Ηλέκτρα Κ. Διακολαμπριανού - Ψυχολόγος

Ψυχολόγος - Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια

• Ατομική / Οικογενειακή συμβουλευτική ενηλίκων, παιδιών και εφήβων
• Ομάδες προσωπικής ανάπτυξης κ’ βιωματικά εργαστήρια
• Θεραπεία μέσω εκφραστικών τεχνών κ’ παιγνιοθεραπεία
• Σεμινάρια ψυχολογίας κ’ δεξιοτήτων επικοινωνίας
• Εκπαίδευση Αποτελεσματικού Γονέα / Δασκάλου / Ηγέτη
• Επαγγελματικός προσανατολισμός κ’ Creativity Coaching

Social Psychology Network Profile: http://www.socialpsychology.org/member/diakolambrianou


💛 credit: Refuge In Grief


Happy Father’s Day! I updated my annual Father’s Day post with a couple new illustrations this year! 🩵


Και τις Κυριακές ακόμη ο πατέρας μου ξυπνούσε νωρίς
και φορούσε τα ρούχα του μέσα στο γαλάζιο ψύχος,
έπειτα με χέρια ξερά, καταπονημένα
απ' τον μόχθο υπό τον καιρό της κάθε εργάσιμης μέρας έκανε
τη χαμηλή φωτιά να φλογίζει. Κανείς ποτέ δεν του είπε ευχαριστώ.

Ξυπνούσα κι άκουγα το κρύο να ραγίζει, να θρυμματίζεται.
Όταν τα δωμάτια θερμαίνονταν, με φώναζε,
κι αργά σηκωνόμουν και ντυνόμουν,
φοβούμενος τους χρόνιους θυμούς εκείνου του σπιτιού.

Kαι του μιλούσα αδιάφορα, σ' εκείνον
που είχε αποδιώξει το κρύο,
κι είχε ακόμα στιλβώσει τα καλά μου παπούτσια.

Τι ήξερα, τι ήξερα
για τα αυστηρά και μοναχικά καθήκοντα της αγάπης;

| Robert Hayden | Εκείνες οι Χειμωνιάτικες Κυριακές | μτφρ.: Γιάννης Παλαβός|

| Φωτογραφία: Giuseppe Cavalli |


Of course, it’s totally fine if dads do these things, but searching for a Father’s Day card made realize just how much these are the “default” dad settings. They might define dads in the card aisle, but they don’t define all dads! What emojis would you use to represent your dad?

Photos from Φαιναρέτη's post 16/06/2024

Poetry Comics Month, Day 22: Wonder
From my book The Art of Living: Reflections on Mindfulness and the Overexamined Life






It's not hypocritical- we're all just a work in progress😜

*highlighting the human side of being a therapist with a little humor- therapists are also working on themselves & that process is what makes the job possible🫶🏼


I shall be using the term "neurodifficult" henceforth. 😌



Today on the Incidental Comics newsletter I explore new forms of comics design, including this three-dimensional page structure. What new forms will you create?




Another great "off the mark" comic by Mark Parisi! ❤️


35 Reading tips I've learned after reading 350+ books:

1) The hardest part of reading is sitting down to start.

2) Quit boring books to make room for brilliant ones.

3) Reading one book may not change your life but reading every day will change everything.

4) Read fewer books that have been around for days, read more books that have been around for decades.

5) If you ever say you don't have time to read books, just take a look at your phone's screen time.

6) All reading counts as reading–try print books, ebooks, and audiobooks to find the format that works best for you.

7) It's not about how many books you get through that matters, it's about how many books get through you that counts.

8) Put your phone on silent and leave it in another room before reading and you'll 10x your focus.

9) Read good books, reread great books, rebuy groundbreaking books.

10) You don't become a reader and then start reading books. You start reading books and then become a reader.

11) It's better to quit a book than to quit reading altogether.

12) If a book changed your life, aim to reread it once a year.

13) Return, regift, or recycle books you didn't enjoy.

14) Speedreading is reading twice as fast to remember half as much.

15) The best places to read are airplanes, beaches, and parks.

16) The rite of passage all readers must go through is learning how to pick books for themselves instead of waiting for others to pick books for them (like how parents, teachers, and professors did).

17) Reading book summaries and thinking you understand the book is like watching a movie trailer and thinking you understand the movie.

18) The irony of speedreading is that if you can speedread the book it isn't worth reading. The best books are impossible to speedread because they constantly make you stop and think.

19) The goal of reading is application, not memorization. Stop spending time trying to remember information and instead spend time trying to apply information.

20) If you want to build a reading habit set a goal to read for 2 minutes every day. The goal is so small that it's impossible to come up with a reasonable excuse to not do it.

21) The person who writes the book summary benefits 10x more than the person who reads the summary.

22) If you read a book but don't change your behavior or thinking in any way, either the book sucked or you learned nothing.

23) Just because you bought a book it doesn't mean it came with a binding contract to finish it.

24) Everyone who reads 100+ books a year is either getting paid to read (author, academic, podcaster, content creator) or reading fiction.

25) No man ever reads the same book twice, for it is not the same book and he is not the same man.

26) Books are an investment, not an expense. A $10 book can make you $100,000 or even $100 billion (look up Warren Buffett's comment about "The Intelligent Investor").

27) Your reading environment is more important than your reading motivation. It's easier to read an average book at a library than an amazing book at a rock concert.

28) Carry a book with you everywhere you go. You never know when you'll find yourself with extra time you read.

29) Give a book 3 chances (chapters) to win you over. If you aren't into it by then, it's out and don't feel guilty about quitting it.

30) Easy reading hack: Download an ebook or audiobook to your phone so you always have something to read if you don't have a physical book with you.

31) The highest praise you can give an author is showing them that you wrote, highlighted, and devoured their book. If you show them a pristine book, they'll think you didn't even read it.

32) Spend more time reading short books. Some of the shortest books have the deepest lessons.

33) For timeless problems read timeless books. For modern problems read modern books.

34) Books are the ultimate life hack: For $10 you can download 10 years of wisdom in 10 hours or less.

35) The best time to start reading books was 10 years ago. The second best time to start is today.

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  • Πτυχίο Ψυχολογίας (Πάντειο Πανεπιστήμιο)

  • Post-Graduate Diploma in Person-Centered Counseling (University of Strathclyde)

  • Certificate in Play, Drama and Art Therapy (Edexcel)
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