Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中

This is the official page of Nanyang Girls’ High School.

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 19/07/2024

"À mon avis, le discours était intéressant et important. J’ai appris qu’il y a beaucoup d’opportunités en France pour les élèves.” - Nathalie Tan, 311.

🎉 We recently hosted inspiring sessions with the French Embassy and NUS Department of Japanese Studies for our students studying French and Japanese! 🇫🇷🇯🇵

✨ From the French Embassy, our girls learned about the incredible opportunities for higher education and careers in France. 🌟

✨ The NUS Department of Japanese Studies shared fascinating insights, revealing the deeper cultural significance behind popular icons like "Hello Kitty."

Both sessions highlighted the importance of cross-cultural literacy and showed our students the immense value of language learning in broadening their global horizons. 🌍📚

我们最近邀请了法国大使馆和新加坡国立大学日本研究系为学习法语和日语的学生举办讲座!🇫🇷🇯🇵法国大使馆介绍了法国的高等教育和职业机会; NUS日本研究系分享了“Hello Kitty”等流行图标背后的深层文化意义.


#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 16/07/2024

This year, as the lead organising school, NYGH, along with four other schools, organised the Inter School Art Programme "CURATE!2024." Approximately 97 selected students from 6 secondary schools and 3 junior colleges had the opportunity to be mentored by artists and curators from the local arts scene; collaborate to create art and co-curate a public exhibition of their works. We invite all students, parents and alumni to come and view the artworks created by the students during the CURATE programme, which took place from January to June 2024.

The exhibition was launched on 9 July 2024 at the Visual Arts Centre.

今年,作为主办学校,南洋女中与其他四所学校共同组织了“CURATE!2024” 跨校艺术项目。来自6所中学和3所初级学院的约97名优秀学生有机会与本地艺术界的艺术家和策展人进行指导,共同创作艺术作品,并共同策划了一场公开展览。我们诚挚邀请您前来观赏由学生们在2024年1月至6月期间创作的艺术作品。

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 08/07/2024

Last week, Nanyang Girls’ High School was honoured to welcome 58 students and 4 teachers from Taiwan Taoyuan Fudan High School, as well as 36 students and 2 teachers from Taiwan Taichung Stella Matutina Girls' High School. Some of our students eagerly took on the task of hosting them in Nanyang Girls’ High School. They have experienced 2-3 days of vibrant school life in Nanyang while also learning more about Singaporean culture. On Wednesday, Nanyang hosted a farewell party where Fudan and Nanyang students put up spectacular performances! Through this experience, we had a lot of fun and made many fond memories. Through our interactions, we could feel their kindness and passion. Over the 2-3 days, we have forged new friendships, and at the same time broadened our perspectives of Taiwanese culture. On the last day, everyone was reluctant to bid farewell to their buddies and we warmly welcome them to visit Nanyang Girls’ High School again!


#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家






"Treasures of Our Schools: From Cheong Soo Pieng to Lim Tze Peng” exhibition Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心brought us through the history and evolution of our uniquely art with rarely seen art pieces from the collections of our local schools. NYGH is most privileged to be one of the key contributors for this meaningful special exhibition. The art pieces have returned to school, and they will continue to enrich our Nanyang Experience!

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源


Forwarded post from Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心

It was no easy feat putting together an exhibition which featured seldom-seen artworks from schools in Singapore.

Take a peek behind the scenes as the Principal of Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中, Ms Siau Fong Fui, and SCCC Curator, Mr Shaun Choh, share how the hidden gems of "Treasures of Our Schools: From Cheong Soo Pieng to Lim Tze Peng" were selected and brought together for the exhibition. ✨


我们与南洋女子中学校的萧芳辉校长和新加坡华族文化中心策展人曹世明了解 《校园名家书画:从钟泗滨到林子平》 的策展过程。✨

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 05/07/2024

Yesterday, we launched two new school outreach videos produced by our very own NYAV Club. The video that is shared with our ASEAN schools is led by Olivia Ong and assisted by Verane Ang, together with their team members. Ng Yu Wen, supported by Alexis Tan, led her team to produce the school video which was shown to our partner schools during the recent Global Classroom Programme in China. This idea was mooted by our Principal, Ms. Siau Fong Fui, as a platform to empower our students. Indeed, the girls shared they have developed important skills and grown personally through these projects.

NYAV has indeed demonstrated the power of me, the power of community, and the power of yet through this project. Do look out for more about these two video projects in the next update of GenNY!



#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 04/07/2024

Nanyang is turning 107! Let’s get together and celebrate Founder’s Day!

Date: 17 Aug 2024 (Sat)
Time: 9am–12nn Carnival + Dream Studio
12nn-2.30pm Lunch @ School Hall
Venue: Nanyang Girls’ High School
Theme: Colorful Dreams, Century of Heritage

Find out more about the event and register now at the link below to secure your lunch seat ($50 per pax or $500 per table of 10) and pre-order carnival tickets ($10 each):

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of reunion of the Class of 2004! So, graduates of 2004 from the three schools, send us your photos of old Nanyang days and memorabilia so we could make a montage to celebrate at this joyous occasion!

Also call for all alumni’s generous support on:
- Sponsoring the event
- Donating painting supplies e.g. paint brushes and mini canvases
- Volunteering on the day

If you have any query or would like to contribute in any way please get in touch with [email protected].

See you at the 107th Founder’s Day!

时间:9am–12nn 嘉年华+梦想创作室




请有意协助校庆活动或分享旧照的校友,联络校友会:[email protected]


#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 04/07/2024

Nanyang is turning 107! Let's get together and celebrate Founder's Day!

Date: 17 Aug 2024 (Sat)
Time: 9am–12nn Carnival + Dream Studio
12nn-2.30pm Lunch @ School Hall
Venue: Nanyang Girls’ High School
Theme: Colorful Dreams, Century of Heritage

Find out more about the event and register now at the link below to secure your lunch seat ($50 per pax or $500 per table of 10) and pre-order carnival tickets ($10 each):

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of reunion of the Class of 2004! So, graduates of 2004 from the three schools, send us your photos of old Nanyang days and memorabilia so we could make a montage to celebrate at this joyous occasion!

Also call for all alumni's generous support on:
- Sponsoring the event
- Donating painting supplies e.g. paint brushes and mini canvases
- Volunteering on the day

If you have any query or would like to contribute in any way please get in touch with [email protected].

See you at the 107th Founder's Day!

时间:9am–12nn 嘉年华+梦想创作室




请有意协助校庆活动或分享旧照的校友,联络校友会:[email protected]


#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 03/07/2024

Carnival Vibrante 2024 was a blast!

On 28 June 2024, we celebrated Youth Day and Racial Harmony Day with a spectacular school funfair packed with fun activities, exciting games, and mouth-watering treats. It was a day to remember, full of laughter and joy!

But the fun didn't stop there – our students also raised funds for a great cause! All proceeds from the funfair will be donated to President’s Challenge, ART: DIS @ Bukit Merah, Muhammadiyah Welfare Home, TOUCH Community Services, Sree Narayana Mission (Singapore), and Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped.

Thank you to everyone who came and supported Carnival Vibrante 2024! Together, we made a positive impact in our community.

南中的嘉年华会圆满落幕了! 上个星期五,为了庆祝青年节与种族和谐日,学生们准备了许许多多有趣好玩的活动、刺激劲爆的游戏以及美味可口的饮食!这真是充满欢乐,令人回味无穷的一天啊!



#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 02/07/2024

Our Secondary 4 Bicultural Studies Programme (BSP) scholars embarked on a 7-days 6-nights immersion trip to Vietnam, Hanoi from 16 June to 22 June 2024. Immersed in the vibrant culture of Hanoi, every moment is a lesson in the dynamic blend of tradition and progress. From walking around the historic Old Quarter to modern tech hubs and industries, our students are grateful for this unique opportunity to broaden horizons and deepen our understanding of Vietnam's rich history, heritage and contemporary developments.

六月假期的最后一个星期, 南中中四双文化奖学金得主踏上了七天六夜的河内之旅。 南中师生一行走访了河内的社会科学与人文大学, 与大学教员交流,并有机会上了一堂课,初步了解胡志明思想, 从中认识越南的历史及近代发展。 她们也有幸参访了越南的新加坡及中资企业(SPX EXpress,天宇科技,JA SOLAR, 海底捞), 深度了解企业在越南的发展以及如何保持竞争力。 此外, 她们也前往新加坡驻越南大使馆,进一步了解新加坡与越南两国的外交关系, 开拓了视野。 除了越南的经济和政治, 同学们也沉浸在河内这个城市浓厚的历史及文化氛围,见证了传统与现代的交融。让大家印象尤其深刻的是观赏越南最具特色的传统民间舞台剧及水上木偶剧,从中一窥村民的日常生活面貌及越南古老传说。

I loved it when we went to watch the show “Tinh Hoa Bac Bo” (The Quintessence of Tonkin). It is an open-air show, staged entirely on water and providing a broad overview of village life, from folklore to music, poetry, water puppetry, Buddhism and more. The interactive stage, state-of-the-art technology, and great acting of the performers allowed us to immerse ourselves and explore Vietnamese history and culture from a contemporary perspective. There was a sudden thunderstorm when we arrived, which made us concerned for the safety of the actors. However, their professionalism was seen throughout the entire performance, leaving us in awe of the visual spectacle. 🤩- Wang Jing Xuan, Wendy Lim Jia Qi

我们参访新加坡驻越南大使馆,非常荣幸能够聆听外交官的分享。通过这次的分享,我们了解到了越南的历史、政治体系及现代越南的发展趋势。我们也从中了解了越南与新加坡的外交关系, 即新加坡和越南在1973年正式建交,两者合作大多为经济合作。我们在最后的问与答环节跟两位外交官交流,聆听她们对于职业选择、政治议题等的看法,让我们获益匪浅。

-王怡菲, 王梓诺

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 18/06/2024

Recently in late May, 37 students from our school's Aesthetics special programmes (Art Elective Programme and Higher Music Programme) embarked on an enriching 8-days Global Classroom journey in Taiwan, fostering friendships and delving into the realms of music 🎵 and arts 🎨. Through museum explorations, concerts, and school visits, these aesthetically inclined students not only honed their craft but also embraced humility and wisdom from their surroundings.

Not forgetting the delicious food and breathtaking scenery of Taiwan, their TAIm (time) ⏰ there was definitely a WAN (one) ☝️of a kind experience. While the students marinate in their post-GCP-blues, we are confident they have returned home with broader perspectives and deeper insights behind their aesthetic 😸🫶 Yippee Aesthetics GCP 😜‼️



#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源


To all our Muslim staff and fellow schoolmates, we would like to wish you a Selamat Hari Raya Haji!

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 14/06/2024

In partnership with the Chinese Cultural Centre 新加坡华族文化中心, Nanyang Girls' High School contributed 19 artworks from our school's art collection to the recently opened exhibition The Treasures of Our Schools: From Cheong Soo Pieng to Lim Tze Peng. The series of art pieces from our school comprise of works from local pioneer artists Chen Wen Hsi and Lim Tze Ping to renowned Chinese artists Liu Hai Su and Chen Du Feng.

This special exhibition that was opened by Minister of State for Education and Manpower, Ms Gan Siow Huang; reveals works by renowned artists from the collections of local schools. Some of these artists are distinguished alumni and teachers of Catholic High School, Chung Cheng High School, Dunman High School, Hwa Chong Institution, and Nanyang Girls’ High School.

Many of these works are collections of the schools, seldom seen by the public. It is also the first time that these collections have been brought together for a joint showcase. From Cheong Soo Pieng’s oil paintings to Lim Tze Peng’s ink works, the exhibition offers a rare opportunity to appreciate the unique styles of these artists and the evolution of Singapore art from the 1950s to the present day.

Do take the chance to catch this unique exhibition during the June break when you are free!

The exhibition is open daily from 31 May 2024 to 30 June 2024, 10am to 8pm. (Free Admission)
Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
Multi-purpose Hall, Level 7
1 Straits Boulevard, Singapore 018906


这次的特别展览由教育部兼人力部政务部长颜晓芳部长开幕, 共展出了来自本地五所学校的著名艺术家的作品(公教中学、中正中学、德明政府中学、华侨中学和南洋女子中学)。其中一些参展的艺术家更是这些学校的杰出校友或美术教师等。这些作品大都是学校的藏品,很少被公众所见;这次也是这些藏品首次被聚集展示在一起。从钟泗滨的油画到林子平的水墨作品,此展览提供了一个难得的机会供大家欣赏这些艺术家的独特创作风格以及从1950年代到现在的新加坡艺术的演变。



#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 12/06/2024

We are honoured to have our Ex-National Team Basketball athlete, Ng Han Bin and current Wushu National Athlete and also our alumni, Zoe Tan Ziyi share with us their journey to their top and also their challenges, sacrifices and philosophies in life.

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 10/06/2024

Always proud to have our Nanyang Girls represented at the Singapore Olympic Foundation – Peter Lim Scholarship 2024 Award Ceremony. Congratulations to Tan Le Xuan, Li Zhengyan, Lee Jingling and Li Zhenghong.

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 07/06/2024

The Nanyang Judo ‘B’ Division team took part in the National Schools ‘B’ Division Judo Championships from the 15th to the 17th of May 2024. Our Judokas showcased their indomitable spirit, overcoming many obstacles that came their way. We are proud to announce that in this year’s National School Games, the Nanyang Judo ‘B’ Division has emerged triumphant as Overall Champions! 🏆


#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #柔道 #武士道精神


During our in-house Inter-cultural Youth Facilitator Course from 23-25 May 2024, a group of passionate students embarked on a journey to become cultural bridge-builders!

They explored:

- How to lead workshops on diversity with confidence and intent
- The art of sensitive and informed intercultural communication ️
- How to bridge cultural divides and promote understanding understanding amongst diverse groups

We're so proud of these amazing young leaders who are committed to making a difference. We’ll reconvene in July!
Stay tuned for future opportunities to get involved in promoting intercultural understanding at NYGH!

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 03/06/2024

We're thrilled to share that this year's Secondary 4 Career Conference was even bigger and better than ever! The event was a tremendous success, with an incredible array of workshops, career booths, and talks designed to equip our students with the skills and dispositions they need to tackle the uncertain future confidently. We are incredibly proud of our students for their enthusiasm and active participation. A big thank you to all our speakers, booth representatives, alumni, PSG and ECG team for making this event such a resounding success!

Let's continue to inspire and prepare the next generation for a bright and promising future.

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 01/06/2024

What an incredible Career Exploration Day we had for our Secondary 2 students on 23 May! We had the privilege of hosting professionals (including some of our alumni) from 9 diverse industries, each bringing their unique insights and passion to inspire our young minds. The students were not only listeners but active participants, diving into hands-on experiential activities that offered them a taste of various professions. From dissecting the intricacies of engineering to exploring the dynamic world of media, every session was designed to ignite curiosity and provide basic, first-hand information on what each career entails. A big thank you to Praxium for running a great programme for our girls!

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 31/05/2024

🎉 在5月23日,我们的中一学生们参加了精彩的中一华文文化营!在这一天里,学生们参与了丰富多彩的活动,包括包粽子、茶艺工作坊以及端午手工活动。这些亲身体验让她们对端午节和华族文化有了更深的理解。



我们再次衷心感谢家长会的辛勤付出! 希望大家都从这次的年级活动中受益,让我们继续以学习为乐!🌟

🎉 Throughout the day, students engaged in a variety of enriching activities, including dumpling wrapping, a tea appreciation workshop, and a cultural handicraft activity. These hands-on experiences provided them with a deeper understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture, in particular the Dragonboat Festival.

We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated Parent Support Group (PSG) for their months of hard work and preparation. Everyone was excited to participate in this event and learn the art of dumpling making from parent volunteers, not to mention enjoying the delicious dumplings that they got to bring home after the event. It was a meaningful event, and the students were highly enthusiastic in this activity.

Students also acquired new knowledge on Chinese tea during the workshop, and enjoyed the cultural handcraft activity, where they made dumpling-shaped scented sachets to bring home.

We hope everyone enjoyed the Sec 1 Chinese Culture Camp activities. Let's continue to make the learning of Chinese language and culture a joy in NYGH! 🌟

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 29/05/2024

The Secondary Threes went for the 5-day-4-night MOE-OBS Challenge in May. It was an enriching and fun experience for many girls, taking them out of their comfort zones and trying things they have not tried before. In rising up to each challenge, they built up their own mental capacities and overcome their own fears.

The activities included land expedition, sea expeditions, high elements, sleeping in tents and outdoor cooking. They collaborated with their watch mates to complete many activities, and in doing so, they appreciated the essence of teamwork.



#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 27/05/2024

Our Bicultural Studies Programme (BSP) students had a blast with Prof Bruce Lockhart from NUS as he took them on an incredible journey through Sino-Vietnamese history! Joined by our friends from Dunman High School 德明政府中学, River Valley High School, Singapore (Official), and Hwa Chong Institution, along with our own History students, it was a full house of eager learners! Prof Lockhart's talk was not just informative but also sprinkled with humour, keeping everyone hooked. From ancient conflicts to modern interactions, he painted a vivid picture of China and Vietnam's dynamic relationship over the past 2000 years.

Our students were left wide-eyed by the profound cultural and political influences China had on Vietnam, and gained a newfound appreciation for Vietnam's resilience in maintaining independence by navigating great power competition. Due to China's significance in Southeast Asia, understanding its ties with the region is crucial. This talk was a fantastic opportunity for our BSP students to broaden their horizons and deepen their understanding of both China and Southeast Asia.

A huge shoutout to Prof Lockhart for his time and expertise! We hope our BSP girls keep their curiosity burning, and continue to grow their abilities to engage China and expand their global perspectives.

2024年5月9日,我校双文化课程及高年级历史课程的学生、与来自德明政府中学 、 立化中学和华侨中学的双文化课程同学们有幸与新加坡国立大学的罗恩光教授踏上了穿越中国越南历史的奇妙旅程,共同度过了难忘的午后时光。此次演讲在教授的妙语如珠中精彩开讲,他带着同学们追溯中国和越南过去2000多年来双边关系的历史发展, 大家都听得津津有味、意犹未尽。这次讲座开拓了同学们的视野、加深了大家对中越两国的认识。 教授的见解和经验启发了同学们从不同视角了解中国和越南的双边关系。非常感谢罗恩光教授的分享,我们非常期待下次还有机会,现场聆听教授的演讲,继续向他学习。

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 24/05/2024

Special thanks to Focus Dance Company #2024焦點舞團 from Taiwan’s National University of the Arts School of Dance, for sharing your passion for the stage, technical craft and artistry here in NYGH! The two-day visit from 6 to 7 May included a friendly cultural dance exchange with the Sec 3 cohort, a dance masterclass with the Chinese and Modern Dance CCA students, culminating in an awe-inspiring dance showcase【曜】at the Siew May Auditorium attended by dance industry practitioners, students from W2 cluster schools, and NYGH performing arts CCAs. It was certainly a privilege and treat for us all!

特别感谢来自台湾艺术大学舞蹈学院的焦点舞团在南中分享你们对舞台、技术工艺和艺术的热情! 从5月6日到7日的两天交流包括与中三班级进行的文化舞蹈交流,与华族和现代舞蹈社学生进行舞蹈大师课,最终举行了一场令人震撼的舞蹈展示【曜】,舞蹈行业从业者、W2校群学校的学生和南中表演艺术社团的学生都参与其中。 这确实是我们所有人的荣幸和享受!

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 10/05/2024

One of the most iconic programmes here in Nanyang Girls High is our Global Classroom Programme (GCP). Every year, each level will get the opportunity to visit a country. Our Secondary 3s will be headed up to China this year. To prepare and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge, after watching the documentary on “Lee Kuan Yew and China’s Reform and Opening Up,” students were engaged in a dialogue with Minister-Counsellors of China Embassy. This insightful session allowed our students to gain a deeper understanding of China and its partnerships with Singapore, fostering cultural appreciation and sensitivity.


#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

Photos from Nanyang Girls' High School 南洋女中's post 08/05/2024



On 22 April 2024, NYGH is honoured to host the 17th Singapore-Zhengzhou Principals' Roundtable Conference with the theme "Empowering Future Learners, Embracing Lifelong Learning". Together with the School Leaders from Singapore’s West Zone schools, a delegation of 13 principals from Zhengzhou, China, led by Cheng Xingang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Education Bureau of Zhengzhou, explored new possibilities for future educational development and strengthened the educational cooperation between Singapore and Zhengzhou.

NYGH students also led the Zhengzhou delegation in lesson observations and school tour. Our girls’ sharing allowed the Zhengzhou principals to better understand our school’s teaching and learning practices, curriculum design, and student development efforts, while also allowing them to learn about the challenges faced by our students in becoming life-long learners with global perspectives and future competitiveness. It is indeed a great learning experience for our students through hosting the Zhengzhou principals' visit, as it not only allowed them to consolidate and succinctly describe their experiences at school, but also enabled them to understand the similarities and differences in education between Singapore and China.



我们很荣幸能够被给予这个机会,将南中风貌展示给外国来宾,同时也期待着往后两国之间的更多交流与合作,共同学习、共同进步。”- 黄文茜 (410)

"The discussion with the delegates and guests was fruitful and I learnt many new things. The guests taught us what the 人生三观 were and I picked up a bit of Hunan dialect along the way as a bonus!

I learnt especially to appreciate our Student Activity Centre (SAC) NYGH SAC more as an integral part of the Nanyang experience. One of the guests brought it up during our Q&A session and showed admiration for this wonderful facility so easily accessible to all Nanyang girls. Indeed, the SAC is a truly safe space and Aunty Shirley keeps us company throughout our four years together" - Xing Jiayi (312)

#南中精神 #勤慎端朴 #才德兼备 #善于学习 #推动社会进步之士 #飲水思源 #南中一家

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