which of course can be a welcomed change but to get the most out of this season, creating balance for our bodies and minds must be added to the to do list. Or, our patience runs short. Our energy levels dip and our moods can go for a swing.

A yoga practice is the ultimate self care practice for your body and your mind and that is why I have created 'Summer In Flow.'
An on demand yoga practice that you can practise anytime, anywhere to fit into your beautiful summer.

Check it out in the first comment below.


Laura x


Summer is just around the corner thank goodness!! Thursday, the 20th of June is the official first day of summer.

This season brings bright light, long days, warmth and the feeling of abundance. The feeling of opportunity as nature shows us anything is possible.

But this extra boost of high energy in the summer can sometimes add pressure to our already packed lives. So becoming aware that balance is the key can guarantee us all a fantastic summer.

So, how would you like to spend your summer time this year?

A lovely way to create summer balance and clarity is by writing a “Love To Do List” .

1. Grab a pen and a piece of paper.

2. Draw a line down the middle and label the first column REST and the second column PLAY.

3. List each item starting with “I would love to….” The trick is to make the two columns equal in length.

4. Then number your top two in REST and your top two in PLAY.

5. Decide to absolutely commit to making them happen this summer!

Stick your “Love To Do List!” somewhere that you can see it and then tick them off as you do them!

Balance is not something we find, it's something we create. So let's take this opportunity with the summer solstice just around the corner to create some balance for this beautiful season ahead.

Have a fantastic summer!

Also, If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up by visiting my website and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness.

Laura x


If you are ready to create some balance in your life join us this Saturday. I have two places left for my "Summer Time!" Micro Yoga Retreat at Alne Village Hall. Visit my website to find out more.


I have four places left so take some time out for yourself and come along to "Summer Time!" Micro Yoga Retreat. You will leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated! Get in touch in the comments or DM me or get in touch through my website. I hope to see you there! Laura x


We all know that nature is a soothing balm for most ailments. We may not always feel like embracing the element’s but when we do our bodies literally tingle with energy as we encounter earth, water, fire, air or space.

Shetland is the perfect place to experience all five elements in the shortest amount of time and that is what Dom, Nell, Brae (our Golden Retriever) and I got up to last week.

The first element to greet us in Shetland was air. The wind showed up as the perfect hostess. Whirling and dancing around us. Cleansing and purifying us of any evidence of where we had been.

Vast amounts of space unfolded before our very eyes as we drove deeper into the island. I felt myself expanding and growing into the environment as I absorbed the vastness that surrounded me.

Fire is a necessity in any outdoor evening in Shetland. We circled the fire with friends and talked into the wee hours of the morning. The fire fed us with light, heat and the burning desire to forget time and responsibility.

We rambled through the cliff tops of heather. We buried ourselves in warm sand. We searched for the smoothest of stones and the prettiest of shells grounding ourselves and connecting to the land.

Not just water but COLD water woke us up immediately to the present moment as we plunged ourselves into the North Sea and the beautiful surrounding lochs soaring our energy sky high.

Thank you Shetland for being the perfect playground!

I hope you managed to connect with the elements this week but if not don’t worry. They are just outside your door waiting for you patiently like an eager school pal wanting to know if you are allowed to come out and play.

The elements are our friends, our teachers, our gurus. Reminding us of what we are made of and what we are capable of.

If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up by visiting my website in the picture below and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


Yoga encourages practising non-violence - ahimsa. That's why I switched off my daily habit of BBC Breakfast News eight years ago and never returned. My two year old daughter at the time was in the room when violence was splattered across my screen at 8am. It was a wake up call for me as a mother and I decided then and there I would no longer have my attention hijacked for someone else’s agenda.

Everything we do in life can be guided by the bright light of ahimsa or pushed by the darkness of fear.

I’ve noticed in our culture there is a lot of “fighting against”.

Fighting against cancer.
Fighting against crime.
Fighting against global warming.

What if we changed our language and focused on what we wanted?

We are for health and vitality.
We are for a safe environment for all.
We are for our planet.

Focusing our energy on the outcome that we desire draws that vision, that dream closer. Living in fight mode is exhausting but coming together to work as a team for a future goal can be invigorating and hopeful.

If Democrats could stop fighting against Republicans maybe Trump would be a distant memory.

Love and understanding seem under rated. Where’s the thrill? The drama? The adrenaline hit? But what would a world look like where we all practised ahimsa? Could we create a world without internet trolls, without hate, even a world without war? One day I hope so.

I’m for Ahimsa. How about you?

Also, If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up below by clicking the link in the first comment or by visiting my website and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


Six powerful words to save you time and energy.

This week I was desperately trying to squeeze another thing into my diary. Something I felt I should do. As I sat fretting in front of my Google calendar it dawned on me I could just say no. Actually, the best thing to do for everyone involved was for me to say no. Weeks of concern of how I was going to pull it off melted away as the little word no jumped up and down in my head, thrilled that it had finally got some attention.

For most of us we favour the word yes.

Yes is our default answer as it feels so good for the first five seconds. You have made someone else’s life easier. You have made them happy. But at what cost to yourself?

This week reminded me of a great phrase that I totally forgot to use in this particular situation and I wanted to share it with you.

“Let me get back to you.”

These six simple words can save your skin. They give you the time to really think about what’s being asked of you, rather than letting the 'people pleaser' yes launch out of your mouth.

I have no doubt we will have the opportunity to practice this phrase numerous times over the coming weeks which is great because believe me it does take practice. Stopping yes in her tracks is difficult as she is so eager to please!

So practising saying these words even when the answer is a definite yes gives us some space and permission to protect our energy and our precious time.

I would love to hear when you get to use these six magic words so please do drop me a line if you have time.

Also, If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up below by clicking the link in the first comment and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


I am thrilled to say the last Micro Yoga Retreat in March was a great success so I have decided to run another one called "Summer Time!” It will be taking place at Alne Village Hall on Saturday the 15th of June from 10.00am to 12.30pm.

We will begin our morning with a physical practice followed by journaling, breath work and finish with a lovely guided relaxation then tea and treats.

Can you join us? It would be wonderful to have you there! Comment below or DM me for more information.

Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


“Mum, I have something to tell you.” Words that can fill a heart with dread... but not this time. Instead, Nell, my ten year old daughter went on to share how she had plucked up the courage to sing by herself in front of her class.

Now, Nell doesn’t like the limelight. Doesn’t like to dance if she thinks people are watching. Doesn’t like to stand out. But this time she decided to throw herself out of her comfort zone and onto the other side. “How did it feel?” I asked. Her response included the words "petrifying" but also "really good". I congratulated her on her bravery and gave her a big squeeze.

Later that evening it was homework time. Homework that had caused tears the night before. But this time was different. The ideas flowed and the page was filled. Nell said she knew why. She believed because she had stood up in front of her class and sang, it had made it easier for her to find the words for her homework. If she could cope with singing in front of people she could cope with this! By taking a risk that day, Nell had expanded her definition of herself. She felt more capable. She felt more empowered.

Sometimes a risk is worth taking simply for the sake of taking it. Enlivening and expanding, we grow our definition of our capabilities.

Why not hop, skip or throw yourself out of your comfort zone today? Even if it's only for a few seconds. Embrace feeling petrified and really good all at the same time!

Also, If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up below by clicking the link in the first comment and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


I decided to dial back last week. It has been a hectic year so far and I felt like I needed a break. Unfortunately, my diary had other plans. The routine, the schedule must continue so I decided to do something else. I switched everything else off. Literally. No podcasts. No Audible. No Apple tv. No reading before bed.

My brain felt full and it needed some space. It needed some quietness. So rather than filling my time with Audible when driving back from the school drop-off or listening to a podcast while washing the dishes or delving into the world of chakras by reading before bed I just stopped it all and it honestly helped.
It gave my mind time to wander, time to think, time to day dream.

We can get into the habit of over stimulating our senses, not being aware that it’s adding to the overload on our minds and our bodies. It’s okay to sit down and stare into space with a cup of tea. We don’t need to add anything to that moment. No scrolling, no listening, no multi-tasking. Drinking the tea can be enough.

So the next time you are feeling overwhelmed or just really tired I highly recommend checking out your surroundings. What have you unnecessarily added to that moment that you could drop? Giving your mind some space and much needed quietness in this noisy world of ours. It doesn’t have to be forever just until you feel like you are back on an even keel.

Enjoy the quietness.

Also, If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up below by clicking the link in the first comment and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,
Laura x


This Easter weekend brought with it a good dose of wonder and awe courtesy of my three nephews, my daughter Nell and nature. There’s nothing quite like staying in a bunkhouse in Wales for four nights with four little ones and nature as your only entertainment.

Watching their enthusiasm for making fishing rods with sticks, string and safety pins with the hope of catching a fish. Seeing them bounce in the forest’s green moss, calling it "Squish Land" and screaming with joy when they came across it again and again. Hunting for the end of rainbows and digging for gold when finding stones that sparkle - all while climbing the mountains of Wales.

Thank you my little gurus. Nell, Nico, Eli and Max. Your awe and wonder definitely rubbed off on all us grown ups this weekend. We return back to normal life with a little more imagination and creativity in our hearts.

I hope your Easter was sprinkled with a little bit of magic too from nature, or from little humans who still fully embrace the fun and thrill that we can all find in nature.

Also, If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up below by clicking the link in the first comment and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


It’s called the HappySelf Journal. And this week it was the catalyst for an interesting conversation with my ten-year-old daughter Nell.

We’d bought it for her to start to develop the habit of self reflection and gratitude. The prompt in the journal was simple. ”How did someone help you today?”.

While I cleared the plates from the dinner table, Dom and Nell pondered the question.

“Well, how did mum help you today?” Asked Dom.

After an uncomfortable silence Nell shouted through to the kitchen.

“Mum, how did you help me today?”

With a smile on my face I stopped filling the sink and came to sit down beside her. I paused and then went through the extremely long list of how I had helped her that day.

“I started by folding your pants and laying out your school clothes. Then I went downstairs to make your porridge…”

The list went on and on.

About half-way through Nell started to giggle as the realisation kicked in. I finished by letting her know it was all done with love.

She picked up her pencil and filled in the page. “Mum helped me by doing almost everything!”

As women and as mothers what we do for our loved ones can sometimes go unnoticed. The polishing of the shoes. The folding of the laundry. The emptying of the dishwasher. Insignificant tasks that make life run smoothly and keep things ticking along.

Funnily enough, this week we celebrate International Women’s Day and Mothering Sunday and as I grow older as a woman the importance of these days heightens in my heart. A woman’s worth is still questioned.

Luckily, I know my worth. I know what I do for Nell every day is extraordinary because I believe women are extraordinary.

It doesn’t concern me that Nell doesn’t recognise my input yet. It wasn’t until I became a woman myself that my own mum's love, support and sacrifices became clear to me.

So, if you are a woman taking the time to read my words, I want to say thank you. Thank you for your constant "behind the scenes" work you do to make life that little bit better. You are extraordinary.

Also, If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up below by clicking the link in the first comment and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x

p.s. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers reading this email today, especially my wonderful mum Ada Gray! # # #


Happy International Women's Day! An important quote below for all of us from Marianne Williamson. Namaste. x


ONLY 3 PLACES LEFT! Are you feeling a little bit stressed and in need of a break? Have you been able to make some time for yourself recently? If not, why not join me for my "Spring Awakening'' Micro Yoga Retreat that will be taking place at Alne Village Hall on Saturday the 16th of March from 10.00am to 12.30pm. We will begin our morning with a physical practice followed by journaling, breath work and finish with a lovely guided relaxation then tea and treats. The cost for the session is £40 but I'm offering an early bird price of £30 if you book and pay by the 1st of March - tomorrow!! Comment below or DM me and I will be in touch. Laura x


Live near Alne? Fancy a few hours of yoga and relaxation? Join me on March 16th for my women’s micro yoga retreat! Watch this video for more details. Laura x


Yoga is far more than physical exercise. It is self care. Self care for every single part of you. Your body, your breath and your mind. x


As a parent, bedtime can sometimes be the most stressful part of the day. Mostly because the feeling of running out of time sits heavy on our shoulders. Running out of time to finish work, to tick off our to do list, to wash the dishes, to get ready for the next day.

Then you get that shout from the top of the stairs. “Mum, can you come here?!” “Have you brushed your teeth yet?” “No, but can you come here?”

I start at the bottom of the stairs, my stomach tight, my jaw clenched, the lack of time weighing me down, usually with a soggy dish towel in my hand. Then, I take a deep breath and slowly and purposely climb the steps. I use my stair time to transform. To become the mother I want to be by the time I reach the top of the stairs. You see, over the years my staircase has become my trigger to switch into the present moment. By the time I get to Nell I am ready to listen and I’ve noticed how precious these moments have become. Moments of wonder. I’ve climbed those stairs to be shown the moon, to notice a shadow, to blow on a dancing cobweb, to wiggle a loose tooth, to rescue a spider, to count her bruises, to gaze at a new freckle. Precious moments of wonder from my daughter that is growing up so very, very fast.

I am grateful for my staircase, thankful for those few seconds it gives me to tune into what’s really important - time with my daughter.

We have all felt the pain of not having enough time. I believe the trick is to find a way to catapult yourself to the present rather than worrying about the future. Sitting with wonder in the simplest of moments.

If you have enjoyed the above please sign up to "Lessons From My Gurus" my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up below by clicking the link in the first comment and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness.

Laura x


"Lessons From My Gurus" is my weekly letter designed to share a simple idea or tip that's inspired me. Sign up below by clicking the link in the first comment and it will land in your inbox every Sunday to help you get ready for the week ahead. Here is a little taster below of the kind of letter you will receive.

Mother Nature decided to stand up and be heard this week. She huffed and she puffed and she blew down anything that wasn’t strong enough to bear her brunt. She swept the wind across our lands wielding her power as a reminder of who’s really in charge.

So on Tuesday evening I stopped to listen. After a long soak in the bath after a busy day I retreated to my bedroom, opened the windows and invited her in to howl. And boy did she howl!

It was exhilarating, feeling her take over the room. Cleaning out the stale, warm air and replacing it with a feeling of vibrancy, aliveness. Her message was now loud and clear. You are not in charge. I am.

We can sometimes hear her message and fear it but this week I decided to take comfort in her words by practising surrender which in yoga is called Isvara Pranidhana.

Surrendering to life can be difficult. As humans we love to be in control. We hate the thought of not being in charge, not knowing what’s coming next. But when you hear Mother Nature roar the way she has this week, her instruction is clear: surrender and respect that you are part of something bigger. This allows us to shift our focus away from our individual concerns and to the beauty and wonder of the bigger picture that’s at play.

What will be will be. It’s how we decide to react to it that makes all the difference.

Thank you being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


I’m thinking of running a micro yoga retreat on the morning of the 16th of March at Alne Village Hall. A chance to take some time for yourself to focus on what’s important. It will involve some yoga, journaling, guided relaxation and some healthy treats! 10:00-12:30. Comment below or get in touch if you think this is something you would be interested in. Laura x


It is time! Come and practice yoga at Alne Village Hall! The new course for women begins Monday the 19th February to the 18th March. Book before this Tuesday for early bird price! Please visit my website in the post below for more details. Laura x


"Lessons From My Gurus" is a letter I am sharing every Sunday. If you would like to connect with me please click on the link in the first comment below and I will happily send you a weekly copy. Here is one I wrote a few weeks ago starring my beautiful daughter Nell! x

Something truly wonderful happened last Sunday - Nell tidied her bedroom! Well, actually, Dom and Nell gutted her bedroom. This has been way overdue and we decided as a family it was best for me not to be involved. You see, I have this tendency to be a little overly sentimental. This has improved over the years thanks to my yoga practice but when it comes to Nell my ten year old daughter I want to keep everything she has ever touched!

Aparigraha - non possessiveness - is a yama, a moral code that yoga suggests we practise to live happy and healthy lives. Thankfully, by practising non possessiveness, I have become aware of the importance of letting go, so I took a deep breath and let Dom and Nell get on with it.

By bedtime the task was complete and the car was full, ready for a trip to the charity shop. The room looked beautiful and Nell had the biggest grin on her face. She commented on how much she had enjoyed the day and how she now felt different in her clean and tidy bedroom. The word she used was lighter. “ I feel lighter Mum.”

Since Sunday she has gone on to make her bed every morning and fold her pyjamas and night socks placing them neatly on her pillow with mindfulness and care. I know it won't last forever but it's heart warming to witness.

Sometimes we struggle to let go. We cling onto our material objects, our beliefs, our expectations for far too long. Missing out on the opportunity to, in Nell’s words, feel "lighter".

So is there anything you could let go of to invite aparigraha into your life? It may be as simple as a material object or as complicated as a person but the act of letting go only eventually brings freedom, peace and light.

Thank you for being here. Sending love and kindness,

Laura x


We find ourselves in a brand new year so my mind has been wandering to what 2024 is going to hold for the Colenso clan. If you are like me, the words “New Year's Resolution” fill you with dread. So I have changed my thoughts around this age-old tradition with the help of my yoga practice. I now ask myself what would I like to practise in this new year? The word practice takes the competitiveness and seriousness out of the act of change.

We are what we practise everyday. So I’ve decided my new practice for 2024 is smiling when I wake up in the morning. Sounds simple right?! Actually, by day six I forgot! I woke up grumpy and concerned with what I had to get done in my day. I was in the shower before it dawned on me I hadn’t smiled yet. So I forced a massive grin onto my face and within thirty seconds I honestly felt better.

Research has proven that the physical act of smiling increases the release of endorphins, our happy hormones and calms our heart rate, reduces stress, heightens our sense of well-being and supports our health. So even if we don’t feel like it, smiling will only help.

Along with my smile I say the following words inspired by Thich Nhat Hahn.
“Waking up this morning I smile.
Twenty four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live them deeply with love and kindness.”

If you enjoyed this post and would like to receive my regular Sunday morning "Lessons From My Gurus" direct to your inbox click on the link in the first comment below. Laura x


We have a beautiful full moon in the sky tonight. She acts as a giant spotlight highlighting what we need to notice. Why not ask yourself " What is the full moon illuminating for me?"
Things can become very clear under her light if we choose to pay attention. Happy Wednesday everyone. Laura x


Our moon is waxing. She is growing in light and she invites us to do the same at this time. With the waxing phase of the moon comes a lovely “Doing” energy, a growing energy. But let's not kid ourselves. It is still January so the below quote is a great reminder to give ourselves a pat on the back for any small deed that is done this month! If you would like to hear from me this Sunday don't forget to sign up to my weekly letter called "Lessons From My Gurus" Click the link in the first comment below and have a lovely weekend! Laura x


Our lives are fast and furious and I wanted to create a moment of reflection, a moment to pause. So my new little project for 2024 is a weekly letter called "Lessons From My Gurus" It's designed to share a simple idea or tip that can help us navigate life a little easier and I will be looking to my Gurus for this inspiration - nature, my daughter Nell, my dog Brae and of course my yoga practice. No more than a few minutes to read. Delivered to your inbox every Sunday morning. If you like the sound of this JOIN BY CLICKING ON THE LINK IN THE FIRST COMMENT BELOW.
Thank you for your support. Laura x


A beautiful quote quite fitting for the new moon that will be in our skies tomorrow. The new moon represents new beginnings and her energy is a very helpful hand in setting our intentions for what we really want out of life. So if you have had a bit of a rocky start to 2024 never fear the new moon is here!


If you live close to Alne come and join us! Namaste, Laura x

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Videos (show all)

Live near Alne? Fancy a few hours of yoga and relaxation? Join me on March 16th for my women’s micro yoga retreat! Watch...
Live near Alne? Fancy a few hours of yoga and relaxation? Join me on March 16th for my women’s micro yoga retreat! Watch...
Are you craving some time for yourself? Something that you can call your own? Maybe you feel you are giving all your tim...
What are you doing to take care of your happiness? Could this help? A 90 second video on how to grow your contentment fo...
How do you feel right this second? Could your environment have something to do with how you are feeling? Here's a 90 sec...
If you live close to Alne come and join us! Namaste, Laura x#inflowyoga #metime #yogawithlauracolenso
A lovely exercise from "Atomic Habits" by James Clear helped me find some inspiration for my yoga lesson plan this week!...
Energy is contagious. What kind are you spreading? The good stuff or the bad stuff? Here's a 90 second video on how to u...
What do you need to let go of this Lunar Cycle? 🙏🌙 #inflowyoga #alittlebitofmetime
Why not give yourself some strength, space and time just for you? My new 6 week courses of yoga are starting after the h...
COVID finally found me so that meant me heading over to zoom to teach my usual Monday morning yoga classes virtually. I ...
Now is the time to blossom! Join us on a Monday morning for some time to reflect, stretch and strengthen! Namaste. x




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