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Nailing the Job Interview: 3 Leadership Skills That Are in Demand 22/04/2022

Strong means more than articulating your point clearly. Great leaders are and apply information to improve processes and relationships. Clear communication can prevent costly mistakes and ensure a smooth operation when it comes to business. By keeping open lines of communication between employees and management, you'll see improved morale, productivity, and performance

When it comes to desired leadership skills, this quality is always near the top. Being and emotionally intelligent means knowing your strengths, weaknesses, emotional triggers, and motivators. The can effectively address their areas of improvement and build teams around their skillset. This provides more robust business offerings and enhances what they bring to the table. leaders make more mindful decisions and seek feedback to improve.

Nailing the Job Interview: 3 Leadership Skills That Are in Demand Hiring managers are looking for these key traits in new hires. Learn how to speak to them in your next interview.

Why distributed leadership is the future of management | MIT Sloan 22/04/2022

Successfully a company into the future is no longer about 30-year strategic plans, or even 5- or 10-year roadmaps. It’s about people across an organization adopting a strategic mindset and working in flexible teams that allow companies to respond to evolving technology and external risks like geopolitical conflict, pandemics, and the climate crisis.

Increasingly that agility requires a shift from reliance on command-and-control leadership to , which emphasizes giving people autonomy to innovate and using noncoercive means to align them around a common goal. Employees in the were able to tap into new ways of working with one another, spreading ideas throughout the company and innovating more quickly under a shared mission.

Why distributed leadership is the future of management | MIT Sloan Managing the future of work requires a nimble mindset focusing on small, short-term wins, and a ‘cultivate and coordinate’ approach to leadership.

Women in Tech Gaining Ground in Leadership Roles, Report Finds 22/04/2022

The faces scrutiny over its mostly white male demographic. Since tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter started publishing diversity and inclusion reports over the last decade, progress has been slow. And since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, women in the have taken a significant hit, often having to leave their jobs or scale back to care for their families.

More roles could impact the industry's wider efforts toward . When discussing the value of , it's common to hear the adage "you can't be what you can't see" among diversity advocates. One study found 63% of women had never had a formal mentor.

Women in Tech Gaining Ground in Leadership Roles, Report Finds A new report from Deloitte shows a growing number of women in the upper ranks of companies.

Will women leaders change the future of management? 22/04/2022

Over the past decades the demographics of work have been quietly transformed. Globally, 60% of university graduates now are women, as are more than 50% of US managers and professionals, according to Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, who publishes annual gender-balance scorecards across a number of sectors. Performance has by no means suffered as a result. Individually, the new recruits are beginning to outscore their male counterparts in both “hard” and “soft” . At corporate level, studies show that opening up management ranks to those other than male and white improves rather than harms performance. Meanwhile, a cohort of super-achieving women in their fifties and sixties have made their way to the top of boardrooms and faculty departments the hard way.

Will women leaders change the future of management? The demographics of work and business are shifting rapidly — and the male-dominated model is overdue an overhaul

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Why the Great Resignation is far from over 22/04/2022

As the office seems safe for return, employers across the country call their people back. To be clear, there are no outside forces mandating us back - is. Not surprisingly, there’s a mixture of reactions. Over the next couple of months, we’ll see even more people quit because they simply don’t want to come back to the .

In reality, many companies are still tying the carrot-and-stick methodology instead of investing in solid cultures employees want to join. Instead, they try luring top talent by waving bonuses and extra cash. This is great for - but not keeping it. Those who forget to improve culture and will see high turnover rates in the next 8-12 months because they hire people who aren’t a good fit. Essentially, there are two options to curb this: either companies invest in long-term leadership solutions or wait to see what happens if they don’t.

Why the Great Resignation is far from over This work futurist predicts new waves of worker unrest are on the horizon—especially as some companies press a return to the office.

Microaggressions, diversity, and career advancement: Why Black people are joining the Great Resignation 22/04/2022

As the continues and workers migrate to new positions with better benefits and greater salaries, not every employee's is the same for transitioning to a different role. Generally speaking, workers are seeking out new employers for potential wage increases. 49% of the believe they’ll make more money just by switching jobs, and compensation was the top point of consideration for most workers—53%—when it came to accepting or rejecting a new job, per the 2022 Job Seeker Nation Report.

Black workers, however, were more likely to seek different jobs because of a lack of career momentum. An estimated 8 million Black Americans left their jobs in 2021, and one of the factors to blame for this mass exodus was systemic glass ceilings.

Microaggressions, diversity, and career advancement: Why Black people are joining the Great Resignation Black workers are leaving their jobs in droves, here's why.

Don't Be a Statistic in the Great Resignation: Prioritize Employees' Health to Retain and Attract Talent 22/04/2022

Many factors have contributed to why people are leaving for greener pastures, but the most important is that employees want to work for organizations that show they care about their employees, including their physical and mental health and wellness. While the is far more complex than people simply gravitating to a better benefits package, providing competitive physical and benefits is a major way to attract new hires and retain current employees.

Part of creating a that fosters is getting everyone on board and leading by example. Make sure your C-suite and members of your are not only talking the talk, but also walking the walk. They need to set the example and make employees understand that self-care is a company wide initiative.

Don't Be a Statistic in the Great Resignation: Prioritize Employees' Health to Retain and Attract Talent The Great Resignation has led millions of Americans to quit their jobs and seek employment with companies that value them as human beings. Show your employees how important they are to you by prioritizing their mental and physical health and wellness.

Lessons learned from the Great Resignation: 3 ways L&D teams can help companies hang on to employees 22/04/2022

L&D teams need to make it easier for employees to find meaning in their jobs - if not, they’ll walk. Women continue to struggle to climb the career ladder at the same pace as men. And, baby boomers feel disengaged and are tempted by early retirement.

For all of these issues, L&D teams have steps they can take, from setting up coaching and mentoring programs to anti-bias training to encouraging knowledge sharing through collaborative learning. Hopefully, L&D leaders can use these learnings to build better workplaces to attract and retain talent as employees continue to rethink their relationship with work.

Lessons learned from the Great Resignation: 3 ways L&D teams can help companies hang on to employees What lessons can we say we’ve learned from the Great Resignation?

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Building a Workplace That Better Supports Work From Home 23/03/2022

CIOs recommended organizations have in place to manage the . The importance of this role becomes clear when an employee has their first day at an organization. , much like maintaining relationships, requires an extra level of intentionality and planning. New employees need great coaches and partners to get up to speed successfully during those first 90 days. Another area which highlights the need of pro-active hybrid is establishing the right measurements for performance, as the older model of time sitting at a desk no longer works.

will also have to work to improve digital bridges and employee skills. Remote is a culture and people problem. Some staff worked very well remotely while others become less productive the longer they were kept remote. For this reason, leaders need to put in place plans, and programs that aim to make the entire organization work, regardless of the employee’s location.

Building a Workplace That Better Supports Work From Home CIOs were instrumental in the first rush to WHF. In the years since they've become culture champions for their teams and for the organization as a whole.

Starting at Home: Cybersecurity in the Hybrid Workplace 23/03/2022

The hybrid model combines a remote and a regular on-premise workforce. Employees want to be flexible in where and when they work. Plus, as new tech constantly develops, the workforce is becoming more virtual.

This modern work model is not one-size-fits-all, and each company’s version will be unique. The most successful hybrid solutions are flexible and agile, so they can meet the ever-changing demands of management, employees and any regulations. Cybersecurity challenges in adopting the hybrid work model fall into three basic categories: data, devices and behavior.

Starting at Home: Cybersecurity in the Hybrid Workplace The hybrid work model means traditional cybersecurity efforts are even more important. How can you make sure at-home devices don't harm your network?

5 Tips To Thrive In A Hybrid Work Environment 23/03/2022

All signs point to the fact that hybrid work is here to stay. That's because employers finally acknowledge that employees desire the best of both worlds and aren't willing to compromise. At the same time, there are challenges with a hybrid work model.

Team building is even more important in a hybrid work model, where it’s not always possible to stop by someone’s desk. That’s why it’s critical to encourage employees to collaborate.

5 Tips To Thrive In A Hybrid Work Environment Hybrid work is here to stay. Here are five tips to thrive in the new world.

How to re-build trust for a hybrid workplace 23/03/2022

Beneath the headlines about the uptake of hybrid are some real concerns among managers who have to deal with the day-to-day implications: a whole new era of management. There’s a reason why so many organisations are still calling for staff to go back to offices. The most obvious challenge for HR and managers generally is around what hybrid does to workplace relationships.

The way the best employers have dealt with the inevitable, and in many ways just healthy, day-to-day conflicts, has been to build a culture of trust. Employees trust their manager and their employer to listen without having pre-conceived ideas, making snap judgments that damage the employee’s standing in the organisation. Unfortunately, hybrid working puts all of this informal network under strain. There’s less face-to-face contact, and when it does happen, there’s more pressure on time. The rapport needed for trust and openness is undermined over time. People who are only in and out of the office can feel isolated and divided from those who are together, communicating and sharing their experience every day.

How to re-build trust for a hybrid workplace There’s a reason why so many organisations are still calling for staff to go back into offices. The most obvious challenge for HR and managers generally is around what hybrid does to workplace relationships and levels of trust.

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Driving Employee Engagement to Increase Collaboration Across the Organization 16/03/2022

As businesses transition into the post-pandemic world, senior executives are strategizing on how to connect their employees, even if many are remote or hybrid workers. HR leaders must grapple with the challenge of bringing together employees, who may not ever meet in person. It is essential to improving employee engagement and experience (EEE), which is necessary for retention.

HR leaders should encourage senior executives and managers to check in frequently with remote and in-office workers to ensure equity and connection. They should be open to sharing and transparent about expectations and any challenges they are facing. People are social beings, and casual conversation helps forge bonds and can lead to inspiration and creativity. When colleagues socialize, they tend to be happier, too.

Driving Employee Engagement to Increase Collaboration Across the Organization Find out how to encourage colleagues to connect and collaborate with one another, even if there are remote and hybrid workers, to improve employee engagement and experience.

Return to work or WFH? HR leaders face challenges with hybrid model 16/03/2022

Almost three-quarters of employees (72%) have ‘Zoom fatigue’ saying there are too many calls and meetings disrupting their concentration at work. The 2022 Hybrid Work Report found that 2022 presents some unique challenges for the HR leaders with the continuation of working from home and a potential push-back from employees.

A resounding 90% of survey respondents are dealing with some level of burnout while 75% cited feeling overworked or supported as drivers for wanting to change their career. A majority (57%) struggled to set boundaries between work and personal life.

Return to work or WFH? HR leaders face challenges with hybrid model Employees would rather visit the dentist once a month than work full-time in the office

Is It Time to Return to the Office? 16/03/2022

Many HR leaders are wondering if they should put their return-to-office plans back in motion because COVID-19 positivity rates and hospitalizations are rapidly declining in many parts of the United States and elsewhere. However, many remain cautious because they experienced this push earlier in the pandemic only to have their plans undone.

With a historic labor shortage caused by the Great Resignation, some HR leaders feel like they should accommodate those who want to work from home. But some executives prefer returning to the office, even full time. They say productivity and performance are hard to measure from afar. Executives were three times more likely than employees to prefer being in the office full time.

Is It Time to Return to the Office? Learn about how HR leaders can face the challenge of balancing work from home and return-to-office plans by learning about the consequences of both options.

The Great Resignation or the Great Opportunity? - HRO Today 16/03/2022

As The continues, there is an obvious domino effect which is creating more job openings. More job opportunities have certainly placed job seekers comfortably in the driver’s seat. This a very powerful position that allows them to take a more discerning look at the opportunities not previously available to them until now. There’s no better time to make a long-awaited .

To attract and retain today’s candidates, it is important to layer in more “career” versus “job” attributes that clearly define personal and professional growth opportunities. Making this proactive shift will ensure roles are more attractive to post-pandemic job seekers. are no longer focused solely on earning a paycheck. They want to find meaning in their work, be compensated fairly, and have opportunities to grow in their career. They will only invest in a company that invests in them.

The Great Resignation or the Great Opportunity? - HRO Today If HR leaders play their cards right, there’s much to gain during the current talent shortage. By Priscilla Messir By now, most HR leaders have seen the ripple effects of the global pandemic on managing the workforce. Employees in all stages of their careers are taking a long, hard look at every a...

It’s not a Great Resignation–it’s a Great Rethink 16/03/2022

In their anxiety over how to retain and attract employees, many companies are adopting quick-fix solutions like raising salaries and improving benefits. While these are welcome, they fail to acknowledge much deeper reasons for the , as it is being called–reasons that go to the root of what it is to be human.

Many people are quitting their jobs for better offers or opportunities elsewhere - but others are leaving because they are experiencing a crisis of meaning. The pandemic has been a time of deep personal introspection and reassessment, and it has caused people to see how precious and fragile their lives are. There is abundant research to show that employees of all ages want jobs that are not merely interesting and reasonably compensated, but meaningful and purposeful.

It’s not a Great Resignation–it’s a Great Rethink We are all rethinking our relationship to work and how it fits into our lives.

How To Halt The Great Resignation At Your Company 16/03/2022

Purpose matters at the organizational level. To improve performance and retention start with a clear sense of purpose. More organizations are beginning to understand this need. They’re developing meaningful mission statements and creating day-to-day actions that keep employees feeling like they’re making a difference in the world.

Developing and sustaining connections are a must! Unfortunately, with Covid connections were lost as we all hunkered down in our homes. That loss splintered the larger picture for many and individuals began operating in a vacuum, which led to them questioning their value and ultimately burning out. When staff feels invigorated, their health and productivity levels surge, and they are inspired to be at their best, contributing more fully to the company's goals because they are engaged with purpose.

How To Halt The Great Resignation At Your Company Research predicted that over 40% of employees will leave your company by the end of this quarter. There is a way to stop this Great Resignation and it’s by implementing two simple things your top talent is seeking: purpose and connection.


Happy Chinese New Year to All.

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