VSRx Veterinary Specialty Pharmacy

We are the first and only compounding pharmacy specialized in veterinary medication in Hong Kong. Visit our website to know more about us!


Furosemide 是一種用於各種心血管疾病的利尿藥。當您的寵物服用 Furosemide 時,請注意以下事項:
• 可空肚或飽肚服
• 如果漏了服藥,請在發現後立即服用,而下一劑就等待相隔合適的小時後服用。切勿一次
服用 2 劑藥物。
• 有機會導致排尿增加。 確保您的寵物有足夠新鮮、乾淨的水。
• 如果出現嚴重副作用的跡象,包括肌肉無力或虛脫、頭部傾側、平衡問題、過度口渴、尿量不足或心率過快,請立即聯絡您的獸醫。
• 您的獸醫可能需要監測寵物的電解質水平、腎指數、血糖水平和脫水狀況。 如有需要,也會監測血壓、體重和耳部功能。

請致電 2408 0261 或 電郵 [email protected] 與我們聯絡,了解 VSRx 如何幫助您的寵物 輕鬆準確地服藥!


When your pet is on Furosemide, please take note of the following:
•May be given with or without food.
•If a dose is missed, give it as soon as you remember and wait for the appropriate length of time for the next dose. NEVER give 2 doses at once.
•May cause increase in urination. Make sure your pet has access to fresh, clean water at all times.
•Contact your veterinarian immediately if you pet shows signs of serious side effects, including muscle weakness or collapse, head tilt, balance problems, excessive thirst, lack of urine production, or a very fast heart rate.

Your veterinarian may need to monitor your pet’s electrolyte levels, kidney values, blood sugar levels, and hydration status. Blood pressure, weight, and ear function may also be monitored if indicated.

Contact us at 2408 0261 or [email protected] to see how VSRx can help you medicate your pet easily and accurately!


This June, we will be featuring some of the commonly used veterinary cardiovascular drugs we offer compounding for. When your pet is on Clopidogrel, please take note of the following:
•May be given with or without food
•If a dose is missed, give it as soon as you remember and wait for the appropriate length of time for the next dose. NEVER give 2 doses at once.
•Very bitter drug. Compounded formulations can help to mask the taste.
•Clopidogrel helps to prevent the formation of blood clots, and rarely, can cause bleeding to occur. Consult your veterinarian immediately if your pet is showing signs of bleeding, such as bruising, blood in vomit or f***s, or black tarry stools.
•When surgery is needed for your pet, make sure your veterinarian knows that it is on Clopidogrel. The risk factors associated may need to be assessed.

Contact us at 2408 0261 or [email protected] to see how VSRx can help you medicate your pet easily and accurately!

Photos from VSRx Veterinary Specialty Pharmacy's post 18/06/2021

於6 月期間,我們將介紹一些可提供藥物配製的常見動物心血管藥物。當您的寵物服用 Clopidogrel 時,請注意以下事項:
•Clopidogrel 有助於防止血栓的形成,並有機會導致出血,但這情況並不常見。如果您的寵物出現出血跡象,例如瘀傷、嘔吐物或糞便帶血或糞便呈黑色,請立即諮詢您的獸醫 。
•當您的寵物將需要進行手術時,相關的風險因素或需作評估, 請確保您的獸醫知道寵物正在服用 Clopidogrel。

請致電 2408 0261 或 電郵 [email protected] 與我們聯絡,了解 VSRx 如何幫助您的寵物輕鬆準確地服藥!


This June, we will be featuring some of the commonly used veterinary cardiovascular drugs we offer compounding for. When your pet is on Atenolol, please take note of the following:
•May be given with or without food
•Do not stop giving Atenolol abruptly. Your veterinarian will normally recommend to withdraw the drug gradually.
•Do not skip doses
•If a dose is missed, give it as soon as you remember and wait for the appropriate length of time for the next dose. NEVER give 2 doses at once.
• Tell your veterinarian if you pet is pregnant or lactating.
•Monitoring required may include cardiac function, heart rate, heart rhythms, and blood pressure.

Contact us at 2408 0261 or [email protected] to see how VSRx can help you medicate your pet easily and accurately!


於6月期間,我們將介紹一些可提供配製服務的動物常用心血管藥物。 當您的寵物服用 Atenolol 時,請注意以下事項:
•請勿突然停止餵服 Atenolol。您的獸醫通常會建議逐漸遞減停藥

請致電 2408 0261 或 電郵 [email protected] 與我們聯絡,了解 VSRx 如何幫助您的寵物輕鬆準確地服藥!


This June, we will be featuring some of the commonly used veterinary cardiovascular drugs we offer compounding for. When your pet is on Amlodipine, please take note of the following:

•Regular monitoring of blood pressure by your veterinarian is required to see if any dosage adjustment is needed
•Eye exams and potassium levels may also be monitored by your veterinarian
•May be given with or without food
• Do not skip doses
•If a dose is missed, give it as soon as you remember and wait for the appropriate length of time for the next dose. NEVER give 2 doses at once.

Contact us at 2408 0261 or [email protected] to see how VSRx can help you medicate your pet easily and accurately!


當您的寵物服用 Amlodipine 時,請注意以下事項:
• 您的獸醫需要為寵物定期檢查血壓,看看是否需要調整劑量
• 您的獸醫也可能需要監察寵物的眼睛和鉀離子指數
• 可空肚或飽肚服
• 需準時餵藥
• 如果忘記服藥,請在發現後立即服用,而下一劑就等待相隔合適的小時後服用
• 切勿一次服用 2 劑藥物。

請致電 2408 0261 或 電郵 [email protected] 與我們聯絡,了解 VSRx 如何幫助您的寵物輕鬆準確地服藥!


看看Sushi是如何愉快地吃下VSRx為她特別調配的藥物! “沒有人喜歡給貓吃藥!我們的小女孩Sushi患有發炎性腸病,經常需要以藥物治療。她非常喜歡VSRx 調配的美味藥物,現在我們不是互相推讓誰給她去餵藥,而是大家都爭著要去餵她。這使我的生活變得輕鬆,而Sushi也沒有任何的不安感。真正的拯救了我們!” – Nicole Wyre 醫生
感謝 Nicole 醫生對VSRx調配的美味藥物有這麼高的評價。 如果您想了解更多有關VSRx麼的信息,請聯絡我們。
Take a look at how Sushi is happily gobbling up her compounded medication from VSRx!
“Nobody enjoys giving pills to a cat! Our little girl, Sushi, has IBD and frequently requires medications. Now, instead of fighting over who HAS to give her medication, we fight over who GETS to give her the medication because she loves the compounded chews from VSRx so much! It has made my life so much easier and so much less stressful for Sushi. Truly a life saver!” – Dr Nicole Wyre
Thank you Dr Nicole for such a great review of what VSRx can do to help you medicate your pet. Please contact us if you would like to know more on what VSRx can do for you.


Stay alert everyone!

“If anyone has any information related to the poisonings, please contact the Police Hotline at 3660 6611 / 9824 1367 (24-hrs) or email to [email protected] and the SPCA Inspectorate at hotline 27111000 or email to [email protected].”

截至2021年2月9日上午,VSH已收到8宗懷疑狗隻中毒個案,所有的狗隻都在2021年2月7日去過數碼港。今天,有一隻生命小鬥士成功出院回家,但仍然有3隻小鬥士於本院深切治療部努力對抗中。於這兩個晚上,醫護團隊在深切治療及急症專科 - 石志榮醫生及急症部 - 莫翠嵐醫生的帶領下,日以繼夜提供細心護理。


我們呼籲各主人暫時避免前往數碼港(薄扶林)、The Pulse商場(淺水灣)和西貢郊遊公園,在任何時候狗隻都以狗帶牽引,散步時需格外留神注意任何可疑物品,防止狗隻進食可疑食物,必要時戴上筐狀口罩。另外,先記下住處附近的急症獸醫診所地址以備不時之需。如果您懷疑狗隻吃了一些可疑或未知的東西,或發現任何異常症狀,請不要嘗試進行任何家居治療 ,立即帶同您的寵物到獸醫診所求醫。

警方亦呼籲市民如有任何與該案有關的消息提供,可致電3660 6611 / 9824 1367 (24小時)或電郵至 [email protected] 與西區警區重案組第一隊聯絡,及致電 2711 1000 或電郵至 [email protected] 聯絡愛護動物協會調查員。

香港及九龍專科獸醫醫院的急症服務全年無休,24小時營業。如果您有任何疑問或疑慮,請致電2408 2588。


專科獸醫醫院 - 香港,灣仔道165-171號地下至2樓
專科獸醫醫院 - 九龍,何文田自由道7號地下至1樓

As of this morning on 9th February 2021, VSH has now received a total of 8 suspect poisoned dogs, all of which have been at Cyberport (Pok Fu Lam) on 7th February 2021. We were able to send one patient home this morning but still have 3 of the suspect poisoned patients hospitalized in our VSH HK ICU with round the clock care from our ICU team, along with specialist care from Dr Erik Zager, VSH’s Emergency Critical Care Specialist, and the Emergency Service team led by Dr Jo Mockford the past two evenings.

We still do not know exactly what poison is being used, but we are collaborating with multiple Hong Kong veterinarians, veterinary toxicology specialists abroad, and the Hong Kong Police to help narrow down and identify the poison, leading to possible life-saving treatment.

We want to continue to recommend all dog owners to avoid Cyberport (Pok Fu Lam) and the Pulse (Repulse Bay), be aware of reported poisoning cases in Sai Kung Country Parks, keep your dog on a short leash at all times, keep an extra eye on suspicious items on the ground, potentially use a basket muzzle if needed, and know the location of your closest emergency veterinary hospital. If you suspect your dog might have been exposed to poison, do not attempt to give any home treatments, please bring your pet to the emergency veterinarian immediately.

If anyone has any information related to the poisonings, please contact the Police Hotline at 3660 6611 / 9824 1367 (24-hrs) or email to [email protected] and the SPCA Inspectorate at hotline 27111000 or email to [email protected].

VSH Emergency Services are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on both sides of the harbour. Please call 2408 2588 if you have any questions or concerns.


VSH Hong Kong G/F-2/F 165-171 Wan Chai Road, Wan Chai
VSH Kowloon G/F-1/F 7 Liberty Avenue, Ho Man Tin

Timeline photos 22/06/2020

Tis the season for worms 🐛 🐛 🐛 Let us help to have your furry friends covered!

Timeline photos 28/04/2020

We are happy to work directly with you to customise compounded medications that specifically suit your practice requirements during this pandemic. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Timeline photos 25/03/2020

✅ In stock compounded Ethanol 80% hand sanitizer 60ml and 500ml in HDPE/PP bottles. Formulation as recommended by WHO and USP Compounding Expert Committee (CMP EC), with no other additives to ensure its efficacy as tested by WHO.
✅ Liquid formulation that leaves less residual substances on hands and can be used as a spray.
Contact us for details!

UPDATES on COVID-19 IN PETS 28/02/2020

Recently it was reported that a dog of one of the people diagnosed with Covid-19 has also tested weak positive for the virus. There are still a lot of unknowns, but here is what we DO know:

- The World Health Organization and all major animal health organizations are reporting that pets do not get sick from Covid 19
- Dogs and cats have their own, species-specific Corona viruses
- There is no evidence that this dog passed the virus on to their family
- The dog is not showing any signs of being sick
- We have not seen an increase in unexplained respiratory illnesses in dogs or cats recently

Remember, this is a new virus and there has not been enough time to do a lot of studies. There have been no published studies as to whether the Covid-19 test is even accurate in dogs and cats. It’s possible - and likely - that this is just a false positive.

For now, stay calm. Make sure to take precautions for yourself (washing hands, avoiding crowds, etc). There is no need to buy face masks for your pets or to isolate your pets. Please, as always, wash your hands after cuddling or petting your pets. The entire veterinary community is monitoring the situation closely and is committed to keeping you and your pet healthy and safe.

Posted February 28, 2020.


Time counts.

☑️We strive to provide an easy ordering process

☑️Quick turnaround time for all our clients

☑️Most compounded products will be ready in 1-2 business day to ensure that you have the medicine you need when you need it

#寵物藥物 #香港獸醫 #香港獸醫護士 #寵物配製藥物


Most medicines manufactured by pharmaceutical companies are designed for human use. Compounding can produce medications in low dose ranges and allow your veterinarian to prescribe a suitable dosage, with the amount of medication tailored to your pet's size and condition.

#寵物藥物 #香港獸醫 #香港獸醫護士 #寵物配製藥物

Timeline photos 27/08/2019

VSRx is the first and only compounding pharmacy specializing in veterinary medication in Hong Kong. We are licensed under the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong and have developed a purpose-built compounding facility located in the centre of Hong Kong to delivery the highest quality compounded medications available.

Timeline photos 01/08/2019

Our very own branded 💊bottles have arrived! Shown here with an order for Theophylline 50mg caps, also customizable to other strengths such as 25mg and 12.5mg ✌🏻

•website link in bio•

Photos from VSRx Veterinary Specialty Pharmacy's post 28/03/2019

One of our most popular products, Mirtazapine capsules! Can also be customised into the desired strength for your 🐱and 🐶
Contact us for details!

@ VSRx Veterinary Specialty Pharmacy

Photos from VSRx Veterinary Specialty Pharmacy's post 19/03/2019

It's our pleasure and honor to be the platinum sponsor of the VSH 3rd Educational Veterinary Symposium. It was a great success and thanks to all the attendees who came by our booth to learn about how compounding is the solution you've been looking for!

Website link in bio!

@ The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong

Timeline photos 06/11/2018

Huge thanks to photographer Kate for the shoot 📸 of our team in action! To know more about compounding for your furry friends, visit www.vsrx.com.hk!

Timeline photos 17/05/2018

When the script came out of the wrong printer and your fun colleagues decided to go ahead and sign it anyway... 🤔

Photos from VSRx Veterinary Specialty Pharmacy's post 22/03/2018

Throwback Thursday to the VSH 2nd symposium cocktail party! 🍸🥂🍻🍷🍾

Timeline photos 09/03/2018

Surprise gift from VSRx for our symposium guests is out! Hope you all had fun shooting and your very own customised copy will be arriving at your mailbox any day now!

Timeline photos 04/03/2018

Delicious chewable treat samples for our furry friends 🐶🐱

Timeline photos 04/03/2018

VSRx as the platinum sponsor at the VSH 2nd Education Symposium! A fun day of learning and professional collaboration for all our guests 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Hong Kong?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.




2/f Lucky Centre, 165-171 Wan Chai Road
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00

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