Dina Vince, Strategist & Creator

Strategy & Investor Relations services for companies expanding into global markets.


If you are a leader of a Lithuanian-based company, you would want to stop and read this.

'Geopolitics' is no longer a "local" thing.

Lithuanians, were the first (or one of a few voices in Europe) who have been actively warning the EU and the West about the Russian threat long before the current war in Ukraine started.

… and with the recent (reoccurring) headlines, the question is what is your investor relations strategy today?

While putting out a statement / arranging a press conference or a special investor meeting might awake the sleeping bear, not talking about ‘it’ and acting as if “business continues as usual” means you are actively avoiding the elephant in the room.

Even if ignored, the elephant will go nowhere, and might grow to become so big that the after math will be… well, not good (I intentionally refrain from using a stronger language. The press is doing a good job on that front already).

So, say hello to the elephant. And tell it where it can seat.

Even if not asked first, your investors will thank you for that. Because they are thinking about it.

Depending on the context (subject to having a global investor base, local / from the region, combination), and other variances, you may want to consider the following;

Before making any decisions;
• Make a phone call or two, perhaps ask someone from your team to phone a few ‘trusted’ investors to test the waters.
• Listen. And maybe ask one question – how have the news been affecting them / their business?

Regroup with your team, try to have a more blended audience. Don’t go for the usual formal setting with the top management / partners type of meeting only. The best could be even the corridors.

• Address the concerns / thoughts shared from the investors and ask – 1. What would your team do, 2. What would be the main message that is important to communicate outside of the organization.

When drafting a strategy, brainstorm first on the key messages. I will leave a few examples in the comments.

DO NOT dismiss investors’ questions / concerns by saying "oh, we've heard that for two years already and nothing is happening, so we continue”.. shaking it off with a joke or cynicism is not a good idea. Let others' concerns, questions, and feelings be seen too.

Consider making personal calls to investors, not necessarily group conference calls.

AND share your own understanding of the global map. Without speculating. Just summarize how local geopolitics are, in fact, global geopolitics… if Lithuania is dragged in, then the whole free world is too.

We are on the same boat, and this ship is going nowhere.


PS don’t mess w my Lithuania ❤️


Right, starting today, we are going to live anew!

One morning, a leader gathered everyone together at once, and declared a fresh start.

Here are a few possibilities:

• Company Turnaround: If the company has been facing major challenges and needs a significant course correction, a leader might use such a rallying statement to inspire a new direction and motivate employees.

• Merger or Acquisition: When two companies merge, a leader might use this phrase to unify the teams and emphasize a new chapter for the combined entity.

• Crisis Response: Following a major public relations disaster or unforeseen event, a leader might use this language to signal a commitment to learn, improve, and move forward.

Even though the listed scenarios above might feel somewhat like “not necessarily good news”…

… as I am writing this - I am picturing how Rachel from F•R•I•E•N•D•S walks into the Central Park coffee shop and breaks the news about her quitting her waiter job and starting at Ralph Lauren (or similar!).

The point is this: change can also be extremely positive.

However, why do we fear change at work and in our business so much?

The effectiveness of such a statement depends on the context, on the company’s day-to-day operations.

Why am I bringing this up?

Because that type of “one morning” in a company’s life is inevitable.

Even though it can come as a surprise, there are steps that can be taken already today to ensure that your organization is open, flexible, and has strong roots to withstand whatever winds come next.

• Sincerity: As a leader, our past actions and the overall company culture will influence how employees interpret the message. A genuine commitment to change is crucial. So better start today.

• Specificity: “Living anew” is a strong statement, and it needs to be followed by concrete actions to be truly impactful.

Challenge the status quo, ask what can be done differently, change roles, pause, change the ‘how’, and more.

How are you training your ‘strategic thinking’ muscle in your company?



I whisper secrets, yet have no voice,
I fuel life’s fire, yet have no choice.
Masters of war hold me close,
I should be the first word but too often only an oath.

Who am I?

Before revealing the answer, one you might have guessed by now…

… can I ask, when was the last time you took yourself out of “autopilot” mode in business?

We are often caught up in the routine, in being needed.

Yes, as a leader of a company, your “day to day” involves attending endless meetings to resolve problems and make decisions.

That is so obvious that it’s almost unnecessary to point out.

But when do you take the time to be in silence while on duty, at work?

If I may, taking the time to reflect can be in fact not only an “after job” nice-to-have activity (which is also very important).


Because when we are constantly on the run, we miss the “warning signs” that sometimes are just what I call ‘mere market whispers’.

Just this past week, with my client, we saw how all the alarm bells, the signs that a crisis was coming - were there. Fortunately, this is a micro crises. Unfortunately, though, the red flags were on numerous occasions simply ignored.

Before it becomes ‘big enough’ to grab our attention, let’s take a minute to be still… but not inactive.

For example, we can take this time this week in order to test our own rules.

And here are a few questions to help with that:

• What information did I dismiss in the past weeks
• Did I allow someone new in my team to bring in ideas
• Did I take the time in my weekly schedule to be alone
• Am I surrounded by ‘yes men’
• How would I know if I am not surrounded by ‘yes men’

What rule are you going to test?


PS. Ah, and the answer to the riddle above is “breath”. ‘Take a breath’ today, will you? 😉


It strikes me when I come across a great organization. It does not happen frequently, though I see it more and more.

Just had an amazing meeting yesterday in one - I was immediately uplifted. I saw people smile! In the corridors, by their desks, next to the coffee machine - they all smiled!

When I was 28, I remember this particular 'ah-ha' moment I had.

One cloudy afternoon, in the office, as I stretched out, I looked around me.

All of a sudden, I heard a little voice in my head telling me, “Dina, promise me you won’t become like that.”

We were seated in an open space, and it was ‘oh, so quiet’. You could hear a pen drop.

My colleagues' facial expressions and mimics were practically identical – sad smileys.

Well… it has been a long journey, and now it is coming all together. I am keeping this promise to myself✨ and beyond..

I am brining joy back to businesses!

My intention is not to ‘shock’ the system but rather ‘shake’ it up a bit…
.like a James Bond perfect classic Vesper Martini (or is it Vodka Martini?), turning those upside-down smiles right-side up.

In my Strategic Thinking masterclasses, I talk a lot about the “Metronome Effect and Why Companies Need More Offbeat Thinkers”.

Have you ever noticed how companies fall into a rhythm, a predictable pattern of thought and action? It's like a metronome, with everyone ticking to the same beat. While this consistency can be comforting, it can also stifle creativity and innovation.

The Outcast's Dilemma:

Imagine being the oddball in this system, the one who doesn't quite fit the rhythm. You might have fresh ideas, innovative solutions, but your "offbeat" perspective can be met with resistance. This is the unfortunate reality for many talented individuals who don't conform to the established company "tempo." And huge missed out opportunities for companies.

The Strategist's Paradox:

Here's the irony: companies desperately need these "outcasts." Strategic thinkers, by definition, are supposed to challenge the status quo, think outside the box, and generate unconventional solutions. Yet, the very systems designed for efficiency can inadvertently push them out.

Breaking the Cycle:

So how do we break the cycle and foster an environment that embraces both the metronome's consistency and offbeat creativity? Here are a few thoughts:

• Celebrate diversity of thought: Encourage healthy debate and discussion of different perspectives, even if they seem unconventional.

• Reward calculated risks: Create a safe space for employees to experiment with new ideas, even if they don't always pan out.

• Recognize the value of the "outcasts": Appreciate those who challenge the norm and bring fresh perspectives to the table.

Easier said than done, I know. That’s why you can also book me for that stirred—I mean shaken—Strategy Masterclass for your team.



I used to be shy about asking for client testimonials.

The amount of effort I would put into it felt like running a marathon!

And now, sharing it here is a whole other level.

Arnold Schwarzenegger says, 'You work hard, you advertise it. Get it!? You work hard, you advertise it.'

So, I am advertising my work for a client, one of the top media billboards companies in Israel, I did an investor presentation for. And so grateful for such a great review.



Companies with a healthy strategy are more likely to succeed.

But what is a healthy strategy, and how do we measure it?

Profit or growth might be where we first come looking for answers to the above questions.

And it is true, the bottom line is a good indication - but not necessarily one that gives us the full picture, especially if we want to have a long-term vision.

Good market or FX fluctuations might, for example, be the real reasons for favorable results.

So looking at the story that the ‘numbers at the back’ tell is important. And what is more - looking into the company’s strategy health.

Here are a few questions we can start with to check where we stand;

✨ What skills are we fostering (management and employee training programs/certifications)?

Based on this list, we can answer the real question here - how are we responding to change?

✨ What type of internal meetings are we conducting on 1) a regular basis, and 2) not on a regular basis?

Based on this, we can look at how inclusive/open/flexible we are when it comes to reporting.

And the real question here is whether we see all employees as direct contributors to the company’s strategy.

The clerk in a bank that meets clients on a daily basis is the one that makes strategic decisions every day and should have a direct impact on a company’s level…

✨ How often do we conduct strategy meetings?

Oh, this one is one of my favorites. I am not in for having meetings just to tick the box. However, having a strategy meeting once a year is what, unfortunately, occurs in the majority of cases… and is one of the reasons why we get strategy confused with planning/budgeting.

Strategy is a habit after all. While companies like systems, strategy loves discipline - 365 days a year. Not 1/365.

Based on this, we can ask ourselves whether we make strategic decisions from a place of lack or business as usual?

I am sure we all would agree - making strategic decisions from a place of lack, from a place of crisis, looks entirely different from when we make strategic decisions from a place of prosperity. Right?

How would you assess your company’s strategy health?


If this resonates with you, and you are looking to awaken your strategy to expand the bottom line, let’s talk. Send me a DM.

Meet Cappuccino 🐎 last Thursday my son went horse riding 🏇 for the first time ❤️Here is to taking our strategy for a ride and doing it more often!


Global pandemic
War in Ukraine
War in Israel

This list might seem ‘short’ but the list of challenges CEOs and Boards face as a result is a very long one;

• Disrupted supply chains make it harder to source materials and deliver goods on time, impacting production and sales.

• Increased costs of raw materials, labor, and transportation squeeze profit margins.

• Geopolitical volatility and uncertainty make it difficult to plan for the future and invest in new markets.

• Employee well-being: managing stress, anxiety, and displacement due to global events.

• Consumer behavior: changing consumer preferences, buying power, and spending patterns require ongoing adaptation of marketing and sales strategies.

These major pain points are what have been causing investors to shift towards short term investment cycle...
.and I wanted to examine whether CEOs should do the same.

This is probably one of the fundamentals questions to ask today in strategy.

It is a complex one, with no easy answer. There are strong arguments on both sides:

• Improving operational efficiency through cost-cutting, streamlining operations, and boosting short-term profitability. In fact, I have seen many companies engaging exactly in this.

• Adapting to rapid changes: in a volatile environment, agility and responsiveness are key. Prioritizing short-term cycles allows for quicker adjustments to unforeseen events.

Arguments against:

• Sacrificing long-term value can lead to underinvestment in R&D and employee training, hindering long-term growth and sustainability.

• Risky decision-making: Focusing on short-term wins might lead to prioritizing immediate benefits over long-term consequences, increasing the risk of unsustainable practices or ethical compromises.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to prioritize short-term cycles depends on several factors, including industry, company stage, financial health, and – what I want to highlight – CEO set of values and beliefs.

CEO's personal vision for the company plays a significant role in determining the strategic focus. This is why I love what I do when I work one on one with visionary leaders. It is always about the human behind the titles and the ensemble.

Whichever way you decide to go, here is what can be done:

• Communicate long-term vision: clearly articulate how short-term decisions contribute to the long-term goals, gaining investor understanding & support.

• Balance short-term and long-term objectives: seek a sustainable approach that considers both immediate needs and long-term investments.

• Focus on responsible growth: prioritize sustainable and ethical practices while delivering shareholder value. This can be backed by momentum.

How do you manage your short-term vs long-term strategy?


I help CEOs and Boards to make effective strategic decisions in order to expand the bottom line. Feel free to send me a DM for more.


By the time I turned 40, thank god, I was already on the path to quitting telling "stories" to myself.

Or as I wrote in my yesterday's post, I was on the path to quitting "bullsh*ting" myself.

Life does not stop at 40.

It does not stop when you climb the corporate ladder, make a career..
.and certainly, it does not have to stop when you earn a seat at the board meeting.

This was, of course, not what the mainstream wanted me to believe...

I know now - it is not supposed to be boring when it comes to strategy and board meetings.

It does not.

Speaking from my personal experience of sitting in board meetings since I was 18, it can be done differently.

Coming and making ourselves comfortable around a table, and eating - is the opposite of strategic - active - thinking.

Of course, the "current" way of conducting meetings is okay. But there is so much that can be done to make it more than just 'okay'.

Especially, if you want to achieve WOW and creative results.


We can add a dash of fun to it, and yes - fun is not a dirty word.

It can be done in the smallest fine tunings - small with a greater impact.

Here are a few ideas:

✨ More often, we see companies make strategy meetings offsite. So it is the perfect setting to start the day with some body & mind activities, e.g., yoga, painting with plaster, pottery. And recharge in between as you see fit.

✨ Make the meetings shorter - full stop. Materials can be sent in advance, meetings can be broken down into a couple of breakout sessions and more.

✨ Use music - see my post from a week ago.

✨ Change the format to a standing one... even if it is just for 5 minutes. Yes, it might be a bit "painful". But it has such a powerful impact... almost like that rush in your blood after 100 push-ups!

✨ Make breaks, let everyone move to a different room before coming back to their 'seating' position - that is the minimal movement you can create.

✨ Use technology. This is a whole separate topic which I will write about more. The simplest example is using an app for voting - make it interactive.

What is your idea of fun in a meeting?


If this resonates with you, and you are looking to change your strategy and board meetings in order to expand the bottom line, let's talk. Send me a DM.


I normally don’t swear, but for some reason, when it comes to strategy and investor relations, all the f’s and b’s come out voluntarily!

Sometimes, there is just no other way to express an idea without a good old swear word.

I mean, "Quit telling yourself stories" doesn't sound as good as "Stop bullsh*ting yourself."

Or "Why do you care so much?" versus "Why do you even give a f*$k?"


When we hear, read, or learn new information, research shows that it doesn't necessarily lead to action.

That’s right - new information doesn't make us change.

If we want to start exercising, for example, learning about the benefits won't make us start working out.

So what does?

Usually, pain makes us want to move. When we reach a point where we have had enough, pain plus awakening awareness leads to change.

So, as a person who doesn't swear (much), using a powerful word does help me to wake up and take action.

In this week's "Question Worth Asking” 😉 I wonder: what is your favorite curse word in business?


If this resonates with you, and you are looking to swear … I mean - make changes in your company and want to expand the bottom line, send me a DM and let's talk.


If you thought, like me, that iCloud solves the storage problem on your phone, chances are you have experienced the same pain I did...
.last Friday when my phone crashed, and I spent 5 hours restoring it.

iCloud does not solve the storage problem.

iCloud is simply a backup solution.

It syncs all our iPhone data (and other devices) into one, allowing us to download all the last backed up data "seamlessly".

When I first received the "your storage is almost full" message on my iPhone, Apple offered me to purchase iCloud 2T.

I did, little did I know it wouldn't solve the "storage is almost full" issue for me.

I am all Apple - and all the way!

"Once you go Mac, you never go back!" is what I always say.

Their strategy and products are all about "keeping it simple, intuitive, logical".

So I assumed exactly that... it is only logical to think that if you are suggested to buy "storage", it will resolve the storage problem.

BUT in Apple's case - it does not.

This is a huge misstep from their side.

They are aware of it, I am sure. They have to, right?

So how come they are not solving this problem, I wonder.

After all, this is not aligned on so many levels with their strategy.

[Have a look at my Part I Apple strategy analysis post from yesterday. Even though Apple do not disclose their strategy report publicly, I analyzed it using the 5 questions strategy tool by Roger Martin, number #1 strategist.]

Cloud is one of the "hottest" topics for technology companies, and for their investors.

And in fact, behind the scenes for many companies, it is way less pretty than they are often willing to admit.

Single tenant, multi-tenant, legacy systems, outdated infrastructure, data protection, cybersecurity... it's complicated, I know.

Apple is the 2nd largest company in the world... just lost its leading position to its long rival Microsoft.

Should they be concerned? Probably not much.

And still, resolving the storage issue is a huge market opportunity.

It can easily be surpassed by 3rd party players. Like Google Drive, and more.

You might say it's Apple's way to lock in the customer. Maybe. I think a huge part is played by the technology backbone.

This is just a small strategy exercise I wanted to share.

I would love to hear your thoughts on how Apple should treat storage/backup cloud topics - what priority it should get as part of their strategy.

What do you think?


If this resonates with you, and you are looking to make changes in your company and want to expand the bottom line, send me a DM and let's talk.


We are too often falling into a trap, that strategy is simply answering the 'what is your mission and vision' questions.

Last Friday, I spent 5 hours in the Apple store. My iPhone crashed due to 'full storage.' My misunderstanding - or Apple's misleading advertisement for iCloud, led me to write about it.

I will break it down into two parts - (1) today I will analyze Apple's strategy using Roger Martin's 5 questions, and tomorrow (2) I will expand on the same model (Roger's) to talk specifically about iCloud.

Analyzing Apple's Strategy through Roger Martin's 5 Questions:

1. What Drives Apple? Understanding Their Aspirations and Goals

✨ Innovation: Pushing boundaries across hardware, software, and services.

✨ User Experience: Seamlessness and ease-of-use across all products.

✨ Ecosystem Lock-in: Encouraging users to stay within the Apple universe.

✨ Premium Brand Image: Cultivating quality, luxury, and exclusivity.

✨ Financial Growth: Increasing revenue and profitability through sales and subscriptions.

2. Where Does Apple Play?

✨ Focus Areas: High-end smartphones, tablets, computers, wearables, and services.

✨ Intentional Avoidance: Low-cost markets, open-source software, and unnecessary diversification.

3. How Does Apple Win? Unpacking Their Competitive Advantages

✨ Design & User Experience: Sleek design, intuitive interface, and device integration.

✨ Brand Image & Loyalty: Strong association with innovation and quality, fostering loyal customers.

✨ Closed Ecosystem: Smooth experience and ecosystem lock-in through integrated hardware, software, and services.

✨ Innovation & R&D: Heavy investment in cutting-edge products and features.
✨ Vertical Integration: Control over key aspects for quality and differentiation.

4. What Capabilities Does Apple Need to Sustain Success?

✨ Industrial Design & Engineering: Creating high-quality, aesthetically pleasing hardware.

✨ Software Development: User-friendly & innovative operating systems and applications.

✨ Supply Chain Management: Efficient sourcing and component management with quality control.

✨ Retail & Customer Service: Premium experience through Apple Stores and online channels.

✨ Marketing & Branding: Maintaining a strong brand image and effectively communicating product benefits.

5. What Management Systems Support Apple's Strategy?

✨ Product Development: Rigorous and secretive process focused on innovation and quality.

✨ Talent Management: Attracting and retaining top talent in key areas.

✨ Performance Management: Metrics and systems for tracking progress and alignment.

✨ Supply Chain Management: Robust systems for reliable sourcing and efficient manufacturing.

✨ Data Analytics: Utilizing data to understand customer preferences, inform product development, and personalize marketing efforts.

This summary is based on publicly available information.

Come back tomorrow for part II.



This is the first time I have seen Elon do something not as a first disrupter but as a follower... at SpaceX, after all, they also understand the strategic importance of following a trend.

Any guesses on what exactly I am referring to?... it is SpaceX's online shop.

NASA (while not the absolute first), has had an official online shop selling merchandise since at least the late 1990s. They have actively cultivated a strong brand identity, and merchandise became a way to engage with the public.

Virgin Galactic, founded in 2004, has had an online shop since its early years, selling merchandise aligned with their strategy of building a passionate community around space travel.

SpaceX launched its online shop in 2020. While surprising to some, it reflects their increased public profile and aligns with other space companies using merchandise for revenue and brand engagement.

So, yes - SpaceX is simply following a similar trend within the industry. While selling merchandise might seem out of character for a space exploration company, it is actually a strategic move that can generate revenue, build brand awareness, engage fans, and expand their reach to a wider audience.

I find merchandise, not all, I admit, cool actually - it is a nice way to capture a memory... to belong..

What about you?


We all fly, at least on a plane, so when Boeing makes it to the headlines, we pay attention. Boeing has once again climbed to the top of the media ladder over the past couple of weeks. I read and did a bit more digging.

Boeing's recent strategy announcement, as I see it, is currently focused on two main priorities: operational recovery and financial stability. While this may be necessary in the short term, it raises concerns about the company's long-term competitiveness and ability to innovate, not to mention the elephant in the room - its safety reputation.

Part 1: The Announcement

Boeing has recently undergone a significant restructuring, making major changes to its strategy function.

➕ Reduced Strategy Team: The company has significantly downsized its dedicated strategy team, suggesting a shift away from a centralized approach.
➕ Integration into Business Units: Strategic functions are now being integrated into individual business units, bringing strategy closer to the operational realities of each segment.
➕ New COO: Stephanie Pope's appointment as Chief Operating Officer and potential future CEO candidate further emphasizes the importance of operational excellence.
➕ Additional leadership changes: Chief Strategy Officer Marc Allen's departure signals a shift in the company's approach to strategy.

Part 2: Why the Shift?
There are several potential reasons why Boeing is making these changes:

➕ Streamlining and Efficiency: A smaller, integrated strategy function could lead to faster decision-making, lower costs, and increased accountability.
➕ Execution-Oriented Mindset: The shift could signal a move from long-term planning to a more agile and responsive approach focused on meeting immediate operational and financial goals.
➕ Addressing Past Problems: The restructuring might be a response to perceived shortcomings in the previous strategy structure, such as lack of alignment, bureaucracy, or loss of trust.

Key considerations:

➕ Implementation Complexity: Integrating strategy into business units effectively requires careful planning and ex*****on to avoid confusion and redundancy.
➕ Cultural Change: Shifting from a centralized to a decentralized approach might require significant cultural changes within the company.
➕ Long-Term Vision: While the restructuring addresses immediate needs, it's crucial for Boeing to develop a clear long-term vision for its future strategy and direction.

It is important to note that the specific reasons behind Boeing's strategy shift are likely multi-faceted and not entirely transparent. The publicly available information might not provide the full picture. However, the possibilities I have mentioned offer some potential explanations for why the company is making these changes.

What are your thoughts?


I was on many calls in my life, discussing an upcoming important event and the story behind it. Usually w investors.

Last night, I was on a call with my father and a curator in Vilnius… My father was invited to exhibit his photography, his body of work, in an exhibition opening up in a few weeks in Vilnius (I will share full details in due time & very soon).

I even had prepared my father for the call… discussed the questions she wanted to ask him, asked him what was important for him to share…

And let’s just say… I realized… the only person who needed preparation was me 😉

I was WOWed.

The curator wanted to add to the already written bio. She had spoken to my father before, not once, and really wanted to understand the origins of his relationship with art.

All these years, when I felt I was too “artistic” to fit in the ‘business’ world, or too “business” to fit in the ‘art’ world… I have now finally realized, I am not the first in the family. Now I can blame it on my father! 😉 and my big sister too!.. who only thinks she is doing nothing when, in fact, in the past year alone 1. Has launched a new school for children for voice coaching, 2. Enrolled in a top music school that completely changes the way I view academia & music (will share with you more!) and constantly interferes and “cuts the bullsh*t” when listening to me.

My mom is the “practical” one in our family… and she notices the strengths in each and one of us.

My art of strategy… no wonder… and my urge to constantly incorporate art and music in business… all just is coming together to its right place. ❤️

Where do you get your inspiration from?


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Yona Hanavie 10
Tel Aviv, 933771

אנחנו מספקים את כלל השירותים לעסקים וחברות בעולם החדש ?

ציפור מייזליק - אלכימיה מעשית לבעלי עסקים ציפור מייזליק - אלכימיה מעשית לבעלי עסקים
Tel Aviv

בתוך כל אדם יש צרור כשרונות, עוצמה פנימית אדירה ומאסטר ?

נתנאל צ'וקה ביטון-Cnb נתנאל צ'וקה ביטון-Cnb
מגדלי אלון 2
Tel Aviv, 7747234

מפצחים הצלחה עסקית- Cracking Bussines Models כלים ליציאה ממשברים/ניהול אסטרטגיות/הכפלת מחזור בעסק.

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Tel Aviv

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