Trinity Methodist Church

We are passionate about growing disciples that would make disciples.

Sat, 4.30pm - The Saturday Service
Sun, 9.00am - Traditional Service*
Sun, 9.00am - Contemporary Service*
Sun, 11.15am - Mandarin Service

*with Children's Ministry Program Our Worship Service Timings:

Saturdays, 4.30pm | The Saturday Service (Emmanuel Hall, Level 2)
Sundays, 9.00am | Sunday Traditional Service (Sanctuary, Level 1)
Sundays, 9.00am | Sunday Contemporary Service (Emmanuel Hall, Lev

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 08/08/2024

It's been a while since our seniors had gone on a R&R trip to fellowship with one another, so this year, from 15 to 18 July, a group of them went on a leisurely trip to Kuantan.

Here’s a snippet of the wonderful time they had (not to mention all the great food too)! 😍

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 05/08/2024

Looking back at the fantastic Youth Weekend at Trinity Methodist Church on 13 & 14 July! What a beautiful sight it was seeing more of our young people stepping up to lead!

Apart from being a celebration of our amazing youths, it was also a powerful reminder of our continued commitment to disciple and nurture our next generation.

May the Lord watch over each of these precious individuals and raise them up for His kingdom! May you, Fearless Youth, grow to love and serve the Lord faithfully, and live fearlessly for Him.


Quick look at what's coming up in the second half of 2024 =)


Encounters with God are truly wonderful, often beyond what we can imagine or hope for. They fill our hearts with joy, peace, and awe as we can see from the testimony of Sister Guifang:

“I intended to attend the Holy Spirit Weekend only in the afternoon as I was concerned that the length of the program would be too physically taxing for me. But, with the encouragement of Sister Mingzhu and Sister Weiming, I arrived at 10:30 am and miraculously found myself still full of energy at the end of the day! During the small group discussion, I got curious about praying in tongues and I asked Sister Meiqin and Sister Mingzhu to pray for me.

The following day, I was unable to attend the service as it was an off-day for my helper. So, I attended an online service via a link sent by my ex-boss, and it happened that they too were preaching on the Holy Spirit. Towards the end of the service, the speaker led us in prayer. I stood up and followed his prayer. As I opened my mouth, my entire body shook, and tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably.

Even though I didn’t receive the gift of tongues, I felt a deep sense of peace. God be blessed. This is the first time such a thing has happened in my life.”

Sister Guifang's experience shows us how wonderful and transformative encounters with God can be. From a sense of apprehension to finding profound peace, God has demonstrated the power of His presence to Sister Guifang when she opened her heart to Him. And reminds us that even when outcomes do not match our expectations, His blessings for us often surpasses what we can imagine.

Praise be to God!


Have you got a story with God that you’d love to share? Send it in to [email protected] and let your encounter be a blessing to the body of Christ!

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 16/07/2024

We’ve passed the halfway mark of 2024!

We to God for His wisdom and guiding hand in all aspects of the Children's Ministry at Trinity Methodist Church.

Reflecting on the wonderful experiences the children enjoyed during and their delightful outing to , we are filled with gratitude for the joy and growth these moments brought.

We humbly ask the Lord for His continued guidance and protection over the young ones as we look forward to growing even more in the Lord 🙏


🥂Go on 7 Night Dates With Your Spouse; Enrich & Strengthen Your Marriage with The Alpha Marriage Course 👩‍❤️‍👨

Come be our guests at The Alpha Marriage Course hosted by couples from Trinity Methodist Church (TMC)!

The course has benefited thousands of marriages all over the world, and we look forward to welcoming you as part of this community.

🗓 19 August - 30 September 2024, Mondays
🕗 8:00pm - 10:00pm
➡️ 1 In-Person session (TMC, The Living Room@L1)
➡️ 6 Zoom sessions
➡️ 1 Graduation Gathering (5 October 2024, 3:00pm - 4:30pm, TMC, The Upper Room@L3)
📍Registration deadline is 4 August 2024.

🔎More info:
🔗Registration: or by scanning the QR code.
📧Enquiry: [email protected]

Spaces are limited, so sign up soon!🔎

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 12/07/2024

Alpha Run #2 is coming in September 2024!

From 14 September to 9 November, for 8 Saturdays, English and Mandarin Alpha Course will be held concurrently onsite at TMC.

The Alpha Course provides a safe space for anyone to ask questions about life, faith and meaning. So, if you haven’t tried Alpha, or know of anyone who might benefit from the course, registration is now open – sign up to encounter God with the Alpha community!

Scan the QR code or visit for registration and more information.


In Matthew 18:3, Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." This powerful verse reminds us of the purity, innocence, and unwavering faith of children. This week, we share the beautiful encounter our children at Trinity Methodist Church had with the Holy Spirit, as recounted by Priscilla Lee, Local Ministry Staff for Children’s Ministry:

“During our church's Holy Spirit weekend on the 19th of May, we witnessed this childlike faith in its most profound and tangible form.

On that special day, an extraordinary encounter unfolded for the children in the Hallelujah Room. As the call to be filled with the Spirit resounded, the children responded eagerly, their palms turned upwards in anticipation, and their hearts cried out for the Holy Spirit's presence.

During our breakout session, the Primary 3 & 4 children shared their unique encounters:
• One experienced a sudden warmth spreading from her stomach despite feeling cold initially.
• Another described a tingling sensation coursing through her leg.
• A child recounted that the pain he had in his arm in the morning was gone.
• Another felt a lightness in one hand while the other remained heavy.
• Some noticed their hands closing, while another described the gentle weight of the Spirit upon their eyelids.

Truly, it is awe-inspiring and humbling to witness how the Lord moves among even the youngest members of our congregation, drawn by their pure hearts and earnest longing for His presence.”

Have you got a story with God that you’d love to share? Send it in to [email protected] and let your encounter be a blessing to the body of Christ!


Proverbs 16:9 says, "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." This verse beautifully captures how God can guide us in unexpected ways, leading us to faith. This week, we share the amazing and transformative journey of Dawn Chin’s family towards Christianity:

I would have never thought of becoming a Christian. Being brought up in Singapore, and exposed to all religions, it just didn’t cross my mind. It was the usual narrative of being born into a family of another faith. I was introduced to another belief system a few years back, but I didn’t feel the connection at that point in time.

My girl Eva-Maria has been curious about religions for a while now, particularly Christianity. However, our lack of knowledge in this area was not helpful in answering her questions. Then through a friend, we learnt about the Alpha course, and it has been life changing for some of us in the family.

Eva-Maria was the first in our family to be enrolled in the course for teens, which began on 23rd Aug 2023. My husband Herve, who would drive Eva-Maria to these sessions, decided he “might as well” just join the course for adults.

They always came back home and shared what they learnt on those eight Saturday afternoons, which led to many interesting and thought-provoking conversations between Herve and me.

Then came March 2024 when the next Alpha course was due to start. Eva-Maria was keen to do it again (the catered teatime snacks were always a big hit for her). This time she got Ah Ma (her grandmother) to join and to be exposed to God and what He was doing. We told Ah Ma to go with an open heart and mind. Like me, she was not born a Christian, so we were not too sure how receptive she would be.
I joined in too since I had questions of my own and I had to ferry my daughter and mum to and from the sessions anyway.)

Alpha did not actually answer a lot of my questions. But what it did was open my eyes to the fact that Jesus was well documented, and my heart to believe in Him.
In the first Alpha discussion (as I recall), we brought up the topic of faith - which is to believe with your heart. This was not easy for me as I have always been a very practical person – the typical Singaporean who needs proof or evidence to have a belief or to be convinced. But at the end of the course, I learnt how to have faith; to believe in order to understand, rather than to understand in order to believe.
During Holy Week this year, I took the leap of faith. I felt God could and would help me with my issues and I was ready to accept Him. I just hope I will do enough to be worthy and well-deserving of His love.

The Alpha sessions have helped a lot in my leap of faith. My fellow course mates, whom I spent eight Saturday afternoons with, have been a great source of support for me. Their kind words and gentle nudges towards the right direction have been a very important part of my faith.

What about Ah Ma? To our delight, she was receptive from the first session. Her facilitator, Jacob, was amazing with his knowledge of God and His work, which really guided the newcomers.

So, with the happiest ending possible, Ah Ma and I are working towards getting baptised in Trinity Methodist Church soon!

Have you got a story with God that you’d love to share? Send it in to [email protected] and let your encounter be a blessing to the body of Christ!

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 24/06/2024

We look back at Holy Spirit Weekend – the culmination of Alpha@TMC Run #1 – where many of us learnt more about the Holy Spirit and experienced it in action. We praise God for the hearts and lives that were changed!


Who is the ? What does He do? 🤔🧐 Are you curious about this Third Person of the Trinity and how He matters in our lives?

Join us on 18 May 2024 (Sat), from 9:00am - 4:00pm for the final session of : Holy Spirit Weekend at where we shall learn more about the Holy Spirit and enjoy fellowship with one another over some good food!

Sign up @ and look forward to a blessed weekend with us! 😊

Registration closes 30 April 2024.

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 31/03/2024

Hallelujah, Christ is risen! 🙌🏻

Cleopas (Rev Sng) brought us the Word at this morning’s Easter sunrise service, followed by the flowering of the cross and fellowship over fish porridge and hot cross buns.

Fun fact: The fish for today’s porridge was caught by our very own Rev Sng 😮👏🏻

A big thank you to the pastoral, worship, AV, usher and WSCS teams, as well as, everyone else who woke up extra early to make today’s Easter sunrise service possible!

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 26/03/2024

ICYMI: Do take note of the MCS Holy Week & TMC Holy Week Services timing! The April Holy Communion Service will also be on the 2nd Weekend instead of the first 😊🙏


Support Boys’ Brigade (BB) Week 2024
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
We will be celebrating BB Week from 3 March – 7 April 2024 and would like to invite you to join TMC in supporting the BB47th company from Serangoon Gardens Secondary School.
The Boys’ Brigade is the world’s first uniformed organisation for youth and it aims to advance Christ’s Kingdom among boys, and promote Christian values of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline and Self-Respect.
If you are keen to support the work of the BB, you may donate at or pick up a donation leaflet on your way out from service. The BB boys from Serangoon Garden Secondary School will also be in TMC on 24 March 2024 to conduct a physical donation drive. Your donation will fund uniforms, training activities, equipment, and stores for youth training.


We look forward to seeing you at our Ash Wednesday Service today at 8pm in the Sanctuary (level 1). The service will also be livestreamed @

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a 40-day period for repentance, fasting, and reflection, leading up to Holy Week. It symbolises Christ's time of temptation and fasting in the wilderness, and encourages us to dedicate a period annually to fasting and focusing on Christ's life, ministry, sacrifice, and resurrection.

*Do note that there is no Prayer Meeting tonight


Hi TMC, in light of the upcoming lunar new year celebration and Ash Wednesday observation, please take note of some changes to our service timings.

There will be no Saturday Service this Sat (10 Feb) and no Contemporary Service this Sunday (11 Feb). The Traditional Service (with Children’s Ministry), and the Mandarin Service will continue this Sunday (11 Feb).

We will also be having an Ash Wednesday service at 8pm next Wed (14 Feb), more details to follow early next week.


Got some burning questions about life? Ask them and get some answers at Alpha Course 2024 with Trinity Methodist Church.

For 8 Saturdays, from 30 March to 18 May 2024, join us from 2pm to 4pm on a journey to explore the meaning of life together.

Visit for more information.


🕘Adjust Your Alarms🕘

A gentle reminder that both our Sunday English services (Traditional and Contemporary) will start at 9AM from 7th Jan 2024 onwards. Children's Ministry will hence also be moved forward to 9AM.

Please also note that there is no Saturday service on 6th Jan 2024, The Saturday Service at TMC will resume from 13th Jan.

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 25/12/2023

GOOD NEWS!!! 🎉👶 Birth of a baby boy confirmed in Bethlehem, with circumstances surrounding his birth matching up to the “prophecies” thus far. Could this truly be the long-awaited Saviour and what does this mean for the world? Swipe and decide for yourself!

This post is the final instalment of our 7-day series to re-imagine the events leading to the birth of Jesus if they were covered in news and social media headlines. Kindly note that while we have stayed true to the essence of biblical narrative as best possible, some creative liberties were taken to bring this story to life.

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 24/12/2023

The Wait Continues 🕠🕑🕤: Many are still unsure if the rumours surrounding the impending birth of a special baby boy meant to be a Saviour is true. What do you think? Swipe to learn more.

Stay tuned for more updates as we cover this developing news story.

This post is part of our 7-day series to re-imagine the events leading to the birth of Jesus if they were covered in news and social media headlines. Kindly note that while we have stayed true to the essence of biblical narrative as best possible, some creative liberties were taken to bring this story to life.

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 23/12/2023

Paranormal Sighting in Bethlehem? Shepherds report seeing a figure in the sky 👀👀 Swipe to read their encounter.

Stay tuned for more updates as we cover this developing news story.

This post is part of our 7-day series to re-imagine the events leading to the birth of Jesus if they were covered in news and social media headlines. Kindly note that while we have stayed true to the essence of biblical narrative as best possible, some creative liberties were taken to bring this story to life.

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 22/12/2023

BOOKED OUT🚫🏘️: Some accommodation options in Bethlehem have hit their maximum capacity. Travellers to secure their accommodations as soon as possible. Swipe to read more.

Stay tuned for more updates as we cover this developing news story.

This post is part of our 7-day series to re-imagine the events leading to the birth of Jesus if they were covered in news and social media headlines. Kindly note that while we have stayed true to the essence of biblical narrative as best possible, some creative liberties were taken to bring this story to life.

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 21/12/2023

Made plans to travel home yet? 🐪 With heavy traffic expected at several hometowns over the next few days, the government has advised all to make their way back as soon as possible. Swipe to read more.

Stay tuned for more updates as we cover this developing news story.

This post is part of our 7-day series to re-imagine the events leading to the birth of Jesus if they were covered in news and social media headlines. Kindly note that while we have stayed true to the essence of biblical narrative as best possible, some creative liberties were taken to bring this story to life.

Image credit:
Jakucewicz, A. (2023). What did Emperor Augustus Look Like? [Digital Art].

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 20/12/2023

Experts offer no explanation for this new star. But a group of wise men have come forward to say this star is an answer to an age-old prophecy, and have set out on a journey to follow it. 🌟 Swipe to read their theory on the star.

Stay tuned for more updates as we cover this developing news story.

This post is part of our 7-day series to re-imagine the events leading to the birth of Jesus if they were covered in news and social media headlines. Kindly note that while we have stayed true to the essence of biblical narrative as best possible, some creative liberties were taken to bring this story to life.

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 19/12/2023

What would news and social media headlines have looked like back in the day if they documented the events leading up to the miraculous birth of Jesus? With 7 days to Christmas, we count down to this special day by re-imagining the timeless story through creatively depicted moments from the Bible. Kindly note that while we have stayed true to the essence of biblical narrative as best possible, some creative liberties were taken to bring this story to life.


🌟Noticed a new star in the night sky tonight?🌟 You're not alone. A picture of the phenomenon posted on social media has since gone viral. Swipe to see how people are reacting to it.

Stay tuned for more updates as we cover this developing news story.


Year-end Worship Service Timings

We are approaching one of the most wonderful times of the year and we have Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year's Eve worship services lined up for you and your loved ones to join us!

Details of the service timings and locations can be found in the image below. Please note that the Sanctuary is located on Level 1 and the Emmanuel Hall on Level 2.


IMH Christmas Celebration | 10th Dec 2023

We had a team of 25 volunteers who brought some Christmas joy and cheer to the residents of IMH, on 10th Dec 2023.
They had a blessed time with around 90 residents worshipping, singing, dancing, playing games, and sharing the Word.
We are glad that we could be a light, shining the love of Christ to the residents through acts of service.

Photos from Trinity Methodist Church's post 23/06/2023

BEHOLD 2023 Highlights 3

It was an encouraging sight to see our different groups engaged intently in conversation about their takeaways from the message, and to see them praying for one another.
Spiritual Communities are an important part of our church, and we believe in the power and the value of it.
If you are not already in a small group or a discipling relationship, we would love to connect you to one.
Head over to to find out more and take your next step!

Want your place of worship to be the top-listed Place Of Worship in Singapore?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

In case you missed it, we shared an important announcement this weekend at Church.Starting from 7th January 2024, both o...
BEHOLD GALA NIGHT THEMEOne of the highlights of our Church Camp has always been our gala night, held on the final evenin...
5 Things You Can Look Forward to at BEHOLD 2023!We are in the final stretch of registration for the camp. Only a couple ...
BEHOLD 2023. Come learn the art of Beholding this June, as we spend a weekend away together as a TMC family. It will be ...
BEHOLD 2023Unveiling the theme for our upcoming Church Camp from 9th to 12th June 2023. Hear from Ps Alvin the heart beh...
Church Camp 2023We are VERY excited to share that... after a 4 year hiatus due to the pandemic, we are bringing back our...
Christmas Light-Up 2022For the first time in recent history, over 120 of our community gathered together to decorate and...
STRONGER CHURCH Conference 2022
STRONGER CHURCH ConferenceAs part of our 66th Anniversary, and in line with our 2022 church theme of STRONGER, we will b...
The Stripping of the Altar // Maundy ThursdayThe Stripping of the Altar is a traditional liturgical act and symbol of th...
“Our Light Has Come” by Zoe Lee (Christmas 2021)
Tickets still available for tonight’s program


34 Serangoon Garden Way

Other Methodist Churches in Singapore (show all)
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Foochow Methodist Church Foochow Methodist Church
90 Race Course Road
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基督至上福灵一家 - 主里成长 | 活出主爱 | 遵主使命 ONE FAMILY IN CHRIST - Growing in Christ | Glowing in love for others

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Connect@5 is an English speaking service at Hinghwa Methodist Church that is held every Saturday at

Covenant Community Methodist Church Covenant Community Methodist Church
11 Blackmore Drive
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Official page of Covenant Community Methodist Church. We are here to help you Know God Deeply and Make Him Known Widely. Connect with us for church updates and more!

卫理公会大巴窑堂 Toa Payoh Chinese Methodist Church (Singapore) 卫理公会大巴窑堂 Toa Payoh Chinese Methodist Church (Singapore)
480 Toa Payoh Lorong 2
Singapore, 319641

卫理公会大巴窑堂于1973年开始,使命是: 领人归主,作主门徒。 欢迎您参加主日崇拜+堂会学校 9am 华语、福建+儿童 11am新生命NLW+儿童 实体:

Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church
299 Upper Paya Lebar Road
Singapore, 534932

Wesley Methodist Church (Singapore) Wesley Methodist Church (Singapore)
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore, 179493

Welcome to Wesley! Journey with us as we seek to glorify God through Intentional Discipleship.

Bedok Methodist Church Bedok Methodist Church
86 Bedok Road
Singapore, 469371

For more updated information please visit our website:

Barker Road Methodist Church Barker Road Methodist Church
48 Barker Road
Singapore, 309917

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” – Matt 5:14

Faith Methodist Church, Singapore Faith Methodist Church, Singapore
400 Commonwealth Drive
Singapore, 149604

Faith Methodist Church warmly welcomes all to our Sunday worship services! ✨

Living Hope Methodist Church Living Hope Methodist Church
20 Tampines Street 33
Singapore, 529259


Hakka Methodist Church 卫理公会客音天恩堂 Hakka Methodist Church 卫理公会客音天恩堂
1B Evelyn Road
Singapore, 309298