Pain Free Fitness


A Lifelong Sports Enthusiast Competing At The Highest Level Of Schoolboy Football Ireland Has To Offer, Representing Both County And Provence. Studying Tae Kwon Do At A Young Age Led Me To Kickboxing And Eventually Muay Thai, Where I Competed Under Pro-Rules On The Australian Circuit From 2009-12. After Deciding To Pursue A Career In The Fitness Industry I Graduated From The Formally Known LIA Dub


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Top set of the week 🤙.

Happy Friday 💯


Do you ever feel overwhelmed about your health and your fitness journey? 😔

Progress is slower than you would like.

Progress has plateaued.

Maybe even the mere thought of starting is overwhelming to you.

Whatever the reason, you become entirely submerged by your thoughts and emotions about your health or body composition.

You feel stuck and unable to see a clear path, unable to think or act rationally or functionally, so you give up and start to move backwards.

This is a lot more common than you think.

Especially at the beginning, when the goal you have set for yourself seems to be a lifetime away.

So how can you eliminate these feelings?

You most likely cant if I am honest; not totally anyway.

There will always be days when s**t gets too much, and you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up on your goal.

We all experience them 💯 .

The difference between the people who succeed and the people who don't is not necessarily the number of bad days they have, but how they let the bad days affect them.

Some give up. Others use a strategy to recognise it for what it is and move past it.

When my clients have days like this, I tell them to grab a pen and paper.

Take 5 minutes, and imagine they are someone else writing an objective summary of their progress so far.

Most are pleasantly surprised.

Then spend the next 5 minutes detailing an action plan needed to get you to the next step. Small things you are going to do every day for the next week or two.

The emotions in our head can make it hard to reason 🤯.

Put it down on paper 📝 .

Let me know below if you HAVE tried, it WILL BE trying this


The weekend is here!!

Do you want to know my top-secret strategy for dealing with Takeaways?

Before I get into it, if fat-loss is the goal, then takeaways are probably not the most effective way to use your calorie allotment.

But here, s**t happens!!

And at the moment, takeaways are about as exciting as life gets.

Just try to limit them.

And like everything else in life, when the decisions made, commit to it.

Enjoy it.

Don't ruin it with guilt if you're going to eat it anyway.

Savour every bite.

Then get over it. Forget about it, and move on.

In the grand scheme of things, one take away will mean f**k all.

What's your takeaway of choice??



Do you like queuing? Me neither, I hate it.

Everybody I know does.

Sitting in traffic is torture.

Standing at the bar waiting for that pint of Guinness to settle, although id take that now.

In today's world patience are rare. We want everything, and we want it now; this second—instant Gratification.

Fat loss is no different.

Combine this with the world's obsession with the scales and losing "weight" as fast as possible and its a lousy recipe.

The fastest way to lose weight would be to amputate an arm or to stop drinking any fluids, and we can surely see an issue with both of those?

Basically, what I am trying to say is losing weight at costs is not the answer.

This will often lead to unnecessary muscle loss, and like I said in the title, MuSCle MAtTerS A LoT.

We can shed body fat, and using optimal nutrition and training; we can preserve as much muscle mass as we can.

Muscle is essential for function.

Muscle is a massive variable with regards to mortality and overall health.

Muscle can even help you to stay lean as its more metabolically expensive.

Take a smarter approach, and the scales may not drop as fast, but I guarantee you will look and feel all the better for it.

Answer this question truthfully, If I told you I could increase your weight by 2 kg while also decreasing your waist by 2 inches, would you take it?

Thumbs up below if your would 👍 .


“The struggles you go through today will give you the strength you need for tomorrow”

Not sure who said it, but I like it 🤙


This is an essential part of the change-making process...

Without it, real change cannot happen.

Sure, we can put on a poker face and willfully get through a week or so, convincing everyone else and ourselves that we are on the right path.

But eventually, we will come unstuck.

Because we don't really believe in what we are doing!

And more importantly, we don't believe WE can do it.

The subconscious mind governs our decision making and to override it; we need willpower.

Which is finite!! It can't last forever.

So we need our subconscious mind to be in alignment with what we are doing or what we are trying to achieve.

This will never happen if we constantly refer to ourselves as the person we are trying to change.

The person who continuously says "I'm always late" will always be late.

"Ive a sweet tooth" - you always will.

"I never stick to anything" - And you won't.

Refer to yourself as the person you are trying to become!!


Real talk!!


Insecurity comes in many different forms.

The intense feeling of self-doubt and lack of confidence. It stays with you even when you are doing well and making progress. The feeling that it's only a matter of time until you f**k up

Insecurity can come by your own need for perfectionism, a recent failure, or the untrue thought that everyone is evaluating you and judging how you are doing.

The thing is everyone most likely experiences at least a little insecurity about something they have to do.

Some lads might turn into animals at the gym or leaders on the football pitch, but if you ask them to stand up and address a room full of people they will crumble.

Ask me to sing or dance (sober) and watch me crumble 💃

Tony Soprano comes to mind. The man was a mafia boss, and we have seen many of his insecurities come out and although he is a fictional character, it’s a very realistic depiction of life - "Whatever happened to men like Gary Cooper? You know, the strong, silent type."

The best program of all time 💯 ?

I deal with others insecurities all the time with regards to improving their health and fitness.

Some very otherwise confident and successful people are terrified about entering a gym.

Here's what I say to them:

Absolutely nobody gives a f**k how you look or what you do in the gym - nobody 💯 .

When I am training, I don't notice the person next to me. And if I did, I would have nothing but admiration for them - as would 99.9% of people.

Perfectionism comes from being object referral and being tied to the outcome instead of the process.

Take note of where you are today, in a month look back and see the progress you have made. That is all that matters 💯 .

If you have tried and failed repeatedly and have come back, you have the heart and commitment, which is the essential factor, you probably just need a little guidance.

I am here to help 😀


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step - Lao Tzu.

Have you ever tried to change your health and body composition?

You pick a date, get all your ducks in a row.

It's usually a Monday, and the first day goes great.

You're delighted with yourself.

Tuesday is just as good; you nail it.

The Wednesday, easy!!

Then Thursday comes, and you can smell the weekend.

Tomorrow night all the lads are going over to your mates to watch the match for a few "socially distanced beers".

Sure if you're having a few on Friday night, no point in being too restrictive of a Thursday.

Beers Friday.

Hungover Saturday, and who cares when they are hungover?

That's the end of that.

F&*k it, I’ll try again soon.

You don't have to worry about trying to overhaul your whole lifestyle to make a change.

It's not necessary or recommended.

Sure, if it were possible to sustain it results would come faster.

But if you are like 99% of the population, it would most likely mean a never-ending cycle like the one described above.

Building smart micro-habits and implementing an intelligent plan to include the things you love to do is the only way for most people to achieve sustainable results.

Brushing your teeth is a habit, you do it without thinking because something triggers you.

Other health habits can learned in a similar way.

With the right habits, success is imminent.


Looking to resolve a discussion I had earlier.

Comment 👇


What if I told you I WOULD PREFER YOU TO EAT BREAD when trying to lose weight?

If you love bread, that is...but who the f@*k doesn't!!

There is nothing worse, not only are you starting a new training plan, your nervous, you apprehensive and then on top of that, someone tells you that you have to eliminate one of life greatest gifts.

Your "motivations" dwindles straight away.

Your second-guessing your decision and even regretting to get started.

Believe it or not, many won't.

And if you're not a bread man, then you can copy and paste this post and replace the word bread with your favourite food. Then apply this advice to your nutritional plan.

Losing weight is hard enough. There will need to be a sacrifice somewhere!

Just not for sacrifice's sake.

Don't eat bread, eliminate all carbs, have a cheat meal when you earn it are all outdated and unnecessary methods of suffering and living a miserable existence.

Is it any wonder adherence and success when it comes to "weight-loss" is s**t.

The one thing that is required is adherence, and guess what, your compliance is guaranteed to be much better if your diet is not so restrictive that you have to schedule a cheat meal or binge eat when no one is looking.

Success is about developing the habits that allow you to enjoy life, including managing to eat the food you love to eat.

In my 90 day program, I will not merely give you the food, but I will teach you how to grow it for life; metaphorically speaking.

Link in bio!


When I get home after a day of coaching, I get the opportunity to play cats, play with dolls or do some more coaching!!

Guess which one I usually chose.

Onto the bike, onto the scooter or when it's pi***ng out tumbles in the sitting room.

Precious time 💕


Some of the daily habits that I rarely miss:

3 litres of water 💦
150 -200g of protein 🥩
Meditate x 10 mins 🧘‍♂️
10-12,000 steps 🚶‍♂️

There weren't always habits.

They use to be goals.

Hitting goals daily builds habits.

Instead of focusing on the long game, concentrate on completing small goals like these consistently.

Don't think you can build habits?

If you brush your teeth and shower every day, you can!!!

Start with a small, realistic daily goal.

Solidify that.

Then expand.

Do you have habits/goals you try to hit every day?

Will you be adding some?


Goals are essential.

Everyone should have them; I believe its the pursuit of them that determines our happiness 😃!

Sit down, spend an hour writing down where you want to be in 6 months 📝.

Lose 10kg.

Run a marathon 🏃‍♂️.

Buy a house 🏡.

Whatever it is you want to achieve, put it on paper.

That's your goal, your OUTCOME goal.

Put the piece of paper to the side, AND THEN FORGET ABOUT IT.

If you stop there, that piece of paper is about as useful as a Netflix nutrition documentary 😲.

Now is the time to really think and build your PROCESS centred goals.

4 or 5 things you can do almost EVERY day that will get you towards that goal written on that piece of paper.

This is a critical part of the process in MY PROGRAM 👈.

That's where your focus should be. Not on the outcome.

If you do them consistently, the outcome is inevitable.

What's your goal?


Do you try to pinpoint the reason you're not losing weight?

I hear it all the time.

"It's the beer."

"It's the wine."

"Poxy bread."

"I need to start running."

Its all bulls**t.

The "reason" you are overweight is multifactorial.

How do I know this?

Because if it weren't, there would be no overweight people in the world.

If all you had to do was change one small thing, do you not think that you would have already done it?

Successful, sustainable fat loss is about building daily habits.

Building confidence and discipline around those habits and doing them consistently.

Building habits around movement.

Building good nutritional habits.

Building habits to manage your emotions and stress levels.

Makes sense?

You do this, and you will not only lose body fat, but you will also sustain it.

You can continue to eat bread, drink beer and wine.

What's your beer of choice?



Do you count calories? 👇


Health and Fitness success and progress is very rarely if ever linear.

There will always be unexpected spanners thrown into the works.


Illness, work and family commitments or even unplanned social events.

Expecting this is one of the first things I teach the men I coach.

That's life, and it will always be like that.

Recognising it for what it is and moving past it is essential and is a trait that every successful person has.

When you allow it to derail you, you stop.

Later, you try again.

And the same things happen again.

And the cycle continues.

My client in the picture with me is a pro-MMA fighter.


We are currently building him back up after an injury.

He got a last-minute call up for a big fight and accepted it like a champion.

Twenty-four hours later, the fight fell through.

Twelve hours later, he was at the gym smashing a tough conditioning session.

Mindset is everything.

Do you work on your mindset?

I would love to help you. Check out the link in my bio 🤙


What should I eat before training??

I get asked this all the time.

For almost everybody, my answer is the same, whatever makes you feel good when training and allows you to perform at your best.

The two usually go hand in hand, and the latter should be evident by objectively tracking your performance - which i believe everyone should do.

Personally, I prefer to keep it light with a banana or an apple, a protein shake and a black coffee.

It works for me.

What works for you? Whats you pre-session choice?


Researchers have shown that by monitoring unconscious brain signals, they can predict the decision a study participant will make up to seven seconds before they consciously make their decision.

Its almost as if our "free will" is not in control, and therefore not free.

This is where our willpower comes in - our conscious control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.

You can see how depending on willpower may be an exhaustive experience and most likely not sustainable.

Every decision you make, you have first to override a predetermined unconscious choice.

What determines your unconscious choice? Your PERCEPTIONS or your past experiences and therefore, your PERCEPTIONS of who you are.

If you view yourself as someone who is always going to be fat.

Someone who is always going to be Lazy.

Someone who will always have a sweet tooth.

Someone who will never get consistent with training.

Guess what predetermined decisions will be made for you?

And everybody's willpower is finite.

Start trying to change your perception of who you are!!

Id love to know if you agree?


Knowing WHY you do something is essential, especially if you want to have success long term.

I love it when men tell me they are motivated to improve their fitness because they want to have more energy to play with their kids.

I love it when they tell me they want to look and feel better about themselves because they want to set an example for their kids.

Why? Because the driving force behind their decision is strong, meaning they are more likely to commit to the process and ultimately get better results.

And if you aren't a father, don't worry.

The magic isn't necessarily anything to do with having kids but rather finding a more resonant motivating driver than merely wanting to look better.

I often ask clients to sit and write down the COST OF INACTION and compare it to the COST OF TAKING ACTION.

Suppose you are mid-thirties now and low in confidence. Maybe you are not feeling great about yourself physically.

Well, then the cost of inaction at best is staying that way long term.

Today is always the best day to take action.

More often than not, putting down on paper in front of you is an eye-opener.

Give it a go and let me know what motivates you?


Comments 👇

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